N Unused Total %Cov %Cov(50) %Cov(95) Accessions Names Used Annotation Contrib Conf Sequence Modifications Cleavages dMass Prec MW Prec m/z Theor MW Theor m/z Theor z Sc Spectrum Specific Time PrecursorSignal PrecursorElution 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00255730003118515 2428.966796875 810.6629 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 16 1 24.5464 302.3349 24.5781 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 -0.00303489994257689 3059.2109375 765.81 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 23 1 23.7138 1147.066 23.7981 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12; missed K-D@26 -0.000166387995705009 3302.33569335938 826.5912 3302.3359375 826.591247558594 4 13 1 21.1674 242.2495 21.1988 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00263319001533091 1372.49462890625 687.2546 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 20.3675 4972.812 20.172 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -4.77682006021496E-05 1686.65075683594 563.2242 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 15 1 17.2079 905.43 17.1334 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.00241015991196036 2316.90307617188 773.3083 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 15 1 19.454 462.8675 19.5382 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 4.65898010588717E-05 2947.15063476563 737.7949 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 19 1 21.0002 985.7557 21.0935 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00470214989036322 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 25 1 20.5072 16780.24 20.5388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0134797999635339 4647.9013671875 930.5876 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 15 1 28.9219 415.205 28.927 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@19; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00616443995386362 4970.98193359375 829.5043 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 15 1 28.3091 3154.687 28.2612 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 EKEISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 0.00355786993168294 1629.63317871094 544.2183 1629.62951660156 544.217102050781 3 10 1 16.6841 78.1648 16.6705 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00155299995094538 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 23 1 21.2662 1703.497 21.3828 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.00206903996877372 3616.49658203125 724.3066 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 27 1 19.4014 830.2163 19.4328 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 4.04216989409179E-05 1573.56689453125 787.7907 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 22.9212 19068.64 23.115 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.002908939961344 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 22 1 18.2851 7576.859 18.4542 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00237707002088428 1798.71691894531 600.5796 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 18 1 22.8112 651.3142 22.8993 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.00963824987411499 2041.84619140625 681.6227 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 20 1 19.108 194.9236 19.0868 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 1.50863802433014 96.9900012016296 EKEISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-G@13; missed K-E@16; missed K-E@21 -0.000666267995256931 3429.43505859375 686.8943 3429.435546875 686.894409179688 5 10 1 19.6123 298.1099 19.6174 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0.00921730790287256 99.0000009536743 EKEISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@34 missed K-E@2; missed K-G@13; missed K-E@16; missed K-E@21; missed K-I@28 -0.115180000662804 4961.93212890625 993.3937 4962.046875 993.416687011719 5 19 1 30.0113 3686.146 29.9636 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00112496002111584 2428.96533203125 810.6624 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 21 1 24.574 384.8019 24.6342 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00112496002111584 2428.96533203125 810.6624 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 16 1 24.744 384.7377 24.6342 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00133469002321362 2428.96557617188 810.6625 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 19 1 24.4094 315.1425 24.4683 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00169835996348411 2428.96606445313 810.6626 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 15 1 24.5137 206.7978 24.5187 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 0.00238467007875443 2428.96655273438 810.6628 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 18 1 24.4795 337.64 24.5391 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 -0.00335200992412865 2428.9609375 810.6609 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 10 1 24.4904 358.4089 24.5766 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 97.6000010967255 EDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-I@7 -0.00335200992412865 2428.9609375 810.6609 2428.96435546875 810.662048339844 3 10 1 24.6785 358.4089 24.5766 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 -0.00303489994257689 3059.2109375 765.81 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 18 1 23.8989 1147.066 23.7981 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.000666578009258956 3059.21459960938 765.8109 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 15 1 23.6883 1312.636 23.7991 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.000666578009258956 3059.21459960938 765.8109 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 21 1 23.8733 1312.636 23.7991 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00150946003850549 3059.2158203125 765.8112 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 11 1 23.7502 1114.46 23.8664 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00150946003850549 3059.2158203125 765.8112 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 23 1 23.9339 1114.46 23.8664 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00629498017951846 3059.22021484375 765.8123 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 21 1 23.7305 1286.667 23.6532 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 -0.00262078992091119 3059.21142578125 765.8101 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 18 1 23.8378 980.7975 23.7413 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00629498017951846 3059.22021484375 765.8123 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 14 1 23.5424 1290.776 23.6532 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 -0.00262078992091119 3059.21142578125 765.8101 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 13 1 23.6544 980.7975 23.7413 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00444565992802382 3059.21850585938 765.8119 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 18 1 23.8253 1188.238 23.7535 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12 0.00444565992802382 3059.21850585938 765.8119 3059.2138671875 765.810791015625 4 17 1 23.6401 1188.025 23.7271 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@5; missed K-I@12; missed K-D@26 -0.00462816981598735 3302.33129882813 826.5901 3302.3359375 826.591247558594 4 14 1 21.0732 191.0144 21.0783 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00263319001533091 1372.49462890625 687.2546 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 16 1 20.0099 4972.812 20.172 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00263319001533091 1372.49462890625 687.2546 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 20.1931 4972.812 20.172 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00641736015677452 1372.49841308594 687.2565 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 16 1 20.5851 1435.653 20.3026 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4 0.00118591997306794 1411.50402832031 706.7593 1411.50280761719 706.758666992188 2 11 1 32.4683 146.7214 32.4221 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000780090980697423 1372.49133300781 687.2529 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 19.9946 3348.859 20.0776 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000780090980697423 1372.49133300781 687.2529 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 19 1 20.1765 3348.859 20.0776 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000780090980697423 1372.49133300781 687.2529 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 20.3479 2440.129 20.1296 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000822671980131418 1372.49108886719 687.2528 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 11 1 19.9876 4047.365 20.1887 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.0012525599449873 1372.49304199219 687.2538 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 20.1732 3894.053 20.1834 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.0012525599449873 1372.49304199219 687.2538 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 20.3552 4067.779 20.1782 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00137463002465665 1372.49328613281 687.2539 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 15 1 20.5479 786.7362 20.3083 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000495989981573075 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 19.9941 6275.76 20.055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000495989981573075 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 20.1809 6275.76 20.055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00037391998921521 1372.49169921875 687.2531 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 14 1 20.3641 5149.797 20.0812 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00524131022393703 1372.49731445313 687.2559 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 14 1 20.5477 198.3975 20.5791 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00434456020593643 1372.49621582031 687.2554 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 20.0133 2278.311 20.1481 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00434456020593643 1372.49621582031 687.2554 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 20.1949 2278.311 20.1481 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00629768008366227 1372.49829101563 687.2564 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 16 1 20.3769 615.8776 20.2729 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.0238757003098726 1372.51586914063 687.2652 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 16 1 20.6004 0 -1 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000547768024262041 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 18 1 20.2966 5123.999 20.1423 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4 0.0033604099880904 1411.50622558594 706.7604 1411.50280761719 706.758666992188 2 10 1 32.2519 191.6306 32.2835 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000547768024262041 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 17 1 20.1055 5123.999 20.1423 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000669838977046311 1372.49133300781 687.2529 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 14 1 20.4808 3245.912 20.1956 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.000557998020667583 1372.49243164063 687.2535 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 7 1 20.9258 68.5675 20.7997 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.7100005149841 EISDDEAEEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 0.000795768981333822 1411.50366210938 706.7591 1411.50280761719 706.758666992188 2 13 1 32.3986 138.8429 32.4363 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.6999988555908 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000495989981573075 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 9 1 19.8093 6364.072 20.055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 97.8299975395203 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00225985003635287 1372.49426269531 687.2544 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 11 1 20.7181 159.0521 20.7232 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 96.7199981212616 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00506745977327228 1372.4970703125 687.2558 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 8 1 21.0082 67.9433 20.9868 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 96.0799992084503 EISDDEAEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4 -0.00278669991530478 1411.50012207031 706.7573 1411.50280761719 706.758666992188 2 10 1 32.3776 93.3194 32.3826 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 88.0900025367737 EISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000547768024262041 1372.49145507813 687.253 1372.49194335938 687.253234863281 2 9 1 19.922 5064.858 20.1156 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00364210992120206 1686.65478515625 563.2255 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 14 1 17.0261 822.5112 17.1154 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00364210992120206 1686.65478515625 563.2255 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 13 1 17.2159 817.6495 17.1154 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -0.000830280012451112 1686.65014648438 563.224 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 14 1 16.9281 1095.239 17.012 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -4.77682006021496E-05 1686.65075683594 563.2242 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 11 1 17.0345 913.4447 17.1334 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -0.000830280012451112 1686.65014648438 563.224 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 13 1 17.1127 1095.239 17.012 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00196538004092872 1686.65295410156 563.2249 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 13 1 17.0922 923.8578 17.0184 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00587745010852814 1686.65673828125 563.2262 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 12 1 17.1459 728.938 17.0664 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00196538004092872 1686.65295410156 563.2249 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 13 1 16.9085 923.8578 17.0184 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -0.00152453000191599 1686.64965820313 563.2238 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 16 1 17.1704 789.7247 17.0698 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 88.0900025367737 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 -0.00152453000191599 1686.64965820313 563.2238 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 10 1 16.9858 789.7247 17.0698 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 72.7199971675873 EISDDEAEEEKGEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11 0.00587745010852814 1686.65673828125 563.2262 1686.65087890625 563.224243164063 3 9 1 16.9773 728.938 17.0664 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.00224470999091864 2316.90283203125 773.3082 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 16 1 19.4378 0 -1 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.0113883996382356 2316.912109375 773.3113 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 17 1 19.4571 559.8938 19.541 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.0113883996382356 2316.912109375 773.3113 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 13 1 19.6379 559.8938 19.541 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.00376475998200476 2316.904296875 773.3087 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 15 1 19.4944 486.9704 19.3679 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.00241015991196036 2316.90307617188 773.3083 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 11 1 19.661 462.8675 19.5382 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 0.00376475998200476 2316.904296875 773.3087 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 13 1 19.3104 486.9704 19.3679 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.6500024795532 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 -0.00222071004100144 2316.89868164063 773.3068 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 14 1 19.3963 566.8517 19.4802 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 57.9500019550323 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14 -0.00222071004100144 2316.89868164063 773.3068 2316.90063476563 773.307495117188 3 9 1 19.5805 566.8518 19.4802 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 4.65898010588717E-05 2947.15063476563 737.7949 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 20 1 21.1878 980.3998 21.0935 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00300078000873327 2947.1533203125 737.7956 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 17 1 21.0765 430.2493 21.0555 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.022418899461627 2947.1728515625 737.8005 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 22 1 21.1528 371.6501 21.1057 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00603822991251946 2947.15649414063 737.7964 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 15 1 21.0699 802.2522 20.9729 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00738966977223754 2947.14306640625 737.793 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 18 1 20.9958 258.42 21.105 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00132391997613013 2947.14892578125 737.7945 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 15 1 21.1402 933.729 21.0396 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 91.32000207901 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00603822991251946 2947.15649414063 737.7964 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 11 1 20.8888 802.2522 20.9729 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 33.840000629425 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00132391997613013 2947.14892578125 737.7945 2947.150390625 737.794860839844 4 10 1 20.9553 933.729 21.0396 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0105854999274015 3172.30859375 794.0844 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 16 1 20.3758 12247.28 20.5902 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 20 1 20.4483 11936.36 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 20 1 20.4744 11936.36 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 20 1 20.5022 11936.36 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 22 1 20.5325 11936.36 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 22 1 20.5588 11936.36 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00472613982856274 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 23 1 20.7422 12756.52 20.6164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00781716965138912 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 16 1 20.9208 9827.491 20.6425 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00374957988969982 3172.3017578125 794.0827 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 18 1 20.952 8859.514 20.6687 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0042378599755466 3172.30224609375 794.0828 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 21 1 20.9782 6812.076 20.6949 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00472613982856274 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 19 1 21.0044 5007.592 20.7211 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00472613982856274 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 25 1 21.0306 3510.688 20.7473 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.000575759971980006 3172.29858398438 794.0819 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 19 1 21.0884 1478.312 20.8258 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00205238000489771 3211.31103515625 803.835 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 16 1 24.7587 1438.911 24.6841 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00469399988651276 3154.28247070313 789.5779 3154.28735351563 789.579162597656 4 21 1 25.6885 524.9141 25.7201 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.000117577998025808 3172.29809570313 794.0818 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 26 1 20.4778 4870.431 20.535 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.000117577998025808 3172.29809570313 794.0818 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 21 1 20.6599 4870.431 20.535 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00137795996852219 3172.2998046875 635.4672 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 18 1 20.6859 3381.605 20.5611 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00281828991137445 3154.2900390625 789.5798 3154.28735351563 789.579162597656 4 21 1 25.6039 461.5145 25.6618 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00930817984044552 3172.30737304688 794.0841 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 22 1 20.4696 7341.7 20.6051 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00376425008289516 3172.30224609375 635.4677 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 20 1 20.5218 5577.364 20.6311 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00376425008289516 3172.30224609375 635.4677 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 23 1 20.6521 5577.364 20.6311 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00906402990221977 3172.30688476563 794.084 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 24 1 20.6781 7411.195 20.6311 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00906402990221977 3172.30688476563 794.084 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 21 1 20.6985 7411.195 20.6311 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00930817984044552 3172.30737304688 794.0841 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 24 1 20.7303 7341.7 20.6051 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00906402990221977 3172.30688476563 794.084 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 22 1 20.7564 7411.195 20.6311 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00930817984044552 3172.30737304688 794.0841 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 25 1 20.8085 7341.7 20.6051 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00930817984044552 3172.30737304688 794.0841 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 21 1 20.8345 7341.7 20.6051 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00906402990221977 3172.30688476563 794.084 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 14 1 21.0484 1221.309 20.7876 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00494816014543176 3172.30297851563 794.083 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 17 1 20.2855 15365.96 20.4479 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00494816014543176 3172.30297851563 794.083 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 24 1 20.469 15365.96 20.4479 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00494816014543176 3172.30297851563 794.083 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 20 1 20.6526 15365.96 20.4479 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0060525699518621 3172.30395507813 635.4681 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 20 1 20.7051 12347.52 20.4741 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0044598700478673 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 17 1 20.8362 7254.809 20.5528 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0139870997518301 3172.31225585938 635.4697 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 17 1 20.8625 668.1358 20.8413 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0112958000972867 3172.30932617188 794.0846 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 16 1 21.0205 722.3017 20.8938 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.0016638400265947 3172.29663085938 794.0814 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 25 1 20.4964 4695.454 20.5795 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00887551996856928 3172.306640625 635.4686 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 23 1 20.5484 2858.583 20.5795 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.0016638400265947 3172.29663085938 794.0814 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 25 1 20.7358 4696.264 20.5795 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00470214989036322 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 19 1 20.6893 16780.24 20.5388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.000668934022542089 3172.29736328125 794.0816 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 19 1 21.061 1653.494 20.7759 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.014223700389266 3154.2734375 789.5756 3154.28735351563 789.579162597656 4 15 1 25.629 382.4409 25.6341 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.000889080984052271 3172.296875 794.0815 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 13 1 21.2951 357.0983 21.2779 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(E)@8 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.0026555301155895 3211.306640625 803.8339 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 15 1 24.7319 1206.408 24.6301 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00368088996037841 3154.29125976563 789.5801 3154.28735351563 789.579162597656 4 15 1 25.6523 359.6874 25.71 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00774675980210304 3172.2900390625 635.4653 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 13 1 21.1089 562.7152 21.0411 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00331021007150412 3211.31225585938 803.8353 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 16 1 24.597 1541.482 24.5218 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@5 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00203922996297479 3211.31103515625 803.835 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 17 1 24.6015 1352.165 24.6891 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0130048003047705 3172.31103515625 794.085 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 13 1 21.2051 670.6968 20.9202 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00766623020172119 3172.30541992188 635.4684 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 17 1 20.7709 14294.5 20.5388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00253894994966686 3211.31127929688 803.8351 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 16 1 24.695 1577.991 24.6197 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00635774992406368 3172.30395507813 635.4681 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 12 1 20.7837 10415.37 20.5004 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00494629004970193 3172.30297851563 794.083 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 15 1 20.8762 12775.3 20.5916 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0037255899515003 3172.3017578125 794.0827 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 15 1 21.2721 759.0875 20.9868 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.1500029563904 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0165119990706444 3154.30419921875 789.5833 3154.28735351563 789.579162597656 4 12 1 25.6496 349.412 25.6284 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 96.8500018119812 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00207068002782762 3172.30004882813 794.0823 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 11 1 21.1287 252.6431 21.186 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 93.5500025749207 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00169174000620842 3211.31103515625 803.835 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 14 1 24.7016 951.6008 24.5998 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 91.9700026512146 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00623001018539071 3172.29174804688 794.0802 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 11 1 21.3117 223.9567 21.2906 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 78.4600019454956 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0130048003047705 3172.31103515625 794.085 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 8 1 21.416 405.4666 21.1312 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 70.8700001239777 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00888693984597921 3172.30712890625 635.4687 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 10 1 21.1138 471.2378 21.1189 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 66.2999987602234 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0122704999521375 3172.31005859375 794.0848 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 10 1 20.0307 165.7316 20.0358 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 66.2999987602234 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00470214989036322 3172.30249023438 794.0829 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 11 1 20.3229 16806.7 20.5652 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 55.57000041008 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00827657990157604 3172.306640625 635.4686 3172.29809570313 635.466857910156 5 9 1 21.0848 1151.839 20.8022 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 45.3799992799759 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0159000996500254 3172.31420898438 794.0858 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 10 1 21.5303 220.0082 21.5149 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 39.6600008010864 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 -0.00262206001207232 3172.29541015625 794.0811 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 9 1 21.457 260.067 21.4093 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 37.8699988126755 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.0161441992968321 3172.31420898438 794.0858 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 9 1 21.7148 220.5794 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 33.840000629425 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(E)@9 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00253894994966686 3211.31127929688 803.8351 3211.30883789063 803.834533691406 4 12 1 24.5069 1577.991 24.6197 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 27.0700007677078 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00979647040367126 3172.30786132813 794.0842 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 9 1 21.2159 299.0844 21.1633 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 15.9199997782707 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19 0.00545855984091759 3172.30346679688 794.0831 3172.29809570313 794.081787109375 4 9 1 21.5105 362.7296 21.2251 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00944507028907537 4727.86376953125 946.58 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 15 1 29.8263 22330.22 30.0688 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@21; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0100554004311562 4727.86376953125 946.5801 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 15 1 30.0067 22226.73 30.0688 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Glycerophospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.0168268997222185 4783.86376953125 957.78 4783.88037109375 957.783386230469 5 15 1 30.0109 803.7465 30.0424 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0100554004311562 4727.86376953125 946.5801 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 17 1 30.1958 22226.73 30.0688 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0103606004267931 4727.86474609375 946.5802 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 17 1 30.3814 19267.11 30.0951 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(K)@19; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0115812998265028 4727.86572265625 946.5804 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 13 1 30.5682 3444.148 30.2804 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00417114980518818 4727.85009765625 946.5773 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 16 1 29.8539 15494.44 30.0441 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00417114980518818 4727.85009765625 946.5773 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 22 1 30.0365 15577.1 30.0441 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00319756008684635 4727.85107421875 946.5775 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 19 1 30.065 19683.4 30.1263 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00319756008684635 4727.85107421875 946.5775 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 18 1 30.2531 19683.4 30.1263 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00653511984273791 4647.8818359375 930.5836 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 14 1 28.7662 406.1921 28.7981 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00890293996781111 4727.845703125 946.5764 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 21 1 29.9581 16897.48 29.9392 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.000986953964456916 4766.8642578125 954.3801 4766.865234375 954.380310058594 5 13 1 33.8849 605.8766 33.89 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00890293996781111 4727.845703125 946.5764 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 18 1 30.1456 16897.48 29.9392 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00910175032913685 4727.86376953125 946.58 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 17 1 29.7319 22529.62 29.9751 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@4; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00849139969795942 4727.8623046875 946.5798 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 17 1 29.9138 23379.51 29.9751 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00849139969795942 4727.8623046875 946.5798 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 21 1 30.1005 23379.51 29.9751 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@21; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00849139969795942 4727.8623046875 946.5798 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 16 1 30.6612 1217.248 30.3731 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0010184800485149 4727.85595703125 946.5784 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 21 1 29.9254 18312.75 29.9636 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00711455009877682 4647.89501953125 930.5863 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 11 1 28.8989 540.785 28.9573 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0038494800683111 4647.8916015625 930.5856 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 13 1 28.7449 479.4913 28.7499 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.0106789004057646 4647.8779296875 930.5828 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 12 1 28.8191 494.603 28.7707 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(K)@24; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.000663225015159696 4727.853515625 946.578 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 15 1 30.3311 8274.916 30.0449 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00350274005904794 4727.85107421875 946.5775 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 15 1 30.4381 17549.32 30.1527 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@4; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0010184800485149 4727.85595703125 946.5784 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 16 1 30.1171 18312.75 29.9636 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.1500029563904 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00773234013468027 4727.8623046875 946.5797 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 14 1 30.3027 14717.38 30.0164 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.1500029563904 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(D)@4; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00190209003631026 4766.8671875 954.3807 4766.865234375 954.380310058594 5 16 1 33.8401 512.4165 33.8452 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 96.4600026607513 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@4; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00417114980518818 4727.85009765625 946.5773 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 14 1 30.2242 15577.1 30.0441 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 93.5500025749207 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@21; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00890293996781111 4727.845703125 946.5764 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 13 1 29.7758 16897.48 29.9392 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 93.4599995613098 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00788104999810457 4727.8623046875 946.5797 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 12 1 30.2881 20887.52 30.0015 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 89.2199993133545 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00286778993904591 4647.890625 930.5854 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 12 1 28.729 508.1189 28.8144 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 58.4299981594086 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00944507028907537 4727.86376953125 946.58 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 11 1 29.6407 381.5961 29.6728 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 57.7099978923798 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(D)@21; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.00258719990961254 4727.8515625 946.5776 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 12 1 30.6241 2708.586 30.3373 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 56.7499995231628 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.000202221999643371 4727.85400390625 946.5781 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 11 1 30.4893 2563.54 30.2016 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 45.2600002288818 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(K)@26; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00193400995340198 4727.8564453125 946.5786 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 11 1 30.8644 598.2228 30.5748 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 18.3400005102158 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.00788104999810457 4727.8623046875 946.5797 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 10 1 30.4749 3998.601 30.1867 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 16.0199999809265 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 -0.000358049990609288 4727.85400390625 946.5781 4727.8544921875 946.578125 5 9 1 29.5918 282.6032 29.6232 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 15.5599996447563 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26 0.0148358000442386 4647.90283203125 930.5878 4647.88818359375 930.584899902344 5 9 1 28.1099 302.2441 28.0884 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@36 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00652791978791356 4970.9833984375 995.2039 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 19 1 28.0981 6706.834 28.2612 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00652791978791356 4970.9833984375 995.2039 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 14 1 28.2826 6706.834 28.2612 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00652791978791356 4970.9833984375 995.2039 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 15 1 28.467 6706.834 28.2612 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 -0.0246508996933699 4970.95166015625 995.1976 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 17 1 28.1312 5439.963 28.0832 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00201664003543556 4970.97802734375 995.2029 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 18 1 28.2605 4996.012 28.2384 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@19; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00938653014600277 4970.98583984375 829.5049 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 15 1 27.9744 3186.707 28.062 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00994845014065504 4970.986328125 995.2045 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 16 1 28.1363 7161.546 28.0884 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(D)@29; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00938653014600277 4970.98583984375 829.5049 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 14 1 28.1594 3186.707 28.062 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(D)@33 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 8.42193985590711E-05 4970.97607421875 995.2025 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 17 1 28.1198 7221.718 28.0984 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.1500029563904 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@19; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00881427992135286 4970.9853515625 829.5048 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 14 1 27.9874 2906.333 28.0984 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 97.9700028896332 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@24; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00629692012444139 4970.98291015625 829.5044 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 14 1 28.2877 2564.552 28.2384 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 91.9000029563904 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@26; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00201664003543556 4970.97802734375 995.2029 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 13 1 28.0715 4996.012 28.2384 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 88.6699974536896 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 8.42193985590711E-05 4970.97607421875 995.2025 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 13 1 28.3061 7221.718 28.0984 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 83.2799971103668 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 -0.00530728977173567 4970.97119140625 995.2015 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 12 1 28.2638 4268.587 28.0836 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 83.2199990749359 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@24; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 -0.00561247020959854 4970.970703125 995.2014 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 12 1 27.8899 4238.921 28.0571 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 83.2199990749359 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@26; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00605983985587955 4970.98193359375 829.5043 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 12 1 28.105 2202.583 28.0571 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 73.089998960495 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00994845014065504 4970.986328125 995.2045 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 11 1 27.9514 7161.546 28.0884 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 56.7499995231628 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 8.42193985590711E-05 4970.97607421875 995.2025 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 11 1 27.9345 7221.718 28.0984 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 52.7199983596802 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(K)@24; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 -0.00116711994633079 4970.97509765625 829.5031 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 13 1 28.1576 2328.628 28.0832 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 46.3600009679794 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00201664003543556 4970.97802734375 995.2029 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 11 1 28.4503 4996.012 28.2384 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 34.7000002861023 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 -0.00530728977173567 4970.97119140625 995.2015 4970.97607421875 995.202514648438 5 11 1 28.0785 4268.587 28.0836 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 26.7100006341934 EISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@32 missed K-G@11; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@19; missed K-I@26; missed K-D@40 0.00881427992135286 4970.9853515625 829.5048 4970.97607421875 829.503295898438 6 10 1 28.1731 2906.333 28.0984 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 EKEISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 0.0186884999275208 1629.64819335938 544.2233 1629.62951660156 544.217102050781 3 9 1 16.6323 88.9757 16.6112 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 84.1199994087219 EKEISDDEAEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 0.00160928000696003 1629.63134765625 544.2177 1629.62951660156 544.217102050781 3 8 1 16.5726 103.0731 16.5596 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 24.4699999690056 EKEISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@34 missed K-E@2; missed K-G@13; missed K-E@16; missed K-E@21; missed K-I@28 0.0134840002283454 4985.00537109375 831.8415 4984.99169921875 831.839233398438 6 9 1 28.4469 155.1257 28.4283 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 20.1199993491173 EKEISDDEAEEEKGEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@34 missed K-E@2; missed K-G@13; missed K-E@16; missed K-E@21; missed K-I@28 0.00121837004553527 4984.9931640625 998.0059 4984.99169921875 998.005676269531 5 9 1 28.5034 389.7941 28.4283 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00155299995094538 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 24 1 21.2985 1703.497 21.3828 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00155299995094538 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 28 1 21.3225 1703.497 21.3828 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00155299995094538 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 24 1 21.3481 1703.497 21.3828 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00155299995094538 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 22 1 21.3727 1703.497 21.3828 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00246623996645212 3373.37524414063 844.3511 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 32 1 21.4042 2224.726 21.3564 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00246623996645212 3373.37524414063 844.3511 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 26 1 21.5892 2224.726 21.3564 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00286223995499313 3373.37622070313 844.3513 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 21 1 21.2728 2586.346 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 16 1 21.2909 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3172 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3461 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3749 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 29 1 21.4047 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00119969004299492 3373.37158203125 675.6816 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 24 1 21.4311 1970.333 21.4097 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0021298099309206 3373.37524414063 844.3511 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 43 1 21.4575 2618.368 21.4361 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0021298099309206 3373.37524414063 844.3511 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 17 1 21.6424 2618.368 21.4361 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.0049996399320662 3373.3681640625 844.3493 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 20 1 21.2855 2234.81 21.3953 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00162869994528592 3373.37109375 675.6815 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 24 1 21.3379 1496.01 21.4215 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00162869994528592 3373.37109375 675.6815 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3641 1496.01 21.4215 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00162869994528592 3373.37109375 675.6815 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3902 1496.01 21.4215 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.00162869994528592 3373.37109375 675.6815 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 26 1 21.4426 1496.01 21.4215 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.0049996399320662 3373.3681640625 844.3493 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 29 1 21.4688 2234.81 21.3953 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 -0.0045113698579371 3373.36865234375 844.3494 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 14 1 21.6526 2274.784 21.3953 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00561153003945947 3373.37866210938 844.3519 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 34 1 21.3468 2042.961 21.4886 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.3784 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.4048 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 26 1 21.431 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 22 1 21.4548 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 23 1 21.4768 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 25 1 21.5074 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00561153003945947 3373.37866210938 844.3519 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 34 1 21.5362 2032.827 21.4886 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.0128653002902865 3373.38549804688 675.6844 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 25 1 21.6152 1500.23 21.4623 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00561153003945947 3373.37866210938 844.3519 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 17 1 21.7206 2032.827 21.4886 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00510276993736625 3373.37817382813 844.3518 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 23 1 21.1788 3040.926 21.3419 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00510276993736625 3373.37817382813 844.3518 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 33 1 21.3633 3040.926 21.3419 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00510276993736625 3373.37817382813 844.3518 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 20 1 21.5478 3040.926 21.3419 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00316521991044283 3373.37622070313 844.3513 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 33 1 21.2827 1758.051 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.000737981987185776 3373.37353515625 675.682 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 19 1 21.335 1168.074 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.000737981987185776 3373.37353515625 675.682 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 22 1 21.3544 1168.074 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.000737981987185776 3373.37353515625 675.682 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 23 1 21.3873 1168.074 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.000737981987185776 3373.37353515625 675.682 3373.373046875 675.681884765625 5 27 1 21.4101 1168.074 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00316521991044283 3373.37622070313 844.3513 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 31 1 21.4658 1758.051 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00246623996645212 3373.37524414063 844.3511 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 17 1 21.2194 2224.726 21.3564 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@27 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15 0.00267694005742669 3373.37573242188 844.3512 3373.373046875 844.350524902344 4 13 1 21.6494 1793.25 21.3923 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.00692790979519486 3616.50219726563 905.1328 3616.49487304688 905.130981445313 4 19 1 19.3751 359.898 19.4591 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 -0.00282170996069908 3616.4921875 724.3057 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 16 1 19.2759 257.9917 19.2547 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0113305002450943 3616.505859375 724.3085 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 26 1 19.4048 582.38 19.4884 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0285458005964756 3616.5234375 905.1381 3616.49487304688 905.130981445313 4 18 1 19.4309 173.8838 19.4622 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0113305002450943 3616.505859375 724.3085 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 16 1 19.5885 582.38 19.4884 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.01663569919765 3616.51123046875 905.1351 3616.49487304688 905.130981445313 4 16 1 19.3628 321.8483 19.2631 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0109013002365828 3616.50561523438 724.3084 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 21 1 19.3157 441.1857 19.347 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.00854574982076883 3616.50341796875 724.308 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 13 1 19.3891 679.4631 19.2631 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.00894500967115164 3616.50366210938 905.1332 3616.49487304688 905.130981445313 4 12 1 19.3948 174.5163 19.3208 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.00854574982076883 3616.50341796875 724.308 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 13 1 19.2057 679.4631 19.2631 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 98.8399982452393 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0152219003066421 3616.51025390625 905.1348 3616.49487304688 905.130981445313 4 13 1 19.3176 276.2542 19.4013 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 96.7199981212616 GEKEEEDKEDEEKPKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@21 missed K-E@3; missed K-E@8; missed K-I@15; missed K-D@29 0.0134416995570064 3616.5087890625 724.309 3616.49487304688 724.306274414063 5 12 1 19.4471 600.8894 19.4013 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 4.04216989409179E-05 1573.56689453125 787.7907 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.1099 19154.56 23.115 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 4.04216989409179E-05 1573.56689453125 787.7907 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.296 19154.56 23.115 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00223767990246415 1573.56909179688 787.7918 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.4824 12095.89 23.1948 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00223767990246415 1573.56909179688 787.7918 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.6691 1990.465 23.3807 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00223767990246415 1573.56909179688 787.7918 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 22 1 23.8543 587.7678 23.78 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00382460001856089 1573.57067871094 787.7926 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 16 1 24.0408 269.6659 24.019 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00370252993889153 1573.57043457031 787.7925 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 21 1 24.2306 262.4343 24.0459 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00248182006180286 1573.56921386719 787.7919 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 24.534 108.9649 24.3185 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000916994002182037 1573.56604003906 787.7903 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 22.8116 7010.634 23.0525 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000672853027936071 1573.56628417969 787.7904 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 22.9949 20875.32 23.1576 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.0103633999824524 1611.51245117188 538.1781 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 12 1 23.0211 944.8837 23.1576 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Carboxy(E)@8 -0.0231800004839897 1617.53344726563 809.774 1617.556640625 809.78564453125 2 10 1 23.1526 116.0565 23.1313 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000672853027936071 1573.56628417969 787.7904 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 23.1789 20875.32 23.1576 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@8 -0.0103633999824524 1611.51245117188 538.1781 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 14 1 23.2056 944.8837 23.1576 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000672853027936071 1573.56628417969 787.7904 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.364 20875.32 23.1576 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000916994002182037 1573.56604003906 787.7903 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.5495 9265.01 23.2634 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00216689007356763 1630.59069824219 816.3026 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 18 1 23.6875 589.0889 23.8246 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00116113002877682 1573.56591796875 787.7902 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 23.7402 1260.428 23.4751 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00216689007356763 1630.59069824219 816.3026 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 21 1 23.8691 589.0889 23.8246 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00323338992893696 1573.5703125 787.7924 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 20 1 23.9254 650.9893 23.6397 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00216689007356763 1630.59069824219 816.3026 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 13 1 24.0584 589.0889 23.8246 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00116113002877682 1573.56591796875 787.7902 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 13 1 24.1121 347.6216 23.8246 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000425394013291225 1573.56652832031 787.7905 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 22.8403 8316.967 23.0602 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000669531989842653 1573.56628417969 787.7904 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 23.0264 17888.76 23.1388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000669531989842653 1573.56628417969 787.7904 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.2127 17888.76 23.1388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00298883998766541 1573.56384277344 787.7892 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.3972 18260.95 23.1388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00323297991417348 1573.56372070313 787.7891 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 21 1 23.5824 4684.192 23.2967 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 8.04017035989091E-05 1630.58850097656 816.3015 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 15 1 23.7147 440.7422 23.7991 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000181255993084051 1573.56665039063 787.7906 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 23.7676 1169.43 23.4816 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.0010569499572739 1630.58947753906 816.302 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 19 1 23.8964 442.0187 23.8255 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00286676990799606 1573.56408691406 787.7893 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 16 1 23.9492 534.769 23.6669 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.000307020003674552 1573.56726074219 787.7909 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 24.1389 348.8924 23.8519 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00136848003603518 1573.56823730469 787.7914 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 14 1 22.8193 3997.951 23.0659 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00197883998043835 1573.56884765625 787.7917 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.0069 17669.73 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00185677001718432 1573.56872558594 787.7916 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.1952 17725.54 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.0125802997499704 1611.51013183594 538.1773 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 19 1 23.2483 883.527 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00185677001718432 1573.56872558594 787.7916 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 23.3812 17725.54 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00136848003603518 1573.56823730469 787.7914 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.5679 10037.5 23.2799 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.000758119975216687 1573.56762695313 787.7911 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 20 1 23.7527 1512.215 23.4663 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00192576996050775 1630.59033203125 816.3024 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 18 1 23.7552 534.675 23.8929 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00136848003603518 1573.56823730469 787.7914 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 22 1 23.9373 684.6603 23.6534 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00192576996050775 1630.59033203125 816.3024 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 19 1 23.9406 534.675 23.8929 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00100226001814008 1573.56787109375 787.7912 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 24.1261 430.4755 23.8399 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.000636046985164285 1573.56750488281 787.791 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 16 1 24.3137 207.9479 24.0251 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.0032033200841397 1573.57006835938 787.7923 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 22.6594 2889.035 22.9084 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00259296991862357 1573.56945800781 787.792 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 22.8465 20616.44 23.0423 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00259296991862357 1573.56945800781 787.792 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.0306 20760.96 23.0423 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00259296991862357 1573.56945800781 787.792 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.2196 20760.96 23.0423 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00259296991862357 1573.56945800781 787.792 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 23 1 23.406 14347.39 23.122 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00283711007796228 1573.56970214844 787.7921 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 21 1 23.5928 2253.103 23.3077 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00283711007796228 1573.56970214844 787.7921 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 23.7859 964.2977 23.521 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00356953009031713 1573.57043457031 787.7925 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 17 1 23.9722 623.8727 23.6853 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.0023488299921155 1573.56921386719 787.7919 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 15 1 24.162 332.7803 23.8705 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 0.00222675991244614 1573.56909179688 787.7918 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 14 1 24.49 96.8402 24.4145 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00103643001057208 1573.56591796875 787.7902 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 16 1 22.7864 4957.449 23.0275 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00164677994325757 1573.56530761719 787.7899 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 22.97 15634.67 23.1327 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00164677994325757 1573.56530761719 787.7899 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 25 1 23.1539 15634.67 23.1327 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00164677994325757 1573.56530761719 787.7899 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 24 1 23.3388 15634.67 23.1327 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00359990005381405 1573.56323242188 787.7889 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 22 1 23.5242 6578.817 23.238 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00384403998032212 1573.56311035156 787.7888 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 20 1 23.7098 1264.802 23.4232 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00392052019014955 1630.58447265625 816.2995 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 22 1 23.842 418.0688 23.7941 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00421024998649955 1573.56262207031 787.7886 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 18 1 23.8949 617.4869 23.6088 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000548154988791794 1573.56652832031 787.7905 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 17 1 24.0808 358.2343 23.7941 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.0015700199874118 1630.58984375 816.3022 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 19 1 23.6426 678.5753 23.78 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.0015700199874118 1630.58984375 816.3022 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 19 1 23.8278 678.5753 23.78 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@8 -0.011234300211072 1611.51159667969 538.1778 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 11 1 22.9008 960.2354 23.0689 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(D)@7 0.00208448991179466 1595.55090332031 798.7827 1595.548828125 798.781677246094 2 20 1 23.0105 366.9591 23.0689 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.011234300211072 1611.51159667969 538.1778 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 18 1 23.0904 960.2354 23.0689 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.002956029959023 1630.59130859375 816.3029 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 20 1 23.6217 637.5591 23.6853 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00271189003251493 1630.59106445313 816.3028 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 20 1 23.8124 635.362 23.6853 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Carboxy(E)@9 -0.0276599004864693 1617.52905273438 809.7718 1617.556640625 809.78564453125 2 10 1 23.0372 112.1107 23.0689 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00392052019014955 1630.58447265625 816.2995 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 11 1 23.6569 418.0688 23.7941 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.0015700199874118 1630.58984375 816.3022 1630.58837890625 816.301452636719 2 10 1 24.014 678.5753 23.78 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 -0.008536740206182 1611.51428222656 538.1787 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 12 1 23.233 748.408 23.1064 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000325789005728439 1573.56652832031 787.7905 1573.56689453125 787.790710449219 2 13 1 22.7336 3025.244 22.9803 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.0125802997499704 1611.51013183594 538.1773 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 13 1 23.0566 883.527 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.0125802997499704 1611.51013183594 538.1773 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 12 1 23.4345 883.527 23.2003 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(D)@7 -0.00161981000564992 1595.54724121094 798.7809 1595.548828125 798.781677246094 2 15 1 23.1013 303.3919 23.1327 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 97.6300001144409 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 -0.008536740206182 1611.51428222656 538.1787 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 12 1 23.0488 748.408 23.1064 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 95.660001039505 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.010958700440824 1611.51196289063 538.1779 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 11 1 23.1581 872.6505 23.1416 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 92.4300014972687 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.010958700440824 1611.51196289063 538.1779 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 9 1 22.9736 872.6505 23.1416 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 80.3799986839294 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Carboxy(E)@9 -0.0294195003807545 1617.52722167969 809.7709 1617.556640625 809.78564453125 2 11 1 23.1685 108.7909 23.1736 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 74.3799984455109 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 -0.00773988990113139 1611.51501464844 806.7648 1611.52270507813 806.768676757813 2 9 1 23.0551 152.2468 23.1388 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 52.7199983596802 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(E)@8 -0.00876061990857124 1595.53979492188 532.8539 1595.548828125 532.856872558594 3 10 1 23.1075 93.638 23.1126 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 52.7199983596802 IEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 -0.00413767993450165 1611.51867675781 538.1802 1611.52270507813 538.181518554688 3 11 1 23.2315 788.9229 23.1651 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.002908939961344 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 24 1 18.4756 7588.481 18.4542 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.002908939961344 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.6546 7588.481 18.4542 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00285921990871429 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 20 1 18.3759 7878.068 18.4914 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@8 missed K-D@14 -0.00539191998541355 1854.63903808594 619.2203 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 14 1 18.4862 224.8776 18.4914 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(E)@9 missed K-D@14 0.00525366002693772 1838.67602539063 613.8993 1838.67077636719 613.897521972656 3 12 1 18.5126 114.9107 18.5177 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00285921990871429 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 25 1 18.5649 7885.869 18.4914 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00285921990871429 1816.69189453125 606.5712 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.7473 8126.633 18.4914 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00359163992106915 1816.6923828125 606.5714 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 20 1 18.9252 880.3806 18.7263 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.00478221010416746 1873.70520019531 625.5757 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 20 1 19.1395 213.5241 19.1707 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00388622004538774 1816.69262695313 606.5715 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 19 1 18.2501 7102.112 18.4181 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00388622004538774 1816.69262695313 606.5715 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 24 1 18.4351 7126.264 18.4181 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00388622004538774 1816.69262695313 606.5715 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.6223 7126.264 18.4181 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.000985324964858592 1816.68786621094 909.3512 1816.68872070313 909.351684570313 2 20 1 18.6744 2036.099 18.3918 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00425241980701685 1816.69299316406 606.5716 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 18 1 18.8006 360.3551 18.7055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00626657018437982 1816.69519042969 606.5723 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 15 1 19.0399 177.1004 18.9143 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00111000996548682 1873.71130371094 625.5777 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 13 1 19.0627 168.2449 19.0711 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00450470997020602 1816.693359375 606.5717 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 20 1 18.3898 6778.003 18.5055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00450470997020602 1816.693359375 606.5717 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 22 1 18.5708 6778.003 18.5055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00413849018514156 1816.69299316406 606.5716 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 22 1 18.7625 6957.381 18.5055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.00527069997042418 1816.68371582031 909.3491 1816.68872070313 909.351684570313 2 19 1 18.9812 0 -1 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.00160766998305917 1816.68688964844 606.5696 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 18 1 18.2081 7995.943 18.375 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.00160766998305917 1816.68688964844 606.5696 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 24 1 18.3964 7995.943 18.375 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 -0.00160766998305917 1816.68688964844 606.5696 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.6049 7995.943 18.375 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00498413015156984 1816.69348144531 606.5718 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 14 1 18.811 463.4688 18.662 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00473491987213492 1816.69348144531 606.5718 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.3422 6311.119 18.4788 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00473491987213492 1816.69348144531 606.5718 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 21 1 18.5264 6311.119 18.4788 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00473491987213492 1816.69348144531 606.5718 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 19 1 18.7143 6377.741 18.4788 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00528424000367522 1816.69421386719 606.572 1816.68872070313 606.570190429688 3 17 1 18.8935 312.0031 18.8758 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(D)@7 missed K-D@14 0.0052093998529017 1838.67565917969 613.8992 1838.67077636719 613.897521972656 3 9 1 18.3436 121.7957 18.375 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@8 missed K-D@14 -0.00742977997288108 1854.63732910156 619.2197 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 16 1 18.37 217.7347 18.3486 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00638824002817273 1873.716796875 625.5795 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 16 1 19.0192 210.272 19.0276 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00890238024294376 1873.71911621094 625.5803 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 13 1 19.106 173.5627 19.0849 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@14 0.00573252979665995 1873.71606445313 625.5793 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 18 1 19.1545 259.501 19.1131 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 missed K-D@14 -0.00550671992823482 1854.63903808594 619.2203 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 16 1 18.4491 237.908 18.4542 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 94.8899984359741 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 missed K-D@14 0.000612689007539302 1854.64538574219 619.2224 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 12 1 18.5004 207.4432 18.4793 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 94.8899984359741 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(E)@9 missed K-D@14 0.00840098969638348 1838.67919921875 613.9003 1838.67077636719 613.897521972656 3 13 1 18.5266 96.3718 18.5055 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 94.2600011825562 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Carbamidomethyl(K)@14 missed K-D@14 0.00573252979665995 1873.71606445313 625.5793 1873.71020507813 625.577331542969 3 10 1 18.3963 88.3446 18.4014 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 94.2600011825562 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:Na(D)@7 missed K-D@14 -0.000545247981790453 1838.67004394531 613.8973 1838.67077636719 613.897521972656 3 11 1 18.4433 94.9815 18.4807 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 60.8799993991852 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(E)@9 missed K-D@14 -0.00467649009078741 1854.63989257813 619.2206 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 8 1 18.4407 204.4501 18.4788 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 52.7199983596802 IEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@6; Cation:K(D)@7 missed K-D@14 -0.00557568017393351 1854.63903808594 619.2203 1854.64465332031 619.22216796875 3 11 1 18.4393 212.9808 18.4181 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00237707002088428 1798.71691894531 600.5796 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 22 1 23.0022 651.3142 22.8993 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00288537004962564 1798.71752929688 600.5798 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 24 1 22.8784 644.2156 22.9476 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00531540019437671 1855.74133300781 619.5877 1855.73608398438 619.5859375 3 13 1 23.3342 101.8843 23.2898 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 -0.000709632993675768 1798.71398925781 600.5786 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 24 1 22.8925 460.1726 22.9237 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.0010896100429818 1798.7158203125 600.5792 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 15 1 22.8695 620.1514 22.9851 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.0010896100429818 1798.7158203125 600.5792 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 21 1 23.0608 620.1514 22.9851 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00259270006790757 1798.71728515625 600.5797 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 18 1 22.8356 490.657 22.8965 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00150848994962871 1798.71606445313 600.5793 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 20 1 22.7428 728.6118 22.8282 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2 0.00150848994962871 1798.71606445313 600.5793 1798.71459960938 600.578796386719 3 16 1 22.9301 728.6118 22.8282 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.00489709014073014 2041.84143066406 681.6211 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 23 1 19.1656 208.3663 19.1707 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.00229649990797043 2041.83874511719 681.6202 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 12 1 19.066 171.5846 19.045 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.0081809600815177 2041.8447265625 681.6222 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 15 1 19.1692 158.8656 19.1743 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.00402513006702065 2041.84057617188 681.6208 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 18 1 19.0453 176.9426 19.0276 1 35.52 35.52 10.7699997723103 6.07700012624264 6.07700012624264 sp|P34058|HS90B_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90ab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 PKIEDVGSDEEDDSGKDK Phospho(S)@8 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed K-I@2; missed K-D@16 0.0155501998960972 2041.85192871094 681.6246 2041.83654785156 681.619445800781 3 13 1 19.0536 130.0201 19.0587 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00288869999349117 1010.44049072266 506.2275 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 10 1 25.075 1217.045 24.7903 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00100427004508674 879.422485351563 440.7185 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 8 1 10.7706 907.1571 10.8343 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.000348389003193006 1924.95336914063 642.6584 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 14 1 39.6663 464.9741 39.7552 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 0.00456765992566943 2464.94384765625 822.6552 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 14 1 27.2689 378.6824 27.3048 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GGFSDADVK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00147371005732566 974.373046875 488.1938 974.374633789063 488.194610595703 2 8 1 26.9757 99.4237 26.9592 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 HGLTHEELKSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed K-S@9 -0.003918900154531 1482.69396972656 495.2386 1482.69799804688 495.239959716797 3 17 1 13.0401 125.9921 13.0569 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 0.00164450996089727 1114.50769042969 558.2611 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 9 1 47.2181 620.7549 47.412 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KSPVGKSPPATGSAYGSSQK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@1; missed K-S@6 0.00695176981389523 2092.92993164063 698.6506 2092.92309570313 698.648315429688 3 22 1 18.8155 130.2744 18.789 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 -0.000537241983693093 817.347900390625 409.6812 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 9 1 10.8978 486.6853 11.0198 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SPEIHRR Phospho(S)@1 missed R-R@6 6.56783013255335E-05 973.449645996094 487.7321 973.449462890625 487.732025146484 2 9 1 9.3818 130.3243 9.3869 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SPVGKSPPATGSAYGSSQK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-S@5 0.000271841010544449 1964.82836914063 655.9501 1964.82824707031 655.950012207031 3 14 1 24.4333 119.2204 24.4168 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 -0.000484296993818134 1174.58557128906 392.5358 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 13 1 9.1147 214.3644 9.1253 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 0.00384197011590004 3182.20654296875 796.5589 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 22 1 31.9052 655.3035 31.938 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0.315154612064362 99.0000009536743 PFRGSQSPK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(K)@9 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed R-G@3 -0.00112135999370366 1162.45629882813 582.2354 1162.45739746094 582.235961914063 2 11 1 13.3066 246.2029 13.3657 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0.23284412920475 85.2699995040894 SRSRSFSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-S@4 0.0290536992251873 1113.46606445313 557.7403 1113.43688964844 557.725769042969 2 8 0 13.7431 152.2328 13.7482 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0.17005330324173 35.1700007915497 GKSRESVDSRDSSHSRER missed K-S@2; missed R-E@4; missed R-D@10; missed R-E@16 -0.0174441002309322 2073.97265625 692.3315 2073.98999023438 692.337280273438 3 8 1 32.2944 1841.431 32.463 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0.0101054366677999 34.2999994754791 RRSPRPSPVPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed R-R@1; missed R-S@2 -0.00311530008912086 1435.68188476563 479.5679 1435.68505859375 479.568969726563 3 7 1 11.582 104.4007 11.56 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00227835006080568 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 14 1 24.7022 1549.839 24.7106 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00227835006080568 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 13 1 24.8882 1549.839 24.7106 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@7 0.00138371996581554 1067.46630859375 534.7404 1067.46484375 534.739685058594 2 8 1 24.9735 104.1878 25.0057 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 6.69243017910048E-05 1010.44348144531 506.229 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 10 1 24.515 1276.637 24.6836 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 6.69243017910048E-05 1010.44348144531 506.229 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 13 1 24.7052 1276.637 24.6836 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 6.69243017910048E-05 1010.44348144531 506.229 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 13 1 24.892 1276.637 24.6836 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00101901998277754 1010.44244384766 506.2285 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 11 1 24.5974 1578.072 24.8024 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00101901998277754 1010.44244384766 506.2285 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 14 1 24.7673 1547.115 24.8024 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00101901998277754 1010.44244384766 506.2285 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 13 1 24.958 1547.115 24.8024 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000916608027182519 1010.44244384766 506.2285 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 12 1 24.4028 1374.907 24.5753 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000916608027182519 1010.44244384766 506.2285 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 12 1 24.5904 1374.907 24.5753 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00109971000347286 1010.44226074219 506.2284 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 10 1 24.7796 1360.035 24.6021 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00139594997745007 1010.44207763672 506.2283 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 11 1 24.4865 1112.244 24.68 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00139594997745007 1010.44207763672 506.2283 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 14 1 24.675 1119.334 24.68 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00227835006080568 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 10 1 24.5166 1538.759 24.7106 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00139594997745007 1010.44207763672 506.2283 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 10 1 24.8627 1119.334 24.68 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00239782989956439 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 13 1 24.6657 1319.987 24.6733 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00239782989956439 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 11 1 24.8541 1319.987 24.6733 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.9700028896332 ASVSDLSPR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@7 0.00076187402009964 1067.46569824219 534.7401 1067.46484375 534.739685058594 2 8 1 25.0873 101.6714 25.0444 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 93.8700020313263 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00239782989956439 1010.44110107422 506.2278 1010.44342041016 506.228973388672 2 8 1 24.4695 1314.232 24.6733 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 43.299999833107 ASVSDLSPR Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 -0.00088999600848183 1090.40881347656 546.2117 1090.40966796875 546.212158203125 2 6 1 31.8221 75.8661 31.7716 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142123003024608 879.420043945313 440.7173 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 10 1 10.9731 694.7705 10.8615 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00264954008162022 879.418884277344 440.7167 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 8 1 10.8334 290.4055 10.85 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142123003024608 879.420043945313 440.7173 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 10 1 10.804 694.7705 10.8615 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000565331021789461 879.422058105469 440.7183 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 10 1 10.7984 657.3113 10.8351 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00255561992526054 879.424072265625 440.7193 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 9 1 10.7982 737.1765 10.8614 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00100992002990097 879.420471191406 440.7175 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 7 1 10.9617 891.0629 10.8451 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.4399974346161 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.000807105971034616 879.4208984375 440.7177 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 11 1 10.8332 855.6931 10.8859 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.6499974727631 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00237252004444599 879.423889160156 440.7192 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 8 1 10.9694 733.6929 10.8614 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 85.5099976062775 ERSPALK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00239402009174228 879.419250488281 440.7169 879.421508789063 440.718048095703 2 7 1 11.0135 866.339 10.8859 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.000348389003193006 1924.95336914063 642.6584 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 14 1 39.8524 464.9741 39.7552 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.00349237001501024 1924.95007324219 642.6573 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 17 1 39.671 502.7069 39.7555 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.00349237001501024 1924.95007324219 642.6573 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 15 1 39.8566 502.7069 39.7555 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.0064380900003016 1924.947265625 642.6564 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 19 1 39.6936 455.901 39.7894 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.00662120012566447 1924.94714355469 642.6563 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 17 1 39.8638 455.3579 39.7894 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.000897704972885549 1924.95275878906 642.6582 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 19 1 39.553 548.3275 39.6643 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.000897704972885549 1924.95275878906 642.6582 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 20 1 39.739 548.3275 39.6643 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 3.62934988515917E-05 1924.95373535156 642.6585 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 16 1 39.5687 357.895 39.6631 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 3.62934988515917E-05 1924.95373535156 642.6585 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 11 1 39.7607 357.895 39.6631 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ERSPALKSPLQSVVVR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@7 -0.00217944011092186 1924.95153808594 642.6578 1924.95373535156 642.658508300781 3 18 1 39.6522 351.0165 39.7161 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.2199976444244 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 0.00601992988958955 2464.94482421875 822.6556 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 10 1 27.1378 252.9002 27.2233 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.0600008964539 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 -0.00312609993852675 2464.93603515625 822.6526 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 10 1 27.2142 266.7661 27.2764 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 31.3499987125397 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 0.00513701001182199 2464.9443359375 822.6554 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 8 1 27.2698 307.2045 27.3305 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 29.109999537468 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 0.00513701001182199 2464.9443359375 822.6554 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 7 1 27.4561 307.2045 27.3305 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 19.08999979496 FSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@13 missed R-E@18 0.00456765992566943 2464.94384765625 822.6552 2464.93920898438 822.653625488281 3 8 1 27.4573 378.6824 27.3048 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GGFSDADVK Phospho(S)@4 0.00349966995418072 974.378295898438 488.1964 974.374633789063 488.194610595703 2 8 1 26.9505 77.6424 26.929 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GGFSDADVK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00223169010132551 974.372497558594 488.1935 974.374633789063 488.194610595703 2 6 1 26.9757 84.9663 26.9858 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 0.00164450996089727 1114.50769042969 558.2611 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 9 1 47.4036 626.1343 47.412 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000882752006873488 1114.50512695313 558.2598 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 10 1 47.4321 633.6893 47.4151 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000767752004321665 1114.50524902344 558.2599 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 9 1 47.2738 450.8022 47.3857 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000767752004321665 1114.50524902344 558.2599 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 10 1 47.4611 450.8022 47.3857 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000882752006873488 1114.50512695313 558.2598 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 10 1 47.6055 632.9023 47.4151 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 0.0036928600165993 1114.50964355469 558.2621 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 9 1 47.2744 418.8142 47.2576 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 76.7599999904633 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00113395997323096 1114.5048828125 558.2597 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 9 1 47.2881 538.3629 47.2677 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 63.0100011825562 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 0.0036928600165993 1114.50964355469 558.2621 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 7 1 47.0921 410.9193 47.2845 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 51.2499988079071 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000889823015313596 1114.50512695313 558.2598 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 8 1 47.4168 486.6707 47.3996 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 50.1399993896484 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 0.00164450996089727 1114.50769042969 558.2611 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 7 1 47.5915 626.1343 47.412 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 38.5199993848801 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000882752006873488 1114.50512695313 558.2598 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 6 1 47.2485 633.6893 47.4151 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 30.3200006484985 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00113395997323096 1114.5048828125 558.2597 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 6 1 47.0998 538.3629 47.2677 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 26.1099994182587 IDISPSTFR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00113395997323096 1114.5048828125 558.2597 1114.50598144531 558.26025390625 2 6 1 47.4811 538.3629 47.2677 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KSPVGKSPPATGSAYGSSQK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@1; missed K-S@6 0.000267321011051536 2092.92333984375 698.6484 2092.92309570313 698.648315429688 3 16 1 18.8048 164.1004 18.7577 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KSPVGKSPPATGSAYGSSQK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@1; missed K-S@6 0.00543045997619629 2092.92846679688 698.6501 2092.92309570313 698.648315429688 3 20 1 18.7924 165.0215 18.7974 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PFRGSQSPK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed R-G@3 -0.00112135999370366 1162.45629882813 582.2354 1162.45739746094 582.235961914063 2 8 1 13.4805 246.2029 13.3657 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.7900018692017 PFRGSQSPK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed R-G@3 -0.000514056999236345 1162.45690917969 582.2357 1162.45739746094 582.235961914063 2 11 1 13.3833 267.939 13.4154 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.3900010585785 PFRGSQSPK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed R-G@3 0.00249617011286318 1162.45983886719 582.2372 1162.45739746094 582.235961914063 2 10 1 13.5223 241.6345 13.3926 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 67.8600013256073 PFRGSQSPK Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved K-P@N-term; missed R-G@3 0.000803971022833139 1162.45812988281 582.2363 1162.45739746094 582.235961914063 2 7 1 13.3371 175.0121 13.3567 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 -0.000537241983693093 817.347900390625 409.6812 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 9 1 11.0795 486.6853 11.0198 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 0.000486942997667938 817.348876953125 409.6817 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 9 1 10.9372 233.8268 11.0278 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 0.000207431003218517 817.348449707031 409.6815 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 8 1 11.1384 196.3537 11.0078 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 0.000165393998031504 817.348449707031 409.6815 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 7 1 11.0178 120.9702 11.0313 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 0.000207431003218517 817.348449707031 409.6815 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 9 1 10.9493 196.2459 11.0078 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.5300014019012 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 -0.00120101997163147 817.347045898438 409.6808 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 8 1 11.0077 176.1495 11.0511 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 89.300000667572 SPEIHR Phospho(S)@1 0.000486942997667938 817.348876953125 409.6817 817.348388671875 409.681457519531 2 8 0 11.1048 233.8268 11.0278 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.7699995040894 SPEIHRR Phospho(S)@1 missed R-R@6 -0.00124878995120525 973.448303222656 487.7314 973.449462890625 487.732025146484 2 9 1 9.3841 109.6016 9.3891 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.0700025558472 SPEIHRR Phospho(S)@1 missed R-R@6 -0.00156180001795292 973.447875976563 487.7312 973.449462890625 487.732025146484 2 7 1 9.3874 98.3928 9.3925 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 82.1699976921082 SPEIHRR Phospho(S)@1 missed R-R@6 0.00209577009081841 973.45166015625 487.7331 973.449462890625 487.732025146484 2 8 1 9.381 93.9454 9.3861 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 35.8300000429153 SPEIHRR Phospho(S)@1 missed R-R@6 0.000979152042418718 973.450500488281 487.7325 973.449462890625 487.732025146484 2 7 1 9.3882 86.8502 9.3933 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 35.0300014019012 SRSFSKSR Phospho(S)@1; Dehydrated(S)@3; Carbamyl(K)@6 missed R-S@2; missed K-S@6 0.00163483002688736 1058.46752929688 530.241 1058.4658203125 530.240234375 2 7 0 27.8632 1143.544 28.0571 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 60.3200018405914 SSSPPPR Delta:H(4)C(2)@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@3 0.0024214000441134 816.355651855469 409.1851 816.353088378906 409.183837890625 2 8 1 13.583 117.3973 13.6262 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 16.2799999117851 SSSPPPR Delta:H(4)C(2)@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@3 0.000834500009659678 816.354064941406 409.1843 816.353088378906 409.183837890625 2 6 1 13.982 114.7389 13.9434 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 0.00520785013213754 1174.59118652344 392.5377 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 13 1 9.1049 132.3188 9.11 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 -0.000300079002045095 1174.58557128906 392.5358 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 13 1 9.1136 144.9063 9.1187 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 -0.000874091987498105 1174.5849609375 392.5356 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 12 1 9.1039 121.9276 9.109 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 0.00245406990870833 1174.58825683594 392.5367 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 12 1 9.1036 161.1694 9.1196 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.8599984645844 TKKSPEIHR Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@2; missed K-S@3 -0.000517744978424162 1174.58557128906 392.5358 1174.5859375 392.535919189453 3 10 1 9.1374 146.4842 9.1425 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 0.00334657006897032 3182.2060546875 796.5588 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 19 1 31.7836 1204.957 31.7912 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 -0.00305506004951894 3182.19970703125 796.5572 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 17 1 31.7431 500.2944 31.8032 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 0.00309121003374457 3182.20581054688 796.5587 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 19 1 31.7451 935.2018 31.8061 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 -0.00891019031405449 3182.19384765625 796.5557 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 14 1 31.787 580.9603 31.8467 2 26.73 26.73 31.1300009489059 14.2000004649162 12.6200005412102 sp|Q5M7V8|TR150_RAT Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Thrap3 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 WAHDKFSGEEGEIEDDESGTENREEK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-F@5; missed R-E@23 0.00309121003374457 3182.20581054688 796.5587 3182.20263671875 796.557983398438 4 17 1 31.9118 935.2018 31.8061 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 -0.00134984997566789 1472.55432128906 737.2844 1472.55554199219 737.285095214844 2 21 1 12.6531 133.16 12.6581 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 0.00595417013391852 2373.96411132813 792.3287 2373.95849609375 792.326782226563 3 25 1 14.8 335.1369 14.8314 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@4 cleaved E-D@N-term; missed K-K@11 -0.0011822700034827 1472.55432128906 491.8587 1472.55554199219 491.859130859375 3 12 1 14.1224 111.8852 14.1275 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00229682005010545 1757.70153808594 586.9078 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 22 1 11.046 1546.18 11.131 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14 0.00118935003411025 2143.880859375 715.6342 2143.87939453125 715.633728027344 3 24 1 11.6051 194.4495 11.6101 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00395852979272604 2659.10620117188 665.7838 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 26 1 13.2176 1850.618 13.3158 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000567239010706544 2386.90673828125 796.6428 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 25 1 30.9732 7196.835 30.9782 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00533939991146326 2514.99560546875 839.3392 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 26 1 26.4586 14238.26 26.4377 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00161968998145312 2930.16967773438 733.5497 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 23 1 25.0446 4134.871 25.1287 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00114925997331738 3058.26782226563 765.5742 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 24 1 21.4834 256.4383 21.4885 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00028054098947905 1229.43347167969 615.724 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 14 1 13.5187 228.1123 13.3785 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00255746999755502 1615.61645507813 539.5461 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 13 1 13.4417 410.1575 13.4736 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.000161974996444769 2130.83666992188 711.2862 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 13 1 16.3847 357.6224 16.3034 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0.120904117822647 98.9099979400635 EKEEKESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(K)@10; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@5; missed K-K@25 0.00843533966690302 3238.29370117188 810.5807 3238.28515625 810.578552246094 4 13 1 23.2654 181.7458 23.244 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 -0.000664032995700836 1472.55493164063 737.2847 1472.55554199219 737.285095214844 2 18 1 12.6376 115.7893 12.6693 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 0.000577607017476112 1472.55603027344 737.2853 1472.55554199219 737.285095214844 2 20 1 12.6099 114.4896 12.615 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 0.00952569954097271 1472.56530761719 737.2899 1472.55554199219 737.285095214844 2 16 1 12.6478 126.5559 12.6261 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2 -0.00108765996992588 1472.55444335938 737.2845 1472.55554199219 737.285095214844 2 20 1 12.5769 141.7332 12.6088 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 4.47083994004061E-06 2373.95849609375 594.4969 2373.95849609375 594.496887207031 4 24 1 14.8273 745.7991 14.892 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 4.47083994004061E-06 2373.95849609375 594.4969 2373.95849609375 594.496887207031 4 22 1 15.0011 745.906 14.892 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 0.001257190015167 2373.95971679688 594.4972 2373.95849609375 594.496887207031 4 15 1 14.7411 508.2691 14.799 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 -0.00457610003650188 2373.9541015625 792.3253 2373.95849609375 792.326782226563 3 16 1 14.8524 275.059 14.799 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 0.0186457000672817 2373.97729492188 792.333 2373.95849609375 792.326782226563 3 21 1 14.7995 245.161 14.8416 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 -0.00088541500736028 2373.95727539063 594.4966 2373.95849609375 594.496887207031 4 22 1 14.7397 470.8446 14.7754 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 0.00331517006270587 2373.96166992188 594.4977 2373.95849609375 594.496887207031 4 24 1 14.7842 498.926 14.8422 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@12; missed K-E@15 0.0190120004117489 2373.9775390625 792.3331 2373.95849609375 792.326782226563 3 8 1 14.9681 242.5255 14.8362 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@4 cleaved E-D@N-term; missed K-K@11 0.000264650007011369 1472.55578613281 491.8592 1472.55554199219 491.859130859375 3 8 1 14.1075 111.6384 14.047 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 95.0100004673004 DVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@4 cleaved E-D@N-term; missed K-K@11 0.00136703997850418 1472.55688476563 491.8596 1472.55554199219 491.859130859375 3 12 1 14.0882 141.9622 14.0933 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 29.9400001764297 EKEEKESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@18 missed K-E@2; missed K-E@5; missed K-K@25 -0.00174102000892162 3238.28344726563 810.5781 3238.28515625 810.578552246094 4 8 1 23.1632 214.2495 23.2214 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 -0.00211905990727246 1757.69714355469 586.9063 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 20 1 10.997 1858.522 11.0661 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 -0.00211905990727246 1757.69714355469 586.9063 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 21 1 11.1688 1858.522 11.0661 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 -0.00193596002645791 1757.697265625 586.9064 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 14 1 11.3465 516.6675 11.2059 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 -0.00227723992429674 1796.70788574219 599.9099 1796.71020507813 599.91064453125 3 19 1 14.7681 165.9041 14.8054 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00320553011260927 1757.70239257813 586.9081 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 19 1 10.9761 1540.879 11.0669 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00320553011260927 1757.70239257813 586.9081 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 21 1 11.165 1540.879 11.0669 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00339664006605744 1757.70239257813 586.9081 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 20 1 10.9882 1413.709 11.0313 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00339664006605744 1757.70239257813 586.9081 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 19 1 11.1707 1413.704 11.0313 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00103034998755902 1757.70043945313 586.9074 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 20 1 11.0528 1650.521 11.1399 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00103034998755902 1757.70043945313 586.9074 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 22 1 11.2209 1655.843 11.1399 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00296347006224096 1757.70227050781 586.908 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 18 1 10.9962 1488.506 11.0394 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00296347006224096 1757.70227050781 586.908 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 20 1 11.164 1488.456 11.0394 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00229682005010545 1757.70153808594 586.9078 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 19 1 11.2235 1546.18 11.131 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00303158001042902 1796.71325683594 599.9117 1796.71020507813 599.91064453125 3 18 1 14.7734 81.3581 14.7523 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00247992994263768 1757.70153808594 586.9078 1757.69934082031 586.907043457031 3 18 1 11.3945 377.0095 11.2724 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 -0.000912985007744282 1796.708984375 599.9103 1796.71020507813 599.91064453125 3 12 1 14.7147 104.1117 14.6673 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(K)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00147029000800103 1796.71142578125 599.9111 1796.71020507813 599.91064453125 3 9 1 14.6649 139.54 14.6962 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4 0.00398838007822633 1796.71411132813 599.912 1796.71020507813 599.91064453125 3 16 1 14.7736 147.068 14.7524 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14 -0.00232428009621799 2143.87719726563 715.633 2143.87939453125 715.633728027344 3 14 1 11.5943 165.0474 11.5994 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14 0.00411552004516125 2143.88330078125 715.6351 2143.87939453125 715.633728027344 3 21 1 11.5874 186.7526 11.5985 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14 0.0118853999301791 2143.89135742188 715.6377 2143.87939453125 715.633728027344 3 21 1 11.5549 158.9749 11.56 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00395852979272604 2659.10620117188 665.7838 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 27 1 13.4104 1850.606 13.3158 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00255272001959383 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 27 1 13.2301 2044.257 13.3272 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00255272001959383 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 30 1 13.3999 2044.257 13.3272 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00330442003905773 2698.11645507813 675.5364 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 20 1 16.1331 449.448 16.1911 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00253196991980076 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 19 1 13.1467 1458.865 13.2308 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00253196991980076 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 27 1 13.3311 1458.865 13.2308 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(K)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 -0.00240508001297712 2698.11083984375 675.535 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 19 1 16.0127 269.1334 16.0211 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.0135444002225995 2659.11572265625 665.7862 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 24 1 13.1749 1216.267 13.243 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.0135444002225995 2659.11572265625 665.7862 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 28 1 13.3429 1293.833 13.2554 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.0152778001502156 2698.12866210938 675.5394 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 21 1 16.057 290.3806 16.0891 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00227986997924745 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 23 1 13.148 1113.157 13.2459 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00227986997924745 2659.1044921875 665.7834 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 22 1 13.3337 1113.56 13.2459 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00465933978557587 2659.10693359375 665.784 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 26 1 13.1733 1358.171 13.2646 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00465933978557587 2659.10693359375 665.784 2659.10229492188 665.782836914063 4 28 1 13.3454 1358.206 13.2646 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00558798993006349 2698.11865234375 675.5369 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 24 1 16.0575 287.3928 16.0895 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(D)@3; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00936912000179291 2698.12255859375 675.5379 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 23 1 16.0638 381.5901 16.1018 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(K)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00284072989597917 2698.1162109375 675.5363 2698.11303710938 675.535522460938 4 15 1 16.0247 261.9765 16.0602 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ERDKEVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed K-E@4; missed K-E@14; missed K-E@17 0.00371319008991122 2659.10571289063 532.8284 2659.10229492188 532.827697753906 5 17 1 13.3564 418.6738 13.3158 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000214643005165271 2386.90625 796.6427 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 16 1 30.8632 7432.373 31.1137 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000214643005165271 2386.90625 796.6427 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 26 1 31.1359 7480.93 31.1137 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000214643005165271 2386.90625 796.6427 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 21 1 31.328 7480.93 31.1137 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.000334671989548951 2386.90576171875 796.6425 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 14 1 31.5208 2763.815 31.2229 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@2 0.000214643005165271 2386.90625 796.6427 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 13 1 31.7114 623.0227 31.4161 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00440789014101028 2386.90161132813 796.6412 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 17 1 30.8517 9600.68 31.041 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00440789014101028 2386.90161132813 796.6412 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 27 1 31.036 9657.405 31.0674 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00440789014101028 2386.90161132813 796.6412 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 22 1 31.2213 9657.405 31.0674 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00459099002182484 2386.90161132813 796.6411 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 15 1 31.408 6691.606 31.1204 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00349237001501024 2386.90258789063 796.6415 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 15 1 31.5966 1023.478 31.3062 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00132329994812608 2386.90478515625 796.6422 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 16 1 30.8954 6973.026 31.088 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00132329994812608 2386.90478515625 796.6422 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 29 1 31.0796 7040.074 31.088 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00132329994812608 2386.90478515625 796.6422 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 24 1 31.2737 7040.074 31.088 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00132329994812608 2386.90478515625 796.6422 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 18 1 31.4669 5481.638 31.1695 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.00132329994812608 2386.90478515625 796.6422 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 15 1 31.6566 867.1277 31.3612 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.00497042015194893 2386.9111328125 796.6443 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 18 1 30.7682 6821.191 30.964 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.00497042015194893 2386.9111328125 796.6443 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 22 1 31.0411 6865.721 30.9914 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.00497042015194893 2386.9111328125 796.6443 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 20 1 31.2344 6865.721 30.9914 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.00149141997098923 2386.90747070313 796.6431 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 16 1 31.4265 2387.546 31.1285 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.0011252099648118 2386.9072265625 796.643 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 17 1 31.6193 678.9257 31.3223 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000717636023182422 2386.90673828125 796.6429 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 19 1 30.8058 8585.876 30.9688 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000717636023182422 2386.90673828125 796.6429 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 23 1 30.9902 8585.876 30.9688 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 -0.000197886998648755 2386.90600585938 796.6426 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 14 1 31.552 634.5456 31.2607 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000717636023182422 2386.90673828125 796.6429 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 20 1 31.1758 8585.876 30.9688 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000168322003446519 2386.90625 796.6427 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 17 1 31.3628 4016.772 31.0747 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000567239010706544 2386.90673828125 796.6428 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 23 1 31.1646 7196.835 30.9782 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000567239010706544 2386.90673828125 796.6428 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 16 1 30.7836 7146.359 30.9782 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.000567239010706544 2386.90673828125 796.6428 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 17 1 31.3583 5149.982 31.06 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13 0.00148276996333152 2386.90747070313 796.6431 2386.90600585938 796.642639160156 3 17 1 31.5505 846.1315 31.2524 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Cation:Na(E)@7; Phospho(S)@13 0.00113576999865472 2408.88891601563 803.9703 2408.88793945313 803.969970703125 3 14 1 31.083 228.6817 31.088 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.4300014972687 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEK Phospho(S)@13; Cation:Na(D)@14 -0.00527219008654356 2408.8828125 803.9682 2408.88793945313 803.969970703125 3 12 1 30.9459 260.6118 31.0054 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00533939991146326 2514.99560546875 839.3392 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 23 1 26.2763 14238.26 26.4377 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00490002986043692 2515.00610351563 629.7588 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 23 1 26.3486 2834.594 26.4377 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00533939991146326 2514.99560546875 839.3392 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 28 1 26.6464 14170.5 26.4377 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00546379992738366 2515.00659179688 839.3428 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 22 1 26.8341 634.296 26.787 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000272864999715239 2515.00073242188 839.3409 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 28 1 26.3751 17668.7 26.5107 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000272864999715239 2515.00073242188 839.3409 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 26 1 26.5578 17668.7 26.5107 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2; Cation:K(D)@14 missed K-K@20 0.000746772973798215 2552.95776367188 639.2467 2552.95703125 639.246520996094 4 14 1 26.5784 398.7506 26.5107 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00112596002873033 2515.00219726563 629.7578 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 20 1 26.6367 4816.294 26.5107 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000272864999715239 2515.00073242188 839.3409 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 25 1 26.7422 17668.7 26.5107 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000272864999715239 2515.00073242188 839.3409 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 19 1 26.9251 5475.337 26.6418 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00592033984139562 2572.0166015625 858.3461 2572.0224609375 858.34814453125 3 10 1 27.0073 158.0733 26.9858 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000272864999715239 2515.00073242188 839.3409 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 17 1 27.1135 1326.863 26.8268 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00193387002218515 2554.01391601563 852.3452 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 24 1 31.1086 870.9907 31.2229 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(S)@2; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00193387002218515 2554.01391601563 852.3452 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 23 1 31.3004 870.9907 31.2229 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000475690001621842 2496.98999023438 833.3373 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 19 1 31.684 241.8998 31.7164 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.0111609995365143 2514.98974609375 839.3372 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 24 1 26.2941 13291.99 26.4818 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.0111609995365143 2514.98974609375 839.3372 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 28 1 26.4767 13325.33 26.4818 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.0111609995365143 2514.98974609375 839.3372 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 24 1 26.6599 13325.33 26.4818 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.0106116998940706 2514.99047851563 839.3374 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 18 1 26.8419 6730.488 26.5602 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.0106116998940706 2514.99047851563 839.3374 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 17 1 27.027 1260.486 26.744 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00969618000090122 2514.9912109375 839.3377 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 16 1 27.4032 510.476 27.1154 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00308020994998515 2554.00903320313 852.3436 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 19 1 31.1153 840.94 31.1999 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00515988003462553 2496.9853515625 833.3357 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 12 1 31.6237 247.4713 31.6559 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00071140902582556 2515.00024414063 839.3407 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 21 1 26.3148 13686.85 26.514 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.000389405991882086 2515.00146484375 629.7576 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 20 1 26.3877 3059.74 26.514 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00419047987088561 2514.99658203125 839.3395 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 33 1 26.5033 14556.86 26.514 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00419047987088561 2514.99658203125 839.3395 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 26 1 26.6914 14556.86 26.514 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000894517987035215 2515 839.3406 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 24 1 26.8693 8497.283 26.5922 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00492291012778878 2514.99609375 839.3393 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 19 1 27.0567 652.2169 27.0651 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.000204134994419292 2515.00122070313 839.341 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 17 1 27.2458 722.3384 26.9594 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00602156016975641 2514.99487304688 839.3389 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 20 1 27.4319 542.7578 27.1447 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00492291012778878 2514.99609375 839.3393 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 10 1 27.6989 275.9059 27.4104 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00118460995145142 2554.01318359375 852.345 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 20 1 31.1644 790.6656 31.2788 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(S)@2; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00118460995145142 2554.01318359375 852.345 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 26 1 31.3561 790.6656 31.2788 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 4.85437021779944E-06 2496.99072265625 833.3375 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 22 1 31.7144 203.5297 31.7195 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00486306007951498 2515.005859375 839.3426 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 28 1 26.2558 12484.04 26.365 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00486306007951498 2515.005859375 839.3426 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 25 1 26.4381 12484.04 26.365 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00896164029836655 2515.01025390625 629.7598 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 20 1 26.4642 2422.917 26.365 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00486306007951498 2515.005859375 839.3426 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 25 1 26.6202 12721.16 26.365 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00886985007673502 2514.9921875 839.338 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 19 1 26.9323 0 -1 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000446997990366071 2515.00073242188 839.3408 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 24 1 27.1408 0 -1 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00459391018375754 2514.99633789063 839.3394 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 20 1 26.242 13614.41 26.4296 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00459391018375754 2514.99633789063 839.3394 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 27 1 26.4244 13658.48 26.4296 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00459391018375754 2514.99633789063 839.3394 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 28 1 26.6077 13658.48 26.4296 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00474443985149264 2515.005859375 839.3425 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 20 1 26.7894 6486.782 26.508 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00587564008310437 2514.9951171875 839.339 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 17 1 26.9727 1230.558 26.6915 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00587564008310437 2514.9951171875 839.339 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 14 1 27.1629 698.3582 26.8764 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00550943007692695 2514.99560546875 839.3391 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 16 1 27.3497 430.2092 27.0893 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00138171995058656 2554.01318359375 852.345 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 22 1 31.229 740.0616 31.1277 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00914685986936092 2514.99194335938 839.3379 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 13 1 27.2158 675.6987 26.929 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20 -0.0042493399232626 2514.99682617188 629.7565 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 10 1 27.352 152.4838 27.2509 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.000578668026719242 2515.00073242188 839.3408 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 19 1 27.0951 382.2287 27.0479 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20 0.000276450009550899 2515.00146484375 839.3411 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 11 1 27.4866 472.3342 27.1982 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00969618000090122 2514.9912109375 839.3377 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 11 1 27.593 282.2223 27.3034 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00138171995058656 2554.01318359375 852.345 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 19 1 31.0431 740.0616 31.1277 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00308020994998515 2554.00903320313 852.3436 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 13 1 31.3012 840.94 31.1999 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00220030010677874 2554.01391601563 852.3453 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 24 1 31.0549 791.4965 31.1422 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Dehydrated(S)@2; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00273635005578399 2554.0146484375 852.3455 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 22 1 31.0137 817.632 31.101 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00273635005578399 2554.0146484375 852.3455 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 21 1 31.2066 817.632 31.101 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.002618039958179 2496.9931640625 833.3383 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 18 1 31.5636 261.5803 31.5964 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.0014354899758473 2515.00219726563 839.3414 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 15 1 27.4876 147.3351 27.4926 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00220030010677874 2554.01391601563 852.3453 2554.01196289063 852.344604492188 3 20 1 31.2473 791.4965 31.1422 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20 0.00123793003149331 2515.00244140625 629.7579 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 17 1 26.6204 2842.754 26.4377 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2; Dehydrated(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.00158835004549474 2496.9921875 833.338 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 18 1 31.578 221.1029 31.6108 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.0041216597892344 2515.00512695313 839.3423 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 11 1 27.2997 555.2927 27.1716 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2; Cation:K(D)@10 missed K-K@20 -0.00074952602153644 2552.9560546875 639.2463 2552.95703125 639.246520996094 4 15 1 26.5349 307.1075 26.5086 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 96.0799992084503 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00421239016577601 2496.98657226563 833.3361 2496.99047851563 833.337463378906 3 11 1 31.5791 208.1066 31.6115 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 93.6699986457825 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20 -0.000675000017508864 2515.00048828125 629.7574 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 10 1 26.9511 158.6716 27.036 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 90.310001373291 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 0.000393535010516644 2515.00146484375 629.7576 2515.0009765625 629.757568359375 4 8 1 26.9807 895.4694 26.6943 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 86.9799971580505 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20 -0.00539981015026569 2514.99560546875 839.3392 2515.0009765625 839.340942382813 3 8 1 27.6954 259.2622 27.4381 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00342219998128712 2930.17504882813 733.551 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 17 1 24.5199 692.8898 24.6047 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00342219998128712 2930.17504882813 733.551 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 15 1 24.7055 692.8898 24.6047 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00415462022647262 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 20 1 24.8923 527.0087 24.8974 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000972318986896425 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 25 1 25.0808 5426.238 25.1924 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000972318986896425 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 27 1 25.2668 5426.238 25.1924 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000972318986896425 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 20 1 25.4512 5603.251 25.1659 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00366633990779519 2930.17504882813 733.551 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 13 1 25.8479 207.9034 25.6936 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00544206984341145 2930.16625976563 733.5488 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 15 1 24.6752 565.8408 24.5496 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00422136997804046 2930.16723632813 733.5491 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 15 1 25.0498 3867.294 25.1602 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00422136997804046 2930.16723632813 733.5491 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 25 1 25.2344 3867.294 25.1602 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00373563007451594 2930.17504882813 733.551 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 18 1 24.5623 558.7752 24.6342 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00373563007451594 2930.17504882813 733.551 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 19 1 24.7381 558.3625 24.6342 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00422391993924975 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 17 1 24.9311 3929.425 25.181 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00422391993924975 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 25 1 25.1212 4533.054 25.2075 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00422391993924975 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 23 1 25.3085 4533.054 25.2075 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00422391993924975 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 16 1 25.4942 4473.975 25.2075 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00377401988953352 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 20 1 24.3823 565.5751 24.4415 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00232948991470039 2930.16943359375 733.5496 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 20 1 24.759 2860.96 25.0026 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00159707001876086 2930.16967773438 733.5497 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 22 1 24.9449 4067 25.0552 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00159707001876086 2930.16967773438 733.5497 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 22 1 25.1274 4067 25.0552 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00159707001876086 2930.16967773438 733.5497 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 13 1 25.3125 4267.523 25.029 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000809354009106755 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 18 1 24.9947 3281.051 25.1317 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000809354009106755 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 18 1 25.259 3281.051 25.1317 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000809354009106755 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 15 1 24.8089 382.8246 24.8409 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00161968998145312 2930.16967773438 733.5497 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 19 1 25.229 4134.871 25.1287 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00129763002041727 2930.17016601563 733.5498 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 12 1 24.4322 441.3639 24.5187 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00113141001202166 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 18 1 24.8575 480.2097 24.8353 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00139380001928657 2930.1728515625 733.5505 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 13 1 24.8655 460.362 24.8971 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00129763002041727 2930.17016601563 733.5498 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 13 1 24.6216 441.3639 24.5187 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 0.00377401988953352 2930.17529296875 733.5511 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 12 1 24.5702 565.5751 24.4415 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00544206984341145 2930.16625976563 733.5488 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 11 1 24.4879 565.8408 24.5496 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000887272995896637 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 15 1 24.4762 580.3171 24.5391 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 97.189998626709 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.000887272995896637 2930.17065429688 733.5499 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 12 1 24.6682 580.3171 24.5391 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 86.9000017642975 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00729156006127596 2930.16381835938 977.7286 2930.17138671875 977.731079101563 3 9 1 25.0738 337.125 25.1317 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 16.0199999809265 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21 -0.00129763002041727 2930.17016601563 733.5498 2930.17138671875 733.550109863281 4 8 1 25.4443 2960.324 25.1581 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00144796003587544 3058.26489257813 765.5735 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 16 1 21.5369 318.2403 21.5684 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00123757997062057 3058.26782226563 765.5742 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 15 1 22.0302 710.8051 22.1203 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00161448994185776 3058.26806640625 612.6609 3058.26635742188 612.660522460938 5 16 1 22.1119 616.3215 22.1203 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00123757997062057 3058.26782226563 765.5742 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 18 1 22.3277 710.8051 22.1203 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00408589979633689 3058.26220703125 765.5728 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 18 1 22.0472 543.3529 22.1314 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00747242011129856 3058.27368164063 765.5757 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 13 1 21.6415 248.1857 21.673 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00307780993171036 3058.26928710938 765.5746 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 18 1 22.1523 694.9033 22.2101 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00307780993171036 3058.26928710938 765.5746 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 15 1 22.3374 694.9033 22.2101 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00144796003587544 3058.26489257813 765.5735 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 14 1 21.7212 318.2403 21.5684 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.0115425996482372 3058.27783203125 765.5767 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 13 1 22.1534 658.1616 22.0522 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.000188592006452382 3058.2666015625 765.5739 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 14 1 21.5444 185.5002 21.5233 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00725277001038194 3058.27368164063 765.5757 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 15 1 22.0366 670.1842 22.121 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.4899997711182 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00347067997790873 3058.27026367188 612.6613 3058.26635742188 612.660522460938 5 12 1 22.1759 434.3064 22.1281 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 96.7199981212616 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.000188592006452382 3058.2666015625 765.5739 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 11 1 22.0702 541.9196 22.1545 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.9499983787537 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00408589979633689 3058.26220703125 765.5728 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 10 1 22.232 543.3529 22.1314 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.4600005149841 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.0134957004338503 3058.27978515625 765.5772 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 8 1 21.7579 220.6201 21.6055 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 91.32000207901 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.014716500416398 3058.28100585938 765.5775 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 10 1 21.5453 253.4554 21.4737 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 89.300000667572 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00702450005337596 3058.2734375 765.5756 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 8 1 21.7807 121.8793 21.7858 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 88.0900025367737 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00725277001038194 3058.27368164063 765.5757 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 11 1 22.222 670.1842 22.121 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 85.1000010967255 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.000617248995695263 3058.2666015625 612.6606 3058.26635742188 612.660522460938 5 10 1 21.9629 587.6252 22.0258 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 58.8800013065338 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00262107001617551 3058.263671875 765.5732 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 9 1 21.5737 239.1462 21.5264 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 57.9500019550323 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 0.00774104986339808 3058.27416992188 765.5758 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 7 1 21.6948 187.3286 21.6999 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 52.0299971103668 ESDDKPEIEDVGSDEEEEEKKDGDKK Phospho(S)@2 missed K-K@20; missed K-D@21; missed K-K@25 -0.00253752991557121 3058.263671875 765.5732 3058.26635742188 765.573852539063 4 9 1 21.8789 242.5788 21.7785 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00383792002685368 1229.4375 615.726 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 13 1 13.3102 1990.864 13.4736 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00359378010034561 1229.43725585938 615.7259 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 14 1 13.4954 1941.799 13.4468 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00359378010034561 1229.43725585938 615.7259 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 12 1 13.6624 1941.799 13.4468 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000427430000854656 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 13 1 13.214 1820.324 13.3388 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000427430000854656 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 11 1 13.5589 1917.457 13.3116 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.000574044010136276 1229.43432617188 615.7244 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 16 1 13.4376 1470.655 13.3889 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00028054098947905 1229.43347167969 615.724 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 11 1 13.341 228.1123 13.3785 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00217946991324425 1229.43151855469 615.723 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 14 1 13.4332 1873.216 13.3888 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00217946991324425 1229.43151855469 615.723 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 9 1 13.6211 1955.554 13.3624 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000427430000854656 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 12 1 13.3875 1820.304 13.3388 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00217946991324425 1229.43151855469 615.723 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 12 1 13.2521 1873.216 13.3888 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000360515987267718 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 15 1 13.2832 1957.383 13.4424 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000360515987267718 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 15 1 13.4644 1916.38 13.4424 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.000574044010136276 1229.43432617188 615.7244 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 11 1 13.2596 1468.187 13.3889 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.000574044010136276 1229.43432617188 615.7244 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 10 1 13.6044 1505.893 13.3624 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.5199987888336 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.000451880012406036 1229.43432617188 615.7244 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 10 1 13.7038 161.7764 13.4973 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.8399980068207 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000360515987267718 1229.43322753906 615.7239 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 10 1 13.6293 1916.38 13.4424 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 26.6499996185303 EVSDDEAEEK Phospho(S)@3 0.00106231996323913 1229.43481445313 615.7247 1229.43371582031 615.72412109375 2 8 1 13.7716 406.864 13.508 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 -5.83528017159551E-05 1615.61389160156 539.5452 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 13 1 13.6234 479.9278 13.5303 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 -0.000424563011620194 1615.61352539063 539.5451 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 11 1 13.4537 476.8067 13.536 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00156006996985525 1615.61535644531 539.5457 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 12 1 13.3837 445.8566 13.4416 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 -0.00129080004990101 1615.61254882813 539.5448 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 10 1 13.3842 540.9561 13.4317 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 96.4600026607513 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 -0.000468726007966325 1615.61315917969 539.545 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 13 1 13.4373 454.7153 13.5028 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 96.1199998855591 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00157912005670369 1615.61535644531 539.5457 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 10 1 13.4109 333.1396 13.4694 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 72.7199971675873 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00157912005670369 1615.61535644531 539.5457 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 9 1 13.5751 333.1396 13.4694 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 68.2900011539459 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00156006996985525 1615.61535644531 539.5457 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 9 1 13.5684 445.8566 13.4416 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 65.1199996471405 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 -0.000468726007966325 1615.61315917969 539.545 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 10 1 13.5973 454.7387 13.5028 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 34.4799995422363 EVSDDEAEEKEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10 0.00255746999755502 1615.61645507813 539.5461 1615.61376953125 539.545227050781 3 8 1 13.6085 410.4149 13.4736 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00382408010773361 2130.84033203125 711.2874 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 18 1 15.5318 6735.533 15.7046 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(K)@10 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.000897967023774982 2187.85717773438 730.293 2187.85791015625 730.293273925781 3 12 1 15.6729 151.9409 15.6511 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00382408010773361 2130.84033203125 711.2874 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 20 1 15.8718 6765.683 15.7046 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.000528185977600515 2130.83715820313 711.2863 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 17 1 16.0403 2444.182 15.7903 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0045727901160717 2169.85205078125 724.2913 2169.84741210938 724.289733886719 3 14 1 21.5047 379.9575 21.5684 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00140110997017473 2130.83813476563 711.2866 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 19 1 15.3911 7306.027 15.5289 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00140110997017473 2130.83813476563 711.2866 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 20 1 15.5689 7306.027 15.5289 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00140110997017473 2130.83813476563 711.2866 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 15.7649 7306.027 15.5289 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.00189475005026907 2130.83471679688 711.2855 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 15.9358 1453.932 15.6895 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.00281027005985379 2130.83374023438 711.2852 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 17 1 16.1697 483.4395 15.8873 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.000979235046543181 2130.83569335938 711.2858 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 14 1 16.3681 263.3957 16.2627 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.00458679022267461 2169.8427734375 724.2882 2169.84741210938 724.289733886719 3 19 1 21.495 261.7243 21.5264 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0100919995456934 2130.8466796875 711.2895 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 14 1 15.4539 6873.266 15.6179 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0100919995456934 2130.8466796875 711.2895 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 16 1 15.8265 6873.266 15.6179 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0102751003578305 2130.84692382813 711.2896 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 13 1 15.9979 2009.723 15.7512 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0159514993429184 2130.85229492188 711.2914 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 16.1897 267.097 16.2211 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00551427016034722 2130.84228515625 711.288 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 12 1 16.3577 258.0821 16.2841 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0030767300631851 2130.83959960938 711.2872 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 15.4064 6956.643 15.5714 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0030767300631851 2130.83959960938 711.2872 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 18 1 15.6112 6956.643 15.5714 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0030767300631851 2130.83959960938 711.2872 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 16 1 15.8074 6956.643 15.5714 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00399225996807218 2130.84057617188 711.2875 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 18 1 16.1613 391.2051 16.1924 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00626377994194627 2130.8427734375 711.2882 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 16 1 15.6597 5845.327 15.5843 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00534826004877687 2130.841796875 711.2879 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 16 1 15.8433 4878.975 15.6381 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00131994998082519 2130.83813476563 711.2866 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 16.4526 277.7165 16.2837 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00458412012085319 2130.84130859375 711.2877 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 19 1 15.8014 7293.549 15.5855 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.000528185977600515 2130.83715820313 711.2863 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 14 1 16.2125 429.1586 16.1116 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00681310007348657 2130.84326171875 711.2884 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 15.4555 5534.481 15.5669 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00461584003642201 2130.84130859375 711.2877 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 16.0306 1206.942 15.7837 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0034971300046891 2112.82958984375 705.2838 2112.82592773438 705.282592773438 3 15 1 22.8729 168.166 22.878 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00458412012085319 2130.84130859375 711.2877 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 18 1 15.4414 7293.549 15.5855 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00458412012085319 2130.84130859375 711.2877 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 18 1 15.6338 7293.549 15.5855 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00852147955447435 2112.83471679688 705.2855 2112.82592773438 705.282592773438 3 13 1 22.6561 184.8681 22.6945 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(K)@17 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.000465113989776 2187.85791015625 730.2932 2187.85791015625 730.293273925781 3 10 1 15.5396 162.0968 15.5179 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0025274099316448 2130.83911132813 711.287 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 13 1 15.9741 1732.628 15.705 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.000392290996387601 2112.82568359375 705.2825 2112.82592773438 705.282592773438 3 15 1 22.757 197.1539 22.792 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00875835027545691 2130.84545898438 533.7186 2130.83666992188 533.716430664063 4 12 1 15.6912 235.2723 15.678 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00443274015560746 2130.84106445313 711.2876 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 12 1 16.2142 306.6488 16.226 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00399225996807218 2130.84057617188 711.2875 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 11 1 16.3444 391.2051 16.1924 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.00140706996899098 2169.84619140625 724.2893 2169.84741210938 724.289733886719 3 16 1 21.5245 254.0695 21.5413 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00366858998313546 2130.84033203125 711.2874 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 15 1 15.9891 2747.085 15.6981 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Glu->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00370943988673389 2112.82983398438 705.2839 2112.82592773438 705.282592773438 3 10 1 22.839 145.9806 22.7915 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 89.5099997520447 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Dehydrated(D)@4 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 -0.00148029997944832 2169.845703125 724.2892 2169.84741210938 724.289733886719 3 12 1 21.492 227.3298 21.5494 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 89.2199993133545 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.0131900999695063 2130.84985351563 711.2905 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 10 1 16.385 177.0239 16.4163 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 87.4800026416779 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.000372699985746294 2130.83715820313 711.2863 2130.83666992188 711.2861328125 3 11 1 16.2018 569.1143 15.9139 3 26.17 26.17 15.6900003552437 7.09400027990341 7.09400027990341 sp|P82995|HS90A_RAT Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsp90aa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 80.3799986839294 EVSDDEAEEKEEKEEEK Phospho(S)@3; Cation:K(E)@9 missed K-E@10; missed K-E@13 0.00439738994464278 2168.796875 723.9396 2168.79248046875 723.938110351563 3 10 1 15.6086 136.0663 15.6179 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DDSHSAEDSEDEKDDHK Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@13 0.00665673986077309 2037.71374511719 680.2452 2037.70727539063 680.243041992188 3 18 1 8.9754 160.1403 8.9805 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00536976987496018 2314.91845703125 772.6468 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 22 1 20.3492 908.5856 20.4069 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEKK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7; missed K-K@19 0.00244167004711926 2522.97680664063 841.9996 2522.97436523438 841.998718261719 3 13 1 18.8676 0 -1 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.00030093701207079 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 15 1 14.1824 644.9 14.1007 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00149781000800431 2121.80444335938 708.2754 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 16 1 24.2475 247.0112 24.1441 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@22 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00383866997435689 2731.97021484375 911.664 2731.96630859375 911.662719726563 3 15 1 32.3372 177.1985 32.3689 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@1 0.00365323992446065 1533.46643066406 767.7405 1533.46276855469 767.738647460938 2 20 1 20.6002 129.4793 20.5528 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -6.2501298089046E-05 1977.80908203125 660.277 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 27 1 19.5331 617.4333 19.4855 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00060818501515314 1008.45227050781 505.2334 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 12 1 19.9777 347.8298 19.9887 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGR Phospho(S)@10 -0.000438952993135899 2316.869140625 773.297 2316.86962890625 773.297119140625 3 22 1 45.2235 336.4149 45.1764 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGRDSGPPAK Phospho(S)@10 missed R-D@19 -0.0023114699870348 2969.18530273438 990.7357 2969.18774414063 990.736511230469 3 17 1 39.6593 166.9389 39.6908 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DDSHSAEDSEDEKDDHK Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@13 0.000195707005332224 2037.70751953125 680.2431 2037.70727539063 680.243041992188 3 16 1 8.9802 126.1143 8.9592 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000906392000615597 2394.88037109375 799.3007 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 21 1 23.3225 1264.64 23.3011 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00505790999159217 2314.91845703125 772.6467 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 22 1 20.2715 811.8373 20.4331 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00505790999159217 2314.91845703125 772.6467 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 18 1 20.4542 811.8373 20.4331 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00505790999159217 2314.91845703125 772.6467 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 14 1 20.6603 811.8373 20.4331 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(K)@2; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(K)@19 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.000366280990419909 2394.87915039063 799.3003 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 18 1 22.9425 668.2643 23.1576 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00457755988463759 2394.8837890625 799.3019 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 16 1 23.1262 1109.825 23.369 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000549244985450059 2394.8798828125 799.3006 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 21 1 23.3112 1217.908 23.3955 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000549244985450059 2394.8798828125 799.3006 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.4965 1217.908 23.3955 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000366140011465177 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.6841 1207.847 23.4219 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00487588020041585 2394.87475585938 799.2988 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.2365 960.586 23.4287 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00487588020041585 2394.87475585938 799.2988 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 20 1 23.4236 970.6878 23.4287 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00487588020041585 2394.87475585938 799.2988 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 21 1 23.6089 970.6878 23.4287 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00886995997279882 2314.921875 772.6479 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 21 1 20.3864 448.7224 20.5269 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00886995997279882 2314.921875 772.6479 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 26 1 20.5739 448.7224 20.5269 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00264893006533384 2394.88208007813 799.3013 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 18 1 23.0338 701.3831 23.2269 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00338137010112405 2394.8828125 799.3016 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 19 1 23.2218 1067.187 23.4129 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00119634997099638 2394.87817382813 799.3 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 12 1 23.328 1124.093 23.493 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00119634997099638 2394.87817382813 799.3 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 20 1 23.4078 1124.093 23.493 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00119634997099638 2394.87817382813 799.3 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.5947 1124.093 23.493 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00119634997099638 2394.87817382813 799.3 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 14 1 23.7818 1122.292 23.493 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.000182243005838245 2314.91284179688 772.6449 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 16 1 20.1286 782.7126 20.3692 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000183968004421331 2314.91333007813 772.645 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 21 1 20.3117 770.2015 20.343 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000183968004421331 2314.91333007813 772.645 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 14 1 20.4953 770.2015 20.343 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00440159998834133 2394.8837890625 799.3019 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.2229 980.5294 23.2015 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 7.07000981492456E-06 2394.87939453125 799.3004 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 21 1 23.4093 1129.53 23.3344 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 7.07000981492456E-06 2394.87939453125 799.3004 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 15 1 23.5953 1157.31 23.3077 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00170947995502502 2394.8779296875 799.2999 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 19 1 22.9438 572.317 23.1327 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000121566001325846 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 20 1 23.3123 971.1611 23.3967 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000121566001325846 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.4976 971.1611 23.3967 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.000977062969468534 2394.87841796875 799.3001 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 15 1 23.1276 878.7097 23.3174 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000540181994438171 2394.8798828125 799.3006 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 20 1 23.5092 1335.37 23.4073 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.000908456975594163 2394.87841796875 799.3001 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 14 1 22.8499 650.3353 23.0955 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.000427749007940292 2394.87915039063 799.3003 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 13 1 23.6833 980.4505 23.3967 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00536976987496018 2314.91845703125 772.6468 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 18 1 20.5337 908.5856 20.4069 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.0104441000148654 2394.88989257813 799.3039 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 12 1 22.6627 327.9339 22.9084 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000906392000615597 2394.88037109375 799.3007 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 23.1366 1264.64 23.3011 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000906392000615597 2394.88037109375 799.3007 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 17 1 22.9482 852.2603 23.1948 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.8699972629547 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00152456003706902 2314.91479492188 772.6455 2314.9130859375 772.644958496094 3 12 1 20.1638 877.0581 20.4069 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.6999988555908 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00440159998834133 2394.8837890625 799.3019 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 12 1 23.0339 980.5294 23.2015 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.0399975776672 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000357076991349459 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 13 1 22.7603 393.9504 22.9533 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.8599984645844 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00469277985394001 2394.87475585938 799.2989 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 11 1 23.0289 638.5536 23.2705 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 92.9499983787537 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 -0.00322795007377863 2394.87622070313 799.2994 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 10 1 23.8204 819.3076 23.5345 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 82.4999988079071 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000357076991349459 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 11 1 23.6956 1337.746 23.4073 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 79.9399971961975 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000357076991349459 2394.87963867188 799.3005 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 10 1 23.8808 697.2813 23.5945 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 44.1199988126755 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.00393070001155138 2394.88354492188 799.3018 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 10 1 22.8461 384.4416 23.0929 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 27.3900002241135 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7 0.000915454991627485 2394.88037109375 799.3007 2394.87939453125 799.300415039063 3 10 1 23.0736 958.1985 23.2634 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.3900010585785 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEKK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7; missed K-K@19 -0.0119586000218987 2522.96264648438 841.9948 2522.97436523438 841.998718261719 3 13 1 18.8934 0 -1 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 84.9900007247925 EKTPSPKEEDEEAESPPEKK Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@15 missed K-T@2; missed K-E@7; missed K-K@19 6.13044976489618E-05 2522.974609375 841.9988 2522.97436523438 841.998718261719 3 11 1 18.669 82.538 18.7943 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.00030093701207079 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 14 1 14.0108 644.8923 14.1007 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.000706818012986332 1136.54870605469 569.2816 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 13 1 13.9879 581.2065 14.0227 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.00124629004858434 1136.54663085938 569.2806 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 13 1 14.1779 581.2551 14.0491 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.00286373007111251 1136.55090332031 569.2827 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 10 1 13.8235 566.6821 14.009 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.00469481991603971 1136.552734375 569.2836 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 15 1 14.0039 630.2284 14.0748 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.00310788000933826 1136.55102539063 569.2828 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 16 1 14.1751 630.0526 14.0748 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000197660003323108 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 10 1 13.775 457.8884 13.9687 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000563870999030769 1136.54724121094 569.2809 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 15 1 13.9594 628.4468 14.0737 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000563870999030769 1136.54724121094 569.2809 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 14 1 14.1291 635.0853 14.0737 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000275616010185331 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 13 1 13.8271 454.0001 14.0363 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.000945082982070744 1136.548828125 569.2817 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 13 1 13.9945 530.0829 14.0812 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.000945082982070744 1136.548828125 569.2817 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 14 1 14.1818 529.881 14.0812 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000545078015420586 1136.54724121094 569.2809 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 10 1 13.8273 479.55 14.0201 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000181201001396403 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 16 1 14.1968 602.5272 14.0662 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.00236721010878682 1216.51184082031 609.2632 1216.51416015625 609.264343261719 2 15 1 18.1009 113.5555 18.106 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.000607398978900164 1216.5146484375 609.2646 1216.51416015625 609.264343261719 2 7 1 17.9951 88.9448 17.9739 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.00565365003421903 1216.51989746094 609.2672 1216.51416015625 609.264343261719 2 9 1 18.4021 92.1205 18.3548 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000794995983596891 1216.51342773438 609.264 1216.51416015625 609.264343261719 2 8 1 18.316 95.6805 18.2425 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000425340986112133 1136.54748535156 569.281 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 11 1 13.8469 425.5877 14.0121 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.000181201001396403 1136.54772949219 569.2811 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 15 1 14.0341 602.5272 14.0662 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.2500026226044 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 0.000462680007331073 1136.54821777344 569.2814 1136.5478515625 569.281188964844 2 6 1 13.7961 573.4775 14.0491 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 91.32000207901 KTSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed K-T@1 -0.00134573003742844 1216.51281738281 609.2637 1216.51416015625 609.264343261719 2 6 1 18.2378 95.9525 18.1373 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00149781000800431 2121.80444335938 708.2754 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 11 1 24.05 247.0112 24.1441 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00110385997686535 2121.80419921875 708.2753 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 10 1 23.892 269.8193 24.0041 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00110385997686535 2121.80419921875 708.2753 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 13 1 24.0801 269.8193 24.0041 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.000798352004494518 2121.80346679688 708.2751 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 11 1 24.032 160.4817 24.1439 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.000633770017884672 2121.80346679688 708.2751 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 13 1 24.1219 221.4592 24.1578 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.000633770017884672 2121.80346679688 708.2751 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 13 1 24.3086 221.4592 24.1578 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDE Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 cleaved E-A@C-term; missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00206990004517138 2121.80493164063 708.2756 2121.802734375 708.27490234375 3 15 1 24.0921 423.5462 24.0459 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@22 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00859939958900213 2731.97485351563 911.6656 2731.96630859375 911.662719726563 3 13 1 32.5232 173.3328 32.5017 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@16 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00153678003698587 2652.00170898438 885.0078 2652 885.00732421875 3 14 1 27.9972 214.7117 28.0832 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@16 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00153678003698587 2652.00170898438 885.0078 2652 885.00732421875 3 11 1 28.184 214.7117 28.0832 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@16; Phospho(S)@22 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.0129474997520447 2731.9794921875 911.6671 2731.96630859375 911.662719726563 3 12 1 32.4045 156.4449 32.3829 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@16 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00327382003888488 2652.00341796875 885.0084 2652 885.00732421875 3 12 1 27.9777 255.4293 28.0092 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00264051998965442 2652.00268554688 885.0082 2652 885.00732421875 3 14 1 27.9609 344.5316 28.0718 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 -0.00394837977364659 2651.99609375 885.006 2652 885.00732421875 3 10 1 28.0448 186.6548 28.1571 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.0400025844574 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@16 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00264051998965442 2652.00268554688 885.0082 2652 885.00732421875 3 13 1 28.1466 344.5316 28.0718 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.9700028896332 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 -0.00317732989788055 2651.99682617188 885.0062 2652 885.00732421875 3 10 1 28.2009 206.3164 28.1821 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.1899995803833 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 -0.00336044002324343 2651.99682617188 885.0062 2652 885.00732421875 3 9 1 28.019 130.4706 27.9974 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.6600008010864 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@16; Phospho(S)@22 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00329614011570811 2731.9697265625 911.6639 2731.96630859375 911.662719726563 3 9 1 32.3527 189.4471 32.3578 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 24.5900005102158 KTSASPPLEKSGDEGSEDEAASGED Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@22 missed K-T@1; missed K-S@10 0.00986956991255283 2731.97631835938 911.666 2731.96630859375 911.662719726563 3 9 1 32.3315 134.8057 32.363 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00286717992275953 1977.81225585938 660.278 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 19 1 19.1572 483.9528 19.354 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -6.2501298089046E-05 1977.80908203125 660.277 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 21 1 19.3489 617.4333 19.4855 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.0131801003590226 1977.822265625 660.2814 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 16 1 19.1659 211.1838 19.1743 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00677132979035378 1977.81604003906 660.2793 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 19 1 19.3524 577.597 19.4884 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00677132979035378 1977.81604003906 660.2793 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 23 1 19.5358 577.597 19.4884 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00677132979035378 1977.81604003906 660.2793 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 19 1 19.712 577.597 19.4884 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00428810017183423 1977.81335449219 660.2784 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 20 1 19.0225 449.4152 19.2108 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -0.000838850974105299 1977.80822753906 660.2767 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 18 1 19.2032 538.1846 19.2892 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -0.0023036899510771 1977.80676269531 660.2762 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 17 1 19.3866 458.558 19.3942 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -0.00102196005173028 1977.80822753906 660.2767 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 13 1 19.5966 500.538 19.3154 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00612334022298455 1977.81555175781 660.2791 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 18 1 19.1322 405.6457 19.3734 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00612334022298455 1977.81555175781 660.2791 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 22 1 19.3099 380.2761 19.347 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -6.2501298089046E-05 1977.80908203125 660.277 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 14 1 19.7139 617.4333 19.4855 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -0.00507117994129658 1977.80419921875 660.2753 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 15 1 19.2496 345.729 19.2284 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00409612990915775 1977.81335449219 660.2784 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 20 1 19.1341 418.7803 19.3489 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00409612990915775 1977.81335449219 660.2784 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 21 1 19.3142 469.9945 19.4539 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.00409612990915775 1977.81335449219 660.2784 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 19 1 19.4989 469.9945 19.4539 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 0.0039130300283432 1977.81311035156 660.2783 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 11 1 19.686 449.3966 19.5065 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.8500018119812 TPSPKEEDEEAESPPEK Phospho(S)@13 missed K-E@5 -0.000127382998471148 1977.80908203125 660.277 1977.80920410156 660.277038574219 3 10 1 19.0644 244.3049 19.1235 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 0.00201631989330053 1008.45489501953 505.2347 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 10 1 20.2143 242.1106 20.1197 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.000176380999619141 1008.45269775391 505.2336 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 9 1 19.8448 224.9287 19.9163 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00335025996901095 1008.44964599609 505.2321 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 12 1 20.0373 251.079 20.0481 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00181209004949778 1008.45104980469 505.2328 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 11 1 19.888 339.0016 19.8699 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00181209004949778 1008.45104980469 505.2328 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 13 1 20.0761 348.1414 19.9229 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00060818501515314 1008.45227050781 505.2334 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 9 1 19.7944 350.2324 19.9887 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00162898004055023 1008.45129394531 505.2329 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 10 1 19.6932 340.499 19.9229 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.000911613984499127 1008.45208740234 505.2333 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 11 1 20.0574 345.9207 20.0358 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.7499980926514 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.000911613984499127 1008.45208740234 505.2333 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 9 1 19.8714 345.9207 20.0358 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 88.0900025367737 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.000911613984499127 1008.45208740234 505.2333 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 8 1 20.2645 345.9207 20.0358 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.9999996423721 TSASPPLEK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00109471997711807 1008.45184326172 505.2332 1008.45288085938 505.233734130859 2 5 1 19.6835 289.2502 19.9296 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGR Phospho(S)@10 0.00890448968857527 2316.87841796875 773.3001 2316.86962890625 773.297119140625 3 23 1 45.1187 361.0345 45.0977 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGR Phospho(S)@10 0.00990051962435246 2316.87939453125 773.3004 2316.86962890625 773.297119140625 3 23 1 45.0334 94.549 45.0124 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGR Phospho(S)@10 -0.000433889013947919 2316.869140625 773.297 2316.86962890625 773.297119140625 3 21 1 45.1715 0 -1 4 22 22 57.2000026702881 35.8000010251999 35.8000010251999 sp|Q9EPJ0|NUCKS_RAT Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinases substrate OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nucks1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VVDYSQFQESDDADEDYGR Deamidated(Q)@8; Phospho(S)@10 0.00781692005693913 2317.861328125 773.6277 2317.853515625 773.625122070313 3 16 1 45.1517 174.7542 45.1568 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EFTPCAQAAFQK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 -0.000802442023996264 1396.64392089844 699.3292 1396.64453125 699.329528808594 2 13 1 34.1852 165.6174 34.1903 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00188223994337022 1513.7001953125 505.574 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 13 1 23.6081 159.5503 23.5868 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 HLDNLK -0.00195792992599308 738.400451660156 370.2075 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 9 1 10.7093 277.4066 10.7492 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VHLTDAEK cleaved M-V@N-term -0.00040069900569506 911.470886230469 456.7427 911.471252441406 456.742889404297 2 12 1 12.2037 109.7966 12.2147 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VINAFNDGLK -0.00260652997530997 1089.57922363281 545.7969 1089.58190917969 545.798217773438 2 10 1 33.4748 186.4831 33.5069 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00221508997492492 1297.6240234375 649.8193 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 16 1 30.2197 588.0449 30.3609 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00358036998659372 1201.61853027344 601.8165 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 11 1 31.2945 256.2399 31.1968 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0.477555751800537 73.2200026512146 LHVDPENFR -0.00260301004163921 1125.55407714844 376.192 1125.55676269531 376.192840576172 3 7 1 27.6137 141.4138 27.5987 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0.468521118164063 91.8500006198883 AAVNGLWGK Deamidated(N)@4 -0.00212858989834785 915.479248046875 458.7469 915.4814453125 458.747985839844 2 8 1 32.2443 117.3613 32.2494 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EFTPCAQAAFQK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 0.00202996004372835 1396.64672851563 699.3306 1396.64453125 699.329528808594 2 9 1 34.0138 106.9493 34.0457 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00254743988625705 1513.70068359375 505.5742 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 12 1 23.645 278.0951 23.7337 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00254743988625705 1513.70068359375 505.5742 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 11 1 23.8315 278.0951 23.7337 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.000187361001735553 1513.69860839844 505.5735 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 13 1 23.4951 307.1078 23.5557 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.000187361001735553 1513.69860839844 505.5735 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 9 1 23.6783 307.1078 23.5557 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTFAHLSELHCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00206839991733432 1513.70043945313 505.5741 1513.69836425781 505.573394775391 3 11 1 23.5059 233.6493 23.5679 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 HLDNLK -0.00159084994811565 738.40087890625 370.2077 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 9 1 10.7473 158.356 10.7581 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 HLDNLK 0.00189901003614068 738.404296875 370.2094 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 8 1 10.8219 73.1147 10.7823 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 HLDNLK 0.00226946990005672 738.404663085938 370.2096 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 9 1 10.7718 119.0435 10.7769 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 HLDNLK -1.33119001475279E-05 738.402465820313 370.2085 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 9 1 10.7451 248.3754 10.7767 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 96.6400027275085 HLDNLK -4.02424993808381E-05 738.402465820313 370.2085 738.402465820313 370.20849609375 2 9 1 10.7803 227.0452 10.8121 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 66.8099999427795 LHVDPENFR -0.00107858004048467 1125.5556640625 376.1925 1125.55676269531 376.192840576172 3 8 1 27.5357 324.6749 27.4933 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 35.7300013303757 LHVDPENFR -0.00224521989002824 1125.55444335938 376.1921 1125.55676269531 376.192840576172 3 7 1 27.5619 332.38 27.6505 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 32.3599994182587 LHVDPENFR -0.00164492998737842 1125.55505371094 376.1923 1125.55676269531 376.192840576172 3 6 1 27.6383 327.7707 27.545 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 32.0199996232986 LHVDPENFR -0.00224521989002824 1125.55444335938 376.1921 1125.55676269531 376.192840576172 3 6 1 27.745 332.38 27.6505 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VHLTDAEK cleaved M-V@N-term 0.00224325992166996 911.473449707031 456.744 911.471252441406 456.742889404297 2 10 1 12.1944 106.2788 12.205 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VHLTDAEK cleaved M-V@N-term 0.00115070003084838 911.472473144531 456.7435 911.471252441406 456.742889404297 2 12 1 12.1391 345.8318 12.1773 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VHLTDAEK cleaved M-V@N-term 0.00036993800313212 911.4716796875 456.7431 911.471252441406 456.742889404297 2 13 1 12.1481 352.4866 12.191 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VHLTDAEK cleaved M-V@N-term -0.00117062998469919 911.470092773438 456.7423 911.471252441406 456.742889404297 2 12 1 12.1774 379.3943 12.2184 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VINAFNDGLK 0.000531035009771585 1089.58251953125 545.7985 1089.58190917969 545.798217773438 2 9 1 33.2832 193.7278 33.323 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00143678998574615 1297.62487792969 649.8197 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 10 1 30.3532 217.8724 30.4131 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR 0.00247247004881501 1297.62890625 649.8217 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 12 1 30.3303 125.1089 30.3089 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00374326994642615 1297.62243652344 649.8185 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 18 1 30.3587 644.6212 30.4696 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00374326994642615 1297.62243652344 649.8185 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 14 1 30.5442 644.6212 30.4696 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00222661998122931 1297.6240234375 649.8193 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 10 1 30.2864 186.9194 30.3198 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00154984998516738 1297.62463378906 649.8196 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 13 1 30.172 538.4366 30.2831 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00154984998516738 1297.62463378906 649.8196 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 15 1 30.3572 538.4366 30.2831 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00143678998574615 1297.62487792969 649.8197 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 8 1 30.5381 217.8724 30.4131 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VNPDDVGGEALGR -0.00221508997492492 1297.6240234375 649.8193 1297.62622070313 649.820373535156 2 12 1 30.4092 588.0449 30.3609 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00358036998659372 1201.61853027344 601.8165 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 11 1 31.1076 256.2399 31.1968 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -0.0017562200082466 1201.62023925781 601.8174 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 13 1 31.0095 126.0234 31.0188 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 0.000180186005309224 1201.62231445313 601.8184 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 14 1 31.0166 198.5637 31.0217 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -8.33685990073718E-05 1201.62182617188 601.8182 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 8 1 31.0607 122.7472 31.0674 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -0.000963501981459558 1201.62109375 601.8178 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 9 1 31.0788 184.1963 31.1137 5 14.95 14.95 66.6700005531311 62.5899970531464 50.3400027751923 sp|P02091|HBB1_RAT Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hbb PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVAGVASALAHK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00105703005101532 1201.62084960938 601.8177 1201.6220703125 601.818298339844 2 12 1 31.0524 135.4155 31.0874 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 0.000648769026156515 851.3544921875 426.6845 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 9 1 14.7616 245.9303 14.6935 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 0.00173905002884567 979.450500488281 490.7325 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 10 1 11.1832 156.2081 11.2291 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 KLGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-L@1 -0.000605344015639275 1108.56372070313 555.2891 1108.56420898438 555.289367675781 2 11 1 21.6679 98.0548 21.673 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@8 0.001255469978787 980.470458984375 491.2425 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 7 1 28.8425 110.5213 28.8245 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 -0.0022482699714601 991.482849121094 496.7487 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 10 1 11.219 106.8643 11.1796 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 2 99.0000009536743 VQSQEEIHSDEEDQASEPK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00249903998337686 2263.9091796875 755.6437 2263.91186523438 755.64453125 3 15 1 21.3256 193.8161 21.357 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0.00833099242299795 44.2499995231628 RPLSPQ cleaved Q-S@C-term 0.0299750994890928 696.421875 349.2182 696.391845703125 349.203216552734 2 5 1 42.5134 56.1079 42.5014 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 0.00353581993840635 851.357482910156 426.686 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 10 1 14.6529 198.737 14.6841 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00194724998436868 851.351867675781 426.6832 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 9 1 14.6357 110.4255 14.6673 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 96.6799974441528 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00350454007275403 851.350280761719 426.6824 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 9 1 14.7472 286.2666 14.7785 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 94.8899984359741 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 6.80235025356524E-05 851.353881835938 426.6842 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 9 1 14.7678 309.6463 14.7524 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 92.960000038147 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 0.00353581993840635 851.357482910156 426.686 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 7 1 14.8313 198.737 14.6841 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 90.6899988651276 ANLSPDR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000500689027830958 851.353454589844 426.684 851.353820800781 426.684204101563 2 6 1 14.6583 278.6908 14.67 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 0.000278352003078908 979.449096679688 490.7318 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 9 1 11.1649 239.8043 11.2195 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 0.00102126004640013 979.449890136719 490.7322 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 9 1 11.1867 187.1923 11.2075 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 -0.00150520994793624 979.447265625 490.7309 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 10 1 11.1859 186.364 11.2526 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 -0.00106362998485565 979.447692871094 490.7311 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 8 1 11.1605 185.7173 11.2381 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 84.4399988651276 KANLSPDR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-A@1 -0.00119606999214739 979.447692871094 490.7311 979.448791503906 490.731689453125 2 7 1 11.2168 214.2194 11.2611 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 KLGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@1 -0.000951846013776958 1108.56323242188 555.2889 1108.56420898438 555.289367675781 2 7 1 21.5286 101.4252 21.5948 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00371813005767763 980.465454101563 491.24 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 9 1 28.6379 103.5338 28.643 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@6 0.00252070999704301 980.4716796875 491.2431 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 7 1 28.7361 121.4793 28.7944 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 98.9799976348877 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@6 0.00344454008154571 980.47265625 491.2436 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 7 1 28.7129 101.8559 28.718 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 98.0499982833862 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@8 0.00110502995084971 980.470275878906 491.2424 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 7 1 28.6859 81.4655 28.6909 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 74.6299982070923 LGVSVSPSR Phospho(S)@6 0.00183938001282513 980.471069335938 491.2428 980.46923828125 491.241882324219 2 6 1 28.7556 81.0678 28.7875 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 0.000640645972453058 991.485900878906 496.7502 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 9 1 11.1441 122.0205 11.2024 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 -0.000113561996840872 991.485046386719 496.7498 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 11 1 11.1675 117.6432 11.1994 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 0.00104084005579352 991.486267089844 496.7504 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 12 1 11.2288 91.9508 11.1959 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 99.0000009536743 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 0.00205903011374176 991.487243652344 496.7509 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 8 1 11.1916 87.3818 11.1966 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 73.580002784729 RPLSPQSK Phospho(S)@4 4.65221000922611E-06 991.485290527344 496.7499 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 6 1 11.2201 95.8455 11.2285 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 98.3799993991852 VQSQEEIHSDEEDQASEPK Phospho(S)@9 0.00903094001114368 2263.92065429688 755.6475 2263.91186523438 755.64453125 3 10 1 21.229 178.0505 21.2366 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 93.3200001716614 VQSQEEIHSDEEDQASEPK Phospho(S)@9 0.00757258990779519 2263.91943359375 755.6471 2263.91186523438 755.64453125 3 9 1 21.3611 135.7189 21.2878 6 12.04 12.04 30.1999986171722 4.7520000487566 4.7520000487566 sp|Q6TQE1|ZCH18_RAT; sp|Q6TQE1-2|ZCH18_RAT Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform B of Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zc3h18 0 56.1600029468536 VQSQEEIHSDEEDQASEPK Phospho(S)@9 0.00620718020945787 2263.91796875 755.6466 2263.91186523438 755.64453125 3 8 1 21.325 147.7737 21.2508 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 KQGEDNSITQDTEDLEK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-Q@1 0.00309565989300609 2028.85559082031 677.2925 2028.8525390625 677.291442871094 3 17 1 30.5147 200.3811 30.5198 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000207320001209155 1227.53869628906 614.7766 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 16 1 23.7666 965.6511 23.6661 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 -0.000875052995979786 1156.44311523438 579.2288 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 12 1 25.1873 346.2022 25.1127 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00131087005138397 1899.73840332031 634.2534 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 16 1 13.6502 1647.301 13.7535 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00106031005270779 2156.87573242188 719.9659 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 16 1 11.938 1467.154 12.0195 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 2 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 -0.00120435003191233 2967.296875 742.8315 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 18 1 21.3783 1524.682 21.3043 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0.0236500203609467 91.3100004196167 SQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@4 cleaved S-S@N-term -0.00234078010544181 1027.42004394531 514.7173 1027.42236328125 514.718444824219 2 8 1 15.3799 59.2096 15.3401 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0.010550182312727 25.1599997282028 AAACAGAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@4 cleaved W-A@N-term 0.091900996863842 746.441284179688 374.2279 746.349365234375 374.181945800781 2 6 1 56.5449 89.8047 56.5363 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 KQGEDNSITQDTEDLEK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-Q@1 0.00183959002606571 2028.8544921875 677.2921 2028.8525390625 677.291442871094 3 10 1 30.393 155.5649 30.3731 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 94.3300008773804 KQGEDNSITQDTEDLEK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-Q@1 -0.0011421199887991 2028.85144042969 677.2911 2028.8525390625 677.291442871094 3 10 1 30.4625 159.9795 30.3875 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 38.2999986410141 KQGEDNSITQDTEDLEK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-Q@1 -0.00375487003475428 2028.84887695313 677.2902 2028.8525390625 677.291442871094 3 7 1 30.6216 144.7832 30.5758 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000207320001209155 1227.53869628906 614.7766 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 15 1 23.5761 971.5491 23.6661 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000886618974618614 1227.53930664063 614.7769 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 14 1 23.5559 598.511 23.6404 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000276273000054061 1227.53869628906 614.7766 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 17 1 23.7412 593.5583 23.6669 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000103666003269609 1227.53833007813 614.7764 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 12 1 23.6483 572.8292 23.7337 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000103666003269609 1227.53833007813 614.7764 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 12 1 23.8348 572.8292 23.7337 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00210883002728224 1227.53649902344 614.7755 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 11 1 23.5209 438.119 23.6088 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00210883002728224 1227.53649902344 614.7755 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 11 1 23.7073 438.119 23.6088 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000424205994931981 1227.53881835938 614.7767 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 11 1 23.486 326.8922 23.521 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.00281195994466543 1227.54125976563 614.7779 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 13 1 23.722 611.2272 23.6212 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 97.8299975395203 LSSQLSAGEEK Phospho(S)@6 0.00281195994466543 1227.54125976563 614.7779 1227.53845214844 614.776489257813 2 12 1 23.536 611.2272 23.6212 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.000571685028262436 1156.44421386719 579.2294 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 11 1 25.1999 409.0508 25.2075 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.000571685028262436 1156.44421386719 579.2294 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 8 1 25.3881 409.0508 25.2075 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 -0.000875052995979786 1156.44311523438 579.2288 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 24.9964 346.2022 25.1127 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00279093999415636 1156.44665527344 579.2306 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 25.1288 437.9343 25.1338 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00149092997889966 1156.44226074219 579.2284 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 25.1266 282.5804 25.0525 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00279093999415636 1156.44665527344 579.2306 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 25.3137 437.9343 25.1338 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00149092997889966 1156.44226074219 579.2284 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 8 1 24.9403 282.5804 25.0525 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.000106970997876488 1156.44384765625 579.2292 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 24.9688 757.5164 24.9763 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.000106970997876488 1156.44384765625 579.2292 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 8 1 24.7863 756.532 24.9763 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00169539998751134 1156.44543457031 579.23 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 13 1 25.071 692.4775 25.0496 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 97.9099988937378 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00254680006764829 1156.44653320313 579.2305 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 10 1 24.9447 435.1283 25.1338 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 95.5200016498566 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00169539998751134 1156.44543457031 579.23 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 9 1 24.8848 692.4775 25.0496 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 93.1699991226196 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.000571685028262436 1156.44421386719 579.2294 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 8 1 25.0121 404.2707 25.2075 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 92.4600005149841 SETNWESPK Phospho(S)@7 0.00169539998751134 1156.44543457031 579.23 1156.44372558594 579.229187011719 2 9 1 25.2553 692.4775 25.0496 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00131087005138397 1899.73840332031 634.2534 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 17 1 13.8356 1647.301 13.7535 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00113830005284399 1899.73840332031 634.2534 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 17 1 13.5947 1466.55 13.679 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00113830005284399 1899.73840332031 634.2534 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 16 1 13.7797 1466.55 13.679 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00851613003760576 1899.74560546875 634.2558 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 15 1 13.6356 1458.485 13.7482 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00851613003760576 1899.74560546875 634.2558 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 17 1 13.8032 1458.485 13.7482 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00851613003760576 1899.74560546875 634.2558 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 14 1 13.9771 1469.201 13.7482 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00705126021057367 1899.744140625 634.2553 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 11 1 14.1482 129.827 14.0931 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00390942022204399 1899.74096679688 634.2543 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 13 1 13.5614 1458.19 13.6802 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00390942022204399 1899.74096679688 634.2543 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 16 1 13.7293 1458.195 13.6802 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00390942022204399 1899.74096679688 634.2543 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 15 1 13.9097 1413.933 13.6802 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00231814989820123 1899.73950195313 634.2538 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 16 1 13.6102 1160.67 13.7287 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00231814989820123 1899.73950195313 634.2538 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 17 1 13.7774 1160.797 13.7287 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00534967985004187 1899.74267578125 634.2548 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 11 1 14.044 107.925 14.0491 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00231814989820123 1899.73950195313 634.2538 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 15 1 13.9448 1160.797 13.7287 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00140158005524427 1899.73864746094 634.2535 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 18 1 13.8198 1671.859 13.758 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.000852265977300704 1899.73803710938 634.2533 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 15 1 14.0071 1048.521 13.7973 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00131087005138397 1899.73840332031 634.2534 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 10 1 14.015 1413.964 13.7866 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Deamidated(N)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00285847997292876 1900.72412109375 634.582 1900.72119140625 634.580993652344 3 15 1 14.9908 116.8407 14.9426 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00140158005524427 1899.73864746094 634.2535 1899.73718261719 634.252990722656 3 14 1 13.6327 1671.859 13.758 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 88.4100019931793 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDK Deamidated(N)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10 0.00925839971750975 1900.73046875 634.5841 1900.72119140625 634.580993652344 3 11 1 15.0207 71.8105 14.9205 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 -0.000848831026814878 2156.87377929688 719.9652 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 17 1 11.8936 1060.656 11.9786 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 -0.000848831026814878 2156.87377929688 719.9652 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 15 1 12.0632 1060.656 11.9786 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00783026963472366 2156.88232421875 719.9681 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 18 1 11.8961 1181.213 11.9545 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00783026963472366 2156.88232421875 719.9681 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 18 1 12.0742 1181.371 11.9545 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00108246994204819 2156.87573242188 719.9659 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 17 1 11.9191 1088.051 11.9777 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00108246994204819 2156.87573242188 719.9659 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 20 1 12.0976 1088.02 11.9777 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00162235996685922 2156.87646484375 719.9661 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 18 1 11.8786 1089.475 11.9433 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00162235996685922 2156.87646484375 719.9661 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 21 1 12.0474 1089.321 11.9433 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.00106031005270779 2156.87573242188 719.9659 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 14 1 12.1062 1467.317 12.0195 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.000369535991922021 2156.875 719.9656 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 18 1 11.9357 1299.533 11.9945 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.000523726979736239 2156.87524414063 719.9657 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 13 1 12.2237 463.3895 12.0199 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16 0.000369535991922021 2156.875 719.9656 2156.87475585938 719.965515136719 3 16 1 12.1028 1299.576 11.9945 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 -0.00120435003191233 2967.296875 742.8315 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 16 1 21.1937 1524.682 21.3043 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00206638011150062 2967.30004882813 742.8323 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 22 1 21.2332 934.2631 21.2906 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00276118004694581 2967.30102539063 742.8325 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 17 1 21.2682 1671.611 21.3519 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00276118004694581 2967.30102539063 742.8325 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 16 1 21.4573 1670.109 21.3519 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00227288994938135 2967.30053710938 742.8324 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 16 1 22.205 164.0276 22.2101 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00603729020804167 2967.30444335938 742.8334 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 15 1 21.0997 1261.471 21.2102 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00572687014937401 2967.30419921875 742.8333 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 19 1 21.3578 967.1378 21.2878 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00572687014937401 2967.30419921875 742.8333 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 15 1 21.1782 967.1378 21.2878 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00603729020804167 2967.30444335938 742.8334 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 14 1 21.2842 1261.471 21.2102 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 -0.00134309998247772 2967.296875 742.8315 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 17 1 21.1666 1381.062 21.2508 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 -0.00134309998247772 2967.296875 742.8315 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 16 1 21.3514 1381.062 21.2508 7 12.04 12.04 24.609999358654 11.0200002789497 11.0200002789497 sp|Q9Z1W6|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-4|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-3|LYRIC_RAT; sp|Q9Z1W6-2|LYRIC_RAT Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 4 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 3 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh; Isoform 2 of Protein LYRIC OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mtdh 0 99.0000009536743 SQEPISNDQKDSDDDKEKGEGALPTGK Phospho(S)@12 missed K-D@10; missed K-E@16; missed K-G@18 0.00206638011150062 2967.30004882813 742.8323 2967.29833984375 742.831848144531 4 12 1 21.4165 934.2631 21.2906 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000502713024616241 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 17 1 15.8282 265.4824 15.8065 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00553373992443085 2075.76806640625 692.93 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 15 1 17.6024 528.3671 17.7178 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.00314319995231926 2146.80297851563 716.6083 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 18 1 20.1408 422.5854 20.0412 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 KGTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-G@1 0.000801265006884933 1575.57678222656 526.1995 1575.57604980469 526.199279785156 3 13 1 11.8692 90.2196 11.8419 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 KGTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-G@1; missed K-A@14 0.00378315011039376 2203.861328125 735.6277 2203.85766601563 735.62646484375 3 17 1 13.8625 189.0263 13.8676 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 KGTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-G@1; missed K-A@14; missed K-A@21 0.00167749996762723 2274.896484375 759.3061 2274.89477539063 759.305541992188 3 19 1 15.9356 173.223 15.9407 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000502713024616241 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 17 1 16.0159 265.4824 15.8065 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000657723983749747 1447.48022460938 724.7474 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 11 1 15.6461 263.207 15.8171 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000413583999034017 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 18 1 15.8389 264.2107 15.8171 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000413583999034017 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 19 1 16.0072 264.2107 15.8171 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.0048187100328505 1447.47631835938 724.7454 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 17 1 15.6575 258.5305 15.7435 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.0048187100328505 1447.47631835938 724.7454 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 12 1 15.8444 258.5305 15.7435 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 0.00684816017746925 1447.48791503906 724.7512 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 13 1 15.7461 308.5029 15.8583 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 0.00684816017746925 1447.48791503906 724.7512 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 17 1 15.9388 305.8277 15.8583 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00050718302372843 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 18 1 15.7806 228.8679 15.7319 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 0.00372806005179882 1447.48461914063 724.7496 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 16 1 15.7402 188.6386 15.7781 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 0.00311770988628268 1447.48413085938 724.7493 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 15 1 15.9232 203.073 15.8217 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000502713024616241 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 13 1 15.6605 265.3207 15.8065 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 58.4299981594086 GTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000413583999034017 1447.48071289063 724.7476 1447.48107910156 724.747802734375 2 9 1 15.7318 264.2107 15.8171 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00589994993060827 2075.7685546875 692.9301 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 19 1 17.7753 534.4467 17.7178 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 -0.000276062986813486 2075.76245117188 692.9281 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 16 1 17.4862 503.1184 17.5703 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 -0.000276062986813486 2075.76245117188 692.9281 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 14 1 17.6713 503.1184 17.5703 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00525243021547794 2075.76782226563 692.9299 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 22 1 17.6159 594.9059 17.6736 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00232269009575248 2075.76513671875 692.929 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 20 1 17.785 593.2224 17.6736 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 -0.00298155006021261 2075.759765625 692.9272 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 13 1 17.6692 493.9596 17.5689 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 -0.00298155006021261 2075.759765625 692.9272 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 12 1 17.4849 493.9596 17.5689 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00770475016906857 2075.77026367188 692.9307 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 14 1 17.5621 483.571 17.6463 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00516581023111939 2075.76782226563 692.9299 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 18 1 17.569 464.847 17.6327 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-A@13 0.00770475016906857 2075.77026367188 692.9307 2075.7626953125 692.928161621094 3 12 1 17.7468 483.571 17.6463 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.00314319995231926 2146.80297851563 716.6083 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 17 1 19.9573 422.5854 20.0412 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.00550720980390906 2146.80541992188 716.6091 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 14 1 19.9909 212.0507 20.0222 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.000770606973674148 2146.80053710938 716.6075 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 12 1 19.9974 368.5446 19.9229 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.00244698999449611 2146.80200195313 716.608 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 13 1 19.9245 485.853 20.0093 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.4600005149841 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.00244698999449611 2146.80200195313 716.608 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 9 1 20.1105 485.853 20.0093 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 63.9999985694885 GTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAKA Carbamidomethyl(C)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved A-T@C-term; missed K-A@13; missed K-A@20 0.000770606973674148 2146.80053710938 716.6075 2146.7998046875 716.607238769531 3 8 1 19.8118 368.5446 19.9229 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.5899984836578 KGTGDCSDEEVDGK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-G@1 -0.00209228997118771 1575.57397460938 526.1986 1575.57604980469 526.199279785156 3 12 1 11.9005 93.9099 11.8872 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 KGTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-G@1; missed K-A@14 -0.00291797006502748 2203.85473632813 735.6255 2203.85766601563 735.62646484375 3 20 1 13.7532 142.0273 13.7583 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 KGTGDCSDEEVDGKADGADAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-G@1; missed K-A@14 0.01164670009166 2203.86938476563 735.6304 2203.85766601563 735.62646484375 3 16 1 13.8302 152.5977 13.8352 8 12 12 8.92399996519089 1.12199997529387 1.12199997529387 sp|Q62812|MYH9_RAT Myosin-9 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Myh9 PE=1 SV=3 0 15.7399997115135 LMATLR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Oxidation(M)@2 0.0183949004858732 776.439880371094 389.2272 776.421447753906 389.218017578125 2 6 1 43.4957 55.0138 43.4759 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DLGEQHFK 0.00567808002233505 972.472290039063 487.2434 972.466491699219 487.240509033203 2 10 1 17.2424 60.5772 17.2475 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.00114396994467825 1562.71362304688 782.3641 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 22 1 41.1482 222.4093 41.2016 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DNYGELADCCAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 0.00131157005671412 1414.55065917969 708.2826 1414.54931640625 708.281921386719 2 14 1 29.0798 112.7411 29.0586 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ECCHGDLLECADDR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 -0.00202023005113006 1748.6533203125 583.8917 1748.6552734375 583.892333984375 3 14 1 25.9492 325.3764 26.0124 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 TCVADENAENCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00370535999536514 1524.58581542969 763.3002 1524.58203125 763.29833984375 2 18 1 14.2567 159.4738 14.2682 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 1.07058119773865 94.0699994564056 ALVAAVR -0.00637914007529616 698.4375 350.226 698.443908691406 350.229217529297 2 5 1 19.7698 84.165 19.7518 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0.0315170511603355 69.9999988079071 AFKAWA cleaved A-V@C-term; missed K-A@3 0.0356459990143776 692.400268554688 347.2074 692.364624023438 347.189575195313 2 4 1 44.4518 78.5873 44.4687 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 16.4900004863739 AFKAWA cleaved A-V@C-term; missed K-A@3 0.0402235984802246 692.404846191406 347.2097 692.364624023438 347.189575195313 2 5 1 34.8503 94.4508 34.8671 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 77.9699981212616 ALVAAVR 0.00656345020979643 698.450500488281 350.2325 698.443908691406 350.229217529297 2 6 1 19.7348 0 -1 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DLGEQHFK 0.000961728976108134 972.467468261719 487.241 972.466491699219 487.240509033203 2 8 1 17.2234 80.0029 17.202 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 20.1100006699562 DLGEQHFK 0.00268394988961518 972.469299316406 487.2419 972.466491699219 487.240509033203 2 5 1 17.249 61.8353 17.2394 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.00154813996050507 1562.71325683594 782.3639 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 23 1 41.1764 224.3988 41.2088 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.00301763997413218 1562.7119140625 782.3632 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 19 1 41.2231 222.543 41.2558 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.0018763899570331 1562.712890625 782.3637 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 18 1 41.1091 153.2141 41.1142 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.00396646978333592 1562.71081542969 782.3627 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 19 1 41.0777 198.1316 41.1101 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNCFATEGPNLVAR Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 -0.00505022006109357 1562.70971679688 782.3621 1562.71472167969 782.364624023438 2 19 1 41.21 158.9693 41.1877 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNYGELADCCAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 0.000125453996588476 1414.54943847656 708.282 1414.54931640625 708.281921386719 2 14 1 28.979 123.0586 29.0378 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNYGELADCCAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 -0.00144577003084123 1414.5478515625 708.2812 1414.54931640625 708.281921386719 2 12 1 28.9007 114.3589 28.9058 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNYGELADCCAK Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 -0.00282362010329962 1414.54650878906 708.2805 1414.54931640625 708.281921386719 2 13 1 28.8902 107.7767 28.9481 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ECCHGDLLECADDR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 -0.00325995008461177 1748.65209960938 583.8913 1748.6552734375 583.892333984375 3 11 1 25.9666 337.1688 26.0283 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ECCHGDLLECADDR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 -0.000951780995819718 1748.654296875 583.892 1748.6552734375 583.892333984375 3 11 1 25.8686 268.8791 25.9274 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ECCHGDLLECADDR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 0.000260233005974442 1748.65576171875 583.8925 1748.6552734375 583.892333984375 3 11 1 25.8964 233.5633 25.955 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TCVADENAENCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 -0.0022293699439615 1524.57983398438 763.2972 1524.58203125 763.29833984375 2 18 1 14.3383 106.6801 14.3045 9 11.1 11.1 17.2700002789497 12.1699996292591 10.0299999117851 sp|P02770|ALBU_RAT Serum albumin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Alb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TCVADENAENCDK Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@11 0.00848910957574844 1524.59069824219 763.3026 1524.58203125 763.29833984375 2 18 1 14.2618 118.4431 14.2669 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR 0.000867401016876101 1571.73376464844 524.9185 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 16 1 22.7594 208.5094 22.6595 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 KVADALAK missed K-V@1 -0.00210698996670544 814.4892578125 408.2519 814.491271972656 408.252899169922 2 8 1 11.4372 76.462 11.4158 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 LRVDPVNFK missed R-V@2 0.00290833995677531 1086.62133789063 363.2144 1086.61853027344 363.213470458984 3 7 1 29.5063 95.6415 29.4608 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.0020875099580735 1734.85559082031 579.2925 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 15 1 35.1305 346.1193 35.1626 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 1.82390916347504 99.0000009536743 VLSADDK cleaved M-V@N-term -0.00143876997753978 746.379699707031 374.1971 746.381042480469 374.197784423828 2 6 1 11.159 216.4653 11.2083 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0.737548828125 86.9000017642975 VADALAK -0.00152504001744092 686.394897460938 344.2047 686.396301269531 344.205413818359 2 7 1 13.0052 170.4568 13.0432 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR 0.000153283006511629 1571.73303222656 524.9183 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 17 1 22.6816 1108.395 22.7975 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR 0.000153283006511629 1571.73303222656 524.9183 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 18 1 22.8662 1108.395 22.7975 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR -0.000232089005294256 1571.73278808594 524.9182 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 14 1 22.5268 292.2549 22.5879 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR 5.52072015125304E-06 1571.73278808594 524.9182 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 22 1 22.6549 797.0446 22.7125 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR -0.000844087975565344 1571.73229980469 524.918 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 16 1 22.5686 913.0117 22.6582 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 IGGHGGEYGEEALQR -0.000844087975565344 1571.73229980469 524.918 1571.73278808594 524.918212890625 3 17 1 22.7536 913.0117 22.6582 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 91.4200007915497 KVADALAK missed K-V@1 -0.00309333996847272 814.488098144531 408.2513 814.491271972656 408.252899169922 2 8 1 11.4663 92.2285 11.4858 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 49.2300003767014 LRVDPVNFK missed R-V@2 -0.00200434005819261 1086.61669921875 544.3156 1086.61853027344 544.316589355469 2 5 1 29.3667 42.9678 29.345 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000949644017964602 1814.82312011719 605.9483 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 20 1 41.009 198.1435 41.0141 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00409397995099425 1814.82019042969 605.9473 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 19 1 40.9602 268.2411 41.019 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00409397995099425 1814.82019042969 605.9473 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 19 1 41.1492 268.2411 41.019 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.000733358028810471 1734.85693359375 579.2929 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 14 1 35.2257 315.208 35.2845 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.000733358028810471 1734.85693359375 579.2929 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 15 1 35.4144 315.208 35.2845 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00321518001146615 1814.82092285156 605.9476 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 19 1 40.9973 267.0302 41.1113 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00321518001146615 1814.82092285156 605.9476 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 22 1 41.1675 269.5177 41.1113 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000949644017964602 1814.82312011719 605.9483 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 19 1 40.9012 176.9223 40.9063 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.00364789995364845 1734.85375976563 579.2919 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 13 1 35.0212 329.1092 35.1078 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.00364789995364845 1734.85375976563 579.2919 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 19 1 35.2119 329.1092 35.1078 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00258146994747221 1814.82165527344 605.9478 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 18 1 40.8604 260.2589 40.9196 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00258146994747221 1814.82165527344 605.9478 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 18 1 41.042 260.2589 40.9196 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK -0.0026368300896138 1734.85510253906 579.2923 1734.85766601563 579.293151855469 3 8 1 35.1833 119.7968 35.2156 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 TYFSHIDVSPGSAQVK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00223137997090817 1814.82177734375 605.9479 1814.82397460938 605.948608398438 3 17 1 40.9927 147.5506 40.9978 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 79.4900000095367 VADALAK -0.00100171996746212 686.395263671875 344.2049 686.396301269531 344.205413818359 2 7 1 13.037 197.7754 13.0964 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 73.8300025463104 VADALAK 0.000614474003668875 686.396850585938 344.2057 686.396301269531 344.205413818359 2 6 1 13.0399 174.315 13.0717 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.2599971294403 VLSADDK cleaved M-V@N-term -0.00159052002709359 746.379455566406 374.197 746.381042480469 374.197784423828 2 7 1 11.2101 155.1286 11.2285 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 89.8299992084503 VLSADDK cleaved M-V@N-term 0.00037918399902992 746.381469726563 374.198 746.381042480469 374.197784423828 2 7 1 11.1557 190.0815 11.1959 10 10.56 10.56 47.1799999475479 38.730001449585 38.730001449585 sp|P01946|HBA_RAT Hemoglobin subunit alpha-1/2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hba1 PE=1 SV=3 0 69.7499990463257 VLSADDK cleaved M-V@N-term 0.00219923001714051 746.38330078125 374.1989 746.381042480469 374.197784423828 2 6 1 11.2123 75.9336 11.1966 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00290474994108081 1349.54064941406 675.7776 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 11 1 19.4244 1010.426 19.354 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000198424997506663 1478.58581542969 740.3002 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 15 1 21.0843 884.4826 21.2251 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00253112008795142 1591.67272949219 796.8436 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 17 1 36.4979 145.5599 36.5294 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 9.71146000665613E-05 1738.73889160156 580.5869 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 12 1 48.736 402.5325 48.6543 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00100207002833486 1316.65930175781 659.3369 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 10 1 31.2111 181.0749 31.059 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0.131943628191948 47.0499992370605 ESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 cleaved E-L@C-term 0.00371419009752572 1251.45166015625 626.7331 1251.44787597656 626.731201171875 2 7 1 28.0908 89.7789 28.0454 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00290474994108081 1349.54064941406 675.7776 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 13 1 19.2382 1010.426 19.354 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00565461022779346 1349.54931640625 675.7819 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 15 1 19.4243 1021.092 19.3575 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000433453009463847 1349.54382324219 675.7792 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 14 1 19.1584 812.6869 19.2945 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00577668007463217 1349.54931640625 675.7819 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 11 1 19.6148 1067.089 19.3313 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00211307988502085 1349.54565429688 675.7801 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 14 1 19.0748 1568.663 19.1845 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00211307988502085 1349.54565429688 675.7801 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 14 1 19.258 1568.663 19.1845 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00211307988502085 1349.54565429688 675.7801 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 11 1 19.4416 1673.798 19.1583 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@8; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00565461022779346 1349.54931640625 675.7819 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 15 1 19.2477 1021.092 19.3575 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000238363005337305 1349.54321289063 675.7789 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 15 1 19.1603 2220.169 19.2964 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000238363005337305 1349.54321289063 675.7789 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 16 1 19.3438 2220.169 19.2964 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000433453009463847 1349.54382324219 675.7792 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 13 1 19.3386 812.6869 19.2945 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.1500029563904 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00232510990463197 1349.5458984375 675.7802 1349.54345703125 675.779052734375 2 9 1 19.7389 385.3327 19.4539 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 42.3799991607666 ARESPVHSICD Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved D-E@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00495905010029674 1349.54858398438 450.8568 1349.54345703125 450.855102539063 3 8 1 19.1093 1175.607 19.2284 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 4.57148998975754E-05 1478.58630371094 740.3004 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 14 1 21.4841 940.976 21.1988 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00462333019822836 1478.58142089844 740.298 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 17 1 21.0504 706.981 21.1337 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000464971002656966 1478.58642578125 740.3005 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 14 1 21.1267 829.3414 21.2733 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000464971002656966 1478.58642578125 740.3005 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 8 1 21.5099 850.6971 21.2471 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000369154993677512 1478.58581542969 740.3002 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 14 1 20.9414 1054.697 21.0783 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000102616002550349 1478.58630371094 740.3004 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 15 1 21.0739 635.814 21.1832 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000392652989830822 1478.58569335938 740.3001 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 15 1 21.0346 1256.308 21.1717 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000392652989830822 1478.58569335938 740.3001 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 17 1 21.2169 1256.308 21.1717 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000236937994486652 1478.58581542969 493.8692 1478.58605957031 493.869323730469 3 12 1 21.1236 1172.697 21.0783 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000392652989830822 1478.58569335938 740.3001 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 12 1 21.4008 1256.308 21.1717 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000369154993677512 1478.58581542969 740.3002 1478.58605957031 740.300354003906 2 9 1 21.3105 1054.697 21.0783 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.9099979400635 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00169026001822203 1478.58435058594 493.8687 1478.58605957031 493.869323730469 3 11 1 21.2695 926.5308 21.1988 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.4899997711182 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00425205007195473 1478.58178710938 493.8679 1478.58605957031 493.869323730469 3 11 1 21.2565 596.7486 21.1832 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 97.2500026226044 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00235796999186277 1478.58837890625 493.8701 1478.58605957031 493.869323730469 3 9 1 21.224 645.8739 21.1599 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 52.0299971103668 ARESPVHSICDE Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00222171004861593 1478.58837890625 493.8701 1478.58605957031 493.869323730469 3 10 1 21.2902 909.8739 21.2471 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 21.5900003910065 ARESPVHSICDE Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved E-L@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00284863007254899 1535.61047363281 768.8125 1535.60754394531 768.81103515625 2 6 1 21.3777 70.9873 21.3828 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.00265318993479013 1591.6728515625 796.8437 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 11 1 36.6666 145.1566 36.5556 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000606423011049628 1591.6708984375 796.8427 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 13 1 36.5118 210.4256 36.5957 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 0.000606423011049628 1591.6708984375 796.8427 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 14 1 36.6802 210.4256 36.5957 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00199785991571844 1591.66821289063 796.8414 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 11 1 36.5401 205.989 36.6349 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00199785991571844 1591.66821289063 796.8414 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 10 1 36.714 206.3872 36.6349 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000520634988788515 1591.66967773438 796.8421 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 19 1 36.4196 194.5262 36.4617 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.000276495004072785 1591.669921875 796.8422 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 17 1 36.5948 191.858 36.4881 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00162247999105603 1591.66870117188 796.8416 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 14 1 36.5871 181.639 36.4816 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00210754992440343 1591.66809082031 796.8413 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 17 1 36.5012 130.94 36.5379 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDEL Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 cleaved L-F@C-term; missed R-E@2 -0.00162247999105603 1591.66870117188 796.8416 1591.67016601563 796.842346191406 2 11 1 36.4186 180.1357 36.4816 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 9.71146000665613E-05 1738.73889160156 580.5869 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 12 1 48.5659 402.5325 48.6543 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.000876368023455143 1738.73950195313 580.5871 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 11 1 48.6092 282.0646 48.5059 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.0050400597974658 1738.74365234375 870.3791 1738.73852539063 870.376586914063 2 9 1 48.6064 180.0131 48.6115 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.000327051006024703 1738.73889160156 580.5869 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 9 1 48.6096 174.6698 48.6689 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.8600015640259 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.00699421996250749 1738.74548339844 580.5891 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 12 1 48.4303 350.2419 48.5174 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 96.7199981212616 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.00699421996250749 1738.74548339844 580.5891 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 10 1 48.6217 350.2419 48.5174 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 88.0800008773804 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.000876368023455143 1738.73950195313 580.5871 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 11 1 48.4187 282.0646 48.5059 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 81.5599977970123 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.000966413004789501 1738.73950195313 580.5871 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 8 1 48.5806 429.241 48.6702 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 77.6199996471405 ARESPVHSICDELF Phospho(S)@4; Carbamidomethyl(C)@10 missed R-E@2 0.000966413004789501 1738.73950195313 580.5871 1738.73852539063 580.586791992188 3 8 1 48.773 429.241 48.6702 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00221896008588374 1316.65783691406 659.3362 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 8 1 30.9221 226.8747 31.088 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.0014682300388813 1316.65869140625 439.8935 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 10 1 31.1051 554.3415 31.088 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@1 -0.0014682300388813 1316.65869140625 439.8935 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 9 1 31.2929 554.3415 31.088 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00100207002833486 1316.65930175781 659.3369 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 8 1 31.024 181.0749 31.059 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.0021547400392592 1316.66235351563 439.8947 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 10 1 31.0539 555.8149 30.9769 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00217174994759262 1316.66223144531 659.3384 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 6 1 30.8345 168.7861 30.9225 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.0021547400392592 1316.66235351563 439.8947 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 9 1 31.242 561.6405 30.9769 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.0021547400392592 1316.66235351563 439.8947 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 9 1 30.8598 555.8149 30.9769 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.580002784729 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00639495020732284 1316.66638183594 439.8961 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 8 1 31.0671 285.5295 30.9424 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 95.6300020217896 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00262388004921377 1316.66284179688 659.3387 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 8 1 31.0277 141.9958 30.8967 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 93.1999981403351 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00308642000891268 1316.66345214844 439.8951 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 8 1 31.0499 358.7705 30.9238 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 91.6800022125244 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00178853003308177 1316.66198730469 439.8946 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 8 1 31.2695 567.2444 30.9769 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 42.8999990224838 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00221896008588374 1316.65783691406 659.3362 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 5 1 31.2962 226.8747 31.088 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 30.2199989557266 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00262388004921377 1316.66284179688 659.3387 1316.66015625 659.33740234375 2 5 1 30.8374 141.9958 30.8967 11 10.13 10.13 14.0499994158745 6.88700005412102 6.88700005412102 sp|P19112|F16P1_RAT Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fbp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 20.9000006318092 SRPSLPLPQSR Phospho(S)@4 5.81237982260063E-05 1316.66015625 439.894 1316.66015625 439.894012451172 3 5 1 31.0394 113.8657 31.0461 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DELGLNK -0.000376078998669982 787.407287597656 394.7109 787.407592773438 394.711059570313 2 10 1 22.2744 371.3506 22.306 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.000260166998486966 1725.89001464844 863.9523 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 18 1 54.5241 325.7226 54.4243 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GQNQPVLNITNR 0.00130113994237036 1352.71752929688 677.366 1352.71606445313 677.365295410156 2 16 1 30.0876 254.9759 30.148 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IEFEGQSVDFVDPNK 0.00690943980589509 1722.81701660156 862.4158 1722.81005859375 862.412292480469 2 21 1 50.4953 97.8492 50.4735 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 LFAEAVQK 2.80506992567098E-05 904.501892089844 453.2582 904.501831054688 453.258178710938 2 8 1 24.5948 47.8897 24.573 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0.0619809031486511 51.4800012111664 PALVASR cleaved K-P@N-term 0.00398741010576487 712.42724609375 357.2209 712.423156738281 357.218872070313 2 7 1 15.0469 43.6599 15.0782 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 94.7300016880035 DELGLNK -0.00124276999849826 787.40625 394.7104 787.407592773438 394.711059570313 2 6 1 22.18 166.1582 22.1851 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 87.7900004386902 DELGLNK 3.02894004562404E-05 787.407653808594 394.7111 787.407592773438 394.711059570313 2 7 1 22.2486 192.979 22.2537 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 25.2000004053116 DELGLNK -0.0012242499506101 787.40625 394.7104 787.407592773438 394.711059570313 2 5 1 22.2784 314.11 22.3424 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.000260166998486966 1725.89001464844 863.9523 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 17 1 54.3569 325.7226 54.4243 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.00258696009404957 1725.89233398438 863.9534 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 20 1 54.361 530.9238 54.4624 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.00316466996446252 1725.89282226563 576.3049 1725.88977050781 576.303833007813 3 16 1 54.5408 385.0737 54.4624 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.00231393007561564 1725.89208984375 863.9533 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 22 1 54.3501 380.0431 54.4105 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.00231393007561564 1725.89208984375 863.9533 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 18 1 54.5434 380.0431 54.4105 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.000491010025143623 1725.89025878906 576.304 1725.88977050781 576.303833007813 3 12 1 54.2238 164.6503 54.2593 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK 0.00180692004505545 1725.89172363281 863.9531 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 21 1 54.2446 261.3409 54.3046 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DGSIDLVINLPNNNTK -0.000106043997220695 1725.8896484375 863.9521 1725.88977050781 863.9521484375 2 17 1 54.3681 214.0663 54.4358 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQNQPVLNITNR 0.00130113994237036 1352.71752929688 677.366 1352.71606445313 677.365295410156 2 12 1 30.2711 254.9759 30.148 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQNQPVLNITNR 0.0034213000908494 1352.71948242188 677.367 1352.71606445313 677.365295410156 2 12 1 30.0919 173.1862 30.0441 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQNQPVLNITNR -0.000455430999863893 1352.71569824219 677.3651 1352.71606445313 677.365295410156 2 13 1 30.174 260.9045 30.2055 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQNQPVLNITNR -0.000737230991944671 1352.71533203125 677.3649 1352.71606445313 677.365295410156 2 14 1 30.0399 174.5921 30.0449 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IEFEGQSVDFVDPNK 0.000575445999857038 1722.81066894531 862.4126 1722.81005859375 862.412292480469 2 27 1 50.4844 207.099 50.517 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IEFEGQSVDFVDPNK 0.00194887001998723 1722.81213378906 862.4133 1722.81005859375 862.412292480469 2 23 1 50.4792 191.2488 50.4843 12 10.09 10.09 13.0700007081032 4.33299988508224 3.86699996888638 sp|P07756|CPSM_RAT Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cps1 PE=2 SV=1 0 35.9100013971329 LFAEAVQK 0.00171084003522992 904.503479003906 453.259 904.501831054688 453.258178710938 2 5 1 24.5878 65.2433 24.5391 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12 -0.00045086198952049 2418.10595703125 807.0426 2418.1064453125 807.042724609375 3 19 1 26.8746 297.9149 26.9592 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.00204538996331394 2290.01342773438 764.3451 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 16 1 32.6295 367.3737 32.6879 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 0.000727533013559878 1891.73681640625 946.8757 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 18 1 39.5642 322.2323 39.4633 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 8.36452963994816E-05 1736.63024902344 869.3224 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 18 1 34.2595 238.5502 34.1803 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 -0.00133534998167306 2066.78271484375 689.9349 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 15 1 27.6454 358.9626 27.6238 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12; Phospho(S)@14 0.0104176998138428 2498.08325195313 833.7017 2498.07275390625 833.698181152344 3 16 1 30.166 158.8362 30.2274 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@14 -0.00443300977349281 2418.10205078125 807.0413 2418.1064453125 807.042724609375 3 13 1 26.818 243.6753 26.876 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12 -0.00443300977349281 2418.10205078125 807.0413 2418.1064453125 807.042724609375 3 11 1 27.057 243.6753 26.876 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12 -0.00173376000020653 2418.10473632813 807.0422 2418.1064453125 807.042724609375 3 14 1 26.9279 245.0013 27.0122 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12; Phospho(S)@14 0.00487765017896891 2498.07763671875 833.6998 2498.07275390625 833.698181152344 3 16 1 30.2795 134.0295 30.2319 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@12 -0.000373499002307653 2418.10595703125 807.0426 2418.1064453125 807.042724609375 3 15 1 26.8184 230.53 26.8499 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.00204538996331394 2290.01342773438 764.3451 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 13 1 32.8167 367.3737 32.6879 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term -0.00630983011797071 2290.00512695313 764.3423 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 21 1 32.6312 309.4745 32.6628 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@13 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.00298685999587178 2290.01440429688 764.3454 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 18 1 32.6991 371.5135 32.7309 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.0066559100523591 2290.01806640625 764.3466 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 18 1 32.5172 401.8073 32.602 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.0066559100523591 2290.01806640625 764.3466 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 13 1 32.7039 401.8073 32.602 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.00566001003608108 2290.01708984375 764.3463 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 16 1 32.5359 265.1068 32.6206 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 PARPNSEVLLSGSEDADDPNK Phospho(S)@11 cleaved K-P@N-term 0.000695349997840822 2290.01245117188 764.3447 2290.01147460938 764.344421386719 3 20 1 32.6185 321.6401 32.6236 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 0.000727533013559878 1891.73681640625 946.8757 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 16 1 39.3731 322.8109 39.4633 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 0.00063710700487718 1891.73669433594 946.8756 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 17 1 39.3941 334.828 39.459 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00278085004538298 1891.73327636719 946.8739 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 16 1 39.5861 361.5258 39.5119 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00282072997651994 1891.73327636719 946.8739 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 19 1 39.4283 375.2941 39.4972 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00282072997651994 1891.73327636719 946.8739 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 14 1 39.6144 375.2941 39.4972 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00256836996413767 1891.73352050781 946.874 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 21 1 39.2882 374.7821 39.3991 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00256836996413767 1891.73352050781 946.874 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 20 1 39.4735 374.7821 39.3991 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00059981900267303 1891.73547363281 946.875 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 21 1 39.3183 290.5757 39.3819 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00059981900267303 1891.73547363281 946.875 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 16 1 39.4881 288.8451 39.3819 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00757325021550059 1891.728515625 946.8715 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 19 1 39.3883 262.3026 39.4462 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVPTIDSGNEDDDSSFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00378907006233931 1891.73229980469 946.8734 1891.73608398438 946.875305175781 2 19 1 39.5787 260.0556 39.4726 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 0.00244939001277089 1736.63269042969 869.3236 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 17 1 34.1606 272.2516 34.2199 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00596201978623867 1736.62426757813 869.3194 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 18 1 34.1286 253.3862 34.1871 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00596201978623867 1736.62426757813 869.3194 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 13 1 34.3158 253.3862 34.1871 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00102339999284595 1736.62902832031 869.3218 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 18 1 34.1581 234.9038 34.2451 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00102339999284595 1736.62902832031 869.3218 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 16 1 34.3508 234.9038 34.2451 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000624082982540131 1736.62963867188 869.3221 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 16 1 34.0634 238.853 34.0963 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000624082982540131 1736.62963867188 869.3221 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 12 1 34.2306 238.853 34.0963 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00299054989591241 1736.62731933594 869.3209 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 18 1 34.0674 215.0646 34.1259 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00299054989591241 1736.62731933594 869.3209 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 14 1 34.2545 215.0646 34.1259 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 8.36452963994816E-05 1736.63024902344 869.3224 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 17 1 34.0912 238.5502 34.1803 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDK Phospho(S)@8 0.00244939001277089 1736.63269042969 869.3236 1736.63024902344 869.322387695313 2 12 1 34.3511 272.2516 34.2199 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 -0.00107614998705685 2066.78271484375 689.9349 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 14 1 27.4882 296.4171 27.4933 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 -0.00208614999428391 2066.78198242188 689.9346 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 13 1 27.424 212.0764 27.4586 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 0.00198775995522738 2066.7861328125 689.936 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 10 1 27.6218 286.0435 27.5472 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 87.8899991512299 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 0.00387816992588341 2066.78784179688 689.9366 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 10 1 27.5911 396.7358 27.5987 13 10 10 13.2400006055832 4.60500009357929 4.60500009357929 sp|B2GUV7|IF2P_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5b PE=1 SV=1 0 15.9199997782707 TSFDENDSEELEDKDSK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-D@14 0.00369507004506886 2066.78784179688 689.9365 2066.7841796875 689.935302734375 3 6 1 27.8037 384.3564 27.6254 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ENVEYIEREESDGEYDEFGR Phospho(S)@11 missed R-E@8 -0.00549795012921095 2543.99096679688 849.0043 2543.99658203125 849.006164550781 3 12 1 44.2635 187.1646 44.2702 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 0.00324328010901809 2418.89916992188 807.307 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 16 1 24.3571 548.7357 24.4168 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00103567994665354 1592.5869140625 797.3007 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 18 1 28.7824 305.6655 28.8144 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNKK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-K@13 0.00293042999692261 1720.68579101563 574.5692 1720.68286132813 574.568237304688 3 10 1 22.6849 148.6618 22.69 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 1.46852135658264 99.0000009536743 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 0.00228238990530372 1115.45483398438 558.7347 1115.45263671875 558.733581542969 2 8 0 13.5834 87.9912 13.5346 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ENVEYIEREESDGEYDEFGR Phospho(S)@11 missed R-E@8 0.000443328986875713 2543.9970703125 849.0063 2543.99658203125 849.006164550781 3 11 1 44.2567 113.1915 44.2889 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 0.00324328010901809 2418.89916992188 807.307 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 17 1 24.5431 548.7357 24.4168 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 -0.00495726987719536 2418.89111328125 807.3043 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 17 1 24.355 388.5327 24.3871 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 -0.00260150991380215 2418.8935546875 807.3051 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 15 1 24.3954 463.3978 24.4415 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 -0.00260150991380215 2418.8935546875 807.3051 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 15 1 24.5681 464.742 24.4415 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 0.00420254003256559 2418.90014648438 807.3073 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 18 1 24.217 316.7382 24.2773 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 -0.00180781004019082 2418.89404296875 807.3053 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 13 1 24.2695 419.7736 24.3559 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 -0.00180781004019082 2418.89404296875 807.3053 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 12 1 24.4593 419.7736 24.3559 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 95.3999996185303 EVEDKESEGEEEDEDEDLSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-E@5 0.00361418002285063 2418.89965820313 807.3071 2418.89599609375 807.305908203125 3 13 1 24.3134 238.1523 24.3461 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 98.4000027179718 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 -0.000931138987652957 1035.48522949219 518.7499 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 9 0 10.9706 350.6139 11.0285 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 96.6199994087219 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 0.00154382002074271 1035.48791503906 518.7512 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 0 10.9677 242.8665 11.0344 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 93.9100027084351 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00143384002149105 1035.48486328125 518.7497 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 9 0 10.9996 306.0891 11.0579 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 91.32000207901 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 0.0026689600199461 1115.45532226563 558.7349 1115.45263671875 558.733581542969 2 8 0 13.5075 97.7142 13.5126 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 88.3800029754639 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 0.00146254000719637 1035.48791503906 518.7512 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 9 0 11.1968 286.4426 11.0777 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 86.9799971580505 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 -0.000809069024398923 1035.48547363281 518.75 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 1 11.1424 360.6275 11.0021 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 85.5099976062775 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 0.00146254000719637 1035.48791503906 518.7512 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 0 11.0193 286.4426 11.0777 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 77.1399974822998 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 0.00148032000288367 1115.4541015625 558.7343 1115.45263671875 558.733581542969 2 7 0 13.6057 64.9216 13.5838 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 70.4299986362457 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 9.89188993116841E-05 1035.486328125 518.7504 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 7 0 10.9903 332.6902 11.0337 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 56.9599986076355 SRPSSPAVR Phospho(S)@5 8.79205035744235E-05 1035.486328125 518.7504 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 0 10.9798 370.4588 11.0257 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 50.5400002002716 SSSRSHRGSSSPR Formyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-S@4; missed R-G@7 -0.0181005001068115 1494.61450195313 748.3145 1494.63244628906 748.323547363281 2 9 1 31.1371 92.5849 31.1697 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 22.409999370575 SSSRSHRGSSSPR Formyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-S@4; missed R-G@7 -0.0129554998129606 1494.61950683594 748.317 1494.63244628906 748.323547363281 2 8 1 31.218 90.6302 31.253 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 0.00275682006031275 1592.59069824219 797.3026 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 18 1 28.8426 389.6375 28.927 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 0.00275682006031275 1592.59069824219 797.3026 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 14 1 29.0272 389.6375 28.927 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00387648004107177 1592.58410644531 797.2993 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 16 1 28.7656 242.2569 28.8241 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.0019044199725613 1592.58605957031 797.3003 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 16 1 28.8459 292.9375 28.9573 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.0019044199725613 1592.58605957031 797.3003 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 15 1 29.0328 292.9375 28.9573 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00127281004097313 1592.58666992188 797.3006 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 14 1 28.718 322.4401 28.8032 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00127281004097313 1592.58666992188 797.3006 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 16 1 28.9037 322.4401 28.8032 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00179314997512847 1592.58630371094 797.3004 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 16 1 28.7396 285.334 28.7981 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00179314997512847 1592.58630371094 797.3004 1592.587890625 797.30126953125 2 13 1 28.9272 285.334 28.7981 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YNLDASEEEDSNKK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-K@13 -0.00101126998197287 1720.68176269531 574.5679 1720.68286132813 574.568237304688 3 13 1 22.5024 138.1896 22.5075 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 98.2699990272522 YNLDASEEEDSNKK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-K@13 0.00376229011453688 1720.68676757813 574.5695 1720.68286132813 574.568237304688 3 10 1 22.5719 152.5289 22.577 14 9.47 9.47 37.8800004720688 23.029999434948 19.08999979496 sp|O35986|ZRAB2_RAT Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Zranb2 PE=2 SV=2 0 60.1100027561188 YNLDASEEEDSNKK Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@13 0.00412459997460246 1720.68688964844 574.5696 1720.68286132813 574.568237304688 3 7 1 22.57 170.4054 22.6278 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00176464999094605 1006.46148681641 504.238 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 13 1 15.1477 2495.653 15.0782 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.000675985007546842 2204.05102539063 735.691 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 16 1 44.0208 1398.018 44.1646 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0016968100098893 860.377685546875 431.1961 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 27.2358 1428.833 27.1978 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 1.301029920578 96.89000248909 GNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@6 0.000606762012466788 1215.60192871094 608.8082 1215.60131835938 608.807922363281 2 8 1 38.512 71.4709 38.3855 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0.917214632034302 96.6000020503998 ARDRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed R-S@4 -0.00205851998180151 1313.56237792969 438.8614 1313.56420898438 438.862030029297 3 9 1 12.4991 116.4348 12.5042 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0.369572132825851 68.6600029468536 GNVVPSPLPTRR Phospho(S)@6 missed R-R@11 0.00154513004235923 1371.70385742188 458.2419 1371.70239257813 458.241424560547 3 7 1 29.9436 150.867 30.0543 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 78.5700023174286 ARDRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-D@2; missed R-S@4 -0.00177504995372146 1313.56274414063 438.8615 1313.56420898438 438.862030029297 3 8 1 12.5362 149.5587 12.5476 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00194774998817593 1006.46166992188 504.2381 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.5026 427.5461 15.2627 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00411468977108598 1086.43029785156 544.2224 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 10 1 17.1367 190.7899 17.1418 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.000845405971631408 1086.42504882813 544.2198 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 11 1 17.0643 189.9735 17.043 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00374846998602152 1086.42993164063 544.2222 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 16.9476 188.9283 17.1154 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142606999725103 1006.45825195313 504.2364 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 12 1 15.0823 3118.885 15.0138 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000663154001813382 1086.42663574219 544.2206 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 10 1 17.1711 290.3313 17.1235 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00176464999094605 1006.46148681641 504.238 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 9 1 15.3287 2605.377 15.052 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.000601265986915678 1086.42541503906 544.22 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 10 1 17.2343 188.3951 17.043 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000174872999195941 1086.42626953125 544.2204 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 16.7706 260.15 16.8282 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000174872999195941 1086.42626953125 544.2204 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 16.9807 287.1038 16.9857 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00286523997783661 1006.46264648438 504.2386 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 11 1 15.099 2488.072 15.0583 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00261627999134362 1086.4287109375 544.2216 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 17.3539 148.9915 17.3328 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142606999725103 1006.45825195313 504.2364 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.2702 3257.433 14.9874 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00221952004358172 1006.45745849609 504.236 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.4553 732.0599 15.1727 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00137965998146683 1006.45849609375 504.2365 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 14.9471 2118.904 15.0868 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00358365010470152 1086.4296875 544.2221 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 17.088 220.5901 17.0184 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00286523997783661 1006.46264648438 504.2386 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 15.2964 2585.717 15.0321 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142606999725103 1006.45825195313 504.2364 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 14.9028 3118.885 15.0138 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.9600002765656 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000810160010587424 1006.46044921875 504.2375 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 15.0917 2192.726 15.0264 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.9099979400635 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00137965998146683 1006.45849609375 504.2365 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 15.1356 2118.904 15.0868 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.3200013637543 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000720658979844302 1086.42663574219 544.2206 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 17.0613 240.933 17.0928 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.9700028896332 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00293876999057829 1086.42883300781 544.2217 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 17.4441 100.5833 17.3703 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.8799998760223 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00108246004674584 1086.42712402344 544.2208 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 9 1 17.012 262.0421 17.0434 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.8799998760223 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000940810015890747 1086.42712402344 544.2208 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 7 1 17.3187 172.134 17.3536 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.2500026226044 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000810160010587424 1006.46044921875 504.2375 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.2807 2225.329 15.0264 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.7499971389771 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00137965998146683 1006.45849609375 504.2365 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.3158 2059.748 15.0868 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.7499971389771 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00180691003333777 1006.45788574219 504.2362 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.5048 674.5767 15.213 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.8999991416931 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00108686997555196 1086.42712402344 544.2208 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 9 1 17.2362 203.9624 17.2147 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.8599984645844 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00358365010470152 1086.4296875 544.2221 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 17.4335 113.4538 17.3862 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 94.3199992179871 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.000255900988122448 1086.42590332031 544.2202 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 6 1 16.8934 200.2782 16.93 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 92.9499983787537 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.002641879953444 1086.42346191406 544.219 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 8 1 16.9001 142.9852 16.8875 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 92.059999704361 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.0010735800024122 1006.45867919922 504.2366 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 10 1 14.9584 2720.157 15.0751 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 90.7400012016296 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.0010735800024122 1006.45867919922 504.2366 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 11 1 15.1411 2720.157 15.0751 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 90.2599990367889 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00148989004082978 1006.46130371094 504.2379 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 9 1 15.5187 474.1527 15.2605 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 88.0900025367737 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.0010735800024122 1006.45867919922 504.2366 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 9 1 15.3266 2836.509 15.0487 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 85.2699995040894 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00036081500002183 1006.46008300781 504.2373 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 7 1 15.6926 79.4021 15.6711 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 81.6699981689453 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00176464999094605 1006.46148681641 504.238 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 14.9614 2495.653 15.0782 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 74.9100029468536 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00286523997783661 1006.46264648438 504.2386 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 9 1 14.9141 2488.072 15.0583 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 68.2900011539459 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 1.6709100236767E-05 1006.45989990234 504.2372 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 6 1 15.6517 90.3892 15.6089 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 65.1199996471405 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00450043007731438 1086.43041992188 544.2225 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 6 1 17.517 91.2233 17.4959 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 62.3600006103516 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00176464999094605 1006.46148681641 504.238 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 15.1435 2495.653 15.0782 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 62.1100008487701 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000810160010587424 1006.46044921875 504.2375 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 8 1 14.9111 2192.958 15.0264 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 58.4299981594086 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.000845405971631408 1086.42504882813 544.2198 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 7 1 16.8735 189.9735 17.043 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 56.7499995231628 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.000870660005602986 1086.42504882813 544.2198 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 6 1 17.1969 263.2116 17.1226 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 55.57000041008 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.00108246004674584 1086.42712402344 544.2208 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 6 1 16.8435 259.6658 17.0434 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 29.0300011634827 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00142606999725103 1006.45825195313 504.2364 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 6 1 14.8762 3118.885 15.0138 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 27.0700007677078 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000940810015890747 1086.42712402344 544.2208 1086.42602539063 544.220275878906 2 5 1 17.5069 168.2683 17.3536 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 25.4400014877319 DRSPSPLR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00559156993404031 1063.48681640625 532.7507 1063.48120117188 532.747863769531 2 7 1 16.3364 69.9872 16.3099 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 20.6499993801117 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000404988997615874 1006.46008300781 504.2373 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 5 1 15.6462 98.5459 15.6246 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 16.0199999809265 DRSPSPLR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00249902997165918 1006.46228027344 504.2384 1006.45971679688 504.237121582031 2 6 1 15.4737 122.4047 15.5136 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.000675985007546842 2204.05102539063 735.691 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 21 1 44.2142 1398.018 44.1646 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.000675985007546842 2204.05102539063 735.691 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 19 1 44.3814 1398.018 44.1646 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.0071239098906517 2284.02392578125 762.3486 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 10 1 48.0929 140.4535 48.1244 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00387835991568863 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 17 1 44.0224 982.6306 44.1886 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00387835991568863 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 18 1 44.2106 982.6306 44.1886 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00754723977297544 2284.02416992188 762.3487 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 13 1 48.2052 100.0732 48.1838 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00223686988465488 2204.04809570313 735.69 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 12 1 44.0929 952.8796 44.2081 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00223686988465488 2204.04809570313 735.69 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 22 1 44.2804 952.8796 44.2081 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00223686988465488 2204.04809570313 735.69 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 16 1 44.4786 953.3886 44.2352 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00525821000337601 2284.02221679688 762.348 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 15 1 48.1295 118.7735 48.2138 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00316922995261848 2204.04736328125 735.6897 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 17 1 44.1052 1229.47 44.083 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00316922995261848 2204.04736328125 735.6897 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 16 1 44.299 1229.47 44.083 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00227465992793441 2204.052734375 735.6915 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 16 1 44.1011 938.2744 44.0817 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00227465992793441 2204.052734375 735.6915 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 14 1 44.2907 938.2744 44.0817 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00227465992793441 2204.052734375 735.6915 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 12 1 43.9148 938.2744 44.0817 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00387835991568863 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 12 1 44.4261 982.6306 44.1886 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00371855008415878 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 14 1 44.0411 853.95 44.1806 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00371855008415878 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 18 1 44.2296 853.95 44.1806 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.000532116973772645 2284.01733398438 762.3464 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 10 1 48.1249 133.6725 48.13 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00639148987829685 2284.02319335938 762.3483 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 11 1 48.3058 139.6292 48.2573 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.9700028896332 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00387835991568863 2204.04663085938 735.6895 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 11 1 44.3476 982.6306 44.1886 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 94.9000000953674 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00227465992793441 2204.052734375 735.6915 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 10 1 44.294 938.2744 44.0817 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 88.0800008773804 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00331309996545315 2284.01342773438 762.3451 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 11 1 48.0406 213.0691 48.0456 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 50.3700017929077 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 -0.00316922995261848 2204.04736328125 735.6897 2204.05053710938 735.690734863281 3 10 1 43.9133 1229.47 44.083 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.3799990415573 DRSPSPLRGNVVPSPLPTR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@14 missed R-S@2; missed R-G@8 0.00641225976869464 2284.02319335938 762.3483 2284.01684570313 762.34619140625 3 8 1 47.9989 134.9804 48.0304 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 56.4000010490417 GNVVPSPLPTRR Phospho(S)@6 missed R-R@11 0.000527638010680676 1371.70300292969 458.2416 1371.70239257813 458.241424560547 3 7 1 29.9871 127.5351 29.9657 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00205364008434117 860.377258300781 431.1959 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 26.9981 1341.272 27.1451 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00205364008434117 860.377258300781 431.1959 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 27.1831 1341.272 27.1451 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000598868995439261 860.378845214844 431.1967 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 11 1 27.161 912.2682 27.0157 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0016968100098893 860.377685546875 431.1961 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 7 1 27.0509 1428.833 27.1978 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 0.000913960975594819 860.380249023438 431.1974 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 26.9737 1162.637 27.0887 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000548571988474578 860.378845214844 431.1967 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 27.2604 1679.785 27.0627 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000598868995439261 860.378845214844 431.1967 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 10 1 26.976 912.2682 27.0157 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.3200013637543 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000548571988474578 860.378845214844 431.1967 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 27.0743 1679.785 27.0627 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.8100011348724 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 0.0016128399875015 860.381103515625 431.1978 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 9 1 26.9645 1311.213 27.1002 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.8599984645844 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 0.000913960975594819 860.380249023438 431.1974 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 7 1 27.1572 1162.637 27.0887 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 89.300000667572 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000548571988474578 860.378845214844 431.1967 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 6 1 26.8929 1679.785 27.0627 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 86.9799971580505 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00205364008434117 860.377258300781 431.1959 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 7 1 27.3763 1341.272 27.1451 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 86.8499994277954 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 0.0016128399875015 860.381103515625 431.1978 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 10 1 27.1474 1311.213 27.1002 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 84.060001373291 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0013778799911961 860.378051757813 431.1963 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 7 1 27.3566 1325.616 27.0741 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 81.1299979686737 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 0.000913960975594819 860.380249023438 431.1974 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 6 1 27.3499 1193.156 27.062 15 8.62 8.62 30.6100010871887 19.7300001978874 19.0500006079674 sp|Q9WU49|CHSP1_RAT Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Carhsp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 42.8999990224838 TFSATVR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0016968100098893 860.377685546875 431.1961 860.379333496094 431.196929931641 2 6 1 27.4236 1428.833 27.1978 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00268244999460876 736.336486816406 369.1755 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.7651 1024.332 21.7521 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ELSEIAQR 0.00283497991040349 944.495483398438 473.255 944.492736816406 473.253631591797 2 8 1 20.9962 0 -1 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(S)@8 -0.00298711005598307 1569.68286132813 785.8487 1569.68579101563 785.850158691406 2 20 1 42.8542 182.4227 42.8905 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK -0.000468112004455179 1240.640625 621.3276 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 16 1 20.6128 226.4053 20.6442 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0.139661997556686 39.2199993133545 VLAAVYK 0.0026150899939239 762.466674804688 382.2406 762.463989257813 382.2392578125 2 4 1 22.1126 170.6477 22.0945 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0.0555173270404339 18.8899993896484 LSFSYGR 0.00214828993193805 828.415100097656 415.2148 828.413024902344 415.213775634766 2 6 1 31.0004 63.8603 30.9782 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00268244999460876 736.336486816406 369.1755 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 8 1 21.9576 1024.332 21.7521 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.000522092974279076 736.338684082031 369.1766 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.5681 775.1883 21.6807 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00191854999866337 736.337280273438 369.1759 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 11 1 21.7475 1053.105 21.7 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK 0.00213603000156581 736.341247558594 369.1779 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 8 1 24.3279 83.6859 24.333 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00268244999460876 736.336486816406 369.1755 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 6 1 21.5855 1024.332 21.7521 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.000522092974279076 736.338684082031 369.1766 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.7511 775.1883 21.6807 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00173545000143349 736.337463378906 369.176 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 8 1 24.3298 97.6569 24.3349 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK 0.00120357994455844 736.340454101563 369.1775 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.5214 291.2008 21.6318 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK 0.00170877994969487 736.340881347656 369.1777 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.7018 811.4855 21.6576 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00036856799852103 736.3388671875 369.1767 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.7738 391.007 21.6735 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK 0.00124791997950524 736.340454101563 369.1775 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 7 1 22.0172 573.8961 21.7332 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVDFGK -0.00191854999866337 736.337280273438 369.1759 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 7 1 21.9309 1053.105 21.7 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 98.9600002765656 DGVDFGK 0.00170877994969487 736.340881347656 369.1777 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 7 1 21.5213 811.4855 21.6576 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 97.189998626709 DGVDFGK -0.00036856799852103 736.3388671875 369.1767 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 9 1 21.5833 391.007 21.6735 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 46.0299998521805 DGVDFGK -0.00329280993901193 736.335876464844 369.1752 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 5 1 24.3913 78.5096 24.4005 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 24.5900005102158 DGVDFGK 0.00120357994455844 736.340454101563 369.1775 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 5 1 21.7292 291.2008 21.6318 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 21.9200000166893 DGVDFGK -0.00191854999866337 736.337280273438 369.1759 736.339172363281 369.176849365234 2 5 1 21.5566 1053.105 21.7 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ELSEIAQR -0.00390139990486205 944.488891601563 473.2517 944.492736816406 473.253631591797 2 7 1 20.9918 51.459 20.9832 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 97.7699995040894 ELSEIAQR 0.00561555987223983 944.498291015625 473.2564 944.492736816406 473.253631591797 2 7 1 20.9673 0 -1 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 83.67999792099 ELSEIAQR -0.000630057009402663 944.492065429688 473.2533 944.492736816406 473.253631591797 2 6 1 20.8992 107.9138 20.9604 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 75.2399981021881 ELSEIAQR -0.00849292986094952 944.484252929688 473.2494 944.492736816406 473.253631591797 2 6 1 20.9689 0 -1 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11 -0.000789840007200837 1569.68505859375 785.8498 1569.68579101563 785.850158691406 2 17 1 41.9955 121.7221 42.0567 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Oxidation(M)@12 0.00304453005082905 1505.71752929688 753.866 1505.71435546875 753.864501953125 2 11 1 30.3549 95.8582 30.3069 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11; Oxidation(M)@12 -0.00363903003744781 1585.67712402344 793.8458 1585.68078613281 793.84765625 2 18 1 35.6632 184.5146 35.7493 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Oxidation(M)@12 -0.0108992997556925 1505.70349121094 753.859 1505.71435546875 753.864501953125 2 16 1 30.4082 106.1115 30.4167 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11; Oxidation(M)@12 -0.00327058997936547 1585.67749023438 793.846 1585.68078613281 793.84765625 2 19 1 35.7089 393.527 35.8202 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11; Oxidation(M)@12 -0.00327058997936547 1585.67749023438 793.846 1585.68078613281 793.84765625 2 23 1 35.8943 393.527 35.8202 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(S)@8 2.46394993155263E-05 1569.68591308594 785.8502 1569.68579101563 785.850158691406 2 20 1 42.9281 89.3169 42.9603 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11 0.000430863001383841 1569.68627929688 785.8504 1569.68579101563 785.850158691406 2 19 1 41.9059 143.0813 41.9398 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(S)@8 -0.00591679010540247 1569.67993164063 785.8472 1569.68579101563 785.850158691406 2 21 1 42.8262 140.4039 42.8312 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Oxidation(M)@12 0.00256338994950056 1505.71704101563 753.8658 1505.71435546875 753.864501953125 2 13 1 30.2515 89.7689 30.2036 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11; Oxidation(M)@12 -0.0016661899862811 1585.67907714844 793.8468 1585.68078613281 793.84765625 2 22 1 35.5855 259.9295 35.6439 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GILAADESVGTMGNR Phospho(T)@11; Oxidation(M)@12 0.00392933003604412 1585.68469238281 793.8496 1585.68078613281 793.84765625 2 18 1 35.6623 171.6118 35.7232 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK 0.00216981000266969 1240.64331054688 621.3289 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 16 1 20.7094 257.5846 20.7211 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK 0.0036871200427413 1240.64489746094 621.3297 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 20 1 20.6698 322.9654 20.7355 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK 0.0036871200427413 1240.64489746094 621.3297 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 20 1 20.8606 322.9654 20.7355 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK 0.00167119002435356 1240.64282226563 621.3287 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 15 1 20.5706 142.3378 20.5791 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LDQGGAPLAGTNK -0.00248706992715597 1240.638671875 621.3266 1240.64111328125 621.327880859375 2 20 1 20.6317 226.5642 20.6627 16 8.2 8.2 20.3299999237061 11.8100002408028 11.8100002408028 sp|P00884|ALDOB_RAT Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aldob PE=1 SV=2 0 31.0799986124039 VLAAVYK 0.000683902006130666 762.464660644531 382.2396 762.463989257813 382.2392578125 2 5 1 22.1703 112.8704 22.2629 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 2 99.0000009536743 LKREDSVK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-R@2; missed R-E@3 -0.000657288997899741 1053.52124023438 527.7679 1053.52197265625 527.768249511719 2 10 1 9.2866 73.6769 9.2654 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 2 99.0000009536743 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 0.0127149000763893 1822.763671875 912.3891 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 16 1 30.2753 176.0605 30.2274 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 2 99.0000009536743 QRSIEAER Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00146424002014101 1050.44812011719 526.2313 1050.44958496094 526.232055664063 2 11 1 20.996 260.0395 21.0356 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 2 99.0000009536743 SAFTPATATGSSPSPVLGQGEK Phospho(S)@14 -0.000647627981379628 2168.99853515625 724.0068 2168.9990234375 724.006958007813 3 14 1 43.2568 124.823 43.2619 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0.0851281806826591 97.1599996089935 SGSGMSVISSSSADQR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.000782035000156611 1691.68298339844 564.9016 1691.68225097656 564.9013671875 3 9 1 15.8257 128.1929 15.8333 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 LKREDSVK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-R@2; missed R-E@3 -0.00241200998425484 1053.51953125 527.767 1053.52197265625 527.768249511719 2 10 1 9.3257 80.7535 9.299 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 95.6700026988983 LKREDSVK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-R@2; missed R-E@3 0.00412506982684135 1053.52612304688 527.7703 1053.52197265625 527.768249511719 2 7 1 9.3091 68.3524 9.2823 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00552105018869042 1822.74548339844 912.38 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 14 1 30.1687 124.6669 30.1498 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00217923009768128 1822.74890136719 912.3817 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 15 1 30.2004 168.3377 30.2055 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 1.41843001983943E-05 1822.75109863281 912.3828 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 13 1 30.0229 175.9099 30.1337 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00193089002277702 1822.7490234375 912.3818 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 17 1 30.0663 119.0354 30.0449 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 97.6499974727631 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 1.41843001983943E-05 1822.75109863281 912.3828 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 8 1 30.2082 175.9099 30.1337 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 97.3999977111816 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 2.49631993938237E-05 1822.75109863281 912.3828 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 11 1 30.1146 144.8448 30.0957 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 40.8100008964539 LPEEPSSEDEQQVEK Phospho(S)@7 0.0127149000763893 1822.763671875 912.3891 1822.7509765625 912.382751464844 2 7 1 30.0901 176.0605 30.2274 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 97.6599991321564 QRSIEAER Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.0024007901083678 1050.45202636719 526.2333 1050.44958496094 526.232055664063 2 8 1 20.9503 154.5072 20.9604 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 SAFTPATATGSSPSPVLGQGEK Phospho(S)@14 -0.00316190999001265 2168.99584960938 724.0059 2168.9990234375 724.006958007813 3 14 1 43.19 154.4408 43.1109 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 99.0000009536743 SAFTPATATGSSPSPVLGQGEK Phospho(T)@4 0.00251436000689864 2169.00170898438 724.0078 2168.9990234375 724.006958007813 3 10 1 43.2119 128.4174 43.1935 17 8.09 8.09 11.0100001096725 5.66999986767769 5.66999986767769 sp|Q9WVE9|ITSN1_RAT; sp|Q9WVE9-2|ITSN1_RAT Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 PE=2 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Intersectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Itsn1 0 64.520001411438 SGSGMSVISSSSADQR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00365577009506524 1691.68591308594 564.9026 1691.68225097656 564.9013671875 3 11 1 15.8855 107.5791 15.8583 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 2 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 0.00313208997249603 1738.73193359375 580.5846 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 14 1 34.862 180.6149 34.8136 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 2 99.0000009536743 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 0.0013482499634847 2241.93188476563 748.3179 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 14 1 35.3948 214.7215 35.4032 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 2 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00306689995341003 1415.63244628906 708.8235 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 16 1 35.5311 321.6578 35.377 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 2 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.00777838984504342 1998.80541992188 1000.41 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 22 1 45.2496 0 -1 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0.0660068392753601 98.4899997711182 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPG Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved G-H@C-term 0.00213871989399195 1760.69287109375 881.3537 1760.69067382813 881.352600097656 2 19 1 60.6205 174.6664 60.6527 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 0.000475570996059105 1738.72924804688 580.5837 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 14 1 34.7801 476.9975 34.8928 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00039391199243255 1738.72827148438 580.5834 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 14 1 34.8202 330.4598 34.9079 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00039391199243255 1738.72827148438 580.5834 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 13 1 35.0119 330.4598 34.9079 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00191942998208106 1738.72680664063 580.5829 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 16 1 34.6709 371.9912 34.7572 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00191942998208106 1738.72680664063 580.5829 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 13 1 34.8595 371.9912 34.7572 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 0.000475570996059105 1738.72924804688 580.5837 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 14 1 34.9935 476.9975 34.8928 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 26.6499996185303 SRTASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00210253009572625 1738.72668457031 580.5828 1738.72888183594 580.583557128906 3 9 1 35.0484 379.6686 34.7572 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.000896714976988733 2241.92944335938 748.3171 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 16 1 35.5501 423.6499 35.501 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@8 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.000896714976988733 2241.92944335938 748.3171 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 14 1 35.3603 423.6499 35.501 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 98.1599986553192 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.0023195599205792 2241.92822265625 748.3167 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 12 1 35.2659 486.0091 35.3243 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 94.2200005054474 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.000443563010776415 2321.89624023438 774.9727 2321.89672851563 774.972839355469 3 17 1 41.6903 148.2475 41.6676 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 92.8099989891052 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(T)@3; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.00304628000594676 2241.92749023438 748.3164 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 12 1 35.2627 478.2971 35.4034 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 92.8099989891052 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@8 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 -0.00304628000594676 2241.92749023438 748.3164 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 14 1 35.4513 478.2971 35.4034 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 79.9899995326996 SRTLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved T-M@C-term; missed R-T@2 0.00208068010397255 2241.9326171875 748.3181 2241.93041992188 748.317443847656 3 11 1 35.2809 219.9979 35.3408 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00306689995341003 1415.63244628906 708.8235 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 18 1 35.319 321.6578 35.377 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.000725760997738689 1495.59643554688 748.8055 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 40.0973 225.4824 40.183 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.000725760997738689 1495.59643554688 748.8055 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 16 1 40.286 225.4824 40.183 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 -0.000494942010845989 1495.59521484375 748.8049 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 15 1 44.544 129.2341 44.5758 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00255673006176949 1415.62683105469 708.8207 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 18 1 32.8681 383.0195 32.9569 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00255673006176949 1415.62683105469 708.8207 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 15 1 33.0608 383.0195 32.9569 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00292294006794691 1415.62646484375 708.8205 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 12 1 33.2463 384.8533 32.9569 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.00337813002988696 1495.59912109375 748.8068 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 40.1013 483.7622 40.2174 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.0032560599502176 1495.59912109375 748.8068 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 22 1 40.2699 490.9054 40.2174 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.0032560599502176 1495.59912109375 748.8068 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 22 1 40.4526 504.3624 40.1913 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.000448444014182314 1495.59631347656 748.8054 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 44.4827 216.8988 44.6206 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.000448444014182314 1495.59631347656 748.8054 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 44.6687 216.8988 44.6206 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00665188999846578 1415.62268066406 708.8186 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 17 1 32.9337 248.148 32.9968 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00665188999846578 1415.62268066406 708.8186 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 13 1 33.1193 248.148 32.9968 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000670337991323322 1415.62866210938 708.8216 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 17 1 35.3561 651.5471 35.501 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000670337991323322 1415.62866210938 708.8216 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 21 1 35.5468 651.5471 35.501 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00600276980549097 1495.58972167969 748.8021 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 17 1 40.1347 290.0307 40.2463 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00600276980549097 1495.58972167969 748.8021 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 40.3213 290.0307 40.2463 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.00534996995702386 1495.60107421875 748.8078 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 19 1 44.5877 130.3059 44.5659 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 0.00694780983030796 1415.63623046875 708.8254 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 13 1 32.8382 95.2531 32.8163 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00306689995341003 1415.63244628906 708.8235 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 18 1 35.3091 252.7664 35.3408 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 -0.000983222969807684 1495.5947265625 748.8046 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 15 1 40.1041 112.0644 40.163 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00153181003406644 1415.6279296875 708.8212 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 14 1 32.7759 247.9574 32.8618 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00153181003406644 1415.6279296875 708.8212 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 14 1 32.9654 247.9574 32.8618 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00214215996675193 1415.62731933594 708.8209 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 18 1 35.2393 596.1991 35.3508 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00214215996675193 1415.62731933594 708.8209 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 18 1 35.4255 596.1991 35.3508 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.0010845500510186 1495.59692382813 748.8057 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 18 1 40.0298 336.6614 40.1407 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.0010845500510186 1495.59692382813 748.8057 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 21 1 40.2402 336.6614 40.1407 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.000718344002962112 1495.59643554688 748.8055 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 17 1 44.4369 105.4684 44.3879 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.00291560008190572 1495.5986328125 748.8066 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 13 1 44.6248 123.2749 44.4959 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00389110995456576 1415.62548828125 708.82 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 20 1 35.3716 269.9008 35.4297 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 -0.0081853698939085 1495.58752441406 748.801 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 15 1 40.1935 101.3936 40.1724 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(T)@1; Phospho(S)@3 0.00438786996528506 1495.60009765625 748.8073 1495.595703125 748.805114746094 2 10 1 44.6336 66.1555 44.5877 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 0.00295219989493489 1415.63232421875 708.8234 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 14 1 32.8057 200.651 32.8915 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 0.00295219989493489 1415.63232421875 708.8234 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 11 1 32.995 200.651 32.8915 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 94.2200005054474 TASLTSAASIDGSR Phospho(S)@9 -0.00400868989527225 1415.62524414063 708.8199 1415.62939453125 708.821960449219 2 7 1 32.899 101.6844 32.9311 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 98.1100022792816 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPG Phospho(S)@5; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved G-H@C-term 0.00238286005333066 1760.69311523438 881.3538 1760.69067382813 881.352600097656 2 18 1 60.7961 159.6381 60.7467 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term -0.00728366011753678 1998.78942871094 1000.402 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 23 1 45.3332 0 -1 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term -0.00114834995474666 1918.82983398438 960.4222 1918.83093261719 960.422729492188 2 22 1 35.7353 382.8524 35.8202 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term -0.00114834995474666 1918.82983398438 960.4222 1918.83093261719 960.422729492188 2 21 1 35.9206 382.8524 35.8202 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.0193767007440329 1998.81750488281 1000.416 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 23 1 45.2873 0 -1 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.0251870006322861 1998.82348632813 1000.419 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 22 1 45.2595 0 -1 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term -0.0199267007410526 1998.77746582031 1000.396 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 22 1 45.1636 0 -1 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.00338248000480235 1918.83422851563 960.4244 1918.83093261719 960.422729492188 2 16 1 35.6124 246.2198 35.6703 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.00872934982180595 1918.83972167969 960.4271 1918.83093261719 960.422729492188 2 22 1 35.6648 224.2505 35.7496 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 99.0000009536743 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.000772978994064033 1998.79748535156 1000.406 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 24 1 45.2373 361.5421 45.4039 18 8.07 8.07 15.8999994397163 9.97299998998642 9.97299998998642 sp|Q8VBU2|NDRG2_RAT; sp|Q8VBU2-2|NDRG2_RAT Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform Ndrg2S of Protein NDRG2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ndrg2 0 98.1100022792816 TLSQSSESGTLPSGPPGHT Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 cleaved T-M@C-term 0.000528839009348303 1998.79748535156 1000.406 1998.79724121094 1000.40594482422 2 19 1 45.3935 371.8795 45.4039 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00274289003573358 2294.99462890625 766.0055 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 24 1 43.3832 863.2909 43.1003 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 STPDSAEDVRK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved H-S@N-term; missed R-K@10 2.78332008747384E-05 1283.53942871094 642.777 1283.53942871094 642.777038574219 2 11 1 13.1438 138.9579 13.1489 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00351410009898245 2000.8447265625 667.9555 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 20 1 17.8123 944.2286 17.9224 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.0017497600056231 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.8526 6161.882 14.6477 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00274289003573358 2294.99462890625 766.0055 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 18 1 42.8509 898.0494 43.0722 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00237668002955616 2294.9951171875 766.0056 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 29 1 43.0391 916.729 43.0722 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00237668002955616 2294.9951171875 766.0056 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 27 1 43.2144 916.729 43.0722 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 0.00238406006246805 2294.99975585938 766.0072 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 17 1 47.4218 254.7501 47.4543 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00252055004239082 2374.96118164063 792.661 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 11 1 48.5519 182.3466 48.6385 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00124163995496929 2294.99609375 766.006 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 13 1 41.7024 110.7991 41.7075 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00655168993398547 2294.99072265625 766.0042 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 23 1 42.9512 861.0235 43.0733 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00655168993398547 2294.99072265625 766.0042 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 28 1 43.1226 861.279 43.0733 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00655168993398547 2294.99072265625 766.0042 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 17 1 43.3093 861.279 43.0733 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 -0.00179095997009426 2294.99560546875 766.0058 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 15 1 47.383 259.5092 47.4691 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00336922006681561 2374.96020507813 792.6607 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 16 1 48.5274 172.6833 48.6426 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.0147216999903321 2374.94897460938 792.6569 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 16 1 48.7484 218.9514 48.8369 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.000751551007851958 2294.99682617188 766.0062 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 15 1 42.901 941.8268 43.1521 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.000751551007851958 2294.99682617188 766.0062 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 25 1 43.0918 999.7262 43.1521 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.000751551007851958 2294.99682617188 766.0062 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 22 1 43.2818 999.7262 43.1521 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 0.000347101013176143 2294.99755859375 766.0065 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 13 1 47.3783 303.3606 47.4391 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 0.000347101013176143 2294.99755859375 766.0065 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 16 1 47.5676 303.3606 47.4391 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00496135978028178 2374.95874023438 792.6602 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 21 1 48.5381 181.7653 48.516 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00679244985803962 2374.95703125 792.6596 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 12 1 48.7393 183.8444 48.7444 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 0.00146854005288333 2294.99877929688 766.0069 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 23 1 42.8228 692.7351 42.9989 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 0.00146854005288333 2294.99877929688 766.0069 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 30 1 42.9938 692.7351 42.9989 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 0.00146854005288333 2294.99877929688 766.0069 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 24 1 43.1585 692.7351 42.9989 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 0.0011023300467059 2294.99853515625 766.0068 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 18 1 47.2626 203.7953 47.2948 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00221388996578753 2294.9951171875 766.0057 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 28 1 42.8611 786.87 42.982 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00221388996578753 2294.9951171875 766.0057 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 22 1 43.0306 784.9372 42.982 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00221388996578753 2294.9951171875 766.0057 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 20 1 43.2188 784.9372 42.982 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 0.00382857001386583 2295.00122070313 766.0077 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 17 1 47.2769 234.4138 47.3115 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11 -0.00179095997009426 2294.99560546875 766.0058 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 11 1 47.5724 259.5092 47.4691 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00713742012158036 2294.990234375 766.004 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 24 1 42.9726 541.2664 43.0862 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00713742012158036 2294.990234375 766.004 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 21 1 43.1617 541.2664 43.0862 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00713742012158036 2294.990234375 766.004 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 18 1 43.3507 548.441 43.0862 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@13 0.0011023300467059 2294.99853515625 766.0068 2294.99731445313 766.006408691406 3 16 1 47.4342 171.9 47.4393 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.00252055004239082 2374.96118164063 792.661 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 12 1 48.7681 182.3466 48.6385 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 97.9900002479553 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@13 -0.0114927003160119 2374.9521484375 792.658 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 11 1 48.9589 224.0097 48.8543 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 64.9500012397766 HAFSPVASVESASGEVLHSPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@19 -0.0265073999762535 2374.93725585938 792.653 2374.96362304688 792.661865234375 3 11 1 48.3912 122.8277 48.3686 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STPDSAEDVRK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved H-S@N-term; missed R-K@10 -0.000536617008037865 1283.53881835938 642.7767 1283.53942871094 642.777038574219 2 10 1 13.1211 136.6345 13.0992 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STPDSAEDVRK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved H-S@N-term; missed R-K@10 0.00453832978382707 1283.54406738281 642.7793 1283.53942871094 642.777038574219 2 12 1 13.0703 164.0589 13.1084 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STPDSAEDVRK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved H-S@N-term; missed R-K@10 -2.51867004408268E-05 1283.53942871094 642.777 1283.53942871094 642.777038574219 2 11 1 13.0914 209.8532 13.1296 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 48.5199987888336 STPDSAEDVRK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved H-S@N-term; missed R-K@10 0.000509718025568873 1283.5400390625 642.7773 1283.53942871094 642.777038574219 2 8 1 13.0677 131.9483 13.0991 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00611848989501596 2000.84741210938 667.9564 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 25 1 17.9474 316.8146 17.9525 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00568378018215299 2000.8466796875 667.9562 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 19 1 17.8069 342.2227 17.8119 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00862576998770237 2000.84985351563 667.9572 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 20 1 17.8637 362.6663 17.9522 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00862576998770237 2000.84985351563 667.9572 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 14 1 18.0773 369.2222 17.9522 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00226060999557376 2000.84338378906 667.9551 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 22 1 17.6956 776.6208 17.7849 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00244371988810599 2000.84338378906 667.9551 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 18 1 17.8846 772.1144 17.7849 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00127859995700419 2000.84252929688 667.9548 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 22 1 17.8564 439.6132 17.9189 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00127859995700419 2000.84252929688 667.9548 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 13 1 18.044 439.6132 17.9189 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVR Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 0.00351410009898245 2000.8447265625 667.9555 2000.84118652344 667.954345703125 3 16 1 17.996 944.2286 17.9224 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.0017497600056231 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 20 1 14.4853 6161.882 14.6477 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.0017497600056231 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.6687 6161.882 14.6477 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Oxidation(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00101232994347811 2144.93017578125 537.2398 2144.93115234375 537.240051269531 4 12 1 13.9162 532.4214 13.9274 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Carbamidomethyl(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00118617003317922 2185.95849609375 547.4969 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 10 1 14.3614 166.5677 14.3434 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00094724801601842 2128.93530273438 533.2411 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 19 1 14.5244 5897.495 14.6029 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 2.93129996862262E-05 2128.93603515625 533.2413 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 26 1 14.7152 7318.36 14.6407 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 2.93129996862262E-05 2128.93603515625 533.2413 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 26 1 14.887 7210.01 14.6407 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.0004589679883793 2128.93579101563 533.2412 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 24 1 15.0548 1415.656 14.8054 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00094724801601842 2128.93530273438 533.2411 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 14 1 15.2266 516.5094 15.0062 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00094724801601842 2128.93530273438 533.2411 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 15 1 15.4238 329.8454 15.1738 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000453754008049145 2185.95825195313 547.4968 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 23 1 16.2923 601.7952 16.3898 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000453754008049145 2185.95825195313 547.4968 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 20 1 16.4772 605.2326 16.3898 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Deamidated(Q)@5; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.000100987999758217 2129.92016601563 533.4873 2129.92016601563 533.4873046875 4 10 1 16.6799 269.8969 16.6975 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00261318008415401 2128.9384765625 533.2419 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 20 1 14.4265 4384.359 14.5368 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00261318008415401 2128.9384765625 533.2419 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.61 4384.359 14.5368 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0023690399248153 2128.9384765625 533.2419 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 23 1 14.7938 4565.717 14.5106 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00358973001129925 2128.93969726563 533.2422 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 14 1 14.9635 1004.352 14.7198 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00360114010982215 2185.96142578125 547.4976 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 21 1 16.2261 401.7964 16.2366 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Deamidated(Q)@5; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00979996006935835 2129.9296875 533.4897 2129.92016601563 533.4873046875 4 14 1 16.5899 227.4159 16.5949 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0117030004039407 2128.94799804688 710.6566 2128.93603515625 710.652648925781 3 24 1 14.5333 2274.916 14.6167 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0138176996260881 2128.9501953125 533.2448 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.5698 3109.338 14.6167 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0117030004039407 2128.94799804688 710.6566 2128.93603515625 710.652648925781 3 24 1 14.7159 2289.045 14.6167 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00869068037718534 2128.94506835938 533.2435 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 24 1 14.8891 2561.497 14.6688 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0082023898139596 2128.94409179688 533.2433 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 24 1 15.0731 988.4265 14.8307 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00869068037718534 2128.94506835938 533.2435 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 16 1 15.28 540.2982 14.9995 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00698166992515326 2128.94287109375 533.243 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 12 1 15.4456 289.5716 15.2098 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0155899999663234 2185.97314453125 729.665 2185.95751953125 729.659790039063 3 23 1 16.2421 246.547 16.3102 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00425731996074319 2185.96166992188 547.4977 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 20 1 16.4374 604.0915 16.3102 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00188710994552821 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 23 1 14.4172 5073.874 14.5597 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00188710994552821 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 26 1 14.6069 5095.254 14.5597 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00188710994552821 2128.93408203125 533.2408 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 21 1 14.7883 5347.376 14.5335 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00286367000080645 2128.93334960938 533.2406 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 16 1 14.974 1450.628 14.6962 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00275155995041132 2128.93896484375 533.242 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 17 1 15.247 403.4122 14.961 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00200555007904768 2128.93823242188 533.2418 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.4486 4779.309 14.5743 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00200555007904768 2128.93823242188 533.2418 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 25 1 14.6267 4789.338 14.5743 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00200555007904768 2128.93823242188 533.2418 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 26 1 14.8107 4778.543 14.5796 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00200555007904768 2128.93823242188 533.2418 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 23 1 15.0009 1219.857 14.7367 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Deamidated(Q)@5; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0138366995379329 2129.93408203125 533.4908 2129.92016601563 533.4873046875 4 21 1 16.6272 213.3071 16.6322 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0101814996451139 2128.94604492188 533.2438 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 14 1 15.25 263.0282 15.0788 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0125970002263784 2128.94848632813 533.2444 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 9 1 15.9123 149.6734 15.8906 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00200555007904768 2128.93823242188 533.2418 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 12 1 15.1814 486.126 14.901 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00762077001854777 2128.94384765625 533.2432 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 14 1 15.376 167.7052 15.3811 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00356633006595075 2185.96142578125 547.4976 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 20 1 16.2524 502.0506 16.3153 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000203364994376898 2128.93603515625 533.2413 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 18 1 15.0319 1837.727 14.7788 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00538471015170217 2185.96313476563 729.6616 2185.95751953125 729.659790039063 3 21 1 16.2541 279.0283 16.3115 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00748921977356076 2185.96484375 547.4985 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 22 1 16.3208 656.1533 16.3115 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00748921977356076 2185.96484375 547.4985 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 28 1 16.3587 656.1533 16.3115 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Carbamidomethyl(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.000664198014419526 2185.95703125 547.4965 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 18 1 14.282 177.8016 14.2598 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00484187994152308 2185.96240234375 729.6614 2185.95751953125 729.659790039063 3 20 1 16.2135 223.878 16.2448 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00139661994762719 2185.9560546875 547.4963 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 10 1 14.7176 169.8474 14.6437 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Carbamidomethyl(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000653289025649428 2185.95825195313 547.4968 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 18 1 14.3442 193.9924 14.3764 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00459789019078016 2128.9404296875 533.2424 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 16 1 15.4065 254.975 15.3401 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.000284915993688628 2128.93579101563 533.2412 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 15 1 15.9088 179.366 15.6389 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00700093992054462 2185.96459960938 547.4984 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 15 1 14.695 174.7247 14.7001 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00425731996074319 2185.96166992188 547.4977 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 13 1 14.765 122.2616 14.7523 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00748921977356076 2185.96484375 547.4985 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 12 1 16.3783 656.1533 16.3115 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00700093992054462 2185.96459960938 547.4984 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 14 1 16.4375 634.1987 16.2853 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 98.5499978065491 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00459789019078016 2128.9404296875 533.2424 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 12 1 15.2197 331.5637 15.2076 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 97.9700028896332 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Deamidated(Q)@5; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.0102484999224544 2129.93041992188 710.9841 2129.92016601563 710.980651855469 3 13 1 16.685 105.1241 16.6638 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 96.780002117157 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Carbamidomethyl(T)@9; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00523388991132379 2185.962890625 547.498 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 13 1 14.2948 180.674 14.2999 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 94.8899984359741 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Oxidation(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00231368001550436 2144.93334960938 537.2406 2144.93115234375 537.240051269531 4 13 1 13.7162 417.3679 13.8892 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 93.5500025749207 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Carbamidomethyl(T)@9; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00185734999831766 2185.95922851563 547.4971 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 12 1 14.3053 164.0591 14.2918 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 89.5099997520447 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Oxidation(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000940423982683569 2144.93212890625 537.2403 2144.93115234375 537.240051269531 4 11 1 13.891 310.5683 13.869 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 44.310000538826 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Oxidation(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000452144013252109 2144.931640625 537.2402 2144.93115234375 537.240051269531 4 10 1 13.7236 308.2565 13.8961 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 44.310000538826 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00356633006595075 2185.96142578125 547.4976 2185.95751953125 547.496643066406 4 8 1 14.7258 160.9099 14.658 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 25.4400014877319 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.000343722989782691 2185.9580078125 729.6599 2185.95751953125 729.659790039063 3 7 1 16.2176 239.351 16.3099 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 18.4400007128716 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 -0.00094724801601842 2128.93530273438 533.2411 2128.93603515625 533.241333007813 4 7 1 15.9802 150.8403 15.9583 19 8 8 14.2000004649162 11.0799998044968 11.0799998044968 sp|P24090|FETUA_RAT Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ahsg PE=1 SV=2 0 16.2799999117851 VLHAQCHSTPDSAEDVRK Carbamidomethyl(C)@6; Oxidation(H)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed R-K@17 0.00243291002698243 2144.93383789063 537.2407 2144.93115234375 537.240051269531 4 9 1 13.8591 293.4586 13.7847 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DASPGSPLEK -0.00118014996405691 999.486083984375 500.7503 999.4873046875 500.750915527344 2 9 1 19.7098 203.9375 19.7762 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 FNNVEAGK -0.00250032008625567 877.426879882813 439.7207 877.429382324219 439.721954345703 2 12 1 13.3221 80.3285 13.295 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 LEETYTNK 0.00250407005660236 996.478881835938 499.2467 996.476379394531 499.245483398438 2 9 1 15.2758 76.1878 15.2892 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.00358622008934617 1073.54870605469 537.7816 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 33.773 229.6138 34.0291 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DASPGSPLEK -0.000535344996023923 999.486694335938 500.7506 999.4873046875 500.750915527344 2 7 1 19.7376 199.7117 19.7782 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DASPGSPLEK -1.34009997054818E-05 999.487243652344 500.7509 999.4873046875 500.750915527344 2 8 1 19.6444 90.9459 19.6578 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DASPGSPLEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000224892995902337 1079.45385742188 540.7342 1079.45361328125 540.734069824219 2 7 1 23.5913 94.8517 23.6266 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 96.7499971389771 DASPGSPLEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00143864995334297 1079.45202636719 540.7333 1079.45361328125 540.734069824219 2 7 1 23.494 150.3504 23.5546 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 98.9499986171722 LEETYTNK 0.00361624010838568 996.480102539063 499.2473 996.476379394531 499.245483398438 2 9 1 15.3084 63.1232 15.2869 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000778602028731257 1073.55151367188 537.783 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 8 1 33.9408 320.0786 34.1387 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000656532007269561 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 10 1 34.1336 381.5336 34.3291 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.00260964990593493 1073.54968261719 537.7821 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 34.3214 377.1207 34.2745 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000168251994182356 1073.55212402344 537.7833 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 9 1 34.5056 436.6432 34.5968 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000656532007269561 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 35.0731 388.5686 35.0781 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000656532007269561 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 35.2594 388.5686 35.0781 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.00178487005177885 1073.55407714844 537.7843 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 34.8877 449.669 34.8928 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.0016043100040406 1073.55065917969 537.7826 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 34.419 197.5499 34.3725 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000993954017758369 1073.55126953125 537.7829 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.7733 185.5973 34.7784 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 96.2300002574921 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -7.71955019445159E-05 1073.55212402344 537.7833 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 34.7534 205.3112 34.7869 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 94.4100022315979 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000168251994182356 1073.55212402344 537.7833 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.6992 436.6432 34.5968 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 93.5599982738495 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000781373993959278 1073.55310058594 537.7838 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 33.9678 170.3072 34.029 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 83.0200016498566 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000443405995611101 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 9 1 34.1752 126.6023 34.0962 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 80.3799986839294 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000293085002340376 1073.55249023438 537.7835 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 34.8995 310.0981 34.99 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 80.3799986839294 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000903445994481444 1073.55310058594 537.7838 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 35.4688 215.5709 35.4739 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 78.9900004863739 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.00187902001198381 1073.55041503906 537.7825 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 35.1571 153.1904 34.9992 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 71.89000248909 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000443405995611101 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.5358 183.9379 34.4037 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 70.5900013446808 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000537229003384709 1073.552734375 537.7836 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.1506 238.1182 34.1632 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 70.5900013446808 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -7.31320033082739E-05 1073.55212402344 537.7833 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.5127 270.3954 34.5228 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 60.8799993991852 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.00163487996906042 1073.55065917969 537.7826 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.3866 167.2549 34.4224 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 57.7099978923798 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.00017101300181821 1073.55224609375 537.7834 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 7 1 35.092 308.7614 35.0437 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 57.7099978923798 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.00114758999552578 1073.55322265625 537.7839 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 35.6509 212.9875 35.5552 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 36.8600010871887 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000692034023813903 1073.55310058594 537.7838 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.4783 173.1017 34.5106 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 26.2199997901917 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term 0.000293085002340376 1073.55249023438 537.7835 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.7032 284.3207 34.7431 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 25.4400014877319 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.00187902001198381 1073.55041503906 537.7825 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 5 1 34.9646 153.1904 34.9992 20 8 8 11.2199999392033 7.08699971437454 7.08699971437454 sp|P22791|HMCS2_RAT Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgcs2 PE=2 SV=1 0 21.5900003910065 STIPPAPLAK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved F-S@N-term -0.000443405995611101 1073.55163574219 537.7831 1073.55224609375 537.783386230469 2 6 1 34.3434 183.9379 34.4037 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 -0.00155801000073552 1538.67846679688 513.9001 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 14 1 13.9079 224.1506 13.9332 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00106221996247768 2203.89135742188 735.6377 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 18 1 39.7501 394.225 39.7818 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.000819969980511814 2331.98828125 778.3367 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 26 1 32.0214 1306.118 31.9716 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 NSTPSEPDSGQGPPPEEEEGEEEAAKEEAEAQGVR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@26 0.00263398000970483 3745.54125976563 937.3926 3745.53881835938 937.391967773438 4 21 1 42.2759 163.039 42.2281 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 -0.0011917999945581 1538.67883300781 513.9002 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 13 1 13.719 221.9019 13.7419 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.000425823993282393 1538.6806640625 513.9008 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 11 1 13.8326 176.537 13.8377 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.00115075998473912 1538.68115234375 513.901 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 12 1 13.6751 121.9479 13.6802 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.0037477700971067 1538.68395996094 513.9019 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 14 1 13.7079 212.3619 13.7482 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.00338155007921159 1538.68322753906 513.9017 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 13 1 13.8758 221.2586 13.9012 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.00225686002522707 1538.68249511719 513.9014 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 10 1 13.6475 176.0159 13.679 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 96.969997882843 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.000588170019909739 1522.68579101563 508.5692 1522.68505859375 508.568969726563 3 10 1 17.7859 187.4503 17.7118 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 96.9500005245209 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 0.00330369011498988 1538.68322753906 513.9017 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 10 1 13.7178 146.1325 13.7287 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 93.5500025749207 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Oxidation(M)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-R@10 -0.000175306995515712 1538.67993164063 513.9006 1538.68005371094 513.900634765625 3 9 1 13.8852 164.8999 13.8961 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 79.5199990272522 AGDMLEDSPKRPK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(K)@10; Deamidated(R)@11; Oxidation(P)@12 missed K-R@10 0.0611476004123688 1619.69152832031 810.853 1619.63037109375 810.822448730469 2 12 1 35.5045 152.8979 35.483 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00106221996247768 2203.89135742188 735.6377 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 12 1 39.5601 382.9693 39.7552 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00106221996247768 2203.89135742188 735.6377 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 15 1 39.9367 394.225 39.7818 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00506696011871099 2203.88745117188 735.6364 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 17 1 39.6975 368.2634 39.782 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00506696011871099 2203.88745117188 735.6364 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 14 1 39.8831 368.2634 39.782 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00471033016219735 2203.8876953125 735.6365 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 15 1 39.781 338.889 39.8159 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00471033016219735 2203.8876953125 735.6365 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 14 1 39.9655 338.889 39.8159 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00527364993467927 2203.88696289063 735.6363 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 18 1 39.5796 343.5292 39.7175 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00527364993467927 2203.88696289063 735.6363 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 22 1 39.7656 343.5292 39.7175 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00458989990875125 2203.8876953125 735.6365 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 19 1 39.6316 236.6609 39.716 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00458989990875125 2203.8876953125 735.6365 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 16 1 39.817 236.6609 39.716 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00728781009092927 2203.88500976563 735.6356 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 18 1 39.658 213.1562 39.769 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00710471021011472 2203.88525390625 735.6357 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 18 1 39.8491 206.5341 39.7955 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 88.0800008773804 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00142843998037279 2203.89086914063 735.6376 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 11 1 39.9372 281.7011 39.8032 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 41.0899996757507 GNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-L@12 -0.00434410991147161 2203.88793945313 735.6366 2203.89233398438 735.638061523438 3 8 1 39.6077 330.1781 39.8159 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.000819969980511814 2331.98828125 778.3367 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 20 1 31.8265 1306.118 31.9716 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00178024999331683 2331.98901367188 778.337 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 22 1 31.933 1244.32 32.075 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00178024999331683 2331.98901367188 778.337 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 19 1 32.1202 1244.32 32.075 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.000530563003849238 2331.98681640625 778.3362 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 19 1 31.869 409.0787 31.9015 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00249386997893453 2331.98461914063 778.3355 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 11 1 31.5495 236.0594 31.8032 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00157832005061209 2331.98559570313 778.3358 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 19 1 31.7422 611.5706 31.9988 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00194453995209187 2331.9853515625 778.3357 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 19 1 31.9099 1023.339 32.1109 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00194453995209187 2331.9853515625 778.3357 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 29 1 32.0778 1032.348 32.1109 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00194453995209187 2331.9853515625 778.3357 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 18 1 32.2443 1032.348 32.1109 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00169254001230001 2331.98901367188 778.3369 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 16 1 31.5611 207.2345 31.5135 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00169254001230001 2331.98901367188 778.3369 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 15 1 31.7308 1170.243 31.9272 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00169254001230001 2331.98901367188 778.3369 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 23 1 31.9205 1177.753 31.9272 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00169254001230001 2331.98901367188 778.3369 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 23 1 32.1155 1177.753 31.9272 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00402180990204215 2331.98315429688 778.335 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 18 1 31.9072 664.9768 31.8858 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00232955999672413 2331.98974609375 778.3372 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 11 1 31.5447 262.2018 31.7994 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00402180990204215 2331.98315429688 778.335 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 12 1 31.7156 664.9768 31.8858 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00178024999331683 2331.98901367188 778.337 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 11 1 32.3105 1244.32 32.075 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00346022006124258 2331.98388671875 778.3352 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 9 1 31.678 224.6012 31.683 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00136929005384445 2331.98901367188 778.3369 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 15 1 31.6613 243.787 31.6108 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.00178024999331683 2331.98901367188 778.337 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 9 1 31.739 793.5765 31.9931 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.000819969980511814 2331.98828125 778.3367 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 12 1 32.2164 1306.118 31.9716 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 97.189998626709 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.000819969980511814 2331.98828125 778.3367 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 10 1 31.4684 275.8642 31.7222 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 94.3199992179871 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 0.000555813021492213 2331.98754882813 778.3365 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 9 1 31.5248 305.3352 31.7757 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 65.2499973773956 KGNAEGSSDEEGKLVIDEPAK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-G@1; missed K-L@13 -0.00327711994759738 2331.98413085938 778.3353 2331.9873046875 778.336364746094 3 7 1 31.4887 222.2047 31.683 21 8 8 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 29.109999537468 sp|Q8VHK7|HDGF_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgf PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NSTPSEPDSGQGPPPEEEEGEEEAAKEEAEAQGVR Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@26 -0.00152531999628991 3745.53735351563 937.3916 3745.53881835938 937.391967773438 4 19 1 42.1232 218.8643 42.1015 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GDNQSPIELHTK -0.000616069999523461 1337.65686035156 446.8929 1337.65759277344 446.893127441406 3 16 1 20.6291 708.1022 20.6687 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 GGPLSGPYR 0.00123491999693215 902.462280273438 452.2384 902.460998535156 452.23779296875 2 7 1 23.191 77.7325 23.2534 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VVFDDTFDR 0.00285806995816529 1112.51672363281 557.2656 1112.51379394531 557.264221191406 2 8 1 39.188 77.9952 39.246 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 1.35654699802399 99.0000009536743 TILNNGK Deamidated(N)@5 -5.37296982656699E-05 759.412658691406 380.7136 759.412658691406 380.713623046875 2 8 1 14.8257 165.4476 14.8046 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GDNQSPIELHTK 0.00360860000364482 1337.66101074219 446.8943 1337.65759277344 446.893127441406 3 12 1 20.7791 517.586 20.7094 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GDNQSPIELHTK 0.000964335980825126 1337.65832519531 446.8934 1337.65759277344 446.893127441406 3 13 1 20.6367 564.8128 20.6179 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.9499986171722 GDNQSPIELHTK 0.00453987019136548 1337.66198730469 446.8946 1337.65759277344 446.893127441406 3 9 1 20.464 354.3942 20.5004 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GGPLSGPYR 0.000857306004036218 902.461853027344 452.2382 902.460998535156 452.23779296875 2 9 1 23.0954 96.3503 23.1064 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 GGPLSGPYR -0.00112537003587931 902.459899902344 452.2372 902.460998535156 452.23779296875 2 9 1 23.0234 121.7761 23.115 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 83.899998664856 GGPLSGPYR Phospho(S)@5 -0.000783146999310702 982.426696777344 492.2206 982.427368164063 492.220947265625 2 6 1 32.9765 121.8322 32.9841 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 94.6200013160706 TILNNGK Deamidated(N)@5 0.0011283999774605 759.413879394531 380.7142 759.412658691406 380.713623046875 2 6 1 14.7199 162.3543 14.763 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 92.4799978733063 TILNNGK Deamidated(N)@5 0.00166907999664545 759.414245605469 380.7144 759.412658691406 380.713623046875 2 6 1 14.7336 129.0097 14.7725 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 91.0199999809265 TILNNGK Deamidated(N)@5 -0.00244216993451118 759.410278320313 380.7124 759.412658691406 380.713623046875 2 6 1 14.7333 194.0026 14.7732 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 17.790000140667 TILNNGK Deamidated(N)@5 -0.00244216993451118 759.410278320313 380.7124 759.412658691406 380.713623046875 2 6 1 14.9199 194.0247 14.7732 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VVFDDTFDR 0.00413936981931329 1112.51782226563 557.2662 1112.51379394531 557.264221191406 2 7 1 39.3119 75.2262 39.2379 22 7.36 7.36 17.6899999380112 14.2299994826317 14.2299994826317 sp|P14141|CAH3_RAT Carbonic anhydrase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ca3 PE=1 SV=3 0 88.730001449585 VVFDDTFDR 0.00561574986204505 1112.51953125 557.267 1112.51379394531 557.264221191406 2 7 1 39.1603 72.0424 39.139 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.000689682026859373 1402.65051269531 702.3325 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 17 1 30.8619 544.1656 30.7618 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@11 missed R-A@2 0.00239711999893188 1687.83374023438 563.6185 1687.83117675781 563.61767578125 3 15 1 27.5377 193.4393 27.572 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 LLLEYTDSSYEEK -0.00696444977074862 1588.74389648438 795.3792 1588.75085449219 795.382690429688 2 15 1 42.2396 117.8239 42.2179 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 1.13667702674866 96.2700009346008 SQWLNEK 0.000881155021488667 903.445861816406 452.7302 903.445007324219 452.729797363281 2 7 0 21.7967 121.0279 21.6999 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0.0476919896900654 19.0799996256828 IFEPK cleaved H-I@N-term 0.00331846997141838 632.356689453125 317.1856 632.353332519531 317.183959960938 2 4 1 16.8088 98.7148 16.7959 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0.0362121723592281 15.0399997830391 DFLAR -0.00191943999379873 620.326293945313 311.1704 620.328186035156 311.17138671875 2 3 1 24.7346 84.0414 24.7269 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.000689682026859373 1402.65051269531 702.3325 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 18 1 30.6741 544.1656 30.7618 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 -0.000890982977580279 1418.64501953125 710.3298 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 16 1 23.9784 379.8502 24.0635 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 -0.000890982977580279 1418.64501953125 710.3298 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 16 1 24.166 379.8502 24.0635 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.00484889978542924 1402.64624023438 702.3304 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 14 1 30.8361 104.4322 30.8682 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.000683533027768135 1418.64672851563 710.3306 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 18 1 23.979 502.2354 24.0637 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.000683533027768135 1418.64672851563 710.3306 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 16 1 24.1657 502.2354 24.0637 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.00082155002746731 1402.65026855469 702.3324 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 16 1 30.7731 250.1851 30.7782 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.000809316989034414 1418.64685058594 710.3307 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 14 1 24.0464 356.1869 24.1311 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.000809316989034414 1418.64685058594 710.3307 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 18 1 24.2329 356.1869 24.1311 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.00186898000538349 1402.64929199219 702.3319 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 17 1 30.8608 181.321 30.8683 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.00397915998473763 1418.65002441406 710.3323 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 12 1 23.8356 328.5751 23.9505 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.00397915998473763 1418.65002441406 710.3323 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 17 1 24.026 328.5751 23.9505 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.000489640980958939 1402.65063476563 702.3326 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 15 1 30.608 471.0391 30.7197 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.000489640980958939 1402.65063476563 702.3326 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 15 1 30.7953 471.0391 30.7197 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 -0.00255697988905013 1418.64343261719 710.329 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 14 1 23.9744 276.1048 24.0325 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 -0.00255697988905013 1418.64343261719 710.329 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 16 1 24.1614 276.1048 24.0325 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR -0.0105148004367948 1402.640625 702.3276 1402.65112304688 702.332824707031 2 12 1 30.7534 107.7303 30.7584 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.00388713995926082 1418.64990234375 710.3322 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 14 1 23.9049 294.3898 24.019 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@9 0.00388713995926082 1418.64990234375 710.3322 1418.64599609375 710.330261230469 2 15 1 24.0946 294.3898 24.019 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@11 missed R-A@2 0.00623252987861633 1687.83764648438 563.6198 1687.83117675781 563.61767578125 3 11 1 27.432 261.4405 27.493 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR missed R-A@2 -0.00469127995893359 1671.83166503906 558.2845 1671.83630371094 558.286010742188 3 10 1 33.3034 72.2831 33.2563 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@11 missed R-A@2 -0.00487841013818979 1687.82629394531 563.616 1687.83117675781 563.61767578125 3 10 1 27.6095 179.9263 27.597 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR missed R-A@2 0.000442227988969535 1671.83679199219 558.2862 1671.83630371094 558.286010742188 3 12 1 33.1598 192.0952 33.2178 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR Oxidation(M)@11 missed R-A@2 -0.00266575999557972 1687.82861328125 563.6168 1687.83117675781 563.61767578125 3 10 1 27.4046 144.0243 27.4392 23 7.22 7.22 22.9399994015694 15.6000003218651 15.6000003218651 sp|P04905|GSTM1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gstm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 IRADIVENQVMDNR missed R-A@2 0.00635067000985146 1671.84240722656 558.2881 1671.83630371094 558.286010742188 3 13 1 33.2349 214.8525 33.2425 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 0.00162749004084617 1388.57543945313 695.295 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 10 1 20.0362 264.7818 20.1459 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TSPTRPTPQPR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved H-T@N-term 8.81460000528023E-05 1316.62390136719 439.8819 1316.62377929688 439.881866455078 3 12 1 13.9879 116.6848 13.993 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 1.43179821968079 98.1800019741058 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00242812000215054 868.371704101563 435.1931 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 7 1 16.084 89.9053 16.0891 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 1.04095852375031 99.0000009536743 SNGLAHTSPTRPTPQPR Deamidated(N)@2; Phospho(S)@8 0.00534693989902735 1896.88952636719 633.3038 1896.88439941406 633.302062988281 3 10 1 20.0851 151.2591 20.0935 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0.075203999876976 28.2099992036819 QSILR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved E-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 4 0 22.3324 4442.748 22.5291 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 23.1499999761581 QSILR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved E-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 21.7600002884865 QSILR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved E-Q@N-term -0.000905091990716755 695.335876464844 348.6752 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.7503 4392.893 22.4685 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 62.1500015258789 SNGLAHTSPTRPTPQPR Deamidated(N)@2; Phospho(S)@8 0.00561932986602187 1896.89025878906 633.304 1896.88439941406 633.302062988281 3 6 1 20.1038 148.9116 20.0625 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 88.9699995517731 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 0.00119893997907639 868.370300292969 435.1924 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 6 1 15.9825 76.6759 16.0211 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 75.9599983692169 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000223529001232237 868.368896484375 435.1917 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 8 1 15.9768 72.4654 15.9283 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 70.0800001621246 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00129174999892712 868.367858886719 435.1912 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 6 1 15.8062 103.1407 16.0187 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 44.1199988126755 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 0.000230820005526766 868.369445800781 435.192 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 5 1 15.9081 92.0217 16.0296 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 32.9499989748001 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.0024541299790144 868.36669921875 435.1906 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 5 1 15.804 101.5055 15.9256 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 16.5399998426437 TELSPSR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00147486000787467 868.36767578125 435.1911 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 5 1 16.1818 97.661 16.1911 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 0.00652479007840157 1308.61401367188 655.3143 1308.60754394531 655.31103515625 2 14 1 15.3955 96.5533 15.3744 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 -0.00225391006097198 1388.57165527344 695.2931 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 14 1 20.2461 0 -1 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 0.00193868996575475 1388.57592773438 695.2952 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 11 1 19.9443 276.1373 20.055 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 -0.000446343998191878 1388.5732421875 695.2939 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 15 1 20.0249 233.4301 20.1156 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 0.00162749004084617 1388.57543945313 695.295 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 10 1 20.2193 264.7818 20.1459 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 0.00193868996575475 1388.57592773438 695.2952 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 8 1 20.1261 276.1373 20.055 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TELSPSRASPGK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-A@7 -0.000446343998191878 1388.5732421875 695.2939 1388.57385253906 695.294189453125 2 13 1 20.2171 233.4301 20.1156 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 93.4099972248077 TSPTRPTPQPR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved H-T@N-term -0.00282540009357035 1316.62121582031 439.881 1316.62377929688 439.881866455078 3 10 1 13.9524 128.4198 13.9575 24 6.55 6.55 11.429999768734 5.26299998164177 5.26299998164177 sp|Q4KM62|PALMD_RAT Palmdelphin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palmd PE=2 SV=1 0 89.8400008678436 TSPTRPTPQPR Phospho(S)@2 cleaved H-T@N-term 0.00250712991692126 1316.62622070313 439.8827 1316.62377929688 439.881866455078 3 10 1 13.9227 135.468 13.9552 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 NLETENR -0.00200733006931841 874.412475585938 438.2135 874.414489746094 438.214508056641 2 7 1 11.1089 74.9376 11.096 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 NQNINLENNLGEVEAR -0.00102952995803207 1825.89086914063 609.6376 1825.89184570313 609.637878417969 3 16 1 40.1081 115.0882 40.0867 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VRPASSAASVYAGAGGSGSR Phospho(S)@17 0.00265190005302429 1886.86633300781 629.9627 1886.86364746094 629.961791992188 3 19 1 24.1927 156.2855 24.1708 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0.0700704455375671 26.8400013446808 IVLQIDNAR 0.00307655008509755 1040.60083007813 521.3077 1040.59790039063 521.306213378906 2 5 1 33.1106 71.1762 33.0659 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0 97.759997844696 NLETENR 0.00151126994751394 874.416076660156 438.2153 874.414489746094 438.214508056641 2 7 1 11.1114 77.5086 11.09 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0 90.9699976444244 NLETENR -0.00135933002457023 874.4130859375 438.2138 874.414489746094 438.214508056641 2 8 1 11.1701 92.2443 11.1426 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VRPASSAASVYAGAGGSGSR Phospho(S)@17 -0.00514267012476921 1886.8583984375 629.9601 1886.86364746094 629.961791992188 3 11 1 24.3061 143.22 24.2917 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VRPASSAASVYAGAGGSGSR Phospho(S)@17 -0.00256916997022927 1886.86083984375 629.9609 1886.86364746094 629.961791992188 3 17 1 24.053 161.6614 24.0581 25 6.07 6.07 18.4400007128716 10.1700000464916 10.1700000464916 sp|Q5BJY9|K1C18_RAT Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt18 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VRPASSAASVYAGAGGSGSR Phospho(S)@17 -0.00140444003045559 1886.86242675781 629.9614 1886.86364746094 629.961791992188 3 16 1 24.1726 131.5856 24.1538 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.000574773002881557 1930.73229980469 644.5847 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 19 1 12.0471 258.2445 12.058 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNKK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3; missed K-K@16 -0.00574328005313873 2058.82080078125 687.2809 2058.82666015625 687.282836914063 3 21 1 9.4268 296.9485 9.4319 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RASSPFR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-A@1 -0.000845762027893215 899.400695800781 450.7076 899.401489257813 450.7080078125 2 7 1 12.2347 92.4037 12.2216 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0.00568284746259451 20.0100004673004 ANGVPASQNGK Deamidated(N)@2; Phospho(S)@7 0.00133037997875363 1122.47204589844 562.2433 1122.470703125 562.242614746094 2 5 1 13.6591 104.099 13.6675 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0.00348832807503641 25.4400014877319 VTAKAAPSL Phospho(S)@8 cleaved L-P@C-term; missed K-A@4 0.000229754004976712 936.468444824219 469.2415 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 5 0 31.388 149.415 31.4757 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.00487820012494922 1930.73657226563 644.5861 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 14 1 12.0029 263.8924 12.0197 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.0010170399909839 1930.73254394531 644.5848 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 20 1 12.0261 196.7278 12.0429 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.00299510988406837 1930.73474121094 644.5855 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 17 1 11.9972 218.2078 12.0142 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.00674743996933103 1930.73815917969 644.5867 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 14 1 12.0052 121.7395 12.0103 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3 0.00159661995712668 1930.73327636719 644.585 1930.73168945313 644.584533691406 3 16 1 12.0431 177.6824 12.0542 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNKK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3; missed K-K@16 -0.000243841001065448 2058.82641601563 687.2828 2058.82666015625 687.282836914063 3 17 1 9.4353 159.5376 9.4133 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNKK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3; missed K-K@16 0.00958259962499142 2058.83618164063 687.286 2058.82666015625 687.282836914063 3 15 1 9.4361 217.96 9.4412 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNKK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3; missed K-K@16 0.000471639999886975 2058.8271484375 687.283 2058.82666015625 687.282836914063 3 16 1 9.4382 176.5233 9.4433 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AGKESEEEEEDTEQNKK Phospho(S)@5 missed K-E@3; missed K-K@16 0.00103505002334714 2058.82788085938 687.2832 2058.82666015625 687.282836914063 3 10 1 9.4426 218.2927 9.4205 26 6.01 6.01 23.8600000739098 3.40900011360645 3.40900011360645 sp|P41777|NOLC1_RAT Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nolc1 PE=1 SV=1 0 32.820001244545 RASSPFR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-A@1 -0.00262678996659815 899.398864746094 450.7067 899.401489257813 450.7080078125 2 5 1 12.2479 104.4279 12.253 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00124481995590031 1611.78967285156 538.2705 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 12 1 43.3269 278.1203 43.3883 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 -0.00138987996615469 1453.71789550781 485.5799 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 19 1 14.8598 510.8796 14.7791 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RRHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-R@1; missed R-H@2 -0.00283699994906783 1609.81750488281 537.6131 1609.82019042969 537.614013671875 3 12 1 13.0134 104.2137 13.0512 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00124481995590031 1611.78967285156 538.2705 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 11 1 43.4958 278.1203 43.3883 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00334151997230947 1611.78747558594 538.2698 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 10 1 43.3043 242.5574 43.3993 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00334151997230947 1611.78747558594 538.2698 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 15 1 43.5056 242.5574 43.3993 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00115906004793942 1611.78967285156 538.2705 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 11 1 43.3669 251.1574 43.4627 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00115906004793942 1611.78967285156 538.2705 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 13 1 43.5369 250.7727 43.4627 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.00087861402425915 1611.7900390625 538.2706 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 14 1 43.2741 193.5656 43.3073 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.000695507973432541 1611.79028320313 538.2707 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 8 1 43.2963 239.4166 43.4109 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 -0.000695507973432541 1611.79028320313 538.2707 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 10 1 43.4892 239.4166 43.4109 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 79.8600018024445 KKSPNELVDDLFK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@1; missed K-S@2 0.00251301005482674 1611.79357910156 538.2718 1611.79089355469 538.270935058594 3 7 1 43.246 193.9922 43.3059 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 -0.00138987996615469 1453.71789550781 485.5799 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 16 1 14.6888 510.8796 14.7791 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.0022781400475651 1453.72143554688 485.5811 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 19 1 14.6623 603.8252 14.6935 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.00301724998280406 1453.72204589844 485.5813 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 18 1 14.6898 479.7845 14.7785 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.00301724998280406 1453.72204589844 485.5813 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 18 1 14.8627 478.2567 14.7785 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 -0.00353336008265615 1453.71545410156 485.5791 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 14 1 14.6616 585.0585 14.7226 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 -0.00353336008265615 1453.71545410156 485.5791 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 17 1 14.8497 585.0585 14.7226 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.000293563993182033 1453.71936035156 485.5804 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 19 1 14.6791 358.8423 14.7104 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.00325740990228951 1453.72229003906 485.5814 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 19 1 14.7211 621.2399 14.7788 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 -0.00101345998700708 1453.71813964844 364.4368 1453.71911621094 364.437042236328 4 11 1 14.9388 491.5871 14.7732 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.00325740990228951 1453.72229003906 485.5814 1453.71911621094 485.580322265625 3 16 1 14.9376 623.127 14.7788 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 98.309999704361 RHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-H@1 0.00330156995914876 1453.72253417969 364.4379 1453.71911621094 364.437042236328 4 13 1 14.7474 587.6673 14.805 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RRHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-R@1; missed R-H@2 0.00663525005802512 1609.82678222656 537.6162 1609.82019042969 537.614013671875 3 11 1 12.8832 159.4726 12.8701 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RRHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-R@1; missed R-H@2 -0.000963344995398074 1609.8193359375 537.6137 1609.82019042969 537.614013671875 3 15 1 12.8573 195.0587 12.8894 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RRHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-R@1; missed R-H@2 -0.00343305990099907 1609.81689453125 537.6129 1609.82019042969 537.614013671875 3 12 1 12.8785 184.7686 12.9163 27 6.01 6.01 16.4900004863739 7.02700018882751 7.02700018882751 sp|O35987|NSF1C_RAT NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nsfl1c PE=1 SV=1 0 74.1100013256073 RRHSGQDVHVVLK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-R@1; missed R-H@2 -0.00343305990099907 1609.81689453125 537.6129 1609.82019042969 537.614013671875 3 7 1 13.0586 184.7686 12.9163 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DNNLLGK 0.00266199000179768 772.41064453125 387.2126 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 9 1 20.0768 198.321 20.1197 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00246142991818488 1690.72082519531 564.5809 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 15 1 23.9751 672.7667 24.0368 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8137 1364.228 22.7654 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0.000869458774104714 25.4400014877319 RNTTIPTK Phospho(T)@3; Dehydrated(T)@4 missed R-N@1 0.00140704005025327 991.486694335938 496.7506 991.485168457031 496.749877929688 2 6 1 10.3582 152.8397 10.2993 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNNLLGK -0.000352958013536409 772.407653808594 387.2111 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 10 1 20.1547 212.5921 20.0287 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNNLLGK -0.00385864009149373 772.404052734375 387.2093 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 10 1 20.0206 0 -1 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNNLLGK -0.000352958013536409 772.407653808594 387.2111 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 7 1 19.9129 212.5921 20.0287 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNNLLGK 0.00266199000179768 772.41064453125 387.2126 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 6 1 20.2934 198.321 20.1197 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 88.9500021934509 DNNLLGK 7.27755032130517E-05 772.408081054688 387.2113 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 7 1 19.9776 216.9664 20.0891 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 20.8800002932549 DNNLLGK 7.27755032130517E-05 772.408081054688 387.2113 772.407897949219 387.211242675781 2 5 1 20.1571 216.9664 20.0891 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00246142991818488 1690.72082519531 564.5809 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 13 1 24.1627 672.7667 24.0368 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00444435002282262 1690.72265625 564.5815 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 12 1 23.9773 629.1031 24.0371 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00444435002282262 1690.72265625 564.5815 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 13 1 24.1616 629.1031 24.0371 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.0012799899559468 1690.71936035156 564.5804 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 12 1 24.0704 690.811 24.1311 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.0012799899559468 1690.71936035156 564.5804 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 12 1 24.2597 690.811 24.1311 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00168381002731621 1690.72009277344 564.5806 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 11 1 23.8322 732.1072 23.8971 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00168381002731621 1690.72009277344 564.5806 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 12 1 24.0193 732.1072 23.8971 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR -0.000774825981352478 1690.71752929688 564.5798 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 14 1 23.9479 515.5992 24.006 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR -0.000774825981352478 1690.71752929688 564.5798 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 10 1 24.1344 515.5992 24.006 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00226828991435468 1690.72058105469 564.5808 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 14 1 24.0879 681.9492 23.9924 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 63.9400005340576 STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 0.00226828991435468 1690.72058105469 564.5808 1690.71826171875 564.580017089844 3 7 1 23.8991 681.9492 23.9924 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.707 943.2451 22.7906 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.8843 943.2451 22.7906 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8901 943.2451 22.7906 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@6 0.00134372001048177 1228.60632324219 615.3104 1228.60473632813 615.309692382813 2 10 0 25.6066 117.2175 25.5614 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.000776820990722626 1227.6201171875 614.8173 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.6571 1019.222 22.7669 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.000776820990722626 1227.6201171875 614.8173 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8369 1019.222 22.7669 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 14 0 22.7386 1042.902 22.8512 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 18 0 22.9264 1042.902 22.8512 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.9532 1042.902 22.8512 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 11 0 22.5293 1432.556 22.6678 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 13 0 22.6361 1432.556 22.6678 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 16 0 22.7161 1432.556 22.6678 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000592552009038627 1227.62121582031 614.8179 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 12 0 22.8231 655.035 22.7746 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.6812 783.9835 22.7915 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 12 0 22.8127 783.9835 22.7915 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.8651 783.9835 22.7915 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 16 0 22.6261 1364.228 22.7654 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 14 0 22.8406 1364.228 22.7654 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR Carbamidomethyl@N-term -0.000383990991394967 1284.64184570313 643.3282 1284.64221191406 643.328369140625 2 9 0 23.8895 85.4284 23.9237 28 6 6 16.7500004172325 5.37099987268448 5.37099987268448 sp|P14659|HSP72_RAT Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 11 0 22.6531 1364.228 22.7654 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 2 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00178316002711654 2834.046875 945.6896 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 23 1 54.4192 3100.674 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 2 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00447638984769583 2962.14453125 988.3888 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 24 1 46.3838 0 -1 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 2 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 0.00399963976815343 3389.36206054688 848.3478 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 25 1 41.1203 554.1876 41.1876 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00214937003329396 2834.04736328125 945.6897 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.2472 3079.282 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00178316002711654 2834.046875 945.6896 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 23 1 54.5868 3100.674 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00178316002711654 2834.046875 945.6896 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.7542 2819.738 54.4522 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00214937003329396 2834.04736328125 945.6897 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 19 1 54.9252 256.7668 54.9575 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00910058990120888 2835.03833007813 946.02 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 18 1 55.603 211.1199 55.5282 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00385228008963168 2834.048828125 945.6902 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 20 1 54.1949 3128.1 54.3661 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.053328599780798 2851.07739257813 951.3664 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 18 1 54.3057 363.1064 54.3661 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(D)@14; Phospho(S)@18 0.00129240995738655 2856.0283203125 953.0167 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 18 1 54.3334 380.8735 54.3661 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00385228008963168 2834.048828125 945.6902 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.3887 3128.1 54.3661 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 0.0055223498493433 2891.072265625 964.698 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 25 1 54.4573 331.751 54.4009 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00385228008963168 2834.048828125 945.6902 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 23 1 54.5684 3128.1 54.3661 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00348607008345425 2834.04858398438 945.6901 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 18 1 54.74 1812.889 54.4624 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00202123005874455 2834.046875 945.6896 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 18 1 54.9266 364.9348 54.6357 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00201236992143095 2835.03100585938 946.0176 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 21 1 55.4596 267.5452 55.5484 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00164616003166884 2835.03076171875 946.0175 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 17 1 55.6515 268.8864 55.5484 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0428724996745586 2851.06689453125 951.3629 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 18 1 54.3731 324.6906 54.4083 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(D)@14; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00457557011395693 2856.0224609375 953.0148 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 21 1 54.3756 305.6803 54.4083 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00609913980588317 2834.05102539063 945.691 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 19 1 54.1508 2752.164 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00609913980588317 2834.05102539063 945.691 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.3223 2771.352 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 -0.000199355999939144 2891.06616210938 964.696 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 22 1 54.433 323.7961 54.3829 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00609913980588317 2834.05102539063 945.691 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.5158 2771.352 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00573292002081871 2834.05102539063 945.6909 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 18 1 54.7361 235.0083 54.7749 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00573292002081871 2834.05102539063 945.6909 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 13 1 54.9062 235.4324 54.7749 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.0114209000021219 2835.04052734375 946.0208 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 16 1 55.586 208.8121 55.5381 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0086538502946496 2834.03637695313 945.6861 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.1192 3815.36 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(D)@14; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00604041013866663 2856.02099609375 953.0143 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 24 1 54.2271 427.1165 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0086538502946496 2834.03637695313 945.6861 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.3088 3815.36 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0086538502946496 2834.03637695313 945.6861 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.4814 3815.36 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.00828764028847218 2834.03686523438 945.6862 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.6713 2091.362 54.3756 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.00572416000068188 2834.03930664063 945.6871 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.8573 257.607 54.7295 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00573094980791211 2835.0234375 946.0151 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 19 1 55.397 194.9942 55.3754 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00243504997342825 2835.02661132813 946.0162 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 18 1 55.5831 202.8261 55.5348 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00658182986080647 2834.0517578125 945.6912 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 20 1 54.0796 2290.49 54.2222 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00658182986080647 2834.0517578125 945.6912 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 20 1 54.2721 2290.49 54.2222 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00658182986080647 2834.0517578125 945.6912 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 20 1 54.4645 2290.49 54.2222 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00218732003122568 2834.04736328125 945.6897 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 19 1 54.729 453.1482 54.442 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00123385002370924 2834.04638671875 945.6894 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 11 1 55.3893 134.541 55.3404 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00620474014431238 2835.03515625 946.019 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 12 1 55.6017 190.4127 55.4212 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(E)@6; Phospho(S)@18 0.00161567004397511 2856.02856445313 953.0168 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 18 1 54.2885 366.3282 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.00617387983947992 2856.033203125 953.0184 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 20 1 54.1896 278.9816 54.2222 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 0.00373946991749108 2891.0703125 964.6974 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 20 1 54.3271 241.6269 54.2771 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0040762098506093 2834.041015625 945.6876 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.2653 2465.973 54.4083 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0040762098506093 2834.041015625 945.6876 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.4584 2465.973 54.4083 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0040762098506093 2834.041015625 945.6876 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 21 1 54.6294 2455.034 54.4083 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.017076700925827 2834.02807617188 945.6833 2834.04516601563 945.68896484375 3 22 1 54.9195 170.7456 54.8721 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00177636998705566 2835.03100585938 946.0176 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 16 1 55.4716 175.84 55.5338 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00389988999813795 2835.02514648438 946.0157 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 18 1 55.7409 148.6024 55.6398 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0529102012515068 2851.07690429688 951.3663 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 18 1 54.2171 307.1054 54.2222 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0539150983095169 2851.07788085938 951.3666 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 17 1 54.2609 371.3088 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0539150983095169 2851.07788085938 951.3666 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 17 1 54.4272 370.138 54.3273 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 0.000827250012662262 2891.0673828125 964.6964 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 22 1 54.5587 355.833 54.5079 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 -0.0023783000651747 2856.02465820313 953.0155 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 21 1 54.3636 373.7397 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Phospho(S)@18 0.00720936013385654 2835.03637695313 946.0194 2835.02905273438 946.016967773438 3 10 1 55.3957 153.7172 55.3527 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 98.9199995994568 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00722939008846879 2891.05932617188 964.6937 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 20 1 54.3706 396.9424 54.3206 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 98.9199995994568 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(E)@9; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00604041013866663 2856.02099609375 953.0143 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 19 1 54.3982 426.9082 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 98.1100022792816 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0447035990655422 2851.06884765625 951.3635 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 20 1 54.5274 464.7135 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 97.0300018787384 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@14; Phospho(S)@18 0.0447035990655422 2851.06884765625 951.3635 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 19 1 54.3602 464.7135 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 97.0300018787384 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@18 0.000827250012662262 2891.0673828125 964.6964 2891.06665039063 964.696105957031 3 17 1 54.3912 355.833 54.5079 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 97.0300018787384 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:Na(E)@9; Phospho(S)@18 -0.0023783000651747 2856.02465820313 953.0155 2856.02709960938 953.016296386719 3 18 1 54.5308 373.7397 54.4243 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 93.4400022029877 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@11; Oxidation(D)@12; Phospho(S)@18 0.0421401001513004 2851.06616210938 951.3627 2851.02392578125 951.3486328125 3 18 1 54.2 464.2568 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 93.4400022029877 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Dicarbamidomethyl(D)@10; Deamidated(N)@11; Dehydrated(S)@18 -0.0289776995778084 2851.06616210938 951.3627 2851.09521484375 951.372314453125 3 19 1 54.3664 464.643 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 75.330001115799 GATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Cation:K(D)@8; Phospho(S)@18 -0.00933551974594593 2871.99169921875 958.3378 2872.0009765625 958.340942382813 3 14 1 54.2543 203.6596 54.2865 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00502570997923613 2962.14501953125 988.389 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 26 1 45.7636 1849.748 45.878 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00118049001321197 2962.14135742188 988.3877 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.951 1851.847 45.878 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00776549987494946 2963.1318359375 988.7179 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 22 1 47.0158 398.54 47.0745 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00776549987494946 2963.1318359375 988.7179 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 23 1 47.2043 398.54 47.0745 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0042589302174747 2962.14428710938 988.3887 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 26 1 45.8014 1568.552 45.8586 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0042589302174747 2962.14428710938 988.3887 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 25 1 45.9835 1568.552 45.8586 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00847034994512796 2962.1484375 988.3901 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 24 1 46.4783 131.8999 46.452 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00699661020189524 2963.13134765625 988.7177 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 21 1 46.9299 431.963 47.0142 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00699661020189524 2963.13134765625 988.7177 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 24 1 47.1151 431.963 47.0142 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.000939747027587146 2962.14086914063 988.3876 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 25 1 45.7503 2086.287 45.8908 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.000939747027587146 2962.14086914063 988.3876 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.917 2089.801 45.8908 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0113770002499223 2962.15161132813 988.3911 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 21 1 46.6359 109.6577 46.6933 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00205013994127512 2963.12622070313 988.716 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 20 1 46.8985 418.6777 47.036 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00205013994127512 2963.12622070313 988.716 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 25 1 47.0842 418.6777 47.036 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0150509001687169 2963.13891601563 988.7203 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 19 1 47.4885 145.7029 47.4663 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00154670001938939 2962.1416015625 988.3878 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 26 1 45.6757 1909.397 45.7851 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00154670001938939 2962.1416015625 988.3878 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.8581 1909.397 45.7851 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00594122987240553 2962.14599609375 988.3893 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 22 1 46.5673 157.6515 46.6249 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 -0.00413635978475213 2963.11987304688 988.7139 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 22 1 46.8581 434.8901 46.9166 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0120323002338409 2962.15209960938 988.3913 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.6004 1918.119 45.7356 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0120323002338409 2962.15209960938 988.3913 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.7826 1918.119 45.7356 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0120323002338409 2962.15209960938 988.3913 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 22 1 45.9649 1918.119 45.7356 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00817609019577503 2963.13232421875 988.718 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 22 1 46.8279 309.785 46.8856 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00817609019577503 2963.13232421875 988.718 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 21 1 47.0125 309.785 46.8856 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 -0.00413635978475213 2963.11987304688 988.7139 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 21 1 47.0459 434.8901 46.9166 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00154670001938939 2962.1416015625 988.3878 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 26 1 45.8067 1616.31 45.869 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00154670001938939 2962.1416015625 988.3878 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 27 1 45.9994 1646.986 45.869 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0125329997390509 2962.15258789063 988.3915 2962.14013671875 988.387329101563 3 22 1 46.5885 89.7841 46.5673 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00630065985023975 2963.13037109375 988.7174 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 23 1 47.0089 356.2715 47.0403 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.00630065985023975 2963.13037109375 988.7174 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 21 1 47.194 356.2715 47.0403 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDK Deamidated(N)@12; Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1 0.0132587002590299 2963.13745117188 988.7197 2963.1240234375 988.71533203125 3 19 1 47.5417 113.8246 47.5199 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00147540995385498 3389.3564453125 848.3464 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 29 1 41.122 647.595 41.1815 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00147540995385498 3389.3564453125 848.3464 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 27 1 41.3133 647.595 41.1815 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00230964994989336 3389.35571289063 848.3462 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 27 1 41.1955 600.553 41.2558 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00157721003051847 3389.3564453125 848.3464 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 27 1 41.3672 570.634 41.2558 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00234801997430623 3389.35571289063 848.3462 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 30 1 41.0468 540.3181 41.1142 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00234801997430623 3389.35571289063 848.3462 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 26 1 41.2272 540.3181 41.1142 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00364507990889251 3389.3544921875 848.3459 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 29 1 41.0504 456.04 41.1101 29 6 6 10.1499997079372 4.61499989032745 4.61499989032745 sp|Q68FR9-2|EF1D_RAT Isoform 2 of Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef1d 0 99.0000009536743 KGATPAEDDEDNDIDLFGSDEEEEDKEAAR Phospho(S)@19 missed K-G@1; missed K-E@26 -0.00552185019478202 3389.3525390625 848.3454 3389.35791015625 848.346801757813 4 24 1 41.1282 451.7359 41.1605 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5 0.00168087997008115 1378.61462402344 690.3146 1378.61291503906 690.313781738281 2 10 1 19.7181 144.8266 19.7232 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 -0.00185455998871475 1506.7060546875 503.2426 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 18 1 14.9928 1617.229 14.9792 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SKSESPKEPEQLRK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@2; missed K-E@7; missed R-K@13 0.00189999002031982 1843.81384277344 615.6119 1843.81176757813 615.611206054688 3 16 1 20.0624 308.0217 20.0412 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5 -0.00117001996841282 1378.61181640625 690.3132 1378.61291503906 690.313781738281 2 10 1 19.7434 138.0658 19.7782 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5 -0.000921074009966105 1378.61193847656 460.5446 1378.61291503906 460.544921875 3 13 1 19.5438 326.1754 19.5786 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5 0.000880847976077348 1378.61376953125 460.5452 1378.61291503906 460.544921875 3 15 1 19.653 324.1302 19.6911 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 -0.00184504000935704 1506.7060546875 503.2426 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 17 1 14.9053 1267.067 14.8632 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000430513988249004 1506.70837402344 503.2434 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 13 1 14.7878 1488.885 14.9468 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000430513988249004 1506.70837402344 503.2434 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 17 1 14.9581 1486.227 14.9468 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000178307993337512 1506.7080078125 503.2433 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 13 1 14.7355 1347.659 14.8813 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000178307993337512 1506.7080078125 503.2433 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 15 1 14.9294 1347.659 14.8813 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.00277744000777602 1506.71081542969 503.2442 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 16 1 14.9748 956.7688 14.8744 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 -0.00185455998871475 1506.7060546875 503.2426 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 13 1 14.8189 1611.7 14.9792 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 -0.00184504000935704 1506.7060546875 503.2426 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 10 1 14.7361 1266.072 14.8632 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.00277744000777602 1506.71081542969 503.2442 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 13 1 14.7759 961.4713 14.8744 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000983666046522558 1506.708984375 503.2436 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 18 1 14.8443 1438.795 14.9164 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SESPKEPEQLRK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@5; missed R-K@11 0.000983666046522558 1506.708984375 503.2436 1506.70788574219 503.243255615234 3 15 1 15.0659 1441.237 14.9164 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SKSESPKEPEQLRK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@2; missed K-E@7; missed R-K@13 0.00204544002190232 1843.81384277344 615.6119 1843.81176757813 615.611206054688 3 10 1 19.8648 272.7363 19.9229 30 6 6 18.129999935627 4.37499992549419 4.37499992549419 sp|P04256|ROA1_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpa1 PE=1 SV=3 0 85.1100027561188 SKSESPKEPEQLRK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@2; missed K-E@7; missed R-K@13 0.00251227989792824 1843.81457519531 615.6121 1843.81176757813 615.611206054688 3 8 1 19.917 305.6917 19.9827 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GVSEIVHEGK -0.00244132010266185 1053.54309082031 352.1883 1053.54553222656 352.189086914063 3 7 1 16.9916 208.5251 17.005 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GVSEIVHEGKK missed K-K@10 0.000755943008698523 1181.64123535156 394.8877 1181.64038085938 394.887420654297 3 8 1 13.1279 204.4674 13.1799 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 LTITYGSK -0.00125417998060584 881.484680175781 441.7496 881.48583984375 441.750183105469 2 8 1 25.4908 360.0455 25.4462 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0.00217691925354302 68.3200001716614 VIHNEFTLGEECELETMTGEK Carbamidomethyl(C)@12; Carbamidomethyl(K)@21 0.00606541009619832 2522.13647460938 631.5414 2522.13061523438 631.539916992188 4 10 1 34.3156 300.2696 34.3207 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GVSEIVHEGK 0.00118960998952389 1053.54675292969 352.1895 1053.54553222656 352.189086914063 3 7 1 16.9997 70.6233 16.9901 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 17.5200000405312 GVSEIVHEGK 0.000295451987767592 1053.54577636719 352.1892 1053.54553222656 352.189086914063 3 5 1 16.9258 172.0225 16.9646 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.1199989318848 GVSEIVHEGKK missed K-K@10 -0.000116812996566296 1181.64038085938 394.8874 1181.64038085938 394.887420654297 3 9 1 13.2118 244.8253 13.2496 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 24.1200000047684 GVSEIVHEGKK missed K-K@10 0.00211270991712809 1181.64245605469 394.8881 1181.64038085938 394.887420654297 3 8 1 13.2001 181.2277 13.2051 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00176796002779156 961.450500488281 481.7325 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 8 1 32.5366 1450.001 32.6508 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00176796002779156 961.450500488281 481.7325 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 10 1 32.7258 1450.001 32.6508 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.7299978733063 LTITYGSK -0.00132560997735709 881.484497070313 441.7495 881.48583984375 441.750183105469 2 8 1 25.3649 373.0593 25.37 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.1199979782104 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00360001996159554 961.448669433594 481.7316 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 8 1 32.7095 1295.051 32.608 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.4699974060059 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.000761303002946079 961.452880859375 481.7337 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.4093 1072.057 32.4957 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 96.1899995803833 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00360001996159554 961.448669433594 481.7316 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.5198 1295.051 32.608 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 94.0299987792969 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.000471598992589861 961.452697753906 481.7336 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 9 1 32.4857 883.4003 32.5438 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 91.32000207901 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.000761303002946079 961.452880859375 481.7337 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.5944 1072.057 32.4957 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 89.300000667572 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.00192714005243033 961.4541015625 481.7343 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.4039 968.3676 32.5145 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 80.8200001716614 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.000471598992589861 961.452697753906 481.7336 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.6703 883.4003 32.5438 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 80.0400018692017 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.00109446002170444 961.453247070313 481.7339 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 7 1 32.6578 815.8336 32.5831 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 75.1399993896484 LTITYGSK 0.00208984990604222 881.488098144531 441.7513 881.48583984375 441.750183105469 2 6 1 25.3343 455.7684 25.3657 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 72.7199971675873 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.00192714005243033 961.4541015625 481.7343 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 6 1 32.5889 968.3676 32.5145 31 6 6 46.4599996805191 31.4999997615814 14.9599999189377 sp|P02692|FABPL_RAT Fatty acid-binding protein, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fabp1 PE=1 SV=1 0 62.1100008487701 LTITYGSK Phospho(S)@7 0.00109446002170444 961.453247070313 481.7339 961.4521484375 481.733367919922 2 6 1 32.4723 815.8336 32.5831 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.000324655993608758 2200.919921875 734.6472 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 16 1 44.3201 231.6417 44.243 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.0013190699974075 2897.34985351563 966.7905 2897.34838867188 966.790100097656 3 19 1 53.2493 414.9117 53.387 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SSPPEGKLETK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-L@7 -0.00229767989367247 1293.58312988281 647.7988 1293.58532714844 647.799987792969 2 9 1 25.9542 189.1545 25.8795 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.000324655993608758 2200.919921875 734.6472 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 13 1 44.076 231.6417 44.243 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.0022229899186641 2200.91796875 734.6466 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 14 1 44.312 207.1387 44.2897 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 0.00345368008129299 2200.92358398438 734.6485 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 15 1 44.212 201.7357 44.1628 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 97.6300001144409 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 0.000744914985261858 2200.9208984375 734.6476 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 14 1 44.0782 281.9064 44.2192 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 93.5500025749207 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 0.00345368008129299 2200.92358398438 734.6485 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 8 1 44.0227 201.7357 44.1628 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 92.8099989891052 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 0.000744914985261858 2200.9208984375 734.6476 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 14 1 44.2694 285.7139 44.2468 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 91.9000029563904 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.0022229899186641 2200.91796875 734.6466 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 10 1 44.1222 207.1387 44.2897 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 89.300000667572 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.00108614005148411 2200.91918945313 734.647 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 14 1 44.16 263.8832 44.1651 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 58.9399993419647 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVY Phospho(S)@11 cleaved Y-I@C-term; missed K-D@2 -0.00108614005148411 2200.91918945313 734.647 2200.92016601563 734.647338867188 3 9 1 43.9697 261.5801 44.1651 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00698204012587667 2897.35546875 725.3461 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 21 1 53.4051 479.8477 53.387 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00698204012587667 2897.35546875 725.3461 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 18 1 53.435 479.8477 53.387 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00904230959713459 2897.357421875 725.3466 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 16 1 53.4138 391.6179 53.4189 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00285987998358905 2897.35131835938 725.3451 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 14 1 53.252 368.1176 53.3911 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@2 0.00285987998358905 2897.35131835938 725.3451 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 19 1 53.4403 368.1176 53.3911 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.0060054799541831 2897.3544921875 725.3459 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 17 1 53.1519 295.7518 53.2626 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 -0.00142751005478203 2897.34692382813 966.7896 2897.34838867188 966.790100097656 3 18 1 53.3367 305.8896 53.2362 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00950881000608206 2897.35766601563 725.3467 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 17 1 53.1823 364.5808 53.2678 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00950881000608206 2897.35766601563 725.3467 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 14 1 53.3705 364.5808 53.2678 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 -0.00473670987412333 2897.34375 725.3432 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 14 1 53.3131 288.4828 53.4252 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 -0.00473670987412333 2897.34375 725.3432 2897.34838867188 725.344360351563 4 15 1 53.5009 288.4828 53.4252 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DKDDQEWESTSPPKPTVYISGVIAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-D@2 0.00471907993778586 2897.35327148438 966.7917 2897.34838867188 966.790100097656 3 11 1 53.2273 301.2703 53.4189 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 98.9000022411346 SSPPEGKLETK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-L@7 -0.00191563996486366 1293.58349609375 647.799 1293.58532714844 647.799987792969 2 10 1 25.8896 155.8302 25.7404 32 6 6 40.200001001358 35.2899998426437 35.2899998426437 sp|Q9QX67|DAP1_RAT Death-associated protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dap PE=2 SV=3 0 75.1399993896484 SSPPEGKLETK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-L@7 0.00107234995812178 1293.58642578125 647.8005 1293.58532714844 647.799987792969 2 10 1 25.7543 180.7689 25.6547 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.00209396006539464 936.470275878906 469.2424 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 1 31.4064 400.7574 31.5477 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR -0.00183210999239236 1244.58801269531 623.3013 1244.58984375 623.302185058594 2 13 1 17.5653 108.8122 17.5703 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 1.33724212646484 98.089998960495 FIQSPEDLEK 0.00520553020760417 1204.60290527344 603.3087 1204.59753417969 603.306030273438 2 7 1 33.1825 85.8592 33.1358 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0.040958609431982 19.5700004696846 ISSLPNVKK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@8 -0.00188034004531801 1064.56127929688 533.2879 1064.56311035156 533.288818359375 2 5 1 22.3677 85.2712 22.3727 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.00209396006539464 936.470275878906 469.2424 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 8 1 31.5941 400.7574 31.5477 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00123884994536638 936.466857910156 469.2407 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 1 31.5586 383.323 31.4588 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00123884994536638 936.466857910156 469.2407 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 1 31.3686 383.323 31.4588 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.6299991607666 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000325567001709715 936.467895507813 469.2412 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 1 31.6525 257.4406 31.5802 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 90.0099992752075 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000658488017506897 936.467468261719 469.241 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 8 1 31.5746 388.7763 31.5008 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 84.8200023174286 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.000229757002671249 936.468444824219 469.2415 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 0 31.388 149.415 31.4757 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 71.670001745224 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000325567001709715 936.467895507813 469.2412 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 1 31.4627 257.4406 31.5802 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 63.9400005340576 ISSLPNVK -0.00130074995104223 856.50048828125 429.2575 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 6 1 24.1692 138.5745 24.0727 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 63.9400005340576 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000658488017506897 936.467468261719 469.241 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 1 31.381 388.7763 31.5008 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 62.1100008487701 ISSLPNVK 0.00144370005000383 856.503295898438 429.2589 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 5 1 24.0853 81.1865 24.1439 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 53.219997882843 ISSLPNVK -0.00130074995104223 856.50048828125 429.2575 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 6 1 23.9873 138.5745 24.0727 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 44.9000000953674 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00336634996347129 936.46484375 469.2397 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 5 1 31.5719 169.7954 31.6367 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR 0.000119272997835651 1244.58996582031 415.8706 1244.58984375 415.870544433594 3 10 1 17.7266 279.836 17.7317 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR Phospho(S)@1 0.00378017011098564 1324.55981445313 663.2872 1324.55615234375 663.285339355469 2 12 1 23.3757 89.9942 23.3276 33 5.38 5.38 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 13.060000538826 sp|P00502|GSTA1_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta1 PE=1 SV=3 0 97.9399979114532 SHGQDYLVGNR -0.000520189991220832 1244.58935546875 415.8704 1244.58984375 415.870544433594 3 11 1 17.6013 516.1702 17.6591 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EVLDASDKEGLSPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-E@8 -0.00274976994842291 1717.71838378906 573.5801 1717.72131347656 573.5810546875 3 10 1 33.7103 148.3284 33.6034 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SKSPVDLR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-S@2 -0.00335109001025558 1060.43225097656 531.2234 1060.435546875 531.225036621094 2 7 1 21.5633 192.206 21.5948 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 1.25181198120117 99.0000009536743 RRSLSPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-R@1; missed R-S@2 0.00344891007989645 1002.44470214844 502.2296 1002.44128417969 502.227935791016 2 8 1 9.5149 84.0221 9.5256 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0.000434511806815863 52.9900014400482 AATEPPSLR Phospho(T)@3; Cation:K(E)@4 cleaved M-A@N-term 0.0102530000731349 1058.43029785156 530.2224 1058.42004394531 530.21728515625 2 7 1 13.9717 549.9283 13.7016 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 94.4100022315979 EVLDASDKEGLSPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(K)@15 missed K-E@8 -0.00274976994842291 1717.71838378906 573.5801 1717.72131347656 573.5810546875 3 8 1 33.5153 148.6857 33.6034 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 83.5200011730194 EVLDASDKEGLSPAK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-E@8 0.000946695974562317 1717.72241210938 573.5814 1717.72131347656 573.5810546875 3 9 1 33.6621 116.2047 33.6436 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 87.1699988842011 RRSLSPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-R@1; missed R-S@2 0.00153566000517458 1002.44287109375 502.2287 1002.44128417969 502.227935791016 2 8 1 9.5496 108.5595 9.5772 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 41.2400007247925 RRSLSPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-R@1; missed R-S@2 -8.76495032571256E-05 1002.44128417969 502.2279 1002.44128417969 502.227935791016 2 7 1 9.4893 140.8455 9.5208 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 92.1700000762939 SKSPVDLR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-S@2 0.00164152996148914 1060.43725585938 531.2259 1060.435546875 531.225036621094 2 6 1 21.5888 133.5271 21.6203 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 81.9999992847443 SKSPVDLR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-S@2 -0.00028559600468725 1060.43530273438 531.2249 1060.435546875 531.225036621094 2 6 1 21.6004 109.413 21.421 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 71.4200019836426 SKSPVDLR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed K-S@2 -0.00363206001929939 1060.43188476563 531.2232 1060.435546875 531.225036621094 2 6 1 21.5337 143.2614 21.5413 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 73.8900005817413 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3; Dimethyl(R)@6 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.011251799762249 1058.46752929688 530.241 1058.47875976563 530.246643066406 2 7 0 27.8632 1143.544 28.0571 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 60.8799993991852 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3; Dimethyl(R)@6 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.011251799762249 1058.46752929688 530.241 1058.47875976563 530.246643066406 2 9 1 28.052 1155.363 28.0571 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 60.1300001144409 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3; Dimethyl(R)@6 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.0124084996059537 1058.46630859375 530.2404 1058.47875976563 530.246643066406 2 9 1 28.0139 1929.131 28.0718 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 50.2799987792969 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3; Dimethyl(R)@6 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.013638099655509 1058.46508789063 530.2398 1058.47875976563 530.246643066406 2 8 1 28.342 1459.564 28.1571 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 44.4099992513657 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.00023156100360211 1030.44763183594 516.2311 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 8 0 10.552 120.4625 10.5628 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 34.3400001525879 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.000248374009970576 1030.44763183594 516.2311 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 5 1 10.526 139.5774 10.5658 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 26.5599995851517 SRSPIRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00180228997487575 1030.44567871094 516.2301 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 7 1 10.5991 105.2468 10.6308 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 44.4099992513657 SRSPLRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.00023156100360211 1030.44763183594 516.2311 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 8 0 10.552 120.4625 10.5628 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 34.3400001525879 SRSPLRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.000248374009970576 1030.44763183594 516.2311 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 5 1 10.526 139.5774 10.5658 34 5.28 5.28 15.7900005578995 4.56800013780594 2.9789999127388 sp|Q5RKH1|PRP4B_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf4b PE=2 SV=1 0 26.5599995851517 SRSPLRR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00180228997487575 1030.44567871094 516.2301 1030.44738769531 516.231018066406 2 7 1 10.5991 105.2468 10.6308 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KQPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@7 cleaved G-K@N-term; missed K-Q@1 0.00113254005555063 1723.79296875 575.6049 1723.79174804688 575.6044921875 3 18 1 33.5706 408.2766 33.4385 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00187800999265164 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 22 1 62.3499 341.6187 62.3016 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0.899629473686218 95.550000667572 QNPEQSADEDAEK Phospho(S)@6 0.0171025991439819 1539.58972167969 770.8021 1539.57263183594 770.793579101563 2 7 1 16.7903 52.1604 16.7954 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KQPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@7 cleaved G-K@N-term; missed K-Q@1 0.00113254005555063 1723.79296875 575.6049 1723.79174804688 575.6044921875 3 18 1 33.3771 408.2766 33.4385 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KQPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@7 cleaved G-K@N-term; missed K-Q@1 -0.00152626994531602 1723.79016113281 575.604 1723.79174804688 575.6044921875 3 20 1 33.3593 266.8019 33.3917 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KQPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@7 cleaved G-K@N-term; missed K-Q@1 -0.00458351988345385 1723.78723144531 575.603 1723.79174804688 575.6044921875 3 16 1 33.4446 343.4877 33.4799 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KQPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@7 cleaved G-K@N-term; missed K-Q@1 0.00187359994743019 1723.79382324219 575.6052 1723.79174804688 575.6044921875 3 14 1 33.2882 245.4423 33.323 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000867385999299586 1595.69592285156 798.8552 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 15 1 42.1056 245.4527 42.2978 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000867385999299586 1595.69592285156 798.8552 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 18 1 42.2927 251.2946 42.2978 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00187800999265164 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 17 1 62.1583 342.3127 62.3016 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00220501003786922 1595.69909667969 798.8568 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 12 1 42.1123 292.0611 42.2863 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00196087011136115 1595.69873046875 798.8566 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 15 1 42.3078 294.8066 42.233 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00193150003906339 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 22 1 62.0528 487.9984 62.2029 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00217564008198678 1578.67224121094 790.3434 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 21 1 62.2246 493.6434 62.2029 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00193150003906339 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 21 1 62.3951 469.794 62.2475 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00175605004187673 1595.69848632813 798.8565 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 13 1 42.1426 320.927 42.3335 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00175605004187673 1595.69848632813 798.8565 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 15 1 42.3284 321.7855 42.3335 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00227234000340104 1595.69445800781 798.8545 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 10 1 42.5018 199.7966 42.4282 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00138846994377673 1578.67163085938 790.3431 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 22 1 62.0223 393.7969 62.1489 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00151054002344608 1578.67163085938 790.3431 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 20 1 62.1964 408.0977 62.1752 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00151054002344608 1578.67163085938 790.3431 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 20 1 62.3874 408.0977 62.1752 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00196602009236813 1595.69482421875 798.8547 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 14 1 42.2034 346.5664 42.1551 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00495793018490076 1578.66528320313 790.3399 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 21 1 62.0541 395.0812 62.1656 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00495793018490076 1578.66528320313 790.3399 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 22 1 62.2411 395.0812 62.1656 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00495793018490076 1578.66528320313 790.3399 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 19 1 62.4173 391.1721 62.1656 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000397752010030672 1595.69653320313 798.8555 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 17 1 42.1903 243.2813 42.2482 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00180242001079023 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 19 1 61.979 336.5316 62.0956 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 0.00180242001079023 1578.67211914063 790.3433 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 20 1 62.1703 336.43 62.0956 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000397752010030672 1595.69653320313 798.8555 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 12 1 42.3755 243.2813 42.2482 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00145195005461574 1595.6982421875 798.8564 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 15 1 42.1412 258.7305 42.2264 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00145195005461574 1595.6982421875 798.8564 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 12 1 42.3273 258.7305 42.2264 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00495793018490076 1578.66528320313 790.3399 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 19 1 62.1406 343.5994 62.2313 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00495793018490076 1578.66528320313 790.3399 1578.67016601563 790.342407226563 2 22 1 62.3125 343.1819 62.2313 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00121295999269933 1595.69543457031 798.855 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 9 1 42.4924 278.6096 42.3396 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 0.00167744001373649 1595.69848632813 798.8565 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 9 1 42.0035 233.48 42.1954 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 88.0800008773804 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00196602009236813 1595.69482421875 798.8547 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 10 1 42.3868 346.5664 42.1551 35 4.9 4.9 4.28100004792213 2.96400003135204 2.96400003135204 sp|B5DFC8|EIF3C_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3c PE=2 SV=1 0 64.9500012397766 QPLLLSEDEEDTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00196602009236813 1595.69482421875 798.8547 1595.69677734375 798.855651855469 2 9 1 42.016 346.5664 42.1551 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.0034914999268949 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 25 1 39.7236 491.8857 39.835 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 -0.00816749036312103 3558.490234375 890.6298 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 28 1 46.6667 646.7908 46.7504 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0.595166265964508 88.4100019931793 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.0034914999268949 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 26 1 39.91 491.8857 39.835 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00346373999491334 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 31 1 39.7504 765.3768 39.8351 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00346373999491334 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 28 1 39.9362 765.3768 39.8351 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Deamidated(Q)@11; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00750083010643721 3446.390625 862.6049 3446.39819335938 862.606811523438 4 23 1 43.3666 286.3366 43.3993 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00340677006170154 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 26 1 39.7843 619.2711 39.8953 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00340677006170154 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 25 1 39.9697 619.2711 39.8953 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.0034914999268949 3445.41064453125 862.3599 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 29 1 39.6576 745.2677 39.744 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00397977977991104 3445.41015625 862.3598 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 25 1 39.8302 746.8466 39.744 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00427879998460412 3445.40966796875 862.3597 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 27 1 39.6845 722.4267 39.7426 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00427879998460412 3445.40966796875 862.3597 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 30 1 39.8701 722.4267 39.7426 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVK Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 -0.00690945982933044 3445.4072265625 862.3591 3445.4140625 862.360778808594 4 27 1 39.7375 404.8077 39.7955 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 -0.00816749036312103 3558.490234375 890.6298 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 11 1 46.8771 646.7908 46.7504 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 -0.000397274998249486 3558.49780273438 890.6317 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 20 1 46.6409 481.6634 46.7249 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 0.00957528036087751 3558.5078125 890.6342 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 22 1 46.6301 488.7784 46.7195 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 0.0210871007293463 3558.51928710938 890.6371 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 30 1 46.5639 264.3058 46.5723 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 0.0156947001814842 3558.513671875 890.6357 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 24 1 46.5123 325.4642 46.5436 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 0.00668280012905598 3558.5048828125 890.6335 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 26 1 46.6452 682.4424 46.7292 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 CGSGPVHISGQHLVAVEEDAESEDEDEEDVKL Carbamidomethyl(C)@1; Phospho(S)@22 cleaved L-L@C-term; missed K-L@31 0.00668280012905598 3558.5048828125 890.6335 3558.498046875 890.6318359375 4 25 1 46.8298 682.4424 46.7292 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 80.8700025081635 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3039 7210.107 22.3458 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 58.8800013065338 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term 0.00298607000149786 695.33984375 348.6772 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.8664 1727.686 22.5836 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 57.9500019550323 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3758 5289.389 22.4145 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 57.9500019550323 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.000905091990716755 695.335876464844 348.6752 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.7503 4392.893 22.4685 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 57.6300024986267 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4907 7210.107 22.3458 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 50.9899973869324 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.5165 4471.179 22.5291 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 47.0699995756149 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.3324 4442.748 22.5291 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.4199997186661 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term 0.00323020992800593 695.340087890625 348.6773 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4946 5365.007 22.4211 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.3799990415573 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.000642045983113348 695.336059570313 348.6753 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3845 3215.516 22.4504 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.3799990415573 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.000642045983113348 695.336059570313 348.6753 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4387 3215.516 22.4504 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 33.6299985647202 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term 0.00323020992800593 695.340087890625 348.6773 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.307 5365.007 22.4211 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 29.8500001430511 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00146669999230653 695.335266113281 348.6749 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.5431 5116.099 22.4672 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 25.8599996566772 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.5602 5289.389 22.4145 36 4.6 4.6 30.1400005817413 12.66999989748 10.9600000083447 sp|P13084|NPM_RAT Nucleophosmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Npm1 PE=1 SV=1 0 16.5399998426437 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00146669999230653 695.335266113281 348.6749 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3544 5116.099 22.4672 37 4.15 4.15 10.8900003135204 3.50599996745586 3.32099981606007 sp|Q6AXY7|PR38B_RAT Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf38b PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SLSPRRS Phospho(S)@3 cleaved S-P@C-term; missed R-R@5; missed R-S@6 -0.0111552998423576 881.40087890625 441.7077 881.412048339844 441.713287353516 2 6 1 21.0801 89.3055 21.0672 37 4.15 4.15 10.8900003135204 3.50599996745586 3.32099981606007 sp|Q6AXY7|PR38B_RAT Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf38b PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SQSVEPESQEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00024132699763868 1326.53381347656 664.2742 1326.53405761719 664.274291992188 2 14 1 14.1882 106.4863 14.1395 37 4.15 4.15 10.8900003135204 3.50599996745586 3.32099981606007 sp|Q6AXY7|PR38B_RAT Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf38b PE=2 SV=1 0.145086988806725 71.5799987316132 RSLSPR Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@4 missed R-S@1 0.00111633003689349 874.347473144531 438.181 874.346313476563 438.180450439453 2 7 0 12.4069 108.966 12.418 37 4.15 4.15 10.8900003135204 3.50599996745586 3.32099981606007 sp|Q6AXY7|PR38B_RAT Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf38b PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQSVEPESQEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00123634003102779 1326.53283691406 664.2737 1326.53405761719 664.274291992188 2 14 1 14.0686 132.6946 14.0801 37 4.15 4.15 10.8900003135204 3.50599996745586 3.32099981606007 sp|Q6AXY7|PR38B_RAT Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prpf38b PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQSVEPESQEK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000638613011687994 1326.53344726563 664.274 1326.53405761719 664.274291992188 2 11 1 14.2026 109.6267 14.1807 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1 -0.00165916001424193 1609.55310058594 805.7838 1609.55456542969 805.784606933594 2 22 1 12.2848 157.8979 12.3171 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 -0.0026057600043714 1737.64721679688 580.223 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 13 1 9.4243 265.6764 9.4049 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0.109020404517651 43.0500000715256 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 37.0099991559982 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.5165 4471.179 22.5291 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 28.2099992036819 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 4 0 22.3324 4442.748 22.5291 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 26.0699987411499 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3758 5289.389 22.4145 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 21.7600002884865 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.000905091990716755 695.335876464844 348.6752 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.7503 4392.893 22.4685 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.6700000166893 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-L@N-term -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3039 7210.107 22.3458 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1 -0.00429305993020535 1609.55029296875 805.7824 1609.55456542969 805.784606933594 2 21 1 12.2523 132.038 12.2836 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1 0.00793221965432167 1609.56262207031 805.7886 1609.55456542969 805.784606933594 2 17 1 12.2969 134.1466 12.3137 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1 0.000805363000836223 1609.55541992188 805.785 1609.55456542969 805.784606933594 2 19 1 12.2314 175.016 12.2426 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1 0.00547588989138603 1609.56005859375 805.7873 1609.55456542969 805.784606933594 2 13 1 12.277 110.0652 12.2555 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 0.000124166006571613 1737.64965820313 580.2238 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 15 1 9.4049 226.1042 9.4133 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 0.00694243004545569 1737.65637207031 580.2261 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 13 1 9.4007 240.8174 9.4141 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 0.000885099987499416 1737.65051269531 580.2241 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 15 1 9.4672 230.8138 9.4779 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 0.0034237599465996 1737.65295410156 580.2249 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 14 1 9.4129 227.6278 9.4205 38 4.11 4.11 13.060000538826 3.88900004327297 3.88900004327297 sp|Q5HZV9|PP1R7_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r7 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RVESEESGDEEGKK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed R-V@1; missed K-K@13 -0.00186147005297244 1737.64782714844 580.2232 1737.64953613281 580.223815917969 3 15 1 9.4341 285.0868 9.4162 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00321324006654322 1871.91101074219 624.9776 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 14 1 34.4581 1003.614 34.5433 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00377196003682911 1844.72741699219 923.371 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 28 1 27.1997 2719.524 27.1525 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0.040005162358284 20.4199999570847 ENSREALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-E@4 0.00370567990466952 2358.13647460938 787.0528 2358.1328125 787.051574707031 3 7 1 31.675 149.3317 31.6244 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00321324006654322 1871.91101074219 624.9776 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 15 1 34.6453 1003.614 34.5433 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00261692004278302 1871.91149902344 624.9778 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 15 1 34.5875 910.7461 34.5106 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00183376995846629 1871.91247558594 624.9781 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 12 1 34.5152 812.5827 34.6059 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00183376995846629 1871.91247558594 624.9781 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 12 1 34.7057 812.5827 34.6059 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 0.000264453003183007 1871.91467285156 624.9788 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 15 1 34.4774 1189.423 34.4274 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 0.00241769989952445 1871.91662597656 624.9795 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 17 1 34.554 680.2827 34.4496 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 -0.00261692004278302 1871.91149902344 624.9778 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 10 1 34.3943 910.7461 34.5106 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 0.00241769989952445 1871.91662597656 624.9795 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 12 1 34.3627 680.2827 34.4496 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.5099971294403 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 0.00162434997037053 1871.91577148438 624.9792 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 11 1 34.3685 1090.251 34.486 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.2299983501434 EALVEPASESPRPALAR Phospho(S)@10 0.00162434997037053 1871.91577148438 624.9792 1871.91418457031 624.978698730469 3 12 1 34.5634 1090.251 34.486 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00377196003682911 1844.72741699219 923.371 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 29 1 27.0167 2719.524 27.1525 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00377196003682911 1844.72741699219 923.371 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 24 1 27.3828 2719.524 27.1525 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000964349019341171 1844.73022460938 923.3724 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 20 1 27.5924 124.5227 27.6238 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000739008013624698 1844.73071289063 923.3726 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 27 1 27.087 2094.31 27.2249 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4; Cation:K(E)@9 -0.00939773954451084 1882.677734375 628.5665 1882.68713378906 628.569702148438 3 12 1 27.2398 182.6591 27.2249 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000739008013624698 1844.73071289063 923.3726 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 28 1 27.2731 2094.31 27.2249 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000739008013624698 1844.73071289063 923.3726 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 23 1 27.4598 2094.31 27.2249 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4 0.00353343994356692 1844.73486328125 923.3747 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 20 1 27.7004 89.0805 27.6521 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00611762003973126 1844.72521972656 923.3699 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 24 1 27.0303 2104.127 27.1957 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00611762003973126 1844.72521972656 923.3699 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 26 1 27.2175 2104.127 27.1957 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00611762003973126 1844.72521972656 923.3699 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 25 1 27.4066 2104.127 27.1957 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00623968988656998 1844.72509765625 923.3698 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 14 1 27.6234 477.0285 27.3304 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00529234996065497 1844.72607421875 923.3703 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 25 1 27.0866 1486.301 27.2509 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00529234996065497 1844.72607421875 923.3703 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 28 1 27.2723 1486.301 27.2509 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00529234996065497 1844.72607421875 923.3703 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 23 1 27.4586 1486.301 27.2509 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000708547013346106 1844.73071289063 923.3726 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 27 1 26.9844 1698.788 27.0938 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000708547013346106 1844.73071289063 923.3726 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 29 1 27.1668 1698.788 27.0938 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 0.00905707012861967 1844.740234375 923.3774 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 23 1 27.4274 0 -1 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@15 0.00106464000418782 1924.69873046875 963.3566 1924.69763183594 963.356079101563 2 15 1 31.4811 88.447 31.5135 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@7 0.00533710001036525 1924.703125 963.3588 1924.69763183594 963.356079101563 2 12 1 31.9222 73.7997 31.8728 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00236790999770164 1844.72912597656 923.3718 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 22 1 26.9777 1471.117 27.1428 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00236790999770164 1844.72912597656 923.3718 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 28 1 27.1646 1471.117 27.1428 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00236790999770164 1844.72912597656 923.3718 1844.73132324219 923.372924804688 2 25 1 27.353 1471.117 27.1428 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Phospho(S)@3; Cation:K(E)@9 -0.00797065999358892 1882.67919921875 628.567 1882.68713378906 628.569702148438 3 10 1 27.1605 206.8886 27.1689 39 4.04 4.04 15.7299995422363 9.55099985003471 9.55099985003471 sp|Q9JJ19|NHRF1_RAT Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc9a3r1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SASSDTSEELNAQDSPK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00446496997028589 1901.75732421875 951.8859 1901.75280761719 951.883666992188 2 24 1 27.8026 96.999 27.8078 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ASALFSSDEEDQWSVADSQTK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00104630005080253 2379.97338867188 794.3317 2379.97436523438 794.332092285156 3 14 1 56.1006 159.0727 56.0224 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00212028995156288 2052.9541015625 685.3253 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 18 1 23.8459 266.7406 23.7981 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0.0319842882454395 37.8699988126755 GDVSNQRK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-K@7 0.0255673993378878 982.448852539063 492.2317 982.42333984375 492.218933105469 2 5 0 13.6558 143.3225 13.6675 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASALFSSDEEDQWSVADSQTK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00324356998316944 2379.97119140625 794.331 2379.97436523438 794.332092285156 3 19 1 55.8953 190.8475 55.8728 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00451685022562742 2052.9560546875 685.326 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 14 1 23.9306 287.4888 23.8929 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00103537004906684 2052.95288085938 685.3249 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 12 1 23.8685 241.433 23.7413 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.000714392983354628 2052.95263671875 685.3248 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 10 1 23.7834 278.5525 23.6268 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 -0.00558387022465467 2052.9462890625 685.3227 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 14 1 23.8228 212.1195 23.8065 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00212028995156288 2052.9541015625 685.3253 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 10 1 23.6611 266.7406 23.7981 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00451685022562742 2052.9560546875 685.326 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 9 1 23.7477 287.4888 23.8929 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00126370997168124 2052.953125 685.325 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 9 1 23.5903 275.7823 23.6268 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 98.879998922348 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00107631005812436 2052.95288085938 685.3249 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 9 1 23.7122 245.1826 23.7726 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 88.0900025367737 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.000458602007711306 2052.95239257813 685.3247 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 9 1 23.6376 229.8004 23.7271 40 4.03 4.03 11.5199998021126 3.08699999004602 3.08699999004602 sp|Q80X08|FAM21_RAT WASH complex subunit FAM21 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam21 PE=2 SV=1 0 72.7199971675873 GQPAQGPVSEESPPSPKPGK Phospho(S)@15 0.00103537004906684 2052.95288085938 685.3249 2052.95166015625 685.324523925781 3 8 1 23.6519 241.433 23.7413 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KNSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.0020976800005883 1368.58312988281 685.2988 1368.5810546875 685.297790527344 2 12 1 36.7456 98.921 36.7771 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 0.00123550998978317 1240.4873046875 621.2509 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 8 1 48.8492 170.6885 48.8543 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KNSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.00132861000020057 1368.58251953125 685.2985 1368.5810546875 685.297790527344 2 16 1 36.8464 109.8775 36.8515 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KNSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.00156301003880799 1368.58264160156 685.2986 1368.5810546875 685.297790527344 2 11 1 36.7591 148.7665 36.7959 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KNSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.00218259007669985 1368.58325195313 685.2989 1368.5810546875 685.297790527344 2 9 1 36.7293 90.9489 36.7344 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 -0.000544667011126876 1240.48547363281 621.25 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 11 1 48.9707 190.9092 48.8925 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 -0.000128920000861399 1240.48583984375 621.2502 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 12 1 48.8505 152.8862 48.8555 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 -0.00120589998550713 1240.48486328125 621.2497 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 8 1 48.8786 134.5712 48.8861 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 96.5300023555756 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 0.00358774000778794 1240.48962402344 621.2521 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 9 1 48.6553 145.1437 48.7428 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 88.7499988079071 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 0.00275123002938926 1240.48864746094 621.2516 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 7 1 48.7763 98.2611 48.7536 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 72.7199971675873 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 0.00358774000778794 1240.48962402344 621.2521 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 8 1 48.8467 145.1437 48.7428 41 4 4.01 12.4799996614456 1.82600002735853 1.82600002735853 sp|P21213|HUTH_RAT Histidine ammonia-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hal PE=1 SV=1 0 30.7000011205673 NSATIPESDDL Phospho(S)@2 0.0013575799530372 1240.48742675781 621.251 1240.48608398438 621.250305175781 2 6 1 48.7715 102.0917 48.7493 42 4 4 4.56300005316734 0.442800018936396 0.442800018936396 sp|Q2TL32|UBR4_RAT E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubr4 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 EEDYESDAATIVQK Cation:Na(E)@5; Deamidated(Q)@13 0.00636789994314313 1619.68786621094 810.8512 1619.68151855469 810.848022460938 2 8 1 35.5578 103.6747 35.5361 42 4 4 4.56300005316734 0.442800018936396 0.442800018936396 sp|Q2TL32|UBR4_RAT E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubr4 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 HVTLPSSPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000248052994720638 1072.5068359375 537.2607 1072.50671386719 537.260620117188 2 9 1 20.5673 187.5192 20.5528 42 4 4 4.56300005316734 0.442800018936396 0.442800018936396 sp|Q2TL32|UBR4_RAT E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubr4 PE=2 SV=2 0 92.6500022411346 HVTLPSSPR Phospho(S)@7 0.0028745299205184 1072.50952148438 537.262 1072.50671386719 537.260620117188 2 8 1 20.6843 126.0882 20.6179 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 2 99.0000009536743 AAAAAAAK Carbamidomethyl(K)@8 0.0444599017500877 700.431274414063 351.2229 700.386779785156 351.20068359375 2 7 1 55.3336 256.0477 55.109 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 2 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00235217995941639 1368.64172363281 685.3281 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 10 1 25.2105 238.812 25.0859 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 AAAAAAAK Carbamidomethyl(K)@8 0.0464739985764027 700.433288574219 351.2239 700.386779785156 351.20068359375 2 8 1 53.9861 224.1588 53.942 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 AAAAAAAK Carbamidomethyl(K)@8 0.0444599017500877 700.431274414063 351.2229 700.386779785156 351.20068359375 2 7 1 55.1453 256.0477 55.109 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00235217995941639 1368.64172363281 685.3281 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 15 1 25.0005 238.812 25.0859 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 0.000857997976709157 1368.64489746094 685.3297 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 11 1 25.1551 140.1159 25.1075 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00197510002180934 1368.64184570313 685.3282 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 11 1 25.094 220.2626 25.181 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 0.00122715998440981 1368.64501953125 685.3298 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 13 1 24.8922 184.7678 24.9499 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00148857000749558 1368.64245605469 685.3285 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 11 1 25.1531 196.4676 25.0261 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 99.0000009536743 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -4.20065989601426E-05 1368.64392089844 685.3292 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 15 1 24.9917 174.9757 24.9968 43 4 4 16.2200003862381 1.66900008916855 1.66900008916855 sp|Q3MJK5-2|CDK12_RAT Isoform CDK12(S) of Cell division protein kinase 12 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk12 0 39.3799990415573 NSSPAPPQPAPVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00148857000749558 1368.64245605469 685.3285 1368.64392089844 685.329223632813 2 6 1 24.942 196.4676 25.0261 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 -1.98019006347749E-05 1226.51806640625 614.2663 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 13 1 12.9689 120.3592 12.98 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 -0.000963200000114739 1515.6708984375 758.8427 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 12 1 21.9572 80.6759 21.936 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0.00305075151845813 99.0000009536743 ELENELNTK Cation:K(E)@1 cleaved T-E@N-term -0.00114197004586458 1126.48962402344 564.2521 1126.49084472656 564.252685546875 2 8 1 25.1075 441.4271 25.1924 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 24.6900007128716 AGTTAGTYDAPR Phospho(T)@7; Oxidation(P)@11 cleaved S-A@N-term -0.0236629992723465 1275.48962402344 638.7521 1275.51330566406 638.763916015625 2 8 1 54.7485 344.4744 54.8092 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 21.5900003910065 ELENELNTK Cation:K(E)@1 cleaved T-E@N-term -0.00151516997721046 1126.48950195313 564.252 1126.49084472656 564.252685546875 2 8 1 25.094 439.9289 25.1287 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 0.00465541984885931 1226.52270507813 614.2686 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 13 1 12.8915 171.3915 12.9239 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 0.00056198297534138 1226.51843261719 614.2665 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 13 1 12.9112 204.9208 12.9432 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 -0.00111358996946365 1226.51684570313 614.2657 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 14 1 12.9422 133.0466 12.9204 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 0.00249849003739655 1226.5205078125 614.2675 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 10 1 12.9043 169.4654 12.915 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SQEELREEK Phospho(S)@1 missed R-E@6 0.00111949001438916 1226.51904296875 614.2668 1226.51806640625 614.266296386719 2 12 1 12.9382 181.3085 12.9765 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.0050182300619781 1515.67687988281 758.8457 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 24 1 21.7737 86.5279 21.7788 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 -9.07766007003374E-05 1515.671875 758.8432 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 12 1 21.7839 73.7175 21.7102 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.00274434988386929 1515.67468261719 758.8446 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 12 1 21.7471 111.0172 21.7257 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 -0.000673676026053727 1515.67126464844 758.8429 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 10 1 22.2315 63.9444 22.2101 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.00197214004583657 1515.673828125 758.8442 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 12 1 21.5428 151.1481 21.6318 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.00197214004583657 1515.673828125 758.8442 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 10 1 21.7554 151.1481 21.6318 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.00533278007060289 1515.67724609375 758.8459 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 11 1 21.984 74.5528 21.9364 44 4 4 9.56799983978271 1.80399995297194 1.80399995297194 sp|O35889|AFAD_RAT Afadin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mllt4 PE=1 SV=1 0 97.9399979114532 SSPNVANQPPSPGGK Phospho(S)@11 0.00594312977045774 1515.67785644531 758.8462 1515.671875 758.843200683594 2 9 1 21.7211 126.9661 21.6735 45 4 4 11.8000000715256 3.83500009775162 3.83500009775162 sp|Q641X2|LEO1_RAT RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Leo1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KLNSDEEGESSGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-L@1 0.000512913975398988 1458.58801269531 730.3013 1458.58752441406 730.301025390625 2 18 1 10.5867 85.4828 10.5653 45 4 4 11.8000000715256 3.83500009775162 3.83500009775162 sp|Q641X2|LEO1_RAT RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Leo1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KYVISDEEEEEDD Phospho(S)@5 missed K-Y@1 0.00646104011684656 1678.6201171875 840.3173 1678.61352539063 840.314025878906 2 13 1 34.5917 85.7995 34.6236 45 4 4 11.8000000715256 3.83500009775162 3.83500009775162 sp|Q641X2|LEO1_RAT RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Leo1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KLNSDEEGESSGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-L@1 -1.43462002597516E-05 1458.58752441406 730.301 1458.58752441406 730.301025390625 2 17 1 10.5212 90.9626 10.5 45 4 4 11.8000000715256 3.83500009775162 3.83500009775162 sp|Q641X2|LEO1_RAT RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Leo1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KLNSDEEGESSGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-L@1 0.00465494999662042 1458.59228515625 730.3034 1458.58752441406 730.301025390625 2 17 1 10.4814 98.0403 10.4599 45 4 4 11.8000000715256 3.83500009775162 3.83500009775162 sp|Q641X2|LEO1_RAT RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Leo1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KLNSDEEGESSGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-L@1 0.000933409028220922 1458.58850097656 730.3015 1458.58752441406 730.301025390625 2 17 1 10.4991 72.8663 10.5042 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 2 99.0000009536743 ISENYSDKSDVENADESSSSILK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@9 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-S@8 0.0107944002375007 2676.08374023438 893.0352 2676.07275390625 893.031555175781 3 18 1 42.4147 151.4141 42.4198 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 2 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 0.00063335697632283 1826.83056640625 609.9508 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 17 1 30.2985 405.3801 30.36 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 ISENYSDKSDVENADESSSSILK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@9 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-S@8 0.00355787994340062 2676.07641601563 893.0328 2676.07275390625 893.031555175781 3 20 1 42.4756 100.106 42.5069 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 ISENYSDKSDVENADESSSSILK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@9 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-S@8 0.0145774995908141 2676.08740234375 893.0364 2676.07275390625 893.031555175781 3 11 1 42.3225 103.2587 42.3011 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 96.7599987983704 ISENYSDKSDVENADESSSSILK Phospho(Y)@5; Phospho(S)@9 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-S@8 -0.000575086975004524 2676.072265625 893.0314 2676.07275390625 893.031555175781 3 17 1 42.3095 201.586 42.3678 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 96.289998292923 ISENYSDKSDVENADESSSSILK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@9 cleaved K-P@C-term; missed K-S@8 -0.0062513598240912 2676.06665039063 893.0295 2676.07275390625 893.031555175781 3 16 1 42.3987 193.8936 42.4303 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000849372008815408 1826.83093261719 609.9509 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 13 1 30.2507 358.5576 30.2823 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000648261979222298 1826.82934570313 609.9504 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 16 1 30.3851 348.4639 30.4167 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 0.0036867200396955 1826.83349609375 609.9518 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 15 1 30.1783 465.6575 30.2399 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@5 -7.07895014784299E-05 1826.830078125 609.9506 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 11 1 30.2249 316.377 30.23 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 0.000504915020428598 1826.83020019531 609.9507 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 14 1 30.2495 319.4445 30.2546 46 4 4 6.67300000786781 3.61399985849857 3.61399985849857 sp|Q9JI66|S4A4_RAT; sp|Q9JI66-3|S4A4_RAT Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform rb2NBC of Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc4a4 0 99.0000009536743 NLTSSSLNDISDKPEK Phospho(S)@6 0.0036867200396955 1826.83349609375 609.9518 1826.82995605469 609.950561523438 3 8 1 30.3914 465.6575 30.2399 47 4 4 8.22400003671646 3.81399989128113 3.81399989128113 sp|Q6MG08|ABCF1_RAT ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abcf1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GAEQGSEEEKEEK Phospho(S)@6 missed K-E@10 0.00541721004992723 1528.59851074219 765.3065 1528.59301757813 765.303771972656 2 9 1 9.4065 116.834 9.4141 47 4 4 8.22400003671646 3.81399989128113 3.81399989128113 sp|Q6MG08|ABCF1_RAT ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abcf1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 QLSVPASDEEDEVPVPVPR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@7 0.00289882998913527 2124.96459960938 709.3288 2124.96166992188 709.327819824219 3 15 1 70.8609 160.598 70.866 48 4 4 17.4600005149841 2.96500008553267 2.96500008553267 sp|Q6MG06|GNL1_RAT Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnl1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EEQTDTSDGESVTHHIR Phospho(S)@7 0.00480251014232636 2019.82214355469 674.2813 2019.81713867188 674.279663085938 3 13 1 20.0058 164.0923 19.9624 48 4 4 17.4600005149841 2.96500008553267 2.96500008553267 sp|Q6MG06|GNL1_RAT Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnl1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 REEQTDTSDGESVTHHIR Phospho(S)@8 missed R-E@1 0.0117194997146726 2175.9296875 544.9897 2175.91821289063 544.98681640625 4 15 1 16.703 140.7349 16.6901 48 4 4 17.4600005149841 2.96500008553267 2.96500008553267 sp|Q6MG06|GNL1_RAT Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnl1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EEQTDTSDGESVTHHIR Phospho(S)@7 0.0008936160011217 2019.81823730469 674.28 2019.81713867188 674.279663085938 3 10 1 19.9843 95.0866 19.9694 48 4 4 17.4600005149841 2.96500008553267 2.96500008553267 sp|Q6MG06|GNL1_RAT Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnl1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EEQTDTSDGESVTHHIR Phospho(S)@7 0.00518199009820819 2019.822265625 674.2814 2019.81713867188 674.279663085938 3 12 1 19.8068 126.8298 19.8699 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 2 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 -0.00107747002039105 1720.61071777344 861.3126 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 18 1 41.0679 141.3291 40.9921 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 2 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVKK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@15 0.00489328987896442 1848.71166992188 925.3631 1848.70678710938 925.360656738281 2 13 1 30.2224 131.3318 30.2539 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 0.00124185997992754 1720.61303710938 861.3138 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 17 1 40.8801 144.0191 40.8852 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 -0.00402123993262649 1720.60791015625 861.3112 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 19 1 40.8827 137.3188 40.9419 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 0.00207826006226242 1720.61389160156 861.3142 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 22 1 40.8183 117.1039 40.8509 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 -0.00672987010329962 1720.60510253906 861.3098 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 21 1 40.8065 103.8042 40.7848 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 -0.00256040995009243 1720.60925292969 861.3119 1720.61181640625 861.313171386719 2 22 1 40.912 100.0341 40.917 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVKK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@15 -0.0012868499616161 1848.70544433594 925.36 1848.70678710938 925.360656738281 2 11 1 30.2506 128.6709 30.2582 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVKK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@15 0.00126815994735807 1848.70812988281 925.3613 1848.70678710938 925.360656738281 2 16 1 30.0724 126.8058 30.1337 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVKK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@15 0.000692804984282702 1848.70751953125 925.361 1848.70678710938 925.360656738281 2 11 1 30.1191 94.9248 30.0977 49 4 4 7.17500001192093 2.39199995994568 2.39199995994568 sp|Q925G1|HDGR2_RAT; sp|Q925G1-2|HDGR2_RAT Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hdgfrp2 0 99.0000009536743 GGSSGEELEDEEPVKK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-K@15 0.00418209983035922 1848.71081542969 925.3627 1848.70678710938 925.360656738281 2 13 1 30.17 100.9872 30.1751 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.000697395007591695 1507.66625976563 503.5627 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 12 1 26.9774 872.7337 27.039 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 QKSDAEEDGGTGSQDEEDSKPK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-S@2 -0.000563603010959923 2478.89453125 827.3054 2478.89501953125 827.305603027344 3 22 1 19.1865 140.9637 19.1654 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0.00174066168256104 95.9399998188019 AEEDEILNRSPRNR Phospho(S)@10; Arg-loss@C-term missed R-S@9; missed R-N@12 0.000132756002130918 1621.70983886719 541.5772 1621.70971679688 541.577209472656 3 12 1 26.2884 290.3264 26.3986 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.00352293998003006 1507.66333007813 503.5617 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 10 1 27.0071 753.6083 27.0917 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.00352293998003006 1507.66333007813 503.5617 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 12 1 27.1927 753.6083 27.0917 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.0027500600554049 1507.66418457031 503.562 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 10 1 26.8946 604.7261 26.9827 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.00106359994970262 1507.66564941406 503.5625 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 9 1 27.1666 868.9728 27.0656 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 0.00269055995158851 1507.66955566406 503.5638 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 14 1 26.9906 842.418 27.0218 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 98.1199979782104 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.0155221996828914 1507.65124511719 754.8329 1507.66674804688 754.840698242188 2 8 1 26.9063 0 -1 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 97.6499974727631 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.0027500600554049 1507.66418457031 503.562 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 9 1 27.0776 604.7261 26.9827 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 96.1300015449524 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.000419866992160678 1507.66625976563 503.5627 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 9 1 27.1087 806.4225 27.0087 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 65.2499973773956 AEEDEILNRSPR Phospho(S)@10 missed R-S@9 -0.000419866992160678 1507.66625976563 503.5627 1507.66674804688 503.562866210938 3 8 1 26.9214 806.4225 27.0087 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QKSDAEEDGGTGSQDEEDSKPK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-S@2 0.00562262022867799 2478.900390625 827.3074 2478.89501953125 827.305603027344 3 20 1 19.244 125.4679 19.223 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QKSDAEEDGGTGSQDEEDSKPK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-S@2 0.00897367019206285 2478.90405273438 827.3086 2478.89501953125 827.305603027344 3 16 1 19.1185 80.113 19.0711 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QKSDAEEDGGTGSQDEEDSKPK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-S@2 0.0165618006139994 2478.91137695313 827.3111 2478.89501953125 827.305603027344 3 17 1 19.0487 140.006 19.106 50 4 4 10.1499997079372 6.09100013971329 6.09100013971329 sp|P35565|CALX_RAT Calnexin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Canx PE=1 SV=1 0 98.0400025844574 QKSDAEEDGGTGSQDEEDSKPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@13 missed K-S@2 0.00441874004900455 2495.92553710938 832.9825 2495.92138671875 832.981079101563 3 14 1 12.7129 191.6503 12.718 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 2 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00030134100234136 963.370300292969 482.6924 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 11 1 18.0101 253.586 17.9891 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 2 99.0000009536743 TASFSESRADEVAPAK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-A@8 -0.00194280000869185 1744.76489257813 582.5956 1744.76696777344 582.596252441406 3 12 1 27.0832 200.7904 27.0651 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00094495399389416 963.370849609375 482.6927 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 12 1 17.8898 497.592 18.0043 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00094495399389416 963.370849609375 482.6927 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 12 1 18.1033 488.4041 18.0043 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000401255994802341 963.369445800781 482.692 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 9 1 17.8027 240.561 17.8897 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00399486999958754 963.373901367188 482.6942 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 12 1 17.9658 230.9445 17.8928 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000401255994802341 963.369445800781 482.692 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 8 1 17.9918 240.561 17.8897 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 97.9900002479553 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00113888003397733 963.37109375 482.6928 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 10 1 18.0484 434.8153 17.9486 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 97.189998626709 TASFSESR Phospho(S)@3 0.00296992994844913 963.372863769531 482.6937 963.369873046875 482.692230224609 2 10 1 17.8649 434.8153 17.9486 51 4 4 4.54499982297421 1.45500004291534 1.45500004291534 sp|P16638|ACLY_RAT; sp|P16638-2|ACLY_RAT ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acly 0 99.0000009536743 TASFSESRADEVAPAK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-A@8 0.00595889007672668 1744.77282714844 582.5982 1744.76696777344 582.596252441406 3 10 1 27.0039 136.3772 27.0124 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 -0.00143764005042613 1648.80615234375 550.6093 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 15 1 41.2507 178.3828 41.3033 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.000861016975250095 1134.48547363281 568.25 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 15 1 47.8824 239.1685 47.9665 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 -0.000289185991277918 1648.80700683594 550.6096 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 11 1 41.1825 151.0559 41.2016 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 -0.00157091999426484 1648.80578613281 550.6092 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 9 1 41.1826 139.5048 41.215 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 0.00207662000320852 1648.80944824219 550.6104 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 13 1 41.1385 125.3247 41.1166 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 -0.000243825998040847 1648.80700683594 550.6096 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 10 1 41.2037 189.4138 41.236 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 94.9599981307983 DIIRQPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@7 missed R-Q@4 -0.000106081002741121 1648.80725097656 550.6097 1648.80737304688 550.609741210938 3 11 1 41.1058 152.481 41.1142 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00108157005161047 1134.48571777344 568.2501 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 13 1 47.8998 349.7144 47.9627 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 -0.000627406989224255 1134.48413085938 568.2493 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 12 1 48.0646 350.1106 47.9627 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00115753000136465 1134.48571777344 568.2501 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 12 1 47.8407 316.4504 47.9509 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00115753000136465 1134.48571777344 568.2501 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 12 1 48.0744 316.4504 47.9509 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.0034244901034981 1134.48803710938 568.2513 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 13 1 47.8037 225.1953 47.835 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.0034244901034981 1134.48803710938 568.2513 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 13 1 47.9852 225.1953 47.835 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.0058707999996841 1134.49047851563 568.2525 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 13 1 47.7886 209.4698 47.7936 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 QPSEEEIIK Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00427898997440934 1134.48889160156 568.2517 1134.48461914063 568.249572753906 2 14 1 47.9143 221.7437 47.9456 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 62.3600006103516 QPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000942709972150624 1151.51025390625 576.7624 1151.51110839844 576.762817382813 2 7 1 30.8896 133.5995 30.9805 52 4 4 31.5400004386902 10.0000001490116 10.0000001490116 sp|Q5U318|PEA15_RAT Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pea15 PE=1 SV=1 0 45.3799992799759 QPSEEEIIK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000942709972150624 1151.51025390625 576.7624 1151.51110839844 576.762817382813 2 6 1 31.0738 133.5996 30.9805 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@9 0.00896663032472134 1464.63342285156 733.324 1464.62463378906 733.319580078125 2 15 1 21.8263 74.5752 21.8839 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.00115615001413971 1720.81359863281 574.6118 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 22 1 12.4661 640.6864 12.4209 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000606836983934045 1720.81384277344 574.6119 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 16 1 12.2979 490.7533 12.3501 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000606836983934045 1720.81384277344 574.6119 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 17 1 12.6292 370.0298 12.548 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00170053995680064 1720.81616210938 574.6127 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 19 1 12.3047 501.7771 12.3995 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00170053995680064 1720.81616210938 574.6127 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 14 1 12.4732 501.3501 12.3995 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00497628981247544 1720.81945800781 574.6138 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 20 1 12.2702 602.0721 12.3581 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00497628981247544 1720.81945800781 574.6138 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 20 1 12.4394 611.2069 12.3853 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00552562018856406 1720.82019042969 574.614 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 17 1 12.621 320.3966 12.4983 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000981803052127361 1720.81359863281 574.6118 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 21 1 12.2969 545.7301 12.4002 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000981803052127361 1720.81359863281 574.6118 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 21 1 12.4662 545.6253 12.4002 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.00286340992897749 1720.81750488281 574.6131 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 19 1 12.6362 393.3268 12.4712 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.0019698899704963 1720.81652832031 574.6128 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 21 1 12.445 509.0711 12.4053 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.0019698899704963 1720.81652832031 574.6128 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 21 1 12.6257 232.7143 12.5254 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.0019698899704963 1720.81652832031 574.6128 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 14 1 12.2712 507.8292 12.4053 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000602876010816544 1720.81384277344 574.6119 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 18 1 12.4951 602.073 12.422 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 -0.000602876010816544 1720.81384277344 574.6119 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 16 1 12.312 598.3356 12.422 53 4 4 13.9500007033348 4.9830000847578 4.9830000847578 sp|Q4KLL0|TCEA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tcea1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KKEPAISSQNSPEAR Phospho(S)@11 missed K-K@1; missed K-E@2 0.000312651012791321 1720.81469726563 574.6122 1720.81457519531 574.612121582031 3 14 1 12.6718 432.2211 12.5147 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 -0.000448381993919611 1169.54370117188 585.7791 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 10 1 24.4274 197.5688 24.4714 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 YDYEEVEAEGANK 0.976283013820648 1516.61291503906 759.3137 1515.63647460938 758.825561523438 2 14 1 30.7822 105.855 30.7604 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 0.00160103000234812 1169.5458984375 585.7802 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 18 1 24.5188 127.9886 24.5515 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 -0.00128126004710793 1169.54284667969 585.7787 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 13 1 24.3273 120.1472 24.3599 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 -0.00206134002655745 1169.54211425781 585.7783 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 9 1 24.4297 120.4876 24.4373 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 -0.000923493993468583 1169.54321289063 585.7789 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 13 1 24.3688 191.1903 24.4292 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 LSGTGSAGATIR Phospho(S)@2 6.67432032059878E-05 1169.54431152344 585.7794 1169.54418945313 585.779357910156 2 7 1 24.4092 161.6179 24.4413 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YDYEEVEAEGANK 0.00657645985484123 1515.64331054688 758.8289 1515.63647460938 758.825561523438 2 18 1 30.747 0 -1 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YDYEEVEAEGANK 0.00367336999624968 1515.64025878906 758.8274 1515.63647460938 758.825561523438 2 19 1 30.7838 138.0534 30.8683 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YDYEEVEAEGANK 0.00155902002006769 1515.63806152344 758.8263 1515.63647460938 758.825561523438 2 17 1 30.6879 135.0345 30.693 54 4 4 8.18499997258186 4.44799996912479 4.44799996912479 sp|P38652|PGM1_RAT Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgm1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 YDYEEVEAEGANK -0.00496798986569047 1515.63171386719 758.8231 1515.63647460938 758.825561523438 2 14 1 30.7033 158.2887 30.7351 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 IDAAAPLDK -0.000619226018898189 912.491088867188 457.2528 912.491638183594 457.253112792969 2 9 1 24.0414 101.9773 24.0515 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 IIAVDINK -0.00308296992443502 884.530090332031 443.2723 884.533142089844 443.273834228516 2 8 1 29.8041 147.8282 29.7827 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.989999294281 IDAAAPLDK 0.0116066001355648 912.503295898438 457.2589 912.491638183594 457.253112792969 2 6 1 23.9212 54.0554 23.9305 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 93.3799982070923 IDAAAPLDK -0.00338413007557392 912.48828125 457.2514 912.491638183594 457.253112792969 2 7 1 23.8775 103.0616 23.9125 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 87.5400006771088 IDAAAPLDK -0.00221145991235971 912.489501953125 457.252 912.491638183594 457.253112792969 2 6 1 23.9189 92.8156 23.9 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 66.7900025844574 IDAAAPLDK 0.00283037009648979 912.494445800781 457.2545 912.491638183594 457.253112792969 2 5 1 23.9757 69.5835 23.9576 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 64.300000667572 IIAVDINK -0.000399834010750055 884.532653808594 443.2736 884.533142089844 443.273834228516 2 6 0 29.6157 254.9754 29.6495 55 4 4 8.24500024318695 4.52100001275539 4.52100001275539 sp|P06757|ADH1_RAT Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adh1 PE=1 SV=3 0 44.1000014543533 IIAVDINK 0.00197838991880417 884.535095214844 443.2748 884.533142089844 443.273834228516 2 6 1 29.6962 246.1428 29.7013 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EEQVPQNK -7.64104988775216E-05 970.471862792969 486.2432 970.471984863281 486.243255615234 2 8 1 10.6739 135.427 10.6903 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SLNPQLGTDADK 0.00148305995389819 1257.62170410156 629.8181 1257.6201171875 629.817321777344 2 9 1 24.8775 177.29 24.9093 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 0.00217691925354302 94.4100022315979 LNLVQRN Deamidated(N)@2; Deamidated(Q)@5 cleaved N-V@C-term; missed R-N@6 -0.00258775008842349 857.458068847656 429.7363 857.460693359375 429.737609863281 2 7 0 23.0999 111.358 23.0262 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EEQVPQNK 0.00211201002821326 970.474060058594 486.2443 970.471984863281 486.243255615234 2 8 1 10.7185 92.2472 10.6912 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SLNPQLGTDADK -0.0026114599313587 1257.61743164063 629.816 1257.6201171875 629.817321777344 2 14 1 24.7758 155.9133 24.808 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SLNPQLGTDADK -0.000393066002288833 1257.61962890625 629.8171 1257.6201171875 629.817321777344 2 7 1 24.8391 101.7404 24.8442 56 4 4 11.7499999701977 8.13300013542175 6.02400004863739 sp|P04642|LDHA_RAT L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ldha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SLNPQLGTDADK 0.00192496995441616 1257.6220703125 629.8183 1257.6201171875 629.817321777344 2 9 1 24.8047 104.4567 24.8139 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 FHLEPTSPPTTDGFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.00365014001727104 1752.77233886719 585.2647 1752.77600097656 585.265930175781 3 10 1 42.947 145.478 42.9563 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00110969005618244 1931.84204101563 966.9283 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.8669 648.4625 71.7513 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 FHLEPTSPPTTDGFK Phospho(S)@7 -0.002734619891271 1752.77319335938 585.265 1752.77600097656 585.265930175781 3 8 1 43.1193 155.6628 43.0733 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00086555298184976 1931.84228515625 966.9284 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.6816 650.1532 71.7513 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000308446993585676 1931.84289550781 966.9287 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.6913 311.9323 71.71 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 0.00231794989667833 1931.84545898438 966.93 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.7343 146.4312 71.7115 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00562629988417029 1931.83752441406 966.926 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.6741 482.1164 71.714 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00550423003733158 1931.83764648438 966.9261 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.8579 464.3241 71.7429 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.000529740005731583 1931.84265136719 966.9286 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 27 1 71.6984 179.4292 71.7035 57 4 4 6.67600035667419 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P17625|GYS2_RAT Glycogen [starch] synthase, liver OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gys2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLSVTSLGGLPAWEAER Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@6 -0.00172005000058562 1931.84143066406 966.928 1931.84313964844 966.928833007813 2 26 1 71.6805 416.8593 71.7204 58 4 4 6.48500025272369 5.11900000274181 5.11900000274181 sp|Q66H76|PAXI_RAT Paxillin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pxn PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TGSSSPPGGLSK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved K-P@C-term -0.00391010008752346 1153.49792480469 577.7562 1153.50158691406 577.758117675781 2 12 1 19.0036 101.5731 19.0923 58 4 4 6.48500025272369 5.11900000274181 5.11900000274181 sp|Q66H76|PAXI_RAT Paxillin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pxn PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 YAHQQPPSPSPIYSSSTK Phospho(S)@8 0.00389226991683245 2053.91845703125 685.6468 2053.91455078125 685.6455078125 3 14 1 28.2156 118.9236 28.1678 58 4 4 6.48500025272369 5.11900000274181 5.11900000274181 sp|Q66H76|PAXI_RAT Paxillin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pxn PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TGSSSPPGGLSK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved K-P@C-term 0.000606494024395943 1153.50231933594 577.7584 1153.50158691406 577.758117675781 2 14 1 19.2702 106.209 19.1968 58 4 4 6.48500025272369 5.11900000274181 5.11900000274181 sp|Q66H76|PAXI_RAT Paxillin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pxn PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TGSSSPPGGLSK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved K-P@C-term 0.000657492026221007 1153.50231933594 577.7584 1153.50158691406 577.758117675781 2 11 1 19.3 95.9023 19.2789 58 4 4 6.48500025272369 5.11900000274181 5.11900000274181 sp|Q66H76|PAXI_RAT Paxillin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pxn PE=1 SV=1 0 94.9599981307983 TGSSSPPGGLSK Phospho(S)@5 cleaved K-P@C-term -0.00110343005508184 1153.50073242188 577.7576 1153.50158691406 577.758117675781 2 7 1 19.0503 104.6957 19.0325 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.00110947003122419 1620.66967773438 811.3421 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 11 1 46.8737 254.7562 46.7768 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000747148005757481 1154.52124023438 578.2679 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 15 1 30.5404 485.278 30.4676 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.00110947003122419 1620.66967773438 811.3421 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 11 1 46.6928 254.7562 46.7768 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.00113737001083791 1620.66967773438 811.3421 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 15 1 46.7198 145.2233 46.8039 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.000181720999535173 1620.66870117188 811.3416 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 16 1 46.7144 187.9262 46.7983 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.000181720999535173 1620.66870117188 811.3416 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 15 1 46.8944 187.9262 46.7983 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.00956740975379944 1620.67810058594 811.3463 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 15 1 46.5648 190.9587 46.6224 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 -0.00228059990331531 1620.66625976563 811.3404 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 17 1 46.8256 220.1526 46.8083 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 62.6299977302551 SEKSVEAAAELSAK Protein Terminal Acetyl@N-term; Phospho(K)@3; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed K-S@3 0.00113737001083791 1620.66967773438 811.3421 1620.66845703125 811.341552734375 2 10 1 46.6462 153.7516 46.6513 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000509079021867365 1154.52172851563 578.2681 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 14 1 30.408 696.5928 30.5465 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000509079021867365 1154.52172851563 578.2681 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 18 1 30.595 696.5928 30.5465 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000509079021867365 1154.52172851563 578.2681 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 12 1 30.7788 696.5928 30.5465 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00219964003190398 1154.51989746094 578.2672 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 15 1 30.4606 0 -1 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00708241015672684 1154.51501464844 578.2648 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 15 1 30.6427 0 -1 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00117217004299164 1154.52087402344 578.2677 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 13 1 30.4911 565.9716 30.6026 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00117217004299164 1154.52087402344 578.2677 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 14 1 30.6775 565.9716 30.6026 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000750115024857223 1154.52124023438 578.2679 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 13 1 30.2847 492.8549 30.4264 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000750115024857223 1154.52124023438 578.2679 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 15 1 30.4733 492.8549 30.4264 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 0.000342880986863747 1154.5224609375 578.2685 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 15 1 30.3286 393.7671 30.4144 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 0.000342880986863747 1154.5224609375 578.2685 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 14 1 30.5135 393.7671 30.4144 59 4 4 20.5899998545647 13.7299999594688 13.7299999594688 sp|P04550|PTMS_RAT Parathymosin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptms PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SVEAAAELSAK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000747148005757481 1154.52124023438 578.2679 1154.52209472656 578.268310546875 2 12 1 30.3559 485.278 30.4676 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 2 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000928235007449985 1241.53210449219 621.7733 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 12 1 25.7151 409.5186 25.6671 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 2 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00234244996681809 1328.56262207031 665.2886 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.4012 15245.77 26.1186 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000615250028204173 1241.5322265625 621.7734 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 13 1 25.5997 831.4381 25.6837 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000615250028204173 1241.5322265625 621.7734 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 11 1 25.7841 831.4381 25.6837 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 0.001015690038912 1241.53381347656 621.7742 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 15 1 25.5999 564.6345 25.5007 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00035831201239489 1241.53271484375 621.7736 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 11 1 25.496 590.8082 25.609 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000703778001479805 1241.5322265625 621.7734 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 9 1 25.7061 340.2039 25.6077 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00069329101825133 1241.5322265625 621.7734 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 9 1 25.3649 564.6345 25.5007 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00035831201239489 1241.53271484375 621.7736 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 10 1 25.6832 590.8082 25.609 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00173467001877725 1241.53125 621.7729 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 13 1 25.7019 503.3839 25.5495 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 98.7299978733063 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000928235007449985 1241.53210449219 621.7733 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 8 1 25.5299 409.5186 25.6671 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 96.7199981212616 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.00173467001877725 1241.53125 621.7729 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 10 1 25.5149 503.3839 25.5495 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 70.4299986362457 AIYQGPSSPDK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000703778001479805 1241.5322265625 621.7734 1241.53295898438 621.773742675781 2 8 1 25.5201 340.2039 25.6077 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00209831004031003 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 14 1 25.8446 15895.38 26.0921 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00209831004031003 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.0322 16761.65 26.0921 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 1.93426003534114E-05 1385.58642578125 693.8005 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 18 1 26.1663 539.8992 26.1714 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00209831004031003 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 16 1 26.2185 16761.65 26.0921 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00502421986311674 1385.59143066406 693.803 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 16 1 26.3684 539.4824 26.2497 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00107551005203277 1328.56604003906 665.2903 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 26.5843 2463.784 26.3019 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 9.89488034974784E-05 1328.56506347656 665.2898 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.7688 646.4144 26.7474 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 9.89488034974784E-05 1328.56506347656 665.2898 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 13 1 26.9499 646.4144 26.7474 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000221018999582157 1328.56530761719 665.2899 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 13 1 27.1341 189.2457 27.1186 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000822872971184552 1329.54992675781 665.7822 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 11 1 27.3214 355.0208 27.3848 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000822872971184552 1329.54992675781 665.7822 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 9 1 27.5085 355.0208 27.3848 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00234479992650449 1328.56262207031 665.2886 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 13 1 25.7895 16494.95 26.035 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00234479992650449 1328.56262207031 665.2886 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 25.9733 20859.53 26.0882 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00234479992650449 1328.56262207031 665.2886 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.1613 20859.53 26.0882 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00325792003422976 1385.58325195313 693.7989 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 18 1 26.1629 1146.57 26.168 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00234479992650449 1328.56262207031 665.2886 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 26.3462 21437.12 26.0617 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00325792003422976 1385.58325195313 693.7989 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 14 1 26.3723 1146.57 26.168 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -2.54841997957556E-05 1328.56481933594 665.2897 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.529 3460.949 26.2471 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00344341993331909 1328.5615234375 665.288 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.7125 801.6482 26.6913 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00344341993331909 1328.5615234375 665.288 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.8974 801.6482 26.6913 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.0013819900341332 1328.56372070313 665.2891 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 12 1 25.837 21510.71 26.0817 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00113783997949213 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.0191 32710.21 26.1348 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00113783997949213 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 26.2091 32710.21 26.1348 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00113783997949213 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 19 1 26.3935 33530.08 26.1082 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00101577001623809 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 26.561 6669.605 26.3199 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.000771627004723996 1328.56433105469 665.2894 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.7437 1118.04 26.7488 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00142568000592291 1328.56652832031 665.2905 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 15 1 26.9245 1127.323 26.775 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00105945998802781 1328.56604003906 665.2903 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 14 1 27.1131 1009.626 26.8275 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.0013819900341332 1328.56372070313 665.2891 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 12 1 27.2988 338.0539 27.2509 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00443380000069737 1328.56042480469 665.2875 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 13 1 27.8859 144.6527 27.6772 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 -0.0011218199506402 1408.53002929688 705.2723 1408.53125 705.27294921875 2 9 1 32.6441 183.5599 32.7309 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00113744998816401 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 16 1 25.7301 12690.56 25.9692 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00101538002490997 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 25.9121 13802.16 25.9952 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00101538002490997 1328.56384277344 665.2892 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.0944 13802.16 25.9952 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00357886007986963 1328.5615234375 665.288 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.2818 12625.88 26.0212 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.000405028986278921 1328.56469726563 665.2896 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.4902 1965.833 26.2089 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00081567297456786 1328.56591796875 665.2902 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.6982 644.33 26.5473 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.002141929930076 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 12 1 25.7886 12341.31 26.0342 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.002141929930076 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 25.9757 13920.37 26.061 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.002141929930076 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.1594 13920.37 26.061 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.002141929930076 1328.56286621094 665.2887 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 26.3462 13733.46 26.061 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000665674975607544 1328.56567382813 665.2901 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.529 2005.921 26.247 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000421534990891814 1328.5654296875 665.29 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.7128 582.7049 26.6915 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000177395006176084 1328.56530761719 665.2899 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 13 1 27.0809 401.0635 26.797 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00043513099080883 1328.5654296875 665.29 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 19 1 26.3544 15488.27 26.0728 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00282052997499704 1385.58361816406 693.7991 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 17 1 26.1562 2240.949 26.267 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00282052997499704 1385.58361816406 693.7991 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 17 1 26.3412 2240.949 26.267 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.0102150999009609 1328.57531738281 665.2949 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 11 1 27.0626 0 -1 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.000635829987004399 1328.56433105469 665.2894 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 10 1 27.0837 616.681 26.7967 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00167988997418433 1329.55065917969 665.7826 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 15 1 27.4852 736.1736 27.437 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00280883000232279 1385.58361816406 693.7991 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 17 1 26.1894 915.0782 26.1678 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000679271994158626 1328.56567382813 665.2901 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 18 1 25.9894 17187.72 26.0467 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00287652993574739 1328.56787109375 665.2912 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 16 1 25.8066 16389.23 26.0467 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00309161003679037 1385.58349609375 693.799 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 16 1 25.9381 796.126 26.1255 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000570502015762031 1385.58703613281 693.8008 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 18 1 26.1205 807.6756 26.0995 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -3.98492011299822E-05 1385.58642578125 693.8005 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 11 1 26.3079 823.4423 26.0995 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.0104521000757813 1329.55944824219 665.787 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 13 1 27.2709 244.4787 27.2499 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.0104521000757813 1329.55944824219 665.787 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 13 1 27.2969 244.4787 27.2499 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000679271994158626 1328.56567382813 665.2901 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.1722 17187.72 26.0467 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000679271994158626 1328.56567382813 665.2901 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.5422 660.4286 26.5212 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00104548002127558 1328.56604003906 665.2903 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 16 1 26.9123 429.0034 26.8652 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.000541430024895817 1328.564453125 665.2895 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 17 1 26.7245 719.7028 26.6514 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@11 0.00422648014500737 1329.55322265625 665.7839 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 7 1 27.689 136.3593 27.5369 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00453570997342467 1385.5908203125 693.8027 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 18 1 26.2242 950.899 26.2033 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.00453570997342467 1385.5908203125 693.8027 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 17 1 26.0416 950.899 26.2033 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000533419020939618 1329.54943847656 665.782 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 14 1 27.2662 338.6045 27.304 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.0027948000933975 1385.58923339844 693.8019 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 12 1 26.6653 132.7232 26.7226 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -4.19661992054898E-05 1329.548828125 665.7817 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 10 1 27.4608 435.1239 27.3574 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 0.00324367010034621 1408.53442382813 705.2745 1408.53125 705.27294921875 2 10 1 32.6719 113.6227 32.6503 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 0.00650061992928386 1408.53784179688 705.2762 1408.53125 705.27294921875 2 9 1 32.5969 110.3369 32.5754 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@11 0.00567616010084748 1329.5546875 665.7846 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 11 1 27.2782 273.2972 27.3093 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 99.0000009536743 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00280883000232279 1385.58361816406 693.7991 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 11 1 26.0024 915.0782 26.1678 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 98.6199975013733 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.000907639972865582 1328.56408691406 665.2893 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 11 1 27.0926 197.2348 27.1525 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 96.4600026607513 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -4.19661992054898E-05 1329.548828125 665.7817 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 10 1 27.2714 435.1239 27.3574 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 91.9000029563904 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8; Carbamidomethyl(K)@11 missed K-S@11 0.000109212000097614 1385.58642578125 693.8005 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 8 1 25.9699 1634.012 26.2141 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 89.5099997520447 AIYQGPSSPDKS Deamidated(Q)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 0.000533419020939618 1329.54943847656 665.782 1329.54895019531 665.78173828125 2 9 1 27.4578 338.6045 27.304 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 80.8200001716614 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 0.00812555011361837 1328.57312011719 665.2938 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 8 1 27.4614 101.3966 27.4402 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 80.3799986839294 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 0.00450382009148598 1385.5908203125 693.8027 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 7 1 26.9262 99.6816 26.9329 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 76.9800007343292 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 0.000421534990891814 1328.5654296875 665.29 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 8 1 26.8963 582.7049 26.6915 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 74.3799984455109 AIYQGPSSPDKS Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00386825995519757 1385.58264160156 693.7986 1385.58642578125 693.800476074219 2 9 1 25.9766 1205.902 26.2209 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 64.3999993801117 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@7; Cation:Na(D)@10 missed K-S@11 0.0024723201058805 1350.54943847656 676.282 1350.546875 676.280700683594 2 11 1 26.0677 287.5726 26.0467 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 58.4299981594086 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 -0.000186271005077288 1408.53112792969 705.2728 1408.53125 705.27294921875 2 6 1 32.7605 87.704 32.7146 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 50.9899973869324 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8 missed K-S@11 -0.00443380000069737 1328.56042480469 665.2875 1328.56494140625 665.289733886719 2 7 1 27.6722 144.6527 27.6772 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 37.8699988126755 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-S@11 -0.0011218199506402 1408.53002929688 705.2723 1408.53125 705.27294921875 2 6 1 32.8591 183.5599 32.7309 60 4 4 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 4.54499982297421 sp|P22734|COMT_RAT; sp|P22734-2|COMT_RAT Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt PE=1 SV=2; Isoform S-COMT of Catechol O-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Comt 0 28.4099996089935 AIYQGPSSPDKS Phospho(S)@7; Cation:Na(D)@10 missed K-S@11 -0.00190357002429664 1350.54504394531 676.2798 1350.546875 676.280700683594 2 10 1 26.1604 259.6321 26.0921 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 0.00780801009386778 2344.92993164063 782.6506 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 12 1 28.8401 321.9113 28.927 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 1.46852135658264 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAARK Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15; missed R-K@20 0.00607701018452644 2473.02319335938 825.3483 2473.01708984375 825.346252441406 3 13 1 23.9074 263.1726 23.939 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 0.00780801009386778 2344.92993164063 782.6506 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 15 1 29.0247 321.9113 28.927 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00743289990350604 2344.91430664063 782.6454 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 16 1 28.9264 484.2991 28.8241 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 0.0004154919879511 2344.92236328125 782.6481 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 11 1 28.6913 556.7044 28.7768 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00387770007364452 2344.91845703125 782.6467 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 11 1 28.7646 279.1997 28.7713 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00743289990350604 2344.91430664063 782.6454 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 11 1 28.739 484.2991 28.8241 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 0.0004154919879511 2344.92236328125 782.6481 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 10 1 28.902 556.7044 28.7768 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00248332996852696 2344.91943359375 782.6471 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 15 1 28.7248 448.6465 28.8144 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.9199995994568 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00248332996852696 2344.91943359375 782.6471 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 13 1 28.9165 448.6465 28.8144 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 98.6500024795532 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAAR Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15 -0.00133734999690205 2344.92065429688 782.6475 2344.92211914063 782.64794921875 3 9 1 28.8973 332.9378 28.9306 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 76.2000024318695 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAARK Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15; missed R-K@20 0.00475934008136392 2473.021484375 825.3478 2473.01708984375 825.346252441406 3 9 1 24.0051 155.7518 24.0102 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 67.629998922348 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAARK Phospho(S)@9 missed K-D@15; missed R-K@20 -0.00586201995611191 2473.01098632813 825.3443 2473.01708984375 825.346252441406 3 8 1 24.0729 110.2772 24.1045 61 3.47 3.47 22.5600004196167 10.7699997723103 10.7699997723103 sp|P70580|PGRC1_RAT Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgrmc1 PE=1 SV=3 0 16.5800005197525 EGEEPTVYSDDEEPKDEAARK Phospho(T)@6 missed K-D@15; missed R-K@20 0.00433692010119557 2473.02124023438 825.3477 2473.01708984375 825.346252441406 3 7 1 23.8389 238.5408 23.8705 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 1.92081785202026 99.0000009536743 KGDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@5 missed K-G@1; missed K-T@4 -0.00651729013770819 1378.65393066406 460.5586 1378.66064453125 460.560821533203 3 11 1 9.361 92.5659 9.3661 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 1.49484992027283 99.0000009536743 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.0010450299596414 1250.56469726563 626.2896 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 11 1 10.5461 1127.858 10.6042 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 97.4300026893616 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.000681363977491856 1250.56481933594 626.2897 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 9 1 10.5128 356.9969 10.5428 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 88.5599970817566 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.0010450299596414 1250.56469726563 626.2896 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 8 1 10.7224 1127.858 10.6042 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 63.6900007724762 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.00030445700394921 1250.56530761719 626.2899 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 9 1 10.4604 756.5693 10.536 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 62.1100008487701 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.00030445700394921 1250.56530761719 626.2899 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 8 1 10.637 756.5693 10.536 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 51.0200023651123 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 1.65204000950325E-05 1250.56567382813 626.2901 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 9 1 10.6693 716.9797 10.557 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 43.970000743866 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 0.00101924000773579 1250.56665039063 626.2906 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 9 1 10.6248 897.4487 10.5394 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 34.7000002861023 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 1.65204000950325E-05 1250.56567382813 626.2901 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 8 1 10.4908 716.9797 10.557 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 26.4899998903275 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.00148332002572715 1250.56433105469 626.2894 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 8 0 10.727 901.2563 10.6183 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 22.1599996089935 GDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@4 missed K-T@3 -0.00148332002572715 1250.56433105469 626.2894 1250.56567382813 626.290100097656 2 8 1 10.5602 898.308 10.6183 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KGDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@5 missed K-G@1; missed K-T@4 -0.00425464008003473 1378.65637207031 460.5594 1378.66064453125 460.560821533203 3 12 1 9.3617 145.226 9.3668 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 84.1300010681152 KGDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@5 missed K-G@1; missed K-T@4 -0.00608196994289756 1378.65454101563 460.5588 1378.66064453125 460.560821533203 3 10 1 9.3543 127.9328 9.3593 62 3.42 3.42 23.0199992656708 11.1100003123283 11.1100003123283 sp|P55207|ANFC_RAT C-type natriuretic peptide OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nppc PE=2 SV=1 0 45.8600014448166 KGDKTPGGGGANLK Phospho(T)@5 missed K-G@1; missed K-T@4 -0.00233125989325345 1378.658203125 460.56 1378.66064453125 460.560821533203 3 9 1 9.3443 198.8611 9.3551 63 3.35 3.35 7.52499997615814 2.2579999640584 2.2579999640584 sp|O35413|SRBS2_RAT Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sorbs2 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 GSEDYPDPPLPHSYSSDR Phospho(S)@16 0.00267771002836525 2097.83447265625 700.2854 2097.83178710938 700.284484863281 3 10 1 38.6836 69.6304 38.6623 63 3.35 3.35 7.52499997615814 2.2579999640584 2.2579999640584 sp|O35413|SRBS2_RAT Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sorbs2 PE=1 SV=2 1.33724212646484 98.7200021743774 SEPAVGPPR Phospho(S)@1 0.0013326300540939 988.439270019531 495.2269 988.437927246094 495.226226806641 2 9 1 24.5299 67.0455 24.512 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4 0.0021083599422127 2179.92919921875 727.6503 2179.92700195313 727.649597167969 3 21 1 42.7748 135.8818 42.7525 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 1.27572429180145 98.5199987888336 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.0130380997434258 982.450256347656 492.2324 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 8 0 13.7003 124.2786 13.6525 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0.000434511806815863 18.8800007104874 SIETRNYSEGLT Phospho(S)@8 cleaved T-V@C-term; missed R-N@5 -0.0469470992684364 1448.57153320313 725.293 1448.61840820313 725.316528320313 2 7 1 47.8825 127.6261 47.9401 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00214760005474091 2259.8955078125 754.3058 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 19 1 49.8606 393.8331 50.0103 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00214760005474091 2259.8955078125 754.3058 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 18 1 50.0298 393.8331 50.0103 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4 0.00107741996180266 2179.92822265625 727.65 2179.92700195313 727.649597167969 3 14 1 42.7872 123.3486 42.7923 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00104581995401531 2259.89233398438 754.3047 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 24 1 49.8572 385.4693 49.9456 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00104581995401531 2259.89233398438 754.3047 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 24 1 50.0237 385.4693 49.9456 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00315008009783924 2259.896484375 754.3061 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 25 1 49.8159 337.26 49.9599 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00315008009783924 2259.896484375 754.3061 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 20 1 50.0104 337.26 49.9599 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4 0.00137594004627317 2179.92846679688 727.6501 2179.92700195313 727.649597167969 3 19 1 42.7426 140.399 42.7198 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00316245993599296 2259.89013671875 754.304 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 24 1 49.7637 452.5538 49.8569 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00316245993599296 2259.89013671875 754.304 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 22 1 49.9332 452.5538 49.8569 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00408940017223358 2259.89770507813 754.3065 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 18 1 49.6903 319.5577 49.8084 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 0.00408940017223358 2259.89770507813 754.3065 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 20 1 49.8824 319.5577 49.8084 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00352866994217038 2259.88989257813 754.3039 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 21 1 49.8286 336.9358 49.9973 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 VAQSDGEESPAEEGQLLGER Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 -0.00352866994217038 2259.88989257813 754.3039 2259.89331054688 754.305053710938 3 19 1 50.0194 336.9358 49.9973 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 97.5399971008301 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.0116486996412277 982.448852539063 492.2317 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 6 0 13.6558 143.3225 13.6675 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 97.5099980831146 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.0098342802375555 982.447082519531 492.2308 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 7 0 13.6572 114.8747 13.675 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 79.6899974346161 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.00786438025534153 982.445068359375 492.2298 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 7 0 13.6423 165.2977 13.6536 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 76.6499996185303 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.00878193974494934 982.446044921875 492.2303 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 7 0 13.6555 161.0725 13.698 64 3.28 3.28 6.2449999153614 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|Q9Z2Q1|SC31A_RAT Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec31a PE=1 SV=2 0 25.7999986410141 VDGSDVALK Phospho(S)@4 0.00830279011279345 982.445495605469 492.23 982.437255859375 492.225891113281 2 5 1 13.6385 152.5934 13.7089 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NGRVEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@1 missed R-V@3 -0.00123281998094171 1555.76916503906 519.597 1555.77026367188 519.597351074219 3 15 1 26.2305 917.7912 26.2934 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 1.01322829723358 97.2599983215332 ITITNDQNR -0.000748844002373517 1073.5458984375 537.7802 1073.54650878906 537.780517578125 2 8 1 17.1927 108.8098 17.2285 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NGRVEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@1 missed R-V@3 -0.00502141006290913 1555.76525878906 519.5957 1555.77026367188 519.597351074219 3 14 1 26.0911 478.387 26.0995 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NGRVEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@1 missed R-V@3 0.00203199009411037 1555.77221679688 519.598 1555.77026367188 519.597351074219 3 13 1 26.136 578.8273 26.1945 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NGRVEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@1 missed R-V@3 0.00491743022575974 1555.77514648438 519.599 1555.77026367188 519.597351074219 3 12 1 26.1056 1122.566 26.1947 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NGRVEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@1 missed R-V@3 0.00151869002729654 1555.77185058594 519.5979 1555.77026367188 519.597351074219 3 15 1 26.2502 692.1008 26.2033 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8137 1364.228 22.7654 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.707 943.2451 22.7906 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.8843 943.2451 22.7906 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.0013521199580282 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8901 943.2451 22.7906 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR Deamidated(N)@6 0.00134372001048177 1228.60632324219 615.3104 1228.60473632813 615.309692382813 2 10 0 25.6066 117.2175 25.5614 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.000776820990722626 1227.6201171875 614.8173 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.6571 1019.222 22.7669 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.000776820990722626 1227.6201171875 614.8173 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.8369 1019.222 22.7669 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 14 0 22.7386 1042.902 22.8512 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 18 0 22.9264 1042.902 22.8512 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR -0.00103256001602858 1227.61962890625 614.8171 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.9532 1042.902 22.8512 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 11 0 22.5293 1432.556 22.6678 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 13 0 22.6361 1432.556 22.6678 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000104270999145228 1227.62084960938 614.8177 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 16 0 22.7161 1432.556 22.6678 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000592552009038627 1227.62121582031 614.8179 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 12 0 22.8231 655.035 22.7746 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 17 0 22.6812 783.9835 22.7915 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 12 0 22.8127 783.9835 22.7915 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.00135517003946006 1227.62231445313 614.8184 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 15 0 22.8651 783.9835 22.7915 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 16 0 22.6261 1364.228 22.7654 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 14 0 22.8406 1364.228 22.7654 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR Carbamidomethyl@N-term -0.000383990991394967 1284.64184570313 643.3282 1284.64221191406 643.328369140625 2 9 0 23.8895 85.4284 23.9237 65 3.01 5.18 10.700000077486 3.51700000464916 3.51700000464916 sp|P06761|GRP78_RAT 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hspa5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VEIIANDQGNR 0.000782975985202938 1227.62170410156 614.8181 1227.62072753906 614.817687988281 2 11 0 22.6531 1364.228 22.7654 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00237364997155964 1173.56030273438 587.7874 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 16 1 30.0377 689.8484 29.9372 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0.413412719964981 85.860002040863 GDGPVQGVIHFEQK 0.00113136996515095 1509.7587890625 504.2602 1509.75756835938 504.259796142578 3 7 1 33.6092 116.8252 33.6227 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0.0315170511603355 22.4500000476837 AVCVLK Carbamidomethyl(C)@3 0.00690395012497902 688.401062011719 345.2078 688.394165039063 345.204376220703 2 4 1 16.7322 68.1022 16.7432 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00153422995936126 1173.56103515625 587.7878 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 15 1 29.9318 629.2856 30.0161 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00153422995936126 1173.56103515625 587.7878 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 14 1 30.1098 629.2856 30.0161 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.000805495015811175 1173.56164550781 587.7881 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 16 1 29.8803 652.7092 29.9647 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.000805495015811175 1173.56164550781 587.7881 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 12 1 30.0621 652.7092 29.9647 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00466122990474105 1173.55810546875 587.7863 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 16 1 29.9593 758.6478 30.0469 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00466122990474105 1173.55810546875 587.7863 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 15 1 30.1452 758.6478 30.0469 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00211798003874719 1173.56042480469 587.7875 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 12 1 29.8098 521.9766 29.8959 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00211798003874719 1173.56042480469 587.7875 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 14 1 29.9898 521.9766 29.8959 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.000712123000994325 1173.56188964844 587.7882 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 13 1 29.8285 545.2136 29.8863 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.000712123000994325 1173.56188964844 587.7882 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 10 1 30.0374 545.2136 29.8863 66 2.44 2.44 26.6200006008148 16.2300005555153 7.14299976825714 sp|P07632|SODC_RAT Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sod1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGVANVSIEDR -0.00237364997155964 1173.56030273438 587.7874 1173.56262207031 587.78857421875 2 13 1 29.8491 689.8484 29.9372 67 2.38 2.38 15.4799997806549 4.6679999679327 2.45699994266033 sp|O09171|BHMT1_RAT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bhmt PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AIAEELAPER -0.00133987003937364 1097.57043457031 549.7925 1097.57165527344 549.793090820313 2 11 1 28.4232 94.0614 28.4012 67 2.38 2.38 15.4799997806549 4.6679999679327 2.45699994266033 sp|O09171|BHMT1_RAT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bhmt PE=1 SV=1 0.352617025375366 82.8999996185303 EATTEQQLR -2.42261994571891E-05 1074.53051757813 538.2725 1074.53051757813 538.272521972656 2 7 1 13.8132 84.6029 13.7973 67 2.38 2.38 15.4799997806549 4.6679999679327 2.45699994266033 sp|O09171|BHMT1_RAT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bhmt PE=1 SV=1 0.0268721450120211 19.8400005698204 ALFEK 0.0103027001023293 606.348083496094 304.1813 606.337707519531 304.176147460938 2 4 0 18.4654 93.0164 18.5314 67 2.38 2.38 15.4799997806549 4.6679999679327 2.45699994266033 sp|O09171|BHMT1_RAT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bhmt PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AIAEELAPER 5.77526989218313E-05 1097.57189941406 549.7932 1097.57165527344 549.793090820313 2 11 1 28.2613 100.7719 28.216 67 2.38 2.38 15.4799997806549 4.6679999679327 2.45699994266033 sp|O09171|BHMT1_RAT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bhmt PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AIAEELAPER -0.000413258007029071 1097.5712890625 549.7929 1097.57165527344 549.793090820313 2 11 1 28.3326 165.6401 28.2845 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 RSYSPDGK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-S@1 0.00088851002510637 988.402465820313 495.2085 988.401550292969 495.208038330078 2 10 1 10.3853 147.7372 10.4278 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0.33068311214447 81.6299974918365 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.0128161003813148 989.373291015625 495.6939 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 7 0 14.3946 323.3975 14.3996 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 40.0499999523163 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.013841999694705 989.374267578125 495.6944 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 7 0 14.4029 259.8859 14.381 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 36.4399999380112 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.0134146995842457 989.373901367188 495.6942 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 6 0 14.229 280.9657 14.408 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 25.0400006771088 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.010130699723959 989.370483398438 495.6925 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 6 0 14.363 322.6703 14.3411 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 22.8900000452995 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.0106164999306202 989.37109375 495.6928 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 7 0 14.4256 399.3454 14.4307 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 20.4199999570847 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.0106164999306202 989.37109375 495.6928 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 5 0 14.2484 396.7375 14.4307 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 17.2000005841255 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.0097034303471446 989.370056152344 495.6923 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 5 0 14.6302 246.1937 14.3952 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 16.9900000095367 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.01501340046525 989.37548828125 495.695 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 5 0 14.2145 307.3981 14.3996 68 2.33 2.33 9.94099974632263 1.77500005811453 0.946700014173985 sp|P43244|MATR3_RAT Matrin-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Matr3 PE=1 SV=2 0 16.2300005555153 RDSFDDR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-D@1 0.010130699723959 989.370483398438 495.6925 989.360412597656 495.687469482422 2 5 0 14.1949 322.6703 14.3411 69 2.25 2.25 8.49500000476837 4.12600003182888 1.69900003820658 sp|P09034|ASSY_RAT Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ass1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IDIVENR 0.000346954009728506 857.461059570313 429.7378 857.460693359375 429.737609863281 2 8 1 23.028 103.6518 23.0659 69 2.25 2.25 8.49500000476837 4.12600003182888 1.69900003820658 sp|P09034|ASSY_RAT Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ass1 PE=2 SV=1 0.254144787788391 75.6900012493134 NQAPPGLYTK 0.00751801999285817 1087.57373046875 544.7941 1087.56616210938 544.790405273438 2 7 1 22.5508 86.5503 22.4757 69 2.25 2.25 8.49500000476837 4.12600003182888 1.69900003820658 sp|P09034|ASSY_RAT Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ass1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IDIVENR -0.00258775008842349 857.458068847656 429.7363 857.460693359375 429.737609863281 2 7 0 23.0999 111.358 23.0262 69 2.25 2.25 8.49500000476837 4.12600003182888 1.69900003820658 sp|P09034|ASSY_RAT Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ass1 PE=2 SV=1 0 95.1499998569489 IDIVENR -0.000570274016354233 857.460083007813 429.7373 857.460693359375 429.737609863281 2 7 1 22.9187 87.5805 22.9263 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.00129275000654161 1113.46081542969 557.7377 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 10 1 13.7307 130.0415 13.6821 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0.164943903684616 64.5299971103668 TSPDTLR Phospho(S)@2 -0.00165066996123642 868.367492675781 435.191 868.369140625 435.191864013672 2 6 1 17.0647 109.0087 17.0962 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0.0530567318201065 33.7099999189377 TSPDTLRR Phospho(S)@2 missed R-R@7 -0.00170715001877397 1024.46862792969 513.2416 1024.47021484375 513.242431640625 2 6 1 13.4914 186.724 13.5028 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00133801996707916 1113.46350097656 557.739 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 12 1 13.5759 153.3599 13.6406 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00316238007508218 1113.46533203125 557.7399 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 13 1 13.6965 141.6926 13.675 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000735935987904668 1113.462890625 557.7387 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 10 1 13.5344 154.1832 13.5664 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.000735935987904668 1113.462890625 557.7387 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 11 1 13.7023 154.1832 13.5664 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00316238007508218 1113.46533203125 557.7399 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 11 1 13.5295 141.8438 13.675 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.0012292000465095 1113.46350097656 557.739 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 9 1 13.6739 133.2528 13.5998 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.000939528981689364 1113.46130371094 557.7379 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 13 1 13.5516 176.9344 13.698 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.000316190999001265 1113.4619140625 557.7382 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 9 1 13.5639 109.329 13.569 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 97.1400022506714 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00390154006890953 1113.46606445313 557.7403 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 8 0 13.7431 152.2328 13.7482 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 96.7199981212616 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 -0.000939528981689364 1113.46130371094 557.7379 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 12 1 13.7196 176.6417 13.698 70 2.22 2.22 30.3200006484985 7.24000036716461 4.07200008630753 sp|Q6PDU1|SFRS2_RAT Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrs2 PE=1 SV=3 0 93.8199996948242 SRSPPPVSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.0012292000465095 1113.46350097656 557.739 1113.46203613281 557.738342285156 2 6 0 13.4893 133.2528 13.5998 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00247382000088692 928.403076171875 465.2088 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 7 1 32.5349 265.4499 32.4897 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0.125518172979355 57.2399973869324 RSTPSGPVR Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@1 0.00154382002074271 1035.48791503906 518.7512 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 7 0 10.9677 242.8665 11.0344 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 78.9900004863739 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00174079998396337 928.403869628906 465.2092 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 7 1 32.3638 267.8978 32.4486 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 68.0400013923645 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.000489982019644231 928.405090332031 465.2098 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 6 1 32.2966 273.2283 32.3845 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 50.6200015544891 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 0.00555353006348014 928.411071777344 465.2128 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 6 1 32.3645 202.6941 32.3983 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 34.8300009965897 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00101423996966332 928.404479980469 465.2095 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 6 1 32.382 195.2946 32.3366 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 22.1599996089935 DVYLSPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.000489982019644231 928.405090332031 465.2098 928.405517578125 465.210052490234 2 5 1 32.5371 273.2283 32.3845 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 56.9599986076355 RSTPSGPVR Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@1 8.79205035744235E-05 1035.486328125 518.7504 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 0 10.9798 370.4588 11.0257 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 53.5199999809265 RSTPSGPVR Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@1 -0.000931138987652957 1035.48522949219 518.7499 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 8 0 10.9706 350.6139 11.0285 71 2.13 2.13 22.6799994707108 4.12399992346764 1.80399995297194 sp|P84586|HNRPG_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbmx PE=1 SV=1 0 20.3099995851517 RSTPSGPVR Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@1 0.00146254000719637 1035.48791503906 518.7512 1035.48620605469 518.750427246094 2 6 0 11.0193 286.4426 11.0777 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 0.00067635002778843 3595.30346679688 899.8331 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 21 1 47.0425 260.5643 47.0476 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0.0660068392753601 39.640000462532 NNNSNQNFFK 0.00103412999305874 1225.54870605469 613.7816 1225.54760742188 613.781066894531 2 6 1 22.5964 74.998 22.5751 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 -0.000577587983570993 3595.30224609375 899.8328 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 20 1 46.9034 358.9661 46.9878 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 0.00961849000304937 3595.3125 899.8354 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 22 1 46.9778 296.5693 46.9829 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 -0.000300212996080518 3595.30249023438 899.8329 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 16 1 46.9651 276.2613 46.9434 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 0.00929472967982292 3595.31225585938 899.8353 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 16 1 46.8254 204.7014 46.833 72 2.07 2.07 5.63100017607212 3.23299989104271 3.23299989104271 sp|P41542|USO1_RAT General vesicular transport factor p115 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Uso1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DLGHPVEEEDESGDQEDDDDELDDGDRDQDI Phospho(S)@12 missed R-D@27 -0.000577587983570993 3595.30224609375 899.8328 3595.302734375 899.832946777344 4 12 1 47.1126 358.9661 46.9878 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GGLSPANDTGAK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00223128008656204 1166.49462890625 584.2546 1166.49682617188 584.255737304688 2 11 1 19.9836 89.5757 20.015 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0.0589857585728168 37.0099991559982 QLLSR Phospho(S)@4 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.5165 4471.179 22.5291 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GGLSPANDTGAK Phospho(S)@4 0.00120454002171755 1166.498046875 584.2563 1166.49682617188 584.255737304688 2 11 1 19.8606 137.2693 19.8699 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0 70.3100025653839 GGLSPANDTGAK Phospho(S)@4 0.00217496999539435 1166.4990234375 584.2568 1166.49682617188 584.255737304688 2 6 1 19.9145 95.3862 19.9562 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0 26.0699987411499 QLLSR Phospho(S)@4 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3758 5289.389 22.4145 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0 23.1499999761581 QLLSR Phospho(S)@4 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 73 2.06 2.06 4.83900010585785 2.41899993270636 2.41899993270636 sp|Q8K1Q0|NMT1_RAT Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nmt1 PE=2 SV=1 0 15.6700000166893 QLLSR Phospho(S)@4 cleaved H-Q@N-term -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3039 7210.107 22.3458 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.000715680012945086 851.437072753906 426.7258 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 8 1 15.1139 473.5074 15.1569 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0.0443122498691082 30.4199993610382 LRQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@2 -0.000715680012945086 851.437072753906 426.7258 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 1 15.1139 473.5074 15.1569 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 23.0399996042252 LRQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@2 0.00166569999419153 851.439453125 426.727 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 1 15.0875 654.8475 15.1578 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 18.9999997615814 LRQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@2 -0.000532571983058006 851.437255859375 426.7259 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 5 1 15.3106 344.2845 15.2362 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 17.1399995684624 LRQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@2 -0.00172209995798767 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 5 1 15.1113 321.7667 15.128 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 88.4100019931793 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 80.8700025081635 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3039 7210.107 22.3458 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 58.8800013065338 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 0.00298607000149786 695.33984375 348.6772 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.8664 1727.686 22.5836 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 57.9500019550323 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3758 5289.389 22.4145 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 57.9500019550323 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000905091990716755 695.335876464844 348.6752 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.7503 4392.893 22.4685 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 57.6300024986267 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4907 7210.107 22.3458 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 50.9899973869324 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.5165 4471.179 22.5291 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 47.0699995756149 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.3324 4442.748 22.5291 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 39.4199997186661 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 0.00323020992800593 695.340087890625 348.6773 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4946 5365.007 22.4211 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 39.3799990415573 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000642045983113348 695.336059570313 348.6753 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3845 3215.516 22.4504 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 39.3799990415573 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000642045983113348 695.336059570313 348.6753 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.4387 3215.516 22.4504 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 33.6299985647202 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 0.00323020992800593 695.340087890625 348.6773 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.307 5365.007 22.4211 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 29.8500001430511 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00146669999230653 695.335266113281 348.6749 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.5431 5116.099 22.4672 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 25.8599996566772 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.5602 5289.389 22.4145 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 16.5399998426437 QLSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00146669999230653 695.335266113281 348.6749 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3544 5116.099 22.4672 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00154015002772212 851.436279296875 426.7254 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 9 1 15.31 667.8698 15.1855 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 0.000158661001478322 851.438049316406 426.7263 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 9 1 15.1237 409.1186 15.1634 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 98.7900018692017 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00229076994583011 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 1 15.0764 605.3322 15.1727 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 90.8699989318848 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 0.00166569999419153 851.439453125 426.727 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 1 15.0875 654.8475 15.1578 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 86.5299999713898 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00172209995798767 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 1 15.1113 321.7667 15.128 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 81.6699981689453 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.000532571983058006 851.437255859375 426.7259 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 1 15.3106 344.2845 15.2362 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 37.4500006437302 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00154015002772212 851.436279296875 426.7254 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 1 15.1272 667.6684 15.1855 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 36.3099992275238 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00190520996693522 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 1 15.3 489.3204 15.1811 74 2.04 2.52 13.0300000309944 0.977199990302324 0.977199990302324 sp|A1L1I3|NUMBL_RAT Numb-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Numbl PE=1 SV=1 0 24.5900005102158 RQLSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-Q@1 -0.00229076994583011 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 5 0 15.2668 605.3322 15.1727 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00311591988429427 2508.93505859375 837.319 2508.93188476563 837.317932128906 3 13 1 23.8724 151.5907 23.8246 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0.0395292229950428 48.2899993658066 GNDPNVSLVPKDGTGWASKQEQSDPK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@23 missed K-D@11; missed K-Q@19 0.002390620065853 2913.2607421875 972.0942 2913.25830078125 972.093383789063 3 12 1 59.626 384.4789 59.5417 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 31.0900002717972 GNDPNVSLVPKDGTGWASKQEQSDPK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@23 missed K-D@11; missed K-Q@19 0.002390620065853 2913.2607421875 972.0942 2913.25830078125 972.093383789063 3 11 0 59.4538 384.0683 59.5417 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00749908993020654 2508.93920898438 837.3204 2508.93188476563 837.317932128906 3 16 1 23.9142 174.8519 23.9193 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00805929023772478 2508.93994140625 837.3206 2508.93188476563 837.317932128906 3 10 1 23.733 128.6059 23.7115 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.7200021743774 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00876155029982328 2508.94091796875 837.3209 2508.93188476563 837.317932128906 3 9 1 23.8997 143.6965 23.8519 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 93.7099993228912 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00738420011475682 2508.93920898438 837.3204 2508.93188476563 837.317932128906 3 10 1 23.7749 145.7976 23.8065 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 27.3200005292892 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00641054008156061 2508.9384765625 628.2419 2508.93188476563 628.240234375 4 6 1 24.0439 176.5513 23.9193 75 2.04 2.04 12.5900000333786 0.971799995750189 0.971799995750189 sp|Q6MG48|BAT2_RAT Large proline-rich protein BAT2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bat2 PE=1 SV=1 0 16.5000006556511 LKFSDEEDGRDSDEEGAEGHK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@12 missed K-F@2; missed R-D@10 0.00693329982459545 2508.93896484375 628.242 2508.93188476563 628.240234375 4 9 1 23.8156 110.9189 23.7941 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SSSVGSSSSYPISSAVPR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00431125005707145 1833.81030273438 917.9124 1833.81457519531 917.91455078125 2 26 1 41.8302 173.5915 41.8353 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 0.0127807697281241 37.8699988126755 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 0.000415287009673193 982.448852539063 492.2317 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 5 0 13.6558 143.3225 13.6675 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 0 32.039999961853 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 -0.00245146011002362 982.446044921875 492.2303 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 6 0 13.6555 161.0725 13.698 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 0 21.8600004911423 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved M-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 -0.0013991299783811 982.447082519531 492.2308 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 6 0 13.6572 114.8747 13.675 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SSSVGSSSSYPISSAVPR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00418918021023273 1833.81042480469 917.9125 1833.81457519531 917.91455078125 2 22 1 41.7953 155.9423 41.8536 76 2.03 2.03 8.44900012016296 0.383999990299344 0.383999990299344 sp|P30427|PLEC1_RAT Plectin-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Plec1 PE=1 SV=2 0 95.169997215271 SSSVGSSSSYPISSAVPR Phospho(S)@9 -0.0103075001388788 1833.80432128906 612.2754 1833.81457519531 612.27880859375 3 8 1 41.9133 82.9067 41.895 77 2.02 2.02 9.24699977040291 0.491000013425946 0.491000013425946 sp|Q7TPK6|WNK4_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wnk4 PE=2 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 RASFAK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-A@1 -0.000835312996059656 758.346862792969 380.1807 758.34765625 380.181091308594 2 8 1 10.5078 117.4028 10.5129 77 2.02 2.02 9.24699977040291 0.491000013425946 0.491000013425946 sp|Q7TPK6|WNK4_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wnk4 PE=2 SV=3 0.021819481626153 17.4799993634224 EIEDLYSR Phospho(S)@7 -0.001474570017308 1103.45202636719 552.7333 1103.45361328125 552.734069824219 2 5 1 15.8347 1006.822 16.0454 77 2.02 2.02 9.24699977040291 0.491000013425946 0.491000013425946 sp|Q7TPK6|WNK4_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wnk4 PE=2 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 RASFAK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-A@1 0.00274050002917647 758.350463867188 380.1825 758.34765625 380.181091308594 2 9 1 10.5309 92.2491 10.5094 77 2.02 2.02 9.24699977040291 0.491000013425946 0.491000013425946 sp|Q7TPK6|WNK4_RAT Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wnk4 PE=2 SV=3 0 74.5000004768372 RASFAK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-A@1 -0.00208323006518185 758.345703125 380.1801 758.34765625 380.181091308594 2 6 1 10.5726 76.989 10.5512 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 7.42628981242888E-05 2106.90258789063 703.3081 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 12 1 31.3834 144.4186 31.2779 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0.0186344906687737 17.5600007176399 EISLR Phospho(S)@3 cleaved P-E@N-term 0.0165871009230614 696.337280273438 349.1759 696.320739746094 349.167663574219 2 4 1 22.7117 612.2828 22.6363 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 0.000623577972874045 2106.90307617188 703.3083 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 11 1 31.188 155.9825 31.1409 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.000340722006512806 2106.90209960938 703.308 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 11 1 30.9042 138.3038 30.8547 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.00375613011419773 2106.89868164063 703.3068 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 17 1 31.1863 155.4714 31.2248 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 98.2500016689301 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@18 -0.000340722006512806 2106.90209960938 703.308 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 10 1 31.0959 157.2237 31.0735 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 86.8499994277954 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.000460239010863006 2106.90185546875 703.3079 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 10 1 30.9434 138.7066 30.8967 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 79.7299981117249 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.000526632997207344 2106.90185546875 703.3079 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 9 1 31.1603 140.4568 31.2514 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 70.8700001239777 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.00375613011419773 2106.89868164063 703.3068 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 8 1 31.3835 153.0139 31.2524 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 47.3300009965897 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@7; Phospho(S)@8 0.000231551006436348 2106.90283203125 703.3082 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 7 1 31.248 157.3184 31.2264 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 30.9500008821487 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@14 -0.00528746005147696 2106.89697265625 703.3063 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 6 1 31.3788 130.6924 31.3612 78 2.02 2.02 11.2499997019768 3.01099997013807 3.01099997013807 sp|Q9ESZ0|XRCC1_RAT DNA repair protein XRCC1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Xrcc1 PE=2 SV=2 0 17.2000005841255 TQAAGPSSPPRPPTPEETK Phospho(S)@8; Phospho(T)@18 0.00442002015188336 2106.90698242188 703.3096 2106.90234375 703.30810546875 3 8 1 31.2897 153.2468 31.1562 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK -0.000584492983762175 1197.51452636719 599.7645 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 10 1 17.4145 424.625 17.502 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0.0048037082888186 49.439999461174 AVFPSI cleaved I-V@C-term 0.0365034006536007 632.389892578125 317.2022 632.353332519531 317.183959960938 2 5 1 51.1458 83.4866 51.1567 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK -0.000584492983762175 1197.51452636719 599.7645 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 9 1 17.5991 424.625 17.502 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.000205182994250208 1197.51501464844 599.7648 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 13 1 17.3288 373.8507 17.3862 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.00380392000079155 1197.51892089844 599.7667 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 16 1 17.4009 442.9164 17.4376 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.0057570799253881 1197.52062988281 599.7676 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 17 1 17.5896 443.9287 17.4376 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK -0.000527910015080124 1197.51452636719 599.7645 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 14 1 17.3017 304.5311 17.359 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.00142026005778462 1197.51623535156 599.7654 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 16 1 17.3727 411.4742 17.4302 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.00142026005778462 1197.51623535156 599.7654 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 10 1 17.5884 411.4742 17.4302 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.000418623996665701 1197.51550292969 599.765 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 11 1 17.5399 328.0616 17.4174 79 2.02 2.02 15.6499996781349 2.91799996048212 2.91799996048212 sp|P68136|ACTS_RAT Actin, alpha skeletal muscle OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acta1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DSYVGDEAQSK 0.000418623996665701 1197.51550292969 599.765 1197.51501464844 599.764770507813 2 12 1 17.3557 328.0616 17.4174 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00118454999756068 1576.62072753906 789.3176 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 17 1 49.695 92.6889 49.7035 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0.0181813929229975 15.1600003242493 AVAALDGAK 0.0311898998916149 814.486083984375 408.2503 814.454895019531 408.234710693359 2 5 1 48.9562 63.9284 48.9425 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00918134022504091 1593.6552734375 797.8349 1593.64611816406 797.830322265625 2 13 1 35.5844 117.0599 35.5629 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00063163397135213 1576.6201171875 789.3173 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 16 1 49.5977 156.4871 49.6358 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00114783004391938 1593.64721679688 797.8309 1593.64611816406 797.830322265625 2 13 1 35.6534 141.8015 35.6609 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00322180008515716 1576.62292480469 789.3187 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 18 1 49.5706 154.2659 49.6294 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00224521989002824 1576.62182617188 789.3182 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 18 1 49.7606 104.2224 49.7381 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00161298003513366 1593.64770507813 797.8311 1593.64611816406 797.830322265625 2 12 1 35.4692 146.1389 35.5278 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 -0.00406447984278202 1576.61547851563 789.315 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 19 1 49.5178 132.7869 49.5779 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00450129993259907 1593.64172363281 797.8281 1593.64611816406 797.830322265625 2 16 1 35.532 105.3361 35.537 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@3 0.00099470594432205 1576.62048339844 789.3175 1576.61950683594 789.317016601563 2 17 1 49.5565 110.0466 49.5342 80 2.02 2.02 13.3200004696846 3.51799987256527 3.51799987256527 sp|P18757|CGL_RAT Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cth PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QDSPGQSSGFVYSR Phospho(S)@3 0.00112469994928688 1593.64721679688 797.8309 1593.64611816406 797.830322265625 2 8 1 35.6648 103.1311 35.6163 81 2.01 2.01 8.44200029969215 1.94799993187189 1.94799993187189 sp|Q8R511|FNBP1_RAT; sp|Q8R511-5|FNBP1_RAT; sp|Q8R511-4|FNBP1_RAT; sp|Q8R511-3|FNBP1_RAT; sp|Q8R511-2|FNBP1_RAT Formin-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fnbp1 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform Md of Formin-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fnbp1; Isoform M of Formin-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fnbp1; Isoform Ld of Formin-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fnbp1; Isoform L of Formin-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fnbp1 2 99.0000009536743 RTVSDNSLSSSK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-T@1 -0.00172795995604247 1359.60144042969 680.808 1359.60314941406 680.808837890625 2 13 1 13.7833 101.8883 13.7884 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 -0.00168441003188491 1050.50939941406 351.1771 1050.51110839844 351.177642822266 3 8 1 19.7351 212.2399 19.6991 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 -0.00367577001452446 1050.50744628906 526.261 1050.51110839844 526.262817382813 2 9 1 19.5859 316.9373 19.6967 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 4.52808999398258E-05 1050.51110839844 526.2628 1050.51110839844 526.262817382813 2 7 1 19.6584 262.7925 19.7254 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 -0.00367577001452446 1050.50744628906 526.261 1050.51110839844 526.262817382813 2 9 1 19.7653 316.9373 19.6967 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 94.6200013160706 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 0.00067756901262328 1050.51171875 526.2631 1050.51110839844 526.262817382813 2 8 1 19.7099 272.2983 19.6383 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 63.9400005340576 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 0.00067756901262328 1050.51171875 526.2631 1050.51110839844 526.262817382813 2 6 1 19.5235 272.2983 19.6383 82 2.01 2.01 5.71100004017353 0.932400021702051 0.932400021702051 sp|Q66HA8|HS105_RAT Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsph1 PE=1 SV=1 0 29.7300010919571 IESPKLER Phospho(S)@3 missed K-L@5 -0.00261123990640044 1050.50854492188 351.1768 1050.51110839844 351.177642822266 3 5 1 19.5669 239.9719 19.5522 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00231138989329338 2055.94946289063 686.3237 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 13 1 34.1065 1117.713 34.3018 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00194518000353128 2055.94946289063 686.3238 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 19 1 34.2967 1162.78 34.3291 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00176206999458373 2055.94995117188 686.3239 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 16 1 34.4848 1184.764 34.3562 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00176206999458373 2055.94995117188 686.3239 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 17 1 34.6722 1173.189 34.3831 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00374622992239892 2055.94775390625 686.3232 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 16 1 34.2621 1037.613 34.3477 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00374622992239892 2055.94775390625 686.3232 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 19 1 34.4511 1037.613 34.3477 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00260444008745253 2055.94873046875 686.3235 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 11 1 34.1556 943.6461 34.3559 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.000874623015988618 2055.95239257813 686.3247 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 17 1 34.3458 966.0412 34.3836 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.000874623015988618 2055.95239257813 686.3247 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 18 1 34.5177 966.0412 34.3836 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00160705996677279 2055.953125 686.325 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 14 1 34.7083 955.0261 34.4114 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00160705996677279 2055.953125 686.325 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 14 1 34.7108 955.0261 34.4114 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00297066010534763 2055.94848632813 686.3234 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 12 1 34.9029 623.7786 34.6059 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00196312996558845 2055.95336914063 686.3251 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 19 1 34.1471 1058.505 34.2356 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00196312996558845 2055.95336914063 686.3251 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 14 1 34.3385 1058.505 34.2356 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.000288762006675825 2055.95092773438 686.3243 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 14 1 34.2009 1015.924 34.206 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.000288762006675825 2055.95092773438 686.3243 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 18 1 34.39 1015.924 34.206 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00316959992051125 2055.95458984375 686.3255 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 19 1 34.2562 914.9285 34.2926 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00176206999458373 2055.94995117188 686.3239 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 10 1 34.8613 694.5618 34.5701 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00214624009095132 2055.95336914063 686.3251 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 12 1 33.9798 1033.675 34.2356 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.000288762006675825 2055.95092773438 686.3243 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 11 1 34.0121 1006.205 34.206 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00447196001186967 2055.9560546875 686.3259 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 12 1 34.5815 980.9269 34.2864 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00371891004033387 2055.95532226563 686.3257 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 18 1 34.6186 890.9811 34.3207 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00333500001579523 2055.94799804688 686.3233 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 13 1 34.8323 504.6844 34.5378 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00159691995941103 2055.953125 686.325 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 11 1 34.5305 1048.506 34.2356 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00316959992051125 2055.95458984375 686.3255 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 17 1 34.4261 914.9285 34.2926 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00319692003540695 2055.94848632813 686.3234 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 9 1 34.0751 982.1805 34.3208 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00316959992051125 2055.95458984375 686.3255 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 15 1 34.0878 901.9157 34.2926 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.00374622992239892 2055.94775390625 686.3232 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 11 1 34.6426 1024.502 34.3477 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 98.4899997711182 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 -0.000105657003587112 2055.95141601563 686.3244 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 9 1 34.7522 511.6515 34.477 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 97.2800016403198 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00159691995941103 2055.953125 686.325 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 9 1 34.5322 1048.506 34.2356 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 95.5200016498566 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00371891004033387 2055.95532226563 686.3257 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 13 1 34.6144 890.9811 34.3207 83 2.01 2.01 12.8600001335144 4.7240000218153 4.7240000218153 sp|P09456|KAP0_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar1a PE=2 SV=2 0 91.32000207901 TDSREDEISPPPPNPVVK Phospho(S)@9 missed R-E@4 0.00214624009095132 2055.95336914063 686.3251 2055.95141601563 686.324401855469 3 8 1 34.7198 593.2036 34.4274 84 2.01 2.01 4.64100018143654 1.3260000385344 1.3260000385344 sp|O35142|COPB2_RAT Coatomer subunit beta' OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Copb2 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DNNQFASASLDR -0.000553650024812669 1336.60021972656 669.3074 1336.60070800781 669.307678222656 2 11 1 30.9413 113.7865 30.9497 84 2.01 2.01 4.64100018143654 1.3260000385344 1.3260000385344 sp|O35142|COPB2_RAT Coatomer subunit beta' OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Copb2 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DNNQFASASLDR -0.00469056004658341 1336.59606933594 669.3053 1336.60070800781 669.307678222656 2 15 1 30.9754 115.7655 30.9805 85 2.01 2.01 6.66700005531311 1.6330000013113 1.6330000013113 sp|Q63028|ADDA_RAT Alpha-adducin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Add1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 QKGSEENLDETR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-G@2 0.00325802993029356 1467.59130859375 734.8029 1467.587890625 734.801208496094 2 10 1 22.524 80.8087 22.5291 85 2.01 2.01 6.66700005531311 1.6330000013113 1.6330000013113 sp|Q63028|ADDA_RAT Alpha-adducin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Add1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 QKGSEENLDETR Gln->pyro-Glu@N-term; Phospho(S)@4 missed K-G@2 -0.00055197102483362 1467.58752441406 734.801 1467.587890625 734.801208496094 2 13 1 22.3946 69.5765 22.3996 86 2.01 2.01 11.6700001060963 4.57700006663799 4.57700006663799 sp|Q4V7E8|LRRF2_RAT Leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrfip2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 RGSGDTSSLIDPDTSLSELR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.00594356004148722 2184.99560546875 729.3392 2184.98999023438 729.337280273438 3 15 1 50.2951 140.2135 50.3536 86 2.01 2.01 11.6700001060963 4.57700006663799 4.57700006663799 sp|Q4V7E8|LRRF2_RAT Leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrfip2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 RGSGDTSSLIDPDTSLSELR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.00245435000397265 2184.99243164063 729.3381 2184.98999023438 729.337280273438 3 15 1 50.3412 150.1372 50.319 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.0012665200047195 1117.55444335938 559.7845 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 12 1 12.8768 178.3794 12.8878 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.000796221022028476 1117.55407714844 559.7843 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 12 1 12.7992 141.9433 12.8315 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 -0.00219307001680136 1117.55102539063 559.7828 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 14 1 12.8302 174.2543 12.8624 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.000199229994905181 1197.51989746094 599.7672 1197.51965332031 599.76708984375 2 15 1 15.2205 101.4854 15.2255 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.00180920003913343 1117.55505371094 559.7848 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 10 1 12.8563 103.0715 12.888 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.00168304995168 1117.55493164063 559.7847 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 8 1 12.9002 112.4784 12.8568 87 2.01 2.01 18.7999993562698 8.54699984192848 8.54699984192848 sp|Q62622|4EBP1_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif4ebp1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 NSPVAKTPPK Phospho(T)@7 missed K-T@6 0.000645063992124051 1117.55383300781 559.7842 1117.55322265625 559.783935546875 2 12 1 12.8843 140.6655 12.8893 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -1.7317299352726E-05 989.373291015625 495.6939 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 8 1 14.5275 271.4458 14.3785 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 33.7900012731552 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000528061995282769 989.373901367188 495.6942 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 6 0 14.229 280.9657 14.408 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 23.1900006532669 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.00227018003351986 989.37109375 495.6928 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 5 0 14.6081 399.3454 14.4307 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 22.0100000500679 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.00275599001906812 989.370483398438 495.6925 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 6 0 14.363 322.6703 14.3411 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 19.370000064373 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.00227018003351986 989.37109375 495.6928 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 7 0 14.4256 399.3454 14.4307 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 18.6299994587898 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -7.0541696914006E-05 989.373291015625 495.6939 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 6 0 14.3946 323.3975 14.3996 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 18.4400007128716 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.00227018003351986 989.37109375 495.6928 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 5 0 14.2484 396.7375 14.4307 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 15.9500002861023 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 0.000955315015744418 989.374267578125 495.6944 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 6 0 14.4029 259.8859 14.381 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 15.5599996447563 DRSLSPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@5 missed R-S@2 -0.00318323005922139 989.370056152344 495.6923 989.373291015625 495.693908691406 2 5 0 14.6302 246.1937 14.3952 88 2 2.1 10.4800000786781 0.476199993863702 0.476199993863702 sp|Q9JK71|MAGI3_RAT Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Magi3 PE=1 SV=2 0 71.5799987316132 RSLSPR Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@4 cleaved D-R@N-term; missed R-S@1 0.00111633003689349 874.347473144531 438.181 874.346313476563 438.180450439453 2 7 0 12.4069 108.966 12.418 89 2 2.03 5.06200008094311 0.987700000405312 0.987700000405312 sp|Q4V8I7|LRC8A_RAT Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrc8a PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KYSFESIR Phospho(S)@6 missed K-Y@1 -0.0234062001109123 1108.47204589844 555.2433 1108.49548339844 555.255004882813 2 9 1 68.0473 210.4285 67.942 89 2 2.03 5.06200008094311 0.987700000405312 0.987700000405312 sp|Q4V8I7|LRC8A_RAT Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrc8a PE=2 SV=1 0 19.8400005698204 ALFEK 0.0103027001023293 606.348083496094 304.1813 606.337707519531 304.176147460938 2 4 0 18.4654 93.0164 18.5314 89 2 2.03 5.06200008094311 0.987700000405312 0.987700000405312 sp|Q4V8I7|LRC8A_RAT Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrc8a PE=2 SV=1 0 69.3000018596649 KYSFESIR Phospho(S)@6 missed K-Y@1 -0.0235283002257347 1108.47192382813 555.2432 1108.49548339844 555.255004882813 2 8 1 67.5089 208.1658 67.651 89 2 2.03 5.06200008094311 0.987700000405312 0.987700000405312 sp|Q4V8I7|LRC8A_RAT Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 8A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lrrc8a PE=2 SV=1 0 23.9199995994568 KYSFESIR Phospho(S)@6 missed K-Y@1 -0.0240164995193481 1108.47143554688 555.243 1108.49548339844 555.255004882813 2 8 1 67.7658 500.4632 67.737 90 2 2.01 11.4600002765656 4.14000004529953 4.14000004529953 sp|O70593|SGTA_RAT Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sgta PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SRTPSASHEEQQE Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 0.00126508995890617 1564.61682128906 522.5462 1564.61547851563 522.545776367188 3 11 1 11.4094 98.8781 11.3611 90 2 2.01 11.4600002765656 4.14000004529953 4.14000004529953 sp|O70593|SGTA_RAT Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sgta PE=1 SV=1 0 37.8699988126755 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved D-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 0.000415287009673193 982.448852539063 492.2317 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 5 0 13.6558 143.3225 13.6675 90 2 2.01 11.4600002765656 4.14000004529953 4.14000004529953 sp|O70593|SGTA_RAT Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sgta PE=1 SV=1 0 32.039999961853 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved D-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 -0.00245146011002362 982.446044921875 492.2303 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 6 0 13.6555 161.0725 13.698 90 2 2.01 11.4600002765656 4.14000004529953 4.14000004529953 sp|O70593|SGTA_RAT Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sgta PE=1 SV=1 0 21.8600004911423 SAEAERLK Phospho(S)@1 cleaved D-S@N-term; missed R-L@6 -0.0013991299783811 982.447082519531 492.2308 982.448486328125 492.231506347656 2 6 0 13.6572 114.8747 13.675 90 2 2.01 11.4600002765656 4.14000004529953 4.14000004529953 sp|O70593|SGTA_RAT Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sgta PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SRTPSASHEEQQE Phospho(S)@5 missed R-T@2 -0.00147261004894972 1564.61401367188 522.5453 1564.61547851563 522.545776367188 3 11 1 11.3785 125.7646 11.3516 91 2 2 12.2299998998642 1.24399997293949 1.24399997293949 sp|Q6TRW4|PDS5B_RAT; sp|Q6TRW4-3|PDS5B_RAT Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b PE=2 SV=2; Isoform 3 of Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b 2 99.0000009536743 AESPETSAVESTQSTPQK Phospho(S)@7 0.00373145006597042 1955.83996582031 652.9539 1955.83605957031 652.95263671875 3 13 1 26.8482 110.1661 26.8003 91 2 2 12.2299998998642 1.24399997293949 1.24399997293949 sp|Q6TRW4|PDS5B_RAT; sp|Q6TRW4-3|PDS5B_RAT Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b PE=2 SV=2; Isoform 3 of Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b 0 99.0000009536743 AESPETSAVESTQSTPQK Phospho(S)@7 0.00667358003556728 1955.84289550781 652.9549 1955.83605957031 652.95263671875 3 9 1 26.8224 93.6883 26.8538 91 2 2 12.2299998998642 1.24399997293949 1.24399997293949 sp|Q6TRW4|PDS5B_RAT; sp|Q6TRW4-3|PDS5B_RAT Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b PE=2 SV=2; Isoform 3 of Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b 0 99.0000009536743 AESPETSAVESTQSTPQK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00201568007469177 1955.83422851563 652.952 1955.83605957031 652.95263671875 3 10 1 26.8155 86.7069 26.7967 91 2 2 12.2299998998642 1.24399997293949 1.24399997293949 sp|Q6TRW4|PDS5B_RAT; sp|Q6TRW4-3|PDS5B_RAT Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b PE=2 SV=2; Isoform 3 of Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b 0 27.7900010347366 SKKGPPR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(K)@2 missed K-K@2; missed K-G@3 -0.000124821002827957 905.448303222656 453.7314 905.448425292969 453.731475830078 2 6 1 17.1381 131.5888 17.0434 91 2 2 12.2299998998642 1.24399997293949 1.24399997293949 sp|Q6TRW4|PDS5B_RAT; sp|Q6TRW4-3|PDS5B_RAT Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b PE=2 SV=2; Isoform 3 of Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pds5b 0 16.4800003170967 TSKRAQQRAESPETSAVESTQSTPQK Deamidated(Q)@7; Deamidated(Q)@21; Phospho(T)@23 missed K-R@3; missed R-A@4; missed R-A@8 -0.0746003985404968 2913.2607421875 972.0942 2913.33520507813 972.119018554688 3 11 0 59.4538 384.0683 59.5417 92 2 2 6.27000033855438 0.364100001752377 0.364100001752377 sp|P16086|SPTA2_RAT Spectrin alpha chain, brain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sptan1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SLQQLAEER Phospho(S)@1 0.00366723001934588 1152.52124023438 577.2679 1152.517578125 577.26611328125 2 11 1 34.1438 93.9057 34.1242 92 2 2 6.27000033855438 0.364100001752377 0.364100001752377 sp|P16086|SPTA2_RAT Spectrin alpha chain, brain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sptan1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLQQLAEER Phospho(S)@1 0.0012251699808985 1152.51892089844 577.2667 1152.517578125 577.26611328125 2 9 1 34.2394 83.9316 34.2199 92 2 2 6.27000033855438 0.364100001752377 0.364100001752377 sp|P16086|SPTA2_RAT Spectrin alpha chain, brain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sptan1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SLQQLAEER Phospho(S)@1 0.00418832991272211 1152.52185058594 577.2682 1152.517578125 577.26611328125 2 9 1 34.2354 86.9369 34.1604 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000923681014683098 1138.48986816406 570.2522 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 14 1 24.6925 258.2496 24.7809 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 0.00273984996601939 1138.49353027344 570.254 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 16 1 24.7562 301.4739 24.8437 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 0.00273984996601939 1138.49353027344 570.254 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 18 1 24.9464 301.4739 24.8437 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 0.000803405011538416 1138.49169921875 570.2531 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 14 1 24.7586 173.4003 24.8442 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00211740005761385 1138.48864746094 570.2516 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 17 1 24.824 283.0035 24.8826 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00211740005761385 1138.48864746094 570.2516 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 14 1 25.008 283.0035 24.8826 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00130490004085004 1138.48950195313 570.252 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 16 1 24.5937 268.5892 24.7099 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00130490004085004 1138.48950195313 570.252 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 16 1 24.7829 268.5892 24.7099 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 0.000442846008809283 1138.49133300781 570.2529 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 16 1 24.6975 240.6118 24.787 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 0.000442846008809283 1138.49133300781 570.2529 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 12 1 24.9156 240.6118 24.787 93 2 2 6.1879999935627 0.439100014045835 0.439100014045835 sp|P12785|FAS_RAT Fatty acid synthase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fasn PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AGSDTELAAPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000923681014683098 1138.48986816406 570.2522 1138.49072265625 570.252624511719 2 13 1 24.8823 258.2496 24.7809 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000380740995751694 1172.52307128906 587.2688 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 16 1 20.6112 703.2026 20.7211 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000746950972825289 1172.5234375 587.269 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 15 1 20.7946 697.0752 20.7473 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00046952799311839 1172.52221679688 587.2684 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 14 1 20.608 356.1954 20.639 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.00346064008772373 1172.52624511719 587.2704 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 12 1 20.6479 551.9826 20.7355 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.00443721981719136 1172.52722167969 587.2709 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 14 1 20.8262 558.3018 20.7615 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000326370005495846 1172.5224609375 587.2685 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 14 1 20.5215 527.8497 20.6053 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000326370005495846 1172.5224609375 587.2685 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 15 1 20.6967 527.8497 20.6053 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.00157069996930659 1172.52429199219 587.2694 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 16 1 20.6837 363.4072 20.7148 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000517394975759089 1172.52331542969 587.2689 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 14 1 20.5542 582.2686 20.6706 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000517394975759089 1172.52331542969 587.2689 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 12 1 20.7419 582.2686 20.6706 94 2 2 19.6600005030632 1.18199996650219 1.18199996650219 sp|O88453|SAFB1_RAT Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Safb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 APTAAPSPEPR Phospho(S)@7 0.000517394975759089 1172.52331542969 587.2689 1172.52270507813 587.268615722656 2 11 1 20.9289 598.1915 20.6706 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 -0.000377797987312078 910.372863769531 456.1937 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 9 1 15.726 80.3126 15.7369 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.000606246991083026 910.373901367188 456.1942 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 9 1 15.7729 119.3295 15.8048 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.000606246991083026 910.373901367188 456.1942 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 7 1 15.9669 118.2381 15.8048 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 -0.0016832499532029 910.371459960938 456.193 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 7 1 15.6379 116.9672 15.6781 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.000211131002288312 910.373474121094 456.194 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 6 1 15.6765 111.5271 15.7781 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 98.4899997711182 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.000211131002288312 910.373474121094 456.194 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 8 1 15.8965 111.4761 15.7781 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 93.4000015258789 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.00288361008279026 910.376098632813 456.1953 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 6 1 15.7624 87.4913 15.7435 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 82.0900022983551 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 -0.000904014974366874 910.372253417969 456.1934 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 7 1 15.7473 99.0708 15.7523 95 2 2 10.6299996376038 0.682900007814169 0.682900007814169 sp|O89000|DPYD_RAT Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP+] OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dpyd PE=2 SV=1 0 57.6300024986267 ACSPLQR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.00069712201366201 910.373901367188 456.1942 910.373229980469 456.193878173828 2 6 1 15.8853 64.2261 15.8722 96 2 2 11.259999871254 1.40699995681643 1.40699995681643 sp|P85972|VINC_RAT Vinculin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Vcl PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DPNASPGDAGEQAIR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00707298004999757 1576.64489746094 789.3297 1576.65185546875 789.333190917969 2 13 1 30.5657 70.205 30.5733 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 -0.000938945973757654 1266.58483886719 634.2997 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 17 1 14.3713 297.7745 14.4307 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 -0.0013656800147146 1266.58422851563 634.2994 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 15 1 14.3655 342.6634 14.4097 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 -0.000504900002852082 1266.58532714844 634.2999 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 19 1 14.2937 225.5039 14.3254 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 0.00661341985687613 1266.59228515625 634.3034 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 16 1 14.349 287.8696 14.381 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 -0.00146425003185868 1266.58422851563 634.2994 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 16 1 14.309 260.1191 14.3411 97 2 2 13.1600007414818 1.46300001069903 1.46300001069903 sp|O55035|PPIG_RAT Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppig PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 KADIDQSPVSK Phospho(S)@7 missed K-A@1 0.00284571992233396 1266.58862304688 634.3016 1266.58569335938 634.300109863281 2 15 1 14.3137 229.6771 14.3727 98 2 2 11.1299999058247 0.905600003898144 0.905600003898144 sp|Q63187|ELOA1_RAT Transcription elongation factor B polypeptide 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tceb3 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SPGSLPK Phospho(S)@1 0.00740374997258186 764.3544921875 383.1845 764.346984863281 383.180755615234 2 8 1 17.5957 67.9764 17.5811 99 2 2 18.5100004076958 3.34200002253056 3.34200002253056 sp|Q5M9G6|SNIP1_RAT Smad nuclear interacting protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Snip1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 HRSGDALATVVVK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2 0.00215731002390385 1431.72583007813 478.2492 1431.72351074219 478.248443603516 3 12 1 24.4663 70.7264 24.4442 99 2 2 18.5100004076958 3.34200002253056 3.34200002253056 sp|Q5M9G6|SNIP1_RAT Smad nuclear interacting protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Snip1 PE=2 SV=1 0 18.2500004768372 SPRTKRSR Phospho(T)@4; Phospho(R)@8 missed R-T@3; missed K-R@5; missed R-S@6 -0.00833017006516457 1146.49768066406 574.2561 1146.50598144531 574.260314941406 2 8 1 16.0428 97.4558 16.0479 100 2 2 10.8599998056889 3.38499993085861 3.38499993085861 sp|Q04931|SSRP1_RAT FACT complex subunit SSRP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ssrp1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 EGINPGYDDYADSDEDQHDAYLER Phospho(S)@13 0.00316429999656975 2866.09106445313 956.371 2866.087890625 956.369934082031 3 16 1 43.9677 187.6705 43.9482 100 2 2 10.8599998056889 3.38499993085861 3.38499993085861 sp|Q04931|SSRP1_RAT FACT complex subunit SSRP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ssrp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EGINPGYDDYADSDEDQHDAYLER Phospho(S)@13 -0.00215842993929982 2866.08569335938 956.3692 2866.087890625 956.369934082031 3 16 1 43.9956 173.2915 43.9467 100 2 2 10.8599998056889 3.38499993085861 3.38499993085861 sp|Q04931|SSRP1_RAT FACT complex subunit SSRP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ssrp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EGINPGYDDYADSDEDQHDAYLER Phospho(S)@13 -0.00327384006232023 2866.08447265625 956.3688 2866.087890625 956.369934082031 3 16 1 44.0146 186.4476 43.9925 100 2 2 10.8599998056889 3.38499993085861 3.38499993085861 sp|Q04931|SSRP1_RAT FACT complex subunit SSRP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ssrp1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 EGINPGYDDYADSDEDQHDAYLER Phospho(S)@13 0.00298119010403752 2866.0908203125 956.3709 2866.087890625 956.369934082031 3 15 1 43.8618 191.1112 43.8669 101 2 2 9.8190002143383 1.70799996703863 1.70799996703863 sp|P49793|NUP98_RAT Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nup98 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 YGLQDSDEEEEEHPPK Phospho(S)@6 -0.00234092003665864 1980.76025390625 661.2607 1980.76257324219 661.261474609375 3 11 1 27.9122 213.0999 27.9172 101 2 2 9.8190002143383 1.70799996703863 1.70799996703863 sp|P49793|NUP98_RAT Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nup98 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 YGLQDSDEEEEEHPPK Phospho(S)@6 -0.000920841994229704 1980.76184082031 661.2612 1980.76257324219 661.261474609375 3 9 1 27.7568 155.5622 27.7885 101 2 2 9.8190002143383 1.70799996703863 1.70799996703863 sp|P49793|NUP98_RAT Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nup98 PE=1 SV=1 0 47.2600013017654 YGLQDSDEEEEEHPPK Phospho(S)@6 0.00747819012030959 1980.77014160156 661.264 1980.76257324219 661.261474609375 3 7 1 27.9652 141.9647 27.9438 102 2 2 18.860000371933 6.73400014638901 6.73400014638901 sp|B0BNG0|TTC35_RAT Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 35 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ttc35 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NMRALFGLYMSASHIASNPK Phospho(S)@17 missed R-A@3 -0.125551998615265 2286.93872070313 763.3202 2287.06420898438 763.362060546875 3 9 1 41.6878 139.2371 41.6929 103 2 2 10.5499997735023 1.52899995446205 1.52899995446205 sp|Q9QZX8-3|SO1B2_RAT Isoform rLST-1c of Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slco1b2 2 99.0000009536743 KNSVSLHAPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 -0.00247873994521797 1159.57263183594 387.5315 1159.57507324219 387.532287597656 3 15 1 14.1609 313.9254 14.232 103 2 2 10.5499997735023 1.52899995446205 1.52899995446205 sp|Q9QZX8-3|SO1B2_RAT Isoform rLST-1c of Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slco1b2 0 99.0000009536743 KNSVSLHAPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 -0.00252340990118682 1159.57263183594 387.5315 1159.57507324219 387.532287597656 3 15 1 14.1212 264.3206 14.1802 103 2 2 10.5499997735023 1.52899995446205 1.52899995446205 sp|Q9QZX8-3|SO1B2_RAT Isoform rLST-1c of Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slco1b2 0 99.0000009536743 KNSVSLHAPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 -0.00252340990118682 1159.57263183594 387.5315 1159.57507324219 387.532287597656 3 9 1 14.2865 264.3206 14.1802 103 2 2 10.5499997735023 1.52899995446205 1.52899995446205 sp|Q9QZX8-3|SO1B2_RAT Isoform rLST-1c of Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slco1b2 0 99.0000009536743 KNSVSLHAPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 -0.00342984008602798 1159.57177734375 387.5312 1159.57507324219 387.532287597656 3 11 1 14.1891 115.8369 14.1728 103 2 2 10.5499997735023 1.52899995446205 1.52899995446205 sp|Q9QZX8-3|SO1B2_RAT Isoform rLST-1c of Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slco1b2 0 99.0000009536743 KNSVSLHAPK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.000475529988761991 1159.57568359375 387.5325 1159.57507324219 387.532287597656 3 13 1 14.1333 253.6096 14.1658 104 2 2 15.3799995779991 2.19800006598234 2.19800006598234 sp|Q8R5M4-2|OPTN_RAT Isoform 2 of Optineurin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Optn 2 99.0000009536743 KNSATPSELNEK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-N@1 0.0020760300103575 1396.62573242188 699.3201 1396.62353515625 699.319030761719 2 13 1 15.3882 56.7625 15.3401 105 2 2 13.9899998903275 2.79900003224611 2.79900003224611 sp|Q5U317|FIP1_RAT Pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing factor FIP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fip1l1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DHSPTPSVFNSDEER Phospho(S)@3 -0.00274591008201241 1795.70227050781 599.5747 1795.705078125 599.575622558594 3 16 1 32.2269 230.0732 32.2087 105 2 2 13.9899998903275 2.79900003224611 2.79900003224611 sp|Q5U317|FIP1_RAT Pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing factor FIP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fip1l1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DHSPTPSVFNSDEER Phospho(S)@3 -0.00294868997298181 1795.70190429688 599.5746 1795.705078125 599.575622558594 3 14 1 32.2142 220.7863 32.2761 105 2 2 13.9899998903275 2.79900003224611 2.79900003224611 sp|Q5U317|FIP1_RAT Pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing factor FIP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fip1l1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DHSPTPSVFNSDEER Phospho(S)@3 0.00118346000090241 1795.70617675781 599.576 1795.705078125 599.575622558594 3 15 1 32.0599 184.4669 32.0927 105 2 2 13.9899998903275 2.79900003224611 2.79900003224611 sp|Q5U317|FIP1_RAT Pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing factor FIP1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fip1l1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DHSPTPSVFNSDEER Phospho(S)@3 0.00132196000777185 1795.70617675781 599.576 1795.705078125 599.575622558594 3 13 1 32.0767 165.3681 32.1377 106 2 2 23.4400004148483 7.81299993395805 7.81299993395805 sp|Q5RK09|EIF3G_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3g PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GIPLPTGDTSPEPELLPGDPLPPPK Phospho(S)@10 -0.000761197996325791 2613.29711914063 872.1063 2613.2978515625 872.106567382813 3 21 1 68.5759 188.7849 68.634 106 2 2 23.4400004148483 7.81299993395805 7.81299993395805 sp|Q5RK09|EIF3G_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3g PE=2 SV=1 0 42.1900004148483 YVPPSLRDGASR Phospho(S)@5; Dimethyl(R)@7 missed R-D@7 -0.0413407012820244 1424.64001464844 713.3273 1424.68127441406 713.347961425781 2 9 0 46.5667 106.622 46.5718 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.00179600995033979 1603.68591308594 802.8502 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 22 1 51.2226 278.9395 51.307 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.00179600995033979 1603.68591308594 802.8502 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 18 1 51.4134 278.9395 51.307 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.00119080999866128 1603.68530273438 802.8499 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 23 1 51.2582 331.0688 51.3188 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.00119080999866128 1603.68530273438 802.8499 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 18 1 51.4525 331.0688 51.3188 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.000778764020651579 1603.68481445313 802.8497 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 23 1 51.2489 304.575 51.3094 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.000778764020651579 1603.68481445313 802.8497 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 18 1 51.4431 304.575 51.3094 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 -0.00223230989649892 1603.68188476563 802.8482 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 20 1 51.0956 399.8125 51.1567 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 -0.00223230989649892 1603.68188476563 802.8482 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 21 1 51.2637 399.8125 51.1567 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.0021128801163286 1603.68627929688 802.8504 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 22 1 51.0908 224.0512 51.1779 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 0.0021128801163286 1603.68627929688 802.8504 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 15 1 51.2821 224.0512 51.1779 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 -0.00503992987796664 1603.67907714844 802.8468 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 21 1 51.2199 314.4276 51.3066 107 2 2 7.93000012636185 1.90900005400181 1.90900005400181 sp|P82808|GFPT1_RAT Glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gfpt1 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 VDSTTCLFPVEEK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 -0.00503992987796664 1603.67907714844 802.8468 1603.68408203125 802.849304199219 2 23 1 51.4104 314.4276 51.3066 108 2 2 7.93199986219406 1.55499996617436 1.55499996617436 sp|P38659|PDIA4_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdia4 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DNDPPIAVAK 0.00274985004216433 1038.53723144531 520.2759 1038.53454589844 520.274536132813 2 10 1 25.8379 112.7144 25.853 108 2 2 7.93199986219406 1.55499996617436 1.55499996617436 sp|P38659|PDIA4_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdia4 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNDPPIAVAK 0.00260100001469254 1038.53723144531 520.2759 1038.53454589844 520.274536132813 2 7 1 25.9966 106.1721 25.9217 108 2 2 7.93199986219406 1.55499996617436 1.55499996617436 sp|P38659|PDIA4_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdia4 PE=1 SV=2 0 94.9400007724762 DNDPPIAVAK 0.00447082007303834 1038.5390625 520.2768 1038.53454589844 520.274536132813 2 7 1 25.7629 141.2987 25.8213 108 2 2 7.93199986219406 1.55499996617436 1.55499996617436 sp|P38659|PDIA4_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdia4 PE=1 SV=2 0 93.9999997615814 DNDPPIAVAK 0.00047964698751457 1038.53503417969 520.2748 1038.53454589844 520.274536132813 2 7 1 25.7861 85.2788 25.7936 108 2 2 7.93199986219406 1.55499996617436 1.55499996617436 sp|P38659|PDIA4_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdia4 PE=1 SV=2 0 45.3799992799759 DNDPPIAVAK 0.00260100001469254 1038.53723144531 520.2759 1038.53454589844 520.274536132813 2 6 1 25.8105 106.1721 25.9217 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 2 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 -0.000331280985847116 1800.78881835938 601.2702 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 17 1 17.8274 116.5913 17.8065 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 0 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 0.0103620998561382 1800.79919433594 601.2737 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 15 1 17.7472 241.2098 17.7901 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 0 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 -0.000606913003139198 1800.78845214844 601.2701 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 17 1 17.6428 292.5269 17.6479 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 0 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 0.0101758996024728 1800.79919433594 601.2737 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 15 1 17.7991 202.4989 17.7519 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 0 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 0.00228330004028976 1800.79150390625 601.2711 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 11 1 17.6183 243.9422 17.6764 109 2 2 11.6400003433228 2.52500008791685 2.52500008791685 sp|P27321|ICAL_RAT; sp|P27321-3|ICAL_RAT Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast PE=1 SV=3; Isoform C of Calpastatin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cast 0 99.0000009536743 KGSDEVTASSAATGTSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-G@1 0.00886599998921156 1800.79809570313 601.2733 1800.7890625 601.270324707031 3 17 1 17.7331 277.39 17.7646 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 0.00234277988784015 1847.78979492188 616.9372 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 10 1 31.5141 203.2803 31.5531 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 0.00349427992478013 1847.791015625 616.9376 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 11 1 31.4837 170.0592 31.5207 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 -0.000751089013647288 1847.78686523438 616.9362 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 11 1 31.5428 210.2031 31.6094 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 0.000662291015032679 1847.78796386719 616.9366 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 12 1 31.3959 190.6223 31.4315 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 -0.000775791995692998 1847.78686523438 616.9362 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 10 1 31.415 178.2704 31.4487 110 2 2 10.0500002503395 1.83799993246794 1.83799993246794 sp|O08561|PI4KB_RAT Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pi4kb PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SVENLPECGITHEQR Phospho(S)@1; Carbamidomethyl(C)@8 0.00350634008646011 1847.791015625 616.9376 1847.78735351563 616.936401367188 3 13 1 31.4376 198.6652 31.4734 111 2 2 12.7700001001358 4.09599989652634 4.09599989652634 sp|Q62848|ARFG1_RAT; sp|Q62848-2|ARFG1_RAT ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arfgap1 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform W15 of ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arfgap1 2 99.0000009536743 SSDSWDIWGSGSASNNK Phospho(S)@2 -0.00350479991175234 1876.72302246094 939.3688 1876.72644042969 939.370544433594 2 17 1 54.751 108.1144 54.7827 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@5 -0.00406346982344985 1339.55041503906 670.7825 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 11 1 21.8261 240.9284 21.7 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0.00174066168256104 16.6199997067451 QPAPTTSGGLNK Phospho(T)@6; Deamidated(N)@11 0.00975008029490709 1250.56433105469 626.2894 1250.55444335938 626.284484863281 2 8 0 10.727 901.2563 10.6183 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00406346982344985 1339.55041503906 670.7825 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 11 1 21.639 240.9284 21.7 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00305650988593698 1339.55151367188 670.783 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 13 1 21.6263 195.9686 21.7102 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@5 0.00149910000618547 1339.55603027344 670.7853 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 10 1 21.6943 243.1532 21.7785 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@5 0.00149910000618547 1339.55603027344 670.7853 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 11 1 21.8755 243.1532 21.7785 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@3 0.000940679979976267 1339.55541992188 670.785 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 10 1 21.7317 292.4166 21.6318 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000952153000980616 1339.5537109375 670.7841 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 9 1 21.7018 170.8977 21.6807 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.360002040863 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@3 0.00299225002527237 1339.55749511719 670.786 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 10 1 21.642 206.7369 21.6735 112 2 2 6.71700015664101 1.13500002771616 1.13500002771616 sp|Q5M7W5|MAP4_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map4 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.0999975204468 DVSPSPETETAK Phospho(S)@5 0.000940679979976267 1339.55541992188 670.785 1339.55444335938 670.784484863281 2 7 1 21.5378 292.4166 21.6318 113 2 2 15.8199995756149 5.38699999451637 5.38699999451637 sp|Q499N6|UBXN1_RAT UBX domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubxn1 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SSPPATDPGPVPSSPR Phospho(S)@2 -0.00490166014060378 1627.71948242188 814.867 1627.72436523438 814.869445800781 2 12 1 30.8091 129.074 30.8953 113 2 2 15.8199995756149 5.38699999451637 5.38699999451637 sp|Q499N6|UBXN1_RAT UBX domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubxn1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SSPPATDPGPVPSSPR Phospho(S)@2 0.00712910015136003 1627.7314453125 814.873 1627.72436523438 814.869445800781 2 13 1 30.8633 126.1451 30.8683 113 2 2 15.8199995756149 5.38699999451637 5.38699999451637 sp|Q499N6|UBXN1_RAT UBX domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubxn1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SSPPATDPGPVPSSPR Phospho(S)@2 -0.000821036985144019 1627.72351074219 814.869 1627.72436523438 814.869445800781 2 13 1 30.7146 142.4924 30.7197 113 2 2 15.8199995756149 5.38699999451637 5.38699999451637 sp|Q499N6|UBXN1_RAT UBX domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ubxn1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SSPPATDPGPVPSSPR Phospho(S)@2 -0.0015939399600029 1627.72290039063 814.8687 1627.72436523438 814.869445800781 2 12 1 30.73 142.7299 30.7887 114 2 2 8.69600027799606 1.91799998283386 1.91799998283386 sp|Q3B8Q1|DDX21_RAT Nucleolar RNA helicase 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ddx21 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AEEPSEEEADAPKPK Phospho(S)@5 0.00579761015251279 1705.71423339844 569.5787 1705.70837402344 569.576721191406 3 11 1 19.2369 132.3732 19.242 115 2 2 12.6300007104874 3.38499993085861 3.38499993085861 sp|Q03555|GEPH_RAT; sp|Q03555-4|GEPH_RAT; sp|Q03555-2|GEPH_RAT Gephyrin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gphn PE=1 SV=3; Isoform GE24'6 of Gephyrin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gphn; Isoform GE124'56 of Gephyrin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gphn 2 99.0000009536743 EVHDELEDLPSPPPPLSPPPTTSPHK Phospho(S)@11; Phospho(S)@17 0.00286514009349048 2972.32763671875 744.0892 2972.32470703125 744.088439941406 4 21 1 50.9713 231.9025 50.9487 116 2 2 9.62700024247169 3.53600010275841 3.53600010275841 sp|P40615|DKC1_RAT H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dkc1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 KRDSDSDADEATPTTTPR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@6 missed K-R@1; missed R-D@2 0.0124083003029227 2121.83764648438 708.2865 2121.8251953125 708.282348632813 3 13 1 17.6949 96.2066 17.6473 117 2 2 14.6200001239777 2.1229999139905 2.1229999139905 sp|P17764|THIL_RAT Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Acat1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 DGLTDVYNK 8.65649999468587E-05 1023.48742675781 512.751 1023.4873046875 512.750915527344 2 13 1 29.9889 181.0323 30.0469 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.00060913700144738 1100.53283691406 551.2737 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 14 1 10.0825 286.7475 10.1305 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR Deamidated(N)@2 0.00193640997167677 1101.51831054688 551.7664 1101.51635742188 551.765441894531 2 12 1 12.9624 182.851 12.9938 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.00307911005802453 1100.53552246094 551.275 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 12 1 10.0373 447.3401 10.1014 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.00149217003490776 1100.53381347656 551.2742 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 14 1 10.204 406.2372 10.1388 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR Deamidated(N)@2 0.00235582003369927 1101.51867675781 551.7666 1101.51635742188 551.765441894531 2 14 1 12.9784 293.8911 13.0372 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.000981997000053525 1100.53332519531 551.2739 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 14 1 10.2402 200.8062 10.2715 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.000635663978755474 1100.53283691406 551.2737 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 14 1 10.0729 293.0274 10.132 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR Deamidated(N)@2 0.00195145001634955 1101.51831054688 551.7664 1101.51635742188 551.765441894531 2 13 1 12.9651 212.4355 12.9821 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR Deamidated(N)@2 0.000747982005123049 1101.51708984375 551.7658 1101.51635742188 551.765441894531 2 13 1 12.9688 209.0043 12.9855 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR 0.000635663978755474 1100.53283691406 551.2737 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 10 1 10.2403 270.8968 10.1539 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR -0.000561979017220438 1100.53161621094 551.2731 1100.5322265625 551.2734375 2 14 1 10.1627 334.6502 10.1954 118 2 2 11.0299997031689 2.15799994766712 2.15799994766712 sp|P16617|PGK1_RAT Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pgk1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNQITNNQR Deamidated(N)@2 -0.00215672003105283 1101.51403808594 551.7643 1101.51635742188 551.765441894531 2 13 1 12.9981 229.202 13.0155 119 2 2 10.2600000798702 3.34100015461445 3.34100015461445 sp|Q6P7P5|BZW1_RAT Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bzw1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NAEEESESEAEEGD Phospho(S)@6 -0.0023670899681747 1603.50231933594 802.7584 1603.50463867188 802.759582519531 2 18 1 22.0361 82.249 22.0411 119 2 2 10.2600000798702 3.34100015461445 3.34100015461445 sp|Q6P7P5|BZW1_RAT Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bzw1 PE=2 SV=1 0.000434511806815863 25.4400014877319 VAASLR Phospho(S)@4 cleaved A-V@N-term -0.000642049009911716 695.336059570313 348.6753 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 7 0 22.3845 3215.516 22.4504 119 2 2 10.2600000798702 3.34100015461445 3.34100015461445 sp|Q6P7P5|BZW1_RAT Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bzw1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NAEEESESEAEEGD Phospho(S)@6 0.00380913005210459 1603.50842285156 802.7615 1603.50463867188 802.759582519531 2 20 1 21.9892 94.4566 21.9682 120 2 2 6.76300004124641 1.93199999630451 1.93199999630451 sp|Q6AYJ1|RECQ1_RAT ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Recql PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AASPEACEVDSK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@7 0.00529527012258768 1342.51647949219 672.2655 1342.51123046875 672.262878417969 2 13 1 18.8968 97.7645 18.9019 120 2 2 6.76300004124641 1.93199999630451 1.93199999630451 sp|Q6AYJ1|RECQ1_RAT ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Recql PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AASPEACEVDSK Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@7 0.00597946997731924 1342.51733398438 672.2659 1342.51123046875 672.262878417969 2 8 1 18.8831 0 -1 121 2 2 9.80399996042252 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q4KLH5|AGFG1_RAT Arf-GAP domain and FG repeats-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Agfg1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GTPTQSPVVGR Phospho(S)@6 0.00421629007905722 1177.55346679688 589.784 1177.54919433594 589.781921386719 2 8 1 21.4006 131.31 21.4098 121 2 2 9.80399996042252 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q4KLH5|AGFG1_RAT Arf-GAP domain and FG repeats-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Agfg1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GTPTQSPVVGR Phospho(S)@6 0.000832749006804079 1177.55004882813 589.7823 1177.54919433594 589.781921386719 2 10 1 21.2579 136.4244 21.2629 121 2 2 9.80399996042252 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q4KLH5|AGFG1_RAT Arf-GAP domain and FG repeats-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Agfg1 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.880001783371 GTPTQSPVVGR Phospho(S)@6 0.00238809990696609 1177.55163574219 589.7831 1177.54919433594 589.781921386719 2 8 1 21.3988 90.1308 21.3833 121 2 2 9.80399996042252 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q4KLH5|AGFG1_RAT Arf-GAP domain and FG repeats-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Agfg1 PE=1 SV=1 0 86.2299978733063 GTPTQSPVVGR Phospho(S)@6 0.00295976991765201 1177.55224609375 589.7834 1177.54919433594 589.781921386719 2 7 1 21.3046 93.9949 21.3139 122 2 2 14.7699996829033 5.36900013685226 5.36900013685226 sp|P13668|STMN1_RAT Stathmin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Stmn1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SHEAEVLK Phospho(S)@1 0.000570898992009461 991.438049316406 496.7263 991.437561035156 496.72607421875 2 10 1 14.4701 75.1028 14.4428 123 2 2 5.14100007712841 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|P0C5E3|PALLD_RAT Palladin (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palld PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SRDSGDENEPIQER Phospho(S)@4 missed R-D@2 0.00484943017363548 1710.68957519531 571.2371 1710.68469238281 571.235473632813 3 13 1 17.0383 120.0043 17.0434 123 2 2 5.14100007712841 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|P0C5E3|PALLD_RAT Palladin (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palld PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SRDSGDENEPIQER Phospho(S)@4 missed R-D@2 -0.000826066010631621 1710.68383789063 571.2352 1710.68469238281 571.235473632813 3 10 1 17.0905 114.786 17.1014 123 2 2 5.14100007712841 2.32200007885695 2.32200007885695 sp|P0C5E3|PALLD_RAT Palladin (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Palld PE=2 SV=1 0 71.6499984264374 SRDSGDENEPIQER Phospho(S)@4 missed R-D@2 0.00244874996133149 1710.68713378906 571.2363 1710.68469238281 571.235473632813 3 7 1 17.0564 88.075 17.012 124 2 2 8.958999812603 4.11599986255169 2.4210000410676 sp|P05544|SPA3L_RAT Serine protease inhibitor A3L OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Serpina3l PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 DTLSHEDHGK Phospho(S)@4 -0.00197315006516874 1217.46948242188 609.742 1217.47143554688 609.742980957031 2 12 1 9.4853 87.4987 9.496 124 2 2 8.958999812603 4.11599986255169 2.4210000410676 sp|P05544|SPA3L_RAT Serine protease inhibitor A3L OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Serpina3l PE=1 SV=3 0.00261361571028829 55.5199980735779 AFIAALG cleaved M-A@N-term; cleaved G-L@C-term 0.0139215998351574 661.393859863281 331.7042 661.3798828125 331.697235107422 2 6 1 51.0864 132.9254 51.1847 124 2 2 8.958999812603 4.11599986255169 2.4210000410676 sp|P05544|SPA3L_RAT Serine protease inhibitor A3L OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Serpina3l PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 DTLSHEDHGK Phospho(S)@4 0.000704878999385983 1217.47204589844 609.7433 1217.47143554688 609.742980957031 2 12 1 9.5157 82.445 9.5208 125 2 2 10.1099997758865 4.30699996650219 4.30699996650219 sp|Q9QZ86|NOP58_RAT Nucleolar protein 58 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nop58 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 HIKEEPLSEEEPCTSTAVPSPEK Phospho(S)@8; Carbamidomethyl(C)@13; Phospho(S)@20 missed K-E@3 0.00123735005035996 2753.15576171875 918.7258 2753.15454101563 918.725402832031 3 11 1 35.2661 223.9129 35.2711 125 2 2 10.1099997758865 4.30699996650219 4.30699996650219 sp|Q9QZ86|NOP58_RAT Nucleolar protein 58 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nop58 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HIKEEPLSEEEPCTSTAVPSPEK Phospho(S)@8; Carbamidomethyl(C)@13; Phospho(S)@20 missed K-E@3 0.00691362004727125 2753.16137695313 918.7277 2753.15454101563 918.725402832031 3 20 1 35.203 173.9926 35.2346 125 2 2 10.1099997758865 4.30699996650219 4.30699996650219 sp|Q9QZ86|NOP58_RAT Nucleolar protein 58 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nop58 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HIKEEPLSEEEPCTSTAVPSPEK Phospho(S)@8; Carbamidomethyl(C)@13; Phospho(S)@20 missed K-E@3 -0.00181086000520736 2753.15258789063 918.7248 2753.15454101563 918.725402832031 3 11 1 35.3873 214.8125 35.3924 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.000283581000985578 2162.96533203125 721.9957 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 20 1 32.4036 1605.552 32.4111 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.00371763994917274 2162.96875 721.9969 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 16 1 32.308 1496.568 32.4751 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.00371763994917274 2162.96875 721.9969 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 19 1 32.4933 1496.568 32.4751 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.00371763994917274 2162.96875 721.9969 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 15 1 32.6803 1496.568 32.4751 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00465145986527205 2162.96044921875 721.9941 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 19 1 32.367 1088.479 32.451 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00465145986527205 2162.96044921875 721.9941 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 17 1 32.5515 1088.479 32.451 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00239537004381418 2162.96264648438 721.9948 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 11 1 32.3245 1454.614 32.5164 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00239537004381418 2162.96264648438 721.9948 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 17 1 32.5088 1464.28 32.5164 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00239537004381418 2162.96264648438 721.9948 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 15 1 32.6941 1464.28 32.5164 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00027980501181446 2162.96459960938 721.9955 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 19 1 32.1986 1455.89 32.3366 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00027980501181446 2162.96459960938 721.9955 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 20 1 32.3845 1455.89 32.3366 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.00027980501181446 2162.96459960938 721.9955 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 14 1 32.5703 1455.89 32.3366 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.000491997983772308 2162.96459960938 721.9955 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 17 1 32.2988 1049.778 32.3826 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.000491997983772308 2162.96459960938 721.9955 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 20 1 32.483 1049.778 32.3826 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 -0.000125788006698713 2162.96508789063 721.9956 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 15 1 32.6688 1068.936 32.3826 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.000283581000985578 2162.96533203125 721.9957 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 16 1 32.5919 1605.552 32.4111 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.000283581000985578 2162.96533203125 721.9957 2162.96508789063 721.99560546875 3 14 1 32.2131 1598.292 32.4111 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 96.780002117157 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 0.003326749894768 2219.98999023438 741.0039 2219.98657226563 741.002746582031 3 10 1 32.6458 122.5495 32.5973 126 2 2 11.370000243187 7.02299997210503 7.02299997210503 sp|Q9QYU1|PEX19_RAT Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pex19 PE=2 SV=1 0 91.32000207901 AKPSPAPSPTISAPDASGPQK Phospho(S)@8 0.00410667015239596 2083.0029296875 695.3416 2082.99877929688 695.340148925781 3 8 1 28.5582 95.1858 28.5633 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 2 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 0.00105571001768112 2050.82397460938 684.6153 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 22 1 11.7303 437.2358 11.7741 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 0 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 0.00180298998020589 2050.82470703125 684.6155 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 19 1 11.7319 405.9115 11.7659 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 0 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 -0.000688300002366304 2050.822265625 684.6147 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 23 1 11.6969 344.7719 11.7351 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 0 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 0.00507456995546818 2050.82788085938 684.6166 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 25 1 11.6853 463.6871 11.7233 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 0 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 0.000394144008168951 2050.82348632813 684.6151 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 19 1 11.7141 419.1005 11.7366 127 2 2 15.7900005578995 5.92099986970425 5.92099986970425 sp|Q9JJ54-3|HNRPD_RAT Isoform p40 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnpd 0 99.0000009536743 IDASKNEEDEGHSNSSPR Phospho(S)@16 missed K-N@5 0.00200352002866566 2050.82495117188 684.6156 2050.82299804688 684.614929199219 3 24 1 11.6889 256.0886 11.721 128 2 2 8.95500034093857 2.13200002908707 2.13200002908707 sp|Q9JID1|PDCD4_RAT; sp|Q9JID1-2|PDCD4_RAT Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 2 99.0000009536743 SGVAVPTSPK Phospho(S)@8 0.00136941997334361 1021.48590087891 511.7502 1021.48449707031 511.749542236328 2 10 1 25.1608 202.7442 25.2454 128 2 2 8.95500034093857 2.13200002908707 2.13200002908707 sp|Q9JID1|PDCD4_RAT; sp|Q9JID1-2|PDCD4_RAT Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 0 99.0000009536743 SGVAVPTSPK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000599652004893869 1021.48388671875 511.7492 1021.48449707031 511.749542236328 2 10 1 25.1692 237.1899 25.2606 128 2 2 8.95500034093857 2.13200002908707 2.13200002908707 sp|Q9JID1|PDCD4_RAT; sp|Q9JID1-2|PDCD4_RAT Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 0 99.0000009536743 SGVAVPTSPK Phospho(S)@8 -0.000599652004893869 1021.48388671875 511.7492 1021.48449707031 511.749542236328 2 9 1 25.3541 237.1899 25.2606 128 2 2 8.95500034093857 2.13200002908707 2.13200002908707 sp|Q9JID1|PDCD4_RAT; sp|Q9JID1-2|PDCD4_RAT Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 PE=1 SV=2; Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pdcd4 0 99.0000009536743 SGVAVPTSPK Phospho(S)@8 3.90183013223577E-05 1021.48468017578 511.7496 1021.48449707031 511.749542236328 2 8 1 25.1241 224.461 25.1846 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 0.000484213000163436 1518.68310546875 507.235 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 12 1 24.3538 339.2648 24.28 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 0.000484213000163436 1518.68310546875 507.235 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 9 1 24.1594 339.2648 24.28 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 91.7400002479553 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 -0.000668333028443158 1518.68188476563 507.2346 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 8 1 24.2424 117.7267 24.2204 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 77.7300000190735 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 0.00279092998243868 1518.685546875 507.2358 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 7 1 24.1894 174.3976 24.2789 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 52.6400029659271 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 0.000947139982599765 1518.68371582031 507.2352 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 7 1 24.1445 178.3907 24.2357 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 46.5099990367889 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 0.000947139982599765 1518.68371582031 507.2352 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 8 1 24.3411 178.3907 24.2357 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 44.5899993181229 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 -0.00242737005464733 1518.68041992188 507.2341 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 8 1 24.4913 217.9589 24.3732 129 2 2 15.8299997448921 5.01900017261505 5.01900017261505 sp|Q6MGB5|DHB8_RAT Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hsd17b8 PE=2 SV=1 0 22.6500004529953 LLGNPGSEDREPR Phospho(S)@7 missed R-E@10 -0.000491112994495779 1518.68225097656 507.2347 1518.68273925781 507.23486328125 3 6 1 24.0776 200.1745 24.1396 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@6 -0.0012320700334385 1113.48449707031 557.7495 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 14 1 24.4934 238.7019 24.5516 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000317000987706706 1113.48522949219 557.7499 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 9 1 24.4272 221.4026 24.4644 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00115647003985941 1113.48449707031 557.7495 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 9 1 24.3549 258.6481 24.3874 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00152268004603684 1113.48413085938 557.7493 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 8 1 24.5435 279.0328 24.4415 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.000317000987706706 1113.48522949219 557.7499 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 8 1 24.6174 237.7025 24.4916 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 89.4900023937225 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00112297001760453 1113.48449707031 557.7495 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 8 1 24.4728 164.8542 24.4846 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 68.4599995613098 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.0012320700334385 1113.48449707031 557.7495 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 6 1 24.679 252.8192 24.5781 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 60.8200013637543 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 -0.00140853994525969 1113.48425292969 557.7494 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 8 1 24.5464 212.4922 24.6066 130 2 2 5.16900010406971 2.2469999268651 2.2469999268651 sp|Q6AY57|WIPI2_RAT WD repeat domain phosphoinositide-interacting protein 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wipi2 PE=2 SV=1 0 37.9200011491776 GAYVPSSPTR Phospho(S)@7 0.000801438989583403 1113.48645019531 557.7505 1113.48559570313 557.750061035156 2 6 1 24.4854 182.5326 24.4954 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 0.00951291993260384 3276.40454101563 820.1084 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 24 1 31.829 358.5022 31.8619 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 -0.00150916003622115 3276.39331054688 820.1056 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 19 1 32.0428 294.322 31.9931 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 -0.00728221004828811 3276.3876953125 820.1042 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 14 1 31.923 195.9998 31.8741 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 -0.00315171992406249 3276.39184570313 820.1052 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 26 1 31.9938 316.9366 31.9988 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 0.0103463996201754 3276.4052734375 820.1086 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 20 1 31.7861 396.1341 31.8457 131 2 2 14.3999993801117 8.30999985337257 8.30999985337257 sp|Q64640|ADK_RAT Adenosine kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Adk PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 AADAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGGNR Carbamidomethyl(C)@21; Carbamidomethyl(C)@24 -0.00272695999592543 3276.39208984375 820.1053 3276.39477539063 820.106018066406 4 18 1 31.8807 264.2383 31.8583 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.000154758003191091 1150.50231933594 576.2584 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 13 1 33.3486 539.5677 33.4656 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.000154758003191091 1150.50231933594 576.2584 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 16 1 33.5984 539.5677 33.4656 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00113932997919619 1150.50085449219 576.2577 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 14 1 33.5523 337.7653 33.4467 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0024117399007082 1150.49963378906 576.2571 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 12 1 33.3944 461.1273 33.5069 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.000275013007922098 1150.50231933594 576.2584 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 11 1 33.2659 496.9501 33.3513 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.000275013007922098 1150.50231933594 576.2584 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 11 1 33.5055 496.9501 33.3513 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00198952993378043 1150.50402832031 576.2593 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 12 1 33.5385 326.0496 33.3503 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00113550003152341 1150.50329589844 576.2589 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 13 1 33.3442 424.3867 33.4031 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.000154758003191091 1150.50231933594 576.2584 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 9 1 33.5361 539.5677 33.4656 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00113932997919619 1150.50085449219 576.2577 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 8 1 33.4416 337.7653 33.4467 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 96.5499997138977 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00113550003152341 1150.50329589844 576.2589 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 8 1 33.6109 424.3867 33.4031 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 95.279997587204 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00113550003152341 1150.50329589844 576.2589 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 9 1 33.4177 424.3867 33.4031 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 39.3200010061264 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0024117399007082 1150.49963378906 576.2571 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 7 1 33.5018 461.1273 33.5069 132 2 2 4.46900017559528 1.39699997380376 1.39699997380376 sp|Q64350|EI2BE_RAT Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif2b5 PE=1 SV=2 0 20.4899996519089 AGSPQLDDIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00198952993378043 1150.50402832031 576.2593 1150.501953125 576.258239746094 2 6 1 33.3453 326.0496 33.3503 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 0.0115355001762509 2929.15673828125 977.3928 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 20 1 48.2255 349.8514 48.3109 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 3.62333994416986E-05 2929.14501953125 977.389 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 16 1 48.2318 300.2684 48.29 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 3.62333994416986E-05 2929.14501953125 977.389 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 13 1 48.4146 300.2684 48.29 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 0.0038992699701339 2929.14916992188 977.3903 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 19 1 48.2617 344.6626 48.2934 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 0.00494894990697503 2929.15014648438 977.3906 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 23 1 48.105 238.2684 48.1367 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.00238048005849123 2929.14282226563 977.3882 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 14 1 48.2846 218.1656 48.2897 133 2 2 12.1799997985363 6.47699981927872 6.47699981927872 sp|Q5U2Z3|NP1L4_RAT Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Nap1l4 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EFITGDVEPTDAESAWHSENEEDDK Phospho(S)@18 -0.0010987400310114 2929.14404296875 977.3886 2929.14501953125 977.388977050781 3 14 1 48.0937 407.7948 48.1521 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 -0.000600564002525061 1509.697265625 504.2397 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 11 1 44.6122 198.1096 44.6206 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 -0.00286178989335895 1509.69482421875 504.2389 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 11 1 44.6093 186.5674 44.6412 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 0 59.0699970722198 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 0.00576676987111568 1509.70349121094 504.2418 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 7 1 44.5135 159.8706 44.5495 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 0 47.6599991321564 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 0.00411606021225452 1509.70178222656 504.2412 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 9 1 44.8015 231.594 44.673 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 0 46.3600009679794 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 0.00411606021225452 1509.70178222656 504.2412 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 6 1 44.5608 231.594 44.673 134 2 2 8.85600000619888 4.7970000654459 4.7970000654459 sp|Q5BJT0|ARGL1_RAT Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arglu1 PE=2 SV=1 0 41.499999165535 ASSPPDRIDIFGR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-I@7 -0.00167160003911704 1509.69604492188 504.2393 1509.69775390625 504.239837646484 3 7 1 44.4618 206.3901 44.5471 135 2 2 24.6500000357628 6.51199966669083 6.51199966669083 sp|Q4KM74|SC22B_RAT Vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sec22b PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 NLGSINTELQDVQR Phospho(S)@4 0.00291330995969474 1665.77526855469 833.8949 1665.77233886719 833.893432617188 2 20 1 50.1722 92.8644 50.1497 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00082278298214078 1288.541015625 645.2778 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 30.9958 889.3668 30.9769 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00082278298214078 1288.541015625 645.2778 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 16 1 30.8049 889.3668 30.9769 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00392082985490561 1288.53784179688 645.2762 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 30.8254 703.1639 30.9093 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00392082985490561 1288.53784179688 645.2762 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 15 1 31.007 703.1639 30.9093 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00305497995577753 1288.53881835938 645.2767 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 14 1 30.8583 792.3544 31.0072 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00317705003544688 1288.53869628906 645.2766 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 31.0559 790.6779 30.9805 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00305497995577753 1288.53881835938 645.2767 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 12 1 31.2463 814.9849 30.9805 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00125851994380355 1288.54064941406 645.2776 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 16 1 30.7121 810.4811 30.8275 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00125851994380355 1288.54064941406 645.2776 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 30.9017 810.4811 30.8275 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.000798465975094587 1288.541015625 645.2778 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 30.7795 639.5881 30.8634 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.000798465975094587 1288.541015625 645.2778 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 14 1 30.9604 639.5881 30.8634 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.000995342968963087 1288.54089355469 645.2777 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 17 1 30.9409 809.169 30.8695 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00125851994380355 1288.54064941406 645.2776 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 11 1 31.0925 829.4943 30.8275 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.000995342968963087 1288.54089355469 645.2777 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 15 1 30.7568 809.169 30.8695 136 2 2 16.4700001478195 4.31400015950203 4.31400015950203 sp|P62260|1433E_RAT 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhae PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EALQDVEDENQ -0.00082278298214078 1288.541015625 645.2778 1288.54187011719 645.278198242188 2 8 1 31.1855 889.3668 30.9769 137 2 2 4.8300001770258 1.43100004643202 1.43100004643202 sp|P54645|AAPK1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SGSISNYR Phospho(S)@3 0.000919791986234486 962.386901855469 482.2007 962.385864257813 482.200225830078 2 6 1 20.0793 124.8 20.0674 137 2 2 4.8300001770258 1.43100004643202 1.43100004643202 sp|P54645|AAPK1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa1 PE=1 SV=2 0 98.7800002098084 SGSISNYR Phospho(S)@3 0.000170018000062555 962.386047363281 482.2003 962.385864257813 482.200225830078 2 9 1 20.0009 100.9821 19.9827 138 2 2 10.6899999082088 5.34400008618832 5.34400008618832 sp|P32755|HPPD_RAT 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hpd PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SQIQEYVDYNGGAGVQHIALR Phospho(S)@1 0.00168114004191011 2397.11303710938 800.045 2397.111328125 800.04443359375 3 18 1 48.3871 195.8284 48.365 138 2 2 10.6899999082088 5.34400008618832 5.34400008618832 sp|P32755|HPPD_RAT 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hpd PE=1 SV=3 0.000434511806815863 33.840000629425 SASEWYLK Phospho(S)@3 cleaved E-S@N-term 0.00618130015209317 1062.44848632813 532.2315 1062.4423828125 532.228454589844 2 6 0 15.07 293.8754 15.2076 138 2 2 10.6899999082088 5.34400008618832 5.34400008618832 sp|P32755|HPPD_RAT 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hpd PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 SQIQEYVDYNGGAGVQHIALR Phospho(S)@1; Deamidated(N)@10 0.000758825975935906 2398.09619140625 800.3727 2398.09545898438 800.372436523438 3 19 1 49.5048 167.1086 49.5132 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00380419008433819 1686.58203125 844.2983 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 19 1 19.6652 171.7654 19.7497 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 -0.000835574988741428 1750.57568359375 876.2951 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 19 1 19.6388 255.9995 19.7232 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 -0.000835574988741428 1750.57568359375 876.2951 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 12 1 19.8243 255.9995 19.7232 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00112780998460948 1734.58044433594 868.2975 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 12 1 26.9276 163.1143 26.9592 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 -0.00476441020146012 1686.57348632813 844.294 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 23 1 19.6044 0 -1 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00366122997365892 1734.57788085938 868.2962 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 14 1 26.8445 258.8815 26.929 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00366122997365892 1734.57788085938 868.2962 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 12 1 27.0286 258.8815 26.929 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00810644030570984 1686.58630371094 844.3004 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 18 1 19.6675 247.1678 19.7254 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.007694480009377 1750.58422851563 876.2994 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 19 1 19.8317 232.1193 19.7254 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00195673992857337 1734.57971191406 868.2971 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 17 1 26.8751 243.1157 26.9594 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00171258999034762 1734.57983398438 868.2972 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 12 1 27.0601 248.2996 26.9858 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.000908643996808678 1734.58068847656 868.2976 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 19 1 26.8022 226.3614 26.8593 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00294906995259225 1750.57946777344 876.297 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 15 1 19.5471 208.1549 19.6314 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00345945009030402 1686.58166503906 844.2981 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 18 1 19.5735 240.7865 19.605 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00294906995259225 1750.57946777344 876.297 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 14 1 19.7322 208.1549 19.6314 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00607539992779493 1734.57543945313 868.295 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 11 1 26.9752 235.4617 26.903 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 0.00138803001027554 1734.58312988281 868.2988 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 17 1 26.8602 327.3514 26.8913 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@2; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.007694480009377 1750.58422851563 876.2994 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 12 1 19.6412 232.9828 19.7254 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.005070969928056 1686.58325195313 844.2989 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 13 1 19.6307 164.1708 19.6911 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Oxidation(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00278843007981777 1750.57922363281 876.2969 1750.57641601563 876.295471191406 2 12 1 19.6332 160.1798 19.6911 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 -0.00607539992779493 1734.57543945313 868.295 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 10 1 26.7919 235.4617 26.903 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 95.7499980926514 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9 missed K-E@4 0.00138803001027554 1734.58312988281 868.2988 1734.58154296875 868.298034667969 2 11 1 27.069 327.3514 26.8913 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 94.2600011825562 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@9; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.005070969928056 1686.58325195313 844.2989 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 10 1 19.8183 164.1708 19.6911 139 2 2 12.5499993562698 5.49000017344952 5.49000017344952 sp|P18422|PSA3_RAT Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psma3 PE=1 SV=3 0 87.2900009155273 ESLKEEDESDDDNM Phospho(S)@2; Dethiomethyl(M)@14 missed K-E@4 0.00798436999320984 1686.58630371094 844.3004 1686.578125 844.29638671875 2 9 1 19.8557 246.807 19.7254 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000472962012281641 1360.5478515625 681.2812 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 9 1 33.3796 334.6556 33.0924 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000350891990819946 1360.54809570313 681.2813 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 13 1 33.1933 329.6584 33.119 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.00146870000753552 1360.546875 681.2807 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 32.845 199.4514 33.0399 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Phospho(S)@10 -0.00264698988758028 1360.54565429688 681.2801 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 32.962 205.6382 32.9977 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -7.86426971899346E-05 1360.54821777344 681.2814 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 32.7282 277.765 32.8974 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -7.86426971899346E-05 1360.54821777344 681.2814 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 12 1 32.9196 277.765 32.8974 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 0.000531708996277303 1360.548828125 681.2817 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 12 1 33.1069 276.2419 33.059 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(S)@6; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000350891990819946 1360.54809570313 681.2813 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 7 1 32.8117 290.638 33.0114 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000371864996850491 1360.54809570313 681.2813 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 9 1 32.8541 315.9562 33.1034 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 0.000978474970906973 1360.54931640625 681.2819 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 12 1 32.9933 266.2783 33.0546 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000738081987947226 1360.54772949219 681.2811 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 11 1 33.0449 320.7906 33.0766 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(S)@6; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000350891990819946 1360.54809570313 681.2813 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 9 1 33.0063 329.6584 33.119 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.00264699989929795 1360.54565429688 681.2801 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 33.1559 205.6382 32.9977 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 0.00171089998912066 1360.55004882813 681.2823 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 11 1 32.8032 220.8499 32.8915 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.00264699989929795 1360.54565429688 681.2801 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 8 1 32.7743 197.0672 32.8618 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.000738081987947226 1360.54772949219 681.2811 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 33.2334 320.7906 33.0766 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(Y)@7; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 0.000978474970906973 1360.54931640625 681.2819 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 10 1 33.1841 266.2783 33.0546 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 88.2600009441376 GEPNVSYICSR Phospho(S)@6; Carbamidomethyl(C)@9 -0.00378800998441875 1360.54443359375 681.2795 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 8 1 33.0348 217.2532 32.9854 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 71.17999792099 GEPNVSYICSR Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Phospho(S)@10 -0.000614209973718971 1360.54772949219 681.2811 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 6 1 33.2245 210.1681 33.1218 140 2 2 7.61900022625923 2.61899996548891 2.61899996548891 sp|P18266|GSK3B_RAT Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsk3b PE=1 SV=1 0 52.0299971103668 GEPNVSYICSR Carbamidomethyl(C)@9; Phospho(S)@10 -0.000127724997582845 1360.54821777344 681.2814 1360.54821777344 681.281433105469 2 6 1 33.4212 295.3548 33.1302 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000260998989688233 1062.44921875 532.2319 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 13 1 15.2079 192.8089 15.2669 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000260998989688233 1062.44921875 532.2319 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 11 1 15.4508 192.8089 15.2669 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 0.00128957000561059 1062.45092773438 532.2327 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 10 1 15.0476 203.6729 15.1841 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 0.00128957000561059 1062.45092773438 532.2327 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 11 1 15.2319 203.6729 15.1841 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 0.00317990011535585 1062.45263671875 532.2336 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 14 1 15.2312 153.9678 15.2362 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0036629200913012 1062.44592285156 532.2302 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 10 1 15.0616 264.8698 15.1727 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0036629200913012 1062.44592285156 532.2302 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 12 1 15.2411 264.8698 15.1727 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 0.00109627994243056 1062.45068359375 532.2326 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 11 1 15.2433 187.3217 15.1898 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 0.00109627994243056 1062.45068359375 532.2326 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 9 1 15.0532 188.7689 15.1898 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0010293599916622 1062.44848632813 532.2315 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 13 1 15.247 293.8754 15.2076 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 86.1999988555908 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0010293599916622 1062.44848632813 532.2315 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 6 1 15.4614 298.7896 15.1811 141 2 2 4.63000014424324 1.38900000602007 1.38900000602007 sp|P11345|RAF1_RAT RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Raf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 60.3500008583069 SASEPSLHR Phospho(S)@3 -0.0010293599916622 1062.44848632813 532.2315 1062.44958496094 532.232055664063 2 6 0 15.07 293.8754 15.2076 142 2 2 14.2399996519089 6.19199983775616 6.19199983775616 sp|P07824|ARGI1_RAT Arginase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arg1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DHGDLAFVDVPNDSPFQIVK Phospho(S)@14 0.00100616994313896 2292.04736328125 765.0231 2292.04638671875 765.022766113281 3 23 1 65.4166 182.5378 65.469 142 2 2 14.2399996519089 6.19199983775616 6.19199983775616 sp|P07824|ARGI1_RAT Arginase-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arg1 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DHGDLAFVDVPNDSPFQIVK Phospho(S)@14 0.00562578020617366 2292.05200195313 765.0246 2292.04638671875 765.022766113281 3 23 1 65.4865 181.5826 65.452 143 2 2 4.91200014948845 1.7680000513792 1.7680000513792 sp|P04785|PDIA1_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=P4hb PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 NNFEGEITK 0.00261910003609955 1050.50085449219 526.2577 1050.49816894531 526.25634765625 2 12 1 23.2847 132.5329 23.2898 143 2 2 4.91200014948845 1.7680000513792 1.7680000513792 sp|P04785|PDIA1_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=P4hb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNFEGEITK 0.00240684999153018 1050.50073242188 526.2576 1050.49816894531 526.25634765625 2 10 1 23.2305 140.2392 23.2644 143 2 2 4.91200014948845 1.7680000513792 1.7680000513792 sp|P04785|PDIA1_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=P4hb PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 NNFEGEITK -7.71849045122508E-06 1050.498046875 526.2563 1050.49816894531 526.25634765625 2 8 1 23.2981 163.5481 23.333 143 2 2 4.91200014948845 1.7680000513792 1.7680000513792 sp|P04785|PDIA1_RAT Protein disulfide-isomerase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=P4hb PE=1 SV=2 0 72.5799977779388 NNFEGEITK 0.000959248980507255 1050.4990234375 526.2568 1050.49816894531 526.25634765625 2 8 1 23.2917 232.8656 23.2705 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 16 1 42.9131 1815.1 42.6709 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 19 1 42.5315 1815.1 42.6709 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 25 1 42.7202 1815.1 42.6709 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000947326014284045 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 24 1 42.548 1779.767 42.6856 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000947326014284045 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 27 1 42.7338 1779.767 42.6856 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000947326014284045 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 22 1 42.9235 1779.767 42.6856 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00190135999582708 2001.78601074219 668.2693 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 25 1 42.6072 1582.113 42.745 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00190135999582708 2001.78601074219 668.2693 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 26 1 42.7933 1582.113 42.745 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.00190135999582708 2001.78601074219 668.2693 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 20 1 42.9824 1582.113 42.745 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@9 0.00398377003148198 2058.81323242188 687.2784 2058.8095703125 687.277160644531 3 18 1 44.1761 117.0511 44.1542 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 18 1 42.4427 1664.03 42.6099 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 25 1 42.6322 1664.03 42.6099 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000601121981162578 2001.78747558594 668.2698 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 22 1 42.8195 1664.03 42.6099 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 0.000802944996394217 2001.78918457031 668.2703 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 22 1 42.4552 1291.986 42.5933 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 0.000802944996394217 2001.78918457031 668.2703 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 27 1 42.6419 1291.986 42.5933 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000784227973781526 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 19 1 42.5394 1397.122 42.6774 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000784227973781526 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 25 1 42.726 1397.122 42.6774 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Phospho(S)@9 -0.000784227973781526 2001.78735351563 668.2697 2001.7880859375 668.269958496094 3 18 1 42.9172 1397.122 42.6774 144 2 2 8.03299993276596 4.4319998472929 4.4319998472929 sp|Q91Y81|SEPT2_RAT Septin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sept2 PE=1 SV=1 0 92.8099989891052 IYHLPDAESDEDEDFK Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@9 0.00411922996863723 2058.81372070313 687.2785 2058.8095703125 687.277160644531 3 10 1 44.1053 129.8181 44.1103 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.00123300997074693 1852.86779785156 618.6299 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 21 1 43.9144 1308.968 44.0293 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.00123300997074693 1852.86779785156 618.6299 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 20 1 44.1036 1308.968 44.0293 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000960609992034733 1852.86779785156 618.6299 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 20 1 43.9021 1758.925 44.0275 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000960609992034733 1852.86779785156 618.6299 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 24 1 44.0726 1766.728 44.0275 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000960609992034733 1852.86779785156 618.6299 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 13 1 44.2618 1766.728 44.0275 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000298791012028232 1852.86877441406 618.6302 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 24 1 43.9601 1518.078 44.0735 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000298791012028232 1852.86877441406 618.6302 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 23 1 44.1491 1518.078 44.0735 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.000298791012028232 1852.86877441406 618.6302 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 15 1 44.3395 1559.606 44.0735 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH 0.0018797799712047 1852.87097167969 618.6309 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 18 1 43.8056 1551.08 43.9479 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH 0.0018797799712047 1852.87097167969 618.6309 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 23 1 43.9966 1551.08 43.9479 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH 0.0018797799712047 1852.87097167969 618.6309 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 16 1 44.1877 1551.08 43.9479 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH 0.00488465977832675 1852.87390136719 618.6319 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 21 1 43.8334 1195.472 43.9468 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH 0.00488465977832675 1852.87390136719 618.6319 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 20 1 44.021 1195.472 43.9468 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.00269785989075899 1852.86633300781 618.6294 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 16 1 43.9315 1419.508 44.0461 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DVEETKPELSLLGDGDH -0.00269785989075899 1852.86633300781 618.6294 1852.86901855469 618.630310058594 3 21 1 44.1217 1419.508 44.0461 145 2 2 12.049999833107 6.82699978351593 6.82699978351593 sp|Q711G3|IAH1_RAT Isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase 1 homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Iah1 PE=2 SV=2 0 26.2199997901917 VSSLPR Carbamidomethyl@N-term; Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.0123496996238828 874.347473144531 438.181 874.335083007813 438.174835205078 2 7 0 12.4069 108.966 12.418 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.000702465011272579 1717.87536621094 573.6324 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 11 1 34.4048 279.3732 34.4099 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.00156706001143903 1717.87622070313 573.6327 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 11 1 34.368 224.1799 34.3747 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.000190247999853455 1717.87512207031 573.6323 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 13 1 34.4341 287.1185 34.4671 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.00233807996846735 1717.87719726563 573.633 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 8 1 34.2289 290.6903 34.2906 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 0 98.2200026512146 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.00236821989528835 1717.87719726563 573.633 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 8 1 34.2789 262.5035 34.3134 146 2 2 9.3129999935627 3.10399997979403 3.10399997979403 sp|Q6P9V9|TBA1B_RAT; sp|Q6AYZ1|TBA1C_RAT; sp|Q68FR8|TBA3_RAT; sp|P68370|TBA1A_RAT Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1b PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1c PE=1 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-3 chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba3a PE=2 SV=1; Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tuba1a PE=1 SV=1 0 98.1800019741058 NLDIERPTYTNLNR 0.00363473990000784 1717.87841796875 573.6334 1717.87475585938 573.632202148438 3 9 1 34.3131 298.9356 34.376 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.00186526996549219 1763.72827148438 588.9167 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 17 1 25.0956 768.3777 25.2077 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00200417009182274 1763.72436523438 588.9154 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 18 1 25.13 1013.54 25.219 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00200417009182274 1763.72436523438 588.9154 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 17 1 25.3197 1013.54 25.219 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.00364079000428319 1763.73010253906 588.9173 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 14 1 25.0999 767.8014 25.213 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.00364079000428319 1763.73010253906 588.9173 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 19 1 25.2873 767.8014 25.213 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.001789589994587 1763.72827148438 588.9167 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 17 1 25.1759 917.0378 25.2606 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.001789589994587 1763.72827148438 588.9167 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 16 1 25.3591 917.0378 25.2606 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.0011527199530974 1763.72766113281 588.9165 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 19 1 25.0239 756.1057 25.0816 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.002058079931885 1763.72436523438 588.9154 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 17 1 25.1002 707.4499 25.1846 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.002058079931885 1763.72436523438 588.9154 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 15 1 25.2855 707.4499 25.1846 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 0.00186526996549219 1763.72827148438 588.9167 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 16 1 25.2817 768.3777 25.2077 147 2 2 8.24100002646446 3.56299988925457 3.56299988925457 sp|Q6AY09|HNRH2_RAT Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hnrnph2 PE=1 SV=1 0 81.6699981689453 HTGPNSPDTANDGFVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.002421909943223 1763.72399902344 588.9153 1763.72644042969 588.916076660156 3 8 1 24.8507 83.3903 24.8291 148 2 2 24.83000010252 10.0699998438358 10.0699998438358 sp|Q6AXU6|HN1_RAT Hematological and neurological expressed 1 protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hn1 PE=2 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 SNSSEASSGDFLDLK Phospho(S)@3 0.00245739007368684 1635.66906738281 818.8418 1635.66650390625 818.840515136719 2 18 1 50.1882 101.8648 50.1933 149 2 2 4.21800017356873 1.22999995946884 1.22999995946884 sp|Q5XI74|EEPD1_RAT Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eepd1 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SVEDLVR Phospho(S)@1 -0.00226831994950771 896.398254394531 449.2064 896.400451660156 449.20751953125 2 6 1 34.1287 89.5612 34.1362 149 2 2 4.21800017356873 1.22999995946884 1.22999995946884 sp|Q5XI74|EEPD1_RAT Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eepd1 PE=2 SV=1 0 97.8100001811981 SVEDLVR Phospho(S)@1 -0.00277967005968094 896.397644042969 449.2061 896.400451660156 449.20751953125 2 7 1 34.104 108.069 34.0843 149 2 2 4.21800017356873 1.22999995946884 1.22999995946884 sp|Q5XI74|EEPD1_RAT Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eepd1 PE=2 SV=1 0 95.4500019550323 SVEDLVR Phospho(S)@1 -0.00214555999264121 896.398254394531 449.2064 896.400451660156 449.20751953125 2 7 1 34.0077 73.1137 33.9849 150 2 2 7.45799988508224 3.39000001549721 3.39000001549721 sp|Q5RJN7|F71F2_RAT Protein FAM71F2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam71f2 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GLSITTKDPR Phospho(T)@5; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-D@7 -0.0367425009608269 1246.49926757813 624.2569 1246.53601074219 624.275268554688 2 7 1 54.6562 103.4375 54.6613 150 2 2 7.45799988508224 3.39000001549721 3.39000001549721 sp|Q5RJN7|F71F2_RAT Protein FAM71F2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Fam71f2 PE=2 SV=1 0 39.4600003957748 GLSITTKDPR Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(T)@5 missed K-D@7 -0.0367425009608269 1246.49926757813 624.2569 1246.53601074219 624.275268554688 2 7 1 54.6954 160.419 54.5697 151 2 2 15.3099998831749 5.10200001299381 5.10200001299381 sp|Q4KM73|KCY_RAT UMP-CMP kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cmpk1 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 NQDNLQGWNK -0.00223520002327859 1215.56103515625 608.7878 1215.56323242188 608.788879394531 2 14 1 24.4241 92.9291 24.4015 152 2 2 8.05400013923645 4.36200015246868 4.36200015246868 sp|Q08850|STX4_RAT Syntaxin-4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Stx4 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 QGDNISDDEDEVR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00182995002251118 1570.57666015625 786.2956 1570.57849121094 786.296508789063 2 10 1 28.3961 87.9085 28.4012 153 2 2 11.599999666214 4.09599989652634 4.09599989652634 sp|P13255|GNMT_RAT Glycine N-methyltransferase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnmt PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DITTSVLTVNNK Deamidated(N)@10 -0.00214681006036699 1304.68029785156 653.3474 1304.68237304688 653.348449707031 2 12 1 42.6009 57.3682 42.5795 154 2 2 10.4900002479553 4.42899987101555 4.42899987101555 sp|B4F777|HMGN5_RAT High mobility group nucleosome-binding domain-containing protein 5 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hmgn5 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EHEDTGEEGEDGEREGGLK Phospho(T)@5 missed R-E@14 0.0123241003602743 2151.83520507813 718.2857 2151.82299804688 718.281616210938 3 16 1 15.5863 156.9411 15.5914 155 2 2 4.9710001796484 3.63299995660782 3.63299995660782 sp|Q9QXU8|DC1L1_RAT Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dync1li1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KPASVSPTTPPSPTEGEAS Phospho(S)@12 0.00137383001856506 1918.857421875 960.436 1918.85607910156 960.435363769531 2 16 1 29.9582 78.5896 29.9106 155 2 2 4.9710001796484 3.63299995660782 3.63299995660782 sp|Q9QXU8|DC1L1_RAT Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dync1li1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KPASVSPTTPPSPTEGEAS Phospho(S)@12 0.000428019993705675 1918.8564453125 960.4355 1918.85607910156 960.435363769531 2 9 1 29.7584 117.6079 29.8165 156 2 2 11.5599997341633 7.48300030827522 7.48300030827522 sp|Q99MC0|PP14A_RAT Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 14A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ppp1r14a PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 GPGGSPSGLQK Phospho(S)@5 0.000617375015281141 1063.470703125 532.7426 1063.46997070313 532.742248535156 2 8 1 17.3747 50.6213 17.3536 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00446229986846447 1780.62451171875 891.3195 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 18 1 54.042 537.623 54.2109 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00446229986846447 1780.62451171875 891.3195 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 24 1 54.2333 537.623 54.2109 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00446229986846447 1780.62451171875 891.3195 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 22 1 54.4054 537.629 54.2109 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -4.25996986450627E-05 1780.6201171875 891.3173 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 21 1 54.0565 515.3882 54.2278 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -4.25996986450627E-05 1780.6201171875 891.3173 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.2503 515.3882 54.2278 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.000286739988951012 1780.61962890625 891.3171 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 22 1 54.4229 514.3284 54.2555 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00201406003907323 1780.61804199219 891.3163 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.1826 344.6751 54.3807 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00201406003907323 1780.61804199219 891.3163 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.3706 346.5739 54.3807 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00201406003907323 1780.61804199219 891.3163 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 22 1 54.5686 346.5739 54.3807 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00529399001970887 1780.62524414063 891.3199 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 21 1 53.9706 424.0312 54.1122 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00529399001970887 1780.62524414063 891.3199 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.1621 424.0312 54.1122 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00213612988591194 1780.61791992188 891.3162 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 22 1 54.0923 610.2572 54.2865 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00140369997825474 1780.61865234375 891.3166 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 21 1 54.2199 527.7755 54.3963 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00152577005792409 1780.61853027344 891.3165 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 24 1 54.5554 532.0187 54.3963 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00115956005174667 1780.61889648438 891.3167 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.7262 519.7899 54.4243 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 0.00529399001970887 1780.62524414063 891.3199 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 20 1 54.3545 424.0312 54.1122 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 88.0800008773804 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00213612988591194 1780.61791992188 891.3162 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 24 1 54.2815 612.4442 54.3138 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 88.0800008773804 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00213612988591194 1780.61791992188 891.3162 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 24 1 54.4536 614.3757 54.3138 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 61.7999970912933 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00152577005792409 1780.61853027344 891.3165 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 23 1 54.3879 532.0187 54.3963 157 2 2 9.34600010514259 7.00900033116341 7.00900033116341 sp|Q6P686|OSTF1_RAT Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ostf1 PE=1 SV=1 0 43.0999994277954 TLSNAEDYLDDEDSD Phospho(S)@14 -0.00262440997175872 1780.61743164063 891.316 1780.61999511719 891.317260742188 2 16 1 54.6979 369.5482 54.4033 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00256435992196202 835.381469726563 418.698 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 11 1 21.2662 372.9478 21.2516 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000407496991101652 835.383666992188 418.6991 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 10 1 21.1896 276.2158 21.2209 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00256435992196202 835.381469726563 418.698 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 9 1 21.0759 372.9478 21.2516 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 0.00336383003741503 835.387451171875 418.701 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 9 1 21.1026 304.5328 21.1337 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 0.00251014996320009 835.386657714844 418.7006 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 9 1 21.1218 294.1538 21.1832 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00137620000168681 835.382690429688 418.6986 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 8 1 20.9941 309.4471 21.0256 158 2 2 6.92000016570091 2.76800002902746 2.76800002902746 sp|Q63945|SET_RAT Protein SET OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Set PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SASPGLPK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000310619012452662 835.383850097656 418.6992 835.384094238281 418.699310302734 2 11 1 21.136 311.2043 21.1452 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 0.00413594022393227 1358.55444335938 680.2845 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 13 1 29.8527 168.7537 29.8842 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 0.000536994019057602 1358.55090332031 680.2827 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 13 1 29.9626 128.9737 29.9413 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000599444028921425 1358.54992675781 680.2822 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 10 1 29.7568 176.4131 29.7635 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 0.000104829996416811 1358.55041503906 680.2825 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 6 1 29.9332 58.4345 29.9118 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 0 98.8900005817413 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 0.00106974004302174 1358.55151367188 680.283 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 10 1 29.7725 120.8034 29.8042 159 2 2 11.0600002110004 5.52799999713898 5.52799999713898 sp|Q5XFX0|TAGL2_RAT Transgelin-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tagln2 PE=1 SV=1 0 53.710001707077 NFSDNQLQEGK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00230706995353103 1358.54809570313 680.2813 1358.55041503906 680.282470703125 2 6 1 29.7741 111.5963 29.7546 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00257692998275161 1885.70922851563 629.577 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 22 1 11.9625 220.4446 11.9945 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00229442003183067 1885.70922851563 629.577 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 17 1 11.9758 259.9782 12.0138 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00217297999188304 1885.70947265625 629.5771 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 22 1 11.9473 177.9764 11.9523 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 0.00410124007612467 1885.7158203125 629.5792 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 19 1 11.9494 181.6239 11.9545 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 -8.04746014182456E-05 1885.71166992188 629.5778 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 18 1 11.9726 159.222 11.9777 160 2 2 3.2150000333786 2.53800004720688 2.53800004720688 sp|Q5U2M6|DCAF8_RAT DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Dcaf8 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 VHGHSDEEEEEEQPR Phospho(S)@5 0.0025813200045377 1885.71423339844 629.5787 1885.71154785156 629.577819824219 3 17 1 11.9322 175.1291 11.9373 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(S)@18 0.00881837960332632 3250.41577148438 813.6112 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 24 1 28.5514 417.3208 28.5827 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(S)@18 -0.0101514002308249 3250.396484375 813.6064 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 22 1 28.4485 372.1045 28.4798 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(S)@18 6.40380967524834E-05 3250.40698242188 813.609 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 22 1 28.5001 347.9253 28.5875 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(T)@20 0.00891529023647308 3250.41577148438 813.6112 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 16 1 28.4264 396.9093 28.4315 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(S)@18 0.00203531002625823 3250.40893554688 813.6095 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 14 1 28.3698 313.6486 28.4276 161 2 2 4.64200004935265 4.01500016450882 4.01500016450882 sp|Q4G061|EIF3B_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif3b PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AKPAAQSEEETAASPAASPTPQSAQEPSAPGK Phospho(S)@14; Phospho(S)@18 5.00948990520556E-05 3250.40698242188 813.609 3250.40673828125 813.609008789063 4 18 1 28.4119 459.2584 28.4695 162 2 2 9.09100025892258 5.59399984776974 5.59399984776974 sp|Q07205|IF5_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EAEEESSGGEEEDEDENIEVVYSK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 -0.00368050998076797 2861.017578125 954.6798 2861.02124023438 954.681030273438 3 19 1 53.3333 165.3905 53.5271 162 2 2 9.09100025892258 5.59399984776974 5.59399984776974 sp|Q07205|IF5_RAT Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eif5 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 EAEEESSGGEEEDEDENIEVVYSK Phospho(S)@6; Phospho(S)@7 -1.83960000867955E-05 2861.02124023438 954.681 2861.02124023438 954.681030273438 3 16 1 53.5486 169.1517 53.5271 163 2 2 4.83499988913536 2.5450000539422 2.5450000539422 sp|Q03248|BUP1_RAT Beta-ureidopropionase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Upb1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 EDLVLAPSSG Phospho(S)@9 0.00603651022538543 1066.46447753906 534.2395 1066.45837402344 534.236450195313 2 10 1 52.6662 65.7779 52.6181 164 2 2 4.85399998724461 3.39800007641315 3.39800007641315 sp|Q00972|BCKD_RAT [3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase [lipoamide]] kinase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdk PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 STSATDTHHVELAR Phospho(S)@1 -0.000212061000638641 1603.69897460938 535.5736 1603.69921875 535.573669433594 3 13 1 18.0715 154.9392 18.0564 164 2 2 4.85399998724461 3.39800007641315 3.39800007641315 sp|Q00972|BCKD_RAT [3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase [lipoamide]] kinase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdk PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STSATDTHHVELAR Phospho(S)@1 0.000163181000971235 1603.69934082031 535.5737 1603.69921875 535.573669433594 3 12 1 17.8584 249.9929 17.8897 164 2 2 4.85399998724461 3.39800007641315 3.39800007641315 sp|Q00972|BCKD_RAT [3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase [lipoamide]] kinase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdk PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 STSATDTHHVELAR Phospho(S)@1 0.00598698994144797 1603.70520019531 535.5757 1603.69921875 535.573669433594 3 11 1 18.0361 238.3866 18.0412 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6 -0.0023970699403435 1954.61767578125 978.3161 1954.61999511719 978.317321777344 2 24 1 52.3997 505.6031 52.3246 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6 -0.0023970699403435 1954.61767578125 978.3161 1954.61999511719 978.317321777344 2 25 1 52.2124 505.6031 52.3246 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Dethiomethyl(M)@10 -0.00465499982237816 1906.61206054688 636.5446 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 13 1 33.8512 185.7985 33.8621 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00440576020628214 1970.61071777344 986.3126 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 23 1 43.5335 637.8755 43.6296 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00440576020628214 1970.61071777344 986.3126 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 25 1 43.7149 637.8779 43.6296 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00416162004694343 1970.61083984375 986.3127 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 19 1 43.9088 636.9172 43.6296 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 22 1 43.5727 506.4942 43.7169 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 21 1 43.7397 506.4942 43.7169 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 16 1 43.9331 506.4942 43.7169 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00121236999984831 1970.61364746094 986.3141 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 21 1 43.5411 619.8594 43.6859 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00121236999984831 1970.61364746094 986.3141 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 25 1 43.7087 619.8594 43.6859 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00121236999984831 1970.61364746094 986.3141 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 22 1 43.8766 619.8594 43.6859 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00268831010907888 1970.61767578125 986.3161 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 24 1 43.5552 519.0773 43.6727 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00268831010907888 1970.61767578125 986.3161 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 23 1 43.7239 519.0773 43.6727 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00268831010907888 1970.61767578125 986.3161 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 21 1 43.9158 519.0773 43.6727 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00618124986067414 1954.61389160156 978.3142 1954.61999511719 978.317321777344 2 20 1 52.0366 406.5442 52.2019 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00618124986067414 1954.61389160156 978.3142 1954.61999511719 978.317321777344 2 26 1 52.2234 406.5442 52.2019 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6 -0.00618124986067414 1954.61389160156 978.3142 1954.61999511719 978.317321777344 2 22 1 52.4101 406.5442 52.2019 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00176172005012631 1970.61669921875 986.3156 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 23 1 43.4737 396.4224 43.5896 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00176172005012631 1970.61669921875 986.3156 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 24 1 43.6676 396.4224 43.5896 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 0.00176172005012631 1970.61669921875 986.3156 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 15 1 43.8606 411.1704 43.5619 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Dethiomethyl(M)@10 0.000699175987392664 1906.61730957031 636.5464 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 13 1 33.6739 246.9889 33.7623 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Dethiomethyl(M)@10 0.000699175987392664 1906.61730957031 636.5464 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 11 1 33.8374 246.9889 33.7623 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Dethiomethyl(M)@10 -0.00208280002698302 1906.61462402344 636.5455 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 14 1 33.8273 184.1634 33.894 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 25 1 43.6086 499.2261 43.7263 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 25 1 43.7776 499.2261 43.7263 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Oxidation(M)@10 -0.00390349002555013 1970.61108398438 986.3128 1970.61499023438 986.314758300781 2 20 1 43.9702 499.2261 43.7263 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 97.8600025177002 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Dethiomethyl(M)@10; Phospho(S)@11 0.000566102971788496 1906.61730957031 636.5464 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 11 1 33.7237 291.6157 33.7895 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 92.4300014972687 DWEDDSDEDMSNFDR Phospho(S)@6; Dethiomethyl(M)@10 0.000566102971788496 1906.61730957031 636.5464 1906.61669921875 636.546142578125 3 9 1 33.8934 291.6157 33.7895 165 2 2 30.0000011920929 9.375 9.375 sp|P83868|TEBP_RAT Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ptges3 PE=1 SV=2 0 18.9500004053116 FSEMMDHMGGDEDVDLPEVDGADDDSQDSDDEK Oxidation(M)@8; Dicarbamidomethyl(D)@15; Phospho(S)@29 0.00296552991494536 3854.35815429688 964.5968 3854.35498046875 964.596008300781 4 11 1 34.2148 243.2108 34.2472 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00107873999513686 2281.04052734375 761.3541 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 24 1 58.6465 942.1908 58.5409 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00107873999513686 2281.04052734375 761.3541 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 24 1 58.4527 942.1908 58.5409 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 0.00118125998415053 2281.04296875 761.3549 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 20 1 58.5108 899.3295 58.6323 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 0.00118125998415053 2281.04296875 761.3549 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 23 1 58.6821 899.2859 58.6323 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00244808010756969 2281.03930664063 761.3537 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 22 1 58.4633 909.78 58.5635 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00244808010756969 2281.03930664063 761.3537 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 24 1 58.6408 910.1113 58.5635 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00748742977157235 2281.0341796875 761.352 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 25 1 58.331 673.4885 58.4467 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00748742977157235 2281.0341796875 761.352 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 22 1 58.5101 673.3536 58.4467 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000131294000311755 2281.04125976563 761.3544 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 21 1 58.3852 799.7159 58.4721 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.000131294000311755 2281.04125976563 761.3544 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 25 1 58.5554 799.7114 58.4721 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00657190987840295 2281.03515625 761.3523 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 24 1 58.4712 677.4778 58.5707 166 2 2 10.0000001490116 7.03700035810471 7.03700035810471 sp|P80386|AAKB1_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkab1 PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 SQNNFVAILDLPEGEHQYK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00657190987840295 2281.03515625 761.3523 2281.04174804688 761.3544921875 3 24 1 58.6484 677.4898 58.5707 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN 0.00168819003738463 2192.87475585938 731.9655 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 13 1 56.5312 978.5293 56.2988 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN 0.00168819003738463 2192.87475585938 731.9655 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 18 1 56.1561 978.5293 56.2988 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN 0.00168819003738463 2192.87475585938 731.9655 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 14 1 56.3471 978.5293 56.2988 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.00119760003872216 2192.87158203125 731.9645 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 15 1 56.0931 569.3973 56.1939 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.00119760003872216 2192.87158203125 731.9645 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 19 1 56.2716 569.4124 56.1939 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.000688724976498634 2192.87231445313 731.9647 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 14 1 56.0646 574.7616 56.157 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.000688724976498634 2192.87231445313 731.9647 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 18 1 56.2346 582.2301 56.1848 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.00673465989530087 2192.8662109375 731.9627 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 16 1 56.0058 952.9239 56.176 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.00673465989530087 2192.8662109375 731.9627 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 18 1 56.1975 952.9239 56.176 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN 0.00479261018335819 2192.8779296875 731.9666 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 16 1 56.1335 465.1309 56.0645 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.003438760060817 2192.86962890625 731.9638 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 17 1 56.153 628.1897 56.2746 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN -0.003438760060817 2192.86962890625 731.9638 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 15 1 56.3234 621.4764 56.2746 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 97.3699986934662 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN 0.00442640017718077 2192.87719726563 731.9664 2192.873046875 731.964965820313 3 11 1 55.9646 428.1292 56.0307 167 2 2 12.1500000357628 8.09699967503548 8.09699967503548 sp|P61983|1433G_RAT 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ywhag PE=1 SV=2 0 92.8099989891052 DNLTLWTSDQQDDDGGEGNN Cation:Na(D)@14 -0.00192396005149931 2214.85302734375 739.2916 2214.85498046875 739.292297363281 3 12 1 56.2904 118.0081 56.2988 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000779186026193202 1054.44372558594 528.2291 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 11 1 15.9743 172.1034 16.0187 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.00459730997681618 1054.44909667969 528.2318 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 9 1 16.1634 137.0159 16.1159 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.000345615990227088 1054.44482421875 528.2297 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 11 1 15.9149 163.1897 16.0356 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000779186026193202 1054.44372558594 528.2291 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 8 1 16.1537 171.944 16.0187 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.00203379988670349 1054.44653320313 528.2305 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 7 1 15.9711 156.9037 16.062 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.000345615990227088 1054.44482421875 528.2297 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 10 1 16.1107 163.1897 16.0356 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 97.8200018405914 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00174881995189935 1054.44262695313 528.2286 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 7 1 15.939 102.436 15.9792 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 95.5699980258942 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.00241559999994934 1054.44689941406 528.2307 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 7 1 15.8823 138.355 16.0479 168 2 2 5.62100000679493 2.66299992799759 2.66299992799759 sp|P57093|PAHX_RAT Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, peroxisomal OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Phyh PE=1 SV=2 0 59.7500026226044 GTSQENIAR Phospho(S)@3 0.0027213899884373 1054.44702148438 528.2308 1054.44445800781 528.2294921875 2 7 1 15.985 126.4697 16.021 169 2 2 2.42899991571903 2.02399995177984 2.02399995177984 sp|P53987|MOT1_RAT Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc16a1 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 SKESLQEAGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-E@2 -0.0034500400070101 1155.51391601563 578.7642 1155.51733398438 578.765930175781 2 16 1 11.3407 243.5673 11.3573 169 2 2 2.42899991571903 2.02399995177984 2.02399995177984 sp|P53987|MOT1_RAT Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc16a1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SKESLQEAGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-E@2 0.000467098987428471 1155.51782226563 578.7662 1155.51733398438 578.765930175781 2 15 1 11.3414 125.5423 11.3465 169 2 2 2.42899991571903 2.02399995177984 2.02399995177984 sp|P53987|MOT1_RAT Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc16a1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SKESLQEAGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-E@2 0.00225249002687633 1155.51953125 578.767 1155.51733398438 578.765930175781 2 13 1 11.3142 257.8289 11.3308 169 2 2 2.42899991571903 2.02399995177984 2.02399995177984 sp|P53987|MOT1_RAT Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc16a1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SKESLQEAGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-E@2 -0.000638103985693306 1155.51672363281 578.7656 1155.51733398438 578.765930175781 2 16 1 11.3444 141.2092 11.3554 169 2 2 2.42899991571903 2.02399995177984 2.02399995177984 sp|P53987|MOT1_RAT Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slc16a1 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 SKESLQEAGK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-E@2 -0.00198928010649979 1155.51550292969 578.765 1155.51733398438 578.765930175781 2 17 1 11.329 173.9152 11.334 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 2 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00181814003735781 996.473449707031 499.244 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 15 1 12.7727 855.5037 12.8283 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00181814003735781 996.473449707031 499.244 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 13 1 12.9422 855.5037 12.8283 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.000196548004169017 996.475646972656 499.2451 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 14 1 12.7992 663.4847 12.8305 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.000789495999924839 996.476257324219 499.2454 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 14 1 12.7337 819.9694 12.7778 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.000789495999924839 996.476257324219 499.2454 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 14 1 12.9188 819.9694 12.7778 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00266880006529391 996.47265625 499.2436 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 13 1 12.7645 811.9608 12.8353 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00266880006529391 996.47265625 499.2436 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 14 1 12.9381 811.9608 12.8353 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.000977328047156334 996.474487304688 499.2445 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 15 1 12.7705 732.6493 12.8081 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.000977328047156334 996.474487304688 499.2445 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 11 1 12.9339 732.864 12.8081 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00176040001679212 996.473693847656 499.2441 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 15 1 12.7972 874.7669 12.8624 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 -0.00176040001679212 996.473693847656 499.2441 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 14 1 12.9652 874.7669 12.8624 170 2 2 4.4819999486208 2.52100005745888 2.52100005745888 sp|P27867|DHSO_RAT Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sord PE=1 SV=4 0 99.0000009536743 RGSVSLGNK Phospho(S)@3 missed R-G@1 0.000196548004169017 996.475646972656 499.2451 996.475341796875 499.244964599609 2 8 1 13.0414 663.0085 12.8305 171 2 2 3.53999994695187 2.12399996817112 2.12399996817112 sp|P16303|CES3_RAT Carboxylesterase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ces3 PE=1 SV=2 2 99.0000009536743 DGASEEETNLSK 0.00790258962661028 1278.5654296875 640.29 1278.55749511719 640.286071777344 2 14 1 18.3392 119.0834 18.2638 171 2 2 3.53999994695187 2.12399996817112 2.12399996817112 sp|P16303|CES3_RAT Carboxylesterase 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ces3 PE=1 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DGASEEETNLSK 0.0020159799605608 1278.55944824219 640.287 1278.55749511719 640.286071777344 2 9 1 18.2114 69.6512 18.2165 172 2 2 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 sp|P11960|ODBA_RAT 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdha PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 IGHHSTSDDSSAYR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00194651004858315 1611.62951660156 538.2171 1611.63146972656 538.2177734375 3 20 1 11.9894 165.8967 11.9945 172 2 2 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 sp|P11960|ODBA_RAT 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IGHHSTSDDSSAYR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00153435999527574 1611.63000488281 538.2173 1611.63146972656 538.2177734375 3 13 1 11.9641 237.0559 12.0138 172 2 2 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 sp|P11960|ODBA_RAT 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IGHHSTSDDSSAYR Phospho(S)@5 0.00102839001920074 1611.63244628906 538.2181 1611.63146972656 538.2177734375 3 17 1 11.9677 145.3208 11.9786 172 2 2 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 sp|P11960|ODBA_RAT 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IGHHSTSDDSSAYR Phospho(S)@5 0.000279122003121302 1611.63146972656 538.2178 1611.63146972656 538.2177734375 3 9 1 11.9946 116.5953 11.9545 172 2 2 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 3.1750001013279 sp|P11960|ODBA_RAT 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, mitochondrial (Fragment) OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Bckdha PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 IGHHSTSDDSSAYR Phospho(S)@5 -0.00203898991458118 1611.62951660156 538.2171 1611.63146972656 538.2177734375 3 19 1 11.9994 125.0153 12.0044 173 2 2 1.33699998259544 0.720199989154935 0.720199989154935 sp|P0C5W1|MAP1S_RAT Microtubule-associated protein 1S OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Map1s PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 AATVAAK Phospho(T)@3 0.0866634994745255 710.423095703125 356.2188 710.33642578125 356.175476074219 2 5 1 59.1873 65.8044 59.2832 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.00500378990545869 1437.73291015625 480.2516 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 12 1 31.9574 140.1656 31.9988 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.000865289010107517 1437.73718261719 480.253 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 10 1 31.8916 144.2331 31.8457 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.00108554004691541 1437.73718261719 480.253 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 9 1 31.8456 159.0344 31.9104 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 93.4599995613098 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.000865289010107517 1437.73718261719 480.253 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 8 1 31.6987 144.2331 31.8457 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 68.4599995613098 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.00108554004691541 1437.73718261719 480.253 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 6 1 32.0395 159.0344 31.9104 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 44.7400003671646 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 -0.00445446977391839 1437.73352050781 480.2518 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 7 1 32.1305 115.2661 32.1389 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 38.170000910759 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 0.00180952996015549 1437.73986816406 480.2539 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 6 1 31.7981 114.5481 31.8032 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 32.2800010442734 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 0.00360563001595438 1437.74157714844 480.2545 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 6 1 31.8948 130.4936 31.8741 174 2 2 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 3.80100011825562 sp|Q4QR85|MEP50_RAT Methylosome protein 50 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Wdr77 PE=1 SV=1 0 27.8600007295609 KESPPPLVPPAAR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-E@1 0.00382990995422006 1437.74194335938 480.2546 1437.73815917969 480.253326416016 3 6 1 31.8844 118.3337 31.8895 175 2 2 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 sp|P12368|KAP2_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar2a PE=1 SV=3 2 99.0000009536743 RVSVCAETFNPDEEEDNDPR Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 missed R-V@1 0.00424695014953613 2457.97875976563 820.3335 2457.97436523438 820.332092285156 3 24 1 37.3882 212.7739 37.4251 175 2 2 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 sp|P12368|KAP2_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar2a PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 RVSVCAETFNPDEEEDNDPR Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 missed R-V@1 -0.0026225799228996 2457.9716796875 820.3312 2457.97436523438 820.332092285156 3 19 1 37.4314 163.3095 37.4889 175 2 2 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 sp|P12368|KAP2_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar2a PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 RVSVCAETFNPDEEEDNDPR Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 missed R-V@1 -0.00255916989408433 2457.9716796875 820.3312 2457.97436523438 820.332092285156 3 20 1 37.4531 193.4218 37.5271 175 2 2 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 sp|P12368|KAP2_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar2a PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 RVSVCAETFNPDEEEDNDPR Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 missed R-V@1 -0.00234484998509288 2457.97216796875 820.3313 2457.97436523438 820.332092285156 3 20 1 37.3817 201.3779 37.3605 175 2 2 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 4.9880001693964 sp|P12368|KAP2_RAT cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkar2a PE=1 SV=3 0 99.0000009536743 RVSVCAETFNPDEEEDNDPR Phospho(S)@3; Carbamidomethyl(C)@5 missed R-V@1 -0.00234484998509288 2457.97216796875 820.3313 2457.97436523438 820.332092285156 3 18 1 37.4985 160.5949 37.4776 176 2 2 3.26800011098385 3.26800011098385 3.26800011098385 sp|P05432|ERRFI_RAT; sp|P05432-2|ERRFI_RAT ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Errfi1 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Errfi1 2 99.0000009536743 SHSGPAGSFNKPAIR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00104919995646924 1604.7451171875 535.9223 1604.74609375 535.922607421875 3 11 1 21.5244 206.1019 21.4892 176 2 2 3.26800011098385 3.26800011098385 3.26800011098385 sp|P05432|ERRFI_RAT; sp|P05432-2|ERRFI_RAT ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Errfi1 PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Errfi1 0 99.0000009536743 SHSGPAGSFNKPAIR Phospho(S)@3 0.00229158997535706 1604.74841308594 535.9234 1604.74609375 535.922607421875 3 19 1 21.5625 212.7212 21.5413 177 2 2 5.29100000858307 5.29100000858307 5.29100000858307 sp|B3DMA0|P5I11_RAT Tumor protein p53-inducible protein 11 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tp53i11 PE=2 SV=1 2 99.0000009536743 KHSQTDLVSR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-H@1 -0.00117662001866847 1249.58044433594 417.5341 1249.58166503906 417.534484863281 3 8 1 12.1308 83.9492 12.1177 177 2 2 5.29100000858307 5.29100000858307 5.29100000858307 sp|B3DMA0|P5I11_RAT Tumor protein p53-inducible protein 11 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Tp53i11 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 KHSQTDLVSR Phospho(S)@3 missed K-H@1 -0.00106089003384113 1249.58044433594 417.5341 1249.58166503906 417.534484863281 3 10 1 12.1768 99.5096 12.1493 178 1.59 2 3.93900014460087 1.31299998611212 1.31299998611212 sp|P07727|GLRA1_RAT; sp|P07727-2|GLRA1_RAT Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Glra1 PE=1 SV=4; Isoform Short of Glycine receptor subunit alpha-1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Glra1 1.58502626419067 99.0000009536743 ARSAPK cleaved A-A@N-term; cleaved K-P@C-term; missed R-S@2 -0.00923988036811352 628.3564453125 315.1855 628.365661621094 315.190093994141 2 4 1 59.9078 21.1355 59.8913 179 1.44 1.44 9.808000177145 3.4120000898838 3.4120000898838 sp|P25114|F264_RAT 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pfkfb4 PE=1 SV=3 1.44369733333588 99.0000009536743 IGGDPGLSPRGREFSK Phospho(S)@15 missed R-G@10; missed R-E@12 -0.077689602971077 1751.75793457031 876.8862 1751.83557128906 876.925048828125 2 10 1 55.4429 85.3884 55.3943 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 1.37675070762634 99.0000009536743 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00211142003536224 978.473876953125 490.2442 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 8 1 9.7783 331.3519 9.6716 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00130259001161903 978.474670410156 490.2446 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 8 1 9.4534 455.7498 9.4903 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 97.2800016403198 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00174521002918482 978.474243164063 490.2444 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 7 1 9.6114 296.1116 9.6605 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 92.5700008869171 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.000417408999055624 978.476501464844 490.2455 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 8 1 9.4692 368.7445 9.4856 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 58.5500001907349 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 -0.00161854003090411 978.474487304688 490.2445 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 8 1 9.5178 374.8641 9.5285 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 53.930002450943 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.00107947003562003 978.47705078125 490.2458 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 8 1 9.4884 327.4583 9.5199 180 1.38 1.38 5.32200001180172 1.96100007742643 1.96100007742643 sp|Q64LC9|RBM4B_RAT RNA-binding protein 4B OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rbm4b PE=2 SV=2 0 46.5299993753433 DRSPLRR Phospho(S)@3 missed R-S@2; missed R-R@6 0.000999505049549043 978.47705078125 490.2458 978.476013183594 490.245300292969 2 6 1 9.4569 369.45 9.4943 181 1.32 1.32 2.44800001382828 2.44800001382828 2.44800001382828 sp|P46953|3HAO_RAT 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Haao PE=1 SV=2 1.31875896453857 99.0000009536743 SWVEENR Phospho(S)@1 0.000732550979591906 998.386657714844 500.2006 998.385864257813 500.200225830078 2 7 1 26.1869 119.9218 26.1411 182 1.06 1.06 16.7899996042252 7.29900002479553 7.29900002479553 sp|P52759|UK114_RAT Ribonuclease UK114 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hrsp12 PE=1 SV=3 1.05551731586456 99.0000009536743 AAYQVAALPK 0.000710765016265213 1030.58190917969 516.2982 1030.58117675781 516.2978515625 2 10 1 30.5697 91.8758 30.548 182 1.06 1.06 16.7899996042252 7.29900002479553 7.29900002479553 sp|P52759|UK114_RAT Ribonuclease UK114 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Hrsp12 PE=1 SV=3 0.00524305552244186 15.4100000858307 NLGEILK 0.00467830989509821 785.469482421875 393.742 785.464721679688 393.739624023438 2 4 1 30.6499 98.1261 30.6283 183 0.96 0.96 4.5549999922514 1.86299998313189 1.86299998313189 sp|Q10758|K2C8_RAT Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Krt8 PE=1 SV=3 0.962573409080505 99.0000009536743 SFTSGPGAR Phospho(S)@1 0.00392101984471083 958.394897460938 480.2047 958.390930175781 480.202758789063 2 7 1 20.7575 129.5818 20.6053 184 0.92 0.92 7.56400004029274 0.897399988025427 0.897399988025427 sp|P30835|K6PL_RAT 6-phosphofructokinase, liver type OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Pfkl PE=2 SV=3 0.920818746089935 99.0000009536743 RTLSIDK Phospho(S)@4 missed R-T@1 -0.00113277998752892 911.446655273438 456.7306 911.44775390625 456.731140136719 2 9 1 16.4502 139.3014 16.4823 185 0.86 2 7.39300027489662 3.11299990862608 3.11299990862608 sp|Q5XI37|RT15_RAT 28S ribosomal protein S15, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mrps15 PE=2 SV=1 0.860120892524719 98.989999294281 AAAAAAKK missed K-K@7 0.0130791999399662 700.436279296875 351.2254 700.423156738281 351.218872070313 2 5 1 55.5237 115.023 55.4545 185 0.86 2 7.39300027489662 3.11299990862608 3.11299990862608 sp|Q5XI37|RT15_RAT 28S ribosomal protein S15, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mrps15 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AAAAAAKK missed K-K@7 0.010088499635458 700.433288574219 351.2239 700.423156738281 351.218872070313 2 7 0 53.9861 224.1588 53.942 185 0.86 2 7.39300027489662 3.11299990862608 3.11299990862608 sp|Q5XI37|RT15_RAT 28S ribosomal protein S15, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mrps15 PE=2 SV=1 0 99.0000009536743 AAAAAAKK missed K-K@7 0.00807434972375631 700.431274414063 351.2229 700.423156738281 351.218872070313 2 6 0 55.3336 256.0477 55.109 185 0.86 2 7.39300027489662 3.11299990862608 3.11299990862608 sp|Q5XI37|RT15_RAT 28S ribosomal protein S15, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mrps15 PE=2 SV=1 0 69.3000018596649 AAAAAAKK missed K-K@7 0.00807434972375631 700.431274414063 351.2229 700.423156738281 351.218872070313 2 6 1 54.9662 256.0477 55.109 186 0.8 0.8 3.4000001847744 1.7000000923872 1.7000000923872 sp|Q62796|RBP1_RAT RalA-binding protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ralbp1 PE=1 SV=3 0.798602938652039 98.8200008869171 TPSSEEISPTK Phospho(S)@4 0.005990169942379 1254.54406738281 628.2793 1254.5380859375 628.276306152344 2 6 1 22.6807 77.5011 22.6595 187 0.75 0.75 20.9199994802475 4.57499995827675 4.57499995827675 sp|A1L108|ARP5L_RAT Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arpc5l PE=1 SV=2 0.752026796340942 98.6699998378754 AFHAALR 0.0614161007106304 784.495849609375 393.2552 784.434387207031 393.224487304688 2 7 1 59.0269 221.2137 58.9865 187 0.75 0.75 20.9199994802475 4.57499995827675 4.57499995827675 sp|A1L108|ARP5L_RAT Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arpc5l PE=1 SV=2 0 35.6799989938736 AFHAALR 0.055434700101614 784.489868164063 393.2522 784.434387207031 393.224487304688 2 7 1 57.0999 100.3347 56.9414 187 0.75 0.75 20.9199994802475 4.57499995827675 4.57499995827675 sp|A1L108|ARP5L_RAT Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arpc5l PE=1 SV=2 0 21.7800006270409 AFHAALR 0.0618433989584446 784.496276855469 393.2554 784.434387207031 393.224487304688 2 6 1 59.2123 156.2324 59.224 187 0.75 0.75 20.9199994802475 4.57499995827675 4.57499995827675 sp|A1L108|ARP5L_RAT Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5-like protein OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Arpc5l PE=1 SV=2 0 21.7800006270409 AFHAALR 0.0612329989671707 784.495666503906 393.2551 784.434387207031 393.224487304688 2 6 1 59.4049 147.5126 59.3565 188 0.74 0.74 12.83999979496 4.58699986338615 4.58699986338615 sp|P30969|GNRHR_RAT Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnrhr PE=2 SV=2 0.739928662776947 99.0000009536743 SLAVTQPLAVQSKSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@14 missed K-S@13 -0.0219669006764889 1715.80407714844 858.9093 1715.82604980469 858.920288085938 2 11 1 54.6984 253.8998 54.7939 188 0.74 0.74 12.83999979496 4.58699986338615 4.58699986338615 sp|P30969|GNRHR_RAT Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnrhr PE=2 SV=2 0 61.7999970912933 SLAVTQPLAVQSKSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@14 missed K-S@13 -0.0219669006764889 1715.80407714844 858.9093 1715.82604980469 858.920288085938 2 9 1 54.8706 253.6017 54.7939 188 0.74 0.74 12.83999979496 4.58699986338615 4.58699986338615 sp|P30969|GNRHR_RAT Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gnrhr PE=2 SV=2 0 51.4299988746643 SLAVTQPLAVQSKSK Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@14 missed K-S@13 -0.02721600048244 1715.798828125 858.9067 1715.82604980469 858.920288085938 2 10 1 54.537 243.3845 54.6763 189 0.65 0.65 7.69200026988983 1.14299999549985 1.14299999549985 sp|P0C1X8|AAK1_RAT AP2-associated protein kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aak1 PE=1 SV=1 0.647817432880402 99.0000009536743 VGSLTPPSSPK Phospho(T)@5; Phospho(S)@9 0.0050969198346138 1228.51928710938 615.2669 1228.51416015625 615.264343261719 2 7 1 35.8418 96.2299 35.767 189 0.65 0.65 7.69200026988983 1.14299999549985 1.14299999549985 sp|P0C1X8|AAK1_RAT AP2-associated protein kinase 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Aak1 PE=1 SV=1 0 18.350000679493 VGSLTPPSSPK Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(S)@9 0.022155100479722 1228.53649902344 615.2755 1228.51416015625 615.264343261719 2 6 1 9.6361 447.6712 9.4964 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0.536107003688812 98.9700019359589 KSSLVTSK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(K)@8 missed K-S@1 -0.0082942396402359 1008.42108154297 505.2178 1008.42938232422 505.221984863281 2 11 1 10.7441 302.1377 10.7815 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0.00261361571028829 36.719998717308 KSSLVTSKLA Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(T)@6; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved A-G@C-term; missed K-S@1; missed K-L@8 0.0141083002090454 1272.53112792969 637.2728 1272.51684570313 637.265747070313 2 6 1 10.5343 75.2222 10.5129 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0 98.2999980449677 KSSLVTSK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@1 -0.0081361997872591 1008.42126464844 505.2179 1008.42938232422 505.221984863281 2 9 1 10.745 215.7736 10.7769 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0 92.4300014972687 KSSLVTSK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(K)@8 missed K-S@1 -0.00957825966179371 1008.41986083984 505.2172 1008.42938232422 505.221984863281 2 10 1 10.807 245.6632 10.8383 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0 87.7699971199036 KSSLVTSK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(S)@7 missed K-S@1 -0.012920199893415 1008.41650390625 505.2155 1008.42938232422 505.221984863281 2 8 1 10.7772 170.908 10.8091 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0 83.2199990749359 KSSLVTSK Phospho(S)@2; Phospho(K)@8 missed K-S@1 -0.00863373000174761 1008.4208984375 505.2177 1008.42938232422 505.221984863281 2 9 1 10.7716 201.7035 10.8033 190 0.54 2.01 18.1799992918968 6.61199986934662 6.61199986934662 sp|P60841|ENSA_RAT; sp|P60841-2|ENSA_RAT Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa PE=1 SV=1; Isoform 2 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ensa 0 22.1599996089935 KSSLVTSKLA Phospho(S)@3; Phospho(T)@6; Phospho(S)@7 cleaved A-G@C-term; missed K-S@1; missed K-L@8 0.0149934003129601 1272.53186035156 637.2732 1272.51684570313 637.265747070313 2 6 1 10.5809 83.291 10.5918 191 0.52 0.52 7.73999989032745 2.78600007295609 2.78600007295609 sp|P51652|AKC1H_RAT Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Akr1c18 PE=1 SV=1 0.515700161457062 97.4300026893616 SIGVSNFNR 0.00228474009782076 992.506286621094 497.2604 992.503967285156 497.259246826172 2 6 1 27.1882 62.7462 27.1689 191 0.52 0.52 7.73999989032745 2.78600007295609 2.78600007295609 sp|P51652|AKC1H_RAT Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C18 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Akr1c18 PE=1 SV=1 0 45.2199995517731 SIGVSNFNR 0.00772672984749079 992.511657714844 497.2631 992.503967285156 497.259246826172 2 5 1 27.2623 78.3371 27.2509 192 0.46 0.46 9.67700034379959 0.981799978762865 0.981799978762865 sp|P13383|NUCL_RAT Nucleolin OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ncl PE=1 SV=3 0.462180882692337 96.9500005245209 AAATPAK 0.0226233992725611 628.377075195313 315.1958 628.354431152344 315.184478759766 2 4 1 55.1849 44.5521 55.1224 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0.435333967208862 98.6000001430511 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 -0.00277664000168443 1076.43884277344 539.2267 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 9 1 15.5871 462.9975 15.6246 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0 98.0099976062775 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 -0.00073961797170341 1076.44091796875 539.2277 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 9 1 15.6513 308.2418 15.6648 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0 72.5099980831146 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 -0.00149572000373155 1076.44030761719 539.2274 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 8 1 15.6563 486.6665 15.6716 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0 40.9500002861023 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 -0.000748653023038059 1076.44091796875 539.2277 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 8 1 15.6306 363.6146 15.6895 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0 36.3000005483627 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 0.00234196009114385 1076.44409179688 539.2293 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 6 1 15.7403 368.9774 15.7244 193 0.44 0.44 4.60399985313416 0.944500043988228 0.944500043988228 sp|Q66HB6|CAGE1_RAT Cancer-associated gene 1 protein homolog OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cage1 PE=2 SV=1 0 22.1599996089935 RTSPLTSR Phospho(T)@2; Phospho(S)@3 missed R-T@1 -0.00149572000373155 1076.44030761719 539.2274 1076.44165039063 539.228149414063 2 5 1 15.8207 487.409 15.6716 194 0.41 0.41 6.26199990510941 1.51800001040101 1.51800001040101 sp|Q9R1Q2|CCNL1_RAT Cyclin-L1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ccnl1 PE=1 SV=1 0.413412719964981 96.4800000190735 SPVSINVK Phospho(S)@1 0.0011213100515306 922.453674316406 462.2341 922.452514648438 462.233520507813 2 7 1 28.8693 80.1488 28.8744 194 0.41 0.41 6.26199990510941 1.51800001040101 1.51800001040101 sp|Q9R1Q2|CCNL1_RAT Cyclin-L1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ccnl1 PE=1 SV=1 0 40.650001168251 SPVSINVK Phospho(S)@1 0.000106851999589708 922.452697753906 462.2336 922.452514648438 462.233520507813 2 6 1 28.9255 83.5701 28.9306 194 0.41 0.41 6.26199990510941 1.51800001040101 1.51800001040101 sp|Q9R1Q2|CCNL1_RAT Cyclin-L1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ccnl1 PE=1 SV=1 0 40.1100009679794 SPVSINVK Phospho(S)@1 -0.00202472996897995 922.450500488281 462.2325 922.452514648438 462.233520507813 2 6 1 28.7757 84.2136 28.8144 195 0.39 0.39 8.72199982404709 1.65400002151728 1.65400002151728 sp|P48679|LMNA_RAT Lamin-A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lmna PE=1 SV=1 0.394694954156876 98.4099984169006 LRLSPSPTSQR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@6 missed R-L@2 0.000814949977211654 1400.62231445313 701.3184 1400.62145996094 701.317993164063 2 7 1 29.4555 85.0854 29.517 195 0.39 0.39 8.72199982404709 1.65400002151728 1.65400002151728 sp|P48679|LMNA_RAT Lamin-A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lmna PE=1 SV=1 0 93.4000015258789 LRLSPSPTSQR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@9 missed R-L@2 0.000251679011853412 1400.62170410156 701.3181 1400.62145996094 701.317993164063 2 7 1 29.5866 134.1433 29.6187 195 0.39 0.39 8.72199982404709 1.65400002151728 1.65400002151728 sp|P48679|LMNA_RAT Lamin-A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lmna PE=1 SV=1 0 63.3400022983551 LRLSPSPTSQR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@6 missed R-L@2 0.000137363997055218 1400.62170410156 701.3181 1400.62145996094 701.317993164063 2 6 1 29.5015 94.9987 29.5065 195 0.39 0.39 8.72199982404709 1.65400002151728 1.65400002151728 sp|P48679|LMNA_RAT Lamin-A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lmna PE=1 SV=1 0 56.0400009155273 LRLSPSPTSQR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@6 missed R-L@2 0.000457702000858262 1400.62182617188 701.3182 1400.62145996094 701.317993164063 2 6 1 29.4604 108.9968 29.5224 195 0.39 0.39 8.72199982404709 1.65400002151728 1.65400002151728 sp|P48679|LMNA_RAT Lamin-A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Lmna PE=1 SV=1 0 45.5399990081787 LRLSPSPTSQR Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@6 missed R-L@2 -0.0030328999273479 1400.61853027344 701.3165 1400.62145996094 701.317993164063 2 6 1 29.7236 111.446 29.6476 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0.289036870002747 94.3499982357025 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 -0.00154015002772212 851.436279296875 426.7254 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 0 15.1272 667.6684 15.1855 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0 91.9099986553192 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 -0.00229076994583011 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.2668 605.3322 15.1727 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0 39.4699990749359 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 -0.000532571983058006 851.437255859375 426.7259 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.3106 344.2845 15.2362 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0 34.4199985265732 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 -0.00190520996693522 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.3 489.3204 15.1811 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.5399993062019 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 -0.00172209995798767 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 5 0 15.1113 321.7667 15.128 196 0.29 0.29 4.82800006866455 2.41400003433228 0 RRRRRsp|P14604|ECHM_RAT REVERSED Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Echs1 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.3400003910065 GVARTLR Phospho(T)@5 missed R-T@4 0.00166569999419153 851.439453125 426.727 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.0875 654.8475 15.1578 197 0.25 0.25 6.52899965643883 0.796199962496758 0 sp|Q99M76|STAG3_RAT Cohesin subunit SA-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Stag3 PE=2 SV=1 0.244887724518776 93.1599974632263 MSSAPCFQIR Phospho(S)@2; Carbamidomethyl(C)@6 -0.0236769001930952 1275.49047851563 638.7525 1275.51416015625 638.764343261719 2 8 1 54.8672 386.8865 54.9575 197 0.25 0.25 6.52899965643883 0.796199962496758 0 sp|Q99M76|STAG3_RAT Cohesin subunit SA-3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Stag3 PE=2 SV=1 0.00966114550828934 28.8599997758865 LLSLKQ Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-L@N-term; cleaved Q-L@C-term; missed K-Q@5 0.00265042996034026 780.417297363281 391.2159 780.414672851563 391.214599609375 2 5 1 32.1782 267.8334 32.2227 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0.238072156906128 92.9799973964691 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00732012977823615 974.458679199219 488.2366 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.4148 377.7734 16.6649 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 78.4600019454956 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00732012977823615 974.458679199219 488.2366 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.7969 473.9802 16.6913 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 71.5900003910065 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00374401989392936 974.462280273438 488.2384 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.6532 402.5828 16.7104 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 60.5000019073486 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00287703005596995 974.463256835938 488.2389 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.8041 414.72 16.757 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 56.7700028419495 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00888743996620178 974.457092285156 488.2358 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.5763 568.3872 16.7782 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 50.5400002002716 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.0058597601018846 974.460266113281 488.2374 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 0 17.0178 587.3586 16.8479 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 45.6999987363815 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.0058597601018846 974.460266113281 488.2374 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.6503 580.5137 16.8479 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 30.5099993944168 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00682466989383101 974.459289550781 488.2369 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 5 0 16.5679 515.1652 16.7432 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 29.8500001430511 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00931467954069376 974.456665039063 488.2356 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.4174 361.9048 16.6436 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 29.8500001430511 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00846019014716148 974.457702636719 488.2361 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 5 1 17.1516 459.1988 16.9108 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 29.109999537468 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.0058597601018846 974.460266113281 488.2374 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 7 1 16.8427 587.3586 16.8479 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 28.600001335144 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00639742007479072 974.459655761719 488.2371 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 6 1 16.7603 516.7582 16.7696 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 27.0700007677078 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.0032352099660784 974.462890625 488.2387 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 6 1 16.4637 66.3032 16.4425 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 26.2800008058548 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00902193039655685 974.457092285156 488.2358 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 5 1 16.9283 444.6246 16.8541 198 0.24 0.24 6.0869999229908 1.21700000017881 0 sp|B1H285|KBTB8_RAT Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Kbtbd8 PE=2 SV=1 0 15.7800003886223 KFLCVTK Carbamidomethyl(C)@4; Phospho(T)@6 missed K-F@1 -0.00732012977823615 974.458679199219 488.2366 974.466064453125 488.240295410156 2 6 1 16.603 475.0291 16.6913 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0.187086641788483 96.069997549057 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.000762043986469507 876.362854003906 439.1887 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 9 1 14.6892 386.2426 14.6738 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 95.169997215271 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.00193239003419876 876.363891601563 439.1892 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 7 1 14.6209 299.5448 14.6318 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 85.9000027179718 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 -0.00107998005114496 876.360900878906 439.1877 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 6 1 14.7105 322.8474 14.6412 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 62.1100008487701 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.00197175005450845 876.363891601563 439.1892 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 7 1 14.8844 115.6545 14.8047 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 40.3200000524521 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 -0.00266143004409969 876.359497070313 439.187 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 5 1 14.5546 339.5005 14.6121 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 38.5899990797043 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.00392901012673974 876.365844726563 439.1902 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 6 1 14.6637 255.8405 14.6428 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 33.9199990034103 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.00228102994151413 876.3642578125 439.1894 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 6 1 14.9417 241.0759 14.7209 199 0.19 0.19 3.31799983978271 0.276500009931624 0.276500009931624 RRRRRsp|Q7TNJ2|ABCA7_RAT REVERSED ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Abca7 PE=1 SV=1 0 18.7600001692772 SRSLVR Phospho(S)@1; Phospho(S)@3 cleaved L-S@N-term; missed R-S@2 0.0014842200325802 876.363464355469 439.189 876.361999511719 439.188262939453 2 5 1 14.7417 182.4351 14.58 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0.180456072092056 90.8699989318848 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 0.00166569999419153 851.439453125 426.727 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 0 15.0875 654.8475 15.1578 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 43.0500000715256 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.7084 4471.179 22.5291 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 37.0099991559982 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.5165 4471.179 22.5291 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 28.2099992036819 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00246262992732227 695.334289550781 348.6744 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 4 0 22.3324 4442.748 22.5291 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 26.0699987411499 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00127130001783371 695.33544921875 348.675 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3758 5289.389 22.4145 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 21.7600002884865 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.000905091990716755 695.335876464844 348.6752 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 5 0 22.7503 4392.893 22.4685 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 15.6700000166893 LQSLR Phospho(S)@3 -0.00197423994541168 695.334899902344 348.6747 695.336730957031 348.675659179688 2 6 0 22.3039 7210.107 22.3458 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 60.8200013637543 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.00229076994583011 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.0764 605.3322 15.1727 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 54.3900012969971 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.00172209995798767 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.1113 321.7667 15.128 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 48.8400012254715 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.000715680012945086 851.437072753906 426.7258 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 7 0 15.1139 473.5074 15.1569 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 40.5000001192093 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.000532571983058006 851.437255859375 426.7259 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.3106 344.2845 15.2362 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 37.4500006437302 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.00154015002772212 851.436279296875 426.7254 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.1272 667.6684 15.1855 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 36.3099992275238 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.00190520996693522 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 6 0 15.3 489.3204 15.1811 200 0.18 0.2 1.66900008916855 0.910499971359968 0 RRRRRsp|Q68FQ7|RPAP3_RAT REVERSED RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Rpap3 PE=2 SV=1 0 24.5900005102158 RLQSLR Phospho(S)@4 missed R-L@1 -0.00229076994583011 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.437866210938 426.726196289063 2 5 0 15.2668 605.3322 15.1727 201 0.18 0.18 5.17200008034706 5.17200008034706 0 RRRRRsp|Q9JLS4|SFRP4_RAT REVERSED Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sfrp4 PE=2 SV=2 0.175874173641205 90.829998254776 VDEPLDTVIAEPSICVGR Carbamidomethyl(C)@15 -0.0216923002153635 1968.9609375 657.3276 1968.98266601563 657.334838867188 3 9 1 48.955 255.5296 49.014 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0.169411346316338 90.4999971389771 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.00139900995418429 1126.48950195313 564.252 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 8 0 25.094 439.9289 25.1287 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0 89.7899985313416 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.0015810199547559 1126.48901367188 564.2518 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 7 1 25.1725 357.1587 25.2871 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0 85.2699995040894 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.0015810199547559 1126.48901367188 564.2518 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 7 1 25.3566 357.1587 25.2871 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0 50.9199976921082 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.00103279994800687 1126.48962402344 564.2521 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 6 1 25.2792 450.4881 25.1551 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0 35.0199997425079 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.00043138800538145 1126.490234375 564.2524 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 7 1 25.3402 374.8297 25.1602 202 0.17 0.17 4.47800010442734 0.746299978345633 0 RRRRRsp|O08815|SLK_RAT REVERSED STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Slk PE=1 SV=1 0 19.1899999976158 SLEKEQEGK Phospho(S)@1 missed K-E@4 -0.00484090996906161 1126.48583984375 564.2502 1126.49072265625 564.252624511719 2 6 1 24.9959 471.0377 25.0816 203 0.15 0.15 5.94400018453598 1.28199998289347 0 sp|P05197|EF2_RAT Elongation factor 2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Eef2 PE=1 SV=4 0.14935377240181 89.3199980258942 FTDTRKDEQER Phospho(T)@2 missed R-K@5; missed K-D@6 -0.00117559998761863 1503.63427734375 502.2187 1503.63549804688 502.219116210938 3 6 1 11.1349 95.9257 11.096 204 0.15 0.15 1.60600002855062 1.60600002855062 0 sp|P46892|CDK11_RAT Cell division protein kinase 11 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk11 PE=2 SV=1 0.151810869574547 89.5600020885468 EYGSPLK Phospho(S)@4 0.00275683007203043 872.370849609375 437.1927 872.368103027344 437.191314697266 2 6 1 23.0178 102.5315 23.0525 204 0.15 0.15 1.60600002855062 1.60600002855062 0 sp|P46892|CDK11_RAT Cell division protein kinase 11 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cdk11 PE=2 SV=1 0 25.9400010108948 EYGSPLK Phospho(S)@4 0.00110889005009085 872.369262695313 437.1919 872.368103027344 437.191314697266 2 5 1 23.0525 105.1334 23.0929 205 0.13 0.13 7.86700025200844 1.486000046134 1.486000046134 sp|Q1AAU6|ASAP1_RAT Arf-GAP with SH3 domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Asap1 PE=2 SV=2 0.128427073359489 99.0000009536743 RTLSDPPSPLPHGPPNK Phospho(D)@5; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-T@1 0.00223368010483682 1968.88806152344 657.3033 1968.88598632813 657.302612304688 3 11 1 32.8113 112.3631 32.8163 205 0.13 0.13 7.86700025200844 1.486000046134 1.486000046134 sp|Q1AAU6|ASAP1_RAT Arf-GAP with SH3 domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Asap1 PE=2 SV=2 0 93.0199980735779 RTLSDPPSPLPHGPPNK Phospho(S)@4; Phospho(S)@8 missed R-T@1 0.00809164997190237 1968.89404296875 657.3053 1968.88598632813 657.302612304688 3 9 1 32.8864 110.1193 32.8915 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0.125518172979355 87.5199973583221 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.0128990998491645 851.439453125 426.727 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 7 0 15.0875 654.8475 15.1578 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0 49.8699992895126 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.0089426301419735 851.435668945313 426.7251 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 6 0 15.0764 605.3322 15.1727 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0 33.0199986696243 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.00932819023728371 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 6 0 15.3 489.3204 15.1811 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0 27.4500012397766 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.0105176996439695 851.437072753906 426.7258 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 6 0 15.1139 473.5074 15.1569 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.7399997115135 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.0107008004561067 851.437255859375 426.7259 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 5 0 15.3106 344.2845 15.2362 206 0.13 0.13 1.61300003528595 0.992599967867136 0 RRRRRsp|P0C865|MK07_RAT REVERSED Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Mapk7 PE=1 SV=1 0 15.4699996113777 LAAAASIR Phospho(S)@6 0.00951130036264658 851.436096191406 426.7253 851.426635742188 426.720581054688 2 5 0 15.1113 321.7667 15.128 207 0.11 0.11 5.43499998748302 1.99299994856119 0 sp|Q09137|AAPK2_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa2 PE=1 SV=1 0.11069829761982 86.0099971294403 SCSAAGLHRPR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 -0.000524210976436734 1290.56469726563 431.1955 1290.56530761719 431.195709228516 3 8 1 12.8232 109.4045 12.8283 207 0.11 0.11 5.43499998748302 1.99299994856119 0 sp|Q09137|AAPK2_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa2 PE=1 SV=1 0 85.1599991321564 SCSAAGLHRPR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.000123225006973371 1290.56530761719 431.1957 1290.56530761719 431.195709228516 3 9 1 12.83 130.6323 12.8085 207 0.11 0.11 5.43499998748302 1.99299994856119 0 sp|Q09137|AAPK2_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa2 PE=1 SV=1 0 43.3499991893768 SCSAAGLHRPR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 -0.0020947300363332 1290.56323242188 431.195 1290.56530761719 431.195709228516 3 7 1 12.7664 112.3774 12.7715 207 0.11 0.11 5.43499998748302 1.99299994856119 0 sp|Q09137|AAPK2_RAT 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Prkaa2 PE=1 SV=1 0 22.579999268055 SCSAAGLHRPR Carbamidomethyl(C)@2; Phospho(S)@3 0.00164184998720884 1290.56677246094 431.1962 1290.56530761719 431.195709228516 3 8 1 12.7972 127.8335 12.8022 208 0.08 0.08 5.71400001645088 2.4490000680089 0 RRRRRsp|P05178|CP2C6_RAT REVERSED Cytochrome P450 2C6 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Cyp2c6 PE=2 SV=2 0.0757207125425339 80.3900003433228 KGASFPMFYDSK Phospho(S)@4 missed K-G@1 -0.00965533964335918 1456.60021972656 729.3074 1456.60986328125 729.312194824219 2 8 1 17.5749 42.0055 17.5538 209 0.07 0.07 6.60599991679192 1.59499999135733 0 RRRRRsp|Q63569|PRS6A_RAT REVERSED 26S protease regulatory subunit 6A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psmc3 PE=2 SV=1 0.0655015483498573 93.7099993228912 NTAAIVK Deamidated(N)@1 0.0510044991970062 716.457885742188 359.2362 716.406860351563 359.210693359375 2 6 1 74.1053 37.3082 74.0848 209 0.07 0.07 6.60599991679192 1.59499999135733 0 RRRRRsp|Q63569|PRS6A_RAT REVERSED 26S protease regulatory subunit 6A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Psmc3 PE=2 SV=1 0 69.3000018596649 NTAAIVK Deamidated(N)@1 0.0517979003489017 716.458679199219 359.2366 716.406860351563 359.210693359375 2 5 1 44.6798 175.4305 44.5071 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0.0639891996979713 77.6300013065338 LIQSPEDLEK 0.00180061999708414 1170.61511230469 586.3148 1170.61315917969 586.313903808594 2 7 1 30.5429 175.6072 30.6817 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.00209396006539464 936.470275878906 469.2424 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 0 31.4064 400.7574 31.5477 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.00209396006539464 936.470275878906 469.2424 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 8 0 31.5941 400.7574 31.5477 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00123884994536638 936.466857910156 469.2407 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 0 31.5586 383.323 31.4588 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00123884994536638 936.466857910156 469.2407 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 0 31.3686 383.323 31.4588 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 98.6299991607666 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000325567001709715 936.467895507813 469.2412 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 7 0 31.6525 257.4406 31.5802 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 90.0099992752075 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000658488017506897 936.467468261719 469.241 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 8 0 31.5746 388.7763 31.5008 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 84.8200023174286 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 0.000229757002671249 936.468444824219 469.2415 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 0 31.388 149.415 31.4757 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 71.670001745224 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000325567001709715 936.467895507813 469.2412 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 0 31.4627 257.4406 31.5802 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 63.9400005340576 ISSLPNVK -0.00130074995104223 856.50048828125 429.2575 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 6 0 24.1692 138.5745 24.0727 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 63.9400005340576 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.000658488017506897 936.467468261719 469.241 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 6 0 31.381 388.7763 31.5008 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 62.1100008487701 ISSLPNVK 0.00144370005000383 856.503295898438 429.2589 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 5 0 24.0853 81.1865 24.1439 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 53.219997882843 ISSLPNVK -0.00130074995104223 856.50048828125 429.2575 856.501831054688 429.258178710938 2 6 0 23.9873 138.5745 24.0727 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 44.9000000953674 ISSLPNVK Phospho(S)@3 -0.00336634996347129 936.46484375 469.2397 936.468139648438 469.241363525391 2 5 0 31.5719 169.7954 31.6367 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 19.5700004696846 ISSLPNVKK Phospho(S)@3 missed K-K@8 -0.00188034004531801 1064.56127929688 533.2879 1064.56311035156 533.288818359375 2 5 0 22.3677 85.2712 22.3727 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR -0.00183210999239236 1244.58801269531 623.3013 1244.58984375 623.302185058594 2 13 0 17.5653 108.8122 17.5703 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR 0.000119272997835651 1244.58996582031 415.8706 1244.58984375 415.870544433594 3 10 0 17.7266 279.836 17.7317 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 99.0000009536743 SHGQDYLVGNR Phospho(S)@1 0.00378017011098564 1324.55981445313 663.2872 1324.55615234375 663.285339355469 2 12 0 23.3757 89.9942 23.3276 210 0.06 4.4 16.6700005531311 13.060000538826 8.55899974703789 sp|P04903|GSTA2_RAT Glutathione S-transferase alpha-2 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Gsta2 PE=2 SV=2 0 97.9399979114532 SHGQDYLVGNR -0.000520189991220832 1244.58935546875 415.8704 1244.58984375 415.870544433594 3 11 0 17.6013 516.1702 17.6591 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0.0619809031486511 77.1799981594086 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 0.000558948027901351 721.352844238281 361.6837 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.571 336.7208 19.473 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 63.4700000286102 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000355127005605027 721.35205078125 361.6833 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.791 369.9825 19.591 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 58.4299981594086 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000355127005605027 721.35205078125 361.6833 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 6 1 19.5801 369.9825 19.591 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 57.3499977588654 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000335455988533795 721.35205078125 361.6833 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.6257 321.3194 19.5856 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 44.2799985408783 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00115674000699073 721.351257324219 361.6829 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.7731 357.2042 19.5936 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 21.2699994444847 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.00115674000699073 721.351257324219 361.6829 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.5538 357.2042 19.5936 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 19.7799995541573 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000335455988533795 721.35205078125 361.6833 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 4 1 19.4405 321.3194 19.5856 211 0.06 0.06 4.03999984264374 1.21200000867248 0 sp|Q5BJT1|AN34A_RAT Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 34A OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ankrd34a PE=2 SV=1 0 18.4400007128716 GLLSPR Phospho(S)@4 -0.000172022002516314 721.352294921875 361.6834 721.352416992188 361.683471679688 2 5 1 19.3955 367.0682 19.591 212 0.06 0.06 6.07299990952015 3.23899984359741 0 sp|Q5XIG4|OCAD1_RAT OCIA domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ociad1 PE=2 SV=1 0.0560111254453659 75.6500005722046 SVTYEELR Phospho(S)@1 0.000409720989409834 1075.45910644531 538.7368 1075.45874023438 538.736633300781 2 6 1 34.3106 114.1007 34.2926 212 0.06 0.06 6.07299990952015 3.23899984359741 0 sp|Q5XIG4|OCAD1_RAT OCIA domain-containing protein 1 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ociad1 PE=2 SV=1 0 22.3000004887581 SVTYEELR Phospho(S)@1 0.00105022999923676 1075.45983886719 538.7372 1075.45874023438 538.736633300781 2 6 1 34.3747 113.6047 34.3562 213 0.05 0.05 5.20300008356571 0.728400005027652 0 sp|Q9JJS5|SH3B4_RAT SH3 domain-binding protein 4 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Sh3bp4 PE=2 SV=2 0.0452752076089382 71.289998292923 VASVLEK -0.00690700020641088 744.431274414063 373.2229 744.438171386719 373.226348876953 2 5 1 55.3842 87.5455 55.3404 214 0.05 0.05 10.7299998402596 1.24399997293949 0 sp|P62521|CCDC8_RAT Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ccdc8 PE=2 SV=1 0.0457574911415577 86.0400021076202 AEATVSPR Phospho(T)@4; Phospho(S)@6 0.00847741030156612 989.370483398438 495.6925 989.362060546875 495.688293457031 2 6 0 14.1949 322.6703 14.3411 214 0.05 0.05 10.7299998402596 1.24399997293949 0 sp|P62521|CCDC8_RAT Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 8 OS=Rattus norvegicus GN=Ccdc8 PE=2 SV=1 0 34.6199989318848 AEATVSPR Phospho(T)@4; Phospho(S)@6 0.0151794999837875 989.377258300781 495.6959 989.362060546875 495.688293457031 2 6 0 14.4813 233.0485 14.5073