Index of /JPST000398/

File relationship.xlsx                             15-Oct-2019 20:58    9499
Inclusion_list_OSX_NAM_Prop.msf                    15-Oct-2019 20:52      2M
Inclusion_list_OSX_NAM_Prop.pdResult               15-Oct-2019 20:54      2M
Inclusion_list_OSX_NAM_Prop.raw                    15-Oct-2019 20:52    871M
JPST000398.0.xml                                   15-Oct-2019 20:58     13K                                 06-Apr-2021 20:57      4G
OSX_NAM_Prop.msf                                   15-Oct-2019 20:55    545M
OSX_NAM_Prop.pdResult                              15-Oct-2019 20:56    577M
OSX_NAM_Prop.raw                                   15-Oct-2019 20:50    952M
OSX_NaProp.msf                                     15-Oct-2019 20:54    710M
OSX_NaProp.pdResult                                15-Oct-2019 20:58    740M
OSX_NaProp.raw                                     15-Oct-2019 20:48      1G
SDS-PAGE image for in-gel identification of OSX..> 15-Oct-2019 20:58      5M