******************************************************************************* --------------------------------- IADBs --------------------------------------- --------------------- Copyright © 2013 Waters Corporation --------------------- Version Compiled: 10/31/2013 1:59 PM Run at: 1/19/2018 10:24 AM Command Line: -paraXMLFileName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp\plgs9042081980214833176.params -pep3DFilename C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp\plgs9042081980214833176.bin -proteinFASTAFileName C:\PLGS3.0.2\demodbs\uniprot-reviewed_Euticotyledons.fasta_def -outPutDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -outputUserDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -newWorkflowXML -maxCPUs 11 Parameter XML file: Input parameters values ******************************************************************************* Parameter XML file: "C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp\plgs9042081980214833176.params" Spectrum Bin File: "C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp\plgs9042081980214833176.bin" Protein FAS File: "C:\PLGS3.0.2\demodbs\uniprot-reviewed_Euticotyledons.fasta_def" Output Directory: "C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp" User Output Directory: "C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp" Instrument Model: SYNAPT-G2 Instrument Serial#: NotSet Raw Input File: "D:\Data\2017\December\OU_Bindhu\02122017_TL_OU_Bindhu_1.raw" Acquired Name: "02122017_TL_OU_Bindhu_1" Acquired Date: "30-Dec-1899" Acquired Time: "00:00:00" Sample Description: "02122017_TL_OU_Bindhu_1" Processed by: Apex3D version, compiled: 9/19/2013 processed: 1/18/2018 command line: C:\PLGS3.0.2\bin\..\lib\apex3d\Apex3D64.exe -pRawDirName D:\Data\2017\December\OU_Bindhu\02122017_TL_OU_Bindhu_1.raw -outputDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -outputUserDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -lockmassZ2 785.8426 -lockMassToleranceAMU 0.25 -leThresholdCounts 150.0 -heThresholdCounts 10.0 -binIntenThreshold 500 -writeXML 1 -PLGS 1 Peptide3D version 2.96.5010.13362, compiled: 9/19/2013 processed: 1/18/2018 command line: C:\PLGS3.0.2\lib\apex3d\Peptide3D.exe -inputFilename C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp\02122017_tl_ou_bindhu_1_Apex3D.bin -outputDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -outputUserDirName C:\Users\waters\AppData\Local\Temp -minLEMHPlus 350.0 Resolution = 13526.85 Precursor MHPlus Window PPM = 50 (set by user) Product MHPlus Window PPM = 100 (set by user) Max MHPlus Window PPM = 200 Bin FWHM Fraction = 0.1428571 Report homologs = True Min fragments per peptide = 2 Min peptides per protein = 1 Min fragments per protein = 5 Max False positive rate = 100 Pass 1 False positive rate = 100 Max protein mass = 250000 Min ratio by to theoretical = 0.3 Min sumProdInten/precInten = 0.03 Max sumProdInten/precInten = 1 Max simultaneous varMods = 3 Max CPUs = 11 ScoreFactors = 1, 9, 3.5, 1, 1.9, 1, 2, 1 No Pass 2 = False No Pass 3 = False Non-specific Pass = False Read 125155 LE ions, 2858580 HE ions (2858580 binned), 106362 bins in 55.315019 seconds Read 53622 proteins in 5.1412629 seconds Matched 1015432 out of 1551574 peptides in digest to 1015432 matches in 52407 of 53622 proteins Insufficient pass 0 matches for mass cal Matched 1015432 out of 1551574 peptides in digest to 1015432 matches in 52407 of 53622 proteins After Pass1: 4039 distraction, 6235 regular proteins Time to calc all pass2 raw pepScores 00:00:16.9606221 Calibrating AutoCurate Thresholds using 3610637 distraction peptides Median Random pepScore 5.962633 Std Random pepScore 0.3071017 Red-Yellow Threshold is 6.73 which is 2.50 stddevs above the mean Yellow-Green Threshold is 7.19 which is 4.00 stddevs above the mean Median Random raw pepScore 295.1569 Std Random raw pepScore 274.1426 Time to run pass 2 depletion: 00:15:20.3139769 After Pass2 Depletion: 2932 distraction, 5266 regular proteins After Filter Proteins: 0 distraction, 5266 regular proteins Total processing time: 1905.7003186 seconds