Parameter Value Version User name jrge Machine name Date of writing 03/21/2019 16:35:17 Include contaminants False PSM FDR 0.01 PSM FDR Crosslink 0.01 Protein FDR 0.01 Site FDR 0.01 Use Normalized Ratios For Occupancy True Min. peptide Length 7 Min. score for unmodified peptides 0 Min. score for modified peptides 0 Min. delta score for unmodified peptides 0 Min. delta score for modified peptides 0 Min. unique peptides 0 Min. razor peptides 1 Min. peptides 1 Use only unmodified peptides and False Peptides used for protein quantification Razor Discard unmodified counterpart peptides True Label min. ratio count 2 Use delta score False iBAQ False iBAQ log fit False Match between runs True Matching time window [min] 0.7 Alignment time window [min] 20 Find dependent peptides False Fasta file /crex/proj/uppstore2018208/fastas/GFP_102_150_sep.txt Decoy mode revert Include contaminants False Advanced ratios True Fixed andromeda index folder Temporary folder Combined folder location Second peptides True Stabilize large LFQ ratios True Separate LFQ in parameter groups False Require MS/MS for LFQ comparisons False Calculate peak properties False Main search max. combinations 200 Advanced site intensities True Write msScans table False Write msmsScans table True Write ms3Scans table True Write allPeptides table True Write mzRange table True Write pasefMsmsScans table True Write accumulatedPasefMsmsScans table True Max. peptide mass [Da] 4600 Min. peptide length for unspecific search 8 Max. peptide length for unspecific search 25 Razor protein FDR True Disable MD5 False Max mods in site table 3 Match unidentified features False Epsilon score for mutations Evaluate variant peptides separately True Variation mode None MS/MS tol. (FTMS) 20 ppm Top MS/MS peaks per Da interval. (FTMS) 12 Da interval. (FTMS) 100 MS/MS deisotoping (FTMS) True MS/MS deisotoping tolerance (FTMS) 7 MS/MS deisotoping tolerance unit (FTMS) ppm MS/MS higher charges (FTMS) True MS/MS water loss (FTMS) True MS/MS ammonia loss (FTMS) True MS/MS dependent losses (FTMS) True MS/MS recalibration (FTMS) True MS/MS tol. (ITMS) 0.5 Da Top MS/MS peaks per Da interval. (ITMS) 8 Da interval. (ITMS) 100 MS/MS deisotoping (ITMS) False MS/MS deisotoping tolerance (ITMS) 0.15 MS/MS deisotoping tolerance unit (ITMS) Da MS/MS higher charges (ITMS) True MS/MS water loss (ITMS) True MS/MS ammonia loss (ITMS) True MS/MS dependent losses (ITMS) True MS/MS recalibration (ITMS) True MS/MS tol. (TOF) 40 ppm Top MS/MS peaks per Da interval. (TOF) 10 Da interval. (TOF) 100 MS/MS deisotoping (TOF) True MS/MS deisotoping tolerance (TOF) 0.01 MS/MS deisotoping tolerance unit (TOF) Da MS/MS higher charges (TOF) True MS/MS water loss (TOF) True MS/MS ammonia loss (TOF) True MS/MS dependent losses (TOF) True MS/MS recalibration (TOF) False MS/MS tol. (Unknown) 0.5 Da Top MS/MS peaks per Da interval. (Unknown) 8 Da interval. (Unknown) 100 MS/MS deisotoping (Unknown) False MS/MS deisotoping tolerance (Unknown) 0.15 MS/MS deisotoping tolerance unit (Unknown) Da MS/MS higher charges (Unknown) True MS/MS water loss (Unknown) True MS/MS ammonia loss (Unknown) True MS/MS dependent losses (Unknown) True MS/MS recalibration (Unknown) False Site tables GFP-ChromophoreSites.txt;Pyl->PocKSites.txt;Pyl->TCOKSites.txt