MTD mzTab-version 1.0 MTD mzTab-mode Complete MTD mzTab-type Identification MTD description JPST000123 -- main2 MTD ms_run[1]-location D:\JobRequest\ResultFiles\20200420\20200420121841733591^fe80..dc7a.184c.1632.7be4^jpost@jpost.jpost\PeakList.MaxQuantPlist1\140611_AAS_1crizotinib100nM01.maxq.txt MTD ms_run[2]-location D:\JobRequest\ResultFiles\20200420\20200420121841733591^fe80..dc7a.184c.1632.7be4^jpost@jpost.jpost\Psearch.MaxQuantExec1\140611_AAS_1crizotinib100nM01.maxqFin.txt MTD software[1] [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant,] MTD software[1]-setting Taxon=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[1]-setting enzymes=Trypsin/P MTD software[1]-setting enzymeMode=0 MTD software[1]-setting fixedModifications=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[1]-setting variableModifications=Biotin:Thermo-88310 (K),Label:13C(6)15N(2) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Oxidation (M) MTD software[1]-setting maxMissedCleavages=1 MTD software[1]-setting lcmsRunType=Standard MTD software[1]-setting firstSearchTol=20 MTD software[1]-setting mainSearchTol=4.5 MTD software[2] [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, 2015.04.01.1] MTD software[2]-setting DB=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[2]-setting CLE=[RK]|{} MTD software[2]-setting MODS=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[2]-setting IT_MODS=Oxidation (M),Label:13C(6)15N(2) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Biotin:Thermo-88310 (K) MTD software[2]-setting TOL(-)=10 MTD software[2]-setting TOL(+)=10 MTD software[2]-setting TOLU=ppm MTD software[2]-setting ITOL=20 MTD software[2]-setting ITOLU=ppm MTD software[2]-setting PEP_ISOTOPE_ERROR=yes MTD software[2]-setting PFA=1 MTD software[3] [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, 2015.02 rev. 0] MTD software[3]-setting Taxon=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[3]-setting search_enzyme_number=2 MTD software[3]-setting FixMod=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[3]-setting VarMod=Biotin:Thermo-88310 (K),Label:13C(6)15N(2) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Oxidation (M) MTD software[3]-setting max_variable_mods_in_peptide=5 MTD software[3]-setting allowed_missed_cleavage=1 MTD software[3]-setting peptide_mass_tolerance=10 MTD software[3]-setting peptide_mass_units=2 MTD software[3]-setting fragment_bin_tol=0.02 MTD software[3]-setting fragment_bin_offset=0.0 MTD fixed_mod[1] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:4, Carbamidomethyl,] MTD fixed_mod[1]-site C MTD fixed_mod[1]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[1] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:1031, Biotin:Thermo-88310,] MTD variable_mod[1]-site K MTD variable_mod[1]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[2] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:259, Label:13C(6)15N(2),] MTD variable_mod[2]-site K MTD variable_mod[2]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[3] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:267, Label:13C(6)15N(4),] MTD variable_mod[3]-site R MTD variable_mod[3]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[4] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:35, Oxidation,] MTD variable_mod[4]-site M MTD variable_mod[4]-position Anywhere MTD protein_search_engine_score[1] [] MTD psm_search_engine_score[1] [] PRH accession description taxid species database database_version search_engine best_search_engine_score[1] ambiguity_members modifications protein_coverage search_engine_score[1]_ms_run[1] num_psms_ms_run[1] num_peptides_distinct_ms_run[1] num_peptides_unique_ms_run[1] PRT sp|P04350|TBB4A_HUMAN Tubulin beta-4A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB4A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 81.0 null 122-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:4,122-UNIMOD:259,154-UNIMOD:259,147-UNIMOD:35,154-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 81.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPDH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 76.0 null 175-UNIMOD:35,186-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:4,156-UNIMOD:4,215-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:35,66-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:35,107-UNIMOD:259,162-UNIMOD:259,219-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:4,248-UNIMOD:267,139-UNIMOD:259,227-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:35,80-UNIMOD:267,334-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031,323-UNIMOD:267,194-UNIMOD:1031,331-UNIMOD:35,5-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:35,271-UNIMOD:1031,334-UNIMOD:259,117-UNIMOD:259,215-UNIMOD:259,219-UNIMOD:259,227-UNIMOD:259,271-UNIMOD:259,13-UNIMOD:267 0.71 76.0 87 26 2 PRT sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN Pyruvate kinase PKM OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKM PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 75.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:4,358-UNIMOD:4,360-UNIMOD:35,367-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:35,188-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,422-UNIMOD:259,89-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:1031,206-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:28,89-UNIMOD:259,206-UNIMOD:259,22-UNIMOD:35,270-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:4,166-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:35,498-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:267,207-UNIMOD:259,224-UNIMOD:259,423-UNIMOD:385,423-UNIMOD:4,424-UNIMOD:4,433-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:267,247-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:35,43-UNIMOD:267,62-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:35,305-UNIMOD:259,135-UNIMOD:259,152-UNIMOD:4,162-UNIMOD:259,266-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:4 0.68 75.0 69 35 15 PRT sp|P06744|G6PI_HUMAN Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPI PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 68.0 null 524-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,252-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,454-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:259,241-UNIMOD:259,252-UNIMOD:259,124-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:35,447-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:35,73-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:35 0.28 68.0 20 14 8 PRT sp|P55263-3|ADK_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Adenosine kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 67.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031,140-UNIMOD:4,143-UNIMOD:4 0.10 67.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACACA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 66.0 null 308-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:35,329-UNIMOD:4,233-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:35,245-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 66.0 18 4 1 PRT sp|P13797|PLST_HUMAN Plastin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLS3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 66.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:4,100-UNIMOD:259,18-UNIMOD:1031,582-UNIMOD:1031,537-UNIMOD:1031,582-UNIMOD:259,587-UNIMOD:259,46-UNIMOD:35,52-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031,340-UNIMOD:35,346-UNIMOD:259,315-UNIMOD:1031,545-UNIMOD:259 0.24 66.0 18 11 7 PRT sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN Actin-related protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 66.0 null 11-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:35,365-UNIMOD:35,46-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 66.0 30 5 2 PRT sp|Q9BWU0|NADAP_HUMAN Kanadaptin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC4A1AP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 64.0 null 224-UNIMOD:4,246-UNIMOD:1031,588-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 64.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P20290|BTF3_HUMAN Transcription factor BTF3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BTF3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 64.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:35,54-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031 0.30 64.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 63.0 null 96-UNIMOD:1031,551-UNIMOD:259,121-UNIMOD:267,236-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:4,250-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,352-UNIMOD:1031,417-UNIMOD:1031,387-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:35,396-UNIMOD:1031,418-UNIMOD:1031,301-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:259,191-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,493-UNIMOD:259,473-UNIMOD:1031,477-UNIMOD:35,233-UNIMOD:259,75-UNIMOD:259,82-UNIMOD:259,356-UNIMOD:35,190-UNIMOD:35,125-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:259,447-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:1031,523-UNIMOD:1031,469-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:385,359-UNIMOD:1031,352-UNIMOD:259,91-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031,469-UNIMOD:259,481-UNIMOD:259,447-UNIMOD:385,202-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:259,202-UNIMOD:259,87-UNIMOD:1031,429-UNIMOD:267 0.71 63.0 81 45 20 PRT sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN RuvB-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RUVBL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 62.0 null 76-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:1031,445-UNIMOD:1031,232-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 62.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1D PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 61.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:35,38-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:35,136-UNIMOD:267 0.44 61.0 13 8 5 PRT sp|P41567|EIF1_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:259 0.36 61.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 61.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:4,83-UNIMOD:4,93-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:259,92-UNIMOD:259,21-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:35,136-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:259,151-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:259,120-UNIMOD:259,35-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:259,192-UNIMOD:259,197-UNIMOD:259,192-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:259,109-UNIMOD:259 0.71 61.0 48 18 5 PRT sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN Nucleophosmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 61.0 null 54-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:267,81-UNIMOD:35,101-UNIMOD:267,251-UNIMOD:35,150-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031,273-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:35,206-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:259,248-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:259,212-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:259,215-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:259 0.56 61.0 39 22 10 PRT sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN Actin, cytoplasmic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 61.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:35,47-UNIMOD:35,50-UNIMOD:1031,291-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:35,257-UNIMOD:4,269-UNIMOD:35,272-UNIMOD:4,283-UNIMOD:35,284-UNIMOD:259,113-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:259,153-UNIMOD:35,254-UNIMOD:267,315-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:35,28-UNIMOD:267,177-UNIMOD:267,313-UNIMOD:35,372-UNIMOD:267,50-UNIMOD:259,360-UNIMOD:28,61-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,328-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:259,326-UNIMOD:259,206-UNIMOD:267,37-UNIMOD:267 0.62 61.0 155 23 2 PRT sp|P30086|PEBP1_HUMAN Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PEBP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 60.0 null 7-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:259 0.35 60.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN Tubulin beta chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 60.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:35,239-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:1031,363-UNIMOD:35,379-UNIMOD:259,330-UNIMOD:35,336-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:267,252-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:35,77-UNIMOD:267,257-UNIMOD:35,336-UNIMOD:259,388-UNIMOD:35,390-UNIMOD:267,354-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:259,299-UNIMOD:35,300-UNIMOD:35,303-UNIMOD:4,306-UNIMOD:267,46-UNIMOD:267,318-UNIMOD:267 0.62 60.0 43 21 6 PRT sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit theta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT8 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 59.0 null 296-UNIMOD:1031,430-UNIMOD:4,439-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:35,171-UNIMOD:1031,459-UNIMOD:1031,181-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:259,181-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:4,149-UNIMOD:4,152-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:4,37-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:35,54-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35,466-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:35,235-UNIMOD:1031,440-UNIMOD:1031,534-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:4,326-UNIMOD:1031,367-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,421-UNIMOD:259,31-UNIMOD:267,225-UNIMOD:1031,476-UNIMOD:259,270-UNIMOD:259,20-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:259,318-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:4,206-UNIMOD:1031,335-UNIMOD:267 0.57 59.0 81 28 13 PRT sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 59.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:259,41-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:259,49-UNIMOD:259 0.70 59.0 10 7 4 PRT sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDOA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 59.0 null 178-UNIMOD:4,200-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:4,342-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:4,153-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:4,208-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:259,14-UNIMOD:1031,342-UNIMOD:259,108-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:1,140-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:267,251-UNIMOD:35 0.73 59.0 37 22 12 PRT sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN Annexin A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 59.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:259,28-UNIMOD:259,115-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:267,47-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:267,176-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:35,204-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:267,245-UNIMOD:267,152-UNIMOD:1031,206-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:35,148-UNIMOD:1031 0.62 59.0 38 26 18 PRT sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein PURH OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATIC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 58.0 null 265-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,405-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 58.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 58.0 null 163-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:35,152-UNIMOD:35,31-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:1031,249-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:35,138-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,381-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:4,367-UNIMOD:1031,455-UNIMOD:4,461-UNIMOD:267,203-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:4,248-UNIMOD:1031,354-UNIMOD:1031,527-UNIMOD:1031,427-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:35 0.39 58.0 32 17 12 PRT sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN Actin, cytoplasmic 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 58.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:267,3-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:259,1-UNIMOD:1 0.08 58.0 85 3 0 PRT sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN Neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHNAK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 57.0 null 5655-UNIMOD:1031,2609-UNIMOD:1031,3201-UNIMOD:1031,2183-UNIMOD:1031,5591-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,2706-UNIMOD:1031,1305-UNIMOD:1031,2132-UNIMOD:1031,2589-UNIMOD:1031,5821-UNIMOD:1031,4113-UNIMOD:1031,1870-UNIMOD:1031,2401-UNIMOD:1031,5831-UNIMOD:1031,1461-UNIMOD:1031,2396-UNIMOD:1031,4926-UNIMOD:1031,1205-UNIMOD:1031,942-UNIMOD:1031,1652-UNIMOD:1031,707-UNIMOD:1031,2509-UNIMOD:1031,2616-UNIMOD:1031,2717-UNIMOD:1031,563-UNIMOD:1031,567-UNIMOD:4,1319-UNIMOD:1031,1911-UNIMOD:1031,1184-UNIMOD:1031,1616-UNIMOD:1031,5629-UNIMOD:1031,4125-UNIMOD:1031,1191-UNIMOD:1031,748-UNIMOD:1031,371-UNIMOD:1031,1488-UNIMOD:1031,4988-UNIMOD:1031,5721-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 57.0 49 39 29 PRT sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN Atrial natriuretic peptide receptor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57.0 null 647-UNIMOD:35,656-UNIMOD:4,662-UNIMOD:1031,666-UNIMOD:4,698-UNIMOD:1031,567-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 57.0 7 3 1 PRT sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57.0 null 597-UNIMOD:1031,603-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:1031,381-UNIMOD:35,384-UNIMOD:259,159-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:1031,539-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:259,77-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:267,87-UNIMOD:35,112-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:1031,451-UNIMOD:1031,449-UNIMOD:35,88-UNIMOD:259,108-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:267,319-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:259,512-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:267,306-UNIMOD:4,88-UNIMOD:1031,500-UNIMOD:1031,251-UNIMOD:1031,550-UNIMOD:259,319-UNIMOD:259,595-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:1031 0.47 57.0 48 30 11 PRT sp|Q9UMS4|PRP19_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-processing factor 19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF19 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 57.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P35249-2|RFC4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Replication factor C subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57.0 null 84-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 57.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q12792-4|TWF1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Twinfilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TWF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 56.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 56.0 null 58-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:267,190-UNIMOD:267 0.08 56.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P18621|RL17_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL17 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 56.0 null 105-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:35,86-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:259,27-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:4,153-UNIMOD:1031 0.56 56.0 13 9 7 PRT sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHGDH PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 281-UNIMOD:4,289-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:267,129-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:259,364-UNIMOD:1031,369-UNIMOD:4,380-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031 0.30 55.0 14 12 10 PRT sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN Brain acid soluble protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BASP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 210-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:259,38-UNIMOD:259,102-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:259,10-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:259,84-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031 0.94 55.0 25 17 11 PRT sp|Q9NTK5|OLA1_HUMAN Obg-like ATPase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OLA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 35-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:4,333-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:4,79-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 55.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 456-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,422-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:267,405-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,396-UNIMOD:259,198-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:35,433-UNIMOD:267 0.35 55.0 23 14 5 PRT sp|P00390-2|GSHR_HUMAN Isoform Cytoplasmic of Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55.0 null 311-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 55.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:4,302-UNIMOD:35,304-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:4,60-UNIMOD:259,96-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:28,370-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:267,394-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:259,336-UNIMOD:1031,398-UNIMOD:35,347-UNIMOD:4,352-UNIMOD:259,280-UNIMOD:259,338-UNIMOD:1031,401-UNIMOD:1031,336-UNIMOD:259,121-UNIMOD:267,315-UNIMOD:4,316-UNIMOD:4,320-UNIMOD:267,313-UNIMOD:35,112-UNIMOD:259,163-UNIMOD:1031 0.49 55.0 48 21 5 PRT sp|Q13547|HDAC1_HUMAN Histone deacetylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDAC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 12-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:35,220-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 55.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase [ammonia], mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55.0 null 1283-UNIMOD:35,1291-UNIMOD:1031,1222-UNIMOD:1031,792-UNIMOD:35,793-UNIMOD:1031,799-UNIMOD:35,757-UNIMOD:1031,761-UNIMOD:4,772-UNIMOD:1031,831-UNIMOD:1031,225-UNIMOD:4,228-UNIMOD:1031,829-UNIMOD:35,458-UNIMOD:1031,919-UNIMOD:1031,920-UNIMOD:4,728-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,1074-UNIMOD:1031,892-UNIMOD:1031,1168-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:35,600-UNIMOD:4,553-UNIMOD:1031,603-UNIMOD:267,769-UNIMOD:35,772-UNIMOD:259,1183-UNIMOD:1031,1168-UNIMOD:259,402-UNIMOD:1031,1281-UNIMOD:259,207-UNIMOD:1031,899-UNIMOD:35,905-UNIMOD:1031,412-UNIMOD:1031,1120-UNIMOD:259,915-UNIMOD:1031,1479-UNIMOD:1031,841-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:28,532-UNIMOD:1031,548-UNIMOD:28,908-UNIMOD:1031,1356-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:1031,1309-UNIMOD:259,811-UNIMOD:1031,889-UNIMOD:1031,1350-UNIMOD:35,527-UNIMOD:1031,1150-UNIMOD:1031,935-UNIMOD:1031,452-UNIMOD:35,453-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031,811-UNIMOD:259,1178-UNIMOD:35,803-UNIMOD:267,1139-UNIMOD:35,1149-UNIMOD:1031 0.39 55.0 125 52 25 PRT sp|P11940|PABP1_HUMAN Polyadenylate-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55.0 null 132-UNIMOD:4,138-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:4,620-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,361-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:259,259-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,512-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:259,208-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 55.0 26 20 16 PRT sp|P35249|RFC4_HUMAN Replication factor C subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55.0 null 84-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 55.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q05397-7|FAK1_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Focal adhesion kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54.0 null 427-UNIMOD:4,454-UNIMOD:1031,456-UNIMOD:4,571-UNIMOD:35,578-UNIMOD:1031,467-UNIMOD:1031,475-UNIMOD:35 0.06 54.0 8 4 2 PRT sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN Tubulin beta-2B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54.0 null 127-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:4,154-UNIMOD:259 0.08 54.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40937|RFC5_HUMAN Replication factor C subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:4,144-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 54.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT6A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54.0 null 58-UNIMOD:1031,282-UNIMOD:4,287-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,381-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:1031,365-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,377-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:259,79-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 54.0 24 16 9 PRT sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPH1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 54.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:4,35-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:267 0.16 54.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q92769|HDAC2_HUMAN Histone deacetylase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDAC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 54.0 null 13-UNIMOD:4,32-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:35,468-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 54.0 6 2 1 PRT sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Polyadenylate-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54.0 null 132-UNIMOD:4,138-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,361-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,622-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 54.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P28066-2|PSA5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proteasome subunit alpha type-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 129-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 53.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 16 member A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH16A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 513-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 53.0 7 1 0 PRT sp|Q6Y288|B3GLT_HUMAN Beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=B3GLCT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 464-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 53.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:35,331-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:259,39-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:259,102-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:1031,284-UNIMOD:1031 0.42 53.0 23 16 12 PRT sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 53.0 null 137-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:35,384-UNIMOD:259,328-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:267,187-UNIMOD:1031,589-UNIMOD:1031,550-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:28,159-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:259,155-UNIMOD:267,589-UNIMOD:259,597-UNIMOD:259,597-UNIMOD:1031,342-UNIMOD:267,348-UNIMOD:1031,574-UNIMOD:4,583-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:35,246-UNIMOD:1031,449-UNIMOD:35,451-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,601-UNIMOD:1031,603-UNIMOD:4,609-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:35,126-UNIMOD:259,49-UNIMOD:267,319-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:35,88-UNIMOD:259,108-UNIMOD:1031,500-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:1031,512-UNIMOD:1031,518-UNIMOD:35,549-UNIMOD:35,550-UNIMOD:259,137-UNIMOD:259,88-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:259,531-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4,251-UNIMOD:1031,609-UNIMOD:259,526-UNIMOD:1031,561-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:1031 0.61 53.0 146 46 19 PRT sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN Galectin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LGALS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 53.0 null 61-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 0.46 53.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q15185-3|TEBP_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGES3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,65-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:259,33-UNIMOD:1031 0.33 53.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 53.0 null 100-UNIMOD:35,115-UNIMOD:4,118-UNIMOD:259,82-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:35,136-UNIMOD:35,44-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:267,49-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:4,61-UNIMOD:35,161-UNIMOD:4,155-UNIMOD:259,28-UNIMOD:259,31-UNIMOD:259,31-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:259,91-UNIMOD:259,144-UNIMOD:267,131-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:259,131-UNIMOD:259 0.84 53.0 47 16 3 PRT sp|O15372|EIF3H_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3H PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 5-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:1031,274-UNIMOD:1031,269-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 53.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN Elongation factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 53.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:35,591-UNIMOD:4,594-UNIMOD:1031,369-UNIMOD:4,386-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:4,688-UNIMOD:1031,693-UNIMOD:4,845-UNIMOD:1031,567-UNIMOD:4,571-UNIMOD:1031,512-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031,638-UNIMOD:1031,594-UNIMOD:259,519-UNIMOD:1031,426-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:35,495-UNIMOD:267,497-UNIMOD:35,697-UNIMOD:35,275-UNIMOD:1031,728-UNIMOD:4,231-UNIMOD:35,290-UNIMOD:4,283-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:259,239-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:28,857-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,445-UNIMOD:1031,572-UNIMOD:1031,318-UNIMOD:1031,337-UNIMOD:1031,340-UNIMOD:35,305-UNIMOD:35,401-UNIMOD:35,407-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:259,252-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:35,257-UNIMOD:35,580-UNIMOD:267,598-UNIMOD:1031,249-UNIMOD:267,726-UNIMOD:267,328-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:259,739-UNIMOD:267,333-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267,61-UNIMOD:1031,629-UNIMOD:1031 0.49 53.0 88 45 18 PRT sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN Putative elongation factor 1-alpha-like 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1A1P5 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 53.0 null 411-UNIMOD:4,408-UNIMOD:1031,255-UNIMOD:1031,404-UNIMOD:35,410-UNIMOD:35,395-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,273-UNIMOD:1031,276-UNIMOD:35,439-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:259,172-UNIMOD:1031,273-UNIMOD:259,290-UNIMOD:259,146-UNIMOD:259,44-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:35,266-UNIMOD:267,443-UNIMOD:1031,450-UNIMOD:1031,51-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:259,453-UNIMOD:1031,392-UNIMOD:1031,408-UNIMOD:259,386-UNIMOD:259,392-UNIMOD:259,255-UNIMOD:259,179-UNIMOD:1031,444-UNIMOD:1031,386-UNIMOD:1031,439-UNIMOD:259,457-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,423-UNIMOD:267,311-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:1031 0.50 53.0 63 26 7 PRT sp|P23368-2|MAOM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NAD-dependent malic enzyme, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ME2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 156-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 53.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN Annexin A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 53.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:35,58-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:4,332-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:4,124-UNIMOD:267,214-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:35,185-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:35,270-UNIMOD:4,274-UNIMOD:1031,318-UNIMOD:35 0.62 53.0 25 17 12 PRT sp|P68366-2|TBA4A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tubulin alpha-4A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA4A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 39-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:259 0.14 53.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Triosephosphate isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPI1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53.0 null 175-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:35,142-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:259,188-UNIMOD:259,33-UNIMOD:259,218-UNIMOD:4,188-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:4,53-UNIMOD:267,206-UNIMOD:267,69-UNIMOD:259 0.65 53.0 25 15 6 PRT sp|P62258-2|1433E_HUMAN Isoform SV of 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAE null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:259,75-UNIMOD:4,76-UNIMOD:4,119-UNIMOD:267,51-UNIMOD:1031 0.48 52.0 12 8 4 PRT sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S4, X isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS4X PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 52.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:259,233-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:35,37-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:259,87-UNIMOD:35,221-UNIMOD:267,120-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:267,63-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:4,128-UNIMOD:259,134-UNIMOD:259 0.57 52.0 33 16 5 PRT sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 52.0 null 305-UNIMOD:1031,329-UNIMOD:267,85-UNIMOD:4,92-UNIMOD:4,94-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,296-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:1031,460-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:1031,425-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,335-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,433-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:259,214-UNIMOD:259,218-UNIMOD:259,289-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:267,482-UNIMOD:267,460-UNIMOD:259,379-UNIMOD:259,494-UNIMOD:259,496-UNIMOD:259,417-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:267,347-UNIMOD:1031,422-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:259,147-UNIMOD:259,274-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:35,231-UNIMOD:1031 0.52 52.0 42 29 21 PRT sp|P61247|RS3A_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S3a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 52.0 null 240-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:35,249-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:267,187-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:35,111-UNIMOD:4,113-UNIMOD:35,115-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:259,94-UNIMOD:259,182-UNIMOD:259,136-UNIMOD:267,201-UNIMOD:4,213-UNIMOD:267 0.52 52.0 26 17 11 PRT sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UPF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 null 520-UNIMOD:4,533-UNIMOD:1031,918-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 52.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8TBX8|PI42C_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIP4K2C PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:35,101-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 52.0 9 5 3 PRT sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMPDH2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 52.0 null 511-UNIMOD:1031,450-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:35,422-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,438-UNIMOD:1031,420-UNIMOD:35,293-UNIMOD:1031,349-UNIMOD:1031,140-UNIMOD:4,511-UNIMOD:259,238-UNIMOD:1031,436-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,331-UNIMOD:4,339-UNIMOD:4,325-UNIMOD:35,450-UNIMOD:259 0.33 52.0 39 15 7 PRT sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN Alpha-enolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ENO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52.0 null 357-UNIMOD:4,358-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:259,326-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:267,193-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:35,169-UNIMOD:35,335-UNIMOD:1031,337-UNIMOD:4,339-UNIMOD:4,92-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:35,97-UNIMOD:35,179-UNIMOD:267,244-UNIMOD:35,64-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,228-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:259,420-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:259,239-UNIMOD:1031,281-UNIMOD:259,81-UNIMOD:259,89-UNIMOD:259,81-UNIMOD:1031,406-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:1031,330-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:259,343-UNIMOD:259,71-UNIMOD:259,422-UNIMOD:1031,281-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:259,262-UNIMOD:259,202-UNIMOD:259,221-UNIMOD:259 0.75 52.0 82 36 16 PRT sp|Q7LGA3-3|HS2ST_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HS2ST1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 null 83-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:4 0.09 52.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN Myotrophin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTPN PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.47 52.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN Stress-70 protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 51.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031,206-UNIMOD:1031,284-UNIMOD:267,175-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:4,368-UNIMOD:1031,300-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:35,394-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:267,234-UNIMOD:259,625-UNIMOD:1031,646-UNIMOD:259,392-UNIMOD:35,567-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:267,608-UNIMOD:4,610-UNIMOD:1031,389-UNIMOD:35,345-UNIMOD:1031,405-UNIMOD:267,563-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:35,288-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:35,106-UNIMOD:1031,612-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:267 0.52 51.0 46 34 24 PRT sp|P54760|EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPHB4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51.0 null 781-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 51.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GART PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 51.0 null 93-UNIMOD:4,107-UNIMOD:1031,438-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:4,156-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,852-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:35,404-UNIMOD:1031,501-UNIMOD:1031,506-UNIMOD:4,251-UNIMOD:1031,866-UNIMOD:1031,459-UNIMOD:1031,453-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:4,977-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 51.0 93 15 8 PRT sp|P46087-3|NOP2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Probable 28S rRNA (cytosine(4447)-C(5))-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51.0 null 459-UNIMOD:4,467-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 51.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL4 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51.0 null 125-UNIMOD:4,140-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:35,353-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031,274-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,208-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:1031,259-UNIMOD:1031,327-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,294-UNIMOD:1031,281-UNIMOD:35,172-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:35,333-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:35,96-UNIMOD:4,97-UNIMOD:267,182-UNIMOD:1031,283-UNIMOD:259,391-UNIMOD:1031,320-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,375-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:259 0.51 51.0 36 23 17 PRT sp|P63167|DYL1_HUMAN Dynein light chain 1, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNLL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 50.0 null 9-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:35,31-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031 0.45 50.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P67809|YBOX1_HUMAN Y-box-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YBX1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 50.0 null 137-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031,264-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 50.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|O75832|PSD10_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 107-UNIMOD:4,116-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 50.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43155-3|CACP_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Carnitine O-acetyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRAT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 245-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 50.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC1H1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 50.0 null 1912-UNIMOD:1031,2928-UNIMOD:28,2943-UNIMOD:1031,2094-UNIMOD:1031,4438-UNIMOD:4,4441-UNIMOD:1031,956-UNIMOD:1031,3239-UNIMOD:1031,2639-UNIMOD:4,2642-UNIMOD:267,3620-UNIMOD:267,1099-UNIMOD:1031,2239-UNIMOD:1031,2033-UNIMOD:1031,613-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 50.0 27 15 8 PRT sp|P23219-4|PGH1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:35 0.05 50.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NPF4|OSGEP_HUMAN Probable tRNA N6-adenosine threonylcarbamoyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OSGEP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 50.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 50.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AB1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50.0 null 491-UNIMOD:1031,538-UNIMOD:1031,624-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:259,521-UNIMOD:4,639-UNIMOD:267,219-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031,438-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:35,475-UNIMOD:267,53-UNIMOD:1031,481-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:35,623-UNIMOD:1031,531-UNIMOD:1031,526-UNIMOD:1031,621-UNIMOD:35,435-UNIMOD:1031,448-UNIMOD:267,577-UNIMOD:1031,559-UNIMOD:1031,564-UNIMOD:4,502-UNIMOD:267,428-UNIMOD:1031,567-UNIMOD:35,568-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:267,491-UNIMOD:259,53-UNIMOD:259,69-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:35,399-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:267,553-UNIMOD:35,557-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:35,337-UNIMOD:267 0.41 50.0 118 33 8 PRT sp|Q86UR5-11|RIMS1_HUMAN Isoform 11 of Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIMS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 105-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:4 0.10 50.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43399-6|TPD54_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Tumor protein D54 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPD52L2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 96-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:267,47-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 50.0 4 4 3 PRT sp|P40925|MDHC_HUMAN Malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDH1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50.0 null 137-UNIMOD:4,142-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,251-UNIMOD:4,73-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,318-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:4,310-UNIMOD:267 0.53 50.0 17 16 15 PRT sp|P36639-4|8ODP_HUMAN Isoform p18 of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine triphosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 null 38-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 50.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49.0 null 156-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:4,227-UNIMOD:35,353-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031,361-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:35,146-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:259,192-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:35,139-UNIMOD:1031,323-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:267,272-UNIMOD:1031 0.51 49.0 38 24 16 PRT sp|Q9BQE3|TBA1C_HUMAN Tubulin alpha-1C chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49.0 null 295-UNIMOD:4,304-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:4 0.06 49.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein SET OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SET null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49.0 null 154-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:259,55-UNIMOD:259,176-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:28,70-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:267 0.45 49.0 23 14 6 PRT sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN Annexin A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 49.0 null 97-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:35 0.09 49.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,447-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:1031,464-UNIMOD:259,164-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:35,113-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:259,326-UNIMOD:1031,332-UNIMOD:35,376-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:259,125-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:267,573-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:35,152-UNIMOD:259,113-UNIMOD:259,153-UNIMOD:35,523-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:35,268-UNIMOD:1031,516-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,336-UNIMOD:267,601-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:259,138-UNIMOD:259,352-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:267,118-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:259,74-UNIMOD:267,340-UNIMOD:259,344-UNIMOD:259,532-UNIMOD:267,340-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:35 0.50 49.0 78 34 16 PRT sp|Q15459|SF3A1_HUMAN Splicing factor 3A subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,756-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 49.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPHA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49.0 null 778-UNIMOD:1031,646-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 49.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN ADP/ATP translocase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A5 PE=1 SV=7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 49.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:4,63-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:4,163-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:259,23-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259,268-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:259,166-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:267 0.51 49.0 23 17 10 PRT sp|P61254|RL26_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL26 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:267,51-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:35,136-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:259,142-UNIMOD:259 0.63 48.0 24 11 2 PRT sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-III OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4A3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 314-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:35,307-UNIMOD:35,152-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:35,374-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,320-UNIMOD:35,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 48.0 16 8 4 PRT sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN Alanine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48.0 null 172-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:4,187-UNIMOD:4,625-UNIMOD:1031,651-UNIMOD:1031,747-UNIMOD:1031,671-UNIMOD:4,677-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,934-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:35,90-UNIMOD:1031,558-UNIMOD:1031,762-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:259,90-UNIMOD:259,338-UNIMOD:1031,876-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:4,255-UNIMOD:35,272-UNIMOD:259,396-UNIMOD:1031,451-UNIMOD:1031,782-UNIMOD:1031,789-UNIMOD:1031,772-UNIMOD:1031,773-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:1031,242-UNIMOD:35,834-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:267,320-UNIMOD:267 0.34 48.0 55 26 18 PRT sp|O43681|ASNA_HUMAN ATPase ASNA1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASNA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 301-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:35,50-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:4,55-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 48.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P12956-2|XRCC6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 402-UNIMOD:1031,276-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:1031,503-UNIMOD:1031,534-UNIMOD:1031,529-UNIMOD:1031,550-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,316-UNIMOD:1031,427-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 48.0 14 12 10 PRT sp|Q13492-3|PICAL_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PICALM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 24-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:4,38-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:35 0.05 48.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q8N4P3-2|MESH1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase MESH1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDDC3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 48.0 12 4 2 PRT sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN Cofilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CFL1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 132-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:4,73-UNIMOD:259,2-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:259,92-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:35,34-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259,22-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:259,45-UNIMOD:259,78-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:4,30-UNIMOD:259,127-UNIMOD:1031 0.87 48.0 35 18 7 PRT sp|O94806|KPCD3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase D3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 698-UNIMOD:4,701-UNIMOD:1031,701-UNIMOD:259,717-UNIMOD:259,605-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 48.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P258|RCC2_HUMAN Protein RCC2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,320-UNIMOD:1031,377-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 48.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P61221|ABCE1_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family E member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 116-UNIMOD:1031,419-UNIMOD:1031,431-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 48.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN Endoplasmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90B1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 364-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:35,168-UNIMOD:1031,671-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:1031,293-UNIMOD:35,142-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:1031,479-UNIMOD:1031,662-UNIMOD:35,663-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:35,593-UNIMOD:1031,547-UNIMOD:1031,300-UNIMOD:259,404-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:259,177-UNIMOD:259,682-UNIMOD:1031,455-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,597-UNIMOD:1031,633-UNIMOD:1031,537-UNIMOD:1031,733-UNIMOD:1031,405-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031,683-UNIMOD:1031,467-UNIMOD:1031,471-UNIMOD:35,97-UNIMOD:1031,603-UNIMOD:1031 0.35 48.0 212 29 20 PRT sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPUL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 437-UNIMOD:1031,447-UNIMOD:35,413-UNIMOD:1031,418-UNIMOD:4 0.04 48.0 6 2 1 PRT sp|P62847-2|RS24_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 40S ribosomal protein S24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS24 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:35,32-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:267,74-UNIMOD:35,129-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031 0.55 48.0 16 10 5 PRT sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN Glutathione synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 452-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,294-UNIMOD:4,305-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 48.0 13 7 5 PRT sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANP32A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48.0 null 86-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:267,68-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 48.0 11 8 5 PRT sp|Q6IA69-2|NADE_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NADSYN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 271-UNIMOD:4,284-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 48.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13085|ACACA_HUMAN Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACACA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48.0 null 311-UNIMOD:1031,309-UNIMOD:35,323-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 48.0 9 2 0 PRT sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1G PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47.0 null 266-UNIMOD:4,275-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:1031,401-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:4,212-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:267,213-UNIMOD:35,132-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:1031,434-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:259,294-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:35,220-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:259,227-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:259,227-UNIMOD:259,219-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:28,243-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:4 0.34 47.0 27 17 9 PRT sp|O14818|PSA7_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 47.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS23 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:259 0.55 47.0 22 11 4 PRT sp|Q9H477-2|RBSK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribokinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBKS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 54-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:4,46-UNIMOD:259 0.10 47.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L10a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL10A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:35,66-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:4,78-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:35,130-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:259,152-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:259,92-UNIMOD:259 0.38 47.0 12 8 6 PRT sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47.0 null 499-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:1031,546-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:1031,521-UNIMOD:35,529-UNIMOD:4,224-UNIMOD:259,632-UNIMOD:1031,647-UNIMOD:267,74-UNIMOD:1031,489-UNIMOD:1031,534-UNIMOD:259,314-UNIMOD:259,112-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,446-UNIMOD:1031,558-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,283-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031,539-UNIMOD:1031,499-UNIMOD:259,631-UNIMOD:1031,558-UNIMOD:259,443-UNIMOD:1031,338-UNIMOD:267,628-UNIMOD:35,402-UNIMOD:35,407-UNIMOD:1031,456-UNIMOD:267,58-UNIMOD:259,58-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:1031,327-UNIMOD:259,534-UNIMOD:1031,585-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:1031,355-UNIMOD:267,614-UNIMOD:35,615-UNIMOD:1031,575-UNIMOD:35,576-UNIMOD:1031,436-UNIMOD:1031,567-UNIMOD:259,572-UNIMOD:4,573-UNIMOD:259,567-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:259,362-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:267,84-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:259,356-UNIMOD:1031,657-UNIMOD:1031,458-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:35,182-UNIMOD:267,625-UNIMOD:35,294-UNIMOD:1031 0.54 47.0 154 51 15 PRT sp|O43707-2|ACTN4_HUMAN Isoform ACTN4ISO of Alpha-actinin-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTN4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 385-UNIMOD:1031,560-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 47.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P00367-2|DHE3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamate dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLUD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 336-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:35,198-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:4,313-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 47.0 8 6 4 PRT sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAZ PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:259,68-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:259,1-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:267,9-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:259 0.46 47.0 17 12 8 PRT sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN Programmed cell death protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 20-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031 0.61 47.0 13 9 6 PRT sp|P62807|H2B1C_HUMAN Histone H2B type 1-C/E/F/G/I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H2BC4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:259 0.53 47.0 11 7 3 PRT sp|P54619-2|AAKG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKAG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:259 0.16 47.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q15020-4|SART3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T-cells 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SART3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 805-UNIMOD:1031,823-UNIMOD:35 0.02 47.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15293|RCN1_HUMAN Reticulocalbin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 165-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:28,176-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:259,294-UNIMOD:259,286-UNIMOD:267,266-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 47.0 14 8 5 PRT sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN Fatty acid synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FASN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 1992-UNIMOD:4,1993-UNIMOD:1031,1911-UNIMOD:1031,1151-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,1927-UNIMOD:1031,1523-UNIMOD:259,1538-UNIMOD:267,2436-UNIMOD:1031,2186-UNIMOD:1031,1158-UNIMOD:1031,673-UNIMOD:1031,1851-UNIMOD:1031,1403-UNIMOD:4,1881-UNIMOD:4 0.10 47.0 22 18 15 PRT sp|Q92598-2|HS105_HUMAN Isoform Beta of Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,471-UNIMOD:1031,728-UNIMOD:1031,604-UNIMOD:1031,606-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:1031,533-UNIMOD:259,541-UNIMOD:259,356-UNIMOD:1031,659-UNIMOD:1031,779-UNIMOD:259,780-UNIMOD:259 0.14 47.0 11 11 10 PRT sp|P55084-2|ECHB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Trifunctional enzyme subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADHB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 50-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 47.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P28482-2|MK01_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 0.06 47.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 91-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:4 0.19 47.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPSF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 403-UNIMOD:4,410-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:4,161-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 47.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13885|TBB2A_HUMAN Tubulin beta-2A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 336-UNIMOD:1031,330-UNIMOD:35,121-UNIMOD:267,324-UNIMOD:1031,354-UNIMOD:4 0.13 47.0 13 4 1 PRT sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN Heat shock protein beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46.0 null 198-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:35,123-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:267,114-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:259,123-UNIMOD:259,136-UNIMOD:267,128-UNIMOD:28,20-UNIMOD:267 0.67 46.0 29 12 6 PRT sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN Elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUFM PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031,447-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031,442-UNIMOD:35,447-UNIMOD:259,286-UNIMOD:1031,290-UNIMOD:4,234-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:35,90-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:259 0.21 46.0 18 8 3 PRT sp|P18858-3|DNLI1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of DNA ligase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 851-UNIMOD:1031,864-UNIMOD:4,713-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 46.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN Nucleolin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 589-UNIMOD:1031,610-UNIMOD:1031,577-UNIMOD:1031,627-UNIMOD:1031,630-UNIMOD:35,624-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,444-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:1031,624-UNIMOD:259,477-UNIMOD:1031,403-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:1031,429-UNIMOD:1031,521-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,589-UNIMOD:259,398-UNIMOD:1031,543-UNIMOD:4,545-UNIMOD:1031,646-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,377-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,342-UNIMOD:267,288-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:259,223-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031,572-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:35,223-UNIMOD:259,228-UNIMOD:259,597-UNIMOD:267,424-UNIMOD:1031 0.47 46.0 56 41 26 PRT sp|P53597|SUCA_HUMAN Succinate--CoA ligase [ADP/GDP-forming] subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUCLG1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 60-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 46.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS21 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,51-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:4,41-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4,60-UNIMOD:267 0.69 46.0 10 6 3 PRT sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL19 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 46.0 11 7 4 PRT sp|Q9H773|DCTP1_HUMAN dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTPP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 140-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:4 0.19 46.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2Z0-2|SGT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein SGT1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUGT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 204-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 46.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 126-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:4,489-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,375-UNIMOD:1031,379-UNIMOD:4,295-UNIMOD:4,302-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:259,531-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,395-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:267,410-UNIMOD:4,413-UNIMOD:267,414-UNIMOD:4,446-UNIMOD:35,450-UNIMOD:4,452-UNIMOD:267,55-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:35 0.41 46.0 23 18 14 PRT sp|P07237|PDIA1_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 425-UNIMOD:35,436-UNIMOD:1031,375-UNIMOD:1031,415-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:259,444-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:1031,276-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,385-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:259,308-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:259,42-UNIMOD:259,230-UNIMOD:259,103-UNIMOD:1031,461-UNIMOD:267,222-UNIMOD:259 0.43 46.0 34 21 13 PRT sp|Q9BZL6-2|KPCD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 516-UNIMOD:4,519-UNIMOD:1031,423-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 46.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P16591-3|FER_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Tyrosine-protein kinase Fer OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FER null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 351-UNIMOD:1031,356-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:4 0.06 46.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q06210-2|GFPT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GFPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 114-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:4 0.07 46.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 766-UNIMOD:1031,804-UNIMOD:35,811-UNIMOD:1031,819-UNIMOD:35,587-UNIMOD:1031,592-UNIMOD:4,282-UNIMOD:259,553-UNIMOD:1031,631-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:1031,798-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:4,488-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:35,403-UNIMOD:1031,404-UNIMOD:4,256-UNIMOD:1031,441-UNIMOD:4,445-UNIMOD:259,497-UNIMOD:267,844-UNIMOD:1031,849-UNIMOD:1031,840-UNIMOD:267 0.30 46.0 27 20 11 PRT sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VCP PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46.0 null 529-UNIMOD:1031,535-UNIMOD:4,251-UNIMOD:1031,522-UNIMOD:4,524-UNIMOD:1031,332-UNIMOD:35,336-UNIMOD:1031,668-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031,754-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031,502-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:1031,658-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:1031,695-UNIMOD:4,696-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:4,184-UNIMOD:4 0.24 46.0 147 14 10 PRT sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITPR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 2150-UNIMOD:35,2161-UNIMOD:4,2166-UNIMOD:1031,2169-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 46.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P41240|CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 337-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:4 0.07 46.0 10 3 1 PRT sp|P62917|RL8_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 144-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:4,93-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:259,60-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:35,221-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:1031,255-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:1031 0.60 45.0 21 15 10 PRT sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN Prelamin-A/C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 417-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,457-UNIMOD:1031,417-UNIMOD:259,450-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:35,201-UNIMOD:1031,260-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,644-UNIMOD:267,540-UNIMOD:35,541-UNIMOD:267,155-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:1031,378-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:267,588-UNIMOD:4,591-UNIMOD:4,597-UNIMOD:259,450-UNIMOD:259,72-UNIMOD:267,420-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,316-UNIMOD:1031,435-UNIMOD:267,89-UNIMOD:267,486-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:267,180-UNIMOD:259 0.50 45.0 54 35 21 PRT sp|P49773|HINT1_HUMAN Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HINT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45.0 null 38-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:259,84-UNIMOD:4,92-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:385,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259 0.47 45.0 11 6 3 PRT sp|P13010|XRCC5_HUMAN X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 565-UNIMOD:1031,481-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:4,346-UNIMOD:4,347-UNIMOD:1031,481-UNIMOD:259,265-UNIMOD:1031,534-UNIMOD:1031,665-UNIMOD:1031,545-UNIMOD:1031,443-UNIMOD:1031,461-UNIMOD:35,543-UNIMOD:1031,544-UNIMOD:1031,332-UNIMOD:1031,486-UNIMOD:267 0.21 45.0 25 14 11 PRT sp|Q9BRQ8-2|FSP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ferroptosis suppressor protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIFM2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 142-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 45.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96C23|GALM_HUMAN Aldose 1-epimerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GALM PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 45.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P60981-2|DEST_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Destrin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DSTN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:4,75-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:4 0.37 45.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN Myosin-9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYH9 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:4,910-UNIMOD:1031,917-UNIMOD:4,1249-UNIMOD:1031,1631-UNIMOD:1031,1802-UNIMOD:1031,1775-UNIMOD:1031,1806-UNIMOD:1031,1190-UNIMOD:35,1191-UNIMOD:267,613-UNIMOD:1031,656-UNIMOD:1031,1525-UNIMOD:1031,1669-UNIMOD:1031,1219-UNIMOD:1031,1081-UNIMOD:1031,1024-UNIMOD:1031,1437-UNIMOD:4,1441-UNIMOD:1031,931-UNIMOD:385,931-UNIMOD:4,938-UNIMOD:1031,1246-UNIMOD:1031,435-UNIMOD:1031,1525-UNIMOD:259,1330-UNIMOD:1031,1918-UNIMOD:1031,658-UNIMOD:35 0.13 45.0 28 23 19 PRT sp|P00441|SODC_HUMAN Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SOD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45.0 null 24-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259,2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:259 0.57 45.0 11 8 6 PRT sp|O43390-4|HNRPR_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 194-UNIMOD:4,202-UNIMOD:1031,476-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,486-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:35,215-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 45.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|O60506|HNRPQ_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SYNCRIP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 289-UNIMOD:4,297-UNIMOD:1031,283-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,363-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:267 0.19 45.0 9 7 6 PRT sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Clathrin heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 227-UNIMOD:1031,1461-UNIMOD:1031,736-UNIMOD:4,737-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:1031,487-UNIMOD:1031,491-UNIMOD:4,245-UNIMOD:1031,637-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:4,389-UNIMOD:1031,1449-UNIMOD:1031,1347-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 45.0 13 13 13 PRT sp|P11498-2|PYC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pyruvate carboxylase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 273-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:35,152-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 45.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9BSD7|NTPCR_HUMAN Cancer-related nucleoside-triphosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NTPCR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 45.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25787|PSA2_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 92-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 45.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P15559-3|NQO1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of NAD(P)H dehydrogenase [quinone] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NQO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,203-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:259 0.25 45.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Poly(rC)-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 109-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:4,262-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 45.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H2U2-6|IPYR2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Inorganic pyrophosphatase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPA2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 45.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UMP-CMP kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CMPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4,39-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 45.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q04695|K1C17_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT17 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,269-UNIMOD:1031,419-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 45.0 8 6 5 PRT sp|P28288-2|ABCD3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCD3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 362-UNIMOD:4,367-UNIMOD:4,369-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 45.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN Profilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:4,105-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:259,116-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:35,86-UNIMOD:35,127-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:4,105-UNIMOD:259,108-UNIMOD:259,116-UNIMOD:259,70-UNIMOD:259,131-UNIMOD:35,91-UNIMOD:259 0.71 45.0 32 14 3 PRT sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN Isoform Short of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:4,217-UNIMOD:267,219-UNIMOD:267,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 45.0 5 5 2 PRT sp|P33897|ABCD1_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 511-UNIMOD:4,513-UNIMOD:1031,501-UNIMOD:35 0.03 45.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 164-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031 0.35 45.0 13 11 9 PRT sp|P42338|PK3CB_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIK3CB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 805-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 45.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P35268|RL22_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L22 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL22 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031 0.48 45.0 9 6 3 PRT sp|P18669|PGAM1_HUMAN Phosphoglycerate mutase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGAM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45.0 null 153-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:35,106-UNIMOD:1031,251-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:259,126-UNIMOD:35,138-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:267,251-UNIMOD:259 0.39 45.0 19 12 6 PRT sp|P68104|EF1A1_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-alpha 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45.0 null 255-UNIMOD:1031,404-UNIMOD:35,408-UNIMOD:1031,410-UNIMOD:35,411-UNIMOD:4,408-UNIMOD:259,423-UNIMOD:267,266-UNIMOD:267,431-UNIMOD:28,439-UNIMOD:1031,273-UNIMOD:259,276-UNIMOD:35,290-UNIMOD:259,450-UNIMOD:1031,273-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:35,30-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:4,146-UNIMOD:259,457-UNIMOD:259,460-UNIMOD:259,96-UNIMOD:267,255-UNIMOD:259 0.37 45.0 21 12 1 PRT sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:35,54-UNIMOD:1031,309-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:259,193-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,284-UNIMOD:1031,238-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:259 0.33 44.0 15 11 7 PRT sp|Q07020|RL18_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL18 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:4,143-UNIMOD:267,49-UNIMOD:259,58-UNIMOD:267,65-UNIMOD:267,99-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:4,30-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 0.60 44.0 21 12 6 PRT sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLIC1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:4,166-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:4,131-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:4,192-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031 0.60 44.0 12 9 6 PRT sp|P62081|RS7_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 169-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:267,155-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:259,169-UNIMOD:259,70-UNIMOD:259 0.44 44.0 17 9 4 PRT sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPU null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 null 186-UNIMOD:1031,505-UNIMOD:1031,543-UNIMOD:4,546-UNIMOD:1031,607-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,515-UNIMOD:35,616-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:4,372-UNIMOD:4,651-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:1031,497-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:1031,575-UNIMOD:4,417-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031,583-UNIMOD:1031,588-UNIMOD:4,525-UNIMOD:1031,527-UNIMOD:35,601-UNIMOD:1031,663-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:35,618-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 44.0 27 22 15 PRT sp|Q13188|STK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 56-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:35,177-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:259,161-UNIMOD:259 0.12 44.0 8 3 0 PRT sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:259 0.15 44.0 12 4 0 PRT sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN Vimentin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VIM PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 439-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031,373-UNIMOD:1031,294-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:267,188-UNIMOD:1031,402-UNIMOD:1031,445-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:259,313-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:4,334-UNIMOD:1031,282-UNIMOD:259,193-UNIMOD:35,217-UNIMOD:267,372-UNIMOD:35 0.52 44.0 28 23 19 PRT sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 6A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 225-UNIMOD:35,233-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031,238-UNIMOD:267,240-UNIMOD:4,245-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:4,125-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 44.0 36 6 4 PRT sp|Q96SB4-4|SRPK1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of SRSF protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 199-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:35,93-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 44.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 166-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:4,245-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:267,105-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 44.0 15 10 6 PRT sp|P30044-2|PRDX5_HUMAN Isoform Cytoplasmic+peroxisomal of Peroxiredoxin-5, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:259,31-UNIMOD:1031 0.40 44.0 9 6 2 PRT sp|O75879|GATB_HUMAN Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GATB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 44.0 6 3 2 PRT sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein theta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAQ PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:259,49-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:267,94-UNIMOD:4,80-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031 0.50 44.0 20 11 6 PRT sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHCYL1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 272-UNIMOD:4,276-UNIMOD:35,284-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:4,293-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 44.0 31 16 15 PRT sp|P42684-8|ABL2_HUMAN Isoform 8 of Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 413-UNIMOD:35,425-UNIMOD:1031,296-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 44.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|Q709F0-2|ACD11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAD11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 1-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 44.0 7 2 0 PRT sp|P37802|TAGL2_HUMAN Transgelin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAGLN2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 171-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:267,85-UNIMOD:35,130-UNIMOD:35,178-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:1031 0.36 44.0 12 6 3 PRT sp|P35610|SOAT1_HUMAN Sterol O-acyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SOAT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 92-UNIMOD:4,104-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 44.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:259,322-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031,329-UNIMOD:1031,571-UNIMOD:35,576-UNIMOD:1031,646-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,520-UNIMOD:4,42-UNIMOD:259,199-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:259,545-UNIMOD:1031,378-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:1031,316-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:259,273-UNIMOD:267 0.24 44.0 38 17 7 PRT sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDH2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 285-UNIMOD:4,296-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:4,296-UNIMOD:259,239-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:1031,307-UNIMOD:1031,301-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:4,165-UNIMOD:259,239-UNIMOD:259,185-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:4,104-UNIMOD:267,329-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:259 0.47 44.0 24 15 6 PRT sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NMRK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:4,40-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 44.0 7 2 1 PRT sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN Transketolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TKT PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 null 232-UNIMOD:1031,456-UNIMOD:259,465-UNIMOD:1031,468-UNIMOD:4,283-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,538-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:35,204-UNIMOD:1031,352-UNIMOD:1031,597-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:259,102-UNIMOD:1031,260-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031,543-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031 0.37 44.0 31 21 13 PRT sp|P50395-2|GDIB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GDI2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 369-UNIMOD:4,373-UNIMOD:259,373-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:4,163-UNIMOD:267,224-UNIMOD:1031,390-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 44.0 10 6 4 PRT sp|Q15084-5|PDIA6_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Protein disulfide-isomerase A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 133-UNIMOD:1031,264-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:267,198-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,289-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 44.0 10 7 2 PRT sp|Q13347|EIF3I_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3I PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44.0 null 282-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:4,264-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 44.0 10 7 5 PRT sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCAR2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 97-UNIMOD:1031,344-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 44.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P22392-2|NDKB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NME2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:35,239-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:259,26-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:259,31-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:267,164-UNIMOD:259 0.53 44.0 22 9 3 PRT sp|Q9BWJ5|SF3B5_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 17-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 44.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14691|PSF1_HUMAN DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GINS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 43.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN Isoform A of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK24 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 43.0 9 3 2 PRT sp|Q9NWZ3|IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IRAK4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 43.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKAA1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:35,40-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 43.0 31 4 1 PRT sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 521-UNIMOD:1031,536-UNIMOD:4,194-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,300-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:259 0.12 43.0 15 7 3 PRT sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KA3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 541-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 43.0 7 3 1 PRT sp|P15056|BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRAF PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 578-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 43.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2U5|M3K2_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 385-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13572-2|ITPK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 237-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q07065|CKAP4_HUMAN Cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKAP4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:1031,594-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 43.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN Stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STIP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:4,325-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:259,109-UNIMOD:259,453-UNIMOD:1031,461-UNIMOD:4,417-UNIMOD:4,420-UNIMOD:4,429-UNIMOD:1031,523-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031,446-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:1031,282-UNIMOD:4,284-UNIMOD:1031,317-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,381-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,8-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:4,523-UNIMOD:259,229-UNIMOD:1031,442-UNIMOD:1031,486-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:1031,533-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:259,73-UNIMOD:259,339-UNIMOD:385,339-UNIMOD:4,344-UNIMOD:1031,429-UNIMOD:259,441-UNIMOD:35,395-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:1031,301-UNIMOD:1031,338-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031 0.58 43.0 61 38 25 PRT sp|Q86WA8-2|LONP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Lon protease homolog 2, peroxisomal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LONP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 328-UNIMOD:4,337-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 43.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P54278-4|PMS2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Mismatch repair endonuclease PMS2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PMS2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN Isoform p27-S of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 81-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:35,91-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 43.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|E9PAV3|NACAM_HUMAN Nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha, muscle-specific form OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NACA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 2005-UNIMOD:1031,1990-UNIMOD:259,1943-UNIMOD:35,1945-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 43.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 204-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,431-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031,170-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,412-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:35,263-UNIMOD:1031,244-UNIMOD:35,82-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:1031,522-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:35,120-UNIMOD:1031,274-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:259 0.39 43.0 31 17 11 PRT sp|P45985|MP2K4_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 246-UNIMOD:4,260-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:35 0.11 43.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P10599|THIO_HUMAN Thioredoxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:28,21-UNIMOD:259,85-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:35,39-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:259,94-UNIMOD:259 0.65 43.0 16 9 4 PRT sp|P39748-2|FEN1_HUMAN Isoform FENMIT of Flap endonuclease 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FEN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:4,290-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 43.0 6 6 5 PRT sp|P49591|SYSC_HUMAN Serine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,323-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:4,62-UNIMOD:1031,486-UNIMOD:1031,492-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 43.0 7 7 7 PRT sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPE1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 40-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:35,54-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:259,28-UNIMOD:259 0.80 43.0 20 11 4 PRT sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L7a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL7A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 199-UNIMOD:4,212-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:28,212-UNIMOD:259,125-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:259,197-UNIMOD:259,176-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:4,26-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:259,150-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:267,234-UNIMOD:267,259-UNIMOD:1031 0.58 43.0 23 15 9 PRT sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN Tubulin--tyrosine ligase-like protein 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTLL12 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 418-UNIMOD:4,419-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 43.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P48426-2|PI42A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIP4K2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 86-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:4,316-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 43.0 5 5 4 PRT sp|Q14240|IF4A2_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-II OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4A2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 67-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 43.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P43686|PRS6B_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 6B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 204-UNIMOD:35,210-UNIMOD:4,212-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:35 0.04 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92900|RENT1_HUMAN Regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UPF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 509-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 43.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00233|PSMD9_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD9 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 81-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:35 0.07 43.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN Transaldolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TALDO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 286-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 42.0 12 8 5 PRT sp|P14866-2|HNRPL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:4,128-UNIMOD:4,285-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:1031,405-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 42.0 5 5 4 PRT sp|Q96G23|CERS2_HUMAN Ceramide synthase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CERS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 42.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q32P28-4|P3H1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P3H1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 662-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 42.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Adenylate kinase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 28-UNIMOD:1031,181-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 42.0 27 4 3 PRT sp|O95382-2|M3K6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 496-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031,518-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 42.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q99683|M3K5_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 805-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y3S1-2|WNK2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WNK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 325-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:4,349-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 42.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDHA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 null 232-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:35,126-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:4,318-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:35,243-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:259,224-UNIMOD:259,222-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:4,233-UNIMOD:28,169-UNIMOD:267,73-UNIMOD:267,76-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:259,315-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:259,126-UNIMOD:259,155-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:259,99-UNIMOD:267 0.53 42.0 50 23 7 PRT sp|Q9NP87|DPOLM_HUMAN DNA-directed DNA/RNA polymerase mu OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLM PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 325-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 42.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A0AVT1-2|UBA6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:35 0.03 42.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NUQ8-2|ABCF3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 516-UNIMOD:4,525-UNIMOD:1031,451-UNIMOD:1031,528-UNIMOD:35,296-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 42.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q13557-8|KCC2D_HUMAN Isoform Delta 6 of Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMK2D null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 42.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHW9-2|S12A6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Solute carrier family 12 member 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC12A6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,721-UNIMOD:1031,968-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 42.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q13535-2|ATR_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 1869-UNIMOD:1031,2260-UNIMOD:35,2261-UNIMOD:35,2262-UNIMOD:4,2263-UNIMOD:1031,1897-UNIMOD:1031,2265-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 42.0 9 3 1 PRT sp|P67936|TPM4_HUMAN Tropomyosin alpha-4 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031 0.33 42.0 10 9 8 PRT sp|P06753-2|TPM3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tropomyosin alpha-3 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:4,228-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:4,116-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:385,91-UNIMOD:35,92-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:267,170-UNIMOD:4,177-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:267,100-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:259,197-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:267 0.67 42.0 25 19 13 PRT sp|Q86XP3-2|DDX42_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX42 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX42 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 151-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:4,589-UNIMOD:1031,476-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 42.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9UHD1-2|CHRD1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHORDC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:4,194-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:259,67-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 42.0 6 5 3 PRT sp|Q8WUM4|PDC6I_HUMAN Programmed cell death 6-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD6IP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 229-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:4,501-UNIMOD:1031,690-UNIMOD:1031,691-UNIMOD:4,239-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 42.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O14745|NHRF1_HUMAN Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC9A3R1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 15-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,206-UNIMOD:4,210-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 42.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL23 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:35,113-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:259,67-UNIMOD:259,28-UNIMOD:4,35-UNIMOD:259,75-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:35,62-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:259,43-UNIMOD:259,46-UNIMOD:259 0.65 42.0 21 10 4 PRT sp|P39019|RS19_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS19 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 7-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:35,38-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:35,115-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:259,144-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:267 0.65 42.0 15 10 6 PRT sp|P23526-2|SAHH_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Adenosylhomocysteinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHCY null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 391-UNIMOD:35,393-UNIMOD:4,398-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031,361-UNIMOD:1031,373-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:4,294-UNIMOD:1031,377-UNIMOD:1031,380-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 42.0 13 10 7 PRT sp|Q92665|RT31_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S31, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS31 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 42.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 217-UNIMOD:259,152-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:267,142-UNIMOD:259 0.34 42.0 12 5 2 PRT sp|P31946-2|1433B_HUMAN Isoform Short of 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 212-UNIMOD:259,49-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.41 42.0 14 7 4 PRT sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Importin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 903-UNIMOD:1031,912-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:4 0.03 42.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P20839-2|IMDH1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMPDH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 486-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031,397-UNIMOD:1031,403-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 42.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P30837|AL1B1_HUMAN Aldehyde dehydrogenase X, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH1B1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 364-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:1031,379-UNIMOD:1031,399-UNIMOD:1031,410-UNIMOD:35,383-UNIMOD:1031,386-UNIMOD:4 0.15 42.0 8 5 2 PRT sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN Multifunctional protein ADE2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAICS PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 36-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:1031,244-UNIMOD:35,246-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:4,295-UNIMOD:4,304-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 42.0 18 12 10 PRT sp|Q8NBS9-2|TXND5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNDC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 10-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:4,258-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 42.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P49915|GUAA_HUMAN GMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMPS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,389-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 42.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P08237|PFKAM_HUMAN ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, muscle type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKM PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 42.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=G3BP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 376-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:4,76-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:35,3-UNIMOD:35 0.14 42.0 9 5 2 PRT sp|P60660|MYL6_HUMAN Myosin light polypeptide 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYL6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:35 0.11 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of GMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMPS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 290-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,350-UNIMOD:4,357-UNIMOD:4,358-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:1031,390-UNIMOD:4,84-UNIMOD:1031,317-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031,379-UNIMOD:1031,424-UNIMOD:4 0.23 41.0 20 13 11 PRT sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein SA OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPSA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 89-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:259,52-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 41.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|Q13523|PRP4B_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF4B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 809-UNIMOD:4,817-UNIMOD:1031,809-UNIMOD:385,727-UNIMOD:1031,659-UNIMOD:1031,656-UNIMOD:1031,725-UNIMOD:35,593-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 41.0 8 5 3 PRT sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM5 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 221-UNIMOD:4,228-UNIMOD:1031,696-UNIMOD:1031,396-UNIMOD:1031,397-UNIMOD:4 0.08 41.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P30040|ERP29_HUMAN Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERP29 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 137-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,232-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 41.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q8NFU5|IPMK_HUMAN Inositol polyphosphate multikinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPMK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 62-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.08 41.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 629-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:1031,637-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,528-UNIMOD:1031,570-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:1031,386-UNIMOD:1031,437-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,540-UNIMOD:35,543-UNIMOD:259,543-UNIMOD:1031,401-UNIMOD:1031,521-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031,407-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 41.0 20 19 18 PRT sp|Q9UQ88-4|CD11A_HUMAN Isoform SV3 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 11A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK11A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 539-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 41.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UL54-4|TAOK2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAOK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 41.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN L-lactate dehydrogenase B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDHB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 7-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,244-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:35,329-UNIMOD:1031,310-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:259 0.45 41.0 18 13 10 PRT sp|P62191-2|PRS4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 144-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 41.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 107-UNIMOD:4,110-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,232-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:35,95-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:35,146-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:4,224-UNIMOD:1031 0.33 41.0 14 11 6 PRT sp|P46459-2|NSF_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vesicle-fusing ATPase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 170-UNIMOD:4,172-UNIMOD:1031,615-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 41.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 6B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 179-UNIMOD:4,181-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:35,183-UNIMOD:35,378-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 41.0 12 4 2 PRT sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 541-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:4,365-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:4,153-UNIMOD:1031,397-UNIMOD:4,400-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,538-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:4,126-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031,378-UNIMOD:267,272-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 41.0 20 13 7 PRT sp|P23634-5|AT2B4_HUMAN Isoform ZK of Plasma membrane calcium-transporting ATPase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP2B4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 247-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P78362|SRPK2_HUMAN SRSF protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRPK2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:4,222-UNIMOD:35,113-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 41.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O00193|SMAP_HUMAN Small acidic protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMAP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:35,174-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,170-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:35,49-UNIMOD:1031 0.39 41.0 12 7 4 PRT sp|Q58A45-2|PAN3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of PAN2-PAN3 deadenylation complex subunit PAN3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:4,329-UNIMOD:35,333-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 41.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P46783|RS10_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:267,49-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:259,29-UNIMOD:35 0.48 41.0 14 8 4 PRT sp|P22626-2|ROA2_HUMAN Isoform A2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA2B1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 10-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259,100-UNIMOD:259,181-UNIMOD:35,188-UNIMOD:267,216-UNIMOD:267,135-UNIMOD:267,313-UNIMOD:267,38-UNIMOD:4,41-UNIMOD:35 0.38 41.0 17 11 7 PRT sp|O95373|IPO7_HUMAN Importin-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 724-UNIMOD:1031,736-UNIMOD:4,489-UNIMOD:1031,1010-UNIMOD:35,1013-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 41.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P63241|IF5A1_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF5A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:4,79-UNIMOD:35,85-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:259,27-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:267,121-UNIMOD:259 0.38 41.0 12 7 4 PRT sp|Q96RR4-6|KKCC2_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMKK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 194-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 41.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H173|SIL1_HUMAN Nucleotide exchange factor SIL1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SIL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 132-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:35 0.07 41.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UNZ2-6|NSF1C_HUMAN Isoform 4 of NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSFL1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 41.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P35637-2|FUS_HUMAN Isoform Short of RNA-binding protein FUS OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 333-UNIMOD:1031,356-UNIMOD:1031,315-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 41.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|O75821|EIF3G_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3G PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 209-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,274-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 41.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q15126|PMVK_HUMAN Phosphomevalonate kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PMVK PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:267 0.24 41.0 10 3 1 PRT sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX9 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 1024-UNIMOD:1031,1029-UNIMOD:4,1036-UNIMOD:35,236-UNIMOD:1031,242-UNIMOD:4,55-UNIMOD:1031,434-UNIMOD:267,857-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 41.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P21291|CSRP1_HUMAN Cysteine and glycine-rich protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSRP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 178-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:4,59-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:4,112-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 0.42 41.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 617-UNIMOD:1031,310-UNIMOD:1031,633-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,322-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:1031,884-UNIMOD:1031,889-UNIMOD:35 0.10 41.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|Q16576|RBBP7_HUMAN Histone-binding protein RBBP7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBBP7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 263-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:4,159-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:4,116-UNIMOD:4,119-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:267 0.19 41.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P39023|RL3_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:1031,181-UNIMOD:35,115-UNIMOD:259,373-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:4,286-UNIMOD:1031,294-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:267,272-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:259,148-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:35,362-UNIMOD:1031,349-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:4,386-UNIMOD:1031,385-UNIMOD:1031,389-UNIMOD:35,143-UNIMOD:1031 0.51 41.0 39 22 10 PRT sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L30 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL30 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 85-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:259,9-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 41.0 6 4 3 PRT sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN Ubiquitin-40S ribosomal protein S27a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS27A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 11-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:259,63-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:4,149-UNIMOD:4,152-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:1,83-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:259,99-UNIMOD:1031 0.63 41.0 18 10 6 PRT sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC3A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,514-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 41.0 8 8 5 PRT sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 232-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:4,102-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:35,126-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031,224-UNIMOD:4,227-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 41.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN Isoform Monomeric of Arginine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 133-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:35,71-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:4,491-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 41.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q9Y3F4|STRAP_HUMAN Serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STRAP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 262-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:4,122-UNIMOD:259,122-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 41.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P40121-2|CAPG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Macrophage-capping protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 127-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 41.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q32P51|RA1L2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA1L2 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 113-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:35,140-UNIMOD:267 0.09 41.0 10 3 1 PRT sp|O60739|EIF1B_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF1B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 41.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4K4|M4K5_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 142-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,609-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:259,155-UNIMOD:259 0.05 41.0 7 3 1 PRT sp|Q709F0|ACD11_HUMAN Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAD11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 41.0 7 1 0 PRT sp|P0DMM9|ST1A3_HUMAN Sulfotransferase 1A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SULT1A3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 106-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 41.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75027|ABCB7_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 7, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCB7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 511-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 41.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6R4-2|M3K4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 1415-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O96017-13|CHK2_HUMAN Isoform 13 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHEK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:4 0.06 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O14979-3|HNRDL_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPDL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,61-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TDD1|DDX54_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX54 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX54 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 388-UNIMOD:1031,389-UNIMOD:4 0.02 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61313|RL15_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 83-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:267,56-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 40.0 8 4 2 PRT sp|P52272-2|HNRPM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 655-UNIMOD:4,659-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,653-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 40.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 10B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 170-UNIMOD:4,180-UNIMOD:1031,298-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 40.0 6 4 3 PRT sp|Q9UN37|VPS4A_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 4A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS4A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 173-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53396-2|ACLY_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACLY null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,826-UNIMOD:1031,835-UNIMOD:4,265-UNIMOD:1031,259-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,958-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 40.0 9 9 7 PRT sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:4,120-UNIMOD:4,123-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:259,123-UNIMOD:259,152-UNIMOD:259,142-UNIMOD:259,71-UNIMOD:259 0.55 40.0 22 13 4 PRT sp|P19525-2|E2AK2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2AK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 399-UNIMOD:1031,403-UNIMOD:1031,375-UNIMOD:1031,385-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 40.0 11 2 0 PRT sp|O15347|HMGB3_HUMAN High mobility group protein B3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 40.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P36776-3|LONM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LONP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 324-UNIMOD:4,333-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 40.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN Tubulin beta-4B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB4B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 58-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:35,77-UNIMOD:267 0.07 40.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Integrin-linked protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 203-UNIMOD:35,207-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 40.0 15 2 0 PRT sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN Lysine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 493-UNIMOD:1031,496-UNIMOD:4,506-UNIMOD:35,175-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:35,574-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:1031,249-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:259 0.24 40.0 18 12 8 PRT sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDGF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:4,125-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:35,39-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:385,72-UNIMOD:1031 0.54 40.0 20 12 7 PRT sp|Q9Y266|NUDC_HUMAN Nuclear migration protein nudC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:35,308-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:259,198-UNIMOD:35,268-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031 0.45 40.0 21 14 9 PRT sp|Q9H078-5|CLPB_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Caseinolytic peptidase B protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLPB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 143-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031,422-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:35 0.09 40.0 8 4 1 PRT sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 N OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2N PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 24-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:267,74-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:4 0.36 40.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN Transferrin receptor protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TFRC PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 224-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,693-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:259,665-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031,374-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031,371-UNIMOD:1031,418-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:267,585-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 40.0 19 15 11 PRT sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 157-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:4,128-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:259 0.34 40.0 10 6 2 PRT sp|P42677|RS27_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS27 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 5-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,33-UNIMOD:35,36-UNIMOD:259 0.37 40.0 9 3 1 PRT sp|Q16881-4|TRXR1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNRD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 307-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:35,81-UNIMOD:259,176-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,473-UNIMOD:4,476-UNIMOD:1031,479-UNIMOD:4,482-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,472-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031,318-UNIMOD:267,202-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 40.0 20 17 14 PRT sp|Q15691|MARE1_HUMAN Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPRE1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 40.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1B2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 22-UNIMOD:259,185-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:259,139-UNIMOD:259,129-UNIMOD:259,130-UNIMOD:259 0.29 40.0 11 6 2 PRT sp|Q92879-5|CELF1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of CUGBP Elav-like family member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CELF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:4 0.04 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60282|KIF5C_HUMAN Kinesin heavy chain isoform 5C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF5C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 253-UNIMOD:1031,241-UNIMOD:1031,238-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:4 0.06 40.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P37108|SRP14_HUMAN Signal recognition particle 14 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP14 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 107-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:4,43-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031 0.56 40.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 223-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:267,236-UNIMOD:267,104-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031 0.35 40.0 19 10 5 PRT sp|Q9UNF1|MAGD2_HUMAN Melanoma-associated antigen D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAGED2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 181-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 40.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P42167|LAP2B_HUMAN Lamina-associated polypeptide 2, isoforms beta/gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMPO PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 303-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 40.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031,228-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,355-UNIMOD:1031,337-UNIMOD:4,340-UNIMOD:1031,408-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:1031 0.33 40.0 18 13 9 PRT sp|Q99729-2|ROAA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 155-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30048|PRDX3_HUMAN Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 149-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13572|ITPK1_HUMAN Inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITPK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 237-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 40.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O75575|RPC9_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRCP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 40.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q71U36|TBA1A_HUMAN Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 60-UNIMOD:259,347-UNIMOD:4,336-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:1031,373-UNIMOD:267 0.24 40.0 7 6 1 PRT sp|Q96IX5|ATPMD_HUMAN ATP synthase membrane subunit DAPIT, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5MD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,225-UNIMOD:4,340-UNIMOD:1031,415-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 39.0 11 6 4 PRT sp|Q14247|SRC8_HUMAN Src substrate cortactin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTTN PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 87-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:4,295-UNIMOD:1031,181-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,304-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:259,309-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,336-UNIMOD:1031,346-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:267,147-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:1031,266-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,290-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:267,361-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:1031 0.57 39.0 44 35 26 PRT sp|P27144|KAD4_HUMAN Adenylate kinase 4, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AK4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:4 0.08 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK26 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 8 1 0 PRT sp|O43148|MCES_HUMAN mRNA cap guanine-N7 methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 206-UNIMOD:4,208-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UP95-2|S12A4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Solute carrier family 12 member 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC12A4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 988-UNIMOD:1031,990-UNIMOD:35,707-UNIMOD:1031,1010-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 39.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|O94804|STK10_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 159-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,574-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|P52907|CAZA1_HUMAN F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPZA1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 226-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,278-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 39.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 428-UNIMOD:1031,410-UNIMOD:1031,259-UNIMOD:1031,266-UNIMOD:1031,482-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,528-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 39.0 13 11 9 PRT sp|Q99759|M3K3_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 391-UNIMOD:1031,491-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKDC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 1895-UNIMOD:1031,1904-UNIMOD:4,3992-UNIMOD:1031,4005-UNIMOD:1031,3347-UNIMOD:4,3355-UNIMOD:1031,3753-UNIMOD:1031,525-UNIMOD:1031,1051-UNIMOD:1031,1869-UNIMOD:1031,2694-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:4,117-UNIMOD:1031,1057-UNIMOD:1031,1892-UNIMOD:1031,2908-UNIMOD:1031,689-UNIMOD:1031,3598-UNIMOD:1031,4054-UNIMOD:1031,1147-UNIMOD:1031,3988-UNIMOD:1031,3991-UNIMOD:1031,2829-UNIMOD:1031,1612-UNIMOD:1031,828-UNIMOD:1031,3642-UNIMOD:1031,2418-UNIMOD:1031,810-UNIMOD:259,3853-UNIMOD:1031,3989-UNIMOD:35,3260-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 39.0 47 27 19 PRT sp|P15880|RS2_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 229-UNIMOD:4,238-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:35,114-UNIMOD:1031,257-UNIMOD:259,263-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:4,238-UNIMOD:259 0.39 39.0 18 12 8 PRT sp|Q14566|MCM6_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 393-UNIMOD:4,402-UNIMOD:1031,407-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:4,646-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 39.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN Tyrosine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YARS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 356-UNIMOD:1031,519-UNIMOD:4,520-UNIMOD:1031,490-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:259,327-UNIMOD:1031,412-UNIMOD:259,424-UNIMOD:4,427-UNIMOD:1031,334-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 39.0 12 12 12 PRT sp|P27361-2|MK03_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 0.06 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQI3-2|E2AK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2AK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 465-UNIMOD:4,471-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P00568|KAD1_HUMAN Adenylate kinase isoenzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 39.0 9 4 3 PRT sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN High mobility group protein B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 114-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:35,30-UNIMOD:259,43-UNIMOD:259,127-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:35,90-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:1031 0.43 39.0 21 11 4 PRT sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN High mobility group protein B2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 114-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:35,127-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 39.0 8 5 3 PRT sp|P06493|CDK1_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 201-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:35,1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:259,139-UNIMOD:259 0.33 39.0 20 9 5 PRT sp|P50502|F10A1_HUMAN Hsc70-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ST13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:35,230-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 0.35 39.0 17 12 9 PRT sp|O95232|LC7L3_HUMAN Luc7-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LUC7L3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 124-UNIMOD:1031,398-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 39.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN Isoform Short of Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH18A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 298-UNIMOD:1031,765-UNIMOD:1031,641-UNIMOD:1031,407-UNIMOD:1031,346-UNIMOD:1031,422-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 39.0 8 6 4 PRT sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN Calnexin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CANX PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:259,87-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,516-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:385,194-UNIMOD:4,199-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,531-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:259,217-UNIMOD:259,233-UNIMOD:259,234-UNIMOD:259 0.21 39.0 24 15 9 PRT sp|P63000|RAC1_HUMAN Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:4 0.22 39.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P30050|RL12_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL12 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 99-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:267,41-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031 0.42 39.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P41236|IPP2_HUMAN Protein phosphatase inhibitor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 39.0 6 5 3 PRT sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 144-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:4,47-UNIMOD:4,53-UNIMOD:267,204-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:267 0.49 39.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031,679-UNIMOD:1031,376-UNIMOD:4,380-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:259,477-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:4,272-UNIMOD:1031,549-UNIMOD:35,68-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:1031,310-UNIMOD:4,754-UNIMOD:1031,759-UNIMOD:35,766-UNIMOD:1031,356-UNIMOD:1031,686-UNIMOD:1031,430-UNIMOD:1031 0.24 39.0 17 17 17 PRT sp|Q14677-2|EPN4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Clathrin interactor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLINT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 104-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:1031,265-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 39.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETFB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 238-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:4,71-UNIMOD:4,248-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:35,35-UNIMOD:259 0.50 39.0 13 12 11 PRT sp|P00505|AATM_HUMAN Aspartate aminotransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOT2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 187-UNIMOD:4,382-UNIMOD:4,387-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:259,185-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:259,90-UNIMOD:259,82-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 39.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|Q9Y606-2|TRUA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of tRNA pseudouridine synthase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PUS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 39.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN Receptor of activated protein C kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RACK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 207-UNIMOD:4,212-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:4,245-UNIMOD:267,168-UNIMOD:4,172-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:4 0.36 39.0 10 7 5 PRT sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:35,61-UNIMOD:35,170-UNIMOD:1031,265-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031,181-UNIMOD:4,232-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:4,259-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,284-UNIMOD:1031,503-UNIMOD:28,513-UNIMOD:1031,485-UNIMOD:35,493-UNIMOD:4,496-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:35,223-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:259,142-UNIMOD:267,42-UNIMOD:259,279-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:35,502-UNIMOD:1031 0.30 39.0 37 17 9 PRT sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 84-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:259,98-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,140-UNIMOD:35,67-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:259,131-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:259,71-UNIMOD:259 0.40 39.0 20 10 4 PRT sp|Q9UG63|ABCF2_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 436-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,608-UNIMOD:1031,618-UNIMOD:1031,461-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 39.0 8 6 5 PRT sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 133-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:35,201-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:1031,478-UNIMOD:35,480-UNIMOD:1031,522-UNIMOD:1031,485-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 39.0 11 8 6 PRT sp|Q9UBF8-3|PI4KB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PI4KB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 8 2 1 PRT sp|Q01518-2|CAP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 411-UNIMOD:1031,415-UNIMOD:4,286-UNIMOD:1031,278-UNIMOD:1031,421-UNIMOD:259,374-UNIMOD:4,375-UNIMOD:1031,281-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 39.0 11 6 3 PRT sp|O94875-9|SRBS2_HUMAN Isoform 9 of Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SORBS2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 154-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0DMV8|HS71A_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 56-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:1031,597-UNIMOD:1031,603-UNIMOD:4,246-UNIMOD:259,87-UNIMOD:35,88-UNIMOD:259,71-UNIMOD:1031,559-UNIMOD:259,100-UNIMOD:259,102-UNIMOD:259,159-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,539-UNIMOD:1031,549-UNIMOD:35,524-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:267,112-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 39.0 27 16 1 PRT sp|O60361|NDK8_HUMAN Putative nucleoside diphosphate kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NME2P1 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:267 0.18 39.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|P06454|PTMA_HUMAN Prothymosin alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTMA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.41 39.0 5 3 0 PRT sp|O14979|HNRDL_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPDL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 234-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:4,311-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 39.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O43491|E41L2_HUMAN Band 4.1-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPB41L2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 232-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:1031,507-UNIMOD:1031,995-UNIMOD:1031,374-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:4,206-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 39.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|Q14697|GANAB_HUMAN Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GANAB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 899-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:4,47-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:1031,462-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:259,269-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 39.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN Thymosin beta-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMSB10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031 0.84 39.0 9 5 2 PRT sp|Q13838|DX39B_HUMAN Spliceosome RNA helicase DDX39B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX39B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 36-UNIMOD:1031,183-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 39.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P16591|FER_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fer OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FER PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 708-UNIMOD:28,720-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 39.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P05165|PCCA_HUMAN Propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCCA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 298-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:35,219-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 39.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q16881|TRXR1_HUMAN Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNRD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 209-UNIMOD:4,214-UNIMOD:4,217-UNIMOD:259,218-UNIMOD:259,218-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:35 0.05 39.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN Leucine-rich PPR motif-containing protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRPPRC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 1098-UNIMOD:1031,868-UNIMOD:1031,672-UNIMOD:259,1347-UNIMOD:1031,1332-UNIMOD:1031,613-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,606-UNIMOD:28,1049-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:4,1350-UNIMOD:1031,1139-UNIMOD:267,966-UNIMOD:1031,1326-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 38.0 21 14 9 PRT sp|P08237-2|PFKAM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, muscle type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 696-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,526-UNIMOD:1031,586-UNIMOD:1031,335-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 38.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN Glycine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:35,501-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,646-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031,553-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:4,471-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:1031,474-UNIMOD:267,501-UNIMOD:259,506-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:4 0.20 38.0 55 15 9 PRT sp|Q9HA64|KT3K_HUMAN Ketosamine-3-kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FN3KRP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 24-UNIMOD:4,29-UNIMOD:267,41-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 38.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN Serpin H1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 308-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:4,94-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,252-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:35,300-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:35,334-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 38.0 12 11 10 PRT sp|P13987|CD59_HUMAN CD59 glycoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD59 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 64-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:4 0.13 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62269|RS18_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS18 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 38.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q9NYV4-3|CDK12_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 860-UNIMOD:1031,861-UNIMOD:4 0.01 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TDX7|NEK7_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 163-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:4,63-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 38.0 9 3 1 PRT sp|Q9H2G2-2|SLK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 157-UNIMOD:1031,775-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,839-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 38.0 10 4 1 PRT sp|P41743|KPCI_HUMAN Protein kinase C iota type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKCI PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 380-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:4,282-UNIMOD:35,283-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 38.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9BTT0|AN32E_HUMAN Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANP32E PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 113-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 38.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P27816-6|MAP4_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 1015-UNIMOD:1031,1070-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031,824-UNIMOD:267,802-UNIMOD:1031,702-UNIMOD:1031,938-UNIMOD:1031,718-UNIMOD:1031,991-UNIMOD:1031,1060-UNIMOD:1031,998-UNIMOD:1031,842-UNIMOD:1031,959-UNIMOD:1031,1007-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 38.0 16 15 12 PRT sp|P47914|RL29_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL29 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 134-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:259,56-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:35,38-UNIMOD:1031 0.46 38.0 14 9 4 PRT sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN Lamin-B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 null 145-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 38.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|Q99986|VRK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VRK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 null 140-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 38.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9Y262-2|EIF3L_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 389-UNIMOD:1031,501-UNIMOD:1031,486-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 38.0 3 3 1 PRT sp|P38159|RBMX_HUMAN RNA-binding motif protein, X chromosome OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBMX PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 38.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q9Y2I7|FYV1_HUMAN 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIKFYVE PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 1861-UNIMOD:1031,1962-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 38.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 188-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031,389-UNIMOD:1031,322-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 38.0 9 6 3 PRT sp|Q96RQ3|MCCA_HUMAN Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCCC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 284-UNIMOD:1031,203-UNIMOD:35,205-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 38.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9UNF0-2|PACN2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PACSIN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:4,164-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 38.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN Proliferating cell nuclear antigen OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCNA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:4,162-UNIMOD:4,164-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 38.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q9UBS4|DJB11_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJB11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 302-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 38.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q01813|PFKAP_HUMAN ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, platelet type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 666-UNIMOD:1031,625-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:4,156-UNIMOD:1031,736-UNIMOD:1031,747-UNIMOD:1031,627-UNIMOD:1031,395-UNIMOD:1031,737-UNIMOD:1031,688-UNIMOD:1031,626-UNIMOD:35 0.17 38.0 16 12 9 PRT sp|P08708|RS17_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS17 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 126-UNIMOD:35,129-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:35,32-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 0.53 38.0 12 6 2 PRT sp|P11413|G6PD_HUMAN Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=G6PD PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 385-UNIMOD:4,386-UNIMOD:1031,403-UNIMOD:1031,496-UNIMOD:35,497-UNIMOD:1031,205-UNIMOD:1031,405-UNIMOD:35,89-UNIMOD:1031,404-UNIMOD:35,408-UNIMOD:1031,432-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 38.0 18 7 4 PRT sp|P48444-2|COPD_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Coatomer subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARCN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 263-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031,153-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 38.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN Bifunctional glutamate/proline--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPRS1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 951-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,907-UNIMOD:1031,1389-UNIMOD:1031,902-UNIMOD:1031,435-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:1031,336-UNIMOD:4,337-UNIMOD:4,1421-UNIMOD:1031,1480-UNIMOD:4,1484-UNIMOD:1031,1487-UNIMOD:4,666-UNIMOD:1031,725-UNIMOD:1031,788-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,1119-UNIMOD:267,1126-UNIMOD:35,1132-UNIMOD:259,720-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:4,360-UNIMOD:1031,1495-UNIMOD:4,1497-UNIMOD:4,1499-UNIMOD:1031,581-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031,647-UNIMOD:1031,1377-UNIMOD:4 0.21 38.0 25 23 21 PRT sp|P23588-2|IF4B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 304-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,441-UNIMOD:1031,356-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 38.0 11 10 9 PRT sp|O15439-2|MRP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 1034-UNIMOD:1031,632-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 38.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9UNN5-2|FAF1_HUMAN Isoform Short of FAS-associated factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 157-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04632|CPNS1_HUMAN Calpain small subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPNS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 99-UNIMOD:267,172-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 38.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P32969|RL9_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:259,121-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 38.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P55884|EIF3B_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 535-UNIMOD:1031,552-UNIMOD:1031,228-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,741-UNIMOD:1031,729-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,693-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 38.0 12 9 6 PRT sp|P61513|RL37A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L37a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL37A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 80-UNIMOD:259,36-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:4,42-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:1031 0.55 38.0 9 6 3 PRT sp|P52209-2|6PGD_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031,252-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:259 0.14 38.0 10 7 4 PRT sp|P83731|RL24_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL24 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 null 6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:4,93-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:35,131-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:35,36-UNIMOD:385,135-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:259,69-UNIMOD:259,97-UNIMOD:1031 0.59 38.0 23 14 7 PRT sp|Q9BUT1-2|BDH2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BDH2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62913-2|RL11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 60S ribosomal protein L11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4,24-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:4,84-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,51-UNIMOD:259,143-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:4,153-UNIMOD:1031,177-UNIMOD:1031 0.49 38.0 13 9 5 PRT sp|P49458|SRP09_HUMAN Signal recognition particle 9 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 48-UNIMOD:4,52-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031 0.24 38.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P62753|RS6_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,64-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:35,149-UNIMOD:1031,203-UNIMOD:1031,203-UNIMOD:259,211-UNIMOD:259,143-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:267 0.36 38.0 16 10 6 PRT sp|Q15056|IF4H_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4H PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:4,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 38.0 3 3 0 PRT sp|P41252|SYIC_HUMAN Isoleucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 600-UNIMOD:1031,917-UNIMOD:1031,861-UNIMOD:1031,910-UNIMOD:1031,1057-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031,833-UNIMOD:267 0.08 38.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|Q03393|PTPS_HUMAN 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydrobiopterin synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 38.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P06454-2|PTMA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Prothymosin alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTMA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:259,103-UNIMOD:259,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 37.0 11 4 1 PRT sp|O14980|XPO1_HUMAN Exportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 699-UNIMOD:4,700-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:4,122-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:1031,563-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:259,680-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 37.0 8 6 4 PRT sp|P33991|MCM4_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM4 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 858-UNIMOD:1031,819-UNIMOD:1031,349-UNIMOD:1031,762-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:4,216-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:35,814-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 37.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P15735|PHKG2_HUMAN Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHKG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:35,155-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:35,364-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 37.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|O60610-2|DIAP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein diaphanous homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DIAPH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 518-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,1022-UNIMOD:1031,471-UNIMOD:1031,467-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 37.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q8IVH8-3|M4K3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q8IU85-2|KCC1D_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 1D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMK1D null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 37.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q16584|M3K11_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 243-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:35,144-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8WW12|PCNP_HUMAN PEST proteolytic signal-containing nuclear protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCNP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.48 37.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|P19784|CSK22_HUMAN Casein kinase II subunit alpha' OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK2A2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 159-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:35,50-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,260-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 37.0 9 4 3 PRT sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 391-UNIMOD:1031,358-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 37.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q8N5K1|CISD2_HUMAN CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CISD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q12965|MYO1E_HUMAN Unconventional myosin-Ie OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYO1E PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 107-UNIMOD:4,118-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P55010|IF5_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 99-UNIMOD:4,102-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 37.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P26640|SYVC_HUMAN Valine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VARS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 966-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN Calreticulin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 105-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:259,48-UNIMOD:1031,206-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,377-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:259,48-UNIMOD:259,43-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,355-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:35,153-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:259,41-UNIMOD:1031 0.37 37.0 25 18 12 PRT sp|P98082-3|DAB2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Disabled homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 108-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,417-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 37.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P42345|MTOR_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTOR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 2166-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05023-3|AT1A1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP1A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 456-UNIMOD:1031,598-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031,354-UNIMOD:267 0.07 37.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HUWE1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HUWE1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 2267-UNIMOD:1031,1693-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4,2272-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 37.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q15599-3|NHRF2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC9A3R2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26572|MGAT1_HUMAN Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 2-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MGAT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 317-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UJ70|NAGK_HUMAN N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAGK PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 219-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16658|FSCN1_HUMAN Fascin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FSCN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:4,241-UNIMOD:1031,471-UNIMOD:1031,399-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 37.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|P40429|RL13A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L13a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL13A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:259,134-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:35,91-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 37.0 11 8 5 PRT sp|Q8NB16|MLKL_HUMAN Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MLKL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 331-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 37.0 13 3 1 PRT sp|P00492|HPRT_HUMAN Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HPRT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:4,159-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95453|PARN_HUMAN Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease PARN OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 326-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:35 0.02 37.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q99832|TCPH_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit eta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:4,450-UNIMOD:4,463-UNIMOD:1031,430-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,172-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:4,366-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:385,166-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:259,368-UNIMOD:1031,370-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:35,47-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031,320-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:259,148-UNIMOD:1031 0.41 37.0 23 21 19 PRT sp|Q5JWF2-2|GNAS1_HUMAN Isoform XLas-2 of Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms XLas OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNAS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 696-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N1F7|NUP93_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP93 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 106-UNIMOD:1031,764-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:259 0.05 37.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9NVE7|PANK4_HUMAN 4'-phosphopantetheine phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PANK4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 171-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60660-2|MYL6_HUMAN Isoform Smooth muscle of Myosin light polypeptide 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYL6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:35 0.20 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q4G0N4|NAKD2_HUMAN NAD kinase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NADK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 304-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:4,317-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 37.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|A4QPH2-2|PI4P2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Putative phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha-like protein P2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PI4KAP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 267-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:35 0.04 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P09661|RU2A_HUMAN U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A' OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8NG68|TTL_HUMAN Tubulin--tyrosine ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 238-UNIMOD:4,244-UNIMOD:4,247-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P26447|S10A4_HUMAN Protein S100-A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100A4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:259 0.46 37.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|P60228|EIF3E_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3E PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,265-UNIMOD:1031,387-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,383-UNIMOD:1031,409-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 37.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 648-UNIMOD:1031,317-UNIMOD:1031,844-UNIMOD:1031,881-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 37.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P55327-2|TPD52_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tumor protein D52 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPD52 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:259,135-UNIMOD:1031 0.58 37.0 8 7 5 PRT sp|P31040-2|SDHA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDHA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 488-UNIMOD:4,490-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 37.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P62249|RS16_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS16 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4,26-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,26-UNIMOD:259,105-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:267 0.72 37.0 18 12 7 PRT sp|Q15942-2|ZYX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Zyxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZYX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 171-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13984|T2FB_HUMAN General transcription factor IIF subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2F2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 154-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,208-UNIMOD:28,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 37.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P22314|UBA1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 465-UNIMOD:1031,844-UNIMOD:35,851-UNIMOD:1031,859-UNIMOD:35,58-UNIMOD:28,68-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:267,443-UNIMOD:1031,444-UNIMOD:4,234-UNIMOD:4,239-UNIMOD:267 0.10 37.0 7 6 1 PRT sp|Q9HB71|CYBP_HUMAN Calcyclin-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CACYBP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 85-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:4,171-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:4,212-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:259,171-UNIMOD:259,174-UNIMOD:259,35-UNIMOD:259,41-UNIMOD:259 0.50 37.0 17 12 7 PRT sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN Adenosylhomocysteinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHCY PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 419-UNIMOD:35,421-UNIMOD:4,426-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:28,389-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q14103|HNRPD_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 126-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:1031,252-UNIMOD:385,252-UNIMOD:4,255-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 37.0 4 4 1 PRT sp|Q15418|KS6A1_HUMAN Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 189-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:259,202-UNIMOD:259,500-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 37.0 9 4 1 PRT sp|P49748|ACADV_HUMAN Very long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACADVL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 276-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 37.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q13418|ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 337-UNIMOD:35,341-UNIMOD:1031,346-UNIMOD:4,209-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 37.0 13 2 1 PRT sp|O75460|ERN1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease IRE1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 690-UNIMOD:1031,690-UNIMOD:259,698-UNIMOD:35,704-UNIMOD:259 0.02 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75521-2|ECI2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECI2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 36.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN Histone H1.4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1-4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031 0.44 36.0 11 10 7 PRT sp|O75937|DNJC8_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 127-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 36.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|O75947-2|ATP5H_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP synthase subunit d, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 36.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O75369-2|FLNB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Filamin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 681-UNIMOD:1031,2146-UNIMOD:1031,849-UNIMOD:1031,1510-UNIMOD:1031,1345-UNIMOD:1031,2490-UNIMOD:1031,409-UNIMOD:1031,1232-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 36.0 9 9 9 PRT sp|P48449-3|ERG7_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Lanosterol synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LSS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 459-UNIMOD:1031,460-UNIMOD:4 0.03 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95340|PAPS2_HUMAN Bifunctional 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAPSS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 233-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:4,315-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 36.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q7L7X3-3|TAOK1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAOK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 36.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BWU1-2|CDK19_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK19 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:35 0.04 36.0 6 1 0 PRT sp|P23443-4|KS6B1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 220-UNIMOD:1031,225-UNIMOD:35,104-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 36.0 7 4 3 PRT sp|O00443|P3C2A_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIK3C2A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 1597-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P68400-2|CSK21_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Casein kinase II subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK2A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:35 0.06 36.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P08243-3|ASNS_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASNS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 395-UNIMOD:1031,455-UNIMOD:35,457-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:1031,384-UNIMOD:1031,473-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:4,161-UNIMOD:1031,334-UNIMOD:267,93-UNIMOD:259 0.23 36.0 13 9 4 PRT sp|P60903|S10AA_HUMAN Protein S100-A10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100A10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:4 0.47 36.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P35250-2|RFC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Replication factor C subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:4 0.08 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UMX0-4|UBQL1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Ubiquilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBQLN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 36.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P25705|ATPA_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 194-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:267,531-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:267,316-UNIMOD:259,218-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:1031,426-UNIMOD:35,427-UNIMOD:1031,433-UNIMOD:35,189-UNIMOD:35,230-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 36.0 19 12 7 PRT sp|P62910|RL32_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L32 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL32 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 50-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:259,76-UNIMOD:1031 0.30 36.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q96S44|PRPK_HUMAN EKC/KEOPS complex subunit TP53RK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TP53RK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 40-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 36.0 9 1 0 PRT sp|P09874|PARP1_HUMAN Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARP1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 551-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031,418-UNIMOD:1031,621-UNIMOD:1031,512-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:4,654-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031,940-UNIMOD:259 0.12 36.0 12 10 8 PRT sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN Threonine--tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 243-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,306-UNIMOD:1031,694-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:259,549-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 36.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|O00267-2|SPT5H_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription elongation factor SPT5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT5H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 714-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53999|TCP4_HUMAN Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:28 0.52 36.0 9 6 3 PRT sp|P10620-2|MGST1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MGST1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:4 0.17 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IQGAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 1128-UNIMOD:1031,1528-UNIMOD:1031,924-UNIMOD:1031,1465-UNIMOD:1031,1168-UNIMOD:1031,806-UNIMOD:1031,1477-UNIMOD:1031,1534-UNIMOD:4,567-UNIMOD:259,1433-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 36.0 14 10 6 PRT sp|Q6XQN6-3|PNCB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAPRT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 414-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25786|PSA1_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 36.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P15121|ALDR_HUMAN Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKR1B1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031,251-UNIMOD:267 0.17 36.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|P26373|RL13_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL13 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 105-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:267,136-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:267 0.36 36.0 13 10 7 PRT sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN Cathepsin D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTSD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,357-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:1031,345-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 36.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q01650|LAT1_HUMAN Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC7A5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 19-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:267 0.07 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P16949|STMN1_HUMAN Stathmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STMN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:35,96-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031 0.70 36.0 22 14 9 PRT sp|Q96Q15-2|SMG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase SMG1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 2015-UNIMOD:1031,1996-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q86UP2-2|KTN1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Kinectin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KTN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 521-UNIMOD:259,886-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 36.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8TD19|NEK9_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 36.0 8 3 0 PRT sp|A0FGR8-5|ESYT2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Extended synaptotagmin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ESYT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 282-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62280|RS11_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:35,58-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:28,20-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:4,32-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:267 0.63 36.0 20 13 9 PRT sp|P49748-2|ACADV_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Very long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACADVL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 254-UNIMOD:1031,460-UNIMOD:1031,254-UNIMOD:259 0.04 36.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q16186|ADRM1_HUMAN Proteasomal ubiquitin receptor ADRM1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADRM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 80-UNIMOD:4,83-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 36.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Filamin-A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 1071-UNIMOD:1031,771-UNIMOD:1031,2397-UNIMOD:1031,1003-UNIMOD:1031,691-UNIMOD:1031,574-UNIMOD:4,578-UNIMOD:1031,2555-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,338-UNIMOD:1031,2593-UNIMOD:4,2599-UNIMOD:259,2507-UNIMOD:1031,773-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 36.0 12 11 10 PRT sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX17 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 468-UNIMOD:1031,436-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:4,205-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:4,373-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 36.0 7 7 7 PRT sp|O75676-2|KS6A4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KA4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15645|PCH2_HUMAN Pachytene checkpoint protein 2 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIP13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 185-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:4,190-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,379-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 36.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P51991-2|ROA3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 174-UNIMOD:4,177-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 36.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P60900-3|PSA6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:35,102-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 36.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q9NQC3-3|RTN4_HUMAN Isoform C of Reticulon-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTN4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 108-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 36.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q14568|HS902_HUMAN Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA2P PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:259,116-UNIMOD:259 0.05 36.0 40 1 0 PRT sp|P78527|PRKDC_HUMAN DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKDC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 4023-UNIMOD:1031,1292-UNIMOD:259,3747-UNIMOD:27,3753-UNIMOD:1031,2908-UNIMOD:1031,4023-UNIMOD:259,4036-UNIMOD:259,99-UNIMOD:1031,3877-UNIMOD:1031,4019-UNIMOD:1031,4020-UNIMOD:35,3650-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,3552-UNIMOD:1031,1057-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 36.0 21 13 7 PRT sp|P62244|RS15A_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S15a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS15A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 12-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:35,57-UNIMOD:267,88-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:4 0.55 36.0 10 6 4 PRT sp|P60891|PRPS1_HUMAN Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 36.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q86UR5|RIMS1_HUMAN Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIMS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 1587-UNIMOD:4,1590-UNIMOD:1031,1598-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P30085|KCY_HUMAN UMP-CMP kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CMPK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:1,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 36.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM7 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 351-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 36.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P49840|GSK3A_HUMAN Glycogen synthase kinase-3 alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSK3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 246-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 36.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q14914|PTGR1_HUMAN Prostaglandin reductase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGR1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 178-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99623|PHB2_HUMAN Prohibitin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 262-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O95218-2|ZRAB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZRANB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 54-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q99497|PARK7_HUMAN Protein/nucleic acid deglycase DJ-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARK7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:35,27-UNIMOD:267,93-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:259,188-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:267,132-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 35.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|Q13813-2|SPTN1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTAN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 637-UNIMOD:1031,2093-UNIMOD:1031,825-UNIMOD:1031,2083-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 35.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P18206-2|VINC_HUMAN Isoform 1 of Vinculin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VCL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 581-UNIMOD:1031,950-UNIMOD:4,952-UNIMOD:1031,488-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:4,316-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,228-UNIMOD:1031,784-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 35.0 7 7 7 PRT sp|P38606|VATA_HUMAN V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP6V1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 467-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031,393-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:4 0.06 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q99615-2|DNJC7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 72-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 35.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P39656-2|OST48_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase 48 kDa subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDOST null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60953|CDC42_HUMAN Cell division control protein 42 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC42 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:4,163-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:259 0.15 35.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P07858|CATB_HUMAN Cathepsin B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTSB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 207-UNIMOD:4,209-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:4,220-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P07919|QCR6_HUMAN Cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 6, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCRH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 81-UNIMOD:4,85-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:4,42-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P24941-2|CDK2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 129-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 10 2 0 PRT sp|O14976|GAK_HUMAN Cyclin-G-associated kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 175-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P11802|CDK4_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 35-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P31153|METK2_HUMAN S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAT2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:259,228-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 10 5 2 PRT sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS25 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:4,60-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 0.68 35.0 13 10 8 PRT sp|Q00577|PURA_HUMAN Transcriptional activator protein Pur-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PURA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 87-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q14847|LASP1_HUMAN LIM and SH3 domain protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LASP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 96-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P50213-2|IDH3A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDH3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C0K7-2|STRAB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of STE20-related kinase adapter protein beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STRADB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 89-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:4 0.06 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 553-UNIMOD:1031,251-UNIMOD:1031,543-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,878-UNIMOD:259,208-UNIMOD:259,333-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 11 9 7 PRT sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT18 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 417-UNIMOD:1031,426-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:1031,317-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:35,314-UNIMOD:267,215-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 35.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|Q9NR30-2|DDX21_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleolar RNA helicase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX21 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 381-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:259 0.03 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62277|RS13_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:35,78-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:259,27-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:267,39-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:267,140-UNIMOD:1031 0.75 35.0 18 13 9 PRT sp|P50750|CDK9_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK9 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 345-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:35,151-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 35.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P55769|NH2L1_HUMAN NHP2-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNU13 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P16615-5|AT2A2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP2A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 205-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:35,494-UNIMOD:35,498-UNIMOD:4,502-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UKY7-2|CDV3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein CDV3 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDV3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 181-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P30419|NMT1_HUMAN Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NMT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 142-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O75534-2|CSDE1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cold shock domain-containing protein E1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSDE1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 727-UNIMOD:1031,246-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,208-UNIMOD:1031,542-UNIMOD:1031,614-UNIMOD:4,617-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 35.0 7 7 7 PRT sp|P55036-2|PSMD4_HUMAN Isoform Rpn10E of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 37-UNIMOD:4,40-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q09161|NCBP1_HUMAN Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 698-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:259,657-UNIMOD:259,657-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 35.0 20 3 1 PRT sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN RNA cytosine C(5)-methyltransferase NSUN2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSUN2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 650-UNIMOD:1031,640-UNIMOD:1031,654-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:4,95-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|O14802|RPC1_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 445-UNIMOD:1031,440-UNIMOD:35,395-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P2J5|SYLC_HUMAN Leucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 717-UNIMOD:35,719-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,278-UNIMOD:1031,1002-UNIMOD:1031,1003-UNIMOD:35,1155-UNIMOD:1031,832-UNIMOD:259,1108-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:4,103-UNIMOD:1031,464-UNIMOD:1031,932-UNIMOD:1031,936-UNIMOD:4 0.11 35.0 15 11 7 PRT sp|P07910-3|HNRPC_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:1031 0.24 35.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 111-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:267 0.26 35.0 8 6 4 PRT sp|Q9NPJ3-2|ACO13_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACOT13 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:35,104-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:259,113-UNIMOD:1031 0.43 35.0 6 6 3 PRT sp|Q9GZP8|IMUP_HUMAN Immortalization up-regulated protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMUP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q92688-2|AN32B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANP32B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 123-UNIMOD:4,132-UNIMOD:267,99-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:4,28-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031 0.36 35.0 6 5 2 PRT sp|Q9H8X2|IPPK_HUMAN Inositol-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPPK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 209-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:4,221-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P41091|IF2G_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2S3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031,421-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:4,312-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 35.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P61956-2|SUMO2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUMO2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 33-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:259,42-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:35,45-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:4 0.62 35.0 14 6 1 PRT sp|Q13200|PSMD2_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 858-UNIMOD:1031,350-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P53621|COPA_HUMAN Coatomer subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 1211-UNIMOD:1031,480-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,574-UNIMOD:1031,580-UNIMOD:4,825-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:1031,600-UNIMOD:1031,993-UNIMOD:1031,607-UNIMOD:1031,1143-UNIMOD:1031,1148-UNIMOD:4 0.11 35.0 14 11 9 PRT sp|P25398|RS12_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS12 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 106-UNIMOD:4,108-UNIMOD:4,112-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:4,93-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:267,116-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031 0.48 35.0 12 8 5 PRT sp|P63267|ACTH_HUMAN Actin, gamma-enteric smooth muscle OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:259,3-UNIMOD:1,29-UNIMOD:267,292-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:259,1-UNIMOD:35 0.20 35.0 27 6 2 PRT sp|P27816|MAP4_HUMAN Microtubule-associated protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 1070-UNIMOD:1031,986-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031,986-UNIMOD:259 0.05 35.0 5 4 1 PRT sp|P08729|K2C7_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT7 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 296-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,331-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,208-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:267 0.23 35.0 11 9 7 PRT sp|Q14651|PLSI_HUMAN Plastin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 457-UNIMOD:1031,461-UNIMOD:4 0.02 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17812|PYRG1_HUMAN CTP synthase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTPS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 299-UNIMOD:4,306-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031,490-UNIMOD:1031,491-UNIMOD:4,557-UNIMOD:1031,559-UNIMOD:4,460-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 35.0 9 9 9 PRT sp|P62195|PRS8_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 222-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,346-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:35 0.20 35.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q53EL6|PDCD4_HUMAN Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 297-UNIMOD:1031,242-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q04446|GLGB_HUMAN 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GBE1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,554-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 35.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P54725|RD23A_HUMAN UV excision repair protein RAD23 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAD23A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95747|OXSR1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase OSR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OXSR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:4,431-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 35.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN Hypoxia up-regulated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HYOU1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 685-UNIMOD:1031,883-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:35,67-UNIMOD:1031,651-UNIMOD:1031,463-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:259,340-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031,908-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 34.0 13 11 9 PRT sp|P43121|MUC18_HUMAN Cell surface glycoprotein MUC18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCAM PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 640-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25098|ARBK1_HUMAN Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 319-UNIMOD:1031,399-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 34.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O15264-2|MK13_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK13 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:4 0.07 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23458|JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JAK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 716-UNIMOD:4,718-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60866|RS20_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S20 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS20 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:4,75-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:267,34-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:4,67-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:1031 0.51 34.0 12 8 6 PRT sp|Q12851-2|M4K2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 34.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|P52564-2|MP2K6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 125-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:4,161-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 34.0 20 3 1 PRT sp|Q16222-2|UAP1_HUMAN Isoform AGX1 of UDP-N-acetylhexosamine pyrophosphorylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 357-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BQ52-3|RNZ2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Zinc phosphodiesterase ELAC protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELAC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 439-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14324-2|FPPS_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FDPS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 34.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13428-6|TCOF_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Treacle protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCOF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 322-UNIMOD:1031,803-UNIMOD:1031,470-UNIMOD:259,313-UNIMOD:1031,820-UNIMOD:1031,725-UNIMOD:1031,384-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,791-UNIMOD:1031,1297-UNIMOD:1031,296-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031,637-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 34.0 15 14 11 PRT sp|Q96AE4|FUBP1_HUMAN Far upstream element-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUBP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 400-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031,203-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,300-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,425-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 34.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|Q05932-3|FOLC_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Folylpolyglutamate synthase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FPGS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:4,55-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 34.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P07741-2|APT_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APRT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,51-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 34.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q15125|EBP_HUMAN 3-beta-hydroxysteroid-Delta(8),Delta(7)-isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EBP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.06 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40261|NNMT_HUMAN Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NNMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 39-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 34.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P18085|ARF4_HUMAN ADP-ribosylation factor 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARF4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 97-UNIMOD:267 0.11 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P52565|GDIR1_HUMAN Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGDIA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 141-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 34.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q04837|SSBP_HUMAN Single-stranded DNA-binding protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 122-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:267,145-UNIMOD:259,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.36 34.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P53985|MOT1_HUMAN Monocarboxylate transporter 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC16A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 224-UNIMOD:1031,473-UNIMOD:1031,211-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 34.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q13442|HAP28_HUMAN 28 kDa heat- and acid-stable phosphoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:35,132-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,95-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031,172-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.43 34.0 12 9 8 PRT sp|Q16513-4|PKN2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 14-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 202-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:28,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.50 34.0 13 10 8 PRT sp|P35241|RADI_HUMAN Radixin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RDX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 526-UNIMOD:1031,544-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031,371-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:1031,383-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 34.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P12236|ADT3_HUMAN ADP/ATP translocase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A6 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:4,163-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 34.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN Poly(rC)-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 23-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35,31-UNIMOD:1031,314-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 34.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q9NTJ3|SMC4_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 83-UNIMOD:35,93-UNIMOD:1031,1033-UNIMOD:1031,900-UNIMOD:1031,598-UNIMOD:1031,1112-UNIMOD:1031,988-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 34.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P62328|TYB4_HUMAN Thymosin beta-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMSB4X PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:1031 0.73 34.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P47712|PA24A_HUMAN Cytosolic phospholipase A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLA2G4A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 588-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,741-UNIMOD:1031,601-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 34.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P61024|CKS1_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKS1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 11-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031 0.39 34.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q7L1Q6-2|BZW1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BZW1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 231-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,331-UNIMOD:35,60-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 34.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|O75533|SF3B1_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 700-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031,554-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,499-UNIMOD:1031,790-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 34.0 11 10 9 PRT sp|Q2M389|WASC4_HUMAN WASH complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASHC4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 233-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61106|RAB14_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB14 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 170-UNIMOD:259 0.07 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49736|MCM2_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:259,384-UNIMOD:1031,752-UNIMOD:1031,755-UNIMOD:35,534-UNIMOD:1031,742-UNIMOD:1031,734-UNIMOD:1031,896-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 34.0 11 8 5 PRT sp|O60664-4|PLIN3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Perilipin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLIN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 84-UNIMOD:259,277-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:4,65-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:259 0.16 34.0 7 6 4 PRT sp|O75874|IDHC_HUMAN Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 314-UNIMOD:267,65-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,345-UNIMOD:1031,406-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 34.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|Q12906-5|ILF3_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 577-UNIMOD:1031,601-UNIMOD:1031,454-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 34.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETFA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 68-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:4,158-UNIMOD:259 0.11 34.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9H8W4|PKHF2_HUMAN Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEKHF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 44-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.06 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N684-2|CPSF7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPSF7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 388-UNIMOD:1031,390-UNIMOD:4 0.04 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P31949|S10AB_HUMAN Protein S100-A11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100A11 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:35,52-UNIMOD:259,13-UNIMOD:385,13-UNIMOD:4,23-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:267 0.59 34.0 12 7 5 PRT sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN Triosephosphate isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPI1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:259 0.26 34.0 5 5 1 PRT sp|B2RPK0|HGB1A_HUMAN Putative high mobility group protein B1-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB1P1 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 127-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 34.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P62847|RS24_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS24 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,74-UNIMOD:35,22-UNIMOD:28,32-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 34.0 4 3 0 PRT sp|P62987|RL40_HUMAN Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA52 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:4,1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:4,94-UNIMOD:35 0.34 34.0 5 4 1 PRT sp|Q9H2G2|SLK_HUMAN STE20-like serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:27,63-UNIMOD:259,68-UNIMOD:259,839-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 34.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|P20962|PTMS_HUMAN Parathymosin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTMS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:259,27-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 34.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P27361|MK03_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 168-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:4,168-UNIMOD:259,181-UNIMOD:259 0.04 34.0 33 1 0 PRT sp|P22061|PIMT_HUMAN Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCMT1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49841|GSK3B_HUMAN Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSK3B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 183-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 34.0 6 1 0 PRT sp|Q00341|VIGLN_HUMAN Vigilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDLBP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 494-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86VP6|CAND1_HUMAN Cullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAND1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 355-UNIMOD:1031,356-UNIMOD:4,577-UNIMOD:1031,1163-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,1158-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,14-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:4 0.07 33.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|Q02790|FKBP4_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 441-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35,28-UNIMOD:1031,387-UNIMOD:1031,250-UNIMOD:1031,396-UNIMOD:4,399-UNIMOD:267,181-UNIMOD:1031,282-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 33.0 9 7 5 PRT sp|Q9H444|CHM4B_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 4b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP4B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 17-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 33.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P78347-2|GTF2I_HUMAN Isoform 2 of General transcription factor II-I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2I null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031,850-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:1031,447-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 33.0 6 6 5 PRT sp|Q9NSD9-2|SYFB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phenylalanine--tRNA ligase beta subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FARSB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 344-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N108-19|MIER1_HUMAN Isoform 9 of Mesoderm induction early response protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MIER1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 242-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NVD7|PARVA_HUMAN Alpha-parvin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARVA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 260-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14965|AURKA_HUMAN Aurora kinase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AURKA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 258-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4,258-UNIMOD:259,271-UNIMOD:259 0.10 33.0 7 3 1 PRT sp|O75385|ULK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ULK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 140-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQX3|GEPH_HUMAN Gephyrin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPHN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 373-UNIMOD:1031,579-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 33.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P08621-2|RU17_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRNP70 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:1031,130-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 33.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q9UMR2-2|DD19B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX19B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX19B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 92-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 33.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P48730-2|KC1D_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Casein kinase I isoform delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1D null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:35 0.03 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P47813|IF1AX_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-chromosomal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF1AX PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031 0.38 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P27695|APEX1_HUMAN DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APEX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 93-UNIMOD:4,98-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 33.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9H497-3|TOR3A_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Torsin-3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 169-UNIMOD:4,170-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P1R4|DUS1L_HUMAN tRNA-dihydrouridine(16/17) synthase [NAD(P)(+)]-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DUS1L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 182-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O14936-3|CSKP_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CASK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 41-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30084|ECHM_HUMAN Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECHS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96QR8|PURB_HUMAN Transcriptional activator protein Pur-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PURB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P27635|RL10_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL10 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 188-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:4,198-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:35,105-UNIMOD:4,121-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:4,82-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:35,208-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:35,78-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031 0.46 33.0 18 9 2 PRT sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN AFG3-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AFG3L2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 354-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P31947-2|1433S_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein sigma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:35,192-UNIMOD:267,9-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:259,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.37 33.0 10 8 4 PRT sp|P09972|ALDOC_HUMAN Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDOC PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHMT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 259-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,453-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:267,448-UNIMOD:1031,335-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,443-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 33.0 11 9 5 PRT sp|P30876|RPB2_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 942-UNIMOD:1031,945-UNIMOD:4,151-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:35,210-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 33.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q9H2U1-3|DHX36_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATP-dependent DNA/RNA helicase DHX36 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX36 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 573-UNIMOD:1031,918-UNIMOD:1031,963-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q6L8Q7-2|PDE12_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 2',5'-phosphodiesterase 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDE12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 377-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O76094-2|SRP72_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Signal recognition particle subunit SRP72 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP72 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:4,322-UNIMOD:1031,443-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 33.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O75822-3|EIF3J_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3J null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P23193-2|TCEA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCEA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031,242-UNIMOD:4,244-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:4 0.11 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P02795|MT2_HUMAN Metallothionein-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MT2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:4,36-UNIMOD:4,37-UNIMOD:4,41-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:4,50-UNIMOD:4,51-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:4,29-UNIMOD:4 0.57 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN Histone H4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H4C1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.46 33.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q14258|TRI25_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin/ISG15 ligase TRIM25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM25 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 237-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9BRX2|PELO_HUMAN Protein pelota homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PELO PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P016-2|THYN1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thymocyte nuclear protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THYN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16204|CCDC6_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 71-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NZ01|TECR_HUMAN Very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TECR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 18-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031,291-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 33.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P23246|SFPQ_HUMAN Splicing factor, proline- and glutamine-rich OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFPQ PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 314-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031,330-UNIMOD:1031,421-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:1031,332-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031,472-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 33.0 9 9 9 PRT sp|Q15369|ELOC_HUMAN Elongin-C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELOC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 0.25 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q04637-9|IF4G1_HUMAN Isoform 9 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 932-UNIMOD:1031,941-UNIMOD:4,943-UNIMOD:4,839-UNIMOD:1031,951-UNIMOD:1031,1014-UNIMOD:1031,1459-UNIMOD:1031,1026-UNIMOD:1031,888-UNIMOD:1031,1033-UNIMOD:1031,1195-UNIMOD:1031,854-UNIMOD:4,856-UNIMOD:1031,1014-UNIMOD:259 0.07 33.0 11 11 10 PRT sp|Q07666-2|KHDR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KHDRBS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 169-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,140-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:35 0.12 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q6DD88|ATLA3_HUMAN Atlastin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 239-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:4,391-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q16512|PKN1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 644-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16539-5|MK14_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK14 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P42766|RL35_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L35 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL35 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:28,97-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:259,46-UNIMOD:259,66-UNIMOD:259 0.45 33.0 12 7 4 PRT sp|Q13895|BYST_HUMAN Bystin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BYSL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q5T4S7-3|UBR4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBR4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 2554-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60841|IF2P_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF5B PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 284-UNIMOD:1031,766-UNIMOD:1031,1016-UNIMOD:1031,1015-UNIMOD:1031,1195-UNIMOD:1031,1214-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,342-UNIMOD:1031,921-UNIMOD:1031,883-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,344-UNIMOD:35,628-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 33.0 15 13 11 PRT sp|Q9UEE9|CFDP1_HUMAN Craniofacial development protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CFDP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 224-UNIMOD:35,230-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:1031,268-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 33.0 8 6 5 PRT sp|Q13177|PAK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAK2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 220-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN Lupus La protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 116-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:1031,344-UNIMOD:1031,208-UNIMOD:1031,391-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 33.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P46782|RS5_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 172-UNIMOD:4,182-UNIMOD:259,63-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:4 0.13 33.0 6 2 1 PRT sp|Q14019|COTL1_HUMAN Coactosin-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COTL1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4 0.15 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13555-10|KCC2G_HUMAN Isoform 10 of Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMK2G null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 33.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN Staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SND1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 513-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031,386-UNIMOD:1031,515-UNIMOD:1031,491-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 33.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P17931|LEG3_HUMAN Galectin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LGALS3 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 173-UNIMOD:4,176-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 33.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P00491|PNPH_HUMAN Purine nucleoside phosphorylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96C01|F136A_HUMAN Protein FAM136A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM136A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:35,82-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:4,89-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75436|VP26A_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS26A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 242-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P31689-2|DNJA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 37-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:4,136-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:4,193-UNIMOD:4,194-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:4 0.10 33.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q8IYD1|ERF3B_HUMAN Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor GTP-binding subunit ERF3B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSPT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 383-UNIMOD:1031,390-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:35 0.03 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN Phosphoserine aminotransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSAT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 323-UNIMOD:1031,329-UNIMOD:35,127-UNIMOD:1031,311-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 33.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q9Y6E0|STK24_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK24 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 158-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 33.0 7 2 1 PRT sp|Q2VIR3|IF2GL_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2S3B PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 16 member A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH16A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 564-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 33.0 10 1 0 PRT sp|P23219|PGH1_HUMAN Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 215-UNIMOD:35,221-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P46781|RS9_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS9 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:1031,155-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:35,30-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:267 0.69 33.0 21 14 9 PRT sp|P34931|HS71L_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 58-UNIMOD:259,73-UNIMOD:259,58-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:35,73-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:259,128-UNIMOD:259 0.07 33.0 18 3 2 PRT sp|P05388|RLA0_HUMAN 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP0 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 297-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:35 0.15 33.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|O00141-4|SGK1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SGK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NX58|LYAR_HUMAN Cell growth-regulating nucleolar protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LYAR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 320-UNIMOD:1031,335-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 32.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q8N5S9|KKCC1_HUMAN Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMKK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 277-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:35 0.05 32.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN Vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC22B PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 38-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q15208|STK38_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK38 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:4,238-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:35,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 32.0 11 4 1 PRT sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AGPS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 621-UNIMOD:1031,323-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P16435|NCPR_HUMAN NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 602-UNIMOD:1031,497-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9GZU8|PIP30_HUMAN PSME3-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME3IP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 151-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 32.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN Annexin A5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 108-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031,290-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:267,18-UNIMOD:267,310-UNIMOD:1031,316-UNIMOD:4,309-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:259 0.30 32.0 15 10 6 PRT sp|Q9ULX3|NOB1_HUMAN RNA-binding protein NOB1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 333-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:4,288-UNIMOD:4,291-UNIMOD:1031,315-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 32.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9BQ61|TRIR_HUMAN Telomerase RNA component interacting RNase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:4,124-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 32.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q96TA2-3|YMEL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease YME1L1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YME1L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 295-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75063|XYLK_HUMAN Glycosaminoglycan xylosylkinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM20B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q6P1N9|TATD1_HUMAN Putative deoxyribonuclease TATDN1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TATDN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:4,255-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P40939|ECHA_HUMAN Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADHA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,644-UNIMOD:1031,735-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:259,605-UNIMOD:259,390-UNIMOD:1031,415-UNIMOD:1031,406-UNIMOD:1031,411-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 32.0 10 10 10 PRT sp|Q99543-2|DNJC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 554-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RHOC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 7-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 0.07 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46779|RL28_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL28 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:259,33-UNIMOD:259,13-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031 0.39 32.0 12 8 5 PRT sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 200 kDa helicase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRNP200 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 1421-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:1031,975-UNIMOD:1031,1146-UNIMOD:1031,1552-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q13148|TADBP_HUMAN TAR DNA-binding protein 43 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TARDBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 181-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q00536|CDK16_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK16 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 194-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8NCM8|DYHC2_HUMAN Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC2H1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 2359-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P11908|PRPS2_HUMAN Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 165-UNIMOD:4,176-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 32.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|P60891-2|PRPS1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 98-UNIMOD:4,109-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 32.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P32119|PRDX2_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX2 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:267,34-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031 0.24 32.0 8 6 5 PRT sp|P84077|ARF1_HUMAN ADP-ribosylation factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 142-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC37 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:267,154-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:4,101-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 32.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|Q15181|IPYR_HUMAN Inorganic pyrophosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 228-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:4,123-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:35,63-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 32.0 9 5 2 PRT sp|O14828-2|SCAM3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAMP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 76-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 32.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN Non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NONO PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 11-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:1031,467-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:35,336-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,249-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 32.0 11 7 3 PRT sp|Q02878|RL6_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 192-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:259,260-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,285-UNIMOD:259,237-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:1031,239-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:259,131-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:259,100-UNIMOD:259,26-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031 0.50 32.0 28 18 11 PRT sp|P22695|QCR2_HUMAN Cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCRC2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 375-UNIMOD:259 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT8 PE=1 SV=7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,304-UNIMOD:1031,310-UNIMOD:35,347-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 32.0 11 10 9 PRT sp|O75792|RNH2A_HUMAN Ribonuclease H2 subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNASEH2A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q08257-2|QOR_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Quinone oxidoreductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRYZ null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q96AG4|LRC59_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 59 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRRC59 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 131-UNIMOD:4,135-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:4,40-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 32.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 720-UNIMOD:1031,725-UNIMOD:35,319-UNIMOD:259,136-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P61224-2|RAP1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rap-1b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAP1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3B7-2|RM11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 39S ribosomal protein L11, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00418|EF2K_HUMAN Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF2K PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 238-UNIMOD:1031,347-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P05067-10|A4_HUMAN Isoform APP639 of Amyloid-beta precursor protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 262-UNIMOD:1031,298-UNIMOD:1031,379-UNIMOD:1031,264-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 32.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q12931|TRAP1_HUMAN Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRAP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 402-UNIMOD:267,181-UNIMOD:1031,375-UNIMOD:1031,196-UNIMOD:1031,699-UNIMOD:1031,624-UNIMOD:35,629-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:4,598-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:4,652-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 32.0 18 13 3 PRT sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 351-UNIMOD:1031,544-UNIMOD:259,553-UNIMOD:259 0.05 32.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q04637|IF4G1_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 524-UNIMOD:1031,1026-UNIMOD:1031,1024-UNIMOD:35 0.02 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q99714|HCD2_HUMAN 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:1031,172-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P42685|FRK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FRK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 398-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 32.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P04183|KITH_HUMAN Thymidine kinase, cytosolic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:4,206-UNIMOD:4,211-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:4,50-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 32.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P54819|KAD2_HUMAN Adenylate kinase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 28-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:267 0.08 32.0 23 1 0 PRT sp|P13693|TCTP_HUMAN Translationally-controlled tumor protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 32.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C1QBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 32.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P63165|SUMO1_HUMAN Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUMO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 37-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C0J8|WDR33_HUMAN pre-mRNA 3' end processing protein WDR33 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR33 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 264-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51617|IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IRAK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 342-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92598|HS105_HUMAN Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPH1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031,376-UNIMOD:4,380-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 32.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P13929|ENOB_HUMAN Beta-enolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ENO3 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 357-UNIMOD:4,358-UNIMOD:259 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14244|MAP7_HUMAN Ensconsin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 406-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00506|STK25_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK25 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 142-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:259,155-UNIMOD:259 0.04 32.0 9 1 0 PRT sp|Q92733|PRCC_HUMAN Proline-rich protein PRCC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRCC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 250-UNIMOD:1031,443-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P11766|ADHX_HUMAN Alcohol dehydrogenase class-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADH5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 362-UNIMOD:35,366-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:4,113-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 7 2 1 PRT sp|P12277|KCRB_HUMAN Creatine kinase B-type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 298-UNIMOD:1031,307-UNIMOD:1031,304-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O43765|SGTA_HUMAN Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SGTA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 153-UNIMOD:4,160-UNIMOD:1031,200-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q99873-2|ANM1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRMT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 110-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q10471|GALT2_HUMAN Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GALNT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 509-UNIMOD:1031,513-UNIMOD:4,363-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 31.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P49207|RL34_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L34 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL34 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:4,101-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031 0.43 31.0 7 7 7 PRT sp|Q8NE71-2|ABCF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031,304-UNIMOD:1031,535-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 31.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P62263|RS14_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS14 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 85-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:385,117-UNIMOD:267,125-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:259 0.32 31.0 9 6 4 PRT sp|P48729-3|KC1A_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Casein kinase I isoform alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:35 0.04 31.0 7 1 0 PRT sp|P27448-6|MARK3_HUMAN Isoform 5 of MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARK3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:35,99-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 6 3 2 PRT sp|Q9UBS0|KS6B2_HUMAN Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 196-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:35 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O15111|IKKA_HUMAN Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHUK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NZ45|CISD1_HUMAN CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CISD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:35 0.17 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2H1-2|ST38L_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK38L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 26-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:35 0.07 31.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NRF9|DPOE3_HUMAN DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLE3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 31.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:259,202-UNIMOD:4,205-UNIMOD:259 0.09 31.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P06703|S10A6_HUMAN Protein S100-A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100A6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 40-UNIMOD:1031,47-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:259,40-UNIMOD:259,55-UNIMOD:267 0.38 31.0 9 5 1 PRT sp|Q9UHV9|PFD2_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P00533|EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EGFR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 875-UNIMOD:1031,867-UNIMOD:1031,745-UNIMOD:1031,879-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q15029-2|U5S1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFTUD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 755-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46734-2|MP2K3_HUMAN Isoform 1 of Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:35 0.08 31.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q58FF8|H90B2_HUMAN Putative heat shock protein HSP 90-beta 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AB2P PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 197-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:259,72-UNIMOD:259,206-UNIMOD:259,64-UNIMOD:259 0.15 31.0 7 6 0 PRT sp|Q13057|COASY_HUMAN Bifunctional coenzyme A synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COASY PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 330-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y3B8-2|ORN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Oligoribonuclease, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=REXO2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 135-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:4,65-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 31.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P55145|MANF_HUMAN Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MANF PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O95881|TXD12_HUMAN Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNDC12 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 123-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.24 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P46776|RL27A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L27a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL27A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:35,110-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,125-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:28 0.39 31.0 12 8 5 PRT sp|P51665|PSMD7_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 199-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P51397|DAP1_HUMAN Death-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:267 0.37 31.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q8IZQ5|SELH_HUMAN Selenoprotein H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SELENOH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 9-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63279|UBC9_HUMAN SUMO-conjugating enzyme UBC9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2I PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O95782-2|AP2A1_HUMAN Isoform B of AP-2 complex subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 620-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 31.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9UII2|ATIF1_HUMAN ATPase inhibitor, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5IF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 72-UNIMOD:259,82-UNIMOD:259,83-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 31.0 12 4 1 PRT sp|P20042|IF2B_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2S2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:4,265-UNIMOD:1031,324-UNIMOD:1031,276-UNIMOD:1031,281-UNIMOD:4,284-UNIMOD:4,227-UNIMOD:259 0.15 31.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|P07951-3|TPM2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Tropomyosin beta chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 215-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 31.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|O75794|CD123_HUMAN Cell division cycle protein 123 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC123 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 308-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:1031,170-UNIMOD:4,24-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 31.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P15531|NDKA_HUMAN Nucleoside diphosphate kinase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NME1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 128-UNIMOD:259,12-UNIMOD:259,18-UNIMOD:267 0.18 31.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q6PHR2-2|ULK3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ULK3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 31.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q96C86|DCPS_HUMAN m7GpppX diphosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCPS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 31.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9BW71|HIRP3_HUMAN HIRA-interacting protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIRIP3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95197-3|RTN3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Reticulon-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:267,222-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 31.0 6 4 3 PRT sp|O43684-2|BUB3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitotic checkpoint protein BUB3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BUB3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 129-UNIMOD:4,139-UNIMOD:259,322-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75648-5|MTU1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Mitochondrial tRNA-specific 2-thiouridylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRMU null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 101-UNIMOD:4,103-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14978|NOLC1_HUMAN Nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOLC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 505-UNIMOD:1031,561-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,255-UNIMOD:1031,401-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031,647-UNIMOD:1031,601-UNIMOD:1031,572-UNIMOD:1031,302-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,613-UNIMOD:1031,310-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 31.0 15 14 13 PRT sp|Q92621|NU205_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup205 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP205 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 1565-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,892-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9NRM7|LATS2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LATS2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LATS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 697-UNIMOD:1031,793-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P11177-3|ODPB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDHB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46060|RAGP1_HUMAN Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANGAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 481-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,406-UNIMOD:1031,279-UNIMOD:1031,452-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 31.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q9HAB8|PPCS_HUMAN Phosphopantothenate--cysteine ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPCS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:35,212-UNIMOD:1031,219-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:259,219-UNIMOD:259 0.09 31.0 11 2 1 PRT sp|Q0VDF9|HSP7E_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA14 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:4,94-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:35,66-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:385,68-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 31.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P09493|TPM1_HUMAN Tropomyosin alpha-1 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 149-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:35,101-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q00610|CLH1_HUMAN Clathrin heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTC PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 617-UNIMOD:4,619-UNIMOD:1031,1612-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q15084|PDIA6_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 208-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 31.0 6 6 3 PRT sp|Q13435|SF3B2_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 570-UNIMOD:1031,394-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,543-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031,877-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 31.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P52564|MP2K6_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 181-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:35,82-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 31.0 8 2 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2H1|ST38L_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK38L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 31.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P24666|PPAC_HUMAN Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 113-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:267,156-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:4 0.25 31.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q99829|CPNE1_HUMAN Copine-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPNE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 182-UNIMOD:1031,166-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P24941|CDK2_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 129-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:259,142-UNIMOD:259,1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 31.0 9 2 1 PRT sp|P48729|KC1A_HUMAN Casein kinase I isoform alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:35 0.09 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P26196|DDX6_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 162-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P10606|COX5B_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX5B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O43379|WDR62_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 62 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR62 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96S38|KS6C1_HUMAN Ribosomal protein S6 kinase delta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 348-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01081|U2AF1_HUMAN Splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=U2AF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13619|CUL4A_HUMAN Cullin-4A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUL4A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 480-UNIMOD:1031,483-UNIMOD:4,465-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 31.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P78417|GSTO1_HUMAN Glutathione S-transferase omega-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSTO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 188-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:4 0.07 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14744-3|ANM5_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRMT5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031,180-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14232|EI2BA_HUMAN Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2B1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 258-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26368-2|U2AF2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=U2AF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 292-UNIMOD:1031,458-UNIMOD:1031,460-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 30.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q02543|RL18A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L18a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL18A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031,41-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:385,16-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:259,136-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:4,95-UNIMOD:267,127-UNIMOD:35,128-UNIMOD:259,149-UNIMOD:1031 0.45 30.0 12 8 4 PRT sp|Q6PML9|ZNT9_HUMAN Zinc transporter 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC30A9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 479-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09622|DLDH_HUMAN Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 430-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:4,438-UNIMOD:35,143-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:1031,440-UNIMOD:259 0.16 30.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|P56381|ATP5E_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit epsilon, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1E PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 37-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031,32-UNIMOD:1031 0.67 30.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q8WU90|ZC3HF_HUMAN Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZC3H15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q14320|FA50A_HUMAN Protein FAM50A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM50A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 305-UNIMOD:1031,298-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14004-2|CDK13_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK13 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 839-UNIMOD:1031,840-UNIMOD:4 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16706|MA2A1_HUMAN Alpha-mannosidase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAN2A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 191-UNIMOD:1031,716-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q6P0Q8-2|MAST2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAST2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 567-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08581|MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MET PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 1240-UNIMOD:1031,1232-UNIMOD:1031,1107-UNIMOD:4,1110-UNIMOD:1031,1244-UNIMOD:1031,1248-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|O43776|SYNC_HUMAN Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NARS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 445-UNIMOD:1031,449-UNIMOD:35,490-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,242-UNIMOD:35,244-UNIMOD:1031,140-UNIMOD:28,142-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:4 0.18 30.0 13 10 9 PRT sp|P33316-2|DUT_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DUT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:4 0.18 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O15355|PPM1G_HUMAN Protein phosphatase 1G OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPM1G PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 241-UNIMOD:4,247-UNIMOD:1031,383-UNIMOD:1031,386-UNIMOD:35,519-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:4,166-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 30.0 8 5 3 PRT sp|Q04941|PLP2_HUMAN Proteolipid protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.09 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P24539|AT5F1_HUMAN ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit B1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031,233-UNIMOD:259,162-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 30.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P23921|RIR1_HUMAN Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase large subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:1031,320-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P54709|AT1B3_HUMAN Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP1B3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 259-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P63173|RL38_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L38 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL38 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 9-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:28 0.41 30.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|Q6NUK1-2|SCMC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A24 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 317-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7Z7G8-3|VP13B_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 13B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS13B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 1336-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 30.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O95336|6PGL_HUMAN 6-phosphogluconolactonase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGLS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031,254-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q96TA1-2|NIBA2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein Niban 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NIBAN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:1031,541-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:1031,499-UNIMOD:4 0.07 30.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P51572-2|BAP31_HUMAN Isoform 2 of B-cell receptor-associated protein 31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCAP31 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 205-UNIMOD:1031,259-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 489-UNIMOD:1031,577-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 30.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|O14874-2|BCKD_HUMAN Isoform 2 of [3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase [lipoamide]] kinase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCKDK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 242-UNIMOD:4,245-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O76024|WFS1_HUMAN Wolframin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WFS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 836-UNIMOD:1031,836-UNIMOD:259,843-UNIMOD:259 0.01 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08133-2|ANXA6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Annexin A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 413-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:1031,416-UNIMOD:35,588-UNIMOD:1031,402-UNIMOD:35 0.07 30.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q7Z478|DHX29_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX29 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 275-UNIMOD:1031,1330-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P08240-2|SRPRA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Signal recognition particle receptor subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRPRA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 178-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01085|TIAR_HUMAN Nucleolysin TIAR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIAL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P10515|ODP2_HUMAN Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLAT PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 473-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q3ZCQ8-3|TIM50_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM50 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 221-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3A5|SBDS_HUMAN Ribosome maturation protein SBDS OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SBDS PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 151-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:35,145-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,184-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 30.0 10 6 4 PRT sp|P09496-5|CLCA_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Clathrin light chain A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 30.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 65-UNIMOD:267,80-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 30.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9Y6V7|DDX49_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX49 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX49 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99661-2|KIF2C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Kinesin-like protein KIF2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 304-UNIMOD:35,311-UNIMOD:1031,470-UNIMOD:1031,472-UNIMOD:4 0.04 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN Acyl-CoA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DBI PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 19-UNIMOD:1031,55-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:35 0.54 30.0 7 4 3 PRT sp|P50897-2|PPT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 71-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 30.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P26038|MOES_HUMAN Moesin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MSN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 427-UNIMOD:267,352-UNIMOD:1031,514-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,388-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:1031,143-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 30.0 10 9 8 PRT sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN Talin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 2133-UNIMOD:1031,2099-UNIMOD:1031,441-UNIMOD:1031,2361-UNIMOD:1031,1917-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P42166|LAP2A_HUMAN Lamina-associated polypeptide 2, isoform alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMPO PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 629-UNIMOD:4,637-UNIMOD:259 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75223|GGCT_HUMAN Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GGCT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:4,101-UNIMOD:259 0.14 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95479|G6PE_HUMAN GDH/6PGL endoplasmic bifunctional protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H6PD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 208-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51649|SSDH_HUMAN Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH5A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 387-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63218|GBG5_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNG5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14498-2|RBM39_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA-binding protein 39 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM39 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 232-UNIMOD:1031,346-UNIMOD:267,111-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P61769|B2MG_HUMAN Beta-2-microglobulin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=B2M PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 111-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKI8-3|TLK1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 268-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q86UE8-3|TLK2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 437-UNIMOD:1031,443-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P42785|PCP_HUMAN Lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRCP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 137-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35637|FUS_HUMAN RNA-binding protein FUS OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 365-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92616|GCN1_HUMAN eIF-2-alpha kinase activator GCN1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCN1 PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 2280-UNIMOD:1031,436-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:1031,2259-UNIMOD:1031,2285-UNIMOD:1031,1556-UNIMOD:1031,616-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:1031,2255-UNIMOD:4,2258-UNIMOD:1031,590-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 30.0 11 10 9 PRT sp|P82979|SARNP_HUMAN SAP domain-containing ribonucleoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SARNP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4,199-UNIMOD:1031,119-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 30.0 7 6 5 PRT sp|Q8N4P3|MESH1_HUMAN Guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase MESH1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDDC3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 30.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|Q15637|SF01_HUMAN Splicing factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35613|BASI_HUMAN Basigin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BSG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 375-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q58A45|PAN3_HUMAN PAN2-PAN3 deadenylation complex subunit PAN3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAN3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 645-UNIMOD:1031,641-UNIMOD:35 0.01 30.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NR30|DDX21_HUMAN Nucleolar RNA helicase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX21 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 658-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q11201|SIA4A_HUMAN CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ST3GAL1 PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 312-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NP79|VTA1_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein VTA1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VTA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKK9|NUDT5_HUMAN ADP-sugar pyrophosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 76-UNIMOD:4,81-UNIMOD:259,210-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 30.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q9UBF8|PI4KB_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PI4KB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 392-UNIMOD:259,394-UNIMOD:259,392-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12851|M4K2_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 45-UNIMOD:259,48-UNIMOD:259,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75153|CLU_HUMAN Clustered mitochondria protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLUH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 988-UNIMOD:1031,1186-UNIMOD:259,1170-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q13190-3|STX5_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Syntaxin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STX5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 29.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NZ63|TLS1_HUMAN Telomere length and silencing protein 1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C9orf78 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 281-UNIMOD:1031,283-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q6NVY1|HIBCH_HUMAN 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIBCH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 353-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61927|RL37_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L37 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL37 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:385,14-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4,68-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031 0.59 29.0 15 7 2 PRT sp|Q5T1M5-2|FKB15_HUMAN Isoform 2 of FK506-binding protein 15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP15 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 827-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q02818|NUCB1_HUMAN Nucleobindin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUCB1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 177-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50613|CDK7_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 139-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:259,152-UNIMOD:259,41-UNIMOD:1031,328-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 29.0 9 3 2 PRT sp|Q00537-2|CDK17_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK17 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 315-UNIMOD:1031,221-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q86SG6|NEK8_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q2M2I8-2|AAK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of AP2-associated protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AAK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 178-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14CX7-2|NAA25_HUMAN Isoform 2 of N-alpha-acetyltransferase 25, NatB auxiliary subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA25 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 362-UNIMOD:1031,364-UNIMOD:4,365-UNIMOD:4 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UK59-2|DBR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Lariat debranching enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DBR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 24-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4 0.04 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P43487|RANG_HUMAN Ran-specific GTPase-activating protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031,183-UNIMOD:1031,173-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:259,158-UNIMOD:4,154-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 29.0 9 5 2 PRT sp|Q9UHD8-7|SEPT9_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Septin-9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 50-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031,307-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P15170|ERF3A_HUMAN Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor GTP-binding subunit ERF3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSPT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 448-UNIMOD:1031,453-UNIMOD:4,490-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,247-UNIMOD:1031,253-UNIMOD:1031,464-UNIMOD:4 0.15 29.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|Q8TB61-5|S35B2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Adenosine 3'-phospho 5'-phosphosulfate transporter 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC35B2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 83-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP0 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 77-UNIMOD:259,50-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:259 0.18 29.0 5 4 2 PRT sp|P09923|PPBI_HUMAN Intestinal-type alkaline phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALPI PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 400-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:28 0.07 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P27708|PYR1_HUMAN CAD protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAD PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 758-UNIMOD:4,759-UNIMOD:35,760-UNIMOD:1031,754-UNIMOD:1031,747-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q13363-2|CTBP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of C-terminal-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 337-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:4,294-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O14684|PTGES_HUMAN Prostaglandin E synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGES PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:4,60-UNIMOD:267 0.13 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN Ezrin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EZR PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 296-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:35,450-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031,558-UNIMOD:35,559-UNIMOD:267,72-UNIMOD:1031,523-UNIMOD:1031,458-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:1031,254-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 29.0 18 11 6 PRT sp|O00571|DDX3X_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX3X PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 264-UNIMOD:1031,491-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 29.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P52788|SPSY_HUMAN Spermine synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 235-UNIMOD:1031,237-UNIMOD:4,186-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 65 kDa regulatory subunit A alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R1A PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 194-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 29.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q12874|SF3A3_HUMAN Splicing factor 3A subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3A3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 264-UNIMOD:1031,420-UNIMOD:1031,466-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O43670-2|ZN207_HUMAN Isoform 2 of BUB3-interacting and GLEBS motif-containing protein ZNF207 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF207 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:4,55-UNIMOD:35,37-UNIMOD:4,40-UNIMOD:4,42-UNIMOD:1031,106-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 29.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|O95295|SNAPN_HUMAN SNARE-associated protein Snapin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNAPIN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 29.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NUQ9|FA49B_HUMAN Protein FAM49B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM49B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13155|AIMP2_HUMAN Aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIMP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:4,174-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9Y676|RT18B_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S18b, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS18B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 99-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:4,108-UNIMOD:4,156-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9BRA2|TXD17_HUMAN Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNDC17 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 89-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,35-UNIMOD:259 0.24 29.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q14157-4|UBP2L_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Ubiquitin-associated protein 2-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBAP2L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 413-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 29.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y383-3|LC7L2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LUC7L2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 183-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O60884|DNJA2_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 158-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:4,162-UNIMOD:4,39-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q13526|PIN1_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase NIMA-interacting 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 113-UNIMOD:4,117-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99471|PFD5_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,124-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P62820|RAB1A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB1A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 191-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NU22|MDN1_HUMAN Midasin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1266-UNIMOD:1031,3250-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P25205|MCM3_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 732-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,556-UNIMOD:1031,688-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q9NQW7|XPP1_HUMAN Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPNPEP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031,304-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P42765|THIM_HUMAN 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 25-UNIMOD:259,81-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,360-UNIMOD:267 0.15 29.0 6 4 3 PRT sp|Q9UMY1|NOL7_HUMAN Nucleolar protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOL7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 210-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35606-2|COPB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Coatomer subunit beta' OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 598-UNIMOD:1031,651-UNIMOD:1031,750-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O95299|NDUAA_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 10, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 67-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P53384-2|NUBP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NUBP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 264-UNIMOD:1031,266-UNIMOD:4 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25685|DNJB1_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJB1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 179-UNIMOD:4,181-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P10768|ESTD_HUMAN S-formylglutathione hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ESD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 200-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q01105|SET_HUMAN Protein SET OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SET PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UNX3|RL26L_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L26-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL26L1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:259,77-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 29.0 3 3 1 PRT sp|P08195|4F2_HUMAN 4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC3A2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:1031,298-UNIMOD:259 0.05 29.0 3 3 0 PRT sp|Q12906|ILF3_HUMAN Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILF3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 224-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:4,535-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NPJ3|ACO13_HUMAN Acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACOT13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 37-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:4,127-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 29.0 4 3 0 PRT sp|Q9H4A3|WNK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WNK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 375-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:1031,352-UNIMOD:4 0.01 29.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P02768|ALBU_HUMAN Serum albumin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 499-UNIMOD:1031,500-UNIMOD:4,501-UNIMOD:4,224-UNIMOD:4,229-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O14733|MP2K7_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O43395|PRPF3_HUMAN U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Prp3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 65-UNIMOD:1031,345-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q00796|DHSO_HUMAN Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SORD PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12081|HARS1_HUMAN Histidine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16539|MK14_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK14 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 11-UNIMOD:28,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 29.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y535|RPC8_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR3H PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q93100|KPBB_HUMAN Phosphorylase b kinase regulatory subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHKB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031,76-UNIMOD:4 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6N7|ROBO1_HUMAN Roundabout homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROBO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,89-UNIMOD:4 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13596|SNX1_HUMAN Sorting nexin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 226-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q58FG1|HS904_HUMAN Putative heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA4P PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 40-UNIMOD:259,38-UNIMOD:35,302-UNIMOD:35,303-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 29.0 9 2 0 PRT sp|Q9NUQ8|ABCF3_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCF3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 522-UNIMOD:4,531-UNIMOD:1031,216-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 29.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q15785|TOM34_HUMAN Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM34 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOMM34 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 60-UNIMOD:4,63-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:4,143-UNIMOD:1031,305-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031,262-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 28.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P05204|HMGN2_HUMAN Non-histone chromosomal protein HMG-17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGN2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031 0.42 28.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q2NL82|TSR1_HUMAN Pre-rRNA-processing protein TSR1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 611-UNIMOD:1031,618-UNIMOD:4,771-UNIMOD:1031,767-UNIMOD:35,209-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q96CT7|CC124_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 124 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC124 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P56378|ATP68_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit ATP5MPL, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5MPL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 49-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P16152|CBR1_HUMAN Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CBR1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031,186-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL14 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,79-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031 0.32 28.0 11 9 8 PRT sp|O15440-5|MRP5_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031,798-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96PY6-5|NEK1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UH65|SWP70_HUMAN Switch-associated protein 70 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SWAP70 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 537-UNIMOD:1031,217-UNIMOD:35,218-UNIMOD:35,219-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O60307|MAST3_HUMAN Microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAST3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 492-UNIMOD:1031,505-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 28.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q00535|CDK5_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:27 0.08 28.0 14 2 0 PRT sp|P51957-3|NEK4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 44-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q02750-2|MP2K1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 166-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 28.0 16 4 1 PRT sp|P35613-2|BASI_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Basigin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BSG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,111-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:4,71-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q99447-4|PCY2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCYT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43852-9|CALU_HUMAN Isoform 9 of Calumenin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALU null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 120-UNIMOD:259,70-UNIMOD:259,79-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 28.0 6 5 3 PRT sp|P06746|DPOLB_HUMAN DNA polymerase beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 72-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9GZZ1|NAA50_HUMAN N-alpha-acetyltransferase 50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA50 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 28.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q15008-3|PSMD6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,333-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P52292|IMA1_HUMAN Importin subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 291-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A2A3N6|PIPSL_HUMAN Putative PIP5K1A and PSMD4-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIPSL PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 559-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q16851-2|UGPA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,427-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 28.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q13464|ROCK1_HUMAN Rho-associated protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROCK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 1036-UNIMOD:1031,105-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P49005|DPOD2_HUMAN DNA polymerase delta subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 267-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46926-2|GNPI1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNPDA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O96019-2|ACL6A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Actin-like protein 6A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTL6A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 337-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30626-3|SORCN_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Sorcin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRI null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A6NDG6|PGP_HUMAN Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 297-UNIMOD:4,300-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q02218-2|ODO1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OGDH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 966-UNIMOD:1031,996-UNIMOD:1031,848-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O00148|DX39A_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX39A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX39A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 190-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:4,333-UNIMOD:1031,383-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:4 0.17 28.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|P20810-9|ICAL_HUMAN Isoform 9 of Calpastatin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAST null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 124-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031,726-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:259 0.08 28.0 6 5 2 PRT sp|Q9NR45|SIAS_HUMAN Sialic acid synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NANS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 283-UNIMOD:4,287-UNIMOD:4,290-UNIMOD:1031,145-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 28.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q969T9-2|WBP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of WW domain-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WBP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y315|DEOC_HUMAN Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DERA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 263-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:4,137-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95347|SMC2_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 12-UNIMOD:1031,1160-UNIMOD:1031,930-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:1031,963-UNIMOD:1031,322-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:4 0.08 28.0 8 8 8 PRT sp|P14174|MIF_HUMAN Macrophage migration inhibitory factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MIF PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:267,3-UNIMOD:35 0.23 28.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P04844-2|RPN2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 424-UNIMOD:259,279-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9BV44|THUM3_HUMAN THUMP domain-containing protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THUMPD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 411-UNIMOD:1031,449-UNIMOD:1031,450-UNIMOD:4,369-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O75439|MPPB_HUMAN Mitochondrial-processing peptidase subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PMPCB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 219-UNIMOD:1031,472-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q00325-2|MPCP_HUMAN Isoform B of Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 246-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:1031,213-UNIMOD:1031,308-UNIMOD:1031,92-UNIMOD:35,98-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 28.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P30740|ILEU_HUMAN Leukocyte elastase inhibitor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 110-UNIMOD:259 0.08 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN Glycogen phosphorylase, brain form OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PYGB PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 290-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBE0-2|SAE1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAE1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 195-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13162|PRDX4_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,245-UNIMOD:4,250-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,263-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 28.0 8 2 0 PRT sp|Q8TEQ6|GEMI5_HUMAN Gem-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GEMIN5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 823-UNIMOD:1031,933-UNIMOD:1031,1134-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q14914-2|PTGR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Prostaglandin reductase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16775-2|GLO2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HAGH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 171-UNIMOD:4,181-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q93009-3|UBP7_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 462-UNIMOD:4,463-UNIMOD:1031,898-UNIMOD:1031,901-UNIMOD:4 0.03 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16401-2|PSMD5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 418-UNIMOD:1031,407-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9Y3U8|RL36_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L36 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL36 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:35 0.29 28.0 8 3 1 PRT sp|P61353|RL27_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL27 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,128-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:35,59-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 28.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q7L014|DDX46_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX46 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX46 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 830-UNIMOD:35,848-UNIMOD:1031,1025-UNIMOD:1031,776-UNIMOD:1031,248-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,1010-UNIMOD:1031,769-UNIMOD:1031,255-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,761-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 28.0 13 13 13 PRT sp|P55327|TPD52_HUMAN Tumor protein D52 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPD52 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 110-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:259 0.11 28.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q07955|SRSF1_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 38-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 28.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O75400|PR40A_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF40A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 727-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7RTV0|PHF5A_HUMAN PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHF5A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:4 0.26 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q7LBR1|CHM1B_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 1b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9NPQ8|RIC8A_HUMAN Synembryn-A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIC8A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 409-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BXS5|AP1M1_HUMAN AP-1 complex subunit mu-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP1M1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,12-UNIMOD:1031,326-UNIMOD:1031,396-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P54753|EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPHB3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 799-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P33240|CSTF2_HUMAN Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSTF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 189-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UK76|JUPI1_HUMAN Jupiter microtubule associated homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JPT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16799|RTN1_HUMAN Reticulon-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 650-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05519|SRS11_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99613|EIF3C_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 862-UNIMOD:259 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52435|RPB11_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB11-a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR2J PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 62-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95757|HS74L_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA4L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 477-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P54652|HSP72_HUMAN Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 57-UNIMOD:259,72-UNIMOD:259,57-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:35,454-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:259,189-UNIMOD:259,360-UNIMOD:259,351-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 28.0 27 6 1 PRT sp|Q13263|TIF1B_HUMAN Transcription intermediary factor 1-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM28 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 377-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:1031,266-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:4,199-UNIMOD:1031,289-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 10 8 7 PRT sp|P52948-6|NUP98_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP98 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 551-UNIMOD:1031,1543-UNIMOD:4,1545-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P52815|RM12_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L12, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL12 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 178-UNIMOD:1031,150-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q99436|PSB7_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 247-UNIMOD:4,249-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P83881|RL36A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L36a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL36A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 88-UNIMOD:4,89-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:259,98-UNIMOD:259 0.36 27.0 12 7 3 PRT sp|P07602|SAP_HUMAN Prosaposin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSAP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 409-UNIMOD:4,412-UNIMOD:4,413-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14980-4|NUMA1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUMA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 1699-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P0L2-3|MARK1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase MARK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 162-UNIMOD:1031,172-UNIMOD:35,89-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q71UM5|RS27L_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S27-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS27L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43719|HTSF1_HUMAN HIV Tat-specific factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HTATSF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 169-UNIMOD:1031,662-UNIMOD:1031,303-UNIMOD:1031,471-UNIMOD:4,473-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P49137-2|MAPK2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPKAPK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 188-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62633-7|CNBP_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Cellular nucleic acid-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 80-UNIMOD:4,81-UNIMOD:4,84-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:4 0.21 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P68036-2|UB2L3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 L3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2L3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 105-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:1031,114-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15041-2|AR6P1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARL6IP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 80-UNIMOD:4,85-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04040|CATA_HUMAN Catalase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAT PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 237-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 9 1 0 PRT sp|Q96CP2|FWCH2_HUMAN FLYWCH family member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLYWCH2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 41-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:1031 0.36 27.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P15924|DESP_HUMAN Desmoplakin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DSP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 2026-UNIMOD:1031,1033-UNIMOD:1031,1052-UNIMOD:4,1054-UNIMOD:1031,2451-UNIMOD:1031,1444-UNIMOD:1031,2716-UNIMOD:1031,1122-UNIMOD:1031,2706-UNIMOD:1031,1413-UNIMOD:1031,2178-UNIMOD:1031,1993-UNIMOD:1031,1069-UNIMOD:4,1073-UNIMOD:1031,1916-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 14 13 12 PRT sp|Q9P2R7-2|SUCB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Succinate--CoA ligase [ADP-forming] subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUCLA2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 86-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15370|ELOB_HUMAN Elongin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELOB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 11-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:259 0.18 27.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|Q71RC2-7|LARP4_HUMAN Isoform 7 of La-related protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 272-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14152-2|EIF3A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 598-UNIMOD:1031,504-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,617-UNIMOD:1031,776-UNIMOD:1031,557-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 6 6 3 PRT sp|Q8N4J0|CARME_HUMAN Carnosine N-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CARNMT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 155-UNIMOD:35,157-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:35,159-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NYJ1|COA4_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 homolog, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COA4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 17-UNIMOD:1031 0.18 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99584|S10AD_HUMAN Protein S100-A13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100A13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 30-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H501|ESF1_HUMAN ESF1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ESF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 800-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UQE7|SMC3_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 968-UNIMOD:1031,972-UNIMOD:4,140-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031,238-UNIMOD:1031,963-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of GTPase-activating protein and VPS9 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPVD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 1153-UNIMOD:1031,1308-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q5VTE6-2|ANGE2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein angel homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANGEL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:4,88-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14839|CHD4_HUMAN Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHD4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 1341-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:1031,959-UNIMOD:1031,884-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P43897-3|EFTS_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Elongation factor Ts, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSFM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 56-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:4 0.07 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IX18-3|DHX40_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX40 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX40 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 108-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q07912-2|ACK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Activated CDC42 kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 291-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50570-3|DYN2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Dynamin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 558-UNIMOD:1031,560-UNIMOD:35,509-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P2K8-2|E2AK4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of eIF-2-alpha kinase GCN2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2AK4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 614-UNIMOD:4,615-UNIMOD:4,619-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00688|FKBP3_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031,80-UNIMOD:1031,170-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q53EL6-2|PDCD4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 234-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12270|TPR_HUMAN Nucleoprotein TPR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPR PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 315-UNIMOD:1031,1563-UNIMOD:1031,854-UNIMOD:1031,1442-UNIMOD:1031,1555-UNIMOD:1031,1169-UNIMOD:1031,1561-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 10 8 6 PRT sp|P11117|PPAL_HUMAN Lysosomal acid phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACP2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,159-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13619-2|CUL4A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cullin-4A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUL4A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 365-UNIMOD:1031,533-UNIMOD:4,535-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 27.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q5VW32-2|BROX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of BRO1 domain-containing protein BROX OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BROX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 251-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN Isoform Cytoplasmic of Fumarate hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 45-UNIMOD:35,51-UNIMOD:1031,434-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,430-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 8 6 2 PRT sp|Q9ULV4|COR1C_HUMAN Coronin-1C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CORO1C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 391-UNIMOD:1031,428-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P51398-2|RT29_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 28S ribosomal protein S29, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 204-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99536-2|VAT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Synaptic vesicle membrane protein VAT-1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VAT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 248-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95433-2|AHSA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHSA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 203-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:4,208-UNIMOD:1031,189-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 27.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q13247-3|SRSF6_HUMAN Isoform SRP55-3 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 143-UNIMOD:1031,182-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 27.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q99567|NUP88_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP88 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 584-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,730-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q15759|MK11_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK11 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UK39|NOCT_HUMAN Nocturnin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOCT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 281-UNIMOD:4,288-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P59998-2|ARPC4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 44-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P47756-2|CAPZB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of F-actin-capping protein subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPZB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 235-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:1031,147-UNIMOD:4,254-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:35,223-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 27.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q96E11-3|RRFM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ribosome-recycling factor, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRRF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 56-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P37235|HPCL1_HUMAN Hippocalcin-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HPCAL1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 83-UNIMOD:267 0.07 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P99999|CYC_HUMAN Cytochrome c OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CYCS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 39-UNIMOD:267,74-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:259 0.50 27.0 8 5 4 PRT sp|Q9BTD8-4|RBM42_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA-binding protein 42 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM42 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 388-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75449-2|KTNA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Katanin p60 ATPase-containing subunit A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KATNA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,190-UNIMOD:4 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00232-2|PSD12_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 428-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 27.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|P08174-4|DAF_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Complement decay-accelerating factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD55 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 338-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:259 0.07 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92989-2|CLP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Polyribonucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase Clp1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 217-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P0L0|VAPA_HUMAN Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VAPA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:4,52-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 27.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q08945|SSRP1_HUMAN FACT complex subunit SSRP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSRP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031,319-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O94762-4|RECQ5_HUMAN Isoform 4 of ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RECQL5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 571-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O43615|TIM44_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM44 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 240-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031,121-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9NR56-3|MBNL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Muscleblind-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MBNL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 53-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51114-3|FXR1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Fragile X mental retardation syndrome-related protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FXR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 225-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031,67-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:4 0.06 27.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P30154-4|2AAB_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 65 kDa regulatory subunit A beta isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 319-UNIMOD:1031,317-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O00507-2|USP9Y_HUMAN Isoform Short of Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-Y OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP9Y null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 1724-UNIMOD:1031,1726-UNIMOD:4,1729-UNIMOD:4 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55209-2|NP1L1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAP1L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:1031,266-UNIMOD:1031,271-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 27.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|A6NDY0|EPAB2_HUMAN Embryonic polyadenylate-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPN1L PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 180-UNIMOD:4,182-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15424-2|SAFB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAFB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 367-UNIMOD:1031,225-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8NEB9|PK3C3_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIK3C3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 636-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25815|S100P_HUMAN Protein S100-P OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=S100P PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62736|ACTA_HUMAN Actin, aortic smooth muscle OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 328-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:1,12-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:35,52-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,327-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:4,30-UNIMOD:267,193-UNIMOD:1031,330-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:267,315-UNIMOD:35,317-UNIMOD:1031,49-UNIMOD:35,115-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:259 0.35 27.0 17 12 4 PRT sp|Q5QNW6|H2B2F_HUMAN Histone H2B type 2-F OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIST2H2BF PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 6-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43390|HNRPR_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 285-UNIMOD:1031,259-UNIMOD:1031,255-UNIMOD:1031,374-UNIMOD:1031,292-UNIMOD:4,300-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 27.0 5 5 4 PRT sp|Q7L1Q6|BZW1_HUMAN Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BZW1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 309-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43399|TPD54_HUMAN Tumor protein D54 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPD52L2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 50-UNIMOD:267 0.08 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P61289|PSME3_HUMAN Proteasome activator complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 27.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|Q9P0L2|MARK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase MARK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:35 0.02 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P09496|CLCA_HUMAN Clathrin light chain A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 242-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q93009|UBP7_HUMAN Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 824-UNIMOD:1031,1096-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O14828|SCAM3_HUMAN Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAMP3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 27.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|O95070|YIF1A_HUMAN Protein YIF1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YIF1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q96C19|EFHD2_HUMAN EF-hand domain-containing protein D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFHD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:35 0.16 27.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P05114|HMGN1_HUMAN Non-histone chromosomal protein HMG-14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O15427|MOT4_HUMAN Monocarboxylate transporter 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC16A3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 448-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P33552|CKS2_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00401|WASL_HUMAN Neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 186-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01082|SPTB2_HUMAN Spectrin beta chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTBN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 1878-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30044|PRDX5_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-5, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 116-UNIMOD:259,142-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:4,102-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:259 0.27 27.0 4 4 1 PRT sp|P78344|IF4G2_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:4,233-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P61970|NTF2_HUMAN Nuclear transport factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUTF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HB21-2|PKHA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEKHA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 198-UNIMOD:4,200-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q71UI9|H2AV_HUMAN Histone H2A.V OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H2AFV PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62750|RL23A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L23a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL23A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 30-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:35 0.50 26.0 12 9 7 PRT sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 50-UNIMOD:4,53-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:35,45-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.25 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|A3KMH1-3|VWA8_HUMAN Isoform 3 of von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VWA8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 411-UNIMOD:4,416-UNIMOD:1031,418-UNIMOD:4,420-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 26.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|P51955-3|NEK2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 143-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14680-5|MELK_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MELK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15131-4|CDK10_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:35 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00387-2|NB5R3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CYB5R3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 97-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P78368|KC1G2_HUMAN Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1G2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 167-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00170|AIP_HUMAN AH receptor-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 196-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05165-3|PCCA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCCA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 219-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N543|OGFD1_HUMAN Prolyl 3-hydroxylase OGFOD1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OGFOD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 84-UNIMOD:35,91-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN Prohibitin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 202-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NHP1|ARK74_HUMAN Aflatoxin B1 aldehyde reductase member 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKR7L PE=2 SV=7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 210-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q66PJ3-7|AR6P4_HUMAN Isoform 7 of ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6-interacting protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARL6IP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 200-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL21 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:35,50-UNIMOD:1031,36-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:35,55-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:4,97-UNIMOD:1031,56-UNIMOD:385,60-UNIMOD:1031 0.54 26.0 11 10 9 PRT sp|Q9BUP3|HTAI2_HUMAN Oxidoreductase HTATIP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HTATIP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y2S6|TMA7_HUMAN Translation machinery-associated protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMA7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 23-UNIMOD:4,35-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:1031 0.27 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P43487-2|RANG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ran-specific GTPase-activating protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 172-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P31749-2|AKT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y243-2|AKT3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RAC-gamma serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKT3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBT2|SAE2_HUMAN SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 158-UNIMOD:4,161-UNIMOD:4,164-UNIMOD:1031,557-UNIMOD:1031,72-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P28074-2|PSB5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proteasome subunit beta type-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.05 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O60313-13|OPA1_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Dynamin-like 120 kDa protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OPA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 192-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P996-3|PDXD1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDXDC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 267-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:4 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9P2E9|RRBP1_HUMAN Ribosome-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRBP1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 261-UNIMOD:1031,301-UNIMOD:1031,270-UNIMOD:1031,291-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031,699-UNIMOD:1031,230-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 26.0 8 7 6 PRT sp|O00764-3|PDXK_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Pyridoxal kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDXK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 88-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 107-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6UB35|C1TM_HUMAN Monofunctional C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD1L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 586-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75964|ATP5L_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit g, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5MG PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75347|TBCA_HUMAN Tubulin-specific chaperone A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBCA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:35,28-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 26.0 7 5 4 PRT sp|P41223|BUD31_HUMAN Protein BUD31 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BUD31 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:4,102-UNIMOD:4 0.08 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P18615-4|NELFE_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Negative elongation factor E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NELFE null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031,78-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P51659-3|DHB4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 166-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:4,656-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O14974-4|MYPT1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R12A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 442-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6FIF0-2|ZFAN6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of AN1-type zinc finger protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFAND6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 143-UNIMOD:1031,151-UNIMOD:4 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15371|EIF3D_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3D PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 505-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,514-UNIMOD:1031,458-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 26.0 8 5 2 PRT sp|P48047|ATPO_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit O, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PO PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031,84-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,98-UNIMOD:1031,199-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:1031 0.29 26.0 8 8 8 PRT sp|Q16181-2|SEPT7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Septin-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 185-UNIMOD:1031,372-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031,387-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 26.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q9NW13-2|RBM28_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA-binding protein 28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM28 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 337-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99614|TTC1_HUMAN Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 120-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N5M9|JAGN1_HUMAN Protein jagunal homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JAGN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BPX6-5|MICU1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Calcium uptake protein 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MICU1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 111-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14757-2|CHK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHEK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 351-UNIMOD:1031,358-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 26.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P18583-6|SON_HUMAN Isoform E of Protein SON OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SON null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 2055-UNIMOD:1031,1797-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P48556|PSMD8_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BXJ9|NAA15_HUMAN N-alpha-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 320-UNIMOD:1031,322-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:1031,448-UNIMOD:4,450-UNIMOD:1031,452-UNIMOD:35,447-UNIMOD:1031,556-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|O43933-2|PEX1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Peroxisome biogenesis factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PEX1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 279-UNIMOD:1031,307-UNIMOD:4,308-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q96QK1|VPS35_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 35 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS35 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 694-UNIMOD:1031,515-UNIMOD:1031,653-UNIMOD:4 0.04 26.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P30043|BLVRB_HUMAN Flavin reductase (NADPH) OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BLVRB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 99-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q4VC31|CCD58_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 58 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC58 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55060-3|XPO2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Exportin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSE1L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 344-UNIMOD:4,346-UNIMOD:1031,272-UNIMOD:4,281-UNIMOD:259,425-UNIMOD:1031,158-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:267,17-UNIMOD:1031,839-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 9 8 6 PRT sp|Q13501|SQSTM_HUMAN Sequestosome-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SQSTM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 435-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,141-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:4,151-UNIMOD:4,154-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 26.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O15397-2|IPO8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Importin-8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61019-2|RAB2A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 141-UNIMOD:259 0.08 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63208-2|SKP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SKP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95831-5|AIFM1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Apoptosis-inducing factor 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIFM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62857|RS28_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS28 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 27-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ80-2|PA2G4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proliferation-associated protein 2G4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PA2G4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 156-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:4,293-UNIMOD:35,301-UNIMOD:259,156-UNIMOD:259,184-UNIMOD:1031,204-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 26.0 8 6 4 PRT sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC2A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 468-UNIMOD:267 0.05 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O60888-3|CUTA_HUMAN Isoform C of Protein CutA OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUTA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O15144|ARPC2_HUMAN Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 275-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P42285|MTREX_HUMAN Exosome RNA helicase MTR4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTREX PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 848-UNIMOD:35,852-UNIMOD:1031,853-UNIMOD:4,198-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O15260-3|SURF4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Surfeit locus protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SURF4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60493|SNX3_HUMAN Sorting nexin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 95-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 26.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q92551|IP6K1_HUMAN Inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IP6K1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 48-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q58FF7|H90B3_HUMAN Putative heat shock protein HSP 90-beta-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AB3P PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 289-UNIMOD:1031,290-UNIMOD:1031,336-UNIMOD:35,341-UNIMOD:1031,198-UNIMOD:259,494-UNIMOD:35,496-UNIMOD:1031,423-UNIMOD:259,386-UNIMOD:35,394-UNIMOD:4,165-UNIMOD:1031,183-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 26.0 40 11 3 PRT sp|Q9Y536|PAL4A_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A-like 4A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIAL4A PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 61-UNIMOD:35,62-UNIMOD:4 0.09 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P21333|FLNA_HUMAN Filamin-A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 2133-UNIMOD:1031,771-UNIMOD:1031,773-UNIMOD:1031,781-UNIMOD:1031,355-UNIMOD:259 0.02 26.0 6 5 3 PRT sp|Q00325|MPCP_HUMAN Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 295-UNIMOD:1031,218-UNIMOD:1031,209-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 26.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P23193|TCEA1_HUMAN Transcription elongation factor A protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCEA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 84-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50213|IDH3A_HUMAN Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDH3A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 331-UNIMOD:4,336-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q02750|MP2K1_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 192-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|Q9GZT3|SLIRP_HUMAN SRA stem-loop-interacting RNA-binding protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLIRP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 48-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:385 0.13 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UDY4|DNJB4_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJB4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 302-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55809|SCOT1_HUMAN Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OXCT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 421-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P35080|PROF2_HUMAN Profilin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFN2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12846|STX4_HUMAN Syntaxin-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STX4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 124-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13073|COX41_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX4I1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:35,60-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 26.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P46734|MP2K3_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,94-UNIMOD:267,105-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 26.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|A0MZ66|SHOT1_HUMAN Shootin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHTN1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 171-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P22626|ROA2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA2B1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 168-UNIMOD:259 0.05 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q58FG0|HS905_HUMAN Putative heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha A5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA5P PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 257-UNIMOD:4,258-UNIMOD:1031,260-UNIMOD:35 0.08 26.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN Matrin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MATR3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 245-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15393|SF3B3_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 929-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 26.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P25789|PSA4_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 163-UNIMOD:4,176-UNIMOD:1031,231-UNIMOD:1031,210-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 26.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P82914|RT15_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S15, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 235-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96PK6-2|RBM14_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA-binding protein 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM14 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 135-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14318|FKBP8_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 334-UNIMOD:1031,340-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14974-2|IMB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Importin subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 714-UNIMOD:1031,722-UNIMOD:1031,690-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q9NT62-2|ATG3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-like-conjugating enzyme ATG3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATG3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 198-UNIMOD:267 0.09 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O43633|CHM2A_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 2a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 89-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NXW2|DJB12_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJB12 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 357-UNIMOD:1031,358-UNIMOD:35,363-UNIMOD:4 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86YR5-3|GPSM1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of G-protein-signaling modulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPSM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BPX3|CND3_HUMAN Condensin complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCAPG PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 943-UNIMOD:1031,522-UNIMOD:1031,995-UNIMOD:1031,948-UNIMOD:1031,498-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 25.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P50238|CRIP1_HUMAN Cysteine-rich protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRIP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 7-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6YN16-2|HSDL2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSDL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 42-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75390|CISY_HUMAN Citrate synthase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031,366-UNIMOD:1031,321-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 25.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P62854|RS26_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS26 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.14 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43930|PRKY_HUMAN Putative serine/threonine-protein kinase PRKY OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKY PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P45984-5|MK09_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O75531|BAF_HUMAN Barrier-to-autointegration factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BANF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 67-UNIMOD:4,72-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:259,2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.37 25.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q9BUL8|PDC10_HUMAN Programmed cell death protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:1031,164-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 25.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q6PKG0|LARP1_HUMAN La-related protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 892-UNIMOD:1031,539-UNIMOD:1031,367-UNIMOD:1031,465-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 25.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|O75330-4|HMMR_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Hyaluronan mediated motility receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMMR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 441-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53350|PLK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 82-UNIMOD:1031,86-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031,77-UNIMOD:27 0.04 25.0 9 2 1 PRT sp|Q8WX93-4|PALLD_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Palladin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PALLD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 204-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96GX5-2|GWL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase greatwall OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MASTL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14203-3|DCTN1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Dynactin subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53007|TXTP_HUMAN Tricarboxylate transport protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 97-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60869|EDF1_HUMAN Endothelial differentiation-related factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EDF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 93-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031,60-UNIMOD:1031 0.31 25.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P67812-2|SC11A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Signal peptidase complex catalytic subunit SEC11A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC11A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49257|LMAN1_HUMAN Protein ERGIC-53 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMAN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 346-UNIMOD:1031,372-UNIMOD:1031,447-UNIMOD:1031,401-UNIMOD:267 0.08 25.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O00264-2|PGRC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGRMC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 96-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UPT8|ZC3H4_HUMAN Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZC3H4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 776-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15819|UB2V2_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2V2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031,69-UNIMOD:4,72-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 25.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P53618|COPB_HUMAN Coatomer subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 107-UNIMOD:1031,771-UNIMOD:1031,651-UNIMOD:1031,703-UNIMOD:1031,494-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 25.0 6 6 6 PRT sp|P50402|EMD_HUMAN Emerin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EMD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 79-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q969S3|ZN622_HUMAN Zinc finger protein 622 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF622 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NP81|SYSM_HUMAN Serine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 403-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06203|PUR1_HUMAN Amidophosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPAT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 372-UNIMOD:1031,339-UNIMOD:4,348-UNIMOD:4,349-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9BZZ5-3|API5_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Apoptosis inhibitor 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=API5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q15631|TSN_HUMAN Translin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49589-2|SYCC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cysteine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13045-2|FLII_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein flightless-1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLII null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 576-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55265-5|DSRAD_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADAR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 486-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14244-2|MAP7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ensconsin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031,258-UNIMOD:1031,444-UNIMOD:267,127-UNIMOD:1031,136-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 25.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|P55786-2|PSA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPEPPS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031,142-UNIMOD:1031,635-UNIMOD:1031,650-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 25.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|P18077|RL35A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L35a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL35A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 95-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:259,66-UNIMOD:259 0.49 25.0 8 5 3 PRT sp|P78417-3|GSTO1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Glutathione S-transferase omega-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSTO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 108-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IV48|ERI1_HUMAN 3'-5' exoribonuclease 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERI1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 276-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P36542-2|ATPG_HUMAN Isoform Heart of ATP synthase subunit gamma, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 154-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:35,49-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:35,39-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 25.0 6 4 3 PRT sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 553-UNIMOD:1031,587-UNIMOD:1031,545-UNIMOD:4,547-UNIMOD:267,517-UNIMOD:1031,564-UNIMOD:1031,516-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 25.0 9 8 7 PRT sp|Q96S99|PKHF1_HUMAN Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEKHF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 44-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75477|ERLN1_HUMAN Erlin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERLIN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031,286-UNIMOD:1031,222-UNIMOD:1031,275-UNIMOD:1031,201-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 25.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|O60716-32|CTND1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Catenin delta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNND1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 399-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O43809|CPSF5_HUMAN Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT21 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q02539|H11_HUMAN Histone H1.1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1-1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P20839|IMDH1_HUMAN Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMPDH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 208-UNIMOD:1031,215-UNIMOD:4,436-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P62633|CNBP_HUMAN Cellular nucleic acid-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:4,57-UNIMOD:4 0.12 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P21912|SDHB_HUMAN Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDHB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 233-UNIMOD:1031,261-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031,267-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 25.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q05682|CALD1_HUMAN Caldesmon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 664-UNIMOD:1031,674-UNIMOD:1031,605-UNIMOD:1031,733-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 25.0 5 4 2 PRT sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OGDH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 283-UNIMOD:4,291-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14757|CHK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHEK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 445-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99733|NP1L4_HUMAN Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAP1L4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 77-UNIMOD:385,77-UNIMOD:4,83-UNIMOD:1031,192-UNIMOD:1031,61-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:35,138-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 25.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q5VW32|BROX_HUMAN BRO1 domain-containing protein BROX OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BROX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 283-UNIMOD:1031,288-UNIMOD:4 0.03 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P0DP23|CALM1_HUMAN Calmodulin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:35,22-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9ULH7|MRTFB_HUMAN Myocardin-related transcription factor B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRTFB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O76031|CLPX_HUMAN ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit clpX-like, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLPX PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 286-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92841|DDX17_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX17 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031,414-UNIMOD:35,420-UNIMOD:259 0.04 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UHD1|CHRD1_HUMAN Cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHORDC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 211-UNIMOD:4,127-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 25.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P35269|T2FA_HUMAN General transcription factor IIF subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2F1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 407-UNIMOD:1031,83-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96TA2|YMEL1_HUMAN ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease YME1L1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YME1L1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 334-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBE8|NLK_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase NLK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NLK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031,276-UNIMOD:4 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12789-3|TF3C1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of General transcription factor 3C polypeptide 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF3C1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 1535-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P82933|RT09_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S9, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 287-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P09543-2|CN37_HUMAN Isoform CNPI of 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 380-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:4,142-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q5JSH3-4|WDR44_HUMAN Isoform 4 of WD repeat-containing protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR44 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 415-UNIMOD:1031,409-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glucosidase 2 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKCSH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 219-UNIMOD:259,158-UNIMOD:1031,191-UNIMOD:1031,149-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 24.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q9BVC6|TM109_HUMAN Transmembrane protein 109 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMEM109 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 215-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00592-2|PODXL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Podocalyxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PODXL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 362-UNIMOD:1031,363-UNIMOD:4 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 609-UNIMOD:1031,1291-UNIMOD:4,1294-UNIMOD:1031,2244-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 24.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q8IZL9-2|CDK20_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent kinase 20 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK20 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 129-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UNH7-2|SNX6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sorting nexin-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 191-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H2K8|TAOK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAOK3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 439-UNIMOD:1031,398-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|P55039|DRG2_HUMAN Developmentally-regulated GTP-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DRG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 6-UNIMOD:1031,127-UNIMOD:259 0.09 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P22087|FBRL_HUMAN rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FBL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031,131-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8N1G4|LRC47_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 47 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRRC47 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 353-UNIMOD:1031,381-UNIMOD:267 0.04 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O43324-2|MCA3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 epsilon-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1E1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031,88-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15637-4|SF01_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Splicing factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 165-UNIMOD:1031,169-UNIMOD:1031,171-UNIMOD:4,279-UNIMOD:4,184-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN RuvB-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RUVBL2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 427-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031,227-UNIMOD:4,234-UNIMOD:1031,236-UNIMOD:1031,368-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:35,177-UNIMOD:259,201-UNIMOD:1031 0.25 24.0 9 9 9 PRT sp|Q96JP5-2|ZFP91_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ZFP91 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFP91 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 364-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TDN6|BRX1_HUMAN Ribosome biogenesis protein BRX1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRIX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 44-UNIMOD:267,284-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P30048-2|PRDX3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P54727|RD23B_HUMAN UV excision repair protein RAD23 homolog B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAD23B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 24-UNIMOD:1031,51-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P30533|AMRP_HUMAN Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRPAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 290-UNIMOD:1031,332-UNIMOD:1031,225-UNIMOD:1031,43-UNIMOD:1031,323-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 24.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|P62837|UB2D2_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2D2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75306-2|NDUS2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFS2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 425-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60563|CCNT1_HUMAN Cyclin-T1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCNT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 485-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75323-2|NIPS2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein NipSnap homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NIPSNAP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 58-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P61158|ARP3_HUMAN Actin-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 398-UNIMOD:1031,408-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:259 0.07 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9UNZ5|L10K_HUMAN Leydig cell tumor 10 kDa protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C19orf53 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 87-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.41 24.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O00762-4|UBE2C_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30520|PURA2_HUMAN Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADSS2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 164-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UPN9-2|TRI33_HUMAN Isoform Beta of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM33 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM33 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 334-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P16403|H12_HUMAN Histone H1.2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1-2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031,63-UNIMOD:259,187-UNIMOD:1031,27-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 24.0 7 6 3 PRT sp|Q15003-2|CND2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Condensin complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCAPH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 316-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40222|TXLNA_HUMAN Alpha-taxilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXLNA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:1031,330-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031,359-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 24.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q99848|EBP2_HUMAN Probable rRNA-processing protein EBP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EBNA1BP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:1031,33-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O60488-2|ACSL4_HUMAN Isoform Short of Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACSL4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94776-2|MTA2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Metastasis-associated protein MTA2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTA2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,419-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 4 4 3 PRT sp|Q9NVI7-3|ATD3A_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATAD3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 426-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:1031,135-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q92896|GSLG1_HUMAN Golgi apparatus protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLG1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 759-UNIMOD:4,760-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13485|SMAD4_HUMAN Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMAD4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 507-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYY8-2|FAKD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of FAST kinase domain-containing protein 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FASTKD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 539-UNIMOD:1031,546-UNIMOD:4 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05513-2|KPCZ_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein kinase C zeta type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKCZ null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43768-6|ENSA_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Alpha-endosulfine OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ENSA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 76-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q7Z4V5-2|HDGR2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDGFL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 524-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:1031,560-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q8TED1|GPX8_HUMAN Probable glutathione peroxidase 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPX8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 120-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR1AIP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 334-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43243-2|MATR3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Matrin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MATR3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 349-UNIMOD:1031,423-UNIMOD:1031,548-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P48507-2|GSH0_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamate--cysteine ligase regulatory subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCLM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 241-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 24.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|Q6PCE3|PGM2L_HUMAN Glucose 1,6-bisphosphate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGM2L1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 575-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JTZ9|SYAM_HUMAN Alanine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 107-UNIMOD:1031,108-UNIMOD:4 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWF3-3|RBM4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of RNA-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 3-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49189-2|AL9A1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 4-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH9A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 274-UNIMOD:1031,179-UNIMOD:1031,240-UNIMOD:1031,277-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 24.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O00244|ATOX1_HUMAN Copper transport protein ATOX1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATOX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H1A3-2|METL9_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methyltransferase-like protein 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=METTL9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 256-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P07951|TPM2_HUMAN Tropomyosin beta chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09651|ROA1_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 175-UNIMOD:4,178-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13428|TCOF_HUMAN Treacle protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCOF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 725-UNIMOD:1031,384-UNIMOD:1031,449-UNIMOD:1031,470-UNIMOD:259,732-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 5 5 2 PRT sp|Q9UKA9|PTBP2_HUMAN Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTBP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 92-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:35 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53396|ACLY_HUMAN ATP-citrate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACLY PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:1031,630-UNIMOD:1031,633-UNIMOD:4,968-UNIMOD:1031,836-UNIMOD:1031,845-UNIMOD:4 0.05 24.0 4 4 2 PRT sp|P55209|NP1L1_HUMAN Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAP1L1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 116-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N163|CCAR2_HUMAN Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCAR2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49189|AL9A1_HUMAN 4-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH9A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 316-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08621|RU17_HUMAN U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRNP70 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 157-UNIMOD:35,162-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P60900|PSA6_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 104-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:4,181-UNIMOD:1031,172-UNIMOD:28,21-UNIMOD:267 0.15 24.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q9HC98|NEK6_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:259,187-UNIMOD:259 0.05 24.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q3ZCQ8|TIM50_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM50 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 312-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16513|PKN2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62308|RUXG_HUMAN Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPG PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P56192|SYMC_HUMAN Methionine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 109-UNIMOD:1031,823-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9Y678|COPG1_HUMAN Coatomer subunit gamma-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 387-UNIMOD:4,389-UNIMOD:1031,313-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:35,217-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 24.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q8IVM0|CCD50_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC50 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 119-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 0.07 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P17655|CAN2_HUMAN Calpain-2 catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPN2 PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031,629-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P51965|UB2E1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 E1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2E1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6RFH5|WDR74_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 74 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR74 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 311-UNIMOD:1031,316-UNIMOD:4,359-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q7L0Y3|TM10C_HUMAN tRNA methyltransferase 10 homolog C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRMT10C PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 315-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NRZ9|HELLS_HUMAN Lymphoid-specific helicase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HELLS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 753-UNIMOD:1031,569-UNIMOD:1031,570-UNIMOD:4,571-UNIMOD:4 0.04 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14CN4|K2C72_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 72 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT72 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 233-UNIMOD:259 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ80|PA2G4_HUMAN Proliferation-associated protein 2G4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PA2G4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13557|KCC2D_HUMAN Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAMK2D PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 43-UNIMOD:259,48-UNIMOD:259,43-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q9BRS2|RIOK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase RIO1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIOK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 124-UNIMOD:1031,438-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN Plectin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 908-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15054-3|DPOD3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of DNA polymerase delta subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLD3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 97-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P52758|RIDA_HUMAN 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIDA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61923-3|COPZ1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Coatomer subunit zeta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPZ1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 23-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9GZT3-2|SLIRP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SRA stem-loop-interacting RNA-binding protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLIRP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 48-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 23.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q96DI7|SNR40_HUMAN U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 40 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRNP40 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 273-UNIMOD:4,275-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5S2|MRCKB_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase MRCK beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC42BPB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 202-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IWQ3-6|BRSK2_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase BRSK2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRSK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 83-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NBN7|RDH13_HUMAN Retinol dehydrogenase 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RDH13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:4 0.03 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P28340|DPOD1_HUMAN DNA polymerase delta catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 439-UNIMOD:1031,676-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O75116|ROCK2_HUMAN Rho-associated protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROCK2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:35,120-UNIMOD:35,121-UNIMOD:1031,1076-UNIMOD:1031,1065-UNIMOD:1031,1068-UNIMOD:35,1065-UNIMOD:259,1071-UNIMOD:259 0.03 23.0 10 4 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6M4-6|KC1G3_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1G3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96DG6|CMBL_HUMAN Carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CMBL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 193-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 23.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H299|SH3L3_HUMAN SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3BGRL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43379-3|WDR62_HUMAN Isoform 3 of WD repeat-containing protein 62 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR62 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9GZQ8|MLP3B_HUMAN Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP1LC3B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 30-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15530-2|PDPK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:1031,167-UNIMOD:35,73-UNIMOD:1031,410-UNIMOD:35,415-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 23.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q96M32|KAD7_HUMAN Adenylate kinase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AK7 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 371-UNIMOD:4,385-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04114|APOB_HUMAN Apolipoprotein B-100 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APOB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 1121-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P17858|PFKAL_HUMAN ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, liver type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKL PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 556-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031,392-UNIMOD:1031,392-UNIMOD:259,395-UNIMOD:259,395-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 10 3 2 PRT sp|P61026|RAB10_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 49-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UN86-2|G3BP2_HUMAN Isoform B of Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=G3BP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 359-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61077|UB2D3_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2D3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN Kinesin-1 heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF5B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 642-UNIMOD:1031,755-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P48163|MAOX_HUMAN NADP-dependent malic enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ME1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 519-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN Calpain-1 catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 229-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61081|UBC12_HUMAN NEDD8-conjugating enzyme Ubc12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2M PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 12-UNIMOD:1031,65-UNIMOD:4,72-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95071-2|UBR5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBR5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 2655-UNIMOD:1031,720-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96KB5|TOPK_HUMAN Lymphokine-activated killer T-cell-originated protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PBK PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 65-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:1031,161-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 23.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q00341-2|VIGLN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vigilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDLBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 681-UNIMOD:1031,350-UNIMOD:1031,1033-UNIMOD:1031,958-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q9NW64|RBM22_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor RBM22 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM22 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 67-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:4 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O76080|ZFAN5_HUMAN AN1-type zinc finger protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFAND5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031,168-UNIMOD:4 0.05 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49792|RBP2_HUMAN E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 2125-UNIMOD:1031,2165-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14257|RCN2_HUMAN Reticulocalbin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16637-3|SMN_HUMAN Isoform SMN-delta7 of Survival motor neuron protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 209-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96I25|SPF45_HUMAN Splicing factor 45 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM17 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 33-UNIMOD:1031,256-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 23.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P61916|NPC2_HUMAN NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 116-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q27J81-2|INF2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Inverted formin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 792-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99805|TM9S2_HUMAN Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TM9SF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 234-UNIMOD:1031,174-UNIMOD:4,182-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P20290-2|BTF3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription factor BTF3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BTF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:35 0.07 23.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NVS9-4|PNPO_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Pyridoxine-5'-phosphate oxidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNPO null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92973-2|TNPO1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNPO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,881-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2Q3-4|GSTK1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Glutathione S-transferase kappa 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSTK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 126-UNIMOD:1031,133-UNIMOD:4 0.07 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HLA-A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 92-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86UE4|LYRIC_HUMAN Protein LYRIC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTDH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031,107-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9HB19|PKHA2_HUMAN Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family A member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEKHA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 205-UNIMOD:4,207-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16836|HCDH_HUMAN Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 202-UNIMOD:259,305-UNIMOD:1031,301-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 23.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P09960-3|LKHA4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LTA4H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P36871|PGM1_HUMAN Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGM1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 160-UNIMOD:4,164-UNIMOD:259 0.05 23.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3I0|RTCB_HUMAN RNA-splicing ligase RtcB homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTCB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00625|PIR_HUMAN Pirin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5TAQ9|DCAF8_HUMAN DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCAF8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 283-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13618-3|CUL3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cullin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUL3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 607-UNIMOD:1031,634-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P13693-2|TCTP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Translationally-controlled tumor protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 78-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:35,96-UNIMOD:259,59-UNIMOD:1031,62-UNIMOD:35,63-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 23.0 6 4 1 PRT sp|O00767|ACOD_HUMAN Acyl-CoA desaturase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 341-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P82909|RT36_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S36, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS36 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 17-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05048|CSTF1_HUMAN Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSTF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 326-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P68032|ACTC_HUMAN Actin, alpha cardiac muscle 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 12-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:259,84-UNIMOD:35,86-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 23.0 9 4 1 PRT sp|Q13310|PABP4_HUMAN Polyadenylate-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPC4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 104-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P48426|PI42A_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIP4K2A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 234-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q6NXS1|IPP2B_HUMAN Protein phosphatase inhibitor 2 family member B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R2B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P07910|HNRPC_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPC PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.08 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62899|RL31_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL31 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:267 0.18 23.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P36542|ATPG_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit gamma, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 49-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:35 0.03 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P54619|AAKG1_HUMAN 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKAG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P19525|E2AK2_HUMAN Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2AK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 440-UNIMOD:1031,416-UNIMOD:1031,426-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q14498|RBM39_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 39 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM39 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 322-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y262|EIF3L_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 546-UNIMOD:28,549-UNIMOD:1031,465-UNIMOD:1031,527-UNIMOD:35,534-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 23.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|P11908-2|PRPS2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPS2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 197-UNIMOD:1031,102-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 23.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P51659|DHB4_HUMAN Peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 50-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O94906|PRP6_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-processing factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031,395-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:1031,679-UNIMOD:35,680-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|Q9HAV4|XPO5_HUMAN Exportin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPO5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 1173-UNIMOD:1031,1181-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q969Z0|FAKD4_HUMAN FAST kinase domain-containing protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBRG4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52298|NCBP2_HUMAN Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCBP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14527|HLTF_HUMAN Helicase-like transcription factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HLTF PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 417-UNIMOD:1031,952-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q53GQ0|DHB12_HUMAN Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B12 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 215-UNIMOD:4,221-UNIMOD:267 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKX7|NUP50_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP50 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 151-UNIMOD:4,158-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:4 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94979|SC31A_HUMAN Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC31A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 806-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51572|BAP31_HUMAN B-cell receptor-associated protein 31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCAP31 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 159-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6XQN6|PNCB_HUMAN Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAPRT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 407-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53004|BIEA_HUMAN Biliverdin reductase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BLVRA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 269-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C0D5|TANC1_HUMAN Protein TANC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TANC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 1348-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P31040|SDHA_HUMAN Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDHA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 167-UNIMOD:1031,541-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 23.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15021|CND1_HUMAN Condensin complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCAPD2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 1288-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86VZ2|WDR5B_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 5B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR5B PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 244-UNIMOD:4,246-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96GD4-4|AURKB_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Aurora kinase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AURKB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14920-3|IKKB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IKBKB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UKD2|MRT4_HUMAN mRNA turnover protein 4 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRTO4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86V97|KBTB6_HUMAN Kelch repeat and BTB domain-containing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KBTBD6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 450-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86UX6-2|ST32C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 32C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK32C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q71DI3|H32_HUMAN Histone H3.2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIST2H3A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 22.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9H3K6-2|BOLA2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of BolA-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BOLA2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62861|RS30_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S30 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAU PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031,1-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031 0.36 22.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P013|CWC15_HUMAN Spliceosome-associated protein CWC15 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CWC15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92522|H1X_HUMAN Histone H1x OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1FX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031,34-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 22.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q02809|PLOD1_HUMAN Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLOD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9BQ69|MACD1_HUMAN ADP-ribose glycohydrolase MACROD1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MACROD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42685-2|FRK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FRK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 252-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q96ST3|SIN3A_HUMAN Paired amphipathic helix protein Sin3a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SIN3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 469-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12797-10|ASPH_HUMAN Isoform 10 of Aspartyl/asparaginyl beta-hydroxylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASPH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031,287-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|Q9NZM1-5|MYOF_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Myoferlin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYOF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 884-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q99933-4|BAG1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 123-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49321-2|NASP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NASP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 318-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52701|MSH6_HUMAN DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MSH6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 833-UNIMOD:1031,1291-UNIMOD:1031,1294-UNIMOD:4,185-UNIMOD:1031,545-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q14008-2|CKAP5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytoskeleton-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKAP5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 163-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N183|NDUF2_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFAF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031,165-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 22.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UBR2|CATZ_HUMAN Cathepsin Z OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTSZ PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 281-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN Far upstream element-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KHSRP PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 71-UNIMOD:1031,340-UNIMOD:267,122-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9BXP5-5|SRRT_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 654-UNIMOD:1031,176-UNIMOD:1031,686-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q9NZC9|SMAL1_HUMAN SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMARCAL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 660-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNL2|SSRG_HUMAN Translocon-associated protein subunit gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSR3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23919-2|KTHY_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thymidylate kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DTYMK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 22.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q8NCW5-2|NNRE_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAXE null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 143-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62273|RS29_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS29 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 33-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031,38-UNIMOD:35 0.30 22.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8WY22|BRI3B_HUMAN BRI3-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRI3BP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 229-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13098-5|CSN1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 140-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y696|CLIC4_HUMAN Chloride intracellular channel protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLIC4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 199-UNIMOD:1031,146-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O14787|TNPO2_HUMAN Transportin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNPO2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 56-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92466-4|DDB2_HUMAN Isoform D3 of DNA damage-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 245-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50416-2|CPT1A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPT1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN DNA damage-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 864-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NCF5|NF2IP_HUMAN NFATC2-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NFATC2IP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96EP5-2|DAZP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DAZ-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAZAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 83-UNIMOD:1031,85-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95352-2|ATG7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATG7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 309-UNIMOD:1031,312-UNIMOD:35,140-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P49755|TMEDA_HUMAN Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMED10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 140-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y3C1|NOP16_HUMAN Nucleolar protein 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP16 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14444-2|CAPR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Caprin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPRIN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031,144-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|Q9H814|PHAX_HUMAN Phosphorylated adapter RNA export protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHAX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 158-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P15954|COX7C_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7C, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX7C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 25-UNIMOD:259 0.16 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51956-2|NEK3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 131-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05682-5|CALD1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Caldesmon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 403-UNIMOD:1031,398-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NRN9|METL5_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=METTL5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 158-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55854|SUMO3_HUMAN Small ubiquitin-related modifier 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUMO3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 0.10 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15428|SF3A2_HUMAN Splicing factor 3A subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3A2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:267,77-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 22.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q12849-5|GRSF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of G-rich sequence factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRSF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 175-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P28838-2|AMPL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytosol aminopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60568|PLOD3_HUMAN Multifunctional procollagen lysine hydroxylase and glycosyltransferase LH3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLOD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 89-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O60925|PFD1_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 22.0 null 26-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN Lamin-B2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNB2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q969E8|TSR2_HUMAN Pre-rRNA-processing protein TSR2 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSR2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q02447-4|SP3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Transcription factor Sp3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 332-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H4B7|TBB1_HUMAN Tubulin beta-1 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 257-UNIMOD:35,262-UNIMOD:267,354-UNIMOD:4 0.07 22.0 3 3 1 PRT sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPU PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031,682-UNIMOD:1031,626-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 3 3 0 PRT sp|P15170-2|ERF3A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor GTP-binding subunit ERF3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P31947|1433S_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein sigma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 49-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:1031 0.15 22.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P51991|ROA3_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 196-UNIMOD:4,199-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O94776|MTA2_HUMAN Metastasis-associated protein MTA2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 285-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y6E2|BZW2_HUMAN Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BZW2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43684|BUB3_HUMAN Mitotic checkpoint protein BUB3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BUB3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 22.0 null 191-UNIMOD:1031,129-UNIMOD:4,139-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q12849|GRSF1_HUMAN G-rich sequence factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRSF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 340-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60684|IMA7_HUMAN Importin subunit alpha-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNA6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,457-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P84103|SRSF3_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 6-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15041|AR6P1_HUMAN ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARL6IP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 109-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q7Z7G8|VP13B_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 13B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS13B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 1336-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P82921|RT21_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S21, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS21 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 40-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NY93|DDX56_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX56 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX56 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 337-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75348|VATG1_HUMAN V-type proton ATPase subunit G 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP6V1G1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q07866|KLC1_HUMAN Kinesin light chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KLC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 382-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75380|NDUS6_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 6, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFS6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 108-UNIMOD:1031,112-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:4 0.13 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96B36|AKTS1_HUMAN Proline-rich AKT1 substrate 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKT1S1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 251-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P02788|TRFL_HUMAN Lactotransferrin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LTF PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 320-UNIMOD:1031,476-UNIMOD:1031,478-UNIMOD:4 0.03 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN Neutral amino acid transporter B(0) OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC1A5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 363-UNIMOD:4,372-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN Protein unc-45 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UNC45A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 173-UNIMOD:1031,126-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96A26|F162A_HUMAN Protein FAM162A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM162A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P47897|SYQ_HUMAN Glutamine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QARS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 309-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y606|TRUA_HUMAN tRNA pseudouridine synthase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PUS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q92526|TCPW_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT6B PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 0.02 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H8V3|ECT2_HUMAN Protein ECT2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECT2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 384-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13190|STX5_HUMAN Syntaxin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STX5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 241-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 22.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P09001|RM03_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L3, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 22.0 null 157-UNIMOD:1031,235-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16851|UGPA_HUMAN UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGP2 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,438-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 22.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAE PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 33-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 22.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8WUA4|TF3C2_HUMAN General transcription factor 3C polypeptide 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF3C2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NCA5|FA98A_HUMAN Protein FAM98A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM98A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 292-UNIMOD:4,296-UNIMOD:1031,299-UNIMOD:35 0.03 22.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52209|6PGD_HUMAN 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGD PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 22.0 null 136-UNIMOD:267,261-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 22.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q66K74-2|MAP1S_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Microtubule-associated protein 1S OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP1S null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 851-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30519-2|HMOX2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heme oxygenase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMOX2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 26-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 21.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q8NF37|PCAT1_HUMAN Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LPCAT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 468-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P22307-5|NLTP_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Non-specific lipid-transfer protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 34-UNIMOD:1031 0.19 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62899-3|RL31_HUMAN Isoform 3 of 60S ribosomal protein L31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL31 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:1031,40-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:267 0.32 21.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q9BW85|YJU2_HUMAN Splicing factor YJU2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YJU2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 43-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:1031,46-UNIMOD:4 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13303-4|KCAB2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KCNAB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 209-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN Ribonuclease inhibitor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 220-UNIMOD:4,226-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C098|DCLK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase DCLK3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCLK3 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 479-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9ULR0|ISY1_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ISY1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 79-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86U42-2|PABP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Polyadenylate-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 135-UNIMOD:1031,243-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P07686|HEXB_HUMAN Beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HEXB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031,382-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O14656|TOR1A_HUMAN Torsin-1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 319-UNIMOD:4,320-UNIMOD:1031,325-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16666-3|IF16_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Gamma-interferon-inducible protein 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IFI16 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92538-3|GBF1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Golgi-specific brefeldin A-resistance guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GBF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 1104-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61758-2|PFD3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Prefoldin subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92499-2|DDX1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 123-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:4 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5V0|ZN706_HUMAN Zinc finger protein 706 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF706 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:1031 0.28 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q86V81|THOC4_HUMAN THO complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALYREF PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 134-UNIMOD:1031,81-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 21.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q8N0X7|SPART_HUMAN Spartin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPART PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031,451-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P49721|PSB2_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 162-UNIMOD:1031,163-UNIMOD:4 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63010|AP2B1_HUMAN AP-2 complex subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2B1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 12-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P82675|RT05_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S5, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 366-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96EY4|TMA16_HUMAN Translation machinery-associated protein 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMA16 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031,162-UNIMOD:4 0.05 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43837-2|IDH3B_HUMAN Isoform A of Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDH3B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 135-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H6T3-2|RPAP3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA polymerase II-associated protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 271-UNIMOD:1031,202-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q14739|LBR_HUMAN Delta(14)-sterol reductase LBR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LBR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 594-UNIMOD:1031,508-UNIMOD:1031,64-UNIMOD:1031,178-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 21.0 4 4 4 PRT sp|O76003|GLRX3_HUMAN Glutaredoxin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLRX3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 111-UNIMOD:1031,96-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92597-3|NDRG1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein NDRG1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDRG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 199-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BTW9-5|TBCD_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Tubulin-specific chaperone D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBCD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 282-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P2I0|CPSF2_HUMAN Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPSF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 725-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99961-3|SH3G1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Endophilin-A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3GL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 76-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q969H8|MYDGF_HUMAN Myeloid-derived growth factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYDGF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 167-UNIMOD:1031,109-UNIMOD:259 0.12 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P84090|ERH_HUMAN Enhancer of rudimentary homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 41-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BY44-4|EIF2A_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 39-UNIMOD:4,40-UNIMOD:1031,42-UNIMOD:4,506-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9BV40|VAMP8_HUMAN Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VAMP8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031,59-UNIMOD:259 0.15 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P14635-2|CCNB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCNB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 10-UNIMOD:1031,371-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 21.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q96ES7|SGF29_HUMAN SAGA-associated factor 29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SGF29 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15042-2|SR140_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U2 snRNP-associated SURP motif-containing protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=U2SURP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031,212-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P12931|SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 426-UNIMOD:1031,430-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UJY1|HSPB8_HUMAN Heat shock protein beta-8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPB8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 137-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30566-2|PUR8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Adenylosuccinate lyase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADSL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 295-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN Serpin B6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINB6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 100-UNIMOD:4,107-UNIMOD:267,246-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 21.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P62316|SMD2_HUMAN Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031,118-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P04080|CYTB_HUMAN Cystatin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSTB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 30-UNIMOD:1031,91-UNIMOD:1031 0.34 21.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9H0A0-2|NAT10_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA cytidine acetyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAT10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 617-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q7L7L0|H2A3_HUMAN Histone H2A type 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIST3H2A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 126-UNIMOD:1031,37-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031 0.20 21.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P78344-2|IF4G2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 491-UNIMOD:1031,87-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NRH2-2|SNRK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SNF-related serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14550|AK1A1_HUMAN Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKR1A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 260-UNIMOD:4,263-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75083-3|WDR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of WD repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 429-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 21.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q2KHR3-2|QSER1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine and serine-rich protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QSER1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 1149-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60942-3|MCE1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of mRNA-capping enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNGTT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 294-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05639|EF1A2_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-alpha 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1A2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 404-UNIMOD:35,408-UNIMOD:1031,411-UNIMOD:4,410-UNIMOD:35 0.06 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN Filamin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 272-UNIMOD:1031,495-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P34897|GLYM_HUMAN Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHMT2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 269-UNIMOD:1031,469-UNIMOD:1031,297-UNIMOD:1031,280-UNIMOD:259 0.08 21.0 4 4 1 PRT sp|P00367|DHE3_HUMAN Glutamate dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLUD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 503-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:259,191-UNIMOD:259 0.05 21.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|O60664|PLIN3_HUMAN Perilipin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLIN3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 248-UNIMOD:28,257-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q14152|EIF3A_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 632-UNIMOD:1031,68-UNIMOD:1031,651-UNIMOD:1031,775-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 4 4 1 PRT sp|O75521|ECI2_HUMAN Enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECI2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62191|PRS4_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 293-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NE71|ABCF1_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 255-UNIMOD:1031,342-UNIMOD:259,347-UNIMOD:259,263-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q8IVH8|M4K3_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031,138-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P35606|COPB2_HUMAN Coatomer subunit beta' OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 318-UNIMOD:1031,413-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62841|RS15_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 72-UNIMOD:1031,52-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 21.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|O43592|XPOT_HUMAN Exportin-T OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPOT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 663-UNIMOD:1031,629-UNIMOD:1031,845-UNIMOD:4 0.04 21.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|O00232|PSD12_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD12 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O95433|AHSA1_HUMAN Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHSA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 203-UNIMOD:1031,207-UNIMOD:4 0.03 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13813|SPTN1_HUMAN Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTAN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 758-UNIMOD:1031,824-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9UBE0|SAE1_HUMAN SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 210-UNIMOD:1031,214-UNIMOD:4 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14C86|GAPD1_HUMAN GTPase-activating protein and VPS9 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPVD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 1353-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UL54|TAOK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAOK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O14974|MYPT1_HUMAN Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R12A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 966-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14573|ITPR3_HUMAN Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITPR3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 569-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P62495|ERF1_HUMAN Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 22-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WWM7|ATX2L_HUMAN Ataxin-2-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATXN2L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00764|PDXK_HUMAN Pyridoxal kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDXK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 161-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 21.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13564|ULA1_HUMAN NEDD8-activating enzyme E1 regulatory subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NPA0|EMC7_HUMAN ER membrane protein complex subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EMC7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 232-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IW41|MAPK5_HUMAN MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPKAPK5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 454-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51970|NDUA8_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA8 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 65-UNIMOD:1031,66-UNIMOD:4 0.07 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TCJ2|STT3B_HUMAN Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STT3B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NRG0|CHRC1_HUMAN Chromatin accessibility complex protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHRAC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 21.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 21.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN Exosome complex exonuclease RRP44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DIS3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 922-UNIMOD:1031,814-UNIMOD:4,815-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q93008|USP9X_HUMAN Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-X OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP9X PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 2360-UNIMOD:1031,1370-UNIMOD:1031,315-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN Glutamate--cysteine ligase regulatory subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCLM PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 263-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 21.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|P49321|NASP_HUMAN Nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NASP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9GZS1|RPA49_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase I subunit RPA49 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR1E PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08243|ASNS_HUMAN Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASNS PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 538-UNIMOD:35,540-UNIMOD:1031,478-UNIMOD:259,483-UNIMOD:259,417-UNIMOD:267 0.09 21.0 3 3 0 PRT sp|Q13561|DCTN2_HUMAN Dynactin subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTN2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 21.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 21.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92878|RAD50_HUMAN DNA repair protein RAD50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAD50 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 1068-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96RG2|PASK_HUMAN PAS domain-containing serine/threonine-protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PASK PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 21.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031,152-UNIMOD:4 0.02 21.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30405|PPIF_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase F, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031,82-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:1031,104-UNIMOD:4,118-UNIMOD:1031 0.26 20.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9Y3B4|SF3B6_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031,101-UNIMOD:35 0.07 20.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P25490|TYY1_HUMAN Transcriptional repressor protein YY1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YY1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 339-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P11717|MPRI_HUMAN Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IGF2R PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 1545-UNIMOD:1031,2352-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q06481-5|APLP2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Amyloid-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APLP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 165-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13823|NOG2_HUMAN Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNL2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 603-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25788-2|PSA3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 41-UNIMOD:267 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60749-2|SNX2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sorting nexin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 352-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14164-2|IKKE_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IKBKE null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 52-UNIMOD:1031,57-UNIMOD:35 0.02 20.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15070-3|OXA1L_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mitochondrial inner membrane protein OXA1L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OXA1L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 185-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BUQ8|DDX23_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX23 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 711-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BR76|COR1B_HUMAN Coronin-1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CORO1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14964-2|HGS_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HGS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031,185-UNIMOD:4,190-UNIMOD:4,192-UNIMOD:1031,193-UNIMOD:4 0.03 20.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|O14657|TOR1B_HUMAN Torsin-1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR1B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 326-UNIMOD:4,327-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IXN7|RIMKA_HUMAN N-acetylaspartylglutamate synthase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIMKLA PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 162-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P57076|CF298_HUMAN Cilia- and flagella-associated protein 298 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CFAP298 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 283-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6E2-2|BZW2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BZW2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 6-UNIMOD:1031,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 20.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P41227-2|NAA10_HUMAN Isoform 2 of N-alpha-acetyltransferase 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 164-UNIMOD:259 0.05 20.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P60604-2|UB2G2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 G2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2G2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00425|IF2B3_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IGF2BP3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 450-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O43143|DHX15_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 786-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,488-UNIMOD:1031,132-UNIMOD:1031,608-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|O14530|TXND9_HUMAN Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNDC9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 201-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96K17|BT3L4_HUMAN Transcription factor BTF3 homolog 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BTF3L4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 115-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 20.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|P60468|SC61B_HUMAN Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC61B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 35-UNIMOD:1031,39-UNIMOD:4 0.09 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P2N5|RBM27_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM27 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 594-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98175-4|RBM10_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA-binding protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 803-UNIMOD:1031,260-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P0DPI2-2|GAL3A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine amidotransferase-like class 1 domain-containing protein 3A, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GATD3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 230-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O95159|ZFPL1_HUMAN Zinc finger protein-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFPL1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 10-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15269|PWP2_HUMAN Periodic tryptophan protein 2 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PWP2 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 279-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H0C8|ILKAP_HUMAN Integrin-linked kinase-associated serine/threonine phosphatase 2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILKAP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 373-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95630-2|STABP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of STAM-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAMBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 96-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06748-3|NPM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nucleophosmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 257-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99426-2|TBCB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tubulin-folding cofactor B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBCB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95671-3|ASML_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Probable bifunctional dTTP/UTP pyrophosphatase/methyltransferase protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASMTL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 7-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43813|LANC1_HUMAN Glutathione S-transferase LANCL1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LANCL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 98-UNIMOD:4,101-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51571|SSRD_HUMAN Translocon-associated protein subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSR4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 116-UNIMOD:267 0.13 20.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 205-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYF8-4|BCLF1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Bcl-2-associated transcription factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCLAF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 182-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15533-4|TPSN_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Tapasin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAPBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 255-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NR31-2|SAR1A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of GTP-binding protein SAR1a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAR1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 103-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P62879-2|GBB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 104-UNIMOD:4,109-UNIMOD:259 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q71U36-2|TBA1A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 312-UNIMOD:4,317-UNIMOD:259 0.03 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UBQ0|VPS29_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS29 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 0.06 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UEU5|GGE2D_HUMAN G antigen 2D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAGE2D PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031,116-UNIMOD:4 0.10 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40763-3|STAT3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAT3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P28072|PSB6_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB6 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 63-UNIMOD:267 0.05 20.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P11279|LAMP1_HUMAN Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LAMP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 146-UNIMOD:267 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P84103-2|SRSF3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 85-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:1031 0.23 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O95989|NUDT3_HUMAN Diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 133-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96CW1-2|AP2M1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of AP-2 complex subunit mu OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2M1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 403-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43847|NRDC_HUMAN Nardilysin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NRDC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 993-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95202|LETM1_HUMAN Mitochondrial proton/calcium exchanger protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LETM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 603-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61326-2|MGN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein mago nashi homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAGOH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 14-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q58FF3|ENPLL_HUMAN Putative endoplasmin-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90B2P PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99729|ROAA_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPAB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 98-UNIMOD:4,101-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN Vinculin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VCL PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 802-UNIMOD:1031,655-UNIMOD:1031,170-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q01518|CAP1_HUMAN Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAP1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 282-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P05023|AT1A1_HUMAN Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP1A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 54-UNIMOD:1031,156-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P15559|NQO1_HUMAN NAD(P)H dehydrogenase [quinone] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NQO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 77-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 20.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q13535|ATR_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATR PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 2325-UNIMOD:35,2326-UNIMOD:4,2327-UNIMOD:1031,2324-UNIMOD:35 0.00 20.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O96017|CHK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHEK2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 249-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BXP5|SRRT_HUMAN Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 176-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P00519|ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABL1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 388-UNIMOD:35,400-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NUU7|DD19A_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX19A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX19A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 20.0 null 91-UNIMOD:1031,295-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 20.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NZM1|MYOF_HUMAN Myoferlin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYOF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 1347-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H2U1|DHX36_HUMAN ATP-dependent DNA/RNA helicase DHX36 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX36 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 992-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H0A0|NAT10_HUMAN RNA cytidine acetyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAT10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 243-UNIMOD:1031,268-UNIMOD:1031,223-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 20.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O14617|AP3D1_HUMAN AP-3 complex subunit delta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP3D1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50416|CPT1A_HUMAN Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPT1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 634-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43447|PPIH_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 131-UNIMOD:385,131-UNIMOD:4,137-UNIMOD:1031,53-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P52294|IMA5_HUMAN Importin subunit alpha-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNA1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 459-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWU1|CDK19_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK19 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 20.0 null 153-UNIMOD:1031,160-UNIMOD:35 0.03 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q92879|CELF1_HUMAN CUGBP Elav-like family member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CELF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 436-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51580|TPMT_HUMAN Thiopurine S-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 216-UNIMOD:385,216-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16644|MAPK3_HUMAN MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPKAPK3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 350-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P07311|ACYP1_HUMAN Acylphosphatase-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACYP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 25-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NUQ6|SPS2L_HUMAN SPATS2-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPATS2L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 507-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BTE6|AASD1_HUMAN Alanyl-tRNA editing protein Aarsd1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AARSD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 376-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UK45|LSM7_HUMAN U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LSM7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 9-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN FACT complex subunit SPT16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT16H PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 20.0 null 781-UNIMOD:1031,426-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13825|AUHM_HUMAN Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AUH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 20.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P21281|VATB2_HUMAN V-type proton ATPase subunit B, brain isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP6V1B2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NHQ9|DDX55_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX55 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX55 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 237-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20073|ANXA7_HUMAN Annexin A7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA7 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 198-UNIMOD:35,199-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYX2|TBD2A_HUMAN TBC1 domain family member 2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBC1D2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 49-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P28066|PSA5_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN Early endosome antigen 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 1151-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9ULW0|TPX2_HUMAN Targeting protein for Xklp2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPX2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 492-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20810|ICAL_HUMAN Calpastatin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAST PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031,684-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 20.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q8NBN3|TM87A_HUMAN Transmembrane protein 87A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMEM87A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96CW1|AP2M1_HUMAN AP-2 complex subunit mu OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2M1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 337-UNIMOD:4,338-UNIMOD:35,339-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60306|AQR_HUMAN RNA helicase aquarius OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AQR PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 1111-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98082|DAB2_HUMAN Disabled homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAB2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 728-UNIMOD:1031,44-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 20.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NUP9|LIN7C_HUMAN Protein lin-7 homolog C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIN7C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 76-UNIMOD:1031 0.12 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0DME0|SETLP_HUMAN Protein SETSIP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SETSIP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 160-UNIMOD:259 0.05 20.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NWB1|RFOX1_HUMAN RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBFOX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 20.0 null 156-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 20.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60896|SEM1_HUMAN 26S proteasome complex subunit SEM1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 62-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 19.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36957-2|ODO2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLST null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H4A4|AMPB_HUMAN Aminopeptidase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNPEP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 446-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H2W6|RM46_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L46, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL46 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 265-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95249-2|GOSR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOSR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TDR2|STK35_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 35 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK35 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 362-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H1E3|NUCKS_HUMAN Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUCKS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 35-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92734-4|TFG_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein TFG OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TFG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031,103-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96BR1-2|SGK3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SGK3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 191-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WXF1-2|PSPC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Paraspeckle component 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSPC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 206-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14997|PSME4_HUMAN Proteasome activator complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 30-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06213-2|INSR_HUMAN Isoform Short of Insulin receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INSR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 1183-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23381-2|SYWC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tryptophan--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 61-UNIMOD:1031,73-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y478|AAKB1_HUMAN 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKAB1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96G46-3|DUS3L_HUMAN Isoform 3 of tRNA-dihydrouridine(47) synthase [NAD(P)(+)]-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DUS3L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 403-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P57772-2|SELB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Selenocysteine-specific elongation factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEFSEC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 448-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20674|COX5A_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX5A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 113-UNIMOD:1031,115-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9UKG1|DP13A_HUMAN DCC-interacting protein 13-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APPL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52888|THOP1_HUMAN Thimet oligopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031,175-UNIMOD:4 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y285-2|SYFA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phenylalanine--tRNA ligase alpha subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FARSA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 312-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P78316-2|NOP14_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleolar protein 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP14 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 175-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BTC8-2|MTA3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Metastasis-associated protein MTA3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTA3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 326-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N5I9|CL045_HUMAN Uncharacterized protein C12orf45 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C12orf45 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P18754|RCC1_HUMAN Regulator of chromosome condensation OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 227-UNIMOD:1031,228-UNIMOD:4 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NTX5-3|ECHD1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ethylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECHDC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 98-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H093|NUAK2_HUMAN NUAK family SNF1-like kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUAK2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01581|HMCS1_HUMAN Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGCS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 273-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q32MZ4-3|LRRF1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRRFIP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 258-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09525-2|ANXA4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Annexin A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 164-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IWX8|CHERP_HUMAN Calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHERP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 901-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q658Y4|F91A1_HUMAN Protein FAM91A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM91A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 54-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75131|CPNE3_HUMAN Copine-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPNE3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 533-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95394|AGM1_HUMAN Phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGM3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 453-UNIMOD:1031,348-UNIMOD:4,350-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NYK5|RM39_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L39, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL39 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 123-UNIMOD:4,126-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00203-3|AP3B1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of AP-3 complex subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP3B1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 288-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35,23-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P05198|IF2A_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2S1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 106-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95861-4|BPNT1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of 3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BPNT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 42-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:259 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95817|BAG3_HUMAN BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAG3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 133-UNIMOD:267 0.02 19.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q06323-3|PSME1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Proteasome activator complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 0.05 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NBJ5|GT251_HUMAN Procollagen galactosyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COLGALT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 605-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H1C7|CYTM1_HUMAN Cysteine-rich and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CYSTM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 0.11 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20618|PSB1_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 82-UNIMOD:4,89-UNIMOD:4 0.07 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95359-3|TACC2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TACC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 2807-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14679|TTLL4_HUMAN Tubulin polyglutamylase TTLL4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTLL4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 721-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYN0|SRXN1_HUMAN Sulfiredoxin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRXN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 0.07 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P31946|1433B_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 19.0 null 224-UNIMOD:267,3-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:1031,122-UNIMOD:1031,70-UNIMOD:259 0.15 19.0 4 4 2 PRT sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 426-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92688|AN32B_HUMAN Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANP32B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 99-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P02533|K1C14_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT14 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 405-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12906-4|ILF3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 527-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55060|XPO2_HUMAN Exportin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSE1L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 912-UNIMOD:1031,832-UNIMOD:1031,425-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|O75822|EIF3J_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3J PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 233-UNIMOD:1031,117-UNIMOD:1031 0.11 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P20810-5|ICAL_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Calpastatin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAST null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 0.02 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13492|PICAL_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PICALM PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 38-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q7KZI7|MARK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase MARK2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 177-UNIMOD:1031,187-UNIMOD:35 0.02 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q06210|GFPT1_HUMAN Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GFPT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 251-UNIMOD:1031,254-UNIMOD:4 0.01 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O15069|NACAD_HUMAN NAC-alpha domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NACAD PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 1421-UNIMOD:35,1423-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2Z0|SGT1_HUMAN Protein SGT1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUGT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 19.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12904|AIMP1_HUMAN Aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIMP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031,54-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14444|CAPR1_HUMAN Caprin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPRIN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 19.0 null 223-UNIMOD:1031,226-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:28,63-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 19.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q7L2H7|EIF3M_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3M PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 331-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BY44|EIF2A_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 545-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WX93|PALLD_HUMAN Palladin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PALLD PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 659-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14635|CCNB1_HUMAN G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCNB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 408-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O14964|HGS_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HGS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P45974|UBP5_HUMAN Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 423-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42356|PI4KA_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PI4KA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 1800-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IYB3|SRRM1_HUMAN Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 249-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NR31|SAR1A_HUMAN GTP-binding protein SAR1a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAR1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 146-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P0DPI2|GAL3A_HUMAN Glutamine amidotransferase-like class 1 domain-containing protein 3A, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GATD3A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 261-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P51790|CLCN3_HUMAN H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLCN3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 797-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q7KZ85|SPT6H_HUMAN Transcription elongation factor SPT6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT6H PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 1471-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYE2|TMPSD_HUMAN Transmembrane protease serine 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMPRSS13 PE=2 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7Z2W4|ZCCHV_HUMAN Zinc finger CCCH-type antiviral protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZC3HAV1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 374-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13164|MK07_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 184-UNIMOD:1031,194-UNIMOD:4 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P67775|PP2AA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2CA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 41-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NB78|KDM1B_HUMAN Lysine-specific histone demethylase 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KDM1B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 414-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q00765|REEP5_HUMAN Receptor expression-enhancing protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=REEP5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 186-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BXW9|FACD2_HUMAN Fanconi anemia group D2 protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FANCD2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 322-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92922|SMRC1_HUMAN SWI/SNF complex subunit SMARCC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMARCC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 882-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14789|GOGB1_HUMAN Golgin subfamily B member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOLGB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 1484-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8IV38|ANKY2_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat and MYND domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKMY2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 62-UNIMOD:4,63-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IW45|NNRD_HUMAN ATP-dependent (S)-NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAXD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 70-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4X5|ARI1_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ARIH1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARIH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 161-UNIMOD:4,168-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99615|DNJC7_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 155-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NNW7|TRXR2_HUMAN Thioredoxin reductase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNRD2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 168-UNIMOD:4,172-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5T4S7|UBR4_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBR4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 459-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06753|TPM3_HUMAN Tropomyosin alpha-3 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 91-UNIMOD:267,232-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15185|TEBP_HUMAN Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGES3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,65-UNIMOD:259,65-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 19.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NWW6|NRK1_HUMAN Nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NMRK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:259,21-UNIMOD:259 0.10 19.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96J01|THOC3_HUMAN THO complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOC3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 133-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:4 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZK7|TBL1R_HUMAN F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBL1XR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12235|ADT1_HUMAN ADP/ATP translocase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 92-UNIMOD:259 0.04 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UKI8|TLK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 485-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q6PD62|CTR9_HUMAN RNA polymerase-associated protein CTR9 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTR9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 511-UNIMOD:4,518-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42330|AK1C3_HUMAN Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKR1C3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 185-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:4,193-UNIMOD:4 0.05 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94826|TOM70_HUMAN Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOMM70 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 19.0 null 570-UNIMOD:1031,188-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q07960|RHG01_HUMAN Rho GTPase-activating protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q4G0J3|LARP7_HUMAN La-related protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARP7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99460|PSMD1_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 310-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NSD9|SYFB_HUMAN Phenylalanine--tRNA ligase beta subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FARSB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 560-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P3X3|TTC27_HUMAN Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTC27 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 778-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 19.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P54578|UBP14_HUMAN Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP14 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 19.0 null 43-UNIMOD:267,130-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 19.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y2X7|GIT1_HUMAN ARF GTPase-activating protein GIT1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GIT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 749-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYL4-2|FKB11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031 0.09 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWT3-2|PAPOG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Poly(A) polymerase gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAPOLG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 227-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62314|SMD1_HUMAN Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 44-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01081-3|U2AF1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=U2AF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 15-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 0.15 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5VTR2|BRE1A_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNF20 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 510-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKS6|PACN3_HUMAN Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PACSIN3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 101-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HD42|CHM1A_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 1a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62495-2|ERF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 145-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43505|B4GA1_HUMAN Beta-1,4-glucuronyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=B4GAT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 377-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HCC0-2|MCCB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCCC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 151-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60828-3|PQBP1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Polyglutamine-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PQBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 116-UNIMOD:1031,148-UNIMOD:1031,123-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 18.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|O15258|RER1_HUMAN Protein RER1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RER1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 187-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94768|ST17B_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 17B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK17B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UHQ9|NB5R1_HUMAN NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CYB5R1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 124-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQG2-2|NUD12_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Peroxisomal NADH pyrophosphatase NUDT12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 281-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95166|GBRAP_HUMAN Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GABARAP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NVA1-5|UQCC1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex assembly factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHX1-4|PUF60_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PUF60 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 193-UNIMOD:1031,195-UNIMOD:4 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQG6|MID51_HUMAN Mitochondrial dynamics protein MID51 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MIEF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 368-UNIMOD:1031,371-UNIMOD:4 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P24844-2|MYL9_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYL9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 110-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P82650|RT22_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S22, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS22 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TAQ2-2|SMRC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SWI/SNF complex subunit SMARCC2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMARCC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 365-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06124|PTN11_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 538-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWD1|THIC_HUMAN Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, cytosolic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQG5|RPR1B_HUMAN Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPRD1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99598|TSNAX_HUMAN Translin-associated protein X OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSNAX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 14-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQW6-2|ANLN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Anillin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANLN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 476-UNIMOD:1031,607-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96EK5|KBP_HUMAN KIF-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIFBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 505-UNIMOD:1031,511-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8IYD8-3|FANCM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Fanconi anemia group M protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FANCM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBL3-2|ASH2L_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Set1/Ash2 histone methyltransferase complex subunit ASH2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASH2L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P84101-4|SERF2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Small EDRK-rich factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 3-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.22 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NPD3|EXOS4_HUMAN Exosome complex component RRP41 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 95-UNIMOD:1031,97-UNIMOD:4 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7L2H7-2|EIF3M_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3M null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13630|FCL_HUMAN GDP-L-fucose synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSTA3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 282-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P01215|GLHA_HUMAN Glycoprotein hormones alpha chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CGA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031,71-UNIMOD:35,83-UNIMOD:4,84-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:1031 0.21 18.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H910-2|JUPI2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Jupiter microtubule associated homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JPT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75607|NPM3_HUMAN Nucleoplasmin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPM3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 125-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51790-4|CLCN3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of H(+)/Cl(-) exchange transporter 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLCN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 770-UNIMOD:1031,771-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UBQ5-2|EIF3K_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3K null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 16-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NWX6|THG1_HUMAN Probable tRNA(His) guanylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THG1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 260-UNIMOD:35,263-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q86VP1-3|TAXB1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Tax1-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAX1BP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 277-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q96QC0|PP1RA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 118-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99757|THIOM_HUMAN Thioredoxin, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXN2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 106-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61457|PHS_HUMAN Pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 41-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQ65-2|USB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U6 snRNA phosphodiesterase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 240-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05556-2|ITB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Integrin beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC1LI1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 63-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN Zinc finger protein ZPR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZPR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92917|GPKOW_HUMAN G-patch domain and KOW motifs-containing protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPKOW PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95163|ELP1_HUMAN Elongator complex protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 1055-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WWY3|PRP31_HUMAN U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Prp31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF31 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 430-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBC2-3|EP15R_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPS15L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14868-2|SYDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aspartate--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16563-2|SYPL1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Synaptophysin-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SYPL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5T0F9-2|C2D1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing protein 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CC2D1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 298-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NPD8|UBE2T_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 T OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2T PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15843|NEDD8_HUMAN NEDD8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEDD8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 6-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42224-2|STAT1_HUMAN Isoform Beta of Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1-alpha/beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 361-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00973-2|OAS1_HUMAN Isoform p41 of 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OAS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H4L5-8|OSBL3_HUMAN Isoform 2d of Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OSBPL3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 85-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5K5-2|UCHL5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UCHL5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 18.0 null 281-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NC51|PAIRB_HUMAN Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERBP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 340-UNIMOD:35 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQ39|RS10L_HUMAN Putative 40S ribosomal protein S10-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS10P5 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 29-UNIMOD:35,31-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P39748|FEN1_HUMAN Flap endonuclease 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FEN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 311-UNIMOD:4,314-UNIMOD:1031,99-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 18.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P54886|P5CS_HUMAN Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH18A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 308-UNIMOD:35,311-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61956|SUMO2_HUMAN Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUMO2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031,48-UNIMOD:4 0.09 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BV73|CP250_HUMAN Centrosome-associated protein CEP250 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CEP250 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 1048-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P07954|FUMH_HUMAN Fumarate hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 292-UNIMOD:1031,100-UNIMOD:1031,473-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 3 3 1 PRT sp|Q8NHW5|RLA0L_HUMAN 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP0P6 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 10-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN Importin subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 211-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05067|A4_HUMAN Amyloid-beta precursor protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 506-UNIMOD:28,510-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 493-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P31689|DNJA1_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 47-UNIMOD:28,59-UNIMOD:1031,134-UNIMOD:4,136-UNIMOD:1031,137-UNIMOD:4,46-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 18.0 3 3 2 PRT sp|Q6ZN16|M3K15_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 681-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P68431|H31_HUMAN Histone H3.1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H3C1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 57-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14324|FPPS_HUMAN Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FDPS PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 359-UNIMOD:1031,353-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P08133|ANXA6_HUMAN Annexin A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 433-UNIMOD:35,434-UNIMOD:35,442-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q96E11|RRFM_HUMAN Ribosome-recycling factor, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRRF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 65-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P68036|UB2L3_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 L3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2L3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92973|TNPO1_HUMAN Transportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNPO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 85-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|A3KMH1|VWA8_HUMAN von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VWA8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 444-UNIMOD:4,449-UNIMOD:1031,451-UNIMOD:4,453-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|Q9Y520|PRC2C_HUMAN Protein PRRC2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRRC2C PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 1562-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WZ42|TITIN_HUMAN Titin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTN PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 10263-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61201|CSN2_HUMAN COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031,75-UNIMOD:35 0.02 18.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P60763|RAC3_HUMAN Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAC3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 148-UNIMOD:27,153-UNIMOD:1031,157-UNIMOD:4 0.09 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09960|LKHA4_HUMAN Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LTA4H PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 519-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30622|CLIP1_HUMAN CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLIP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 706-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16719|KYNU_HUMAN Kynureninase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KYNU PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 38-UNIMOD:1031,93-UNIMOD:259 0.05 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P98179|RBM3_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 84-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 18.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36957|ODO2_HUMAN Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLST PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 267-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N4E7|FTMT_HUMAN Ferritin, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FTMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 56-UNIMOD:267,67-UNIMOD:267 0.09 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61163|ACTZ_HUMAN Alpha-centractin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 361-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P22059|OSBP1_HUMAN Oxysterol-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OSBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2Q3|GSTK1_HUMAN Glutathione S-transferase kappa 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSTK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 71-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q49AR2|CE022_HUMAN UPF0489 protein C5orf22 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C5orf22 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 158-UNIMOD:35,160-UNIMOD:259 0.02 18.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NVA1|UQCC1_HUMAN Ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex assembly factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 114-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9P0V9|SEP10_HUMAN Septin-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 377-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-7a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB7A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 32-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6IAA8|LTOR1_HUMAN Ragulator complex protein LAMTOR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LAMTOR1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031 0.17 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15021|MAST4_HUMAN Microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAST4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 695-UNIMOD:1031,704-UNIMOD:35 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96DC9|OTUB2_HUMAN Ubiquitin thioesterase OTUB2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OTUB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 31-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5SW79|CE170_HUMAN Centrosomal protein of 170 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CEP170 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 1282-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UQN3|CHM2B_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 2b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031,58-UNIMOD:4 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKY1|ZHX1_HUMAN Zinc fingers and homeoboxes protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZHX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 505-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96S59|RANB9_HUMAN Ran-binding protein 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 412-UNIMOD:1031,197-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16537|2A5E_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit epsilon isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R5E PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 350-UNIMOD:1031,351-UNIMOD:4 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NSE4|SYIM_HUMAN Isoleucine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IARS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 661-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62879|GBB2_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNB2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 23-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4 0.06 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQ67|GRWD1_HUMAN Glutamate-rich WD repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRWD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 341-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96NI8|ZN570_HUMAN Zinc finger protein 570 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF570 PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 201-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P37198|NUP62_HUMAN Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP62 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 498-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P28074|PSB5_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 0.04 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q5JTW2|CEP78_HUMAN Centrosomal protein of 78 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CEP78 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 578-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P5R6|RL22L_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L22-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL22L1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 78-UNIMOD:259,82-UNIMOD:259 0.07 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H3P7|GCP60_HUMAN Golgi resident protein GCP60 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACBD3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 183-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13416|ORC2_HUMAN Origin recognition complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ORC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 266-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2B0|CNPY2_HUMAN Protein canopy homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNPY2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 89-UNIMOD:35,90-UNIMOD:1031 0.08 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12982|BNIP2_HUMAN BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BNIP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 228-UNIMOD:1031,229-UNIMOD:4 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBN7|HDAC6_HUMAN Histone deacetylase 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDAC6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 849-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61086|UBE2K_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 K OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2K PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 18-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 18.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NI27|THOC2_HUMAN THO complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 307-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92552|RT27_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S27, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS27 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 408-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WUB8|PHF10_HUMAN PHD finger protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHF10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 206-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43933|PEX1_HUMAN Peroxisome biogenesis factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PEX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 601-UNIMOD:259,605-UNIMOD:259 0.01 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P78347|GTF2I_HUMAN General transcription factor II-I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2I PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 353-UNIMOD:1031,435-UNIMOD:1031,477-UNIMOD:1031,573-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 18.0 4 4 3 PRT sp|Q9UBC2|EP15R_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPS15L1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05556|ITB1_HUMAN Integrin beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 238-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95801|TTC4_HUMAN Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 227-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06323|PSME1_HUMAN Proteasome activator complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 35-UNIMOD:259 0.05 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O94762|RECQ5_HUMAN ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RECQL5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 598-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NQC3|RTN4_HUMAN Reticulon-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTN4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 18.0 null 1171-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P48730|KC1D_HUMAN Casein kinase I isoform delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK1D PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 18.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13233|M3K1_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP3K1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 1371-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95819|M4K4_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP4K4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 18.0 null 155-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 18.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UM00-1|TMCO1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Calcium load-activated calcium channel OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMCO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 45-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60271-5|JIP4_HUMAN Isoform 5 of C-Jun-amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPAG9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 624-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NR46|SHLB2_HUMAN Endophilin-B2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3GLB2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 180-UNIMOD:1031,45-UNIMOD:267 0.06 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q99442|SEC62_HUMAN Translocation protein SEC62 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC62 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 26-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P56556|NDUA6_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA6 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13144|EI2BE_HUMAN Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2B5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 693-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05193-5|DYN1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Dynamin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 223-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13409-6|DC1I2_HUMAN Isoform 2F of Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC1I2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06239|LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LCK PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 401-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96AT1|K1143_HUMAN Uncharacterized protein KIAA1143 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIAA1143 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 36-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96KR1|ZFR_HUMAN Zinc finger RNA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 354-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13426-3|XRCC4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of DNA repair protein XRCC4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 188-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86V21-3|AACS_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AACS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 231-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN Sepiapterin reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 230-UNIMOD:1031,234-UNIMOD:4 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6X1|SERP1_HUMAN Stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 26-UNIMOD:1031 0.14 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NRN7|ADPPT_HUMAN L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AASDHPPT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 149-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-11A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB11A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 104-UNIMOD:267 0.06 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TEA1|NSUN6_HUMAN tRNA (cytosine(72)-C(5))-methyltransferase NSUN6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSUN6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 271-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60701-3|UGDH_HUMAN Isoform 3 of UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGDH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 167-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN Complex I assembly factor ACAD9, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAD9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 456-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BTU6|P4K2A_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PI4K2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 152-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15031|SYLM_HUMAN Probable leucine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 68-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O76021|RL1D1_HUMAN Ribosomal L1 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RSL1D1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 408-UNIMOD:1031,120-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O15067|PUR4_HUMAN Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFAS PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 639-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HCE1-2|MOV10_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Helicase MOV-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MOV10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P78537-2|BL1S1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BLOC1S1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 55-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43747|AP1G1_HUMAN AP-1 complex subunit gamma-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP1G1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 214-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63151|2ABA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 55 kDa regulatory subunit B alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 396-UNIMOD:1031,398-UNIMOD:4 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y520-7|PRC2C_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Protein PRRC2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRRC2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 493-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51532-5|SMCA4_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Transcription activator BRG1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMARCA4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 1131-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3C8|UFC1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-fold modifier-conjugating enzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UFC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 60-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P18859|ATP5J_HUMAN ATP synthase-coupling factor 6, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 46-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86YP4-2|P66A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcriptional repressor p66-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GATAD2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 459-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96G01-4|BICD1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein bicaudal D homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BICD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 678-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01844-2|EWS_HUMAN Isoform EWS-B of RNA-binding protein EWS OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EWSR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 368-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43290|SNUT1_HUMAN U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SART1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 183-UNIMOD:1031,400-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P49756|RBM25_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM25 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 160-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H089|LSG1_HUMAN Large subunit GTPase 1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LSG1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 81-UNIMOD:1031,537-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q99439-2|CNN2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Calponin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UGM6|SYWM_HUMAN Tryptophan--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 229-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P2E9-2|EDC4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EDC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 471-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NCH0|CHSTE_HUMAN Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHST14 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 226-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13674-3|P4HA1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 320-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4E1-5|WAC2C_HUMAN Isoform 5 of WASH complex subunit 2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASHC2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 842-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDS5A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 935-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BTE3-3|MCMBP_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mini-chromosome maintenance complex-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCMBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 9-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75694-2|NU155_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP155 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 831-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13798|ACPH_HUMAN Acylamino-acid-releasing enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APEH PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 291-UNIMOD:259 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06730|IF4E_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4E PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 212-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6JQN1-3|ACD10_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAD10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 186-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14558|KPRA_HUMAN Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPSAP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 182-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P67870|CSK2B_HUMAN Casein kinase II subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 212-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62891|RL39_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L39 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL39 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 5-UNIMOD:1031 0.16 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13470-2|TNK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TNK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 148-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HAV0|GBB4_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNB4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 204-UNIMOD:4 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TD08|MK15_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase 15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPK15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 43-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09132|SRP19_HUMAN Signal recognition particle 19 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP19 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 136-UNIMOD:259 0.11 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P41214-2|EIF2D_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2D null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 296-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UI26|IPO11_HUMAN Importin-11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 216-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6NUP7|PP4R4_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP4R4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 46-UNIMOD:267 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P11362-13|FGFR1_HUMAN Isoform 13 of Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FGFR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 352-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2C2|UST_HUMAN Uronyl 2-sulfotransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UST PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 112-UNIMOD:1031,113-UNIMOD:4 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P36952|SPB5_HUMAN Serpin B5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINB5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 270-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14134-2|TRI29_HUMAN Isoform Beta of Tripartite motif-containing protein 29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM29 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 361-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TD43-2|TRPM4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRPM4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 941-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q3LXA3-2|TKFC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Triokinase/FMN cyclase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TKFC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 487-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Double-strand break repair protein MRE11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRE11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 480-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92901|RL3L_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L3-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL3L PE=2 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 272-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q562R1|ACTBL_HUMAN Beta-actin-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTBL2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 18-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031,2-UNIMOD:1,17-UNIMOD:35 0.08 17.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P78362-2|SRPK2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SRSF protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRPK2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 5-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYX7|ACTBM_HUMAN Putative beta-actin-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POTEKP PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 313-UNIMOD:35,315-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P38935|SMBP2_HUMAN DNA-binding protein SMUBP-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IGHMBP2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43852|CALU_HUMAN Calumenin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALU PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 75-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHX1|PUF60_HUMAN Poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PUF60 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 265-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3B7|RM11_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L11, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 13-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30566|PUR8_HUMAN Adenylosuccinate lyase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADSL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14157|UBP2L_HUMAN Ubiquitin-associated protein 2-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBAP2L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 420-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P22307|NLTP_HUMAN Non-specific lipid-transfer protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 464-UNIMOD:1031,453-UNIMOD:259 0.04 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN Delta(3,5)-Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 0.03 17.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O60716|CTND1_HUMAN Catenin delta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNND1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 728-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|A6NHG4|DDTL_HUMAN D-dopachrome decarboxylase-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDTL PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 21-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92620|PRP16_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX38 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 504-UNIMOD:1031,793-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NXR1|NDE1_HUMAN Nuclear distribution protein nudE homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDE1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 263-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6UB98|ANR12_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKRD12 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 511-UNIMOD:4,516-UNIMOD:267 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7Z7K6|CENPV_HUMAN Centromere protein V OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CENPV PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 270-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13995|MTDC_HUMAN Bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 194-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86VP1|TAXB1_HUMAN Tax1-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAX1BP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 461-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TCT9|HM13_HUMAN Minor histocompatibility antigen H13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HM13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 370-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A1L0T0|ILVBL_HUMAN Acetolactate synthase-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILVBL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 428-UNIMOD:28,429-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42680|TEC_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Tec OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TEC PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 398-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN Endophilin-A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3GL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NP97|DLRB1_HUMAN Dynein light chain roadblock-type 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNLRB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ35|SRRM2_HUMAN Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRM2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 2680-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55011|S12A2_HUMAN Solute carrier family 12 member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC12A2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 890-UNIMOD:1031,898-UNIMOD:267 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60502|OGA_HUMAN Protein O-GlcNAcase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OGA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 850-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNY4|TTF2_HUMAN Transcription termination factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 1109-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96KA5|CLP1L_HUMAN Cleft lip and palate transmembrane protein 1-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLPTM1L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 530-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H469|FXL15_HUMAN F-box/LRR-repeat protein 15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FBXL15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 139-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:267,144-UNIMOD:267 0.05 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P10644|KAP0_HUMAN cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKAR1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 59-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92890|UFD1_HUMAN Ubiquitin recognition factor in ER-associated degradation protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UFD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 17.0 null 72-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P78562|PHEX_HUMAN Phosphate-regulating neutral endopeptidase PHEX OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHEX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 195-UNIMOD:267 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43815|STRN_HUMAN Striatin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STRN PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 258-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14920|IKKB_HUMAN Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IKBKB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 147-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P16070|CD44_HUMAN CD44 antigen OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD44 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 53-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:259 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IVF2|AHNK2_HUMAN Protein AHNAK2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHNAK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 777-UNIMOD:1031,4327-UNIMOD:259,4337-UNIMOD:35 0.03 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P01130|LDLR_HUMAN Low-density lipoprotein receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDLR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 603-UNIMOD:259,604-UNIMOD:267 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17844|DDX5_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 80-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20645|MPRD_HUMAN Cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=M6PR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 17.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031,50-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15643|TRIPB_HUMAN Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIP11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 813-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96NC0|ZMAT2_HUMAN Zinc finger matrin-type protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZMAT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 102-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96MN5|TEAN2_HUMAN Transcription elongation factor A N-terminal and central domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCEANC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 67-UNIMOD:259 0.06 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7L2J0|MEPCE_HUMAN 7SK snRNA methylphosphate capping enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MEPCE PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 627-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BRK5|CAB45_HUMAN 45 kDa calcium-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDF4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TEK3|DOT1L_HUMAN Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-79 specific OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DOT1L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 330-UNIMOD:259 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00410|IPO5_HUMAN Importin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 963-UNIMOD:1031,972-UNIMOD:4 0.02 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UPQ3|AGAP1_HUMAN Arf-GAP with GTPase, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AGAP1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 359-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12797|ASPH_HUMAN Aspartyl/asparaginyl beta-hydroxylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASPH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 356-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98175|RBM10_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 920-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0C7P4|UCRIL_HUMAN Putative cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit Rieske-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCRFS1P1 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 110-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q27J81|INF2_HUMAN Inverted formin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 787-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y592|CEP83_HUMAN Centrosomal protein of 83 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CEP83 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75534|CSDE1_HUMAN Cold shock domain-containing protein E1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSDE1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 729-UNIMOD:1031,730-UNIMOD:4,733-UNIMOD:4 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35580|MYH10_HUMAN Myosin-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYH10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 176-UNIMOD:4,184-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95782|AP2A1_HUMAN AP-2 complex subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 117-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WVC0|LEO1_HUMAN RNA polymerase-associated protein LEO1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LEO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 486-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50897|PPT1_HUMAN Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 174-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHP3|UBP25_HUMAN Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP25 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 1015-UNIMOD:4,1020-UNIMOD:259 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6S8J3|POTEE_HUMAN POTE ankyrin domain family member E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POTEE PE=2 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 768-UNIMOD:259,784-UNIMOD:259 0.02 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P2D3|HTR5B_HUMAN HEAT repeat-containing protein 5B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HEATR5B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 70-UNIMOD:259 0.01 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q969T9|WBP2_HUMAN WW domain-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WBP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 47-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15061|WDR43_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 43 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR43 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 309-UNIMOD:1031,315-UNIMOD:4,324-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6ZV29-2|PLPL7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNPLA7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 17.0 null 396-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 17.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42858|HD_HUMAN Huntingtin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HTT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 1182-UNIMOD:267 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15019|SEPT2_HUMAN Septin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 190-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JTH9|RRP12_HUMAN RRP12-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRP12 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 789-UNIMOD:1031,846-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P12081-3|HARS1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Histidine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNE7-2|CHIP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STUB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 53-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51570|GALK1_HUMAN Galactokinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GALK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 272-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75400-2|PR40A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF40A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 437-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14141-2|SEPT6_HUMAN Isoform I of Septin-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 353-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75496|GEMI_HUMAN Geminin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMNN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 50-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15257-3|PTPA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A activator OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 74-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q15287-3|RNPS1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of RNA-binding protein with serine-rich domain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNPS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 27-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06787-11|FMR1_HUMAN Isoform 11 of Synaptic functional regulator FMR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FMR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 130-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BRK5-4|CAB45_HUMAN Isoform 4 of 45 kDa calcium-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDF4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 121-UNIMOD:1031,139-UNIMOD:35 0.11 16.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96C36|P5CR2_HUMAN Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PYCR2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 283-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2T2|AP3M1_HUMAN AP-3 complex subunit mu-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP3M1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 350-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NY93-2|DDX56_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX56 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX56 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 73-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYV6-4|RRN3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor RRN3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 207-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96QD9-3|UIF_HUMAN Isoform 3 of UAP56-interacting factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FYTTD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 85-UNIMOD:259,91-UNIMOD:259 0.03 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P40938-2|RFC3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Replication factor C subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 218-UNIMOD:1031,220-UNIMOD:4 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86UU1-2|PHLB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pleckstrin homology-like domain family B member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHLDB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 1009-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Spectrin beta chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTBN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 1900-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IUD2-4|RB6I2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of ELKS/Rab6-interacting/CAST family member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 439-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96AC1|FERM2_HUMAN Fermitin family homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FERMT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 533-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UL18|AGO1_HUMAN Protein argonaute-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AGO1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 313-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43414-3|ERI3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ERI1 exoribonuclease 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERI3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 67-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H0U4|RAB1B_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 128-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96J01-2|THOC3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of THO complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOC3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 176-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2B0-2|CNPY2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein canopy homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNPY2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 28-UNIMOD:4,31-UNIMOD:4 0.13 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5A9-2|YTHD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of YTH domain-containing family protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YTHDF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53990-2|IST1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of IST1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IST1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14397|GCKR_HUMAN Glucokinase regulatory protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCKR PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 291-UNIMOD:4 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A0MZ66-2|SHOT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Shootin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHTN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H3R5|CENPH_HUMAN Centromere protein H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CENPH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 100-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C0C2|TB182_HUMAN 182 kDa tankyrase-1-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNKS1BP1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 1659-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQB6|VKOR1_HUMAN Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VKORC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 159-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92878-3|RAD50_HUMAN Isoform 3 of DNA repair protein RAD50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAD50 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 48-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P48723|HSP13_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 16.0 null 122-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQH7|XPP3_HUMAN Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPNPEP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 155-UNIMOD:267 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96L21|RL10L_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L10-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL10L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 170-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q7L7X3|TAOK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAOK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 464-UNIMOD:35,468-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H078|CLPB_HUMAN Caseinolytic peptidase B protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLPB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 396-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P16333|NCK1_HUMAN Cytoplasmic protein NCK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 64-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NWB6|ARGL1_HUMAN Arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARGLU1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ88|CD11A_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 11A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK11A PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 552-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P36639|8ODP_HUMAN 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine triphosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 65-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P16615|AT2A2_HUMAN Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP2A2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 498-UNIMOD:4,502-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q99661|KIF2C_HUMAN Kinesin-like protein KIF2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF2C PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 365-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P61758|PFD3_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VBP1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 185-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 461-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A0AVT1|UBA6_HUMAN Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 503-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P56211|ARP19_HUMAN cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPP19 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 58-UNIMOD:1031 0.13 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQW6|ANLN_HUMAN Anillin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANLN PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 790-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09601|HMOX1_HUMAN Heme oxygenase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMOX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 136-UNIMOD:267 0.05 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NUQ3|TXLNG_HUMAN Gamma-taxilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXLNG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 321-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NW13|RBM28_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM28 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 335-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZZ5|API5_HUMAN Apoptosis inhibitor 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=API5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 51-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IXH7|NELFD_HUMAN Negative elongation factor C/D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NELFCD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 494-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P56545|CTBP2_HUMAN C-terminal-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTBP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43172-2|PRP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Prp4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 12-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6IQ21|ZN770_HUMAN Zinc finger protein 770 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF770 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 94-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06241|FYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FYN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 424-UNIMOD:28,427-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O43164|PJA2_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Praja-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PJA2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 339-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15145|ARPC3_HUMAN Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPC3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 29-UNIMOD:1031 0.06 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y312|AAR2_HUMAN Protein AAR2 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AAR2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 69-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00311|CDC7_HUMAN Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0DMU9|CT45A_HUMAN Cancer/testis antigen family 45 member A10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CT45A10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 0.10 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26885|FKBP2_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 42-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15257|PTPA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A activator OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q7L099|RUFY3_HUMAN Protein RUFY3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RUFY3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 69-UNIMOD:267 0.06 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NY46|SCN3A_HUMAN Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCN3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 33-UNIMOD:1031 0.00 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05060|SCG1_HUMAN Secretogranin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHGB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96MV1|TLCD4_HUMAN TLC domain-containing protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLCD4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 180-UNIMOD:35,188-UNIMOD:267 0.07 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49427|UB2R1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 R1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC34 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 11-UNIMOD:1031 0.07 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96QD9|UIF_HUMAN UAP56-interacting factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FYTTD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.03 16.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P20702|ITAX_HUMAN Integrin alpha-X OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGAX PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C091|GRB1L_HUMAN GREB1-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GREB1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQG0|MBB1A_HUMAN Myb-binding protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYBBP1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 489-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q00169|PIPNA_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PITPNA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 199-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKW4|VAV3_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VAV3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 800-UNIMOD:4 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HC52|CBX8_HUMAN Chromobox protein homolog 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CBX8 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 283-UNIMOD:267 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09012|SNRPA_HUMAN U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZE4|NOG1_HUMAN Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTPBP4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 8-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UPR0|PLCL2_HUMAN Inactive phospholipase C-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLCL2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 189-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14735|IDE_HUMAN Insulin-degrading enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDE PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 308-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N3D4|EH1L1_HUMAN EH domain-binding protein 1-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EHBP1L1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75150|BRE1B_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNF40 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 743-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9ULX6|AKP8L_HUMAN A-kinase anchor protein 8-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKAP8L PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 520-UNIMOD:1031,524-UNIMOD:35 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15226|NKRF_HUMAN NF-kappa-B-repressing factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NKRF PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 500-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62684|GA113_HUMAN Endogenous retrovirus group K member 113 Gag polyprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HERVK_113 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 344-UNIMOD:267 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|B3EWF7|EP2A2_HUMAN Laforin, isoform 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPM2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 63-UNIMOD:267 0.05 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14108|SCRB2_HUMAN Lysosome membrane protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCARB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 16.0 null 39-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYC8|RM32_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L32, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL32 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 104-UNIMOD:1031,110-UNIMOD:4,113-UNIMOD:4 0.09 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6PHR2|ULK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase ULK3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ULK3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 150-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13227|GPS2_HUMAN G protein pathway suppressor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPS2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 99-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50570|DYN2_HUMAN Dynamin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 290-UNIMOD:267,393-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14203|DCTN1_HUMAN Dynactin subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 567-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6WKZ4|RFIP1_HUMAN Rab11 family-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB11FIP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 218-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13243|SRSF5_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 181-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5VZE5|NAA35_HUMAN N-alpha-acetyltransferase 35, NatC auxiliary subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA35 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 702-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17544|ATF7_HUMAN Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATF7 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 97-UNIMOD:259,107-UNIMOD:35,116-UNIMOD:259 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86VM9|ZCH18_HUMAN Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZC3H18 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 921-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14134|TRI29_HUMAN Tripartite motif-containing protein 29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM29 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 426-UNIMOD:1031,428-UNIMOD:4 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NP72|RAB18_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB18 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 138-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55084|ECHB_HUMAN Trifunctional enzyme subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADHB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 272-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7KZN9|COX15_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX15 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 209-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26358|DNMT1_HUMAN DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNMT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 179-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWP8|COL11_HUMAN Collectin-11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COLEC11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 84-UNIMOD:259,91-UNIMOD:259 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13045|FLII_HUMAN Protein flightless-1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLII PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 459-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQE5|APOL2_HUMAN Apolipoprotein L2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APOL2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 66-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN Drebrin-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DBNL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IVL1|NAV2_HUMAN Neuron navigator 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAV2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 589-UNIMOD:259 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08574|CY1_HUMAN Cytochrome c1, heme protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CYC1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 139-UNIMOD:4,146-UNIMOD:259 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6NZI2|CAVN1_HUMAN Caveolae-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAVIN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 299-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95563|MPC2_HUMAN Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MPC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 19-UNIMOD:1031 0.10 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P19256|LFA3_HUMAN Lymphocyte function-associated antigen 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD58 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 62-UNIMOD:1031 0.05 16.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GDI2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 367-UNIMOD:267,379-UNIMOD:259 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12792|TWF1_HUMAN Twinfilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TWF1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 135-UNIMOD:1031 0.03 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5VXH5|PRAM7_HUMAN PRAME family member 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRAMEF7 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 33-UNIMOD:267 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96PY5|FMNL2_HUMAN Formin-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FMNL2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 904-UNIMOD:259,908-UNIMOD:267 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H0K1|SIK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SIK2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 144-UNIMOD:1031,154-UNIMOD:35 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZJ5|E2AK3_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2AK3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 939-UNIMOD:259,952-UNIMOD:259 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60313|OPA1_HUMAN Dynamin-like 120 kDa protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OPA1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 691-UNIMOD:1031 0.01 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UHN1|DPOG2_HUMAN DNA polymerase subunit gamma-2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 234-UNIMOD:1031 0.04 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BUJ2|HNRL1_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPUL1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 551-UNIMOD:1031,561-UNIMOD:35 0.02 16.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BUI4|RPC3_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR3C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 439-UNIMOD:4,441-UNIMOD:1031 0.02 16.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05397|FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 16.0 null 467-UNIMOD:1031,475-UNIMOD:35 0.01 16.0 1 1 0 PSH sequence PSM_ID accession unique database database_version search_engine search_engine_score[1] modifications spectra_ref retention_time charge exp_mass_to_charge calc_mass_to_charge pre post start end PSM KEAESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISK 1 sp|P04350|TBB4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 81 1-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=28925 83.307943 3 3634.738467 3634.742954 R I 122 155 PSM VIHDNFGIVEGLMTTVHAITATQKTVDGPSGK 2 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 76 13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32650 93.987 3 3547.8345 3547.8345 K L 163 195 PSM SKPHSEAGTAFIQTQQLHAAMADTFLEHMCR 3 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 75 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=29998 86.304618 4 3750.7685 3750.7700 M L 2 33 PSM WGDAGAEYVVESTGVFTTMEKAGAHLQGGAK 4 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 74 21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33141 95.448 3 3362.6241 3362.6241 K R 87 118 PSM VIHDNFGIVEGLMTTVHAITATQKTVDGPSGK 5 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 73 13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32628 93.923 4 3547.8345 3547.8345 K L 163 195 PSM KIEPELDGSAQVTSHDASTNGLINFIK 6 sp|P06744|G6PI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 68 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28443 81.989 3 3079.5826 3079.5826 K Q 524 551 PSM KAAEAHVDAHYYEQNEQPTGTCAACITGDNR 7 sp|P55263-3|ADK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 67 1-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=15670 47.692 4 3672.6322 3672.6322 R S 119 150 PSM HQKIIEEAPATIATPAVFEHMEQCAVK 8 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 66 3-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24251 70.402 3 3259.637 3259.6370 R L 306 333 PSM KEGICALGGTSELSSEGTQHSYSEEEK 9 sp|P13797|PLST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 66 1-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19734 58.389 3 3108.4194 3108.4194 R Y 100 127 PSM VIHDNFGIVEGLMTTVHAITATQKTVDGPSGK 10 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 66 13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32511 93.582 4 3547.8345 3547.8345 K L 163 195 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 11 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 66 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32368 93.144 4 3562.749 3562.7490 K P 8 39 PSM VIHDNFGIVEGLMTTVHAITATQKTVDGPSGK 12 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 65 13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32529 93.634 3 3547.8345 3547.8345 K L 163 195 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 13 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 65 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32454 93.413 3 3562.749 3562.7490 K P 8 39 PSM ASGPDGECDSNGPGFYLYDLGSTHGTFLNKTR 14 sp|Q9BWU0|NADAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 64 8-UNIMOD:4,30-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30637 88.134 3 3628.6529 3628.6529 R I 217 249 PSM HQKIIEEAPATIATPAVFEHMEQCAVK 15 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 64 3-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=27810 80.251 3 3243.642 3243.6420 R L 306 333 PSM KLGVNNISGIEEVNMFTNQGTVIHFNNPK 16 sp|P20290|BTF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 64 1-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=29435 84.737958 3 3426.742441 3425.740175 K V 94 123 PSM KLGVNNISGIEEVNMFTNQGTVIHFNNPK 17 sp|P20290|BTF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 63 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31236 89.83 3 3409.7453 3409.7453 K V 94 123 PSM NIGAKLVQDVANNTNEEAGDGTTTATVLAR 18 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 63 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28675 82.622 3 3238.643 3238.6430 K S 92 122 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 19 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 63 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=33157 95.490855 3 3563.739599 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 20 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 62 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32573 93.763 3 3562.749 3562.7490 K P 8 39 PSM AVLLAGPPGTGKTALALAIAQELGSK 21 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 62 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33634 96.7367 3 2643.542967 2642.537088 R V 65 91 PSM AEGSDVANAVLDGADCIMLSGETAKGDYPLEAVR 22 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 16-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:35,25-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32817 94.478 3 3705.7502 3705.7502 R M 343 377 PSM ENIQKSLAGSSGPGASSGTSGDHGELVVR 23 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19098 56.72 3 2992.485 2992.4850 R I 55 84 PSM KFACNGTVIEHPEYGEVIQLQGDQR 24 sp|P41567|EIF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 1-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23725 68.991 3 3083.5135 3083.5135 K K 66 91 PSM KLNCQVIGASVDSHFCHLAWVNTPK 25 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 1-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26078 75.406 3 3076.5375 3076.5375 K K 68 93 PSM TVSLGAGAKDELHIVEAEAMNYEGSPIK 26 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33125 95.405 3 3124.5751 3124.5751 R V 46 74 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 27 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 61 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32342 93.069 3 3562.749 3562.7490 K P 8 39 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 28 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 61 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32122 92.332339 2 2990.3192 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 29 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 61 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=32634 93.940552 3 3562.728618 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM PVDLSKWSGPLSLQEVDEQPQHPLHVTYAGAAVDELGK 30 sp|P30086|PEBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 60 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30912 88.916 4 4306.191 4306.1910 M V 2 40 PSM TLKLTTPTYGDLNHLVSATMSGVTTCLR 31 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 60 3-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31025 89.237 3 3261.6737 3261.6737 R F 214 242 PSM AIADTGANVVVTGGKVADMALHYANK 32 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 59 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31557 90.724 3 2781.4483 2781.4483 K Y 282 308 PSM LASVPAGGAVAVSAAPGSAAPAAGSAPAAAEEKK 33 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 59 33-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21181 62.234 3 3097.6408 3097.6408 K D 62 96 PSM YASICQQNGIVPIVEPEILPDGDHDLKR 34 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 59 5-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30252 87.018 3 3371.7184 3371.7184 R C 174 202 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 35 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 59 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32659 94.012388 3 2990.3363 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 36 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 59 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33266 95.781918 3 2990.3456 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM STVHEILCKLSLEGDHSTPPSAYGSVK 37 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 59 1-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33094 95.316907 3 3149.5734 3149.5698 M A 2 29 PSM EALGIPAAASFKHVSPAGAAVGIPLSEDEAK 38 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 58 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30733 88.403 3 3198.6925 3198.6925 K V 254 285 PSM ISIPVDISDSDMMLNIINSSITTKAISR 39 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 58 24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33736 97.009 3 3229.6938 3229.6938 K W 140 168 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 40 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 58 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33528 96.459106 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 41 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 58 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=33025 95.121803 3 3563.739599 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 42 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30984 89.124 3 2932.3331 2932.3331 M A 2 29 PSM GGQIGLQAPGLSVSGPQGHLESGSGKVTFPK 43 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 26-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25963 75.093 3 3185.6833 3185.6833 K M 5630 5661 PSM GMLFLHNGAICSHGNLKSSNCVVDGR 44 sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 2-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19713 58.335 3 3054.4586 3054.4586 K F 646 672 PSM ISIPVDISDSDMMLNIINSSITTKAISR 45 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 12-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33611 96.675 3 3245.6887 3245.6887 K W 140 168 PSM KELEQVCNPIISGLYQGAGGPGPGGFGAQGPK 46 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 1-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31128 89.525 3 3378.7031 3378.7031 R G 597 629 PSM KVTSVVFHPSQDLVFSASPDATIR 47 sp|Q9UMS4|PRP19_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28096 81.038 3 2796.481 2796.4810 K I 266 290 PSM SLEGADLPNLLFYGPPGTGKTSTILAAAR 48 sp|P35249-2|RFC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 57 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33515 96.426 3 3125.6761 3125.6761 K E 65 94 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 49 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 57 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32778 94.367496 3 2990.3288 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM KEAESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISK 50 sp|P04350|TBB4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 57 1-UNIMOD:259,6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=31253 89.876321 3 3457.631124 3454.650174 R I 122 155 PSM ALANSLACQGKYTPSGQAGAAASESLFVSNHAY 51 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 8-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27852 80.364 3 3536.6994 3536.6994 R - 332 365 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 52 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32649 93.984 3 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM INEVQTDVGVDTKHQTLQGVAFPISR 53 sp|Q12792-4|TWF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26601 76.815 3 3047.604 3047.6040 K E 61 87 PSM LVGDAAKSQAALNPHNTVFDAK 54 sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21708 63.634 3 2462.2918 2462.2918 R R 52 74 PSM NAESNAELKGLDVDSLVIEHIQVNK 55 sp|P18621|RL17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31529 90.649 3 2930.5349 2930.5349 K A 97 122 PSM TALLDAAGVASLLTTAEVVVTEIPK 56 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 ms_run[2]:scan=34159 98.176 2 2481.3942 2481.3942 R E 527 552 PSM VDKGVVPLAGTNGETTTQGLDGLSER 57 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 56 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26388 76.243 3 2809.4458 2809.4458 K C 109 135 PSM SKPHSEAGTAFIQTQQLHAAMADTFLEHMCR 58 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:35,30-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=27472 79.318766 4 3766.7644 3766.7649 M L 2 33 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 59 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32310 92.968065 3 2990.3294 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 60 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32539 93.662202 3 2990.3363 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 61 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32421 93.312752 3 2990.3363 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 62 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33334 95.95757 3 2974.3340 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 63 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 56 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33787 97.143125 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 64 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 56 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=32883 94.660953 3 3563.723283 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM ALVDHENVISCPHLGASTKEAQSR 65 sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 11-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17953 53.714 3 2814.4083 2814.4083 R C 271 295 PSM AQGPAASAEEPKPVEAPAANSDQTVTVK 66 sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18969 56.382 3 2958.4934 2958.4934 K E 199 227 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 67 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32767 94.333 3 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM IGIVGLPNVGKSTFFNVLTNSQASAENFPFCTIDPNESR 68 sp|Q9NTK5|OLA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 11-UNIMOD:1031,31-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33724 96.977 3 4436.2111 4436.2111 K V 25 64 PSM IITITGTQDQIQNAQYLLQNSVKQYSGK 69 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 23-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33035 95.15 3 3347.7725 3347.7725 R F 434 462 PSM LGIQTDDKGHIIVDEFQNTNVK 70 sp|P00390-2|GSHR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27142 78.355 3 2679.3868 2679.3868 K G 304 326 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGKHVPR 71 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26892 77.67 3 2692.2881 2692.2881 K A 41 65 PSM VCYYYDGDVGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 72 sp|Q13547|HDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 2-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20130 59.433 3 3134.3803 3134.3803 K I 11 35 PSM VMIGENVDEKHLPTLDHPIIPADYVAIK 73 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 2-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29830 85.843 4 3338.7584 3338.7585 K A 1282 1310 PSM VVCDENGSKGYGFVHFETQEAAER 74 sp|P11940|PABP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55 3-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22856 66.686 3 2924.3399 2924.3399 K A 130 154 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 75 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32107 92.289395 3 2990.3294 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 76 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33006 95.065345 3 2990.3426 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 77 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32216 92.68516 2 2990.3192 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 78 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 55 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33136 95.435678 3 2991.3512 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM SLEGADLPNLLFYGPPGTGKTSTILAAAR 79 sp|P35249|RFC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 55 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33513 96.42076 3 3125.666863 3125.676101 K E 65 94 PSM CIGEGQFGDVHQGIYMSPENPALAVAIKTCK 80 sp|Q05397-7|FAK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:4,28-UNIMOD:1031,30-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30001 86.312 3 3585.7418 3585.7418 R N 427 458 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 81 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 17-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28627 82.49 3 2903.3859 2903.3859 K G 215 242 PSM KESESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISK 82 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=31253 89.876 3 3462.6309 3462.6309 R I 122 155 PSM LASVPAGGAVAVSAAPGSAAPAAGSAPAAAEEKK 83 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 34-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21194 62.269 4 3097.6408 3097.6408 K D 62 96 PSM LPHLLLYGPPGTGKTSTILACAK 84 sp|P40937|RFC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 14-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29650 85.336 3 2603.4509 2603.4509 R Q 53 76 PSM LTKDGNVLLHEMQIQHPTASLIAK 85 sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26688 77.084 4 2852.5582 2852.5582 K V 56 80 PSM SNNVEMDWVLKHTGPNSPDTANDGFVR 86 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26916 77.737 3 3195.5044 3195.5044 K L 88 115 PSM VCYYYDGDIGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 87 sp|Q92769|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 2-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21284 62.511 3 3148.396 3148.3960 K I 12 36 PSM VVCDENGSKGYAFVHFETQEAADK 88 sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 54 3-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23769 69.106 3 2896.3338 2896.3338 K A 130 154 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 89 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32332 93.038 2 2990.3192 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 90 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32899 94.709382 3 2990.3288 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 91 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32198 92.626439 3 2990.3294 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 92 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32448 93.391781 2 2990.3242 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 93 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 54 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33606 96.662998 4 3030.3977 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM AIGSASEGAQSSLQEVYHKSMTLK 94 sp|P28066-2|PSA5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25874 74.853 3 2717.3694 2717.3694 R E 111 135 PSM DSSGNLHGYVAEGGAKDIR 95 sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17766 53.223 2 2141.0501 2141.0501 R G 498 517 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 96 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32530 93.636 3 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 97 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32991 95.022 3 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM DYLSHQVPISFHKHWNIDPVK 98 sp|Q6Y288|B3GLT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25906 74.94 4 2755.4235 2755.4235 K V 452 473 PSM EAGGGGVGGPGAKSAAQAAAQTNSNAAGK 99 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14916 45.727 3 2650.3059 2650.3059 K Q 40 69 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 100 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28391 81.845 3 3004.3906 3004.3906 M A 2 29 PSM EIAEAYLGKTVTNAVVTVPAYFNDSQR 101 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33350 95.999 3 3151.619 3151.6190 K Q 129 156 PSM FNAHGDANTIVCNSKDGGAWGTEQR 102 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 12-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19435 57.605 3 2900.326 2900.3260 R E 50 75 PSM HLNEIDLFHCIDPNDSKHK 103 sp|Q15185-3|TEBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 10-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22605 66.019 3 2527.2278 2527.2278 K R 49 68 PSM HQKIIEEAPATIATPAVFEHMEQCAVK 104 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 3-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=27831 80.31 4 3243.642 3243.6420 R L 306 333 PSM HTGPGILSMANAGPNTNGSQFFICTAK 105 sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 9-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21694 63.598 3 2806.3167 2806.3167 K T 92 119 PSM KEGTGSTATSSSSTAGAAGK 106 sp|O15372|EIF3H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=7239 25.331 2 1950.9494 1950.9494 R G 5 25 PSM NMSVIAHVDHGKSTLTDSLVCK 107 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 12-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23208 67.62 3 2607.3149 2607.3149 R A 21 43 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 108 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28810 82.993 3 2994.3925 2994.3926 K F 396 424 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 109 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 13-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33308 95.891 3 3190.5137 3190.5137 K F 396 424 PSM SIVDNWPENHVKAVVVTDGER 110 sp|P23368-2|MAOM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25668 74.298 2 2559.3082 2559.3082 R I 145 166 PSM SSKGGPGSAVSPYPTFNPSSDVAALHK 111 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23333 67.952 3 2853.4297 2853.4297 K A 27 54 PSM TIGGGDDSFTTFFCETGAGKHVPR 112 sp|P68366-2|TBA4A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 14-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28176 81.258 3 2752.2915 2752.2915 K A 26 50 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGKTATPQQAQEVHEK 113 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28518 82.193 3 3245.7085 3245.7085 K L 161 189 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGKTATPQQAQEVHEK 114 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 53 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28531 82.228 4 3245.7085 3245.7085 K L 161 189 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 115 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 53 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33331 95.950341 2 2992.3472 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 116 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 53 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33201 95.608841 2 2992.3472 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 117 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32696 94.123 2 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 118 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32891 94.684 3 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM EAAENSLVAYKAASDIAMTELPPTHPIR 119 sp|P62258-2|1433E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31720 91.192 3 3190.6332 3190.6332 K L 121 149 PSM HPGSFDVVHVKDANGNSFATR 120 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20350 60.011 3 2450.2091 2450.2091 R L 201 222 PSM HQGVMVGMGQKDSYVGDEAQSK 121 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 5-UNIMOD:35,8-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14243 43.971 3 2578.1792 2578.1792 R R 40 62 PSM HTGPGILSMANAGPNTNGSQFFICTAK 122 sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 24-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=24972 72.344 3 2798.336 2798.3360 K T 92 119 PSM IASHSHVKGLGLDESGLAK 123 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17533 52.613 3 2114.1484 2114.1484 R Q 15 34 PSM KTFSHELSDFGLESTAGEIPVVAIR 124 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31820 91.471 3 2898.5127 2898.5127 R T 305 330 PSM LIGDAAKNQVALNPQNTVFDAK 125 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26932 77.78 2 2522.3493 2522.3493 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 126 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24486 71.037 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LMELHGEGSSSGKATGDETGAK 127 sp|P61247|RS3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14076 43.538 3 2357.1169 2357.1169 K V 228 250 PSM LTFSCLGGSDNFKHLNEIDLFHCIDPNDSK 128 sp|Q15185-3|TEBP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32698 94.128 4 3688.729 3688.7290 K H 36 66 PSM QGNGPVLVCAPSNIAVDQLTEKIHQTGLK 129 sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 9-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32587 93.804 3 3282.7394 3282.7394 R V 512 541 PSM TLKLTTPTYGDLNHLVSATMSGVTTCLR 130 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 3-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31240 89.84 3 3261.6737 3261.6737 R F 214 242 PSM TLVIKEVSSEDIADMHSNLSNYHQYIVK 131 sp|Q8TBX8|PI42C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28728 82.767 4 3428.7286 3428.7286 R C 148 176 PSM TSSAQVEGGVHSLHSYEKR 132 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13365 41.674 2 2267.1295 2267.1295 R L 494 513 PSM VNQIGSVTESLQACKLAQANGWGVMVSHR 133 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30917 88.929 3 3335.6867 3335.6867 K S 344 373 PSM VPKTASTSFTNIAYDLCAK 134 sp|Q7LGA3-3|HS2ST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52 3-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28335 81.694 2 2282.1617 2282.1617 R N 81 100 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 135 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33626 96.71462 3 2974.3399 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 136 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33688 96.879181 3 2974.3399 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 137 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33527 96.456783 2 2974.3262 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 138 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33398 96.12391 4 2974.3348 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 139 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33921 97.503646 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 140 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30670 88.225698 3 2988.3842 2988.3952 M A 2 29 PSM GADINAPDKHHITPLLSAVYEGHVSCVK 141 sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 52 9-UNIMOD:1031,26-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=25241 73.141557 3 3223.634428 3223.644818 K L 58 86 PSM AYHEQLSVAEITNACFEPANQMVKCDPR 142 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 15-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24513 71.108 3 3489.6115 3489.6115 K H 281 309 PSM ETAENYLGHTAKNAVITVPAYFNDSQR 143 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29020 83.57 3 3204.584 3204.5840 K Q 176 203 PSM FLEENSSDPTYTSSLGGKIPIR 144 sp|P54760|EPHB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28497 82.135 2 2606.3228 2606.3228 R W 764 786 PSM GMLFLHNGAICSHGNLKSSNCVVDGR 145 sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22019 64.46 4 3038.4637 3038.4637 K F 646 672 PSM GVVPLAGTNGETTTQGLDGLSER 146 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 ms_run[2]:scan=21527 63.153 2 2271.1343 2271.1343 K C 112 135 PSM ISIPVDISDSDMMLNIINSSITTKAISR 147 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 12-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33320 95.922 3 3261.6836 3261.6836 K W 140 168 PSM KDLYANTVLSGGTTMYPGIADR 148 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26513 76.582 2 2554.2737 2554.2737 R M 291 313 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 149 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24358 70.692 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM SAGVQCFGPTAEAAQLESSKR 150 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 6-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23693 68.905 2 2389.1696 2389.1696 R F 88 109 PSM SAVADKHELLSLASSNHLGK 151 sp|O15372|EIF3H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25383 73.528 3 2272.2175 2272.2175 K N 222 242 PSM TALLDAAGVASLLTTAEVVVTEIPK 152 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 ms_run[2]:scan=34160 98.179 3 2481.3942 2481.3942 R E 527 552 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGKHVPR 153 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27022 78.028 3 2692.2881 2692.2881 K A 41 65 PSM VIISAPSADAPMFVMGVNHEKYDNSLK 154 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29699 85.471 4 3128.5675 3128.5675 R I 119 146 PSM VLLDAPCSGTGVISKDPAVK 155 sp|P46087-3|NOP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25345 73.428 2 2222.1981 2222.1981 R T 453 473 PSM YGKDATNVGDEGGFAPNILENK 156 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 51 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25797 74.638 2 2504.2183 2504.2183 K E 200 222 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 157 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33361 96.027924 2 2974.3262 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 158 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33922 97.506227 3 2976.3422 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 159 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33452 96.264324 4 3046.3928 3046.4007 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 160 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33656 96.795706 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM YAICSALAASALPALVMSKGHR 161 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 51 4-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33257 95.756216 3 2483.330343 2482.318856 R I 122 144 PSM KEAESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISK 162 sp|P04350|TBB4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 51 1-UNIMOD:259,6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=31254 89.878919 3 3449.616902 3446.635975 R I 122 155 PSM AVIKNADMSEEMQQDSVECATQALEK 163 sp|P63167|DYL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 4-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26519 76.599 3 3120.4414 3120.4414 K Y 6 32 PSM DSSGNLHGYVAEGGAKDIR 164 sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17906 53.595 2 2141.0501 2141.0501 R G 498 517 PSM GAEAANVTGPGGVPVQGSKYAADR 165 sp|P67809|YBOX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19297 57.242 3 2467.2456 2467.2456 K N 119 143 PSM GAQVNAVNQNGCTPLHYAASKNR 166 sp|O75832|PSD10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 12-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17152 51.61 3 2665.3143 2665.3143 K H 96 119 PSM HIADLAGNSEVILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNK 167 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 30-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=28774 82.896 3 3018.5767 3018.5767 R L 133 163 PSM HLNEIDLFHCIDPNDSKHK 168 sp|Q15185-3|TEBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 10-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22590 65.98 4 2527.2278 2527.2278 K R 49 68 PSM HQGVMVGMGQKDSYVGDEAQSK 169 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 5-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17197 51.728 3 2562.1843 2562.1843 R R 40 62 PSM HTGPGILSMANAGPNTNGSQFFICTAK 170 sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 9-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=21692 63.593 3 2814.3309 2814.3309 K T 92 119 PSM IAVAAQNCYKVTNGAFTGEISPGMIK 171 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031,24-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26245 75.855 3 2951.4885 2951.4885 K D 60 86 PSM IAVAAQNCYKVTNGAFTGEISPGMIK 172 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28133 81.14 3 2935.4936 2935.4936 K D 60 86 PSM IWNSSLQTNKEPVGILTSNHR 173 sp|P43155-3|CACP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25226 73.102 3 2589.3663 2589.3663 K N 236 257 PSM KLNCQVIGASVDSHFCHLAWVNTPK 174 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 1-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26062 75.363 4 3076.5375 3076.5375 K K 68 93 PSM LGGSPFGPAGTGKTESVK 175 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20478 60.345 2 1884.9945 1884.9945 R A 1900 1918 PSM LPLQDVYKIGGIGTVPVGR 176 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31603 90.849 2 2177.2572 2177.2572 R V 248 267 PSM MGPGFTKALGHGVDLGHIYGDNLER 177 sp|P23219-4|PGH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27166 78.421 4 2849.4283 2849.4283 K Q 106 131 PSM NMSVIAHVDHGKSTLTDSLVCK 178 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 2-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21259 62.444 3 2623.3098 2623.3098 R A 21 43 PSM PAVLGFEGSANKIGVGVVR 179 sp|Q9NPF4|OSGEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29215 84.117 2 2065.1684 2065.1684 M D 2 21 PSM SIYYITGESKEQVANSAFVER 180 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27936 80.591 2 2586.2966 2586.2966 K V 482 503 PSM STPAPYVKVYLLENGACIAK 181 sp|Q86UR5-11|RIMS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 8-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33218 95.654 2 2389.2716 2389.2716 K K 98 118 PSM TALLDAAGVASLLTTAEVVVTEIPK 182 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 25-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=34161 98.181 2 2489.4084 2489.4084 R E 527 552 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 183 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 20-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=24795 71.86 2 2014.9 2014.9000 K H 41 61 PSM TQETLSQAGQKTSAALSTVGSAISR 184 sp|O43399-6|TPD54_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29610 85.223 3 2687.409 2687.4090 K K 86 111 PSM VIISAPSADAPMFVMGVNHEKYDNSLK 185 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29674 85.403 3 3128.5675 3128.5675 R I 119 146 PSM VIVVGNPANTNCLTASKSAPSIPK 186 sp|P40925|MDHC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 12-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24895 72.136 3 2633.4211 2633.4211 K E 126 150 PSM WNGFGGKVQEGETIEDGAR 187 sp|P36639-4|8ODP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24194 70.251 2 2245.0764 2245.0764 R R 32 51 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 188 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 50 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26595 76.801038 2 2513.280592 2513.294809 R R 50 72 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 189 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34180 98.23505 3 2974.3399 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 190 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31581 90.792134 3 2990.3299 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 191 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33474 96.321293 3 2974.3340 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM QPQGHLLLIGVSGAGKTTLSR 192 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 50 1-UNIMOD:28,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29583 85.148829 2 2311.2882 2311.3002 R F 2928 2949 PSM ASLSKLGDVYVNDAFGTAHR 193 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26931 77.777 3 2316.1862 2316.1862 R A 152 172 PSM AYHEQLTVAEITNACFEPANQMVKCDPR 194 sp|Q9BQE3|TBA1C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 15-UNIMOD:4,24-UNIMOD:1031,25-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26885 77.65 3 3487.6323 3487.6323 K H 281 309 PSM EFHLNESGDPSSKSTEIK 195 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18185 54.319 2 2200.0648 2200.0648 K W 142 160 PSM GDLSGHFEHLMVALVTPPAVFDAKQLK 196 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33374 96.061 4 3115.6529 3115.6529 K K 74 101 PSM HIADLAGNSEVILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNK 197 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 ms_run[2]:scan=28762 82.864 4 3010.5625 3010.5625 R L 133 163 PSM HIADLAGNSEVILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNK 198 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 ms_run[2]:scan=28771 82.889 3 3010.5625 3010.5625 R L 133 163 PSM LIGDAAKNQLTSNPENTVFDAK 199 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26217 75.784 2 2541.3075 2541.3075 R R 75 97 PSM QKGADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 200 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27968 80.679 2 2231.1434 2231.1434 K K 187 207 PSM QNEINNPKFNFLNPNDPYHAYYR 201 sp|Q15459|SF3A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28718 82.739 3 3063.4628 3063.4628 R H 73 96 PSM SDGAPASDSKPGSSEAAPSSK 202 sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11135 35.728 2 2127.992 2127.9920 K E 164 185 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 203 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 9-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23533 68.481 3 3026.3824 3026.3824 K F 396 424 PSM TFSHELSDFGLESTAGEIPVVAIR 204 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 24-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=29947 86.163 3 2584.3049 2584.3049 K T 306 330 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPK 205 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 ms_run[2]:scan=19304 57.259 2 1953.0571 1953.0571 R A 96 114 PSM VCYYYDGDIGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 206 sp|Q92769|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 2-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21275 62.486 4 3148.396 3148.3960 K I 12 36 PSM VDKGVVPLAGTNGETTTQGLDGLSER 207 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26402 76.281 2 2809.4458 2809.4458 K C 109 135 PSM VLEDDPEATYTTSGGKIPIR 208 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24269 70.451 2 2357.2115 2357.2115 R W 763 783 PSM YDNSLKIISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 209 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49 6-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28601 82.42 2 2749.3779 2749.3779 K V 140 163 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 210 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32130 92.355068 4 2990.3290 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 211 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32960 94.909155 2 2990.3222 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM TDAAVSFAKDFLAGGVAAAISK 212 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 49 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34210 98.329359 3 2347.2423 2347.2418 M T 2 24 PSM KEAESCDCLQGFQLTHSLGGGTGSGMGTLLISK 213 sp|P04350|TBB4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 49 1-UNIMOD:259,6-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=32199 92.629037 3 3457.625874 3454.650174 R I 122 155 PSM ANGTTVHVGIHPSKVVITR 214 sp|P61254|RL26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18368 54.801 3 2181.2382 2181.2382 K L 90 109 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 215 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31017 89.214 2 2932.3331 2932.3331 M A 2 29 PSM DYHFKVDNDENEHQLSLR 216 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20027 59.165 3 2454.1564 2454.1564 K T 28 46 PSM EANFTVSSMHGDMPQKER 217 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19044 56.579 2 2259.0412 2259.0412 R E 299 317 PSM GDLSGHFEHLMVALVTPPAVFDAKQLK 218 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33381 96.078 3 3115.6529 3115.6529 K K 74 101 PSM GMLFLHNGAICSHGNLKSSNCVVDGR 219 sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 2-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19704 58.311 4 3054.4586 3054.4586 K F 646 672 PSM HQGVMVGMGQKDSYVGDEAQSK 220 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 8-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15801 48.033 3 2562.1843 2562.1843 R R 40 62 PSM HQGVMVGMGQKDSYVGDEAQSK 221 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19067 56.64 3 2546.1894 2546.1894 R R 40 62 PSM HQGVMVGMGQKDSYVGDEAQSK 222 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19116 56.769 2 2546.1894 2546.1894 R R 40 62 PSM HQKIIEEAPATIATPAVFEHMEQCAVK 223 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 3-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24220 70.32 4 3259.637 3259.6370 R L 306 333 PSM ILPGNMKDNFWEMGDTGPCGPCSEIHYDR 224 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 7-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29819 85.803 3 3591.568 3591.5680 K I 166 195 PSM IQAKYLDQMEDLYEDFHIVK 225 sp|O43681|ASNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 4-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28623 82.48 3 2709.336 2709.3360 K L 298 318 PSM IQVTPPGFQLVFLPFADDKR 226 sp|P12956-2|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33713 96.947 2 2483.3577 2483.3577 K K 384 404 PSM ITAAQHSVTGSAVSKTVCK 227 sp|Q13492-3|PICAL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 15-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=14121 43.656 3 2140.131 2140.1310 R A 10 29 PSM KDPEGTPYINHPIGVAR 228 sp|Q8N4P3-2|MESH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18472 55.074 2 2059.0851 2059.0851 R I 25 42 PSM KGVNLPGAAVDLPAVSEK 229 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27112 78.274 2 1960.0993 1960.0993 K D 207 225 PSM KSQIFSTASDNQPTVTIK 230 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22316 65.255 2 2160.1426 2160.1426 K V 447 465 PSM LAPITSDPTEATAVGAVEASFK 231 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 22-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=27489 79.365 2 2182.1249 2182.1249 R C 401 423 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 232 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26253 75.878 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LTGIKHELQANCYEEVK 233 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 5-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20356 60.025 2 2227.1307 2227.1307 K D 128 145 PSM NIVHCDLKPENVLLASAEPFPQVK 234 sp|O94806|KPCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 5-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30346 87.316 3 2913.5422 2913.5423 K L 694 718 PSM PATAGKAGGAAVVITEPEHTK 235 sp|Q9P258|RCC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17728 53.121 3 2200.1852 2200.1852 R E 72 93 PSM PGEVLGLVGTNGIGKSTALK 236 sp|P61221|ABCE1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28127 81.122 2 2106.2049 2106.2049 R I 102 122 PSM SAAQAAAQTNSNAAGKQLR 237 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13000 40.713 2 2053.0665 2053.0665 K K 53 72 PSM SAVADKHELLSLASSNHLGK 238 sp|O15372|EIF3H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25378 73.513 4 2272.2175 2272.2175 K N 222 242 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 239 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31267 89.914 3 2931.3637 2931.3637 K S 361 385 PSM TDEEGKDVPDHAVLEMK 240 sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20068 59.272 2 2108.0096 2108.0096 R A 432 449 PSM THFGGGKTTGFGMIYDSLDYAK 241 sp|P62847-2|RS24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29091 83.769 3 2561.2261 2561.2261 R K 62 84 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 242 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 ms_run[2]:scan=24854 72.027 2 2006.8858 2006.8858 K H 41 61 PSM TKAIEHADGGVAAGVAVLDNPYPV 243 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28819 83.018 2 2559.3333 2559.3333 R - 451 475 PSM TLVIKEVSSEDIADMHSNLSNYHQYIVK 244 sp|Q8TBX8|PI42C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28754 82.843 3 3428.7286 3428.7286 R C 148 176 PSM TSSAQVEGGVHSLHSYEKR 245 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13355 41.648 3 2267.1295 2267.1295 R L 494 513 PSM VCYYYDGDVGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 246 sp|Q13547|HDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 2-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20122 59.411 4 3134.3803 3134.3803 K I 11 35 PSM VMIGENVDEKHLPTLDHPIIPADYVAIK 247 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30618 88.081 4 3322.7635 3322.7635 K A 1282 1310 PSM VSGGLEVLAEKCPNLTHLNLSGNK 248 sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 11-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30089 86.562 3 2745.4483 2745.4483 R I 76 100 PSM YDCSSADINPIGGISKTDLR 249 sp|Q6IA69-2|NADE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 3-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26980 77.911 2 2377.1584 2377.1584 K A 269 289 PSM YDNSLKIISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 250 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48 6-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28595 82.405 3 2749.3779 2749.3779 K V 140 163 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 251 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31281 89.95215 3 2990.3328 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 252 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31729 91.217397 3 2991.3252 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 253 sp|Q13085|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 48 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33251 95.738912 3 2889.402669 2887.390954 K G 293 320 PSM AAAPAPEEEMDECEQALAAEPKAK 254 sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 13-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22471 65.665 3 2751.2731 2751.2731 K D 254 278 PSM AITVFSPDGHLFQVEYAQEAVKK 255 sp|O14818|PSA7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29488 84.883 3 2772.4487 2772.4487 R G 6 29 PSM ANPFGGASHAKGIVLEK 256 sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21785 63.843 2 1891.0316 1891.0316 K V 38 55 PSM CPEALFQPSFLGMESCGIHETTFNSIMK 257 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:35,28-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=27423 79.181 3 3270.4585 3270.4585 R C 257 285 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 258 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 17-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28821 83.023 3 2903.3859 2903.3859 K G 215 242 PSM FFIGFGGKGANQCVQAAR 259 sp|Q9H477-2|RBSK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 8-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=27386 79.078 2 2123.0735 2123.0735 K L 47 65 PSM FPSLLTHNENMVAKVDEVK 260 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27429 79.198 3 2366.2304 2366.2304 K S 134 153 PSM GDLSGHFEHLMVALVTPPAVFDAKQLK 261 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 11-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31701 91.141 4 3131.6478 3131.6478 K K 74 101 PSM GGPGSAVSPYPTFNPSSDVAALHKAIMVK 262 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30461 87.645 3 3093.5957 3093.5957 K G 30 59 PSM GLGLDESGLAKQAASGLVGQENAR 263 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28239 81.432 3 2536.3245 2536.3245 K E 23 47 PSM HIYYITGETKDQVANSAFVER 264 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24491 71.049 3 2636.3235 2636.3235 K L 490 511 PSM IAESNHIKLSGSNPYTTVTPQIINSK 265 sp|O43707-2|ACTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23491 68.369 3 3007.5978 3007.5979 R W 378 404 PSM IQAKYLDQMEDLYEDFHIVK 266 sp|O43681|ASNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33283 95.826 3 2693.3411 2693.3411 K L 298 318 PSM ISGASEKDIVHSGLAYTMER 267 sp|P00367-2|DHE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24503 71.081 3 2359.1842 2359.1842 R S 330 350 PSM IVAPGKGILAADESTGSIAK 268 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25792 74.627 2 2093.1732 2093.1732 R R 23 43 PSM KGIVDQSQQAYQEAFEISK 269 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25941 75.032 2 2364.1961 2364.1961 K K 139 158 PSM LAELQAKHGDPGDAAQQEAK 270 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14915 45.724 3 2272.1448 2272.1448 R H 14 34 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 271 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24355 70.685 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 272 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24616 71.383 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LLLPGELAKHAVSEGTK 273 sp|P62807|H2B1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25925 74.99 2 1958.1201 1958.1201 R A 101 118 PSM LNFSHGTHEYHAETIKNVR 274 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14899 45.682 4 2448.2298 2448.2298 R T 74 93 PSM LPVIDPESGNTLYILTHKR 275 sp|P54619-2|AAKG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31097 89.438 3 2361.3056 2361.3056 R I 121 140 PSM LVQDVANNTNEEAGDGTTTATVLAR 276 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 ms_run[2]:scan=16127 48.919 3 2559.2413 2559.2413 K S 97 122 PSM PKGLAYVEYENESQASQAVMK 277 sp|Q15020-4|SART3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24141 70.11 3 2537.2472 2537.2472 K M 804 825 PSM QATYGYYLGNPAEFHDSSDHHTFKK 278 sp|Q15293|RCN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19797 58.552 4 3108.4366 3108.4366 K M 142 167 PSM QGNGPVLVCAPSNIAVDQLTEKIHQTGLK 279 sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 9-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32613 93.879 4 3282.7394 3282.7394 R V 512 541 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 280 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 4-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=27978 80.707 3 2947.3586 2947.3586 K S 361 385 PSM SKSEEAHAEDSVMDHHFR 281 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13110 41 4 2307.0338 2307.0338 K K 313 331 PSM SLYQSAGVAPESFEYIEAHGTGTK 282 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 ms_run[2]:scan=22233 65.037 3 2541.2023 2541.2023 R V 275 299 PSM TIGVAAKNQQITHANNTVSNFK 283 sp|Q92598-2|HS105_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19431 57.595 3 2551.3507 2551.3507 R R 47 69 PSM TPFLLSGTSYKDLMPHDLAR 284 sp|P55084-2|ECHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31998 91.973 3 2457.2726 2457.2726 R A 40 60 PSM VADPDHDHTGFLTEYVATR 285 sp|P28482-2|MK01_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 ms_run[2]:scan=17589 52.757 3 2142.997 2142.9970 R W 173 192 PSM VDVAVNCAGIAVASKTYNLK 286 sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27128 78.318 2 2288.2199 2288.2199 R K 85 105 PSM VLISSLQDCLHGIESKSYGSGSR 287 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 9-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28283 81.552 3 2688.3541 2688.3541 K R 395 418 PSM YTPSGQAGAAASESLFVSNHAY 288 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47 ms_run[2]:scan=20624 60.726 2 2227.0182 2227.0182 K - 343 365 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 289 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33799 97.174935 3 3046.3902 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 290 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33389 96.09987 3 3046.3902 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 291 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33574 96.57637 2 3030.3882 3030.4062 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 292 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 47 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34171 98.209371 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EVDEQMLNVQNKNSSYFVEWIPNNVK 293 sp|Q13885|TBB2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33179 95.549251 3 3319.610782 3319.618328 K T 325 351 PSM AQLGGPEAAKSDETAAK 294 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14621 44.957 2 1838.9374 1838.9374 R - 189 206 PSM DKPHVNVGTIGHVDHGK 295 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15331 46.811 3 2005.0494 2005.0494 R T 54 71 PSM EDKQPEQATTSAQVACLYR 296 sp|P18858-3|DNLI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19820 58.614 2 2390.1536 2390.1536 R K 849 868 PSM FTASAGIQVVGDDLTVTNPKR 297 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27585 79.634 3 2384.27 2384.2700 K I 307 328 PSM GALQNIIPASTGAAKAVGK 298 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25308 73.33 2 1962.1262 1962.1262 R V 201 220 PSM GDLSGHFEHLMVALVTPPAVFDAKQLK 299 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 11-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31690 91.108 3 3131.6478 3131.6478 K K 74 101 PSM GLSEDTTEETLKESFDGSVR 300 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27626 79.745 2 2395.1391 2395.1391 K A 578 598 PSM GNDISSGTVLSDYVGSGPPKGTGLHR 301 sp|P30086|PEBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24014 69.767 3 2766.3937 2766.3937 K Y 94 120 PSM IICQGFTGKQGTFHSQQALEYGTK 302 sp|P53597|SUCA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 3-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21239 62.388 3 2894.4385 2894.4385 K L 58 82 PSM IIGAKDHASIQMNVAEVDK 303 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21366 62.729 3 2234.1729 2234.1729 R V 23 42 PSM KQGGLGPMNIPLVSDPK 304 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28368 81.783 2 1946.0659 1946.0659 K R 93 110 PSM KVWLDPNETNEIANANSR 305 sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24650 71.47 2 2266.1342 2266.1342 K Q 21 39 PSM KYTELPHGAISEDQAVGPADIPCDSTGQTST 306 sp|Q9H773|DCTP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23677 68.863 3 3440.6042 3440.6042 R - 140 171 PSM LAPITSDPTEATAVGAVEASFK 307 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 ms_run[2]:scan=27495 79.383 2 2174.1107 2174.1107 R C 401 423 PSM LELLHPIIPEQSTFKVLSTK 308 sp|Q9Y2Z0-2|SGT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31677 91.069 3 2488.4305 2488.4305 K I 190 210 PSM LIGDAAKNQVALNPQNTVFDAK 309 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26930 77.775 3 2522.3493 2522.3493 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 310 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26583 76.769 3 2513.2948 2513.2948 R R 50 72 PSM LLQKGIHPTIISESFQK 311 sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24621 71.395 3 2134.215 2134.2150 K A 123 140 PSM MDSTANEVEAVKVHSFPTLK 312 sp|P07237|PDIA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26838 77.523 3 2414.2152 2414.2152 K F 425 445 PSM NIVHCDLKPENVLLASADPFPQVK 313 sp|Q9BZL6-2|KPCD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 5-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31251 89.871 3 2899.5266 2899.5266 K L 512 536 PSM QEDGGVYSSSGLKQIPIK 314 sp|P16591-3|FER_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24579 71.285 2 2101.1055 2101.1055 R W 339 357 PSM SDKNNEFIVIHNGIITNYK 315 sp|Q06210-2|GFPT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25452 73.715 3 2414.2594 2414.2594 R D 112 131 PSM SGVKIHVSDQELQSANASVDDSR 316 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19230 57.066 3 2637.2994 2637.2994 K L 763 786 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILSGDK 317 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 23-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32554 93.706 2 2267.1525 2267.1525 K S 362 385 PSM SKSEEAHAEDSVMDHHFR 318 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 2-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10106 32.955 3 2323.0288 2323.0288 K K 313 331 PSM TLLAKAIANECQANFISIK 319 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 5-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31597 90.834 2 2300.2562 2300.2562 K G 525 544 PSM TMEQIVFPVPSICEFLTKESK 320 sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 2-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33583 96.601 3 2694.3649 2694.3649 R L 2149 2170 PSM TTGIVMDSGDGVTHTVPIYEGYALPHAILR 321 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 ms_run[2]:scan=27420 79.173 4 3182.607 3182.6070 R L 148 178 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPKANR 322 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24276 70.469 2 2490.3595 2490.3595 R E 96 117 PSM VAQGVSGAVQDKGSIHK 323 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14374 44.314 2 1876.0167 1876.0167 K F 439 456 PSM VIISAPSADAPMFVMGVNHEKYDNSLK 324 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 15-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27322 78.892 3 3144.5624 3144.5624 R I 119 146 PSM VSDFGLTKEASSTQDTGK 325 sp|P41240|CSK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20570 60.586 2 2066.0168 2066.0168 K L 330 348 PSM VSLDVNHFAPDELTVKTK 326 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26098 75.459 2 2208.179 2208.1790 R D 97 115 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 327 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32485 93.502 4 3562.749 3562.7490 K P 8 39 PSM WGDAGAEYVVESTGVFTTMEK 328 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46 ms_run[2]:scan=29448 84.774 2 2276.0307 2276.0307 K A 87 108 PSM VMIGENVDEKHLPTLDHPIIPADYVAIK 329 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30645 88.156343 3 3322.776011 3322.763536 K A 1282 1310 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 330 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34056 97.878842 3 2976.3422 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 331 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34078 97.936063 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 332 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33539 96.488393 2 3048.4082 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 333 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34043 97.843105 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM AENGKLVINGNPITIFQER 334 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31707 91.156 2 2308.2539 2308.2539 K D 62 81 PSM AHLGTALKANPFGGASHAK 335 sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18683 55.63 2 2043.1014 2043.1014 K G 30 49 PSM ASFNHFDKDHGGALGPEEFK 336 sp|O43707-2|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20357 60.027 3 2398.1342 2398.1342 R A 553 573 PSM ASGNYATVISHNPETKK 337 sp|P62917|RL8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14993 45.928 2 2012.0327 2012.0327 R T 129 146 PSM ASSHSSQTQGGGSVTKK 338 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=5880 21.654 2 1841.9232 1841.9232 R R 402 419 PSM CLAFHDISPQAPTHFLVIPKK 339 sp|P49773|HINT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27765 80.127 4 2614.4094 2614.4094 R H 38 59 PSM CVLKIGEHTPSALAIMENANVLAR 340 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31689 91.105 3 2802.4884 2802.4884 R Y 150 174 PSM DATNVGDEGGFAPNILENK 341 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 ms_run[2]:scan=22067 64.587 2 1959.9174 1959.9174 K E 203 222 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 342 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28585 82.377 3 2948.328 2948.3280 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 343 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31108 89.468 3 2932.3331 2932.3331 M A 2 29 PSM DQVTAQEIFQDNHEDGPTAKK 344 sp|P13010|XRCC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19885 58.783 3 2566.23 2566.2300 K L 546 567 PSM EILVGDVGQTVDDPYATFVK 345 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 20-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=28087 81.013 2 2173.1034 2173.1034 K M 54 74 PSM ETGSSKGFGFVDFNSEEDAK 346 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27263 78.692 2 2346.0652 2346.0652 R A 605 625 PSM ETVSEESNVLCLSKSPNK 347 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 11-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22656 66.151 2 2216.0995 2216.0995 R H 581 599 PSM EVTLIHSQVALADKELLPSVR 348 sp|Q9BRQ8-2|FSP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29606 85.213 3 2513.4217 2513.4217 K Q 129 150 PSM EYHLAINKEPNSLHGGVR 349 sp|Q96C23|GALM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18865 56.108 2 2229.1654 2229.1654 K G 94 112 PSM FELGKLMELHGEGSSSGK 350 sp|P61247|RS3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26527 76.619 3 2101.0514 2101.0514 K A 223 241 PSM FPSLLTHNENMVAKVDEVK 351 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 11-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23575 68.592 3 2382.2253 2382.2253 K S 134 153 PSM FQGIKHECQANGPEDLNR 352 sp|P60981-2|DEST_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 5-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=15804 48.04 3 2308.1019 2308.1019 K A 111 129 PSM FSKVEDMAELTCLNEASVLHNLK 353 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 3-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33076 95.263 3 2843.4198 2843.4198 K E 80 103 PSM GDGPVQGIINFEQKESNGPVK 354 sp|P00441|SODC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28010 80.791 2 2408.2336 2408.2336 K V 11 32 PSM GDVTITNDGATILKQMQVLHPAAR 355 sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29621 85.256 3 2744.4643 2744.4643 K M 66 90 PSM GFCFLEYEDHKSAAQAR 356 sp|O43390-4|HNRPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 3-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23740 69.029 2 2224.0371 2224.0371 R R 192 209 PSM GFCFLEYEDHKTAAQAR 357 sp|O60506|HNRPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 3-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24043 69.844 2 2238.0528 2238.0528 R R 287 304 PSM GQAGGKLHIIEVGTPPTGNQPFPK 358 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25570 74.034 3 2638.4231 2638.4231 R K 222 246 PSM GVNLPGAAVDLPAVSEKDIQDLK 359 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31718 91.187 3 2544.3799 2544.3799 K F 208 231 PSM HQKVVEIAPAAHLDPQLR 360 sp|P11498-2|PYC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21466 62.994 3 2217.2382 2217.2382 R T 271 289 PSM HVFLTGPPGVGKTTLIHK 361 sp|Q9BSD7|NTPCR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22861 66.698 3 2097.2099 2097.2099 R A 4 22 PSM IQVTPPGFQLVFLPFADDKR 362 sp|P12956-2|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33711 96.942 3 2483.3577 2483.3577 K K 384 404 PSM ISGASEKDIVHSGLAYTMER 363 sp|P00367-2|DHE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24524 71.139 2 2359.1842 2359.1842 R S 330 350 PSM KELNSNHDGADETSEK 364 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=8362 28.322 3 1968.9025 1968.9025 K E 11 27 PSM KELNSNHDGADETSEK 365 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=8378 28.362 2 1968.9025 1968.9025 K E 11 27 PSM KLAQQYYLVYQEPIPTAQLVQR 366 sp|P25787|PSA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30302 87.152 3 2844.5538 2844.5538 R V 92 114 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 367 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24893 72.131 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 368 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25148 72.882 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 369 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25969 75.111 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 370 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26384 76.234 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LKDPANFQYPAESVLAYK 371 sp|P15559-3|NQO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28940 83.347 2 2249.1732 2249.1732 K E 60 78 PSM LLLQVQHASKQITADK 372 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20419 60.19 2 1988.1419 1988.1419 K Q 34 50 PSM LTGIKHELQANCYEEVK 373 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 5-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20336 59.973 3 2227.1307 2227.1307 K D 128 145 PSM LVQDVANNTNEEAGDGTTTATVLAR 374 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 25-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=16126 48.917 3 2569.2495 2569.2495 K S 97 122 PSM LVVPASQCGSLIGKGGCK 375 sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22643 66.118 2 2026.0704 2026.0704 R I 102 120 PSM NVTGHYISPFHDIPLKVNSK 376 sp|Q9H2U2-6|IPYR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24478 71.014 3 2461.3118 2461.3118 K E 54 74 PSM PLVVFVLGGPGAGKGTQCAR 377 sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 14-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30409 87.495 3 2179.1936 2179.1936 K I 3 23 PSM QFTSSSSIKGSSGLGGGSSR 378 sp|Q04695|K1C17_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18332 54.705 2 2082.0342 2082.0342 R T 7 27 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 379 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33086 95.291 3 2931.3637 2931.3637 K S 361 385 PSM SGANVLICGPNGCGKSSLFR 380 sp|P28288-2|ABCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26975 77.896 2 2289.1358 2289.1358 R V 355 375 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILSGDK 381 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 ms_run[2]:scan=32553 93.704 2 2259.1383 2259.1383 K S 362 385 PSM SKGFGFVCFSSPEEATK 382 sp|P11940|PABP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 2-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28510 82.17 2 2072.9877 2072.9877 R A 332 349 PSM SKSEEAHAEDSVMDHHFR 383 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13114 41.009 3 2307.0338 2307.0338 K K 313 331 PSM SLVSVTKEGLELPEDEEEK 384 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28304 81.611 2 2326.1792 2326.1792 K K 532 551 PSM SSFYVNGLTLGGQKCSVIR 385 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 14-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28682 82.639 2 2281.1889 2281.1889 R D 57 76 PSM SVQNHNNKSVNESLNNLFITEEDYQALR 386 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28487 82.107 3 3471.7019 3471.7019 R T 1454 1482 PSM TATESFASDPILYRPVAVALDTK 387 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 ms_run[2]:scan=27667 79.858 3 2464.285 2464.2850 R G 93 116 PSM TATESFASDPILYRPVAVALDTK 388 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 ms_run[2]:scan=27698 79.941 2 2464.285 2464.2850 R G 93 116 PSM TVATPLNQVANPNSAIFGGAR 389 sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 ms_run[2]:scan=24198 70.26 2 2097.0967 2097.0967 R P 197 218 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPK 390 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=19306 57.264 2 1961.0713 1961.0713 R A 96 114 PSM VCYYYDGDIGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 391 sp|Q92769|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 2-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20182 59.569 4 3164.3909 3164.3909 K I 12 36 PSM VEEGMHLLITGPNGCGKSSLFR 392 sp|P33897|ABCD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28359 81.758 3 2597.3094 2597.3094 R I 497 519 PSM VFGALKGAVDGGLSIPHSTK 393 sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26880 77.637 3 2149.1895 2149.1895 K R 159 179 PSM VFGEDSVGVIFKNGDDLR 394 sp|P42338|PK3CB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30656 88.188 2 2162.1008 2162.1008 K Q 794 812 PSM VIISAPSADAPMFVMGVNHEKYDNSLK 395 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 12-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25293 73.291 3 3160.5573 3160.5573 R I 119 146 PSM VILHLKEDQTEYLEER 396 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23413 68.161 2 2210.1583 2210.1583 K R 186 202 PSM VISHAISEHVEDAGVHSGDATLMLPTQTISQGAIEKVK 397 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 36-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25897 74.916 5 4164.1525 4164.1525 R D 1187 1225 PSM VNGKAGNLGGGVVTIER 398 sp|P35268|RL22_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21300 62.552 2 1836.0217 1836.0217 K S 49 66 PSM VSLDVNHFAPDELTVKTK 399 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26089 75.437 3 2208.179 2208.1790 R D 97 115 PSM YADLTEDQLPSCESLKDTIAR 400 sp|P18669|PGAM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28135 81.145 2 2620.269 2620.2690 R A 142 163 PSM YGKDATNVGDEGGFAPNILENK 401 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25794 74.631 3 2504.2183 2504.2183 K E 200 222 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 402 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33784 97.132996 3 2974.3340 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 403 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31983 91.931708 3 2991.3252 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 404 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 45 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33520 96.437303 3 3031.3932 3030.4062 M A 2 29 PSM LPLQDVYKIGGIGTVPVGR 405 sp|P68104|EF1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 45 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31702 91.143184 2 2177.249506 2177.257225 R V 248 267 PSM AEVQKLQMEAPHIIVGTPGR 406 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25606 74.131 3 2369.2889 2369.2889 R V 142 162 PSM AGGKILTFDQLALDSPK 407 sp|Q07020|RL18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31011 89.198 2 1969.0884 1969.0884 R G 116 133 PSM ALKVLDNYLTSPLPEEVDETSAEDEGVSQR 408 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32045 92.112 3 3499.7206 3499.7206 K K 136 166 PSM AQQNNVEHKVETFSGVYK 409 sp|P62081|RS7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23489 68.364 3 2273.144 2273.1440 K K 161 179 PSM DPSAVAKHFVALSTNTTK 410 sp|P06744|G6PI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25505 73.858 3 2082.111 2082.1110 K V 235 253 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 411 sp|Q13085-3|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32575 93.768 2 2887.391 2887.3910 K G 215 242 PSM EAAGKSSGPTSLFAVTVAPPGAR 412 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28697 82.679 2 2366.2594 2366.2594 K Q 182 205 PSM ESGQVVAIKQVPVESDLQEIIK 413 sp|Q13188|STK3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33203 95.614 3 2604.4374 2604.4374 K E 48 70 PSM ETGQIVAIKQVPVESDLQEIIK 414 sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33323 95.929 2 2632.4687 2632.4687 K E 51 73 PSM ETNLDSLPLVDTHSKR 415 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22795 66.524 2 2020.0589 2020.0589 R T 425 441 PSM GGVGKTTCSCSLAVQLSK 416 sp|O43681|ASNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 5-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20990 61.693 2 2048.0394 2048.0394 K G 46 64 PSM GMGSLDAMDKHLSSQNR 417 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16625 50.224 2 2057.9623 2057.9623 R Y 413 430 PSM GMLFLHNGAICSHGNLKSSNCVVDGR 418 sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22025 64.476 3 3038.4637 3038.4637 K F 646 672 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 419 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26451 76.415 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM HIADLAGNSEVILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNK 420 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 30-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=28811 82.996 4 3018.5767 3018.5767 R L 133 163 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 421 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=19208 57.011 2 1848.9438 1848.9438 R T 788 804 PSM IIHTDIKPENILLSVNEQYIR 422 sp|Q96SB4-4|SRPK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31542 90.684 3 2703.496 2703.4960 R R 193 214 PSM IQAKYLDQMEDLYEDFHIVK 423 sp|O43681|ASNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28746 82.82 3 2709.336 2709.3360 K L 298 318 PSM IVIQKYHTVNGHNCEVR 424 sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 5-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=14954 45.826 3 2262.1692 2262.1692 K K 162 179 PSM KDLYANTVLSGGTTMYPGIADR 425 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26522 76.607 3 2554.2737 2554.2737 R M 291 313 PSM KGVLFGVPGAFTPGCSK 426 sp|P30044-2|PRDX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29946 86.16 2 1917.0182 1917.0182 K T 34 51 PSM KHYFYADLPAGYQITQQR 427 sp|O75879|GATB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24619 71.39 2 2394.2121 2394.2121 R L 139 157 PSM KQTIDNSQGAYQEAFDISK 428 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22478 65.682 2 2338.1441 2338.1441 R K 139 158 PSM LAELQAKHGDPGDAAQQEAK 429 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14945 45.801 2 2272.1448 2272.1448 R H 14 34 PSM LCVPAMNVNDSVTKQK 430 sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18082 54.05 2 2015.018 2015.0180 K F 271 287 PSM LDKSQIHDIVLVGGSTR 431 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25830 74.728 2 2033.1269 2033.1269 K I 326 343 PSM LIGDAAKNQLTSNPENTVFDAK 432 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26216 75.781 3 2541.3075 2541.3075 R R 75 97 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 433 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25032 72.529 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 434 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25198 73.026 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 435 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26390 76.249 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 436 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26255 75.883 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 437 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26695 77.11 3 2513.2948 2513.2948 R R 50 72 PSM LMTGDTYTAHAGAKFPIK 438 sp|P42684-8|ABL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20751 61.06 2 2133.0929 2133.0929 R W 412 430 PSM LNCQVIGASVDSHFCHLAWVNTPKK 439 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 3-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25467 73.755 3 3076.5375 3076.5375 K Q 69 94 PSM MKPGATGESDLAEVLPQHK 440 sp|Q709F0-2|ACD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20874 61.387 3 2219.1256 2219.1256 - F 1 20 PSM NFSDNQLQEGKNVIGLQMGTNR 441 sp|P37802|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27855 80.372 3 2658.3184 2658.3184 R G 161 183 PSM PLVVFVLGGPGAGKGTQCAR 442 sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 14-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30414 87.507 2 2179.1936 2179.1936 K I 3 23 PSM QLFHPEQLITGKEDAANNYAR 443 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26648 76.942 3 2610.319 2610.3190 R G 85 106 PSM SAGVQCFGPTAEAAQLESSKR 444 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 6-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23684 68.883 3 2389.1696 2389.1696 R F 88 109 PSM SASLDNGGCALTTFSVLEGEKNNHR 445 sp|P35610|SOAT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 9-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27646 79.8 3 2872.3774 2872.3774 K A 84 109 PSM SGSKAFLDALQNQAEASSK 446 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26730 77.224 2 2147.0859 2147.0859 R I 125 144 PSM SGSKAFLDALQNQAEASSK 447 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26776 77.348 2 2155.1001 2155.1001 R I 125 144 PSM SQETECTYFSTPLLLGKK 448 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 6-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30254 87.023 2 2297.1613 2297.1613 K G 280 298 PSM STGGAPTFNVTVTKTDK 449 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21876 64.084 2 1919 1919.0000 K T 92 109 PSM TDEEGKDVPDHAVLEMK 450 sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20056 59.24 3 2108.0096 2108.0096 R A 432 449 PSM TFIIGISGVTNSGKTTLAK 451 sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29014 83.553 2 2103.194 2103.1940 K N 3 22 PSM TKSTGGAPTFNVTVTK 452 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20002 59.099 2 1803.9731 1803.9731 R T 90 106 PSM TSRPENAIIYNNNEDFQVGQAK 453 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 ms_run[2]:scan=15786 47.99 3 2507.2041 2507.2041 R V 472 494 PSM TYDATTHFETTCDDIK 454 sp|P50395-2|GDIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=12089 38.273 2 1924.824 1924.8240 R N 358 374 PSM VCYYYDGDVGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 455 sp|Q13547|HDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18988 56.433 4 3150.3753 3150.3753 K I 11 35 PSM VDEAVAVLQAHQAKEAAQK 456 sp|P11940|PABP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19897 58.815 3 2201.1804 2201.1804 K A 607 626 PSM VGAVDADKHHSLGGQYGVQGFPTIK 457 sp|Q15084-5|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21916 64.189 3 2776.4297 2776.4297 K I 126 151 PSM VKGHFGPINSVAFHPDGK 458 sp|Q13347|EIF3I_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19919 58.872 4 2102.1061 2102.1061 R S 281 299 PSM VLVKAAYNPGQAVPWNAVK 459 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28121 81.107 2 2220.2419 2220.2419 K V 94 113 PSM VMLGETNPADSKPGTIR 460 sp|P22392-2|NDKB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21198 62.279 2 1981.0303 1981.0303 R G 89 106 PSM VSDFGLTKEASSTQDTGK 461 sp|P41240|CSK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 8-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20586 60.626 2 2074.031 2074.0310 K L 330 348 PSM WGDAGAEYVVESTGVFTTMEK 462 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 21-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=29480 84.861 2 2284.0449 2284.0449 K A 87 108 PSM YTIHSQLEHLQSKYIGTGHADTTK 463 sp|Q9BWJ5|SF3B5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20564 60.569 4 2923.4828 2923.4828 R W 5 29 PSM YVASYLLAALGGNSSPSAKDIK 464 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32387 93.202 3 2420.2951 2420.2951 R K 3 25 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 465 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26825 77.485667 2 2513.280592 2513.294809 R R 50 72 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 466 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25422 73.634353 2 1875.005430 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM VIHDNFGIVEGLMTTVHAITATQKTVDGPSGK 467 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 13-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32835 94.527199 4 3546.839930 3547.834470 K L 163 195 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 468 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34463 99.263242 3 2974.3357 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 469 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33822 97.233404 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM VDCTANTNTCNKYGVSGYPTLK 470 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 3-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=21272 62.47805 3 2657.242200 2658.241788 K I 83 105 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 471 sp|P68104|EF1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=32560 93.724186 3 3223.527330 3222.503559 K F 396 424 PSM ASGVAVSDGVIKVFNDMK 472 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:1,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33635 96.739023 2 2074.0735 2074.0764 M V 2 20 PSM KEGICALGGTSELSSEGTQHSYSEEEK 473 sp|P13797|PLST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 44 1-UNIMOD:259,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=22725 66.337235 3 2923.304398 2920.312375 R Y 100 127 PSM ALYEQNQSDVNEAKSGGR 474 sp|Q14691|PSF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15063 46.109 2 2161.04 2161.0400 K S 38 56 PSM AQAYQTGKDISTNYYASQK 475 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18600 55.41 2 2332.1335 2332.1335 K K 664 683 PSM ATAVMPDGQFKDISLSDYK 476 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28059 80.931 2 2281.13 2281.1300 K G 17 36 PSM DIKAANVLLSEHGEVK 477 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23372 68.053 2 1918.0524 1918.0524 R L 144 160 PSM DIKSANILLDEAFTAK 478 sp|Q9NWZ3|IRAK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33281 95.821 2 1944.0568 1944.0568 R I 311 327 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 479 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23292 67.844 2 2019.0459 2019.0459 R I 150 166 PSM DLKPSNILYVDESGNPECLR 480 sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28648 82.55 2 2514.2424 2514.2424 R I 519 539 PSM DLKPSNILYVDESGNPESIR 481 sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28308 81.621 2 2441.2438 2441.2438 R I 539 559 PSM DLKSNNIFLHEDLTVK 482 sp|P15056|BRAF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27195 78.5 2 2081.1157 2081.1157 R I 576 592 PSM DPFAHLPKSTFVLDEFK 483 sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32635 93.943 3 2186.1412 2186.1412 K R 278 295 PSM DSSGNLHGYVAEGGAKDIR 484 sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17756 53.195 3 2141.0501 2141.0501 R G 498 517 PSM EAAENSLVAYKAASDIAMTELPPTHPIR 485 sp|P62258-2|1433E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31842 91.534 3 3190.6332 3190.6332 K L 121 149 PSM ELAVKQVQFDPDSPETSK 486 sp|Q9Y2U5|M3K2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24686 71.566 2 2213.1216 2213.1216 R E 381 399 PSM ESGQVVAIKQVPVESDLQEIIK 487 sp|Q13188|STK3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33204 95.616 2 2604.4374 2604.4374 K E 48 70 PSM ESIFFNSHNVSKPESSSVLTELDK 488 sp|Q13572-2|ITPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28001 80.769 3 2889.4396 2889.4396 R I 226 250 PSM EYHLAINKEPNSLHGGVR 489 sp|Q96C23|GALM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18853 56.077 3 2229.1654 2229.1654 K G 94 112 PSM FLEENSSDPTYTSSLGGKIPIR 490 sp|P54760|EPHB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28504 82.155 3 2606.3228 2606.3228 R W 764 786 PSM FSAYIKNSNPALNDNLEK 491 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23572 68.584 2 2233.1379 2233.1379 K G 114 132 PSM FSVCVLGDQQHCDEAKAVDIPHMDIEALK 492 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29668 85.385 4 3520.6789 3520.6789 K K 63 92 PSM GGHGAASPSEKGAHPSGGADDVAK 493 sp|Q07065|CKAP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=7903 27.099 3 2355.1203 2355.1203 K K 11 35 PSM GMGSLDAMDKHLSSQNR 494 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19419 57.563 2 2041.9673 2041.9673 R Y 413 430 PSM GNKALSVGNIDDALQCYSEAIK 495 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32357 93.111 3 2561.2796 2561.2796 K L 11 33 PSM GPILCFVGPPGVGKTSVGR 496 sp|Q86WA8-2|LONP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29450 84.779 2 2093.1456 2093.1456 K S 324 343 PSM GQKCEFQDAYVLLSEK 497 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 3-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28493 82.125 2 2110.0405 2110.0405 K K 234 250 PSM HGDPGDAAQQEAKHR 498 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=6907 24.431 2 1811.8663 1811.8663 K E 21 36 PSM HHTSKIQEFADLTQVETFGFR 499 sp|P54278-4|PMS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31798 91.409 3 2686.3503 2686.3503 K G 87 108 PSM HLPNCSVISQDDFFKPESEIETDK 500 sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26572 76.74 3 3030.4281 3030.4281 K N 26 50 PSM HNIICLQNDHKAVMK 501 sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=14861 45.582 3 2032.0346 2032.0346 R Q 77 92 PSM HNIICLQNDHKAVMK 502 sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=14887 45.65 2 2032.0346 2032.0346 R Q 77 92 PSM HNIICLQNDHKAVMK 503 sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17246 51.855 2 2016.0397 2016.0397 R Q 77 92 PSM HWILPQDYDHAQAEAR 504 sp|Q15293|RCN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 ms_run[2]:scan=14902 45.69 3 1948.918 1948.9180 R H 271 287 PSM IEDLSQQAQLAAAEKFK 505 sp|E9PAV3|NACAM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27410 79.146 2 2085.1106 2085.1106 K V 1991 2008 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 506 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21927 64.218 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 507 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26532 76.634 2 1816.9539 1816.9539 R T 788 804 PSM ILQDGGLQVVEKQNLSK 508 sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24304 70.543 2 2064.1579 2064.1579 K E 22 39 PSM KDPEGTPYINHPIGVAR 509 sp|Q8N4P3-2|MESH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18467 55.062 3 2059.0851 2059.0851 R I 25 42 PSM KLGGSLADSYLDEGFLLDK 510 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32897 94.702 2 2236.1627 2236.1627 K K 204 223 PSM KPANDITSQLEINFGDLGR 511 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31878 91.637 2 2283.1859 2283.1859 R P 331 350 PSM LADFGVAGQLTDTQIKR 512 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26520 76.602 2 2028.1004 2028.1004 K N 160 177 PSM LCDFGISGQLVDSIAKTR 513 sp|P45985|MP2K4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31702 91.143 2 2175.1358 2175.1358 K D 245 263 PSM LCVPAMNVNDSVTKQK 514 sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22586 65.971 2 1999.0231 1999.0231 K F 271 287 PSM LIGDAAKNQVALNPQNTVFDAK 515 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27066 78.147 3 2522.3493 2522.3493 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 516 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26058 75.351 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM NQVAMNPTNTVFDAKR 517 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20514 60.437 2 2017.0051 2017.0051 K L 57 73 PSM NVVSGKTSACFEPSLDYMVTK 518 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 6-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=27847 80.353 3 2528.2291 2528.2291 K I 752 773 PSM PAVLGFEGSANKIGVGVVR 519 sp|Q9NPF4|OSGEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29213 84.111 3 2065.1684 2065.1684 M D 2 21 PSM PLVVFVLGGPGAGKGTQCAR 520 sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 14-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30547 87.883 3 2179.1936 2179.1936 K I 3 23 PSM QIESKTAFQEALDAAGDK 521 sp|P10599|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27058 78.124 2 2117.0641 2117.0641 K L 4 22 PSM QLQQAQAAGAEQEVEKFTK 522 sp|P39748-2|FEN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23450 68.258 3 2299.1808 2299.1808 K R 46 65 PSM SDDNSYDEKYLIATSEQPIAALHR 523 sp|P49591|SYSC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28612 82.451 3 2931.425 2931.4250 K D 258 282 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 524 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28243 81.442 3 2947.3586 2947.3586 K S 361 385 PSM SGSKAFLDALQNQAEASSK 525 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26863 77.591 2 2147.0859 2147.0859 R I 125 144 PSM SLTYKESGVDIAAGNMLVK 526 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28272 81.52 2 2191.1559 2191.1559 R K 434 453 PSM SQGKVLQATVVAVGSGSK 527 sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22768 66.452 2 1911.0789 1911.0789 K G 37 55 PSM STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 528 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8247 28.017 2 1700.7266 1700.7266 K M 221 237 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLSEESYK 529 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 ms_run[2]:scan=33401 96.131 3 2130.9845 2130.9845 K D 194 213 PSM TCTTVAFTQVNSEDKGALAK 530 sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 2-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22578 65.949 2 2336.1682 2336.1682 K L 198 218 PSM TDEEGKDVPDHAVLEMK 531 sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 6-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=16704 50.427 3 2124.0045 2124.0045 R A 432 449 PSM TIAQDYGVLKADEGISFR 532 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29013 83.55 2 2178.1321 2178.1321 R G 111 129 PSM TLVSVTKEGLELPEDEEEK 533 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27868 80.406 2 2340.1948 2340.1948 K K 540 559 PSM TMEQIVFPVPSICEFLTKESK 534 sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 13-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33646 96.768 3 2678.3699 2678.3699 R L 2149 2170 PSM VQSGNINAAKTIADIIR 535 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29826 85.823 2 1979.1164 1979.1164 K T 22 39 PSM VSDFGLTKEASSTQDTGK 536 sp|P41240|CSK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20701 60.933 2 2066.0168 2066.0168 K L 330 348 PSM VSDFGLTKEASSTQDTGK 537 sp|P41240|CSK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20577 60.602 3 2066.0168 2066.0168 K L 330 348 PSM WGEDNHWICKPWNLAR 538 sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29238 84.183 3 2277.0902 2277.0902 R S 410 426 PSM WGEDNHWICKPWNLAR 539 sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29252 84.221 2 2277.0902 2277.0902 R S 410 426 PSM YADLTEDQLPSCESLKDTIAR 540 sp|P18669|PGAM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28132 81.137 3 2620.269 2620.2690 R A 142 163 PSM YAICSALAASALPALVMSKGHR 541 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31370 90.201 3 2498.3138 2498.3138 R I 122 144 PSM YIIKTITSEDVAEMHNILK 542 sp|P48426-2|PI42A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31103 89.453 3 2413.2927 2413.2927 R K 83 102 PSM YVASYLLAALGGNSSPSAK 543 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43 ms_run[2]:scan=28865 83.144 2 1867.968 1867.9680 R D 3 22 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 544 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26704 77.14299 2 2513.280592 2513.294809 R R 50 72 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 545 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34260 98.495365 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 546 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33480 96.335258 2 2992.3472 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 547 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33934 97.539273 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 548 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33669 96.831008 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 549 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33406 96.144339 2 3046.3832 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLSEESYK 550 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 ms_run[1]:scan=33400 96.128831 2 2131.975437 2130.984476 K D 194 213 PSM AIIPCIKGYDVIAQAQSGTGK 551 sp|Q14240|IF4A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30594 88.012316 2 2385.277331 2385.272617 R T 63 84 PSM GVLMYGPPGCGKTMLAK 552 sp|P43686|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 4-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24235 70.359897 2 1992.003119 1991.004247 R A 201 218 PSM PLSLIQGPPGTGKTVTSATIVYHLAR 553 sp|Q92900|RENT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30480 87.699214 3 2873.621583 2872.617464 R Q 497 523 PSM HNIICLQNDHKAVMK 554 sp|O00233|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=17217 51.781067 3 2017.039937 2016.039721 R Q 77 92 PSM KLNCQVIGASVDSHFCHLAWVNTPK 555 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43 1-UNIMOD:259,4-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=29422 84.699575 4 2899.439961 2896.444737 K K 68 93 PSM AAQASDLEKIHLDEK 556 sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19639 58.141 2 1862.9738 1862.9738 K S 278 293 PSM AFGQAKHQPTAIIAK 557 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17037 51.304 2 1776.0046 1776.0046 K T 227 242 PSM AKASLNGADIYSGCCTLK 558 sp|P14866-2|HNRPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21434 62.909 2 2124.0344 2124.0344 R I 114 132 PSM APPNATLEHFYLTSGKQPK 559 sp|Q96G23|CERS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22758 66.424 3 2294.2059 2294.2059 R Q 78 97 PSM ATAVMPDGQFKDISLSDYK 560 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 5-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25873 74.85 2 2297.1249 2297.1249 K G 17 36 PSM AVGFSSGTENPHGVKAVTR 561 sp|Q32P28-4|P3H1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16386 49.599 3 2109.0967 2109.0967 R G 648 667 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 562 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20927 61.525 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM CLAFHDISPQAPTHFLVIPKK 563 sp|P49773|HINT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27802 80.227 3 2614.4094 2614.4094 R H 38 59 PSM DIKGDNVLINTFSGLLK 564 sp|O95382-2|M3K6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33708 96.935 2 2042.1412 2042.1412 R I 494 511 PSM DIKGDNVLINTYSGVLK 565 sp|Q99683|M3K5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30802 88.605 2 2044.1205 2044.1205 R I 803 820 PSM DKPHVNVGTIGHVDHGK 566 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15330 46.808 4 2005.0494 2005.0494 R T 54 71 PSM DLKCDNIFITGPTGSVK 567 sp|Q9Y3S1-2|WNK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 3-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28003 80.774 2 2060.0612 2060.0612 R I 323 340 PSM EILVGDVGQTVDDPYATFVK 568 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 ms_run[2]:scan=28095 81.036 2 2165.0892 2165.0892 K M 54 74 PSM ETGQIVAIKQVPVESDLQEIIK 569 sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33321 95.924 3 2632.4687 2632.4687 K E 51 73 PSM EVHKQVVESAYEVIK 570 sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22503 65.749 2 1953.0571 1953.0571 K L 229 244 PSM FGLSVGHHLGKSIPTDNQIK 571 sp|P15559-3|NQO1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21251 62.421 3 2343.2699 2343.2699 K A 214 234 PSM GADFLVTEVENGGSLGSKK 572 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27284 78.765 2 2103.0848 2103.0848 K G 189 208 PSM GIVDQSQQAYQEAFEISK 573 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=23485 68.351 2 2047.9942 2047.9942 K K 140 158 PSM GKLQGHDVDFLITHPK 574 sp|Q9NP87|DPOLM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21414 62.858 3 2000.0843 2000.0843 R E 324 340 PSM GMITVTDPDLIEKSNLNR 575 sp|A0AVT1-2|UBA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28175 81.256 2 2211.1569 2211.1569 K Q 17 35 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 576 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27689 79.92 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 577 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27962 80.663 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM HAAENPGKYNILGTNTIMDK 578 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23987 69.693 3 2382.2002 2382.2002 K M 498 518 PSM HGDPGDAAQQEAKHR 579 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=6896 24.402 3 1811.8663 1811.8663 K E 21 36 PSM HPGSFDVVHVKDANGNSFATR 580 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20351 60.013 4 2450.2091 2450.2091 R L 201 222 PSM ICVVGENGAGKSTMLK 581 sp|Q9NUQ8-2|ABCF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21623 63.41 2 1858.9645 1858.9645 R L 515 531 PSM IPTGQEYAAKIINTK 582 sp|Q13557-8|KCC2D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24154 70.145 2 1842.0251 1842.0251 K K 34 49 PSM IQDSDEPDLSQNSITGEHSQLLDDGHKK 583 sp|Q9UHW9-2|S12A6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 28-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19191 56.965 4 3301.5699 3301.5699 R A 33 61 PSM KAGHHQTAYNALLNAGESR 584 sp|Q13535-2|ATR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14215 43.899 3 2233.1352 2233.1352 R L 1869 1888 PSM KHLEINPDHPIVETLR 585 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21720 63.666 2 2106.1586 2106.1586 K Q 624 640 PSM KIQALQQQADEAEDR 586 sp|P67936|TPM4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16447 49.758 2 1937.9807 1937.9807 R A 13 28 PSM KIQVLQQQADDAEER 587 sp|P06753-2|TPM3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18639 55.513 2 1966.012 1966.0120 R A 13 28 PSM KISSIQSIVPALEIANAHR 588 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29964 86.209 2 2242.2798 2242.2798 K K 250 269 PSM KSEYTQPTPIQCQGVPVALSGR 589 sp|Q86XP3-2|DDX42_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23033 67.157 3 2611.3428 2611.3428 R D 151 173 PSM KTSDFNTFLAQEGCTK 590 sp|Q9UHD1-2|CHRD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23845 69.309 2 2041.9779 2041.9779 R G 179 195 PSM KYEQGFITDPVVLSPK 591 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27639 79.782 2 2016.0932 2016.0932 K D 109 125 PSM LANQAADYFGDAFKQCQYK 592 sp|Q8WUM4|PDC6I_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 14-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26702 77.135 3 2433.1423 2433.1423 K D 216 235 PSM LCCLEKGPNGYGFHLHGEK 593 sp|O14745|NHRF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19678 58.243 3 2411.1515 2411.1515 R G 14 33 PSM LGGSPFGPAGTGKTESVK 594 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20491 60.379 3 1884.9945 1884.9945 R A 1900 1918 PSM LIGDAAKNQVALNPQNTVFDAK 595 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27068 78.152 2 2522.3493 2522.3493 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 596 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24615 71.38 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 597 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25805 74.66 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 598 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26628 76.887 2 2521.309 2521.3090 R R 50 72 PSM LMTGDTYTAHAGAKFPIK 599 sp|P42684-8|ABL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22270 65.131 2 2117.0979 2117.0979 R W 412 430 PSM LPAAGVGDMVMATVKK 600 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28739 82.797 2 1782.9736 1782.9736 R G 52 68 PSM LTDFGLSKEAIDHEK 601 sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23094 67.318 2 1897.9785 1897.9785 K K 187 202 PSM LTDFGLSKESIDHEK 602 sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22529 65.817 2 1913.9735 1913.9735 K K 209 224 PSM MGPGFTKALGHGVDLGHIYGDNLER 603 sp|P23219-4|PGH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26092 75.444 4 2865.4232 2865.4232 K Q 106 131 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 604 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24500 71.074 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 605 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26266 75.913 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM PGVTVKDVNQQEFVR 606 sp|P39019|RS19_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22007 64.428 2 1911.0214 1911.0214 M A 2 17 PSM QAQYLGMSCDGPFKPDHYR 607 sp|P23526-2|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19860 58.717 3 2481.1205 2481.1206 K Y 385 404 PSM QAQYLGMSCDGPFKPDHYR 608 sp|P23526-2|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22650 66.137 3 2465.1256 2465.1256 K Y 385 404 PSM QITSYGETCPGLEQYAIKK 609 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 9-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23856 69.339 3 2381.1937 2381.1937 K F 422 441 PSM QTTKSELLSQLQQHEEESR 610 sp|Q92665|RT31_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25347 73.433 3 2466.235 2466.2350 K A 171 190 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 611 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28104 81.061 3 2947.3586 2947.3586 K S 361 385 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILSGDK 612 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 23-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32561 93.727 3 2267.1525 2267.1525 K S 362 385 PSM SIYYITGESKEQVANSAFVER 613 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27973 80.694 3 2586.2966 2586.2966 K V 482 503 PSM SSGPYGGGGQYFAKPR 614 sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20326 59.946 2 1823.8955 1823.8955 R N 232 248 PSM STPAPYVKVYLLENGACIAK 615 sp|Q86UR5-11|RIMS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 8-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33217 95.652 3 2389.2716 2389.2716 K K 98 118 PSM SVLGEADQKGSLVAPDR 616 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23184 67.557 2 1937.0218 1937.0218 R L 617 634 PSM TAFDDAIAELDTLNEDSYK 617 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=31435 90.385 2 2137.9783 2137.9783 K D 199 218 PSM TAFDDAIAELDTLNEDSYK 618 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 ms_run[2]:scan=31436 90.387 2 2129.9641 2129.9641 K D 199 218 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEESYK 619 sp|P31946-2|1433B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32276 92.867 3 2166.0096 2166.0096 K D 194 213 PSM TDEEGKDVPDHAVLEMK 620 sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=16727 50.488 2 2124.0045 2124.0045 R A 432 449 PSM TFIIGISGVTNSGKTTLAK 621 sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 14-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29037 83.618 2 2111.2082 2111.2082 K N 3 22 PSM TFSHELSDFGLESTAGEIPVVAIR 622 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 ms_run[2]:scan=29938 86.137 3 2574.2966 2574.2966 K T 306 330 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGKHVPR 623 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26936 77.79 4 2692.2881 2692.2881 K A 41 65 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGKHVPR 624 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26938 77.795 2 2692.2881 2692.2881 K A 41 65 PSM TKAIEHADGGVAAGVAVLDNPYPV 625 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28818 83.016 3 2559.3333 2559.3333 R - 451 475 PSM TKAIEHADGGVAAGVAVLDNPYPV 626 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28949 83.373 2 2559.3333 2559.3333 R - 451 475 PSM TKENVNATENCISAVGK 627 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=16899 50.942 2 2030.0103 2030.0103 K I 902 919 PSM TLFVKGLSEDTTEETLK 628 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27833 80.315 2 2106.1096 2106.1096 K E 573 590 PSM TMSAQIEGGVHGLHSYEKR 629 sp|P20839-2|IMDH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17043 51.318 3 2295.143 2295.1430 R L 469 488 PSM TSACFEPSLDYMVTKIPR 630 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32514 93.59 2 2310.1388 2310.1388 K W 758 776 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 631 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25962 75.09 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TTGIVMDSGDGVTHTVPIYEGYALPHAILR 632 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25927 74.995 4 3198.6019 3198.6019 R L 148 178 PSM VCGDSDKGFVVINQK 633 sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21863 64.049 2 1860.9404 1860.9404 K G 281 296 PSM VDVAVNCAGIAVASKTYNLK 634 sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27119 78.291 3 2288.2199 2288.2199 R K 85 105 PSM VEEGMHLLITGPNGCGKSSLFR 635 sp|P33897|ABCD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 5-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25454 73.72 3 2613.3043 2613.3043 R I 497 519 PSM VGAVDADKHHSLGGQYGVQGFPTIK 636 sp|Q15084-5|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21954 64.29 4 2776.4297 2776.4297 K I 126 151 PSM VGNPFELDTQQGPQVDKEQFER 637 sp|P30837|AL1B1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27428 79.196 3 2756.3406 2756.3406 K V 348 370 PSM VLLQSKDQITAGNAAR 638 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21054 61.875 2 1880.048 1880.0480 K K 31 47 PSM VYVAKVDCTAHSDVCSAQGVR 639 sp|Q8NBS9-2|TXND5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42 5-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=17212 51.767 3 2517.2104 2517.2104 K G 6 27 PSM IDSLSAQLSQLQKQLAAK 640 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30332 87.259347 2 2137.204856 2137.210669 R E 299 317 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 641 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26131 75.552023 2 1876.001918 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 642 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34286 98.57959 3 2974.3399 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 643 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32569 93.74985 2 2990.3242 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 644 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34152 98.155394 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 645 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32363 93.128927 3 2976.3792 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 646 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34380 98.925924 3 2974.3399 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 647 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34545 99.645551 3 2974.3357 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 648 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34311 98.667146 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 649 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34588 99.851859 3 3046.4085 3046.4007 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 650 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34399 99.008888 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 651 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34278 98.552911 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 652 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34196 98.288252 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 653 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34546 99.648132 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM SSGNAKIGHPAPNFK 654 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=17623 52.846264 2 1761.9133 1761.9157 M A 2 17 PSM ALCNGDSKLENAGGDLK 655 sp|P49915|GUAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25295 73.295774 2 1998.9649 1998.9675 M D 2 19 PSM AIIPCIKGYDVIAQAQSGTGK 656 sp|Q14240|IF4A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 5-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30616 88.076412 3 2385.281552 2385.272617 R T 63 84 PSM THEEHHAAKTLGIGK 657 sp|P08237|PFKAM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=13134 41.063196 3 1865.9719 1865.9743 M A 2 17 PSM THEEHHAAKTLGIGK 658 sp|P08237|PFKAM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=13147 41.097656 2 1865.9712 1865.9743 M A 2 17 PSM INSGGKLPNFGFVVFDDSEPVQK 659 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33348 95.994024 3 2690.375739 2689.375168 R V 371 394 PSM VFDKEGNGTVMGAEIR 660 sp|P60660|MYL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 4-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=19644 58.153379 2 1933.957931 1933.956763 R H 95 111 PSM VCYYYDGDVGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 661 sp|Q13547|HDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42 2-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=18994 56.447084 3 3150.369117 3150.375262 K I 11 35 PSM AELIKTHHNDTELIR 662 sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16293 49.357 2 1985.0694 1985.0694 K K 286 301 PSM AEVQKLQMEAPHIIVGTPGR 663 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23164 67.505 3 2385.2838 2385.2839 R V 142 162 PSM ALAENSGVKANEVISK 664 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18339 54.725 2 1824.9945 1824.9945 R L 451 467 PSM AVEHINKTIAPALVSK 665 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21343 62.667 2 1886.0989 1886.0989 K K 65 81 PSM AVLKFAAATGATPIAGR 666 sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26292 75.983 2 1810.0465 1810.0465 R F 86 103 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 667 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21438 62.922 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 668 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21568 63.264 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM CNILHADIKPDNILVNESK 669 sp|Q13523|PRP4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25666 74.293 3 2388.2471 2388.2471 R T 809 828 PSM CPEALFQPSFLGMESCGIHETTFNSIMK 670 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=27422 79.178 3 3262.4443 3262.4443 R C 257 285 PSM CVDFQTLKLQELPDAVPHGEMPR 671 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30647 88.162 3 2875.4361 2875.4361 K H 221 244 PSM DGDFENPVPYTGAVKVGAIQR 672 sp|P30040|ERP29_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27762 80.119 3 2428.2387 2428.2387 R W 123 144 PSM DGKTLNDELEIIEGMK 673 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32806 94.447 2 2000.0136 2000.0136 K F 203 219 PSM DKVGILQHPDGTVLK 674 sp|Q8NFU5|IPMK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22921 66.858 2 1815.0254 1815.0254 K Q 61 76 PSM DLADELALVDVIEDKLK 675 sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33958 97.605 2 2094.146 2094.1460 K G 43 60 PSM DLEHLSKFIEEHATK 676 sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25296 73.298 3 1992.0316 1992.0316 R L 623 638 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 677 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25553 73.989 2 2003.051 2003.0510 R I 150 166 PSM DLKTSNLLLSHAGILK 678 sp|Q9UQ88-4|CD11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28854 83.114 2 1918.1251 1918.1251 R V 537 553 PSM DVKAGNILLSEPGLVK 679 sp|Q9UL54-4|TAOK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29127 83.866 2 1848.072 1848.0720 R L 151 167 PSM EKLIAPVAEEEATVPNNK 680 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23377 68.065 2 2147.1474 2147.1474 K I 6 24 PSM ESVELPLTHPEYYEEMGIKPPK 681 sp|P62191-2|PRS4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28242 81.439 3 2781.3935 2781.3935 K G 126 148 PSM FGEVVDCTLKLDPITGR 682 sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30131 86.678 2 2115.1034 2115.1034 K S 101 118 PSM GILLYGPPGCGKTLLAR 683 sp|P46459-2|NSF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30091 86.567 2 1981.1183 1981.1183 K Q 161 178 PSM GILLYGPPGTGKTLIAR 684 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29842 85.878 2 1922.1353 1922.1353 R A 240 257 PSM GMITVTDPDLIEKSNLNR 685 sp|A0AVT1-2|UBA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25821 74.703 2 2227.1518 2227.1518 K Q 17 35 PSM GVLMYGPPGCGKTMLAK 686 sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26054 75.338 2 1975.0093 1975.0093 R A 170 187 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 687 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27562 79.572 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM HGSYEDAVHSGALND 688 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 ms_run[2]:scan=8574 28.877 2 1570.6648 1570.6648 K - 542 557 PSM HLEINPDHPIVETLR 689 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 ms_run[2]:scan=17140 51.578 2 1781.9424 1781.9424 K Q 625 640 PSM HYGGLTGLNKAETAAK 690 sp|P18669|PGAM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17754 53.19 2 1825.9686 1825.9686 R H 91 107 PSM IDESSLTGESDHVKK 691 sp|P23634-5|AT2B4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15082 46.161 2 1839.9214 1839.9214 K S 234 249 PSM IGHPAPNFKATAVMPDGQFK 692 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23432 68.209 3 2321.1991 2321.1991 K D 8 28 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 693 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=19350 57.383 2 1848.9438 1848.9438 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 694 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23658 68.815 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 695 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23799 69.188 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IIHTDIKPENILMCVDDAYVR 696 sp|P78362|SRPK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31422 90.349 3 2710.3822 2710.3822 K R 210 231 PSM IINEPTAAAIAYGLDKK 697 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27819 80.275 2 1983.1041 1983.1041 R V 172 189 PSM ILATPPQEDAPSVDIANIR 698 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 ms_run[2]:scan=23001 67.073 2 2019.0637 2019.0637 K M 284 303 PSM ILSNNPSKGLALGIAK 699 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25154 72.897 2 1791.0618 1791.0618 K A 179 195 PSM INEELESQYQQSMDSKLSGR 700 sp|O00193|SMAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24776 71.806 3 2537.2068 2537.2068 K Y 76 96 PSM IPTGQEYAAKIINTK 701 sp|Q13557-8|KCC2D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 10-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24181 70.217 2 1850.0393 1850.0393 K K 34 49 PSM IQKSSNFGYITSCYK 702 sp|Q58A45-2|PAN3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22953 66.943 2 1990.9822 1990.9822 R A 182 197 PSM KAEAGAGSATEFQFR 703 sp|P46783|RS10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19723 58.359 2 1764.8795 1764.8795 K G 139 154 PSM KHGLEVIYMIEPIDEYCVQQLK 704 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30051 86.454 3 2916.4765 2916.4765 R E 513 535 PSM KHYFYADLPAGYQITQQR 705 sp|O75879|GATB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24617 71.385 3 2394.2121 2394.2121 R L 139 157 PSM KLFIGGLSFETTEESLR 706 sp|P22626-2|ROA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32707 94.154 2 2122.131 2122.1310 R N 10 27 PSM KTCTTVAFTQVNSEDK 707 sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=18447 55.008 2 2023.9885 2023.9885 R G 197 213 PSM KVLTGVAGEDAECHAAK 708 sp|O95373|IPO7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=15043 46.058 3 1950.9833 1950.9833 K L 724 741 PSM KYEDICPSTHNMDVPNIK 709 sp|P63241|IF5A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=17605 52.798 3 2372.1141 2372.1141 K R 68 86 PSM LADFGVAGQLTDTMAKR 710 sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27837 80.325 2 1989.0353 1989.0353 K N 165 182 PSM LAYNENDNTYYAMKVLSK 711 sp|Q96RR4-6|KKCC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26960 77.853 2 2332.1409 2332.1409 K K 181 199 PSM LDINTNTYTSQDLKSALAK 712 sp|Q9H173|SIL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27483 79.349 2 2291.2009 2291.2009 R F 119 138 PSM LDKSQIHDIVLVGGSTR 713 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25814 74.685 3 2033.1269 2033.1269 K I 326 343 PSM LGAAPEEESAYVAGEKR 714 sp|Q9UNZ2-6|NSF1C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18452 55.023 2 1971.9902 1971.9902 R Q 46 63 PSM LGGSLADSYLDEGFLLDKK 715 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33055 95.204 2 2236.1627 2236.1627 K I 205 224 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 716 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24485 71.034 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 717 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25292 73.288 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 718 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25930 75.005 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 719 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25833 74.736 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 720 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26821 77.473 3 2513.2948 2513.2948 R R 50 72 PSM LKGEATVSFDDPPSAK 721 sp|P35637-2|FUS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20259 59.771 2 1856.952 1856.9520 K A 332 348 PSM LPGELEPVQATQNKTGK 722 sp|O75821|EIF3G_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20306 59.891 2 2005.0844 2005.0844 K Y 196 213 PSM LPLQDVYKIGGIGTVPVGR 723 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31600 90.842 3 2177.2572 2177.2572 R V 248 267 PSM LSGPLKEQYAQEHGLNFQR 724 sp|Q15126|PMVK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22421 65.533 3 2410.2393 2410.2393 R L 43 62 PSM LSLEGDHSTPPSAYGSVKAYTNFDAER 725 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25215 73.072 3 3107.4836 3107.4836 K D 11 38 PSM MYPIDFEKDDDSNFHMDFIVAASNLR 726 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:35,8-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=31525 90.636 3 3317.5009 3317.5009 K A 804 830 PSM MYPIDFEKDDDSNFHMDFIVAASNLR 727 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 8-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=32796 94.418 3 3301.506 3301.5060 K A 804 830 PSM NALIHKSSVNCPFSSQDMK 728 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=19157 56.878 3 2374.141 2374.1410 R Y 1019 1038 PSM NALIHKSSVNCPFSSQDMK 729 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20629 60.739 3 2358.146 2358.1460 R Y 1019 1038 PSM NFGPKGFGFGQGAGALVHSE 730 sp|P21291|CSRP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29041 83.628 2 2172.0752 2172.0752 K - 174 194 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 731 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25485 73.805 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM PKFSVCVLGDQQHCDEAK 732 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21982 64.363 3 2313.0882 2313.0882 R A 61 79 PSM QATKDAGQISGLNVLR 733 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24019 69.78 2 1866.0323 1866.0323 R V 203 219 PSM QGLTKDAHNALLDIQSSGR 734 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22595 65.992 3 2219.1658 2219.1658 R A 613 632 PSM QSKPVTTPEEIAQVATISANGDK 735 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27336 78.932 2 2579.3443 2579.3443 K E 158 181 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 736 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31773 91.338 3 3206.5086 3206.5086 K F 396 424 PSM SIVDNWPENHVKAVVVTDGER 737 sp|P23368-2|MAOM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25643 74.228 3 2559.3082 2559.3082 R I 145 166 PSM SIYYITGESKEQVANSAFVER 738 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28069 80.959 2 2586.2966 2586.2966 K V 482 503 PSM SNTTSKPSHLVDAHTAEVNCLSFNPYSEFILATGSADK 739 sp|Q16576|RBBP7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30665 88.211 4 4304.0696 4304.0696 R T 258 296 PSM STNGDTFLGGEDFDQALLR 740 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=27813 80.258 2 2064.9628 2064.9628 K H 266 285 PSM TCTTVAFTQVNSEDKGALAK 741 sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22574 65.938 3 2336.1682 2336.1682 K L 198 218 PSM TETVQKLCPGGQLPFLLYGTEVHTDTNK 742 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31846 91.545 3 3341.6966 3341.6966 R I 52 80 PSM TFIIGISGVTNSGKTTLAK 743 sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29028 83.593 3 2103.194 2103.1940 K N 3 22 PSM TFKTVFAEHISDECK 744 sp|P39023|RL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24107 70.017 3 2006.9772 2006.9772 R R 101 116 PSM TFKTVFAEHISDECK 745 sp|P39023|RL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24127 70.072 2 2006.9772 2006.9772 R R 101 116 PSM TGLIKGSGTAEVELK 746 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22445 65.596 2 1697.9564 1697.9564 R K 121 136 PSM TGVHHYSGNNIELGTACGK 747 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 17-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=7456 25.913 3 2021.9469 2021.9469 K Y 69 88 PSM TLLAKAIANECQANFISIK 748 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31714 91.177 3 2300.2562 2300.2562 K G 525 544 PSM TLLAKAIANECQANFISIK 749 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31715 91.18 2 2300.2562 2300.2562 K G 525 544 PSM TLTGKTITLEVEPSDTIENVK 750 sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28286 81.56 2 2483.3371 2483.3371 K A 7 28 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 751 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23230 67.679 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 752 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23678 68.866 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 753 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26192 75.717 2 2011.0448 2011.0448 R L 166 182 PSM VAEDEAEAAAAAKFTGLSK 754 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27712 79.982 3 2074.0582 2074.0582 K E 47 66 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPK 755 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 ms_run[2]:scan=19299 57.247 3 1953.0571 1953.0571 R A 96 114 PSM VAQPKEVYQQQQYGSGGR 756 sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15916 48.354 2 2218.1131 2218.1131 K G 228 246 PSM VIVDFSSPNIAKEMHVGHLR 757 sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 12-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22242 65.059 3 2460.2947 2460.2947 K S 122 142 PSM VIVDFSSPNIAKEMHVGHLR 758 sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25371 73.496 3 2444.2998 2444.2998 K S 122 142 PSM VMLGETNPADSKPGTIR 759 sp|P22392-2|NDKB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 2-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19594 58.023 2 1997.0252 1997.0252 R G 89 106 PSM YDCSSADINPIGGISKTDLR 760 sp|Q6IA69-2|NADE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26979 77.909 3 2377.1584 2377.1584 K A 269 289 PSM YDYNSGEELESYKGHFGPIHCVR 761 sp|Q9Y3F4|STRAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 13-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23730 69.003 4 2952.3501 2952.3501 K F 250 273 PSM YQEGGVESAFHKTSTGAPAAIK 762 sp|P40121-2|CAPG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20181 59.566 3 2444.2336 2444.2336 K K 116 138 PSM YVASYLLAALGGNSSPSAKDIK 763 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32395 93.23 2 2420.2951 2420.2951 R K 3 25 PSM QKGADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 764 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32887 94.671296 2 2214.1140 2214.1163 K K 187 207 PSM DLEALLNSKEAALSTALSEK 765 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33791 97.152669 3 2299.235373 2298.231858 K R 136 156 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 766 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34361 98.857686 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 767 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32110 92.296866 3 2976.3672 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 768 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33965 97.62289 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 769 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33411 96.159393 3 2991.3512 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 770 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33600 96.645639 3 2991.3512 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 771 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34617 99.989622 3 2974.3361 2974.3432 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 772 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31453 90.433818 3 2990.3299 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 773 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34525 99.547684 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 774 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34448 99.211274 3 2991.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 775 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34626 100.02574 3 3030.4009 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 776 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34370 98.890403 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 777 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34045 97.848042 3 3047.4132 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM IFVGGIKEDTEEHHLR 778 sp|Q32P51|RA1L2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=19562 57.938929 2 2075.078014 2075.079989 K D 107 123 PSM QPQGHLLLIGVSGAGKTTLSR 779 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:28,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29573 85.121942 3 2311.2975 2311.3007 R F 2928 2949 PSM KTLTTVQGIADDYDK 780 sp|O60739|EIF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=23091 67.310335 2 1863.963813 1862.962559 R K 42 57 PSM DIKGANILLTDHGDVK 781 sp|Q9Y4K4|M4K5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24209 70.290412 2 1905.036590 1904.036727 R L 140 156 PSM MKPGATGESDLAEVLPQHK 782 sp|Q709F0|ACD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24595 71.326429 3 2261.1331 2261.1357 - F 1 20 PSM LIKSHLPLALLPQTLLDQK 783 sp|P0DMM9|ST1A3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33324 95.930849 3 2337.423267 2336.419539 R V 104 123 PSM VAIVGGSGSGKSTIVR 784 sp|O75027|ABCB7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=20039 59.196638 2 1682.972903 1682.967919 K L 501 517 PSM WGDAGAEYVVESTGVFTTMEK 785 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41 21-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=29435 84.737958 2 2284.041140 2284.044914 K A 87 108 PSM AAFQSQYKSHFVAASLSNQK 786 sp|Q86XP3-2|DDX42_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22786 66.499 3 2407.2284 2407.2284 K A 582 602 PSM AAKEAMEDGEIDGNK 787 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15492 47.226 2 1772.8251 1772.8251 K V 625 640 PSM AAVKGYLGPEQLPDCLK 788 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26405 76.288 2 2054.087 2054.0870 K G 75 92 PSM AELIKTHHNDTELIR 789 sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16282 49.329 3 1985.0694 1985.0694 K K 286 301 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 790 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21941 64.255 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM CLAFHDISPQAPTHFLVIPK 791 sp|P49773|HINT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=25414 73.612 4 2298.2074 2298.2074 R K 38 58 PSM DIKAANVLLSEHGEVK 792 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23360 68.022 3 1918.0524 1918.0524 R L 144 160 PSM DIKGANIFLTSSGLIK 793 sp|Q9Y6R4-2|M3K4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33259 95.761 2 1872.072 1872.0720 R L 1413 1429 PSM DLKPENVLLSSQEEDCLIK 794 sp|O96017-13|CHK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30411 87.499 2 2425.241 2425.2410 R I 126 145 PSM ELHGQNPVVTPCNKQFLSQFEMQSR 795 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27583 79.627 3 3169.5437 3169.5437 R K 148 173 PSM FGEVVDCTIKMDPNTGR 796 sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24057 69.882 2 2134.0187 2134.0187 K S 93 110 PSM FGEVVDCTIKTDPVTGR 797 sp|O14979-3|HNRDL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24275 70.466 2 2089.0514 2089.0514 R S 52 69 PSM FLKSGDAAIVDMVPGK 798 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28277 81.536 2 1842.9914 1842.9914 K P 393 409 PSM FTLGKCSTLIVTDLAAR 799 sp|Q8TDD1|DDX54_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 5-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32097 92.261 2 2061.1292 2061.1292 K G 384 401 PSM GATYGKPVHHGVNQLK 800 sp|P61313|RL15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11421 36.487 2 1901.0272 1901.0272 K F 78 94 PSM GCGVVKFESPEVAER 801 sp|P52272-2|HNRPM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21901 64.15 2 1858.9247 1858.9247 K A 654 669 PSM GCLLYGPPGTGKTLLAR 802 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27674 79.876 2 1969.0819 1969.0819 K A 169 186 PSM GGNEESTKTGNAGSR 803 sp|P00441|SODC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=7223 25.289 2 1659.7812 1659.7812 K L 130 145 PSM GILLFGPPGTGKSYLAK 804 sp|Q9UN37|VPS4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31703 91.146 2 1914.0979 1914.0979 R A 162 179 PSM GISEETTTGVHNLYKMMANGILK 805 sp|P23526-2|SAHH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32006 91.996 3 2702.3772 2702.3772 R V 124 147 PSM GKLGLVGVNLTLDGVK 806 sp|P53396-2|ACLY_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31947 91.828 2 1778.0666 1778.0666 R S 67 83 PSM GLQKEEVVLLTHGDSVDK 807 sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24408 70.827 3 2162.1583 2162.1583 R V 43 61 PSM GPIKFNVWDTAGQEK 808 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27155 78.39 2 1884.9734 1884.9734 R F 57 72 PSM HELQANCYEEVKDR 809 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15177 46.407 2 1985.9265 1985.9265 K C 133 147 PSM IAKEEIFGPVQPLFK 810 sp|P30837|AL1B1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33153 95.481 2 1911.087 1911.0870 R F 412 427 PSM IEWLESHQDADIEDFKAK 811 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26081 75.414 3 2369.1539 2369.1539 K K 602 620 PSM IGDFGLVTSLKNDGK 812 sp|P19525-2|E2AK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29565 85.096 2 1758.9516 1758.9516 K R 389 404 PSM IGHPAPNFKATAVMPDGQFK 813 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 9-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=20709 60.952 3 2337.194 2337.1940 K D 8 28 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 814 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23932 69.543 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 815 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25576 74.052 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 816 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24093 69.981 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 817 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=16643 50.272 2 1840.9267 1840.9267 K V 146 163 PSM IKSTNPGISIGDVAK 818 sp|O15347|HMGB3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21381 62.768 2 1694.9567 1694.9567 K K 111 126 PSM IKVAEDEAEAAAAAK 819 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17102 51.477 2 1681.8887 1681.8887 K F 45 60 PSM ILCFYGPPGVGKTSIAR 820 sp|P36776-3|LONM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28316 81.644 2 2031.0976 2031.0976 K S 322 339 PSM INVYYNEATGGKYVPR 821 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22251 65.083 2 2039.0476 2039.0476 R A 47 63 PSM ISGASEKDIVHSGLAYTMER 822 sp|P00367-2|DHE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22184 64.907 3 2375.1791 2375.1791 R S 330 350 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 823 sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24794 71.858 2 1953.9441 1953.9441 R M 201 216 PSM KEICNAYTELNDPMR 824 sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=20439 60.244 2 2064.9609 2064.9609 K Q 493 508 PSM KEICNAYTELNDPMR 825 sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23111 67.361 2 2048.9659 2048.9659 K Q 493 508 PSM KGFSEGLWEIENNPTVK 826 sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28328 81.676 2 2143.095 2143.0950 R A 80 97 PSM KLGGTIDDCELVEGLVLTQK 827 sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31987 91.942 3 2383.2669 2383.2669 K V 213 233 PSM LAQSHHVKQVLVAPGNAGTACSEK 828 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=15441 47.094 3 2697.4021 2697.4021 K I 21 45 PSM LCCLEKGPNGYGFHLHGEK 829 sp|O14745|NHRF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19676 58.238 4 2411.1515 2411.1515 R G 14 33 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 830 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24831 71.959 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 831 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25515 73.885 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 832 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25379 73.516 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 833 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25653 74.256 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 834 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26116 75.511 2 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 835 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26517 76.594 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LITQTFSHHNQLAQKTR 836 sp|Q9Y266|NUDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15442 47.097 3 2218.1971 2218.1971 K R 54 71 PSM LKEHIIGQESAIATVGAAIR 837 sp|Q9H078-5|CLPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25466 73.752 3 2272.2903 2272.2903 R R 142 162 PSM LKGEMMDLQHGSLFLR 838 sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27995 80.752 3 2070.0754 2070.0754 K T 58 74 PSM LLAEPVPGIKAEPDESNAR 839 sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24372 70.728 2 2201.1692 2201.1692 R Y 15 34 PSM LNEQASEEILKVEQK 840 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22116 64.718 2 1953.0419 1953.0419 R Y 45 60 PSM LNFSHGTHEYHAETIK 841 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=7704 26.564 3 1890.9104 1890.9104 R N 74 90 PSM LTLYDIAHTPGVAADLSHIETKAAVK 842 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 26-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31915 91.741 4 2929.5913 2929.5913 R G 53 79 PSM LVYLVENPGGYVAYSKAATVTGK 843 sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30389 87.437 3 2595.3948 2595.3948 R L 209 232 PSM NAKISSLLEEQFQQGK 844 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28347 81.726 2 2015.0688 2015.0688 K L 155 171 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 845 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24312 70.565 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 846 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25355 73.455 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 847 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25615 74.155 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NPDDITQEEYGEFYK 848 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=18208 54.382 2 1846.7897 1846.7897 R S 292 307 PSM NPDDITQEEYGEFYK 849 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=18222 54.419 2 1854.8039 1854.8039 R S 292 307 PSM NQTAEKEEFEHQQK 850 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=12526 39.441 2 1940.9228 1940.9228 K E 584 598 PSM NQVAMNPTNTVFDAKR 851 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23154 67.477 2 2001.0102 2001.0102 K L 57 73 PSM NSLESYAFNMKATVEDEK 852 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31039 89.275 2 2271.0729 2271.0729 K L 540 558 PSM PLAKDLLHPSPEEEK 853 sp|P42677|RS27_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21211 62.314 2 1898.0149 1898.0149 M R 2 17 PSM QFVPIKVEQIEAGTPGR 854 sp|Q16881-4|TRXR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27885 80.454 2 2064.1368 2064.1368 R L 302 319 PSM QGGLGPMNIPLVSDPKR 855 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29500 84.919 2 1974.0721 1974.0721 K T 94 111 PSM QGQETAVAPSLVAPALNKPK 856 sp|Q15691|MARE1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26005 75.206 2 2214.2372 2214.2372 R K 131 151 PSM SAAETVTKGGIMLPEK 857 sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23404 68.136 2 1826.9812 1826.9812 R S 21 37 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILMGDK 858 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 20-UNIMOD:35,23-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32434 93.351 2 2327.1559 2327.1559 K S 362 385 PSM SIYGEKFEDENFILK 859 sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30175 86.8 2 2027.0252 2027.0252 K H 77 92 PSM SPAGLQVLNDYLADK 860 sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=26591 76.789 2 1602.8253 1602.8253 K S 8 23 PSM SQIFSTASDNQPTVTIK 861 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 17-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=17716 53.089 2 1843.9407 1843.9407 K V 448 465 PSM SQNPPQSKGCCFVTFYTR 862 sp|Q92879-5|CELF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24878 72.089 2 2372.1042 2372.1042 R K 35 53 PSM STNGDTFLGGEDFDQALLR 863 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=27815 80.265 2 2054.9545 2054.9545 K H 266 285 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEDSYK 864 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32101 92.271 2 2151.9939 2151.9939 K D 194 213 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEESYK 865 sp|P31946-2|1433B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=32270 92.849 3 2157.9954 2157.9954 K D 194 213 PSM TGAEGAVLDEAKNINK 866 sp|O60282|KIF5C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21435 62.912 2 1824.9581 1824.9581 K S 242 258 PSM THINIVVIGHVDSGK 867 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=14791 45.398 2 1587.8733 1587.8733 K S 6 21 PSM TKAAAAAAAAAPAAAATAPTTAATTAATAAQ 868 sp|P37108|SRP14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23451 68.261 3 2792.4668 2792.4668 K - 106 137 PSM TMEQIVFPVPSICEFLTKESK 869 sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 13-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33649 96.775 2 2678.3699 2678.3699 R L 2149 2170 PSM TPAVEGLTEAEEEELR 870 sp|O43399-6|TPD54_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=19898 58.817 2 1781.8559 1781.8559 R A 12 28 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 871 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23370 68.049 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 872 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25191 73.006 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 873 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25316 73.352 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 874 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26087 75.432 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TTHFVEGGDAGNREDQINR 875 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=6358 22.936 4 2114.973 2114.9730 K L 224 243 PSM TVDFTQDSNYLLTGGQDK 876 sp|Q9Y3F4|STRAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=22329 65.29 2 2000.9327 2000.9327 K L 105 123 PSM TYDATTHFETTCDDIK 877 sp|P50395-2|GDIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12096 38.29 2 1916.8098 1916.8098 R N 358 374 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 878 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=7274 25.423 3 1869.9221 1869.9221 R E 94 110 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPK 879 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=19300 57.249 3 1961.0713 1961.0713 R A 96 114 PSM VETGVLKPGMVVTFAPVNVTTEVK 880 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 ms_run[2]:scan=27547 79.531 3 2514.3767 2514.3767 R S 267 291 PSM VILHLKEDQTEYLEER 881 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23411 68.157 3 2210.1583 2210.1583 K R 186 202 PSM VKHLDGEEDGSSDQSQASGTTGGR 882 sp|Q9UNF1|MAGD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=10889 35.075 3 2613.1903 2613.1903 K R 180 204 PSM VLEDDPEATYTTSGGKIPIR 883 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24262 70.431 3 2357.2115 2357.2115 R W 763 783 PSM VLLDAPCSGTGVISKDPAVK 884 sp|P46087-3|NOP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25338 73.408 3 2222.1981 2222.1981 R T 453 473 PSM VLSKEFHLNESGDPSSK 885 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19939 58.926 3 2069.0429 2069.0429 K S 138 155 PSM VPKTASTSFTNIAYDLCAK 886 sp|Q7LGA3-3|HS2ST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 3-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28343 81.716 3 2282.1617 2282.1617 R N 81 100 PSM VTGNFKHASPILPITEFSDIPR 887 sp|P42167|LAP2B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31000 89.167 3 2634.417 2634.4170 R R 298 320 PSM VVGSEFVQKYLGEGPR 888 sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28955 83.388 2 1960.0418 1960.0418 R M 199 215 PSM YVSHGATGKGNDQVR 889 sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=8348 28.285 2 1783.8965 1783.8965 K F 113 128 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 890 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34766 100.70649 3 2990.3389 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 891 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34679 100.28472 3 2990.3406 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 892 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30990 89.139131 3 2949.3592 2948.3272 M A 2 29 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 893 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34595 99.882984 3 2992.3552 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 894 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34487 99.363034 3 3048.4162 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 895 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34457 99.246082 3 3030.3982 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 896 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34814 100.95138 3 3047.4082 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM QLFHPEQLITGKEDAANNYAR 897 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31663 91.025493 2 2593.2861 2593.2920 R G 85 106 PSM TDAAVSFAKDFLAGGVAAAISK 898 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34211 98.331959 2 2347.2361 2347.2418 M T 2 24 PSM QPQGHLLLIGVSGAGKTTLSR 899 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25218 73.079701 3 2328.330473 2328.327764 R F 2928 2949 PSM GLDVDSLVIEHIQVNKAPK 900 sp|P18621|RL17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29222 84.137035 3 2271.269921 2270.263433 K M 106 125 PSM KIFVGGLNPEATEEK 901 sp|Q99729-2|ROAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24313 70.567585 2 1827.991336 1826.977815 K I 155 170 PSM VFDKEGNGTVMGAEIR 902 sp|P60660|MYL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=23087 67.300767 2 1918.967094 1917.961848 R H 95 111 PSM CNILHADIKPDNILVNESK 903 sp|Q13523|PRP4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30901 88.882217 2 2371.2289 2371.2201 R T 809 828 PSM KNGGLGHMNIALLSDLTK 904 sp|P30048|PRDX3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29307 84.369787 3 2077.140994 2077.135395 R Q 149 167 PSM ESIFFNSHNVSKPESSSVLTELDK 905 sp|Q13572|ITPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28050 80.905086 3 2889.439694 2889.439619 R I 226 250 PSM NKHSSGQQNLNTITYETLK 906 sp|O75575|RPC9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=18028 53.909169 3 2372.217631 2371.213188 K Y 33 52 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 907 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26567 76.727829 2 1874.009430 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 908 sp|Q71U36|TBA1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 20-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=24869 72.066421 2 2014.893472 2014.899964 K H 41 61 PSM VISELNGKNIEDVIAQGIGK 909 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32436 93.356438 3 2293.251578 2292.268912 K L 42 62 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 910 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27399 79.116193 3 2514.276229 2513.294809 R R 50 72 PSM DVDDGLQAAEEVGYPVMIKASEGGGGK 911 sp|Q13085|ACACA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40 17-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32504 93.558029 3 2902.388093 2903.385869 K G 293 320 PSM AAEAAAAPAESAAPAAGEEPSKEEGEPK 912 sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=8171 27.811 3 2635.2249 2635.2249 K K 122 150 PSM AAKEAMEDGEIDGNK 913 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031,6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11352 36.303 2 1788.82 1788.8200 K V 625 640 PSM AAVPSGASTGIYEALELR 914 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=25699 74.381 2 1813.9449 1813.9449 R D 33 51 PSM AGPESDAQYQFTGIKK 915 sp|Q96IX5|ATPMD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21330 62.632 2 1934.9738 1934.9738 M Y 2 18 PSM ALDEGDIALLKTYGQSTYSR 916 sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30053 86.459 3 2396.2224 2396.2224 R Q 24 44 PSM APQCLGKFIEIAAR 917 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29870 85.952 2 1768.9658 1768.9658 R K 540 554 PSM ASGLAAGKGVIVAK 918 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20913 61.49 2 1436.8715 1436.8715 K S 149 163 PSM ASHGYGGKFGVEQDR 919 sp|Q14247|SRC8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15936 48.407 2 1802.87 1802.8700 K M 80 95 PSM AVEHINKTIAPALVSK 920 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21338 62.655 3 1886.0989 1886.0989 K K 65 81 PSM AVILGPPGSGKGTVCQR 921 sp|P27144|KAD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20680 60.877 2 1892.0302 1892.0302 R I 8 25 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 922 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21178 62.227 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM DAIHFYNKSLAEHR 923 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19841 58.667 2 1895.9642 1895.9642 K T 318 332 PSM DIKAANVLLSEQGDVK 924 sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26240 75.843 2 1895.0364 1895.0364 R L 67 83 PSM DIKAGNILLNTEGHAK 925 sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22626 66.074 2 1897.0513 1897.0513 R L 149 165 PSM DIKAGNILLNTEGHAK 926 sp|Q13043-2|STK4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22672 66.195 2 1889.0371 1889.0371 R L 149 165 PSM DITVLDLGCGKGGDLLK 927 sp|O43148|MCES_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32563 93.732 2 1969.0554 1969.0554 R W 198 215 PSM DKYMTETWDPSHAPDNFR 928 sp|Q9UP95-2|S12A4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23973 69.652 3 2405.0746 2405.0746 R E 987 1005 PSM DLDPEQGHTVYAKK 929 sp|P16066|ANPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15649 47.636 2 1795.9105 1795.9105 R L 686 700 PSM DLKAGNVLMTLEGDIR 930 sp|O94804|STK10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33450 96.26 2 1940.0401 1940.0401 R L 157 173 PSM DLYANTVLSGGTTMYPGIADR 931 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24022 69.79 2 2230.0576 2230.0576 K M 292 313 PSM DVQDSLTVSNEAQTAKEFIK 932 sp|P52907|CAZA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29440 84.751 2 2418.2278 2418.2278 K I 211 231 PSM EDKQPEQATTSAQVACLYR 933 sp|P18858-3|DNLI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19812 58.591 3 2390.1536 2390.1536 R K 849 868 PSM EGQEDQGLTKDYGNSPLHR 934 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17571 52.711 3 2339.1142 2339.1142 R F 419 438 PSM ELASKQVQFDPDSPETSK 935 sp|Q99759|M3K3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21408 62.84 2 2201.0852 2201.0852 R E 387 405 PSM ELNSNHDGADETSEKEQQEAIEHIDEVQNEIDR 936 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23714 68.961 4 4016.8108 4016.8108 K L 12 45 PSM ESKINQVFHGSCITEGNELTK 937 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23821 69.244 3 2586.2748 2586.2748 K T 1893 1914 PSM EVSGIKAAYEAELGDAR 938 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26361 76.171 2 1974.0058 1974.0058 R K 73 90 PSM FAIGSQVSEHSIIKDFTK 939 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26733 77.231 3 2202.1685 2202.1685 R Q 683 701 PSM FGEVVDCTIKMDPNTGR 940 sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21426 62.89 2 2150.0136 2150.0136 K S 93 110 PSM FKGFCYVEFDEVDSLK 941 sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31870 91.614 2 2178.0343 2178.0343 K E 81 97 PSM FKSDQNLQTALELTR 942 sp|O95373|IPO7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26261 75.898 2 1959.0425 1959.0425 K R 488 503 PSM GADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 943 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=23717 68.969 2 1786.8829 1786.8829 K K 189 207 PSM GCTATLGNFAKATFDAISK 944 sp|P15880|RS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33156 95.488 3 2168.0936 2168.0936 R T 228 247 PSM GDGPVQGIINFEQKESNGPVK 945 sp|P00441|SODC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27980 80.712 3 2408.2336 2408.2336 K V 11 32 PSM GDINVCIVGDPSTAKSQFLK 946 sp|Q14566|MCM6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 6-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29994 86.292 2 2344.2097 2344.2097 R H 388 408 PSM GFEVVYMTEPIDEYCVQQLK 947 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29586 85.157 2 2447.1389 2447.1389 R E 507 527 PSM GFGFVDFNSEEDAKAAK 948 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27176 78.449 2 2026.9636 2026.9636 K E 611 628 PSM GFGFVTFDDHDPVDKIVLQK 949 sp|P22626-2|ROA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32394 93.228 3 2472.2689 2472.2689 R Y 142 162 PSM GPAKNSEPEEVIPSR 950 sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17118 51.519 2 1804.9319 1804.9319 K L 353 368 PSM GVILYGPPGTGKTLLAK 951 sp|P62191-2|PRS4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28119 81.102 2 1880.1135 1880.1135 K A 148 165 PSM GVLLFGPPGTGKTLCAR 952 sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29512 84.952 2 1939.0713 1939.0713 K A 211 228 PSM GVLMYGPPGCGKTMLAK 953 sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21745 63.732 2 2006.9992 2006.9992 R A 170 187 PSM GVLMYGPPGCGKTMLAK 954 sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23605 68.674 2 1991.0042 1991.0042 R A 170 187 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 955 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26835 77.513 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 956 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27095 78.226 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM HLEINPDHPIVETLR 957 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=17126 51.541 3 1781.9424 1781.9424 K Q 625 640 PSM HSQFIGYPITLFVEK 958 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=28887 83.204 2 1785.9545 1785.9545 K E 210 225 PSM IADPEHDHTGFLTEYVATR 959 sp|P27361-2|MK03_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=18448 55.011 3 2171.0283 2171.0283 R W 190 209 PSM IGDFGLACTDILQKNTDWTNR 960 sp|Q9BQI3-2|E2AK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32351 93.097 3 2633.2908 2633.2908 K N 458 479 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 961 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24426 70.875 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 962 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25439 73.679 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 963 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25704 74.396 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IIFVVGGPGSGKGTQCEK 964 sp|P00568|KAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23993 69.711 2 2029.0666 2029.0666 K I 10 28 PSM IKGEHPGLSIGDVAK 965 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18454 55.028 3 1715.957 1715.9570 K K 113 128 PSM IKSEHPGLSIGDTAK 966 sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15640 47.615 2 1747.9468 1747.9468 K K 113 128 PSM IKVAQGVSGAVQDK 967 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16254 49.256 2 1594.9043 1594.9043 K G 437 451 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 968 sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24924 72.213 2 1953.9441 1953.9441 R M 201 216 PSM ISVYYNEATGGKYVPR 969 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22377 65.418 2 2012.0367 2012.0367 R A 47 63 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 970 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25017 72.482 2 1753.9363 1753.9363 K N 3992 4006 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 971 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25128 72.822 2 1753.9363 1753.9363 K N 3992 4006 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 972 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25395 73.561 2 1753.9363 1753.9363 K N 3992 4006 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 973 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25010 72.46 2 1761.9505 1761.9505 K N 3992 4006 PSM KHLEINPDHSIIETLR 974 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23298 67.858 3 2110.1535 2110.1535 K Q 632 648 PSM KIFVGGLSPDTPEEK 975 sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24246 70.39 2 1811.9669 1811.9669 K I 164 179 PSM KPLFHGDSEIDQLFR 976 sp|P06493|CDK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28355 81.749 3 1997.0371 1997.0371 K I 201 216 PSM KVAAIEALNDGELQK 977 sp|P50502|F10A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23425 68.193 2 1793.9887 1793.9887 K A 118 133 PSM LALSQNQQSSGAAGPTGKNEEK 978 sp|O95232|LC7L3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14333 44.208 3 2410.2088 2410.2088 R I 107 129 PSM LATQSNEITIPVTFESR 979 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=24334 70.625 2 1904.9844 1904.9844 K A 172 189 PSM LDINTNTYTSQDLKSALAK 980 sp|Q9H173|SIL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27507 79.417 2 2299.2151 2299.2151 R F 119 138 PSM LIDIFYPGDQQSVTFGTKSR 981 sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31747 91.265 2 2467.2747 2467.2747 K V 281 301 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 982 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24760 71.764 3 2529.2897 2529.2897 R R 50 72 PSM LLSKTPELNLDQFHDK 983 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25493 73.825 2 2093.1157 2093.1157 K T 167 183 PSM LMTGDTYTAHAGAKFPIK 984 sp|P42684-8|ABL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20706 60.945 3 2133.0929 2133.0929 R W 412 430 PSM LNCQVIGASVDSHFCHLAWVNTPKK 985 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4,25-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25453 73.717 4 3076.5375 3076.5375 K Q 69 94 PSM LPMNKEWPSNLDLR 986 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28872 83.164 2 1907.9928 1907.9928 R K 827 841 PSM LTDFGLSKEAIDHEK 987 sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23116 67.376 2 1905.9927 1905.9927 K K 187 202 PSM LTDFGLSKESIDHEK 988 sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22538 65.841 2 1921.9877 1921.9877 K K 209 224 PSM LTPITYPQGLAMAKEIGAVK 989 sp|P63000|RAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32576 93.771 2 2296.2865 2296.2865 K Y 134 154 PSM MDSTANEVEAVKVHSFPTLK 990 sp|P07237|PDIA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27589 79.644 3 2398.2202 2398.2202 K F 425 445 PSM MFAKGTEITHAVVIK 991 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23667 68.836 3 1840.0281 1840.0281 K K 307 322 PSM MSNYDTDLFVPYFEAIQK 992 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=33087 95.294 2 2180.0136 2180.0136 K G 255 273 PSM NDTKEDVFVHQTAIK 993 sp|P67809|YBOX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20418 60.187 3 1940.0003 1940.0003 R K 78 93 PSM NIKHSGNITFDEIVNIAR 994 sp|P30050|RL12_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28267 81.508 3 2236.1964 2236.1964 K Q 97 115 PSM NKSNEDQSMGNWQIK 995 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19434 57.602 2 1973.9265 1973.9265 R R 456 471 PSM NKTSTTSSMVASAEQPR 996 sp|P41236|IPP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16182 49.063 2 1989.979 1989.9790 K G 17 34 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 997 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25099 72.737 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 998 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26804 77.425 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 999 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30492 87.732 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NVHTGELAAVKIIK 1000 sp|Q9Y4K4|M4K5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21986 64.373 2 1687.9985 1687.9985 R L 39 53 PSM PGGLLLGDVAPNFEANTTVGR 1001 sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=28068 80.956 2 2097.0855 2097.0855 M I 2 23 PSM PKGLAYVEYENESQASQAVMK 1002 sp|Q15020-4|SART3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22089 64.645 3 2553.2421 2553.2421 K M 804 825 PSM QATKDAGVIAGLNVLR 1003 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28678 82.629 2 1821.0472 1821.0472 R I 156 172 PSM QEDGGVYSSSGLKQIPIK 1004 sp|P16591-3|FER_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 13-UNIMOD:1031,18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24589 71.312 2 2109.1197 2109.1197 R W 339 357 PSM QSKPVTTPEEIAQVATISANGDK 1005 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27330 78.915 3 2579.3443 2579.3443 K E 158 181 PSM SAAETVTKGGIMLPEK 1006 sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21809 63.906 2 1842.9761 1842.9761 R S 21 37 PSM SIGAAAKSQVISNAK 1007 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19696 58.289 2 1639.9257 1639.9257 R N 47 62 PSM SLENYHFVDEHGKDQGINIR 1008 sp|Q14677-2|EPN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20527 60.471 3 2566.2564 2566.2564 R Q 92 112 PSM SPAGLQVLNDYLADK 1009 sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=26589 76.784 2 1610.8395 1610.8395 K S 8 23 PSM SQIFSTASDNQPTVTIK 1010 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=17717 53.091 2 1835.9265 1835.9265 K V 448 465 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEDSYK 1011 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=32133 92.369 3 2143.9797 2143.9797 K D 194 213 PSM TAGVKVETTEDLVAK 1012 sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21498 63.077 2 1755.9618 1755.9618 R L 234 249 PSM TCGFDFTGAVEDISK 1013 sp|P00505|AATM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=25088 72.7 2 1645.7294 1645.7294 K I 186 201 PSM TDKGVSAAGQVVSLK 1014 sp|Q9Y606-2|TRUA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20720 60.981 2 1654.9254 1654.9254 R V 117 132 PSM TDTLEDLFPTTKIPNPR 1015 sp|P13010|XRCC5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31797 91.406 2 2153.1368 2153.1368 K F 470 487 PSM TFIIGISGVTNSGKTTLAK 1016 sp|Q9NWW6-2|NRK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29136 83.894 2 2103.194 2103.1940 K N 3 22 PSM TGISDVFAKNDLAVVDVR 1017 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32221 92.7 2 2114.1372 2114.1372 K I 325 343 PSM TGVHHYSGNNIELGTACGK 1018 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7467 25.943 3 2013.9327 2013.9327 K Y 69 88 PSM THINIVVIGHVDSGK 1019 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=14777 45.361 3 1587.8733 1587.8733 K S 6 21 PSM TLLAKAIANECQANFISIK 1020 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31596 90.832 3 2300.2562 2300.2562 K G 525 544 PSM TNHIGHTGYLNTVTVSPDGSLCASGGK 1021 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 22-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20736 61.022 3 2938.4243 2938.4243 K D 186 213 PSM TPGKEAVAMESYAK 1022 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19256 57.133 2 1676.8444 1676.8444 R A 428 442 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1023 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23501 68.397 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1024 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25446 73.7 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1025 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25655 74.261 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1026 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26329 76.084 2 2011.0448 2011.0448 R L 166 182 PSM TSLGPNGLDKMMVDK 1027 sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 10-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21546 63.205 2 1816.9063 1816.9063 R D 50 65 PSM TVDNFVALATGEKGFGYK 1028 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31038 89.273 2 2112.0892 2112.0892 K N 72 90 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 1029 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 ms_run[2]:scan=7282 25.446 2 1869.9221 1869.9221 R E 94 110 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 1030 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15980 48.526 2 2066.0433 2066.0433 R E 94 110 PSM VADKIQLINNMLDK 1031 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33349 95.996 2 1810.0023 1810.0023 K V 217 231 PSM VALVGPNGAGKSTLLK 1032 sp|Q9UG63|ABCF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24671 71.527 2 1720.0247 1720.0247 R L 426 442 PSM VHLDKAQQNNVEHK 1033 sp|P62081|RS7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=9953 32.549 2 1854.97 1854.9700 K V 156 170 PSM VKIAQGVSGSIQDK 1034 sp|P20839-2|IMDH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17214 51.774 2 1624.9148 1624.9148 K G 412 426 PSM VKLAAVDATVNQVLASR 1035 sp|Q15084-5|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31186 89.685 2 1950.1262 1950.1262 K Y 263 280 PSM VLDSGAPIKIPVGPETLGR 1036 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29675 85.405 2 2114.2099 2114.2099 K I 125 144 PSM VLVGKNFEDVAFDEK 1037 sp|P07237|PDIA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27942 80.606 2 1904.9884 1904.9884 K K 371 386 PSM VPAINVNDSVTKSK 1038 sp|P23526-2|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19160 56.886 2 1666.9254 1666.9254 K F 147 161 PSM VPHTQAVVLNSKDK 1039 sp|Q9UBF8-3|PI4KB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14563 44.807 2 1730.9679 1730.9679 R A 49 63 PSM VPTISINKTDGCHAYLSK 1040 sp|Q01518-2|CAP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21747 63.737 3 2199.1358 2199.1358 K N 404 422 PSM VTVIKAPHYPGIGPVDESGIPTAIR 1041 sp|O94875-9|SRBS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27594 79.656 3 2782.5382 2782.5382 R T 150 175 PSM YVSHGATGKGNDQVR 1042 sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=8346 28.281 3 1783.8965 1783.8965 K F 113 128 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1043 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=25337 73.405653 2 1832.951169 1832.948840 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1044 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=21108 62.033493 2 1848.933903 1848.943755 R T 788 804 PSM LIGDAAKNQVALNPQNTVFDAK 1045 sp|P0DMV8|HS71A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27706 79.966612 2 2523.332840 2522.349288 R R 50 72 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1046 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28223 81.38764 2 1875.028902 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1047 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25996 75.183293 2 1876.001918 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1048 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=23610 68.686313 2 2027.036928 2027.039764 R L 166 182 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1049 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32692 94.110182 2 2990.3321 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1050 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30668 88.220793 3 3005.4122 3004.3902 M A 2 29 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 1051 sp|P68104|EF1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=31771 91.332622 3 3223.523590 3222.503559 K F 396 424 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 1052 sp|P68104|EF1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=29888 86.000136 3 3223.496596 3222.503559 K F 396 424 PSM LKGEMMDLQHGSLFLQTPK 1053 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28072 80.968971 3 2369.233489 2368.228310 K I 59 78 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEDSYK 1054 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 ms_run[1]:scan=32102 92.274048 2 2143.964609 2143.979725 K D 194 213 PSM EANFTVSSMHGDMPQKER 1055 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 13-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=15865 48.212922 3 2275.026593 2275.036152 R E 299 317 PSM LVPVLSAKAAQASDLEK 1056 sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27629 79.752756 2 1935.112623 1935.104078 K I 270 287 PSM NIIHGSDSVKSAEK 1057 sp|O60361|NDK8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=12797 40.178849 2 1679.881333 1679.884249 R E 100 114 PSM SDAAVDTSSEITTKDLK 1058 sp|P06454|PTMA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24028 69.804168 2 2018.0049 2018.0050 M E 2 19 PSM KVFVGGLSPDTSEEQIK 1059 sp|O14979|HNRDL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24157 70.152699 2 2030.0662 2029.0722 K E 234 251 PSM VTLLDGTEYSCDLEKHAK 1060 sp|O43491|E41L2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 11-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=22844 66.65395 3 2275.123138 2274.120199 K G 222 240 PSM VVIIGAGKPAAVVLQTK 1061 sp|Q14697|GANAB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28665 82.594612 2 1860.158559 1859.160805 R G 892 909 PSM ADKPDMGEIASFDK 1062 sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=13595 42.277519 2 1580.7009 1580.7023 M A 2 16 PSM FVEKCSPIGVYTSGK 1063 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 4-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=23221 67.653796 2 1867.961488 1866.954972 K G 393 408 PSM DVKGSYVSIHSSGFR 1064 sp|Q13838|DX39B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=20040 59.199217 2 1834.934253 1833.937347 K D 34 49 PSM MKPGATGESDLAEVLPQHK 1065 sp|Q709F0|ACD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27192 78.492232 3 2245.1414 2245.1407 - F 1 20 PSM QEDGGVYSSSGLKQIPIK 1066 sp|P16591|FER_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28186 81.285657 2 2084.0805 2084.0785 R W 708 726 PSM NQKVVEEAPSIFLDAETR 1067 sp|P05165|PCCA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29061 83.683704 2 2241.168304 2241.164113 R R 296 314 PSM SVPTSTVFYPSDGVATEK 1068 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=18644 55.524538 2 1891.944417 1891.929473 R A 439 457 PSM WGLGGTCVNVGCIPKK 1069 sp|Q16881|TRXR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 7-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=26083 75.4187 2 1950.008369 1949.010658 R L 203 219 PSM VDFNVPMKNNQITNNQR 1070 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24076 69.935416 2 2226.109771 2227.116785 R I 23 40 PSM AEVEGKDLPEHAVLK 1071 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19370 57.434 2 1829.9887 1829.9887 K M 602 617 PSM AFAETHIKGFTLNDAANSR 1072 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23468 68.306 3 2258.1444 2258.1444 K L 1091 1110 PSM ALVFQPVAELKDQTDFEHR 1073 sp|P08237-2|PFKAM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31087 89.41 3 2438.2594 2438.2594 R I 686 705 PSM ANGTTVHVGIHPSKVVITR 1074 sp|P61254|RL26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18367 54.798 4 2181.2382 2181.2382 K L 90 109 PSM APQAAGKIHTDFEK 1075 sp|Q9NTK5|OLA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16301 49.376 2 1707.8944 1707.8944 K G 327 341 PSM APQVDVDKAVAELK 1076 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24533 71.16 2 1677.9301 1677.9301 K A 86 100 PSM ASSHSSQTQGGGSVTK 1077 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=1920 10.483 2 1525.7212 1525.7212 R K 402 418 PSM ATGHSGGGCISQGR 1078 sp|Q9HA64|KT3K_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=2235 11.429 2 1343.6 1343.6000 R S 16 30 PSM ATVVESSEKAYSEAHEISK 1079 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18241 54.466 3 2260.1223 2260.1223 R E 144 163 PSM AVAISLPKGVVEVTHDLQK 1080 sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29742 85.588 3 2199.2627 2199.2627 K H 301 320 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 1081 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21053 61.872 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 1082 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21308 62.575 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM CELLYEGPPDDEAAMGIKSCDPK 1083 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:1031,20-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26407 76.293 3 2790.2551 2790.2551 R G 369 392 PSM CWKFEHCNFNDVTTR 1084 sp|P13987|CD59_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21964 64.318 3 2208.9833 2208.9833 K L 64 79 PSM DGKYSQVLANGLDNK 1085 sp|P62269|RS18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23378 68.068 2 1816.9319 1816.9319 K L 92 107 PSM DIKAANVLLSEHGEVK 1086 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23500 68.395 3 1918.0524 1918.0524 R L 144 160 PSM DIKCSNILLNNSGQIK 1087 sp|Q9NYV4-3|CDK12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24869 72.066 2 2012.0725 2012.0725 R L 858 874 PSM DIKPANVFITATGVVK 1088 sp|Q8TDX7|NEK7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31550 90.707 2 1868.0771 1868.0771 R L 161 177 PSM DLKAGNILFTLDGDIK 1089 sp|Q9H2G2-2|SLK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33328 95.94 2 1928.0619 1928.0619 R L 155 171 PSM DLKLDNVLLDSEGHIK 1090 sp|P41743|KPCI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28855 83.116 2 2004.0892 2004.0892 R L 378 394 PSM DLSTVEALQNLKNLK 1091 sp|Q9BTT0|AN32E_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33126 95.407 2 1881.0571 1881.0571 K S 102 117 PSM DNIKHVPGGGNVQIQNK 1092 sp|P27816-6|MAP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16573 50.088 3 2013.0756 2013.0756 K K 1012 1029 PSM DQTKAQAAAPASVPAQAPK 1093 sp|P47914|RL29_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15809 48.055 2 2045.0906 2045.0906 K R 131 150 PSM DSSGNLHGYVAEGGAKDIR 1094 sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18039 53.938 3 2141.0501 2141.0501 R G 498 517 PSM DSVVAGFQWATKEGALCEENMR 1095 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 12-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31426 90.359 3 2693.2578 2693.2578 K G 677 699 PSM EALLSSAVDHGSDEVKFR 1096 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22754 66.414 3 2155.0909 2155.0909 R Q 139 157 PSM EFHLNESGDPSSKSTEIK 1097 sp|Q01105-2|SET_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18174 54.291 3 2200.0648 2200.0648 K W 142 160 PSM EGSTHNWQHITDQIGMFCFTGLKPEQVER 1098 sp|P00505|AATM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:4,23-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30883 88.832 4 3640.7191 3640.7191 K L 365 394 PSM ETVSEESNVLCLSKSPNK 1099 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22663 66.171 3 2216.0995 2216.0995 R H 581 599 PSM EYEAALNSKDAALATALGDK 1100 sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29916 86.077 2 2246.143 2246.1430 R K 137 157 PSM FGSDLQKIYEANAK 1101 sp|Q99986|VRK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23316 67.905 2 1778.9203 1778.9203 R R 134 148 PSM FLSPVVPNYDNVHPNYHKEPFLQQLK 1102 sp|Q9Y262-2|EIF3L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28004 80.776 4 3318.719 3318.7190 K V 372 398 PSM FNGQFKTYAICGAIR 1103 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 6-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=26881 77.64 2 1940.9931 1940.9931 R R 46 61 PSM GALQNIIPASTGAAKAVGK 1104 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25306 73.325 3 1962.1262 1962.1262 R V 201 220 PSM GALQNIIPASTGAAKAVGK 1105 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25344 73.426 3 1970.1404 1970.1404 R V 201 220 PSM GFAFVTFESPADAKDAAR 1106 sp|P38159|RBMX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29975 86.24 2 2095.0375 2095.0375 R D 50 68 PSM GGKSGAAFYATEDDR 1107 sp|Q9Y2I7|FYV1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17372 52.182 2 1739.8115 1739.8115 R F 1859 1874 PSM GILLYGPPGTGKTLIAR 1108 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29970 86.227 2 1922.1353 1922.1353 R A 240 257 PSM GIVDQSQQAYQEAFEISK 1109 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=23492 68.372 2 2039.98 2039.9800 K K 140 158 PSM GMGSLDAMDKHLSSQNR 1110 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:35,8-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=12838 40.285 3 2073.9572 2073.9572 R Y 413 430 PSM GVLFYGPPGCGKTLLAK 1111 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29314 84.39 2 1973.0808 1973.0808 K A 513 530 PSM GVLLYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1112 sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29216 84.119 2 1908.1197 1908.1197 K A 177 194 PSM GVLMYGPPGCGKTMLAK 1113 sp|P43686-2|PRS6B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21873 64.077 2 2006.9992 2006.9992 R A 170 187 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1114 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26966 77.871 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1115 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28098 81.044 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM HLEINPDHSIIETLR 1116 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=19199 56.986 3 1795.9456 1795.9456 K Q 633 648 PSM HQKIIEEAPAPGIK 1117 sp|Q96RQ3|MCCA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17702 53.053 2 1725.9778 1725.9778 R S 282 296 PSM HSQFIGYPITLFVEK 1118 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=28888 83.207 2 1777.9403 1777.9403 K E 210 225 PSM HYGPGWVSMANAGK 1119 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 14-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=13896 43.069 2 1481.6965 1481.6965 K D 132 146 PSM IEKAYAQQLTEWAR 1120 sp|Q9UNF0-2|PACN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27143 78.357 2 1901.9999 1901.9999 R R 51 65 PSM IFVGTKGIPHLVTHDAR 1121 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22217 64.994 3 2056.1582 2056.1582 K T 129 146 PSM IGAEVYHNLKNVIK 1122 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24359 70.694 2 1793.02 1793.0200 R E 184 198 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1123 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21530 63.163 2 1848.9438 1848.9438 R T 788 804 PSM IISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 1124 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=16644 50.274 2 1832.9125 1832.9125 K V 146 163 PSM IKDLSTVEALQNLK 1125 sp|Q9BTT0|AN32E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27939 80.598 2 1767.0142 1767.0142 K N 100 114 PSM ILKCAGNEDIITLR 1126 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=25055 72.602 2 1810.9975 1810.9975 K A 78 92 PSM ILLQSKNAGAVIGK 1127 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22978 67.009 2 1606.977 1606.9770 R G 47 61 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 1128 sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28987 83.479 2 1953.9441 1953.9441 R M 201 216 PSM KAEGAATEEEGTPK 1129 sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=9028 30.094 2 1612.7944 1612.7944 K E 25 39 PSM KEASDPQPEEADGGLK 1130 sp|P52907|CAZA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13314 41.542 2 1865.9007 1865.9007 R S 103 119 PSM KFGYVDFESAEDLEK 1131 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27748 80.081 2 1971.9466 1971.9466 R A 348 363 PSM KFLDGNELTLADCNLLPK 1132 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32212 92.672 2 2256.1824 2256.1824 R L 166 184 PSM KGEGLPNFDNNNIK 1133 sp|Q9UBS4|DJB11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21113 62.046 2 1754.8951 1754.8951 K G 302 316 PSM KGIVDQSQQAYQEAFEISK 1134 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25935 75.017 3 2364.1961 2364.1961 K K 139 158 PSM KGPSGYGFNLHSDK 1135 sp|O14745|NHRF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17220 51.788 2 1701.8475 1701.8475 K S 159 173 PSM KHGLEVIYMIEPIDEYCVQQLK 1136 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32931 94.805 3 2900.4816 2900.4816 R E 513 535 PSM KHPDSSVNFAEFSK 1137 sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18920 56.257 2 1787.8842 1787.8842 K K 30 44 PSM KLDPGSEETQTLVR 1138 sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19173 56.919 2 1767.9367 1767.9367 R E 401 415 PSM KLGEMWNNTAADDK 1139 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20842 61.298 2 1787.8512 1787.8512 K Q 128 142 PSM KLMHQAALLGQALQDSR 1140 sp|Q16881-4|TRXR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031,3-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=20683 60.884 3 2091.1259 2091.1259 K N 120 137 PSM KLMHQAALLGQALQDSR 1141 sp|Q16881-4|TRXR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23708 68.947 3 2075.131 2075.1310 K N 120 137 PSM KNVLGHMQQGGAPSPFDR 1142 sp|Q01813|PFKAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20488 60.369 3 2134.0742 2134.0742 R N 666 684 PSM KQGGLGPMNIPLVSDPK 1143 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24467 70.984 2 1962.0608 1962.0608 K R 93 110 PSM KYTLPPGVDPTQVSSSLSPEGTLTVEAPMPK 1144 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31463 90.462 3 3421.7691 3421.7691 R L 141 172 PSM KYVATLGVEVHPLVFHTNR 1145 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25276 73.243 4 2375.3114 2375.3114 K G 38 57 PSM LDKAQIHDLVLVGGSTR 1146 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26660 76.987 3 2017.132 2017.1320 K I 326 343 PSM LDSGKELHINLIPNK 1147 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24921 72.206 3 1886.0625 1886.0625 K Q 70 85 PSM LLDFGSLSNLQVTQPTVGMNFKTPR 1148 sp|P08708|RS17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 19-UNIMOD:35,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33027 95.127 3 2974.5586 2974.5586 K G 108 133 PSM LQFHDVAGDIFHQQCKR 1149 sp|P11413|G6PD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22568 65.921 4 2294.1379 2294.1379 R N 371 388 PSM LVLVGDGGTGKTTFVK 1150 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25585 74.074 2 1787.0193 1787.0193 K R 13 29 PSM NEEDAAELVALAQAVNAR 1151 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=28565 82.321 2 1882.9385 1882.9385 R A 311 329 PSM NIIHGSDSVKSAEK 1152 sp|P22392-2|NDKB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=12799 40.183 2 1679.8842 1679.8842 R E 230 244 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1153 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27960 80.658 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NPEKSFPVNSDVGVLK 1154 sp|P48444-2|COPD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24901 72.151 2 1925.0258 1925.0258 K W 260 276 PSM NSNPALNDNLEKGLLK 1155 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24618 71.387 2 1935.0425 1935.0425 K A 120 136 PSM PFLAILGGAKVADK 1156 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30830 88.682 2 1594.9447 1594.9447 R I 207 221 PSM QDLMNIAGTTLSSKLLTHHK 1157 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29687 85.439 4 2403.2944 2403.2944 R D 157 177 PSM QPQGHLLLIGVSGAGKTTLSR 1158 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25248 73.162 2 2328.3278 2328.3278 R F 2928 2949 PSM SGDAAIVDMVPGKPMCVESFSDYPPLGR 1159 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 13-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=32531 93.639 3 3206.5086 3206.5086 K F 396 424 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILSGDK 1160 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=32572 93.76 3 2259.1383 2259.1383 K S 362 385 PSM SLENYHFVDEHGKDQGINIR 1161 sp|Q14677-2|EPN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20525 60.466 4 2566.2564 2566.2564 R Q 92 112 PSM SLGYAYVNFQQPADAER 1162 sp|P11940|PABP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=20684 60.887 2 1927.9064 1927.9064 R A 51 68 PSM SLIGVEYKPVSATGAEDK 1163 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24519 71.123 2 2059.0837 2059.0837 K D 944 962 PSM SQVFSTAADGQTQVEIK 1164 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=15677 47.708 2 1807.8952 1807.8952 K V 469 486 PSM STPKEDDSSASTSQSTR 1165 sp|P23588-2|IF4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=8208 27.91 2 1978.908 1978.9080 R A 301 318 PSM TAFDDAIAELDTLNEDSYK 1166 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=31450 90.426 3 2137.9783 2137.9783 K D 199 218 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEDSYK 1167 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 19-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=32115 92.31 3 2151.9939 2151.9939 K D 194 213 PSM TCGFDFTGAVEDISK 1168 sp|P00505|AATM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=25094 72.721 2 1653.7436 1653.7436 K I 186 201 PSM TFNTSTGGLLLPSDTKR 1169 sp|P12956-2|XRCC6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25138 72.852 2 2003.0688 2003.0688 R S 261 278 PSM TGAGKSSLISALFR 1170 sp|O15439-2|MRP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33256 95.754 2 1602.9093 1602.9093 R L 1030 1044 PSM TGDVEDSTVLKSLHLPK 1171 sp|Q9UNN5-2|FAF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25799 74.644 3 2034.0997 2034.0997 K N 147 164 PSM THYSNIEANESEEVR 1172 sp|P04632|CPNS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=7028 24.76 2 1776.7915 1776.7915 R Q 85 100 PSM TIAQDYGVLKADEGISFR 1173 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29018 83.565 3 2178.1321 2178.1321 R G 111 129 PSM TIGTGLVTNTLAMTEEEK 1174 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=24726 71.67 2 1906.9558 1906.9558 R N 430 448 PSM TIGTGLVTNTLAMTEEEKNIK 1175 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30843 88.719 3 2458.2989 2458.2989 R W 430 451 PSM TILSNQTVDIPENVDITLK 1176 sp|P32969|RL9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=27104 78.251 2 2112.1314 2112.1314 K G 3 22 PSM TKGVDEVTIVNILTNR 1177 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32814 94.468 2 1967.1051 1967.1051 K S 48 64 PSM TPKGTQGVVTNFEIFR 1178 sp|P55884|EIF3B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28548 82.275 2 1989.0684 1989.0684 R M 533 549 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1179 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22441 65.586 2 1792.8818 1792.8818 K D 191 205 PSM TSLGPNGLDKMMVDK 1180 sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22497 65.734 2 1816.9063 1816.9063 R D 50 65 PSM TVAGGAWTYNTTSAVTVK 1181 sp|P61513|RL37A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=18043 53.948 2 1833.9352 1833.9352 K S 63 81 PSM TVAGGAWTYNTTSAVTVK 1182 sp|P61513|RL37A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 ms_run[2]:scan=18047 53.958 2 1825.921 1825.9210 K S 63 81 PSM TVDFTQDSNYLLTGGQDK 1183 sp|Q9Y3F4|STRAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=22335 65.306 2 2008.9469 2008.9469 K L 105 123 PSM TVKHGAGAEISTVNPEQYSK 1184 sp|P48426-2|PI42A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16530 49.975 3 2311.1808 2311.1808 K R 317 337 PSM TVSKVDDFLANEAK 1185 sp|P52209-2|6PGD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25457 73.728 2 1731.9043 1731.9043 R G 22 36 PSM VAPEEHPVLLTEAPLNPKANR 1186 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24320 70.587 3 2490.3595 2490.3595 R E 96 117 PSM VCYYYDGDIGNYYYGQGHPMKPHR 1187 sp|Q92769|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20189 59.587 3 3164.3909 3164.3909 K I 12 36 PSM VDKAAAAAAALQAK 1188 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22903 66.809 2 1493.8566 1493.8566 R S 351 365 PSM VELCSFSGYKIYPGHGR 1189 sp|P83731|RL24_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24222 70.325 3 2165.0728 2165.0728 K R 3 20 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAKVQR 1190 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26869 77.607 2 2403.3274 2403.3274 K A 353 374 PSM VHLDKAQQNNVEHK 1191 sp|P62081|RS7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=9940 32.514 3 1854.97 1854.9700 K V 156 170 PSM VIATDINESKLQELEK 1192 sp|Q9BUT1-2|BDH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26604 76.823 2 2025.0994 2025.0994 K Y 33 49 PSM VLEQLTGQTPVFSKAR 1193 sp|P62913-2|RL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25975 75.126 2 1969.0997 1969.0997 K Y 38 54 PSM VSAKNALESYAFNMK 1194 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28693 82.669 2 1867.9502 1867.9502 R S 536 551 PSM VSKTGAEGAVLDEAK 1195 sp|O60282|KIF5C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19325 57.315 2 1669.8887 1669.8887 K N 239 254 PSM VTDDLVCLVYKTDQAQDVK 1196 sp|P49458|SRP09_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29846 85.888 2 2405.2148 2405.2148 K K 42 61 PSM VVAVDCGIKNNVIR 1197 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38 6-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23118 67.381 2 1751.9716 1751.9716 K L 220 234 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 1198 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=26752 77.282274 3 2529.314473 2529.289724 R R 50 72 PSM NQTAEKEEFEHQQK 1199 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 ms_run[1]:scan=2915 13.363738 2 1744.808701 1744.801642 K E 584 598 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1200 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27187 78.480132 2 1875.007574 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1201 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26689 77.086161 2 1875.007334 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1202 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25762 74.545541 2 2027.033230 2027.039764 R L 166 182 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1203 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32821 94.48862 2 2992.3272 2990.3382 M A 2 29 PSM MATEVAADALGEEWKGYVVR 1204 sp|P62753|RS6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=32025 92.052641 3 2390.193176 2390.194033 R I 32 52 PSM FKGFCYVEFDEVDSLK 1205 sp|Q15056|IF4H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=31899 91.698714 2 2178.029110 2178.034344 K E 81 97 PSM FFSDCKIQNGAQGIR 1206 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 5-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=22234 65.040059 2 1936.966472 1935.962517 R F 30 45 PSM NVIVNGLVLASDGQKMSK 1207 sp|P41252|SYIC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27397 79.111287 2 2069.134350 2068.135061 K R 586 604 PSM VKVYETDNNIVVYK 1208 sp|Q03393|PTPS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=21591 63.32364 2 1879.008767 1879.009115 K G 130 144 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1209 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26438 76.379594 2 1874.009430 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM IFVGGIKEDTEEHHLR 1210 sp|Q32P51|RA1L2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=20188 59.584461 2 2074.068693 2075.079989 K D 107 123 PSM AAEDDEDDDVDTKK 1211 sp|P06454-2|PTMA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=10934 35.198 2 1760.7588 1760.7588 R Q 90 104 PSM AASIFGGAKPVDTAAR 1212 sp|P23588-2|IF4B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23180 67.547 2 1726.9366 1726.9366 R E 318 334 PSM ACKAVGHPFVIQLGR 1213 sp|O14980|XPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23638 68.76 3 1848.0192 1848.0192 R I 698 713 PSM AENGKLVINGNPITIFQER 1214 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31716 91.182 3 2308.2539 2308.2539 K D 62 81 PSM AFGQAKHQPTAIIAK 1215 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17034 51.297 3 1776.0046 1776.0046 K T 227 242 PSM AGKLCVPAMNVNDSVTK 1216 sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24055 69.877 2 1999.0231 1999.0231 K Q 268 285 PSM ALADDDFLTVTGKTVR 1217 sp|P33991|MCM4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28200 81.324 2 1917.0207 1917.0207 R L 846 862 PSM APNTPDILEIEFKK 1218 sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29647 85.329 2 1809.9877 1809.9877 K G 216 230 PSM ASEEHLKQHYIDLK 1219 sp|P22392-2|NDKB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17320 52.048 3 1905.9949 1905.9949 R D 158 172 PSM ASFNHFDKDHGGALGPEEFK 1220 sp|O43707-2|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20355 60.022 4 2398.1342 2398.1342 R A 553 573 PSM ASGLAAGKGVIVAK 1221 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20920 61.506 2 1444.8857 1444.8857 K S 149 163 PSM ATGHEFAVKIMEVTAER 1222 sp|P15735|PHKG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27943 80.609 2 2084.0725 2084.0725 R L 45 62 PSM DAIHFYNKSLAEHR 1223 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19823 58.621 3 1895.9642 1895.9642 K T 318 332 PSM DALHSEKQQIATEK 1224 sp|O60610-2|DIAP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16799 50.679 2 1792.9319 1792.9319 K Q 512 526 PSM DIKAANVLLSEHGEVK 1225 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23521 68.449 2 1918.0524 1918.0524 R L 144 160 PSM DIKAANVLLSEQGDVK 1226 sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26103 75.477 2 1895.0364 1895.0364 R L 67 83 PSM DIKGANILLTDNGHVK 1227 sp|Q8IVH8-3|M4K3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23841 69.299 2 1903.0527 1903.0527 R L 136 152 PSM DKYMTETWDPSHAPDNFR 1228 sp|Q9UP95-2|S12A4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031,4-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=21770 63.803 3 2421.0696 2421.0696 R E 987 1005 PSM DLKPENILLDEEGHIK 1229 sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27215 78.555 2 2058.0997 2058.0997 R L 171 187 PSM DLKPENILLDEEGHIK 1230 sp|Q15418-4|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27328 78.909 2 2058.0997 2058.0997 R L 171 187 PSM DLKPENLLYYSQDEESK 1231 sp|Q8IU85-2|KCC1D_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27914 80.531 2 2266.1005 2266.1005 R I 144 161 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 1232 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23257 67.75 3 2019.0459 2019.0459 R I 150 166 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 1233 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23396 68.118 3 2019.0459 2019.0459 R I 150 166 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 1234 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23936 69.553 3 2019.0459 2019.0459 R I 150 166 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 1235 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24799 71.869 3 2019.0459 2019.0459 R I 150 166 PSM DLKPENVLLDAHMNAK 1236 sp|Q13131|AAPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25617 74.159 3 2003.051 2003.0510 R I 150 166 PSM DLKSNNILLLQPIESDDMEHK 1237 sp|Q16584|M3K11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30776 88.532 3 2647.3527 2647.3527 R T 241 262 PSM DLKTSNLLLSHAGILK 1238 sp|Q9UQ88-4|CD11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28845 83.091 3 1918.1251 1918.1251 R V 537 553 PSM DLQSNVEHLTEKMK 1239 sp|Q01813|PFKAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27208 78.535 2 1866.9509 1866.9509 R T 614 628 PSM DTEPLIQTAKTTLGSK 1240 sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27858 80.382 2 1898.0361 1898.0361 K V 161 177 PSM DTPTSAGPNSFNKGK 1241 sp|Q8WW12|PCNP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15657 47.658 2 1715.8479 1715.8479 R H 138 153 PSM DVKPHNVMIDHQQK 1242 sp|P19784|CSK22_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13687 42.518 3 1883.9676 1883.9676 R K 157 171 PSM DYHFKVDNDENEHQLSLR 1243 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20037 59.192 4 2454.1564 2454.1564 K T 28 46 PSM EANFTVSSMHGDMPQKER 1244 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19031 56.544 3 2259.0412 2259.0412 R E 299 317 PSM EANQAINPKLLQLVEDR 1245 sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31180 89.67 2 2146.1746 2146.1746 R G 383 400 PSM EDGNEEDKENQGDETQGQQPPQR 1246 sp|P67809|YBOX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=9400 31.076 3 2823.218 2823.2180 R R 257 280 PSM EKTHINIVVIGHVDSGK 1247 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20877 61.394 3 2041.132 2041.1320 K S 4 21 PSM ENPKVVNEINIEDLCLTK 1248 sp|Q8N5K1|CISD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29910 86.061 2 2323.2093 2323.2093 K A 78 96 PSM ENQCVIISGESGAGKTVAAK 1249 sp|Q12965|MYO1E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18833 56.026 3 2214.1314 2214.1314 R Y 104 124 PSM ENQKHIYYITGETK 1250 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18190 54.332 2 1918.9789 1918.9789 K D 486 500 PSM FVLCPECENPETDLHVNPKK 1251 sp|P55010|IF5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23405 68.139 3 2621.2618 2621.2618 K Q 96 116 PSM GATYGKPVHHGVNQLK 1252 sp|P61313|RL15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11417 36.477 3 1901.0272 1901.0272 K F 78 94 PSM GDINVCIVGDPSTAKSQFLK 1253 sp|Q14566|MCM6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29999 86.307 3 2344.2097 2344.2097 R H 388 408 PSM GETKSFYPEEVSSMVLTK 1254 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29449 84.777 2 2227.1082 2227.1082 K M 109 127 PSM GLESTTLADKDGEIYCK 1255 sp|P21291|CSRP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22541 65.849 2 2095.0143 2095.0143 K G 152 169 PSM GLGKGFVPSPTSQPGGHESLVDR 1256 sp|P26640|SYVC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22408 65.499 3 2517.2976 2517.2976 R W 963 986 PSM GLKEGIPALDNFLDK 1257 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33159 95.496 2 1824.9986 1824.9986 K L 843 858 PSM GNVQVVIPFLTESYSSSQDPPEKSIPICTLK 1258 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 23-UNIMOD:1031,28-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33440 96.234 3 3628.8699 3628.8699 K N 565 596 PSM GSKGGHGAASPSEK 1259 sp|Q07065|CKAP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=4651 18.247 2 1464.7321 1464.7321 R G 8 22 PSM GSYGDLGGPIITTQVTIPK 1260 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=25544 73.964 2 1916.0255 1916.0255 R D 378 397 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1261 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26580 76.762 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1262 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28224 81.39 2 1942.071 1942.0710 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1263 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28366 81.778 2 1926.0761 1926.0761 K A 222 239 PSM HAQGEKTAGINVR 1264 sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=12589 39.611 2 1575.8481 1575.8481 R K 484 497 PSM HEQNIDCGGGYVK 1265 sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=5517 20.663 2 1483.6605 1483.6605 K L 99 112 PSM HGLEVIYMIEPIDEYCVQQLK 1266 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=27907 80.511 3 2600.2746 2600.2746 K E 514 535 PSM HLEINPDHSIIETLR 1267 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=19197 56.982 3 1785.9373 1785.9373 K Q 633 648 PSM HNGTGGKSIYGEK 1268 sp|P62937|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11068 35.552 2 1542.7791 1542.7791 R F 70 83 PSM IAAKFITHAPPGEFNEVFNDVR 1269 sp|P52907|CAZA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29032 83.603 3 2667.3809 2667.3809 R L 16 38 PSM IEISQHAKYTCSFCGK 1270 sp|P61513|RL37A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=18026 53.904 3 2124.0132 2124.0132 K T 29 45 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1271 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=19568 57.954 2 1848.9438 1848.9438 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1272 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24563 71.243 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1273 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26250 75.868 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1274 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25998 75.188 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IIDEKTGVIEHEHPVNK 1275 sp|P98082-3|DAB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16428 49.707 4 2153.1481 2153.1481 K I 104 121 PSM IIFVVGGPGSGKGTQCEK 1276 sp|P00568|KAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23907 69.478 3 2029.0666 2029.0666 K I 10 28 PSM IKGEHPGLSIGDVAK 1277 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18443 54.998 2 1715.957 1715.9570 K K 113 128 PSM IQSIAPSLQVITSKQR 1278 sp|P42345|MTOR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27177 78.452 2 1964.1419 1964.1419 R P 2153 2169 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 1279 sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28425 81.941 2 1953.9441 1953.9441 R M 201 216 PSM IVEIPFNSTNKYQLSIHK 1280 sp|P05023-3|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26786 77.375 3 2326.2685 2326.2685 K N 446 464 PSM IVNQPSSLFGSKSASSK 1281 sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21774 63.813 2 1932.0316 1932.0316 R N 2256 2273 PSM KAEEIANEMIEAAK 1282 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23950 69.59 2 1741.892 1741.8920 K A 651 665 PSM KEVIPVNVPEAQEEMK 1283 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24916 72.191 2 2035.066 2035.0660 K E 513 529 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 1284 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25256 73.185 2 1753.9363 1753.9363 K N 3992 4006 PSM KGPQGYGFNLHSDK 1285 sp|Q15599-3|NHRF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17171 51.659 3 1742.874 1742.8740 R S 45 59 PSM KGVSHGQFFDQHLK 1286 sp|P26572|MGAT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15619 47.559 3 1822.9479 1822.9479 R F 317 331 PSM KHLEINPDHPIVETLR 1287 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21701 63.618 3 2106.1586 2106.1586 K Q 624 640 PSM KHPDASVNFSEFSK 1288 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19214 57.025 2 1787.8842 1787.8842 K K 30 44 PSM KHPDASVNFSEFSK 1289 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19349 57.38 2 1787.8842 1787.8842 K K 30 44 PSM KHPDSSVNFAEFSK 1290 sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18926 56.271 2 1787.8842 1787.8842 K K 30 44 PSM KIAEGAQQGDPLSR 1291 sp|Q9UJ70|NAGK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15638 47.607 2 1664.8846 1664.8846 R Y 219 233 PSM KPANDITSQLEINFGDLGR 1292 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31885 91.658 3 2283.1859 2283.1859 R P 331 350 PSM KQIWTLEQPPDEAGSAAVCLR 1293 sp|Q16658|FSCN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031,19-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=28310 81.626 3 2564.3057 2564.3057 K S 43 64 PSM KQTIDNSQGAYQEAFDISK 1294 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22489 65.712 3 2338.1441 2338.1441 R K 139 158 PSM KVTHAVVTVPAYFNDAQR 1295 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22183 64.905 3 2211.18 2211.1800 K Q 164 182 PSM KVVVCDNGTGFVK 1296 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19561 57.936 2 1617.8549 1617.8549 R C 7 20 PSM KYDAFLASESLIK 1297 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28939 83.345 2 1679.9134 1679.9134 K Q 106 119 PSM KYLLSQSSPAPLTAAEEELR 1298 sp|Q12792-4|TWF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29540 85.028 3 2398.2744 2398.2744 K Q 38 58 PSM KYTLPPGVDPTQVSSSLSPEGTLTVEAPMPK 1299 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1031,29-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=30140 86.704 3 3437.764 3437.7640 R L 141 172 PSM LAHEVGWKYQAVTATLEEK 1300 sp|P40429|RL13A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27863 80.394 3 2368.2427 2368.2427 R R 141 160 PSM LAMQEFMILPVGAANFR 1301 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28427 81.946 2 1938.9696 1938.9696 K E 163 180 PSM LAQSHHVKQVLVAPGNAGTACSEK 1302 sp|P22102|PUR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=15439 47.09 4 2697.4021 2697.4021 K I 21 45 PSM LDINTNTYTSQDLKSALAK 1303 sp|Q9H173|SIL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27506 79.414 3 2291.2009 2291.2009 R F 119 138 PSM LHHSEAPELHGKIR 1304 sp|Q8NB16|MLKL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11118 35.683 2 1818.9853 1818.9853 R S 320 334 PSM LIAPVAEEEATVPNNK 1305 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=16066 48.755 2 1693.8887 1693.8887 K I 8 24 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 1306 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031,22-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26690 77.089 3 2521.309 2521.3090 R R 50 72 PSM LKSYCNDQSTGDIK 1307 sp|P00492|HPRT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=14413 44.416 2 1823.8724 1823.8724 R V 102 116 PSM LLDTKLMASTQPFK 1308 sp|O95453|PARN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28445 81.994 2 1787.9855 1787.9855 R D 322 336 PSM LLDVVHPAAKTLVDIAK 1309 sp|Q99832|TCPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28781 82.916 3 1998.1877 1998.1877 K S 68 85 PSM LLLLGAGESGKSTIVK 1310 sp|Q5JWF2-2|GNAS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27714 79.987 2 1781.0662 1781.0662 R Q 686 702 PSM LLLQVQHASKQITADK 1311 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20404 60.151 3 1988.1419 1988.1419 K Q 34 50 PSM LNFSHGTHEYHAETIKNVR 1312 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14877 45.622 5 2448.2298 2448.2298 R T 74 93 PSM LPMNKEWPSNLDLR 1313 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:35,5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26412 76.308 2 1923.9877 1923.9877 R K 827 841 PSM LVKEVIAVSCGPAQCQETIR 1314 sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24535 71.165 3 2453.277 2453.2771 K T 57 77 PSM NEKDNALLSAIEESR 1315 sp|Q8N1F7|NUP93_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28402 81.876 2 1883.9589 1883.9589 K K 104 119 PSM NIPHEAFVYQKDSDPEFR 1316 sp|Q9NVE7|PANK4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22558 65.896 3 2387.1546 2387.1546 K F 161 179 PSM NKDQGTYEDYVEGLR 1317 sp|P60660-2|MYL6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22477 65.68 2 1981.9381 1981.9381 K V 80 95 PSM NLEPEWAAAASEVKEQTK 1318 sp|Q15084-5|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28490 82.118 2 2196.1063 2196.1063 K G 243 261 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1319 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25220 73.087 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1320 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27056 78.119 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1321 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27828 80.3 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NPDDITNEEYGEFYK 1322 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=17783 53.268 2 1832.7741 1832.7741 R S 300 315 PSM NQVALNPQNTVFDAKR 1323 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23612 68.691 3 2010.0647 2010.0647 K L 57 73 PSM NQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 1324 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=13244 41.356 2 1664.7828 1664.7828 K R 57 72 PSM NSSHAGAFVIVTEEAIAKGIR 1325 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31368 90.196 3 2365.2754 2365.2754 R R 730 751 PSM PLISVYSEKGESSGK 1326 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21496 63.072 2 1775.9305 1775.9305 R N 6 21 PSM QKSSGLNLCTGTGSK 1327 sp|Q4G0N4|NAKD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=16560 50.054 2 1732.8778 1732.8778 K A 303 318 PSM SAAQAAAQTNSNAAGK 1328 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=2484 12.149 2 1459.7015 1459.7015 K Q 53 69 PSM SCVEEPEPEPEAAEGDGDKK 1329 sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14386 44.346 3 2368.0377 2368.0377 K G 107 127 PSM SETSGPQIKELTDEEAER 1330 sp|Q9Y266|NUDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21283 62.508 2 2214.0652 2214.0652 K L 97 115 PSM SGSKAFLDALQNQAEASSK 1331 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26762 77.308 3 2147.0859 2147.0859 R I 125 144 PSM SGTPMQSAAKAPYLAK 1332 sp|A4QPH2-2|PI4P2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20325 59.943 2 1815.9553 1815.9553 K F 258 274 PSM SIYYITGESKEQVANSAFVER 1333 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28153 81.196 3 2586.2966 2586.2966 K V 482 503 PSM SKTFNPGAGLPTDK 1334 sp|P09661|RU2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20695 60.916 2 1627.857 1627.8570 R K 178 192 PSM SQETECTYFSTPLLLGK 1335 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=26784 77.37 2 1980.9594 1980.9594 K K 280 297 PSM STAGDTHLGGEDFDNR 1336 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=8238 27.992 2 1690.7183 1690.7183 K M 221 237 PSM TAFDDAIAELDTLNEDSYK 1337 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=31451 90.429 3 2129.9641 2129.9641 K D 199 218 PSM TCHLTNHCIQKEYSK 1338 sp|Q8NG68|TTL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11073 35.564 3 2114.0037 2114.0037 K N 237 252 PSM TDEAAFQKLMSNLDSNR 1339 sp|P26447|S10A4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30790 88.571 2 2135.0317 2135.0317 R D 50 67 PSM TGSESSQTGTSTTSSR 1340 sp|P23588-2|IF4B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=1953 10.59 2 1572.6863 1572.6863 R N 381 397 PSM TITLEVEPSDTIENVK 1341 sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=21662 63.514 2 1794.9342 1794.9342 K A 12 28 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1342 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=24511 71.103 2 1792.8818 1792.8818 K D 191 205 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1343 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24981 72.374 3 1776.8869 1776.8869 K D 191 205 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1344 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24983 72.382 2 1776.8869 1776.8869 K D 191 205 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1345 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26222 75.795 2 2019.059 2019.0590 R L 166 182 PSM TTHFVEGGDAGNREDQINR 1346 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 ms_run[2]:scan=6357 22.933 3 2114.973 2114.9730 K L 224 243 PSM TTVVAQLKQLQAETEPIVK 1347 sp|P60228|EIF3E_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31853 91.565 3 2291.31 2291.3100 R M 75 94 PSM TVALDGTLFQKSGVISGGASDLK 1348 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31299 90.003 3 2459.3272 2459.3272 K A 638 661 PSM TVDFTQDSNYLLTGGQDKLLR 1349 sp|Q9Y3F4|STRAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31320 90.061 3 2579.3231 2579.3231 K I 105 126 PSM TVDNFVALATGEKGFGYK 1350 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31030 89.25 3 2112.0892 2112.0892 K N 72 90 PSM TVNVVQFEPSKGAIGK 1351 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24554 71.218 2 1869.036 1869.0360 K A 491 507 PSM TVVTGIEMFHKSLER 1352 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26040 75.301 2 1942.0346 1942.0346 R A 301 316 PSM TYDATTHFETTCDDIKNIYK 1353 sp|P50395-2|GDIB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23494 68.377 3 2631.2163 2631.2163 R R 358 378 PSM VCENIPIVLCGNKVDIK 1354 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28876 83.174 2 2166.1541 2166.1541 R D 111 128 PSM VDQSAVGFEYQGKTEK 1355 sp|Q14247|SRC8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19359 57.405 2 1980.9793 1980.9793 R H 132 148 PSM VEEEIQTLSQVLAAKEK 1356 sp|P55327-2|TPD52_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31919 91.752 3 2110.1522 2110.1522 K H 46 63 PSM VEEEIQTLSQVLAAKEK 1357 sp|P55327-2|TPD52_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31927 91.774 2 2110.1522 2110.1522 K H 46 63 PSM VETGVLKPGMVVTFAPVNVTTEVK 1358 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=31277 89.942 3 2726.4928 2726.4928 R S 267 291 PSM VFGEDSVGVIFKNGDDLR 1359 sp|P42338|PK3CB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30659 88.195 3 2162.1008 2162.1008 K Q 794 812 PSM VGSVLQEGCGKISK 1360 sp|P31040-2|SDHA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18697 55.666 2 1656.8869 1656.8869 R L 480 494 PSM VKGGGHVAQIYAIR 1361 sp|P62249|RS16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17507 52.544 2 1663.9522 1663.9522 R Q 72 86 PSM VLQATVVAVGSGSKGK 1362 sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19780 58.509 2 1695.9883 1695.9883 K G 41 57 PSM VMSQNFTNCHTKIR 1363 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15155 46.349 2 1930.9506 1930.9506 K H 65 79 PSM VPHTQAVVLNSKDK 1364 sp|Q9UBF8-3|PI4KB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14578 44.845 2 1738.9821 1738.9821 R A 49 63 PSM VPTANVSVVDLTCR 1365 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=19598 58.035 2 1539.7954 1539.7954 R L 235 249 PSM VQEKQHPVPPPAQNQNQVR 1366 sp|Q15942-2|ZYX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11380 36.379 3 2389.2615 2389.2615 R S 168 187 PSM VVSSIEQKTEGAEK 1367 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17009 51.233 2 1699.8992 1699.8992 R K 61 75 PSM VVTTNYKPVANHQYNIEYER 1368 sp|P13984|T2FB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19506 57.793 3 2633.3238 2633.3238 K K 148 168 PSM YEDICPSTHNMDVPNIKR 1369 sp|P63241|IF5A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18125 54.163 3 2400.1202 2400.1202 K N 69 87 PSM YLKSEPIPESNDGPVK 1370 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20146 59.474 2 1968.0204 1968.0204 R V 364 380 PSM LIGDAAKNQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 1371 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=26645 76.935142 3 2529.314473 2529.289724 R R 50 72 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1372 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24157 70.152699 2 2029.059251 2027.039764 R L 166 182 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1373 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34695 100.36124 3 3030.4009 3030.4058 M A 2 29 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1374 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34733 100.54255 3 3047.4082 3046.4002 M A 2 29 PSM YDGQVAVFGSDLQEKLGK 1375 sp|P22314|UBA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30179 86.810416 2 2149.096447 2149.105535 R Q 451 469 PSM ISIPVDISDSDMMLNIINSSITTKAISR 1376 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:35,24-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33437 96.226572 3 3246.680904 3245.688717 K W 140 168 PSM IVSQLLTLMDGLKQR 1377 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29524 84.985088 2 1927.092937 1926.097219 R A 324 339 PSM ISNYGWDQSDKFVK 1378 sp|Q9HB71|CYBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24115 70.039772 2 1881.923402 1881.926114 K I 75 89 PSM QAQYLGMSCDGPFKPDHYR 1379 sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=19830 58.640981 3 2481.119841 2481.120551 K Y 413 432 PSM FGEVVDCTLKLDPITGR 1380 sp|Q14103|HNRPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=30132 86.68038 3 2115.101853 2115.103427 K S 120 137 PSM DLKPENILLDEEGHIK 1381 sp|Q15418|KS6A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27203 78.522818 3 2058.097231 2058.099721 R L 187 203 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 1382 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=32757 94.302842 3 3563.723283 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM VVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGR 1383 sp|P61160|ARP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=32889 94.676515 4 3563.722433 3562.748966 K P 8 39 PSM AAEDDEDDDVDTKK 1384 sp|P06454|PTMA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=10776 34.777111 2 1760.761576 1760.758834 R Q 91 105 PSM LADFGVAGQLTDTMAKR 1385 sp|Q13188|STK3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 14-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=24260 70.426022 2 2006.026415 2005.030262 K N 162 179 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1386 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26881 77.63953 2 1942.067254 1942.071005 K A 222 239 PSM GVLMYGPPGTGKTLLAR 1387 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 4-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28149 81.185257 2 1942.073697 1942.071005 K A 222 239 PSM TPVTDPATGAVKEK 1388 sp|P49748|ACADV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=15308 46.746713 2 1608.871853 1608.872287 K I 265 279 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 1389 sp|Q13418|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=29273 84.276298 2 1954.945364 1953.944090 R M 335 350 PSM DLKPHNILISMPNAHGK 1390 sp|O75460|ERN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=23043 67.183171 3 2081.129212 2080.125165 R I 688 705 PSM AVYTQDCPLAAAKAIQGLR 1391 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29052 83.658364 3 2241.184721 2241.193973 K A 665 684 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1392 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37 6-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[1]:scan=26211 75.766327 2 2019.052816 2019.059048 R L 166 182 PSM AAAAAAALQAKSDEK 1393 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17435 52.351 2 1610.8628 1610.8628 K A 354 369 PSM AAEDDEDDDVDTKK 1394 sp|P06454-2|PTMA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=10796 34.83 2 1760.7588 1760.7588 R Q 90 104 PSM AELIKTHHNDTELIR 1395 sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16421 49.69 3 1985.0694 1985.0694 K K 286 301 PSM AGGKHNDLDDVGK 1396 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11171 35.826 3 1520.7583 1520.7583 R D 78 91 PSM AHLGTALKANPFGGASHAK 1397 sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18665 55.582 4 2043.1014 2043.1014 K G 30 49 PSM AIAKGVGIISEGNETVEDIAAR 1398 sp|P05023-3|AT1A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28640 82.525 3 2408.2911 2408.2911 K L 595 617 PSM AKWDAWNALGSLPK 1399 sp|O75521-2|ECI2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32281 92.882 2 1751.9359 1751.9359 K E 56 70 PSM ALAAAGYDVEKNNSR 1400 sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17353 52.132 2 1773.901 1773.9010 K I 65 80 PSM ALDVIQAGKEYVEHTVK 1401 sp|O75937|DNJC8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31522 90.628 3 2095.1314 2095.1314 R E 119 136 PSM ANVAKAGLVDDFEK 1402 sp|O75947-2|ATP5H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24637 71.436 2 1671.8832 1671.8832 K K 59 73 PSM APGFAQMLKEGAK 1403 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25697 74.376 2 1542.8228 1542.8228 K H 8 21 PSM APLKIFAQDGEGQR 1404 sp|O75369-2|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23682 68.878 2 1724.921 1724.9210 K I 678 692 PSM ATGHSGGGCISQGR 1405 sp|Q9HA64|KT3K_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2236 11.431 2 1353.6083 1353.6083 R S 16 30 PSM AVDIPHMDIEALKK 1406 sp|P62906|RL10A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27197 78.505 2 1774.9651 1774.9651 K L 79 93 PSM AVLLGPPGAGKGTQAPR 1407 sp|P54819-2|KAD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21803 63.889 2 1785.0261 1785.0261 R L 18 35 PSM AVLLLQEKCPHVTEHIPR 1408 sp|P48449-3|ERG7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22870 66.723 4 2335.2835 2335.2835 K E 452 470 PSM AVNEKSCNCLLLK 1409 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20812 61.221 2 1743.9012 1743.9012 K V 331 344 PSM DGVVEITGKHEER 1410 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16541 50.005 2 1663.8529 1663.8529 K Q 115 128 PSM DIHELFVPENKLDHVR 1411 sp|O95340|PAPS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26339 76.111 3 2156.1378 2156.1378 K A 223 239 PSM DIKAANVLLSEHGEVK 1412 sp|Q9Y6E0-2|STK24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23399 68.125 3 1926.0666 1926.0666 R L 144 160 PSM DIKAANVLLSEQGDVK 1413 sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26106 75.484 2 1903.0506 1903.0506 R L 67 83 PSM DIKAGNILLTEPGQVK 1414 sp|Q7L7X3-3|TAOK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26991 77.942 2 1891.0779 1891.0779 R L 151 167 PSM DIKAGNILLTEPGQVK 1415 sp|Q7L7X3-3|TAOK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27000 77.969 2 1891.0779 1891.0779 R L 151 167 PSM DLADELALVDVIEDKLK 1416 sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33959 97.608 3 2094.146 2094.1460 K G 43 60 PSM DLEEDHACIPIKK 1417 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19954 58.966 2 1762.8924 1762.8924 K S 560 573 PSM DLKPANILVMGEGPER 1418 sp|Q9BWU1-2|CDK19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=26332 76.094 2 1950.0244 1950.0244 R G 91 107 PSM DLKPENIMLNHQGHVK 1419 sp|P23443-4|KS6B1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031,8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=16406 49.649 3 2084.0837 2084.0837 R L 218 234 PSM DLKPENIMLNHQGHVK 1420 sp|P23443-4|KS6B1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19287 57.216 3 2068.0888 2068.0888 R L 218 234 PSM DLVTEDGADPNPYVKTYLLPDNHK 1421 sp|O00443|P3C2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28714 82.729 3 2909.4447 2909.4447 K T 1583 1607 PSM DSSGNLHGYVAEGGAKDIR 1422 sp|Q8IZ83-3|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17893 53.561 3 2141.0501 2141.0501 R G 498 517 PSM DVKPHNVMIDHEHR 1423 sp|P68400-2|CSK21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=12680 39.858 3 1921.9581 1921.9581 R K 20 34 PSM EAFSDGITSVKNSWFK 1424 sp|P08243-3|ASNS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32720 94.192 2 2011.0051 2011.0051 K I 385 401 PSM EAGITEKVVFEQTK 1425 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24039 69.834 2 1773.9513 1773.9513 R V 136 150 PSM EANFTVSSMHGDMPQKER 1426 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=13020 40.766 3 2291.0311 2291.0311 R E 299 317 PSM EDDVGTGAGLLEIKK 1427 sp|P49368|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26095 75.451 2 1739.9305 1739.9305 R I 340 355 PSM EENVKTVLMNPNIASVQTNEVGLK 1428 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30935 88.981 3 2822.4848 2822.4848 K Q 454 478 PSM EFPGFLENQKDPLAVDK 1429 sp|P60903|S10AA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30381 87.415 2 2142.0997 2142.0997 K I 38 55 PSM EGNVPNIIIAGPPGTGKTTSILCLAR 1430 sp|P35250-2|RFC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 17-UNIMOD:1031,23-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=33284 95.828 3 2844.5531 2844.5531 R A 66 92 PSM EKEEFAVPENSSVQQFK 1431 sp|Q9UMX0-4|UBQL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22708 66.29 2 2191.0797 2191.0797 K E 46 63 PSM EPMQTGIKAVDSLVPIGR 1432 sp|P25705|ATPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31546 90.694 2 2106.1507 2106.1507 R G 187 205 PSM EVIAVSCGPAQCQETIR 1433 sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=14650 45.035 2 1916.9084 1916.9084 K T 60 77 PSM FKGQILMPNIGYGSNK 1434 sp|P62910|RL32_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27880 80.438 2 1962.0397 1962.0397 R K 49 65 PSM FLSGLELVKQGAEAR 1435 sp|Q96S44|PRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29777 85.686 2 1813.0098 1813.0098 R V 32 47 PSM FPGYDSESKEFNAEVHR 1436 sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20321 59.933 3 2207.0283 2207.0283 R K 180 197 PSM FSNISAAKAVADAIR 1437 sp|P50991|TCPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27680 79.894 2 1728.9523 1728.9523 R T 35 50 PSM GGAAVDPDSGLEHSAHVLEKGGK 1438 sp|P09874|PARP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 23-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18885 56.162 4 2426.219 2426.2190 K V 529 552 PSM GHYTEGAELVDSVLDVVR 1439 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=30044 86.434 3 1957.9745 1957.9745 K K 104 122 PSM GILLYGPPGTGKTLIAR 1440 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30098 86.587 2 1922.1353 1922.1353 R A 240 257 PSM GIYAYGFEKPSAIQQR 1441 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25828 74.723 2 2023.0527 2023.0527 R A 46 62 PSM GKATISNDGATILK 1442 sp|Q99832|TCPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20088 59.325 2 1583.8883 1583.8883 R L 54 68 PSM GLGTDEDSLIEIICSR 1443 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30004 86.32 2 1776.8564 1776.8564 K T 120 136 PSM GMGSLDAMDKHLSSQNR 1444 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15634 47.597 3 2057.9623 2057.9623 R Y 413 430 PSM GMGSLDAMEKSSSSQK 1445 sp|P20839-2|IMDH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18621 55.468 2 1837.855 1837.8550 R R 388 404 PSM GMITVTDPDLIEKSNLNR 1446 sp|A0AVT1-2|UBA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25820 74.7 3 2227.1518 2227.1518 K Q 17 35 PSM HEQNIDCGGGYVK 1447 sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5502 20.621 2 1475.6463 1475.6463 K L 99 112 PSM HESGASIKIDEPLEGSEDR 1448 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19485 57.737 3 2264.0921 2264.0921 R I 415 434 PSM HFVALSTNTTKVK 1449 sp|P06744|G6PI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17103 51.48 2 1640.925 1640.9250 K E 242 255 PSM HHTSKIQEFADLTQVETFGFR 1450 sp|P54278-4|PMS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31801 91.417 4 2686.3503 2686.3503 K G 87 108 PSM HLEINPDHPIVETLR 1451 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=17128 51.546 3 1791.9507 1791.9507 K Q 625 640 PSM HPAKPDPSGECNPDLR 1452 sp|Q16576|RBBP7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13286 41.469 3 1984.9425 1984.9425 K L 156 172 PSM HYGPGWVSMANAGK 1453 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=13906 43.093 2 1473.6823 1473.6823 K D 132 146 PSM ICVVGENGAGKSTMLK 1454 sp|Q9NUQ8-2|ABCF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21636 63.444 3 1858.9645 1858.9645 R L 515 531 PSM IDKLMIEMDGTENK 1455 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:35,8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=20759 61.082 2 1863.8958 1863.8958 K S 90 104 PSM IEDLSQQAQLAAAEKFK 1456 sp|E9PAV3|NACAM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27409 79.143 3 2085.1106 2085.1106 K V 1991 2008 PSM IEKIGEGTYGVVYK 1457 sp|P06493|CDK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22822 66.595 2 1750.9505 1750.9505 K G 7 21 PSM IGSSMKSVGEVMAIGR 1458 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26385 76.236 2 1832.9488 1832.9488 R T 788 804 PSM IIANALSSEPACLAEIEEDKAR 1459 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29823 85.816 3 2595.3214 2595.3214 R R 3336 3358 PSM IIHTDIKPENILMCVDDAYVR 1460 sp|P78362|SRPK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=30537 87.854 3 2726.3772 2726.3772 K R 210 231 PSM IINEPTAAAIAYGLDKR 1461 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28211 81.355 3 2011.1102 2011.1102 R E 198 215 PSM ILIANTGMDTDKIK 1462 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24018 69.777 2 1727.9492 1727.9492 K I 237 251 PSM ILNEKVNTPTTTVYR 1463 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20635 60.756 2 1944.068 1944.0680 R C 239 254 PSM ISMADVKFSFQCPGR 1464 sp|Q13418-3|ILK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29770 85.666 2 1937.9492 1937.9492 R M 201 216 PSM ISQGPYKGYIGVVK 1465 sp|O00267-2|SPT5H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23278 67.803 2 1703.961 1703.9610 R D 708 722 PSM IVADKDYSVTANSK 1466 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17061 51.367 2 1705.8887 1705.8887 K I 78 92 PSM IVAPGKGILAADESTGSIAK 1467 sp|P04075|ALDOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25785 74.607 3 2093.1732 2093.1732 R R 23 43 PSM IVSGKDYNVTANSK 1468 sp|P00338|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15738 47.867 2 1690.889 1690.8890 K L 77 91 PSM IVSQLLTLMDGLKQR 1469 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29605 85.21 2 1926.0972 1926.0972 R A 324 339 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 1470 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25554 73.992 2 1753.9363 1753.9363 K N 3992 4006 PSM KGISLNPEQWSQLK 1471 sp|P53999|TCP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28793 82.949 2 1822.9941 1822.9941 R E 101 115 PSM KGVNLPGAAVDLPAVSEK 1472 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27117 78.286 3 1960.0993 1960.0993 K D 207 225 PSM KHLEINPDHSIIETLR 1473 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23300 67.863 4 2110.1535 2110.1535 K Q 632 648 PSM KHPDASVNFSEFSK 1474 sp|P09429|HMGB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19254 57.128 2 1795.8984 1795.8984 K K 30 44 PSM KILQDGGLQVVEK 1475 sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22418 65.526 2 1621.9403 1621.9403 R Q 21 34 PSM KPASFMTSICDER 1476 sp|P53396-2|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=22721 66.325 2 1736.8226 1736.8226 R G 826 839 PSM KTEAPAAPAAQETK 1477 sp|P80723|BASP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=10817 34.884 2 1607.8519 1607.8519 K S 150 164 PSM KVFANPEDCVAFGK 1478 sp|P10620-2|MGST1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=23636 68.755 2 1776.8869 1776.8869 R G 42 56 PSM KYTLPPGVDPTQVSSSLSPEGTLTVEAPMPK 1479 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31635 90.94 3 3421.7691 3421.7691 R L 141 172 PSM LATALQKLEEAEK 1480 sp|P06753-2|TPM3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27352 78.976 2 1638.9192 1638.9192 R A 70 83 PSM LATQSNEITIPVTFESR 1481 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=24335 70.628 2 1914.9926 1914.9926 K A 172 189 PSM LCVPAMNVNDSVTKQK 1482 sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=18081 54.048 3 2015.018 2015.0180 K F 271 287 PSM LGGSLADSYLDEGFLLDKK 1483 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=33054 95.202 3 2236.1627 2236.1627 K I 205 224 PSM LHHSEAPELHGKIR 1484 sp|Q8NB16|MLKL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=11108 35.656 3 1818.9853 1818.9853 R S 320 334 PSM LLDTKLMASTQPFK 1485 sp|O95453|PARN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=25816 74.69 2 1803.9805 1803.9805 R D 322 336 PSM LLSKTPELNLDQFHDK 1486 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25476 73.779 3 2093.1157 2093.1157 K T 167 183 PSM LPEGDLGKEIEQK 1487 sp|P63241|IF5A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19926 58.891 2 1650.8829 1650.8829 R Y 114 127 PSM LPYDVTPEQALAHEEVKTR 1488 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23657 68.812 3 2391.2434 2391.2434 K L 1112 1131 PSM LTEDPEKQTLPGSK 1489 sp|Q6XQN6-3|PNCB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17058 51.36 2 1737.9149 1737.9149 K A 408 422 PSM LVSLIGSKTQIPTQR 1490 sp|P25786|PSA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25921 74.98 2 1836.0833 1836.0833 R Y 108 123 PSM MKPGATGESDLAEVLPQHK 1491 sp|Q709F0-2|ACD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21827 63.952 3 2203.1307 2203.1307 - F 1 20 PSM MPILGLGTWKSPPGQVTEAVK 1492 sp|P15121|ALDR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32657 94.005 2 2404.3188 2404.3188 K V 13 34 PSM NKSTESLQANVQR 1493 sp|P26373|RL13_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=14213 43.894 2 1669.8747 1669.8747 R L 104 117 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1494 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23978 69.665 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1495 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=30367 87.377 2 1875.0102 1875.0102 K M 162 178 PSM NPDDITNEEYGEFYK 1496 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=17798 53.306 2 1840.7883 1840.7883 R S 300 315 PSM NQLTSNPENTVFDAKR 1497 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22096 64.664 2 2029.0229 2029.0229 K L 82 98 PSM NQVALNPQNTVFDAKR 1498 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23611 68.689 2 2010.0647 2010.0647 K L 57 73 PSM PIFLNTIDPSHPMAKLSR 1499 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28775 82.899 3 2232.2089 2232.2089 K A 51 69 PSM QATKDAGTIAGLNVMR 1500 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24118 70.047 2 1840.9829 1840.9829 R I 182 198 PSM QGQQQAGGDGKTEQK 1501 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=6244 22.635 2 1754.8547 1754.8547 R G 205 220 PSM QISKCLGLTEAQTR 1502 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=21509 63.106 2 1799.9564 1799.9564 K E 916 930 PSM QTVAVGVIKAVDK 1503 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23349 67.994 2 1522.9083 1522.9083 R K 431 444 PSM QVFGEATKQPGITFIAAK 1504 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27631 79.758 2 2101.1572 2101.1572 R F 177 195 PSM SAAQAAAQTNSNAAGK 1505 sp|Q8NC51-3|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=2486 12.154 2 1467.7157 1467.7157 K Q 53 69 PSM SADGSAPAGEGEGVTLQR 1506 sp|Q01650|LAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=9337 30.909 2 1700.7966 1700.7966 K N 31 49 PSM SFSKESDDPMAYIHFTAEGEVTFK 1507 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:1031,10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=28431 81.956 3 2947.3586 2947.3586 K S 361 385 PSM SHEAEVLKQLAEK 1508 sp|P16949|STMN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20585 60.624 2 1676.9097 1676.9097 K R 63 76 PSM SINPDEAVAYGAAVQAAILMGDK 1509 sp|P0DMV9|HS71B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 20-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=32441 93.372 2 2319.1417 2319.1417 K S 362 385 PSM SPYQEFTDHLVKTHTR 1510 sp|P15880|RS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20867 61.367 4 2154.0858 2154.0858 K V 264 280 PSM SQVISNAKNTVQGFK 1511 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21393 62.801 2 1815.9843 1815.9843 K R 54 69 PSM SSALASKATGYPLAFIAAK 1512 sp|P31327|CPSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31733 91.227 2 2062.1463 2062.1463 R I 722 741 PSM STKTGTAYTFFTPNNIK 1513 sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26027 75.266 2 2086.0735 2086.0735 R Q 356 373 PSM SVPTSTVFYPSDGVATEK 1514 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=18652 55.547 2 1883.9153 1883.9153 R A 439 457 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 1515 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=23373 68.056 2 1799.8929 1799.8929 K F 239 255 PSM SYPYLFKGLEDLHLDER 1516 sp|Q96Q15-2|SMG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32872 94.63 3 2290.1634 2290.1634 K I 2009 2026 PSM TAEHEAAQQDLQSK 1517 sp|Q86UP2-2|KTN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 14-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=3049 13.729 2 1562.7416 1562.7416 R F 508 522 PSM TAFDEAIAELDTLNEESYK 1518 sp|P31946-2|1433B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=32253 92.8 2 2157.9954 2157.9954 K D 194 213 PSM TDLEKDIISDTSGDFR 1519 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27250 78.648 2 2006.9797 2006.9797 K K 153 169 PSM TEDDSLVVWKEVDLTR 1520 sp|Q8TD19|NEK9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=32010 92.009 2 2100.0739 2100.0739 R L 72 88 PSM TELAEPIAIRPTSETVMYPAYAK 1521 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=23448 68.253 3 2550.304 2550.3040 K W 1110 1133 PSM THINIVVIGHVDSGK 1522 sp|Q5VTE0|EF1A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=14775 45.356 3 1595.8875 1595.8875 K S 6 21 PSM TKAIEHADGGVAAGVAVLDNPYPV 1523 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28948 83.37 3 2559.3333 2559.3333 R - 451 475 PSM TLAQLNPESSLFIIASK 1524 sp|P06744|G6PI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=30717 88.353 2 1831.0091 1831.0091 K T 195 212 PSM TLDVAVKNSGGFLSK 1525 sp|A0FGR8-5|ESYT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25070 72.646 2 1730.9567 1730.9567 R D 276 291 PSM TLSDYNIQKESTLHLVLR 1526 sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28543 82.262 3 2325.2692 2325.2692 R L 55 73 PSM TLVVHEKADDLGK 1527 sp|P00441|SODC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=16856 50.827 2 1619.8883 1619.8883 R G 117 130 PSM TPALKYQQLFEDIR 1528 sp|P33991|MCM4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31981 91.927 2 1917.036 1917.0360 K G 815 829 PSM TPKEAIEGTYIDK 1529 sp|P62280|RS11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=20898 61.451 2 1659.872 1659.8720 K K 46 59 PSM TPVTDPATGAVKEK 1530 sp|P49748-2|ACADV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15317 46.774 2 1608.8723 1608.8723 K I 243 257 PSM TSDFNTFLAQEGCTKGK 1531 sp|Q9UHD1-2|CHRD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23878 69.399 2 2098.9994 2098.9994 K H 180 197 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1532 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=22495 65.729 3 1792.8818 1792.8818 K D 191 205 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1533 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031,12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=23171 67.522 2 1792.8818 1792.8818 K D 191 205 PSM TSGHVDKFADFMVK 1534 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=25325 73.373 3 1776.8869 1776.8869 K D 191 205 PSM TSGNVEDDLIIFPDDCEFKR 1535 sp|Q16186|ADRM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31563 90.741 3 2565.2057 2565.2057 R V 65 85 PSM TSIDAYDNFDNISLAQR 1536 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 ms_run[2]:scan=23216 67.642 2 1941.9068 1941.9068 R L 1482 1499 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1537 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23238 67.698 3 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1538 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24294 70.518 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1539 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24421 70.862 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1540 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24550 71.208 2 2027.0398 2027.0398 R L 166 182 PSM TSLGPNGLDKMMVDK 1541 sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 10-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=24996 72.422 2 1800.9114 1800.9114 R D 50 65 PSM TVYGGGCSEMLMAHAVTQLANR 1542 sp|P78371|TCPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=24130 70.079 3 2365.0977 2365.0977 R T 406 428 PSM TYDATTHFETTCDDIK 1543 sp|P50395-2|GDIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12083 38.256 3 1916.8098 1916.8098 R N 358 374 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 1544 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=7275 25.425 3 1885.9505 1885.9505 R E 94 110 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 1545 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:259,16-UNIMOD:259 ms_run[2]:scan=7280 25.438 2 1885.9505 1885.9505 R E 94 110 PSM TYEEGLKHEANNPQLK 1546 sp|P31948|STIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=15963 48.478 3 2066.0433 2066.0433 R E 94 110 PSM VAVEEVDEEGKFVR 1547 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=22015 64.451 2 1800.9258 1800.9258 R L 440 454 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAKVQR 1548 sp|P68363|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=26852 77.561 3 2403.3274 2403.3274 K A 353 374 PSM VICAEEPYICKDFPETNNILK 1549 sp|P49915-2|GUAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 3-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29952 86.176 3 2748.3503 2748.3503 R I 348 369 PSM VIISAPSADAPMFVMGVNHEK 1550 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=19461 57.673 3 2244.0919 2244.0919 R Y 119 140 PSM VILHLKEDQTEYLEER 1551 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23549 68.523 3 2210.1583 2210.1583 K R 186 202 PSM VISSIEQKTSADGNEK 1552 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17141 51.58 2 1900.9742 1900.9742 R K 62 78 PSM VKAFGPGLQGGSAGSPAR 1553 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=19985 59.051 2 1851.9955 1851.9955 K F 1070 1088 PSM VKGGGHVAQIYAIR 1554 sp|P62249|RS16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=17495 52.512 3 1663.9522 1663.9522 R Q 72 86 PSM VLEEANQAINPKLMQLVDHR 1555 sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=28917 83.285 3 2513.3424 2513.3424 K G 457 477 PSM VLGTGAYGKVFLVR 1556 sp|O75676-2|KS6A4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29211 84.107 2 1674.9821 1674.9821 K K 38 52 PSM VPTANVSVVDLTCR 1557 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=19587 58.006 2 1529.7872 1529.7872 R L 235 249 PSM VQGGALEDSQLVAGVAFKK 1558 sp|Q99832|TCPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 18-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=27777 80.159 3 2112.1579 2112.1579 K T 200 219 PSM VTDDLVCLVYKTDQAQDVK 1559 sp|P49458|SRP09_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=29831 85.845 3 2405.2148 2405.2148 K K 42 61 PSM VVFEQTKVIADNVK 1560 sp|P60174-1|TPIS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=23847 69.314 2 1785.0036 1785.0036 K D 143 157 PSM VVLLHGPPGTGKTSLCK 1561 sp|Q15645|PCH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=20124 59.415 3 1959.0976 1959.0976 R A 174 191 PSM YADLTEDQLPSCESLK 1562 sp|P18669|PGAM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=18271 54.546 2 1867.851 1867.8510 R D 142 158 PSM YFPTQALNFAFKDK 1563 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=31704 91.148 2 1884.9774 1884.9774 R Y 81 95 PSM YHTINGHNCEVKK 1564 sp|P51991-2|ROA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=7932 27.177 2 1794.8835 1794.8835 K A 166 179 PSM YKYGYEIPVDMLCK 1565 sp|P60900-3|PSA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 2-UNIMOD:1031,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=29474 84.845 2 1973.9631 1973.9631 K R 24 38 PSM YSNSALGHVNCTIKELR 1566 sp|Q9NQC3-3|RTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 11-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[2]:scan=21452 62.958 3 2157.1001 2157.1001 K R 98 115 PSM YYDPKTCGFDFTGAVEDISK 1567 sp|P00505|AATM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=31737 91.238 2 2508.1519 2508.1519 R I 181 201 PSM ADLINNLGTIAKSGTK 1568 sp|Q14568|HS902_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27094 78.22377 2 1811.010334 1811.015263 K A 101 117 PSM ADLINNLGTIAKSGTK 1569 sp|Q14568|HS902_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=26713 77.17369 2 1811.010334 1811.015263 K A 101 117 PSM HSQFIGYPITLYLEKER 1570 sp|P08238|HS90B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 15-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31012 89.201027 3 2289.220787 2289.215754 K E 205 222 PSM SKPHSEAGTAFIQTQQLHAAMADTFLEHMCR 1571 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:1031,21-UNIMOD:35,30-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=26907 77.711407 4 3766.7522 3766.7652 M L 2 33 PSM IINEPTAAAIAYGLDKR 1572 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 16-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=28208 81.344761 2 2012.126379 2011.110226 R E 198 215 PSM VEGDLKGPEVDIK 1573 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=20823 61.25013 2 1593.860459 1593.861388 K G 2604 2617 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1574 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27445 79.245864 2 1876.005702 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM NLGTIAKSGTSEFLNK 1575 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 7-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25867 74.834535 2 1876.001918 1875.010178 K M 162 178 PSM ALHVPKAPGFAQMLK 1576 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=31367 90.193192 2 1845.0352 1845.0330 M E 2 17 PSM TSIMSKQYGNEVFLAK 1577 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 4-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=23860 69.349286 2 2029.059251 2027.039764 R L 166 182 PSM DDDIAALVVDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1578 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33072 95.252714 2 2990.3345 2990.3381 M A 2 29 PSM KGGSWIQEINVAEK 1579 sp|P78527|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=25810 74.67281 2 1754.929007 1753.936285 K N 4023 4037 PSM EEEIAALVIDNGSGMCKAGFAGDDAPR 1580 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=34772 100.73846 3 3031.4052 3030.4062 M A 2 29 PSM EVDEQMLNVQNKNSSYFVEWIPNNVK 1581 sp|Q13885|TBB2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 6-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=33183 95.55882 3 3335.634995 3335.613243 K T 325 351 PSM QDVGKFVELPGAEMGK 1582 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 5-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=27616 79.716898 2 1899.966999 1899.976435 K V 182 198 PSM IVSQLLTLMDGLKQR 1583 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 9-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=29207 84.096798 2 1926.091039 1926.097219 R A 324 339 PSM HESGASIKIDEPLEGSEDR 1584 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 8-UNIMOD:1031 ms_run[1]:scan=19453 57.654124 3 2264.093367 2264.092070 R I 415 434 PSM IITITGTQDQIQNAQYLLQNSVK 1585 sp|P61978|HNRPK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36 ms_run[1]:scan=29531 85.003206 3 2589.383505 2588.380982 R Q 434 457 PSM QATYGYYLGNPAEFHDSSDHHTFKK 1586 sp|Q15293|RCN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta