MTD mzTab-version 1.0 MTD mzTab-mode Complete MTD mzTab-type Identification MTD description JPST000208 -- new MTD ms_run[1]-location D:\JobRequest\ResultFiles\20220618\20220618002634800212^fe80..dc7a.184c.1632.7be4^jpost@jpost.jpost\PeakList.MaxQuantPlist1\111222_LH03.maxq.txt MTD ms_run[2]-location D:\JobRequest\ResultFiles\20220618\20220618002634800212^fe80..dc7a.184c.1632.7be4^jpost@jpost.jpost\Psearch.MaxQuantExec1\111222_LH03.maxqFin.txt MTD software[1] [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant,] MTD software[1]-setting Taxon=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[1]-setting enzymes=Trypsin/P MTD software[1]-setting enzymeMode=0 MTD software[1]-setting fixedModifications=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[1]-setting variableModifications=Acetyl (Protein N-term),Label:13C(6) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Oxidation (M) MTD software[1]-setting maxMissedCleavages=1 MTD software[1]-setting lcmsRunType=Standard MTD software[1]-setting firstSearchTol=40 MTD software[1]-setting mainSearchTol=4.5 MTD software[2] [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, 2015.04.01.1] MTD software[2]-setting DB=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[2]-setting CLE=[RK]|{} MTD software[2]-setting MODS=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[2]-setting IT_MODS=Oxidation (M),Label:13C(6) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Acetyl (Protein N-term) MTD software[2]-setting TOL(-)=20 MTD software[2]-setting TOL(+)=20 MTD software[2]-setting TOLU=ppm MTD software[2]-setting ITOL=1000 MTD software[2]-setting ITOLU=ppm MTD software[2]-setting PEP_ISOTOPE_ERROR=yes MTD software[2]-setting PFA=1 MTD software[3] [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, 2019.01 rev. 5] MTD software[3]-setting Taxon=userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 MTD software[3]-setting search_enzyme_number=2 MTD software[3]-setting FixMod=Carbamidomethyl (C) MTD software[3]-setting VarMod=Acetyl (Protein N-term),Label:13C(6) (K),Label:13C(6)15N(4) (R),Oxidation (M) MTD software[3]-setting max_variable_mods_in_peptide=5 MTD software[3]-setting allowed_missed_cleavage=1 MTD software[3]-setting peptide_mass_tolerance=20 MTD software[3]-setting peptide_mass_units=2 MTD software[3]-setting fragment_bin_tol=1.0005 MTD software[3]-setting fragment_bin_offset=0.4 MTD fixed_mod[1] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:4, Carbamidomethyl,] MTD fixed_mod[1]-site C MTD fixed_mod[1]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[1] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:1, Acetyl,] MTD variable_mod[1]-site N-term MTD variable_mod[1]-position Protein N-term MTD variable_mod[2] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:188, Label:13C(6),] MTD variable_mod[2]-site K MTD variable_mod[2]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[3] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:267, Label:13C(6)15N(4),] MTD variable_mod[3]-site R MTD variable_mod[3]-position Anywhere MTD variable_mod[4] [UNIMOD, UNIMOD:35, Oxidation,] MTD variable_mod[4]-site M MTD variable_mod[4]-position Anywhere MTD protein_search_engine_score[1] [] MTD psm_search_engine_score[1] [] PRH accession description taxid species database database_version search_engine best_search_engine_score[1] ambiguity_members modifications protein_coverage search_engine_score[1]_ms_run[1] num_psms_ms_run[1] num_peptides_distinct_ms_run[1] num_peptides_unique_ms_run[1] PRT sp|P13646-2|K1C13_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT13 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55.0 null 21-UNIMOD:4 0.07 55.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT18 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 52.0 null 81-UNIMOD:188,74-UNIMOD:35,58-UNIMOD:35,27-UNIMOD:267,313-UNIMOD:35,314-UNIMOD:267,149-UNIMOD:267,370-UNIMOD:188,359-UNIMOD:28,158-UNIMOD:267,196-UNIMOD:267,176-UNIMOD:28,186-UNIMOD:267 0.30 52.0 30 9 1 PRT sp|Q6EEV4-2|GL1AD_HUMAN Isoform 5 of DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit GRINL1A, isoforms 4/5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR2M null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49.0 null 76-UNIMOD:267 0.29 49.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL23 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 28-UNIMOD:4,35-UNIMOD:188 0.15 48.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y4E1-5|WAC2C_HUMAN Isoform 5 of WASH complex subunit 2C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASHC2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 341-UNIMOD:188 0.02 48.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 52-UNIMOD:188 0.10 48.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN Isoform Short of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 217-UNIMOD:267 0.10 48.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL4 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 null 50-UNIMOD:28,71-UNIMOD:267,208-UNIMOD:4,125-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:188,138-UNIMOD:35 0.17 48.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q8IWZ3|ANKH1_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat and KH domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKHD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 null 157-UNIMOD:188 0.02 47.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN Fatty acid synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FASN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 47.0 null 1448-UNIMOD:4,1459-UNIMOD:4,1423-UNIMOD:267,1461-UNIMOD:267,223-UNIMOD:4,384-UNIMOD:267,205-UNIMOD:35,212-UNIMOD:4,213-UNIMOD:188,224-UNIMOD:267,967-UNIMOD:267 0.03 47.0 17 6 1 PRT sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN Glutathione S-transferase P OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSTP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 209-UNIMOD:188,71-UNIMOD:267 0.18 46.0 12 3 0 PRT sp|Q9HC38|GLOD4_HUMAN Glyoxalase domain-containing protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLOD4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 116-UNIMOD:267,102-UNIMOD:35 0.07 46.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN Pyruvate kinase PKM OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKM PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 null 187-UNIMOD:28,188-UNIMOD:188,206-UNIMOD:188,49-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:267,224-UNIMOD:188,423-UNIMOD:4,424-UNIMOD:4,433-UNIMOD:188,43-UNIMOD:267 0.21 46.0 18 8 2 PRT sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN HEAT repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HEATR1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 null 1698-UNIMOD:188,649-UNIMOD:188,2030-UNIMOD:267 0.03 46.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q92974-3|ARHG2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGEF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 null 307-UNIMOD:4,308-UNIMOD:188 0.02 45.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Solute carrier family 12 member 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC12A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 114-UNIMOD:188,878-UNIMOD:267,1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:267,31-UNIMOD:267,92-UNIMOD:267 0.07 44.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN Myosin-9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYH9 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 null 637-UNIMOD:188,941-UNIMOD:35,959-UNIMOD:267,627-UNIMOD:35,341-UNIMOD:267,1358-UNIMOD:28,719-UNIMOD:28,1369-UNIMOD:35,1370-UNIMOD:188 0.05 44.0 13 6 2 PRT sp|P12109|CO6A1_HUMAN Collagen alpha-1(VI) chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COL6A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 0.02 44.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN Neutral amino acid transporter B(0) OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC1A5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 522-UNIMOD:188,189-UNIMOD:267 0.06 44.0 6 2 1 PRT sp|O15127|SCAM2_HUMAN Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAMP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 312-UNIMOD:267 0.06 44.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN DNA damage-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 null 370-UNIMOD:28,378-UNIMOD:4,383-UNIMOD:188,388-UNIMOD:267,639-UNIMOD:267 0.03 44.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN Galectin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LGALS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:267 0.14 43.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UJS0|CMC2_HUMAN Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 310-UNIMOD:267 0.03 43.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P09110-2|THIK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, peroxisomal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 121-UNIMOD:267 0.06 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 282-UNIMOD:188,344-UNIMOD:267,41-UNIMOD:267,653-UNIMOD:267,762-UNIMOD:188 0.10 43.0 16 6 0 PRT sp|Q9Y5U9|IR3IP_HUMAN Immediate early response 3-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IER3IP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 49-UNIMOD:188 0.26 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN Stress-70 protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 43.0 null 284-UNIMOD:267,203-UNIMOD:28,391-UNIMOD:267,202-UNIMOD:267,108-UNIMOD:28,121-UNIMOD:188,122-UNIMOD:267,405-UNIMOD:267,360-UNIMOD:267,85-UNIMOD:267 0.19 43.0 15 9 3 PRT sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tubulin alpha-1B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 60-UNIMOD:188,254-UNIMOD:188,79-UNIMOD:267,231-UNIMOD:4 0.21 43.0 12 4 1 PRT sp|P55196-2|AFAD_HUMAN Isoform 1 of Afadin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AFDN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 592-UNIMOD:267 0.01 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P24928|RPB1_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR2A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 382-UNIMOD:267 0.01 43.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96FX7|TRM61_HUMAN tRNA (adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase catalytic subunit TRMT61A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRMT61A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 266-UNIMOD:267 0.09 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P48147|PPCE_HUMAN Prolyl endopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PREP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 null 128-UNIMOD:267 0.03 43.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN Acyl-CoA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DBI PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43.0 null 34-UNIMOD:28,44-UNIMOD:267,53-UNIMOD:188,47-UNIMOD:35 0.24 43.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 null 108-UNIMOD:4,123-UNIMOD:267,367-UNIMOD:4,379-UNIMOD:4,380-UNIMOD:4,382-UNIMOD:188 0.09 42.0 14 2 0 PRT sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLIC1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 178-UNIMOD:4,113-UNIMOD:188,183-UNIMOD:188 0.15 42.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|Q04637-6|IF4G1_HUMAN Isoform E of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 0.01 42.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN Transketolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TKT PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 302-UNIMOD:267 0.03 42.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q3ZCQ8|TIM50_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM50 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 113-UNIMOD:267 0.05 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y5P6|GMPPB_HUMAN Mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMPPB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 245-UNIMOD:4,261-UNIMOD:267 0.05 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN Hypoxia up-regulated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HYOU1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 null 594-UNIMOD:188,217-UNIMOD:267,107-UNIMOD:28,119-UNIMOD:267 0.05 42.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN Alpha-actinin-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTN4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 883-UNIMOD:35,899-UNIMOD:188,668-UNIMOD:188,351-UNIMOD:4,757-UNIMOD:267,879-UNIMOD:4,767-UNIMOD:35,771-UNIMOD:267 0.13 42.0 14 8 4 PRT sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS21 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188,62-UNIMOD:35,71-UNIMOD:267 0.34 42.0 7 2 0 PRT sp|P17655|CAN2_HUMAN Calpain-2 catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPN2 PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 82-UNIMOD:4 0.03 42.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N6H7|ARFG2_HUMAN ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARFGAP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 357-UNIMOD:188 0.04 42.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q96GD0|PLPP_HUMAN Pyridoxal phosphate phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDXP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 206-UNIMOD:267,26-UNIMOD:4,35-UNIMOD:267 0.12 42.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 null 100-UNIMOD:4,107-UNIMOD:267 0.06 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit F OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3F PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 42.0 null 278-UNIMOD:267 0.12 42.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P30626|SORCN_HUMAN Sorcin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRI PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 null 57-UNIMOD:385,57-UNIMOD:4,75-UNIMOD:4,68-UNIMOD:188,76-UNIMOD:267 0.11 42.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP0 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 119-UNIMOD:4,134-UNIMOD:188,146-UNIMOD:188,27-UNIMOD:4,26-UNIMOD:188 0.23 41.0 8 4 0 PRT sp|O95140|MFN2_HUMAN Mitofusin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MFN2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 0.03 41.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S4, X isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS4X PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 181-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:267,182-UNIMOD:35 0.07 41.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OGDH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 41.0 null 802-UNIMOD:4,813-UNIMOD:188,101-UNIMOD:267 0.05 41.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of GTPase-activating protein and VPS9 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPVD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 568-UNIMOD:4,582-UNIMOD:267,404-UNIMOD:267 0.03 41.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q86W56-5|PARG_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 257-UNIMOD:267 0.04 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15042-4|RB3GP_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Rab3 GTPase-activating protein catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB3GAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 829-UNIMOD:4,843-UNIMOD:267 0.02 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q04323|UBXN1_HUMAN UBX domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBXN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 null 266-UNIMOD:267 0.07 41.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BTD8-4|RBM42_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA-binding protein 42 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM42 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 351-UNIMOD:4,365-UNIMOD:267 0.04 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13126-7|MTAP_HUMAN Isoform 7 of S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine phosphorylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTAP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 29-UNIMOD:267,206-UNIMOD:188,55-UNIMOD:4,60-UNIMOD:267 0.21 41.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q92620-2|PRP16_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX38 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 165-UNIMOD:267 0.04 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13561|DCTN2_HUMAN Dynactin subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTN2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 175-UNIMOD:188 0.05 41.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P07910-4|HNRPC_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 74-UNIMOD:35,89-UNIMOD:188,29-UNIMOD:188 0.12 41.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN Drebrin-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DBNL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 164-UNIMOD:188,18-UNIMOD:267 0.11 41.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN Poly(rC)-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 194-UNIMOD:4,200-UNIMOD:267,186-UNIMOD:35,179-UNIMOD:35,54-UNIMOD:4,57-UNIMOD:267,109-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:188,325-UNIMOD:267,306-UNIMOD:267 0.21 41.0 13 5 2 PRT sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL19 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 38-UNIMOD:267,162-UNIMOD:267 0.14 41.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y263|PLAP_HUMAN Phospholipase A-2-activating protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLAA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 null 499-UNIMOD:267 0.03 41.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 60 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 442-UNIMOD:4,446-UNIMOD:267,447-UNIMOD:4,237-UNIMOD:385,237-UNIMOD:4,249-UNIMOD:188,250-UNIMOD:188,233-UNIMOD:188,405-UNIMOD:188,301-UNIMOD:188,429-UNIMOD:267 0.16 40.0 11 7 3 PRT sp|P10253|LYAG_HUMAN Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 837-UNIMOD:267 0.02 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O14828-2|SCAM3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAMP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 303-UNIMOD:267 0.05 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P18615|NELFE_HUMAN Negative elongation factor E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NELFE PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 164-UNIMOD:267 0.06 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|A6NDG6|PGP_HUMAN Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 243-UNIMOD:4,254-UNIMOD:267 0.05 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Clathrin heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 382-UNIMOD:188,366-UNIMOD:267,188-UNIMOD:267,1102-UNIMOD:4,1113-UNIMOD:188 0.03 40.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q15738|NSDHL_HUMAN Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase, decarboxylating OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSDHL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 79-UNIMOD:267,1-UNIMOD:1 0.10 40.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 202-UNIMOD:267,358-UNIMOD:267 0.06 40.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|Q96PK6-3|RBM14_HUMAN Isoform 3 of RNA-binding protein 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM14 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 90-UNIMOD:4,96-UNIMOD:267 0.14 40.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P23246-2|SFPQ_HUMAN Isoform Short of Splicing factor, proline- and glutamine-rich OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFPQ null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 314-UNIMOD:188,330-UNIMOD:188 0.04 40.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN Sepiapterin reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 109-UNIMOD:188,210-UNIMOD:267,205-UNIMOD:35 0.13 40.0 7 2 0 PRT sp|Q96CS3|FAF2_HUMAN FAS-associated factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 32-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:267,194-UNIMOD:4,205-UNIMOD:267 0.08 40.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN Ribonuclease inhibitor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 95-UNIMOD:4,96-UNIMOD:4,102-UNIMOD:4,110-UNIMOD:267,362-UNIMOD:4,373-UNIMOD:267 0.08 40.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LTA4H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 497-UNIMOD:35,512-UNIMOD:267,73-UNIMOD:188,63-UNIMOD:35 0.05 40.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN Prelamin-A/C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 352-UNIMOD:35,366-UNIMOD:188,472-UNIMOD:28,644-UNIMOD:267,522-UNIMOD:4,482-UNIMOD:267,486-UNIMOD:188,249-UNIMOD:267,60-UNIMOD:267 0.15 40.0 22 7 2 PRT sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VCP PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 null 678-UNIMOD:35,691-UNIMOD:4,693-UNIMOD:267,312-UNIMOD:188,105-UNIMOD:4,109-UNIMOD:188,287-UNIMOD:267,651-UNIMOD:188 0.11 40.0 11 6 2 PRT sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN AFG3-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AFG3L2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 297-UNIMOD:188,641-UNIMOD:267 0.05 40.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9UJZ1-2|STML2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Stomatin-like protein 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STOML2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 51-UNIMOD:267,292-UNIMOD:267 0.11 40.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P60602-2|ROMO1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Reactive oxygen species modulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROMO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 15-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 0.31 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q86XS8-2|GOLI_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF130 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNF130 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 358-UNIMOD:267 0.05 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN Histone H1.4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1-4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,17-UNIMOD:188,21-UNIMOD:188,63-UNIMOD:188 0.20 40.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q92733|PRCC_HUMAN Proline-rich protein PRCC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRCC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 188-UNIMOD:188 0.04 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q7Z460-2|CLAP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of CLIP-associating protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLASP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 1361-UNIMOD:4,1377-UNIMOD:188,453-UNIMOD:4,456-UNIMOD:188 0.02 40.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN Tubulin--tyrosine ligase-like protein 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTLL12 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 612-UNIMOD:4,614-UNIMOD:267,407-UNIMOD:267 0.05 40.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN Cathepsin D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTSD PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 null 177-UNIMOD:28,329-UNIMOD:4,331-UNIMOD:188,184-UNIMOD:188,194-UNIMOD:188,219-UNIMOD:35,222-UNIMOD:188 0.14 40.0 9 3 0 PRT sp|Q9NW13|RBM28_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM28 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 null 392-UNIMOD:385,392-UNIMOD:4,406-UNIMOD:188,410-UNIMOD:267 0.03 40.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35269|T2FA_HUMAN General transcription factor IIF subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2F1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN Alpha-enolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ENO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 50-UNIMOD:267,357-UNIMOD:4,358-UNIMOD:188,28-UNIMOD:188 0.14 39.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|Q15369-2|ELOC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Elongin-C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELOC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 29-UNIMOD:35 0.22 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 16 member A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH16A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 789-UNIMOD:267,249-UNIMOD:4,256-UNIMOD:267 0.05 39.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O15084|ANR28_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 6 regulatory ankyrin repeat subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKRD28 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 122-UNIMOD:4 0.02 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y446|PKP3_HUMAN Plakophilin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PKP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 569-UNIMOD:4,575-UNIMOD:267 0.05 39.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5B0-4|CTDP1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA polymerase II subunit A C-terminal domain phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTDP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 95-UNIMOD:4,110-UNIMOD:267 0.02 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Annexin A11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 193-UNIMOD:4,197-UNIMOD:267,261-UNIMOD:4,269-UNIMOD:267,249-UNIMOD:188 0.10 39.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|P16152-2|CBR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Carbonyl reductase [NADPH] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CBR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.18 39.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9H1Y0|ATG5_HUMAN Autophagy protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATG5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 19-UNIMOD:4,30-UNIMOD:267 0.06 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P51532-5|SMCA4_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Transcription activator BRG1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMARCA4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 397-UNIMOD:267 0.01 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TEU7-6|RPGF6_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAPGEF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 0.02 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q68CZ2-2|TENS3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tensin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNS3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 552-UNIMOD:188,375-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:267 0.03 39.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Filamin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 450-UNIMOD:4,455-UNIMOD:4,2154-UNIMOD:267,549-UNIMOD:35,49-UNIMOD:267,1617-UNIMOD:4 0.07 39.0 13 11 7 PRT sp|O60232|ZNRD2_HUMAN Protein ZNRD2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNRD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 48-UNIMOD:35,53-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:188 0.09 39.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WUM4-2|PDC6I_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Programmed cell death 6-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD6IP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 378-UNIMOD:267 0.02 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IVT2|MISP_HUMAN Mitotic interactor and substrate of PLK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MISP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 587-UNIMOD:267 0.03 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP1A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 249-UNIMOD:4,255-UNIMOD:267,240-UNIMOD:267,444-UNIMOD:188,487-UNIMOD:188,91-UNIMOD:188 0.11 39.0 15 5 0 PRT sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein PURH OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATIC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 38-UNIMOD:188,450-UNIMOD:267,311-UNIMOD:35,324-UNIMOD:4,330-UNIMOD:188 0.09 39.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN Calpain-1 catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 104-UNIMOD:267,46-UNIMOD:267 0.06 39.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q92804-2|RBP56_HUMAN Isoform Short of TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAF15 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 357-UNIMOD:4,362-UNIMOD:4,369-UNIMOD:267 0.03 39.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN Actin, cytoplasmic 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 254-UNIMOD:267,28-UNIMOD:267 0.13 39.0 10 3 1 PRT sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN Talin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 2398-UNIMOD:267,1618-UNIMOD:267,971-UNIMOD:267,1555-UNIMOD:267,956-UNIMOD:4,1780-UNIMOD:188 0.04 39.0 9 6 3 PRT sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 55-UNIMOD:4 0.12 39.0 7 5 4 PRT sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT19 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 null 8-UNIMOD:28,24-UNIMOD:267,330-UNIMOD:267,274-UNIMOD:267 0.11 39.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P12814|ACTN1_HUMAN Alpha-actinin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 null 360-UNIMOD:35,370-UNIMOD:4,376-UNIMOD:188 0.02 39.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C1QBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 null 105-UNIMOD:35,119-UNIMOD:188 0.06 39.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|O14579-3|COPE_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Coatomer subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPE null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 247-UNIMOD:267 0.15 38.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AGPS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 603-UNIMOD:267,404-UNIMOD:4 0.05 38.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|O15173|PGRC2_HUMAN Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGRMC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 97-UNIMOD:267 0.09 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96EP0-3|RNF31_HUMAN Isoform 3 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNF31 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 200-UNIMOD:267 0.02 38.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein disulfide-isomerase A6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 406-UNIMOD:267,129-UNIMOD:267,383-UNIMOD:267 0.11 38.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|Q9BST9-3|RTKN_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Rhotekin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RTKN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 256-UNIMOD:4 0.04 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN Isoform Short of Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH18A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 110-UNIMOD:267,298-UNIMOD:188 0.05 38.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|O75083|WDR1_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 170-UNIMOD:4,180-UNIMOD:188 0.03 38.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P55209-3|NP1L1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAP1L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 31-UNIMOD:267,75-UNIMOD:188 0.09 38.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription intermediary factor 1-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM28 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 685-UNIMOD:267 0.05 38.0 6 2 1 PRT sp|Q8NCF5|NF2IP_HUMAN NFATC2-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NFATC2IP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 0.04 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q6F5E8-2|CARL2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Capping protein, Arp2/3 and myosin-I linker protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CARMIL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 1056-UNIMOD:267 0.01 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UK76-3|JUPI1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Jupiter microtubule associated homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 1-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:188 0.18 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P31937|3HIDH_HUMAN 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIBADH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 150-UNIMOD:35,167-UNIMOD:267 0.06 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 769-UNIMOD:35,781-UNIMOD:4,782-UNIMOD:267,1222-UNIMOD:188,1019-UNIMOD:267 0.04 38.0 7 3 1 PRT sp|P12814-2|ACTN1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Alpha-actinin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 360-UNIMOD:35,370-UNIMOD:4,480-UNIMOD:4,492-UNIMOD:188 0.04 38.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P28331-3|NDUS1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 75 kDa subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 388-UNIMOD:188 0.03 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q1KMD3|HNRL2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPUL2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 538-UNIMOD:4,546-UNIMOD:267,494-UNIMOD:267 0.04 38.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P41567|EIF1_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,18-UNIMOD:188 0.16 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P16402|H13_HUMAN Histone H1.3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H1-3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,17-UNIMOD:188,21-UNIMOD:188 0.10 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P68366-2|TBA4A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tubulin alpha-4A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA4A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 39-UNIMOD:4 0.05 38.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL21 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 159-UNIMOD:35,146-UNIMOD:188 0.12 38.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q6ZSR9|YJ005_HUMAN Uncharacterized protein FLJ45252 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 350-UNIMOD:188 0.05 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P30520|PURA2_HUMAN Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADSS2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 324-UNIMOD:267 0.05 38.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN Delta(3,5)-Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 230-UNIMOD:267,187-UNIMOD:4,196-UNIMOD:188 0.09 38.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN Plectin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLEC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 null 4245-UNIMOD:385,4245-UNIMOD:4,4254-UNIMOD:4,4259-UNIMOD:188,4261-UNIMOD:188,3950-UNIMOD:267,2359-UNIMOD:28,3804-UNIMOD:267,2510-UNIMOD:28,2172-UNIMOD:28,1823-UNIMOD:28,1953-UNIMOD:28,1984-UNIMOD:267,2453-UNIMOD:35,4447-UNIMOD:267,3384-UNIMOD:188,2182-UNIMOD:188,2183-UNIMOD:267,2348-UNIMOD:267,3628-UNIMOD:267 0.05 38.0 33 22 13 PRT sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN Proliferating cell nuclear antigen OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCNA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 62-UNIMOD:385,62-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:267,77-UNIMOD:188,181-UNIMOD:188,81-UNIMOD:4,91-UNIMOD:267 0.16 38.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC2A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 null 469-UNIMOD:28,477-UNIMOD:188,468-UNIMOD:267 0.07 38.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN Glutathione synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 158-UNIMOD:267 0.09 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN RuvB-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RUVBL2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 330-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,40-UNIMOD:267,53-UNIMOD:267,83-UNIMOD:188 0.19 37.0 10 6 3 PRT sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN Protein unc-45 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UNC45A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 707-UNIMOD:188,729-UNIMOD:267 0.03 37.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H0B6-2|KLC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Kinesin light chain 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KLC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 57-UNIMOD:267 0.04 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TD30|ALAT2_HUMAN Alanine aminotransferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 110-UNIMOD:267,58-UNIMOD:188 0.06 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O00267-2|SPT5H_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription elongation factor SPT5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT5H null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 0.03 37.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q5T440|CAF17_HUMAN Putative transferase CAF17, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IBA57 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 0.08 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NXG2|THUM1_HUMAN THUMP domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THUMPD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 131-UNIMOD:267 0.05 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN Receptor of activated protein C kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RACK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 168-UNIMOD:4,172-UNIMOD:188,99-UNIMOD:267,118-UNIMOD:267 0.14 37.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|O95163|ELP1_HUMAN Elongator complex protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 213-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:267 0.01 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Polyadenylate-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 339-UNIMOD:4,348-UNIMOD:188,128-UNIMOD:4,129-UNIMOD:188 0.05 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q7Z4W1|DCXR_HUMAN L-xylulose reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCXR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 138-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:267 0.07 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN Chromobox protein homolog 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CBX3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 140-UNIMOD:35,141-UNIMOD:188,137-UNIMOD:35 0.09 37.0 6 1 0 PRT sp|Q14746-2|COG2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COG2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 578-UNIMOD:4,583-UNIMOD:188 0.02 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPDH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 110-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:4,120-UNIMOD:188,205-UNIMOD:4,206-UNIMOD:267,281-UNIMOD:267,173-UNIMOD:188 0.22 37.0 6 4 1 PRT sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 60S acidic ribosomal protein P2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 109-UNIMOD:35 0.27 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN Importin subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 206-UNIMOD:188,54-UNIMOD:267 0.03 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q15165-3|PON2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PON2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 293-UNIMOD:267 0.05 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16822|PCKGM_HUMAN Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase [GTP], mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCK2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 209-UNIMOD:188 0.03 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P61158|ARP3_HUMAN Actin-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 34-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,38-UNIMOD:188 0.09 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8TEX9|IPO4_HUMAN Importin-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 916-UNIMOD:267 0.02 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13085|ACACA_HUMAN Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACACA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1 0.01 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14697|GANAB_HUMAN Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GANAB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 338-UNIMOD:35,354-UNIMOD:267 0.02 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPU null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 571-UNIMOD:267,414-UNIMOD:188 0.03 37.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Extended synaptotagmin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ESYT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 798-UNIMOD:267,67-UNIMOD:267,606-UNIMOD:267 0.07 37.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|Q99627-2|CSN8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPS8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 31-UNIMOD:267 0.10 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9C0B5-2|ZDHC5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZDHHC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 0.03 37.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94760-2|DDAH1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of N(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDAH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 75-UNIMOD:4,93-UNIMOD:188 0.12 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX17 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 605-UNIMOD:267 0.04 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPH2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 37.0 null 22-UNIMOD:4,29-UNIMOD:267,315-UNIMOD:35 0.11 37.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 265-UNIMOD:35,279-UNIMOD:188 0.04 37.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERP44 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 318-UNIMOD:4,327-UNIMOD:267 0.04 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36957|ODO2_HUMAN Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLST PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 88-UNIMOD:267 0.03 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q7KZ85|SPT6H_HUMAN Transcription elongation factor SPT6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT6H PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 1550-UNIMOD:267,1155-UNIMOD:188 0.02 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPSF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 347-UNIMOD:267,345-UNIMOD:35,138-UNIMOD:188 0.06 37.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UK58-4|CCNL1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-L1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCNL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 178-UNIMOD:188 0.07 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDH2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 187-UNIMOD:267,93-UNIMOD:4,89-UNIMOD:4,273-UNIMOD:35,282-UNIMOD:188,104-UNIMOD:267 0.18 37.0 13 4 1 PRT sp|Q9H4A4|AMPB_HUMAN Aminopeptidase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNPEP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 151-UNIMOD:4,161-UNIMOD:188,2-UNIMOD:1 0.05 37.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Importin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IPO5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 397-UNIMOD:267,514-UNIMOD:35,206-UNIMOD:4,216-UNIMOD:267,673-UNIMOD:4,675-UNIMOD:267,526-UNIMOD:188,500-UNIMOD:4,390-UNIMOD:35,50-UNIMOD:4,58-UNIMOD:267 0.08 37.0 12 6 3 PRT sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 659-UNIMOD:4,660-UNIMOD:4,666-UNIMOD:188,560-UNIMOD:35,571-UNIMOD:4,572-UNIMOD:267 0.03 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P55265-4|DSRAD_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADAR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 779-UNIMOD:267 0.01 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 null 156-UNIMOD:28,159-UNIMOD:188,171-UNIMOD:267 0.03 37.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN Bifunctional glutamate/proline--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPRS1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 null 182-UNIMOD:28,186-UNIMOD:188,197-UNIMOD:188,435-UNIMOD:188 0.02 37.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN Tubulin beta chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 73-UNIMOD:35,77-UNIMOD:267,297-UNIMOD:188,58-UNIMOD:188,350-UNIMOD:188,354-UNIMOD:4 0.21 36.0 16 7 1 PRT sp|P22061|PIMT_HUMAN Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCMT1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 95-UNIMOD:4,98-UNIMOD:267 0.08 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN Tubulin beta-4B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB4B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 297-UNIMOD:188,293-UNIMOD:35,77-UNIMOD:267 0.10 36.0 13 3 1 PRT sp|Q9BUF5|TBB6_HUMAN Tubulin beta-6 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 297-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN Tubulin beta-2B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 293-UNIMOD:35,297-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|O15160-2|RPAC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 256-UNIMOD:4,270-UNIMOD:188,91-UNIMOD:188 0.09 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O43660-2|PLRG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pleiotropic regulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLRG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 200-UNIMOD:4,217-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14137-2|BOP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribosome biogenesis protein BOP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BOP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 306-UNIMOD:4 0.03 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q969G9|NKD1_HUMAN Protein naked cuticle homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NKD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 451-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NWT1|PK1IP_HUMAN p21-activated protein kinase-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAK1IP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 232-UNIMOD:4,237-UNIMOD:4,239-UNIMOD:4,242-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13501|SQSTM_HUMAN Sequestosome-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SQSTM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 26-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:4,46-UNIMOD:267 0.06 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y3E1|HDGR3_HUMAN Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDGFL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 95-UNIMOD:188 0.08 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00515|LAD1_HUMAN Ladinin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LAD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 428-UNIMOD:4,441-UNIMOD:188 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN FACT complex subunit SPT16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUPT16H PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 108-UNIMOD:267,596-UNIMOD:188 0.03 36.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P61978-3|HNRPK_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 372-UNIMOD:188,195-UNIMOD:188 0.08 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 189-UNIMOD:267,51-UNIMOD:267 0.07 36.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN Complex I assembly factor ACAD9, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAD9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 294-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN Neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHNAK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 2837-UNIMOD:35 0.01 36.0 6 5 4 PRT sp|O75947-2|ATP5H_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP synthase subunit d, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 58-UNIMOD:188 0.13 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q6XQN6|PNCB_HUMAN Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAPRT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 477-UNIMOD:4,484-UNIMOD:4,494-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95352-3|ATG7_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATG7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 511-UNIMOD:4,514-UNIMOD:4,525-UNIMOD:267 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN L-lactate dehydrogenase B chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDHB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 23-UNIMOD:188,101-UNIMOD:28,107-UNIMOD:267,113-UNIMOD:267 0.12 36.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Unconventional myosin-Ic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYO1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 153-UNIMOD:188,126-UNIMOD:4,131-UNIMOD:267,698-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|Q9NR30-2|DDX21_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleolar RNA helicase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX21 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 223-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:267,505-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Poly(rC)-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 109-UNIMOD:4,115-UNIMOD:188,286-UNIMOD:267,158-UNIMOD:4,160-UNIMOD:188 0.14 36.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9Y6M1-1|IF2B2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IGF2BP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 20-UNIMOD:267 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8WYA6|CTBL1_HUMAN Beta-catenin-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNNBL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14739|LBR_HUMAN Delta(14)-sterol reductase LBR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LBR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 372-UNIMOD:267 0.03 36.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P55060-3|XPO2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Exportin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSE1L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 344-UNIMOD:4,346-UNIMOD:188,268-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN Vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC22B PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 147-UNIMOD:267,159-UNIMOD:267,149-UNIMOD:35 0.13 36.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|O15355|PPM1G_HUMAN Protein phosphatase 1G OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPM1G PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 425-UNIMOD:188 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN Endophilin-A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3GL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 96-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:267,228-UNIMOD:28,97-UNIMOD:35,137-UNIMOD:28,147-UNIMOD:4,239-UNIMOD:188,241-UNIMOD:188 0.14 36.0 8 4 1 PRT sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN Triosephosphate isomerase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPI1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 70-UNIMOD:188,212-UNIMOD:188,57-UNIMOD:28 0.11 36.0 9 2 0 PRT sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein SA OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPSA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,102-UNIMOD:267,163-UNIMOD:4 0.15 36.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN Isoform Cytoplasmic of Fumarate hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 325-UNIMOD:35,328-UNIMOD:188 0.05 36.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UJ70|NAGK_HUMAN N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAGK PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 85-UNIMOD:267 0.05 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 164-UNIMOD:35,167-UNIMOD:35,176-UNIMOD:267,253-UNIMOD:267,292-UNIMOD:188,369-UNIMOD:267,511-UNIMOD:188,390-UNIMOD:267 0.15 36.0 27 6 1 PRT sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1B2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 22-UNIMOD:188,176-UNIMOD:188 0.13 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q15436-2|SC23A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein transport protein Sec23A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC23A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 0.03 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q3YEC7|RABL6_HUMAN Rab-like protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RABL6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 719-UNIMOD:267 0.03 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UNM6|PSD13_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD13 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 270-UNIMOD:267,132-UNIMOD:188 0.08 36.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATP-citrate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACLY null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 336-UNIMOD:267,371-UNIMOD:35,379-UNIMOD:188,405-UNIMOD:267,20-UNIMOD:4,28-UNIMOD:267,395-UNIMOD:35 0.09 36.0 13 5 1 PRT sp|P49840|GSK3A_HUMAN Glycogen synthase kinase-3 alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSK3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 380-UNIMOD:4,391-UNIMOD:267 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15393|SF3B3_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 958-UNIMOD:267,340-UNIMOD:4,343-UNIMOD:188 0.03 36.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UK22|FBX2_HUMAN F-box only protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FBXO2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 71-UNIMOD:4,72-UNIMOD:267 0.05 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPE1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 0.15 36.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN Filamin-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 2028-UNIMOD:267 0.01 36.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN RuvB-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RUVBL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 94-UNIMOD:4,107-UNIMOD:188,169-UNIMOD:28,171-UNIMOD:188,182-UNIMOD:188,33-UNIMOD:188,418-UNIMOD:188 0.13 36.0 11 5 0 PRT sp|Q5TDH0|DDI2_HUMAN Protein DDI1 homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDI2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 170-UNIMOD:188 0.04 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETFA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 null 102-UNIMOD:28,109-UNIMOD:4,117-UNIMOD:188,53-UNIMOD:4,59-UNIMOD:188,139-UNIMOD:188 0.14 36.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN Calnexin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CANX PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 360-UNIMOD:385,360-UNIMOD:4,366-UNIMOD:4,77-UNIMOD:267,371-UNIMOD:267,380-UNIMOD:188 0.07 36.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN PHD finger protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHF6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 349-UNIMOD:188,212-UNIMOD:385,212-UNIMOD:4,215-UNIMOD:4,225-UNIMOD:267 0.09 36.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q99729-2|ROAA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 null 169-UNIMOD:188 0.05 36.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN Vinculin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VCL PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 545-UNIMOD:385,545-UNIMOD:4,547-UNIMOD:267,561-UNIMOD:267 0.02 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15691|MARE1_HUMAN Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAPRE1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 null 131-UNIMOD:28,148-UNIMOD:188,150-UNIMOD:188 0.08 36.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NRF9|DPOE3_HUMAN DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLE3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:267,17-UNIMOD:267 0.12 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NRX4|PHP14_HUMAN 14 kDa phosphohistidine phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHPT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 112-UNIMOD:188 0.13 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NSK0|KLC4_HUMAN Kinesin light chain 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KLC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 380-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P22570-4|ADRO_HUMAN Isoform 4 of NADPH:adrenodoxin oxidoreductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FDXR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 100-UNIMOD:4 0.04 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q5W0Z9-4|ZDH20_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC20 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZDHHC20 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 263-UNIMOD:4 0.06 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BX68|HINT2_HUMAN Histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HINT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 58-UNIMOD:267 0.10 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15650|TRIP4_HUMAN Activating signal cointegrator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIP4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15050|RRS1_HUMAN Ribosome biogenesis regulatory protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 52-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR1AIP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 424-UNIMOD:4,437-UNIMOD:267,322-UNIMOD:28,334-UNIMOD:188,335-UNIMOD:267 0.05 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P30048-2|PRDX3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 166-UNIMOD:267 0.06 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN Multifunctional protein ADE2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAICS PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 215-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:188,185-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:188 0.10 35.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|Q8IWZ8|SUGP1_HUMAN SURP and G-patch domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUGP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 0.03 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HLA-A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 59-UNIMOD:267,68-UNIMOD:267 0.07 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q14232-2|EI2BA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2B1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 88-UNIMOD:188 0.07 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00443|P3C2A_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 domain-containing subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIK3C2A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 1414-UNIMOD:188 0.01 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NW13-2|RBM28_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA-binding protein 28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM28 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 237-UNIMOD:4,250-UNIMOD:188 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q01813-2|PFKAP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, platelet type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 115-UNIMOD:4,130-UNIMOD:267,435-UNIMOD:35,447-UNIMOD:188 0.05 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN Annexin A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 133-UNIMOD:4,135-UNIMOD:267,63-UNIMOD:267,145-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 0.15 35.0 11 4 0 PRT sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN mRNA export factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 205-UNIMOD:267,68-UNIMOD:4,80-UNIMOD:188,172-UNIMOD:267 0.12 35.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 67-UNIMOD:35,72-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:267 0.27 35.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN Matrin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MATR3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 798-UNIMOD:188,542-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9NP72-2|RAB18_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 212-UNIMOD:188 0.17 35.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q07020-2|RL18_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 60S ribosomal protein L18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 103-UNIMOD:188 0.09 35.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q15819|UB2V2_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2V2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 101-UNIMOD:267 0.12 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15018|ABRX2_HUMAN BRISC complex subunit Abraxas 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABRAXAS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 174-UNIMOD:188 0.04 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q4KMQ1|TPRN_HUMAN Taperin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPRN PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 0.03 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N6R0-2|EFNMT_HUMAN Isoform 5 of eEF1A lysine and N-terminal methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1AKNMT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 371-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 71-UNIMOD:4,72-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:267,170-UNIMOD:188,100-UNIMOD:4,110-UNIMOD:267 0.21 35.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN Glutamate--cysteine ligase regulatory subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCLM PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 64-UNIMOD:267,206-UNIMOD:28,218-UNIMOD:188 0.16 35.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O75165|DJC13_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC13 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 1606-UNIMOD:267,1455-UNIMOD:267 0.01 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9H2P0|ADNP_HUMAN Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADNP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 367-UNIMOD:188 0.02 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UI10-3|EI2BD_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2B4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 224-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O15067|PUR4_HUMAN Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFAS PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 108-UNIMOD:4,109-UNIMOD:267 0.01 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00499-9|BIN1_HUMAN Isoform BIN1-10-13 of Myc box-dependent-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BIN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 241-UNIMOD:188 0.04 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1,532-UNIMOD:267,324-UNIMOD:267 0.05 35.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 178-UNIMOD:35,190-UNIMOD:267,334-UNIMOD:267 0.10 35.0 8 3 1 PRT sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-III OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4A3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 183-UNIMOD:35,195-UNIMOD:188 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96G03|PGM2_HUMAN Phosphoglucomutase-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGM2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 73-UNIMOD:35,86-UNIMOD:4,87-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P55809|SCOT1_HUMAN Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OXCT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 111-UNIMOD:35,124-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q04726-2|TLE3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transducin-like enhancer protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TLE3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 338-UNIMOD:267 0.02 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 112-UNIMOD:188,400-UNIMOD:267 0.06 35.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9BX66-12|SRBS1_HUMAN Isoform 12 of Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SORBS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 0.02 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q6P2E9-2|EDC4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EDC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 749-UNIMOD:4,761-UNIMOD:267,747-UNIMOD:188 0.03 35.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q15750-2|TAB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of TGF-beta-activated kinase 1 and MAP3K7-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 128-UNIMOD:188 0.05 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q96ME1|FXL18_HUMAN F-box/LRR-repeat protein 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FBXL18 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 423-UNIMOD:4 0.03 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P18754|RCC1_HUMAN Regulator of chromosome condensation OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 163-UNIMOD:35,176-UNIMOD:188,335-UNIMOD:188 0.06 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 464-UNIMOD:188,96-UNIMOD:188,152-UNIMOD:188,60-UNIMOD:267,74-UNIMOD:267 0.11 35.0 8 5 2 PRT sp|Q92598-4|HS105_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 169-UNIMOD:4 0.03 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8WWI1-3|LMO7_HUMAN Isoform 3 of LIM domain only protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMO7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 357-UNIMOD:267 0.01 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q01130-2|SRSF2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.08 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04637-8|P53_HUMAN Isoform 8 of Cellular tumor antigen p53 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TP53 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 9-UNIMOD:4,24-UNIMOD:267 0.09 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P01116-2|RASK_HUMAN Isoform 2B of GTPase KRas OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRAS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 80-UNIMOD:4,88-UNIMOD:188 0.09 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IQGAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 870-UNIMOD:267,751-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|Q969X6-2|UTP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 4 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UTP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 519-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9P2E9-3|RRBP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribosome-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 364-UNIMOD:267 0.02 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O94874-3|UFL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of E3 UFM1-protein ligase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UFL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 160-UNIMOD:267 0.03 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 272-UNIMOD:35,279-UNIMOD:267,324-UNIMOD:267,121-UNIMOD:267,155-UNIMOD:267,217-UNIMOD:35,225-UNIMOD:188,406-UNIMOD:267,198-UNIMOD:188,145-UNIMOD:35 0.19 35.0 21 7 2 PRT sp|P11177-3|ODPB_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDHB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 0.09 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q96HQ2-2|C2AIL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of CDKN2AIP N-terminal-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDKN2AIPNL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 18-UNIMOD:267 0.21 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 234-UNIMOD:267,376-UNIMOD:4,380-UNIMOD:4,388-UNIMOD:188,33-UNIMOD:267 0.05 35.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM5 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 308-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P49419-4|AL7A1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH7A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 280-UNIMOD:188 0.03 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|E9PRG8|CK098_HUMAN Uncharacterized protein C11orf98 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C11orf98 PE=4 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 48-UNIMOD:267 0.11 35.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN Aconitate hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACO2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 410-UNIMOD:385,410-UNIMOD:4,385-UNIMOD:4,395-UNIMOD:267,648-UNIMOD:267,592-UNIMOD:385,592-UNIMOD:4,605-UNIMOD:188,424-UNIMOD:267,717-UNIMOD:188 0.11 35.0 11 6 2 PRT sp|Q13813|SPTN1_HUMAN Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTAN1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 743-UNIMOD:28,756-UNIMOD:188,1418-UNIMOD:28 0.01 35.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 100-UNIMOD:28,117-UNIMOD:267 0.15 35.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=G3BP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 109-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:28,123-UNIMOD:188 0.09 35.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|O43592|XPOT_HUMAN Exportin-T OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPOT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 null 38-UNIMOD:4,45-UNIMOD:267,1-UNIMOD:1,18-UNIMOD:267,20-UNIMOD:267 0.04 35.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NWV4|CZIB_HUMAN CXXC motif containing zinc binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CZIB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 33-UNIMOD:385,33-UNIMOD:4,36-UNIMOD:4,42-UNIMOD:188,47-UNIMOD:267 0.10 35.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q6ZSZ5|ARHGI_HUMAN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGEF18 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 null 0.01 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15511|ARPC5_HUMAN Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPC5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 null 48-UNIMOD:28 0.14 35.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYU2-2|UGGG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGGT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 948-UNIMOD:267 0.02 34.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y3Q8-2|T22D4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of TSC22 domain family protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSC22D4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.12 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61006|RAB8A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-8A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB8A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 167-UNIMOD:267 0.07 34.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P39880-6|CUX1_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Homeobox protein cut-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUX1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 285-UNIMOD:267 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96PD2|DCBD2_HUMAN Discoidin, CUB and LCCL domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCBLD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 721-UNIMOD:267 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKDC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 4075-UNIMOD:4,4088-UNIMOD:267,3781-UNIMOD:4,3784-UNIMOD:267,1998-UNIMOD:35,2000-UNIMOD:267,2120-UNIMOD:267,2342-UNIMOD:4,2347-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 14 9 5 PRT sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 1190-UNIMOD:4,1194-UNIMOD:4,1195-UNIMOD:267,1384-UNIMOD:267 0.01 34.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|O60684|IMA7_HUMAN Importin subunit alpha-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KPNA6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 357-UNIMOD:4,368-UNIMOD:267 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAG2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 162-UNIMOD:4,168-UNIMOD:188,38-UNIMOD:267 0.13 34.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q13155-2|AIMP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIMP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 136-UNIMOD:4,146-UNIMOD:267 0.07 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12768|WASC5_HUMAN WASH complex subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASHC5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 823-UNIMOD:267 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1D PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 38-UNIMOD:267,232-UNIMOD:188,107-UNIMOD:188,95-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:188 0.23 34.0 8 5 2 PRT sp|P09525-2|ANXA4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Annexin A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 26-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:267,188-UNIMOD:267 0.12 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN Nucleolin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 624-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15181|IPYR_HUMAN Inorganic pyrophosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 242-UNIMOD:4,253-UNIMOD:188 0.06 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN Serpin B6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINB6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 61-UNIMOD:188,160-UNIMOD:267,299-UNIMOD:188 0.12 34.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Filamin-A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 76-UNIMOD:267,973-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|Q02809|PLOD1_HUMAN Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLOD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 220-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IY81|SPB1_HUMAN pre-rRNA 2'-O-ribose RNA methyltransferase FTSJ3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FTSJ3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 678-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NU22|MDN1_HUMAN Midasin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 2598-UNIMOD:267 0.00 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHMT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 175-UNIMOD:188,209-UNIMOD:267 0.06 34.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q27J81|INF2_HUMAN Inverted formin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 101-UNIMOD:4,104-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:267,889-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN Kinesin-1 heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF5B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 956-UNIMOD:267,844-UNIMOD:188,294-UNIMOD:4,295-UNIMOD:267 0.06 34.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|Q7Z3T8|ZFY16_HUMAN Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZFYVE16 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 1032-UNIMOD:188 0.01 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 177-UNIMOD:267,148-UNIMOD:188 0.11 34.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P41091|IF2G_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2S3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 434-UNIMOD:4,440-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN RNA cytosine C(5)-methyltransferase NSUN2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSUN2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 618-UNIMOD:267,184-UNIMOD:4,599-UNIMOD:4,602-UNIMOD:267,701-UNIMOD:35,190-UNIMOD:188 0.07 34.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM7 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 287-UNIMOD:28,302-UNIMOD:267,131-UNIMOD:35,132-UNIMOD:267,89-UNIMOD:188 0.06 34.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|Q5VYK3|ECM29_HUMAN Proteasome adapter and scaffold protein ECM29 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECPAS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BWE0|REPI1_HUMAN Replication initiator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=REPIN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 33-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 250-UNIMOD:4,251-UNIMOD:4,254-UNIMOD:267,1-UNIMOD:1,482-UNIMOD:188 0.08 34.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q6P1X6-2|CH082_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UPF0598 protein C8orf82 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C8orf82 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 122-UNIMOD:4,136-UNIMOD:267 0.09 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BWM7|SFXN3_HUMAN Sideroflexin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFXN3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 0.10 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN Leucine-rich PPR motif-containing protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRPPRC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 1164-UNIMOD:35,208-UNIMOD:4,218-UNIMOD:188,1176-UNIMOD:188,1109-UNIMOD:267,989-UNIMOD:267,463-UNIMOD:188 0.06 34.0 12 6 2 PRT sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN Catenin beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNNB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 436-UNIMOD:35,439-UNIMOD:4,449-UNIMOD:267,661-UNIMOD:267 0.04 34.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P09327|VILI_HUMAN Villin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VIL1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 392-UNIMOD:35,404-UNIMOD:267,529-UNIMOD:188,549-UNIMOD:188 0.05 34.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN Sideroflexin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFXN1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 48-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,214-UNIMOD:267 0.13 34.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|P61970|NTF2_HUMAN Nuclear transport factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUTF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 114-UNIMOD:4,120-UNIMOD:267,118-UNIMOD:35 0.12 34.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q96TA2-3|YMEL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease YME1L1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YME1L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 669-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P09622|DLDH_HUMAN Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 334-UNIMOD:267 0.03 34.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HUWE1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HUWE1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 1891-UNIMOD:4,1892-UNIMOD:4,1894-UNIMOD:267 0.01 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P40121-2|CAPG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Macrophage-capping protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 304-UNIMOD:267 0.04 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN Ezrin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EZR PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 542-UNIMOD:267,530-UNIMOD:28,427-UNIMOD:188 0.06 34.0 6 3 2 PRT sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transgelin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAGLN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 111-UNIMOD:35,123-UNIMOD:267,217-UNIMOD:267,192-UNIMOD:188,174-UNIMOD:188 0.26 34.0 10 4 2 PRT sp|Q96AE4|FUBP1_HUMAN Far upstream element-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUBP1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 146-UNIMOD:267 0.06 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UBI6|GBG12_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNG12 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 64-UNIMOD:188 0.24 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13200-2|PSMD2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 289-UNIMOD:4,297-UNIMOD:267,553-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P0I2-2|EMC3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ER membrane protein complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EMC3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 197-UNIMOD:267 0.08 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14203-3|DCTN1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Dynactin subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06756-3|ITAV_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Integrin alpha-V OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGAV null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 614-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9BRA2|TXD17_HUMAN Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 17 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXNDC17 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 43-UNIMOD:4,46-UNIMOD:4,54-UNIMOD:267 0.12 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96N21-2|AP4AT_HUMAN Isoform 2 of AP-4 complex accessory subunit Tepsin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TEPSIN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.05 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN Profilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 54-UNIMOD:188,105-UNIMOD:188 0.23 34.0 7 2 1 PRT sp|Q70CQ2-3|UBP34_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 34 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP34 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 590-UNIMOD:4 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60826|CCD22_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 22 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC22 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 369-UNIMOD:4 0.02 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15400-2|STX7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Syntaxin-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STX7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 49-UNIMOD:267 0.13 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ35|SRRM2_HUMAN Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRM2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.01 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P78344-2|IF4G2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF4G2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 482-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN Ornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OAT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 46-UNIMOD:267,372-UNIMOD:267 0.06 34.0 5 2 1 PRT sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L30 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL30 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 92-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:267,52-UNIMOD:4,56-UNIMOD:267 0.26 34.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P17858|PFKAL_HUMAN ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, liver type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFKL PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 708-UNIMOD:4,713-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 16-UNIMOD:188,1-UNIMOD:35 0.05 34.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q9UBT2|SAE2_HUMAN SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 30-UNIMOD:4,34-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P80188-2|NGAL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LCN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 0.08 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49748-2|ACADV_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Very long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACADVL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 309-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95415|BRI3_HUMAN Brain protein I3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRI3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 78-UNIMOD:4,81-UNIMOD:4 0.14 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0DMV8|HS71A_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 156-UNIMOD:28 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN Threonine--tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 620-UNIMOD:28,630-UNIMOD:4,636-UNIMOD:188,638-UNIMOD:267,517-UNIMOD:188 0.09 34.0 7 4 2 PRT sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPU PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 590-UNIMOD:267,545-UNIMOD:28,546-UNIMOD:35,551-UNIMOD:188,558-UNIMOD:267 0.04 34.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|P09960|LKHA4_HUMAN Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LTA4H PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 80-UNIMOD:28,83-UNIMOD:188,97-UNIMOD:188 0.03 34.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 228-UNIMOD:28,229-UNIMOD:188,241-UNIMOD:188,180-UNIMOD:188 0.14 34.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P49189|AL9A1_HUMAN 4-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH9A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 426-UNIMOD:267,326-UNIMOD:267 0.05 34.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UPN3|MACF1_HUMAN Microtubule-actin cross-linking factor 1, isoforms 1/2/3/5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MACF1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 1115-UNIMOD:385,1115-UNIMOD:4,5445-UNIMOD:28,5446-UNIMOD:188,5456-UNIMOD:188 0.00 34.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P49748|ACADV_HUMAN Very long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACADVL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 331-UNIMOD:188 0.02 34.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q6NYC1|JMJD6_HUMAN Bifunctional arginine demethylase and lysyl-hydroxylase JMJD6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JMJD6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 0.03 34.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q96EP0|RNF31_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNF31 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 351-UNIMOD:267 0.02 34.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P49720|PSB3_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 null 115-UNIMOD:188 0.08 34.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O00161|SNP23_HUMAN Synaptosomal-associated protein 23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNAP23 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 40-UNIMOD:188 0.07 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H9F9|ARP5_HUMAN Actin-related protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 null 0.03 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6N5|SQOR_HUMAN Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SQOR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 null 95-UNIMOD:28,101-UNIMOD:267,115-UNIMOD:188 0.05 34.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UHJ6|SHPK_HUMAN Sedoheptulokinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHPK PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCAR2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 112-UNIMOD:188,324-UNIMOD:4,325-UNIMOD:4,336-UNIMOD:267,865-UNIMOD:267 0.06 33.0 5 4 2 PRT sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN Thymosin beta-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMSB10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:188,7-UNIMOD:35 0.34 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q14684-2|RRP1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ribosomal RNA processing protein 1 homolog B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRP1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 565-UNIMOD:4,571-UNIMOD:188 0.02 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46108-2|CRK_HUMAN Isoform Crk-I of Adapter molecule crk OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 154-UNIMOD:188 0.08 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49189-2|AL9A1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 4-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH9A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 256-UNIMOD:267 0.06 33.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN Glycine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 616-UNIMOD:4,628-UNIMOD:35,632-UNIMOD:188,583-UNIMOD:267,616-UNIMOD:385 0.05 33.0 8 2 0 PRT sp|Q96A65-2|EXOC4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Exocyst complex component 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOC4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q08380|LG3BP_HUMAN Galectin-3-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LGALS3BP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 151-UNIMOD:267 0.03 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P48426-2|PI42A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIP4K2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBL3-2|ASH2L_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Set1/Ash2 histone methyltransferase complex subunit ASH2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASH2L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 178-UNIMOD:188 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y696|CLIC4_HUMAN Chloride intracellular channel protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLIC4 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 189-UNIMOD:4 0.07 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N392-2|RHG18_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGAP18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 575-UNIMOD:188 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00505-2|AATM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aspartate aminotransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 96-UNIMOD:267 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49792|RBP2_HUMAN E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 348-UNIMOD:4 0.01 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NRG9-2|AAAS_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aladin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AAAS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 268-UNIMOD:188 0.03 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96JB5-3|CK5P3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of CDK5 regulatory subunit-associated protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK5RAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 125-UNIMOD:267 0.05 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96M27-4|PRRC1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein PRRC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRRC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 218-UNIMOD:188 0.05 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H3S7|PTN23_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN23 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 1196-UNIMOD:267 0.01 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 110-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:4,114-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN Endoplasmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90B1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 448-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14139|UBE4A_HUMAN Ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE4A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 104-UNIMOD:188 0.01 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 169-UNIMOD:188 0.05 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P16615-5|AT2A2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP2A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 650-UNIMOD:188,218-UNIMOD:188 0.03 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O60343-2|TBCD4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of TBC1 domain family member 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBC1D4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 0.01 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30260|CDC27_HUMAN Cell division cycle protein 27 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC27 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 456-UNIMOD:188 0.02 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN Alanine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 901-UNIMOD:4,903-UNIMOD:4,912-UNIMOD:267,165-UNIMOD:188,154-UNIMOD:28,246-UNIMOD:267 0.04 33.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN Glycogen phosphorylase, brain form OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PYGB PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 185-UNIMOD:267,290-UNIMOD:188,29-UNIMOD:267 0.05 33.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC1LI1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 505-UNIMOD:188,117-UNIMOD:385,117-UNIMOD:4 0.09 33.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN Heat shock protein beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 188-UNIMOD:267 0.09 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H4A3-2|WNK1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WNK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 50-UNIMOD:267 0.01 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IY17-5|PLPL6_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Neuropathy target esterase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNPLA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 762-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9ULK4-2|MED23_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MED23 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 673-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UFC0|LRWD1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat and WD repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRWD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 463-UNIMOD:4,467-UNIMOD:4,468-UNIMOD:4,469-UNIMOD:4,473-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN Elongation factor Tu, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUFM PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 252-UNIMOD:267 0.03 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BPX3|CND3_HUMAN Condensin complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCAPG PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 708-UNIMOD:267 0.01 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN Lysine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KARS1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 420-UNIMOD:267 0.05 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P52209-2|6PGD_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 94-UNIMOD:267 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-7a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB7A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 69-UNIMOD:267,21-UNIMOD:188 0.25 33.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q16718-2|NDUA5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 113-UNIMOD:188,40-UNIMOD:188 0.23 33.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN Serpin H1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINH1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 148-UNIMOD:267,60-UNIMOD:188 0.07 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O94925-3|GLSK_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Glutaminase kidney isoform, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 365-UNIMOD:35 0.03 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 389-UNIMOD:385,389-UNIMOD:4,392-UNIMOD:188,398-UNIMOD:4,399-UNIMOD:267,526-UNIMOD:188 0.06 33.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9H0F6-2|SHRPN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sharpin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHARPIN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 304-UNIMOD:267 0.05 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35580|MYH10_HUMAN Myosin-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYH10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 232-UNIMOD:188,1835-UNIMOD:188 0.02 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANP32A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 123-UNIMOD:4,132-UNIMOD:267 0.07 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q6IAN0|DRS7B_HUMAN Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 7B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHRS7B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 282-UNIMOD:188,186-UNIMOD:28 0.09 33.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 287-UNIMOD:267,128-UNIMOD:267,385-UNIMOD:188 0.08 33.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P38435-2|VKGC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GGCX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25205|MCM3_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 466-UNIMOD:35,446-UNIMOD:4 0.04 33.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DYNC1H1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 2576-UNIMOD:267,1878-UNIMOD:188,1707-UNIMOD:188,704-UNIMOD:267,4615-UNIMOD:267,2349-UNIMOD:188 0.02 33.0 10 6 2 PRT sp|Q15052-2|ARHG6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGEF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 51-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 50-UNIMOD:385,50-UNIMOD:4,53-UNIMOD:188,64-UNIMOD:188,41-UNIMOD:267 0.33 33.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9ULV4|COR1C_HUMAN Coronin-1C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CORO1C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 39-UNIMOD:4,44-UNIMOD:267 0.03 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95573|ACSL3_HUMAN Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACSL3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 561-UNIMOD:4,573-UNIMOD:4,575-UNIMOD:188,503-UNIMOD:4,504-UNIMOD:4 0.07 33.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P22314|UBA1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBA1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 368-UNIMOD:267 0.03 33.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|P05023|AT1A1_HUMAN Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP1A1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 249-UNIMOD:4,255-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P31939|PUR9_HUMAN Bifunctional purine biosynthesis protein PURH OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATIC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 363-UNIMOD:4 0.04 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P37802|TAGL2_HUMAN Transgelin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TAGLN2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 89-UNIMOD:28,90-UNIMOD:35,102-UNIMOD:267 0.08 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q71U36|TBA1A_HUMAN Tubulin alpha-1A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 0.04 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPHA2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 616-UNIMOD:28,617-UNIMOD:188,629-UNIMOD:188,425-UNIMOD:267 0.04 33.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX7A2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 32-UNIMOD:28,33-UNIMOD:188,46-UNIMOD:188,56-UNIMOD:267 0.31 33.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN Histone H2B type 1-B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIST1H2BB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 63-UNIMOD:35,73-UNIMOD:267,60-UNIMOD:35 0.13 33.0 9 1 0 PRT sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S25 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS25 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 114-UNIMOD:188,94-UNIMOD:188 0.20 33.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P46821|MAP1B_HUMAN Microtubule-associated protein 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP1B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 414-UNIMOD:188 0.01 33.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q96CW1|AP2M1_HUMAN AP-2 complex subunit mu OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP2M1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 239-UNIMOD:28,246-UNIMOD:4,251-UNIMOD:4,253-UNIMOD:267 0.04 33.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96HQ2|C2AIL_HUMAN CDKN2AIP N-terminal-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDKN2AIPNL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 18-UNIMOD:267 0.16 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q07065|CKAP4_HUMAN Cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKAP4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 null 147-UNIMOD:28 0.03 33.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NX40|OCAD1_HUMAN OCIA domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OCIAD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 null 64-UNIMOD:188 0.08 33.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IWX8|CHERP_HUMAN Calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHERP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 null 718-UNIMOD:267 0.02 33.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UKV3-5|ACINU_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACIN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 1210-UNIMOD:4,1224-UNIMOD:188 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96IZ6|MET2A_HUMAN tRNA N(3)-methylcytidine methyltransferase METTL2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=METTL2A PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN Far upstream element-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KHSRP PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 462-UNIMOD:267,206-UNIMOD:35 0.05 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P48059|LIMS1_HUMAN LIM and senescent cell antigen-like-containing domain protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIMS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 272-UNIMOD:4,275-UNIMOD:4,278-UNIMOD:4,281-UNIMOD:4,138-UNIMOD:385,138-UNIMOD:4,284-UNIMOD:188 0.09 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P40429|RL13A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L13a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL13A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 38-UNIMOD:4,49-UNIMOD:267 0.06 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P12236|ADT3_HUMAN ADP/ATP translocase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A6 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 23-UNIMOD:188 0.05 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN ADP/ATP translocase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A5 PE=1 SV=7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 23-UNIMOD:188 0.05 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O14776-2|TCRG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription elongation regulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCERG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 760-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75368|SH3L1_HUMAN SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3BGRL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 104-UNIMOD:188 0.17 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52732|KIF11_HUMAN Kinesin-like protein KIF11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF11 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 773-UNIMOD:4,784-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN Argininosuccinate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 132-UNIMOD:4 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 90-UNIMOD:188,97-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:267,27-UNIMOD:267 0.16 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P98171|RHG04_HUMAN Rho GTPase-activating protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGAP4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 527-UNIMOD:4,529-UNIMOD:267 0.04 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P32969|RL9_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL9 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 184-UNIMOD:188 0.10 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P47755|CAZA2_HUMAN F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPZA2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.06 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN Annexin A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 120-UNIMOD:267,274-UNIMOD:267 0.09 32.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UHV9|PFD2_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 32-UNIMOD:267 0.10 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q14847-3|LASP1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of LIM and SH3 domain protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LASP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 53-UNIMOD:267 0.07 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86SJ2|AMGO2_HUMAN Amphoterin-induced protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AMIGO2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 503-UNIMOD:188,498-UNIMOD:188 0.07 32.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q12913|PTPRJ_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase eta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPRJ PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 959-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHB6|LIMA1_HUMAN LIM domain and actin-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIMA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30084|ECHM_HUMAN Enoyl-CoA hydratase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ECHS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 213-UNIMOD:4,225-UNIMOD:4,228-UNIMOD:188 0.06 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN Prohibitin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 117-UNIMOD:267,143-UNIMOD:267,93-UNIMOD:267 0.13 32.0 6 3 0 PRT sp|P35251-2|RFC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Replication factor C subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RFC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 480-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2B0|CNPY2_HUMAN Protein canopy homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNPY2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.09 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RHOC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 159-UNIMOD:4,162-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:188 0.13 32.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P27824-2|CALX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Calnexin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CANX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 493-UNIMOD:188,112-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q6P158-2|DHX57_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX57 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX57 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 65-UNIMOD:4,71-UNIMOD:267 0.02 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTAN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 1626-UNIMOD:188,1599-UNIMOD:267,1538-UNIMOD:267 0.02 32.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX9 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 242-UNIMOD:4,248-UNIMOD:267,434-UNIMOD:267,1130-UNIMOD:267,249-UNIMOD:28 0.06 32.0 9 5 3 PRT sp|Q6UB35|C1TM_HUMAN Monofunctional C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD1L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 575-UNIMOD:267,367-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN Non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NONO PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 91-UNIMOD:267,270-UNIMOD:267,366-UNIMOD:28,371-UNIMOD:188,378-UNIMOD:267 0.10 32.0 7 3 0 PRT sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit theta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT8 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 74-UNIMOD:267,421-UNIMOD:188 0.05 32.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q8IV08|PLD3_HUMAN 5'-3' exonuclease PLD3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 408-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q01970-2|PLCB3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLCB3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 1109-UNIMOD:4 0.01 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JSH3-3|WDR44_HUMAN Isoform 3 of WD repeat-containing protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR44 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H3P2|NELFA_HUMAN Negative elongation factor A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NELFA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 269-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00154-6|BACH_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Cytosolic acyl coenzyme A thioester hydrolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACOT7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 213-UNIMOD:267,203-UNIMOD:35 0.04 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOP2A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 321-UNIMOD:188 0.04 32.0 5 4 3 PRT sp|Q96Q11-3|TRNT1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRNT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 46-UNIMOD:188 0.28 32.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q15404-2|RSU1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras suppressor protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RSU1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 155-UNIMOD:188 0.08 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BW92|SYTM_HUMAN Threonine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 288-UNIMOD:267,710-UNIMOD:267 0.04 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P46976-3|GLYG_HUMAN Isoform GN-1S of Glycogenin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GYG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.05 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43815-2|STRN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Striatin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STRN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 538-UNIMOD:4,563-UNIMOD:188,545-UNIMOD:267 0.04 32.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9H910-2|JUPI2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Jupiter microtubule associated homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JPT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 27-UNIMOD:35,43-UNIMOD:188 0.10 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96I24|FUBP3_HUMAN Far upstream element-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUBP3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 251-UNIMOD:35,262-UNIMOD:267 0.04 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN Nucleophosmin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPM1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 278-UNIMOD:35,291-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|P14735|IDE_HUMAN Insulin-degrading enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDE PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 542-UNIMOD:188 0.02 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O60506-5|HNRPQ_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SYNCRIP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 204-UNIMOD:188 0.03 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43390-3|HNRPR_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 321-UNIMOD:188,149-UNIMOD:188,176-UNIMOD:4,178-UNIMOD:188 0.07 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN Staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SND1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 651-UNIMOD:188,586-UNIMOD:188 0.04 32.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P50750|CDK9_HUMAN Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK9 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 370-UNIMOD:267 0.04 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P11142-2|HSP7C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 311-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P15104|GLNA_HUMAN Glutamine synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLUL PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 346-UNIMOD:4,357-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P13674-3|P4HA1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 396-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN Periplakin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPL PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 680-UNIMOD:188,209-UNIMOD:28 0.03 32.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|Q14676-3|MDC1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 1297-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 65 kDa regulatory subunit A alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R1A PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 148-UNIMOD:4,154-UNIMOD:4,157-UNIMOD:267,390-UNIMOD:4,398-UNIMOD:267,528-UNIMOD:35,537-UNIMOD:267,174-UNIMOD:4,182-UNIMOD:267 0.09 32.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN Protein RRP5 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 1000-UNIMOD:188,151-UNIMOD:4,1254-UNIMOD:188 0.03 32.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q9H6S0|YTDC2_HUMAN 3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YTHDC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 234-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:188 0.01 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HBH5|RDH14_HUMAN Retinol dehydrogenase 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RDH14 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 0.04 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IXM2-2|BAP18_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Chromatin complexes subunit BAP18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAP18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 21-UNIMOD:188 0.11 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P62913-2|RL11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 60S ribosomal protein L11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 51-UNIMOD:188 0.08 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12906-4|ILF3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILF3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 465-UNIMOD:35,474-UNIMOD:267 0.02 32.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O95453-4|PARN_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease PARN OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 268-UNIMOD:188 0.04 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UL25|RAB21_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB21 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 80-UNIMOD:267 0.06 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN Adenosylhomocysteinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHCY PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 186-UNIMOD:188,33-UNIMOD:35,34-UNIMOD:267 0.09 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P49005|DPOD2_HUMAN DNA polymerase delta subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 40-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN Transferrin receptor protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TFRC PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 508-UNIMOD:188 0.05 32.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TGM2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 230-UNIMOD:4,524-UNIMOD:4,370-UNIMOD:4,371-UNIMOD:4 0.11 32.0 5 5 5 PRT sp|Q92769-3|HDAC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Histone deacetylase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDAC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 183-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13595-2|TRA2A_HUMAN Isoform Short of Transformer-2 protein homolog alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRA2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 54-UNIMOD:267 0.13 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13868-3|EXOS2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Exosome complex component RRP4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 87-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGDH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 311-UNIMOD:267,276-UNIMOD:4,279-UNIMOD:188,58-UNIMOD:188 0.09 32.0 5 3 2 PRT sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT8 PE=1 SV=7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 225-UNIMOD:267,370-UNIMOD:28,372-UNIMOD:267,381-UNIMOD:188,378-UNIMOD:35 0.05 32.0 7 2 0 PRT sp|P46108|CRK_HUMAN Adapter molecule crk OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 123-UNIMOD:28 0.06 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92979|NEP1_HUMAN Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase NEP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EMG1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 null 125-UNIMOD:267 0.11 32.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P04908|H2A1B_HUMAN Histone H2A type 1-B/E OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H2AC4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 119-UNIMOD:188 0.15 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NTJ5|SAC1_HUMAN Phosphatidylinositide phosphatase SAC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SACM1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 448-UNIMOD:28,456-UNIMOD:188,461-UNIMOD:267 0.03 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62195|PRS8_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 273-UNIMOD:35 0.04 32.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13868|EXOS2_HUMAN Exosome complex component RRP4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 0.04 32.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P31942|HNRH3_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPH3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 222-UNIMOD:267 0.05 32.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N3E9|PLCD3_HUMAN 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase delta-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLCD3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 523-UNIMOD:28,535-UNIMOD:4,539-UNIMOD:267 0.02 32.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O60271|JIP4_HUMAN C-Jun-amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPAG9 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 0.02 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UM54|MYO6_HUMAN Unconventional myosin-VI OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYO6 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 null 196-UNIMOD:188 0.01 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60318|GANP_HUMAN Germinal-center associated nuclear protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM3AP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 null 1701-UNIMOD:28,1716-UNIMOD:267 0.01 32.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5T8P6-6|RBM26_HUMAN Isoform 6 of RNA-binding protein 26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM26 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 53-UNIMOD:4,63-UNIMOD:188 0.12 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Apoptosis-inducing factor 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIFM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 333-UNIMOD:188,105-UNIMOD:188,351-UNIMOD:188 0.07 31.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|Q15797|SMAD1_HUMAN Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMAD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 57-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UMX0-3|UBQL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ubiquilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBQLN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 96-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q86VR2|RETR3_HUMAN Reticulophagy regulator 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RETREG3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55084-2|ECHB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Trifunctional enzyme subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADHB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 383-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P31942-6|HNRH3_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPH3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 85-UNIMOD:267 0.13 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPH1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 316-UNIMOD:267,22-UNIMOD:4,29-UNIMOD:267 0.07 31.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|Q969V3-2|NCLN_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nicalin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCLN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 207-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8TE67-2|ES8L3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate 8-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPS8L3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 328-UNIMOD:4,345-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49736|MCM2_HUMAN DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCM2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 624-UNIMOD:4,636-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NP84-2|TNR12_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNFRSF12A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 87-UNIMOD:4 0.24 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6NYC1-2|JMJD6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Bifunctional arginine demethylase and lysyl-hydroxylase JMJD6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=JMJD6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 167-UNIMOD:188 0.04 31.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TBX8-3|PI42C_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PIP4K2C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 110-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49790-2|NU153_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP153 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.02 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13362-2|2A5G_HUMAN Isoform Gamma-1 of Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A 56 kDa regulatory subunit gamma isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2R5C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 156-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16706|MA2A1_HUMAN Alpha-mannosidase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAN2A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 904-UNIMOD:267 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5UIP0-2|RIF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Telomere-associated protein RIF1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RIF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 217-UNIMOD:188,312-UNIMOD:4 0.01 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75475-3|PSIP1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSIP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 89-UNIMOD:188 0.05 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN Isoform p27-S of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 59-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53999|TCP4_HUMAN Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 114-UNIMOD:188 0.11 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9ULX9-2|MAFF_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription factor MafF OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAFF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.13 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQW7-2|XPP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPNPEP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 546-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P61586|RHOA_HUMAN Transforming protein RhoA OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RHOA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 159-UNIMOD:4,162-UNIMOD:188,157-UNIMOD:35 0.07 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BIRC6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 925-UNIMOD:188,4235-UNIMOD:267 0.01 31.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q6PIU2-3|NCEH1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCEH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 190-UNIMOD:267 0.05 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36542-2|ATPG_HUMAN Isoform Heart of ATP synthase subunit gamma, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5F1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 79-UNIMOD:188 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46781|RS9_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS9 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 180-UNIMOD:188 0.08 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NVN8|GNL3L_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 3-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNL3L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 341-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00796|DHSO_HUMAN Sorbitol dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SORD PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 38-UNIMOD:267 0.05 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P38159-3|RBMX_HUMAN Isoform 3 of RNA-binding motif protein, X chromosome OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBMX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 22-UNIMOD:188 0.15 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4I1-2|MYO5A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Unconventional myosin-Va OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYO5A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 513-UNIMOD:4 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAE PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 97-UNIMOD:4,98-UNIMOD:4,106-UNIMOD:188,141-UNIMOD:267,1-UNIMOD:1 0.15 31.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9UPN9-2|TRI33_HUMAN Isoform Beta of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM33 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM33 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 407-UNIMOD:267 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86X55-2|CARM1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Histone-arginine methyltransferase CARM1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CARM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 49-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P22307-6|NLTP_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Non-specific lipid-transfer protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 139-UNIMOD:188 0.10 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q15185-2|TEBP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Prostaglandin E synthase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTGES3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 40-UNIMOD:4,48-UNIMOD:188 0.11 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00341|VIGLN_HUMAN Vigilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDLBP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 324-UNIMOD:267 0.02 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9BQG0|MBB1A_HUMAN Myb-binding protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYBBP1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 838-UNIMOD:188 0.02 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q6VN20-3|RBP10_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ran-binding protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 55-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WW01-2|SEN15_HUMAN Isoform 2 of tRNA-splicing endonuclease subunit Sen15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSEN15 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:4 0.18 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13797-3|PLST_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Plastin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLS3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 124-UNIMOD:35,136-UNIMOD:267,485-UNIMOD:267 0.05 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P35914|HMGCL_HUMAN Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGCL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 141-UNIMOD:4 0.04 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60033|CD81_HUMAN CD81 antigen OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD81 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 175-UNIMOD:4,187-UNIMOD:188 0.07 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN Exosome complex exonuclease RRP44 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DIS3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 549-UNIMOD:4,210-UNIMOD:267,99-UNIMOD:267 0.04 31.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GDI2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 379-UNIMOD:188,279-UNIMOD:28,282-UNIMOD:4,90-UNIMOD:35,98-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P35221|CTNA1_HUMAN Catenin alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNNA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,12-UNIMOD:188,300-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P80217|IN35_HUMAN Interferon-induced 35 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IFI35 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.06 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P52789|HXK2_HUMAN Hexokinase-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HK2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 386-UNIMOD:4,396-UNIMOD:267 0.02 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O43813|LANC1_HUMAN Glutathione S-transferase LANCL1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LANCL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 27-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15717|ELAV1_HUMAN ELAV-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELAVL1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 50-UNIMOD:188,147-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHCYL1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,17-UNIMOD:188,20-UNIMOD:188 0.04 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96SB4-4|SRPK1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of SRSF protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 470-UNIMOD:188 0.02 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P30038-2|AL4A1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH4A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 464-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N201|INT1_HUMAN Integrator complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INTS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 260-UNIMOD:267 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N573-7|OXR1_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Oxidation resistance protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OXR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.14 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P53992|SC24C_HUMAN Protein transport protein Sec24C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC24C PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 685-UNIMOD:188 0.01 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P14222|PERF_HUMAN Perforin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRF1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BYG3|MK67I_HUMAN MKI67 FHA domain-interacting nucleolar phosphoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NIFK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 237-UNIMOD:4,244-UNIMOD:267 0.11 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NX47|MARH5_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MARCHF5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARCHF5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 65-UNIMOD:4,68-UNIMOD:4 0.06 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UPN6|SCAF8_HUMAN SR-related and CTD-associated factor 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAF8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TEM1|PO210_HUMAN Nuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP210 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 1724-UNIMOD:188 0.01 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55735-2|SEC13_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein SEC13 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC13 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 231-UNIMOD:4,242-UNIMOD:188 0.06 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPL PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 404-UNIMOD:4,411-UNIMOD:188,581-UNIMOD:4 0.04 31.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|Q9NV31|IMP3_HUMAN U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 152-UNIMOD:267 0.09 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P00492|HPRT_HUMAN Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HPRT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 128-UNIMOD:188 0.06 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40227-2|TCPZ_HUMAN Isoform 2 of T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT6A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 420-UNIMOD:188,262-UNIMOD:188 0.06 31.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q12788|TBL3_HUMAN Transducin beta-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBL3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 59-UNIMOD:267 0.02 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BV57|MTND_HUMAN 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADI1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 15-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q6KB66-2|K2C80_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 80 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT80 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 71-UNIMOD:188 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HCC0-2|MCCB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MCCC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 500-UNIMOD:267,323-UNIMOD:267 0.05 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q16740|CLPP_HUMAN ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLPP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 243-UNIMOD:188 0.06 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q58FG1|HS904_HUMAN Putative heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSP90AA4P PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 40-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92598|HS105_HUMAN Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPH1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 33-UNIMOD:267 0.02 31.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q14980|NUMA1_HUMAN Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUMA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 870-UNIMOD:28,883-UNIMOD:267 0.01 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN Lamin-B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 198-UNIMOD:385,198-UNIMOD:4,208-UNIMOD:267,209-UNIMOD:188 0.02 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P49419|AL7A1_HUMAN Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH7A1 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 0.03 31.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NVZ3|NECP2_HUMAN Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NECAP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 138-UNIMOD:28 0.12 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14195|DPYL3_HUMAN Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DPYSL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 511-UNIMOD:188,448-UNIMOD:4,451-UNIMOD:188 0.05 31.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|A0MZ66|SHOT1_HUMAN Shootin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHTN1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 248-UNIMOD:28,264-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZZ3|CHMP5_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 20-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:267 0.08 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13177|PAK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAK2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:188,17-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P21579|SYT1_HUMAN Synaptotagmin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SYT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 null 389-UNIMOD:267 0.03 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O96008|TOM40_HUMAN Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOMM40 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 90-UNIMOD:385,90-UNIMOD:4,91-UNIMOD:188,102-UNIMOD:188 0.04 31.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HD45|TM9S3_HUMAN Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TM9SF3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 null 55-UNIMOD:28,59-UNIMOD:188,66-UNIMOD:4,70-UNIMOD:188 0.03 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96KN1|LRAT2_HUMAN Protein LRATD2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRATD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 null 0.07 31.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92598-2|HS105_HUMAN Isoform Beta of Heat shock protein 105 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P25325|THTM_HUMAN 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MPST PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 40-UNIMOD:188 0.06 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P60900-2|PSA6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 24-UNIMOD:267 0.06 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P83731|RL24_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L24 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL24 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 93-UNIMOD:188 0.09 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN Elongation factor 1-gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF1G PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 30-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NZL9-3|MAT2B_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Methionine adenosyltransferase 2 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAT2B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.05 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P0DMV8-2|HS71A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 116-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O15027-2|SC16A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein transport protein Sec16A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC16A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 107-UNIMOD:4 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 200 kDa helicase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRNP200 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 2072-UNIMOD:188,557-UNIMOD:188,479-UNIMOD:188,986-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 8 4 1 PRT sp|Q16891-3|MIC60_HUMAN Isoform 3 of MICOS complex subunit MIC60 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMMT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 353-UNIMOD:188,493-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q8IWE4|DCNL3_HUMAN DCN1-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCUN1D3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 115-UNIMOD:4,119-UNIMOD:4 0.05 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q49A26-5|GLYR1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Putative oxidoreductase GLYR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLYR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 91-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00461|GOLI4_HUMAN Golgi integral membrane protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOLIM4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN Hepatoma-derived growth factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HDGF PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 96-UNIMOD:188 0.07 30.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC3A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 423-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|P55884|EIF3B_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3B PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 548-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NUD5|ZCHC3_HUMAN Zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZCCHC3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 170-UNIMOD:4,178-UNIMOD:4,181-UNIMOD:267,356-UNIMOD:385,356-UNIMOD:4,366-UNIMOD:4,367-UNIMOD:267 0.07 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q5TDH0-2|DDI2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein DDI1 homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDI2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 205-UNIMOD:188,108-UNIMOD:267 0.15 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q96C36|P5CR2_HUMAN Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PYCR2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 46-UNIMOD:267 0.06 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P12081-3|HARS1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Histidine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 164-UNIMOD:4,313-UNIMOD:188 0.06 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H8H0-2|NOL11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleolar protein 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOL11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 125-UNIMOD:188 0.09 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05166|PCCB_HUMAN Propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCCB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.04 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 260-UNIMOD:35,337-UNIMOD:267,59-UNIMOD:188 0.10 30.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P19823|ITIH2_HUMAN Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITIH2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQR4|NIT2_HUMAN Omega-amidase NIT2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NIT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 44-UNIMOD:4,146-UNIMOD:4,147-UNIMOD:267 0.12 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q92616|GCN1_HUMAN eIF-2-alpha kinase activator GCN1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GCN1 PE=1 SV=6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 323-UNIMOD:267 0.01 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O75319-2|DUS11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RNA/RNP complex-1-interacting phosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DUSP11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 117-UNIMOD:4 0.06 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30530-2|UFO_HUMAN Isoform Short of Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AXL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16595-2|FRDA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Frataxin, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FXN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.08 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 78-UNIMOD:188,243-UNIMOD:188 0.06 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|O15269|SPTC1_HUMAN Serine palmitoyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTLC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 419-UNIMOD:4,420-UNIMOD:35,422-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 10B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 344-UNIMOD:267,347-UNIMOD:4,356-UNIMOD:267 0.10 30.0 8 3 0 PRT sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN Early endosome antigen 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 1067-UNIMOD:267,292-UNIMOD:188,534-UNIMOD:188 0.03 30.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P13995-2|MTDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTHFD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 197-UNIMOD:267 0.05 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P013|CWC15_HUMAN Spliceosome-associated protein CWC15 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CWC15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 160-UNIMOD:35 0.11 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42285|MTREX_HUMAN Exosome RNA helicase MTR4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTREX PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 995-UNIMOD:267 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5X3|SNX5_HUMAN Sorting nexin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 397-UNIMOD:4,67-UNIMOD:267 0.08 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P25786|PSA1_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 18-UNIMOD:267 0.06 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BVQ7-3|SPA5L_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Spermatogenesis-associated protein 5-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPATA5L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 140-UNIMOD:267 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8WUX2|CHAC2_HUMAN Glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHAC2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.08 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53367-2|ARFP1_HUMAN Isoform A of Arfaptin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARFIP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 174-UNIMOD:188 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P48449-2|ERG7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Lanosterol synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LSS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35241|RADI_HUMAN Radixin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RDX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 539-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92973-3|TNPO1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Transportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNPO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 654-UNIMOD:188,735-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q99459|CDC5L_HUMAN Cell division cycle 5-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC5L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 414-UNIMOD:267,321-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9C075-2|K1C23_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT23 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 177-UNIMOD:35 0.05 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UIG0-2|BAZ1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tyrosine-protein kinase BAZ1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAZ1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 1041-UNIMOD:4,1052-UNIMOD:267 0.01 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08581|MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MET PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 1161-UNIMOD:188 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HAV0|GBB4_HUMAN Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNB4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92905|CSN5_HUMAN COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPS5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 84-UNIMOD:188 0.04 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15005|SPCS2_HUMAN Signal peptidase complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPCS2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 17-UNIMOD:4,26-UNIMOD:4,32-UNIMOD:267 0.10 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92888-2|ARHG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGEF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P47756-2|CAPZB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of F-actin-capping protein subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPZB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 195-UNIMOD:267 0.06 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P47897-2|SYQ_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.03 30.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q7L014|DDX46_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX46 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX46 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 455-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y2Z0-2|SGT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein SGT1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUGT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.05 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2X7|GIT1_HUMAN ARF GTPase-activating protein GIT1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GIT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNE7-2|CHIP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STUB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 215-UNIMOD:188 0.07 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HD20|AT131_HUMAN Manganese-transporting ATPase 13A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP13A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 336-UNIMOD:4,342-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2X3|NOP58_HUMAN Nucleolar protein 58 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP58 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 278-UNIMOD:267 0.05 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q13630|FCL_HUMAN GDP-L-fucose synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TSTA3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 214-UNIMOD:267 0.05 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of T-complex protein 1 subunit gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 480-UNIMOD:267,417-UNIMOD:4,423-UNIMOD:267,411-UNIMOD:267,360-UNIMOD:4,361-UNIMOD:267 0.09 30.0 8 4 0 PRT sp|Q8TD19|NEK9_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NEK9 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 260-UNIMOD:4 0.01 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94903|PLPHP_HUMAN Pyridoxal phosphate homeostasis protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLPBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 76-UNIMOD:188 0.05 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46776|RL27A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L27a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL27A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 105-UNIMOD:267 0.08 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q08AM6-2|VAC14_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein VAC14 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VAC14 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 51-UNIMOD:4,52-UNIMOD:4,55-UNIMOD:267 0.07 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14152-2|EIF3A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 468-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN Annexin A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 124-UNIMOD:267,144-UNIMOD:267 0.12 30.0 6 3 1 PRT sp|Q8NFH3|NUP43_HUMAN Nucleoporin Nup43 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP43 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 196-UNIMOD:188 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q04206-2|TF65_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription factor p65 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RELA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 254-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H4L5-8|OSBL3_HUMAN Isoform 2d of Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OSBPL3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NX58|LYAR_HUMAN Cell growth-regulating nucleolar protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LYAR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 6-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188,109-UNIMOD:267 0.08 30.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P00338-4|LDHA_HUMAN Isoform 4 of L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDHA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 105-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 0.10 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P37108|SRP14_HUMAN Signal recognition particle 14 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP14 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 15-UNIMOD:267 0.11 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9C0C2-2|TB182_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 182 kDa tankyrase-1-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNKS1BP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 274-UNIMOD:267,239-UNIMOD:267 0.03 30.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q86WQ0|NR2CA_HUMAN Nuclear receptor 2C2-associated protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NR2C2AP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 126-UNIMOD:267 0.09 30.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q6X4W1-4|NSMF_HUMAN Isoform 4 of NMDA receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSMF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-11A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB11A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 24-UNIMOD:188,72-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1 0.23 30.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN Actin, cytoplasmic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 360-UNIMOD:28,372-UNIMOD:267 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N163|CCAR2_HUMAN Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCAR2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 323-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13263|TIF1B_HUMAN Transcription intermediary factor 1-beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM28 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 122-UNIMOD:28,124-UNIMOD:4,507-UNIMOD:188,365-UNIMOD:188 0.06 30.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q6ZMR3|LDH6A_HUMAN L-lactate dehydrogenase A-like 6A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LDHAL6A PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 163-UNIMOD:4,169-UNIMOD:267 0.04 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT6A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 105-UNIMOD:28 0.03 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00159|MYO1C_HUMAN Unconventional myosin-Ic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYO1C PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 0.01 30.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H0D6|XRN2_HUMAN 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 0.01 30.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NQT8|KI13B_HUMAN Kinesin-like protein KIF13B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF13B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 null 259-UNIMOD:267 0.01 30.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q562E7|WDR81_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 81 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR81 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 null 1653-UNIMOD:385,1653-UNIMOD:4,1668-UNIMOD:188,1670-UNIMOD:267 0.01 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9GZR1|SENP6_HUMAN Sentrin-specific protease 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SENP6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 21-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TDY4|ASAP3_HUMAN Arf-GAP with SH3 domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASAP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 null 663-UNIMOD:267 0.02 30.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14550|AK1A1_HUMAN Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AKR1A1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 0.04 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08183-2|MDR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-dependent translocase ABCB1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 198-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q4G0J3|LARP7_HUMAN La-related protein 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LARP7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00429-4|DNM1L_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Dynamin-1-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM1L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 694-UNIMOD:267,48-UNIMOD:267 0.04 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 536-UNIMOD:267,204-UNIMOD:267 0.07 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9BQ67|GRWD1_HUMAN Glutamate-rich WD repeat-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRWD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 66-UNIMOD:4 0.11 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|Q9NX46|ARHL2_HUMAN ADP-ribose glycohydrolase ARH3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADPRHL2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 287-UNIMOD:4 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P58107|EPIPL_HUMAN Epiplakin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPPK1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 2404-UNIMOD:4 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96A49|SYAP1_HUMAN Synapse-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SYAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 70-UNIMOD:188 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P59998|ARPC4_HUMAN Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARPC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 55-UNIMOD:267,71-UNIMOD:267 0.14 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 362-UNIMOD:188,131-UNIMOD:28,140-UNIMOD:267,146-UNIMOD:188,73-UNIMOD:267,482-UNIMOD:267,338-UNIMOD:35,344-UNIMOD:267 0.12 29.0 7 5 3 PRT sp|P40925-2|MDHC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDH1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 235-UNIMOD:188,48-UNIMOD:4,53-UNIMOD:188 0.14 29.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 526-UNIMOD:267,357-UNIMOD:4,365-UNIMOD:188,199-UNIMOD:188,443-UNIMOD:267 0.08 29.0 8 4 0 PRT sp|P51571|SSRD_HUMAN Translocon-associated protein subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSR4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 116-UNIMOD:267 0.07 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N1B4-2|VPS52_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 52 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS52 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZN5-2|ARHGC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGEF12 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 902-UNIMOD:4,903-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30044-4|PRDX5_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Peroxiredoxin-5, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 102-UNIMOD:188 0.10 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P18031|PTN1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 279-UNIMOD:188 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN Zinc finger protein ZPR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZPR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 152-UNIMOD:267,310-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|P56192-2|SYMC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methionine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 388-UNIMOD:267,375-UNIMOD:188 0.05 29.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|A5YKK6-3|CNOT1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNOT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1809-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13442|HAP28_HUMAN 28 kDa heat- and acid-stable phosphoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 88-UNIMOD:267 0.08 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NR45|SIAS_HUMAN Sialic acid synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NANS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.04 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPD null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 178-UNIMOD:188 0.05 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q00535-2|CDK5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDK5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 20-UNIMOD:188 0.05 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46087-2|NOP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable 28S rRNA (cytosine(4447)-C(5))-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 388-UNIMOD:4,389-UNIMOD:4,394-UNIMOD:188 0.01 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12926-2|ELAV2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ELAV-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELAVL2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 166-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13404|UB2V1_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2V1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 103-UNIMOD:267,2-UNIMOD:1 0.20 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q6ZMI0-4|PPR21_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 21 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R21 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75390|CISY_HUMAN Citrate synthase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 393-UNIMOD:188 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BZH6|WDR11_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1071-UNIMOD:4,1075-UNIMOD:188,556-UNIMOD:267 0.02 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14008-2|CKAP5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytoskeleton-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKAP5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1523-UNIMOD:188 0.01 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P98175-4|RBM10_HUMAN Isoform 4 of RNA-binding protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 186-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08559-3|ODPA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit alpha, somatic form, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDHA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 58-UNIMOD:267,230-UNIMOD:4,232-UNIMOD:267,204-UNIMOD:267 0.10 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q9H223|EHD4_HUMAN EH domain-containing protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EHD4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 283-UNIMOD:267 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62873-2|GBB1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNB1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 204-UNIMOD:4,209-UNIMOD:188 0.04 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P05091-2|ALDH2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALDH2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 162-UNIMOD:188,179-UNIMOD:188 0.07 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC37 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 307-UNIMOD:188,121-UNIMOD:188 0.09 29.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|O60664-4|PLIN3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Perilipin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLIN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 183-UNIMOD:188 0.04 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55769|NH2L1_HUMAN NHP2-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNU13 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 30-UNIMOD:4,33-UNIMOD:188 0.10 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P16144-4|ITB4_HUMAN Isoform Beta-4D of Integrin beta-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGB4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1072-UNIMOD:267,1636-UNIMOD:188 0.02 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P51153|RAB13_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB13 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95400|CD2B2_HUMAN CD2 antigen cytoplasmic tail-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CD2BP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 212-UNIMOD:267 0.04 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P36871-2|PGM1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phosphoglucomutase-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PGM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 378-UNIMOD:188 0.04 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX6 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 155-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETFB PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 233-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62495-2|ERF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ETF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 48-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P22223-2|CADH3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cadherin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDH3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL14 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 35-UNIMOD:267,42-UNIMOD:4,46-UNIMOD:267,75-UNIMOD:28,79-UNIMOD:188,85-UNIMOD:188 0.17 29.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P20339-2|RAB5A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-5A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB5A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 23-UNIMOD:188,112-UNIMOD:4,120-UNIMOD:4,123-UNIMOD:188 0.18 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P61224-2|RAP1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rap-1b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAP1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 16-UNIMOD:188 0.09 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96NB2|SFXN2_HUMAN Sideroflexin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SFXN2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 55-UNIMOD:35,71-UNIMOD:188 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15007|FL2D_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing regulator WTAP OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WTAP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 163-UNIMOD:35,173-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQP4|PFD4_HUMAN Prefoldin subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PFDN4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 104-UNIMOD:267 0.10 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UJX2-3|CDC23_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cell division cycle protein 23 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CDC23 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96IJ6|GMPPA_HUMAN Mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMPPA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 221-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H0D6-2|XRN2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 612-UNIMOD:188,382-UNIMOD:267,390-UNIMOD:35 0.06 29.0 4 3 1 PRT sp|P48444|COPD_HUMAN Coatomer subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARCN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 84-UNIMOD:267,45-UNIMOD:28,55-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P49458-2|SRP09_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Signal recognition particle 9 kDa protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 12-UNIMOD:267 0.15 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-5C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB5C PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 180-UNIMOD:188,176-UNIMOD:35,135-UNIMOD:188 0.14 29.0 6 2 0 PRT sp|P51617-4|IRAK1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IRAK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 265-UNIMOD:267 0.02 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BQA1-2|MEP50_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methylosome protein 50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR77 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 52-UNIMOD:267 0.06 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P28288-2|ABCD3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCD3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 362-UNIMOD:4,367-UNIMOD:4,369-UNIMOD:188 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H299|SH3L3_HUMAN SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3BGRL3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,5-UNIMOD:267,15-UNIMOD:267 0.16 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y285-2|SYFA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Phenylalanine--tRNA ligase alpha subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FARSA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 469-UNIMOD:267 0.06 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P06132|DCUP_HUMAN Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UROD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 65-UNIMOD:4,66-UNIMOD:4,74-UNIMOD:267,59-UNIMOD:4 0.07 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P04062-4|GLCM_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Lysosomal acid glucosylceramidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GBA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 72-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P48047|ATPO_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit O, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP5PO PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 188-UNIMOD:267 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46782|RS5_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS5 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,172-UNIMOD:4,182-UNIMOD:188 0.19 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q53GS9-2|SNUT2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP39 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 251-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TEQ6|GEMI5_HUMAN Gem-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GEMIN5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 1386-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9ULR0|ISY1_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ISY1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 69-UNIMOD:267 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96A33-2|CCD47_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 47 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC47 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 214-UNIMOD:4,215-UNIMOD:4,223-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN Tyrosine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YARS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 189-UNIMOD:267,451-UNIMOD:28,501-UNIMOD:4,506-UNIMOD:188 0.08 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q96G21|IMP4_HUMAN U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMP4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 0.05 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P53618|COPB_HUMAN Coatomer subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 623-UNIMOD:4,633-UNIMOD:188 0.02 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NFQ8|TOIP2_HUMAN Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOR1AIP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 335-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95793-2|STAU1_HUMAN Isoform Short of Double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAU1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 87-UNIMOD:267,169-UNIMOD:188 0.07 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P67870|CSK2B_HUMAN Casein kinase II subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSNK2B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 109-UNIMOD:4,111-UNIMOD:267 0.06 29.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P15924|DESP_HUMAN Desmoplakin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DSP PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 2433-UNIMOD:385,2433-UNIMOD:4,2435-UNIMOD:188,2442-UNIMOD:4,2447-UNIMOD:188 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAPDH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 323-UNIMOD:267 0.04 29.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|P07910|HNRPC_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPC PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 205-UNIMOD:28,206-UNIMOD:188,216-UNIMOD:188 0.04 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P40939|ECHA_HUMAN Trifunctional enzyme subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADHA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.06 29.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 6A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC3 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 130-UNIMOD:28,144-UNIMOD:188,310-UNIMOD:35,294-UNIMOD:188 0.12 29.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|P53621|COPA_HUMAN Coatomer subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 343-UNIMOD:28,350-UNIMOD:188,358-UNIMOD:267,1185-UNIMOD:4,1191-UNIMOD:4,1197-UNIMOD:188 0.03 29.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P22695|QCR2_HUMAN Cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UQCRC2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 192-UNIMOD:4,196-UNIMOD:267,438-UNIMOD:35 0.07 29.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P02768|ALBU_HUMAN Serum albumin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ALB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q93077|H2A1C_HUMAN Histone H2A type 1-C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HIST1H2AC PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 119-UNIMOD:188 0.15 29.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q12756|KIF1A_HUMAN Kinesin-like protein KIF1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 356-UNIMOD:385,356-UNIMOD:4 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62917|RL8_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.05 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14008|CKAP5_HUMAN Cytoskeleton-associated protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKAP5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.01 29.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y5X2|SNX8_HUMAN Sorting nexin-8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 null 258-UNIMOD:188 0.03 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P09417|DHPR_HUMAN Dihydropteridine reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QDPR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 110-UNIMOD:28,124-UNIMOD:188 0.07 29.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95202|LETM1_HUMAN Mitochondrial proton/calcium exchanger protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LETM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 271-UNIMOD:35 0.02 29.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q6UXV4|MIC27_HUMAN MICOS complex subunit MIC27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APOOL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 34-UNIMOD:28 0.07 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P2R3|ANFY1_HUMAN Rabankyrin-5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKFY1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 675-UNIMOD:4,677-UNIMOD:267 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04004|VTNC_HUMAN Vitronectin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VTN PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42766|RL35_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L35 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL35 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 20-UNIMOD:28,25-UNIMOD:188,32-UNIMOD:267 0.11 29.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HCU5|PREB_HUMAN Prolactin regulatory element-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PREB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 128-UNIMOD:385,128-UNIMOD:4,140-UNIMOD:267 0.03 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52888|THOP1_HUMAN Thimet oligopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.02 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UDY2|ZO2_HUMAN Tight junction protein ZO-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TJP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 0.01 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62877|RBX1_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RBX1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 92-UNIMOD:28,94-UNIMOD:4,99-UNIMOD:267,105-UNIMOD:188 0.14 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3A3|PHOCN_HUMAN MOB-like protein phocein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MOB4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 176-UNIMOD:28,188-UNIMOD:4 0.07 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZC7|WWOX_HUMAN WW domain-containing oxidoreductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WWOX PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 null 105-UNIMOD:28,106-UNIMOD:267,120-UNIMOD:267 0.04 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P19623|SPEE_HUMAN Spermidine synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRM PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 null 1-UNIMOD:35 0.06 29.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NPD3|EXOS4_HUMAN Exosome complex component RRP41 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L7a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL7A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 150-UNIMOD:188 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H074-3|PAIP1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Polyadenylate-binding protein-interacting protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAIP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN Transaldolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TALDO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 250-UNIMOD:4,258-UNIMOD:188,269-UNIMOD:188 0.07 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9HB07|MYG1_HUMAN UPF0160 protein MYG1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C12orf10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 231-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P56537|IF6_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 11-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 0.06 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NQT4|EXOS5_HUMAN Exosome complex component RRP46 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.06 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86W42|THOC6_HUMAN THO complex subunit 6 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOC6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 279-UNIMOD:4,290-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UHB9-3|SRP68_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Signal recognition particle subunit SRP68 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRP68 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 182-UNIMOD:267,223-UNIMOD:4,231-UNIMOD:188 0.10 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8TE02|ELP5_HUMAN Elongator complex protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELP5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 279-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNZ2-4|NSF1C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of NSFL1 cofactor p47 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSFL1C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 337-UNIMOD:267,124-UNIMOD:188 0.11 28.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|O15091-3|MRPP3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Mitochondrial ribonuclease P catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRORP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDS5A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 763-UNIMOD:267,404-UNIMOD:267 0.02 28.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P51398-2|RT29_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 28S ribosomal protein S29, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 148-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95202-2|LETM1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitochondrial proton/calcium exchanger protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LETM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 234-UNIMOD:188 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P36639-4|8ODP_HUMAN Isoform p18 of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine triphosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 151-UNIMOD:267 0.09 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4P3|TBL2_HUMAN Transducin beta-like protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBL2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 247-UNIMOD:4,254-UNIMOD:188 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13144|EI2BE_HUMAN Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2B5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y295|DRG1_HUMAN Developmentally-regulated GTP-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DRG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 61-UNIMOD:188,171-UNIMOD:267 0.08 28.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P53007|TXTP_HUMAN Tricarboxylate transport protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 97-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14558|KPRA_HUMAN Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPSAP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 68-UNIMOD:267 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53004|BIEA_HUMAN Biliverdin reductase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BLVRA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 161-UNIMOD:267 0.05 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN Annexin A5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANXA5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 18-UNIMOD:267,45-UNIMOD:267 0.16 28.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|Q16774|KGUA_HUMAN Guanylate kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GUK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 98-UNIMOD:4,108-UNIMOD:267 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZW5|MPP6_HUMAN MAGUK p55 subfamily member 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MPP6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 222-UNIMOD:385,222-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:4,430-UNIMOD:267 0.06 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O60879-2|DIAP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein diaphanous homolog 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DIAPH2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 655-UNIMOD:4 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75116|ROCK2_HUMAN Rho-associated protein kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROCK2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 1239-UNIMOD:188 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TCS8|PNPT1_HUMAN Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNPT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P57723-2|PCBP4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Poly(rC)-binding protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCBP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 244-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P84077|ARF1_HUMAN ADP-ribosylation factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.07 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60660-2|MYL6_HUMAN Isoform Smooth muscle of Myosin light polypeptide 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYL6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 32-UNIMOD:4,37-UNIMOD:267 0.08 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NCN5|PDPR_HUMAN Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase regulatory subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDPR PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 160-UNIMOD:188 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49755|TMEDA_HUMAN Transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMED10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 127-UNIMOD:188 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NRV9|HEBP1_HUMAN Heme-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HEBP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 118-UNIMOD:188 0.08 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q5VW32-2|BROX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of BRO1 domain-containing protein BROX OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BROX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 313-UNIMOD:188 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O94979-7|SC31A_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC31A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 114-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|Q8WVB6-3|CTF18_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Chromosome transmission fidelity protein 18 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHTF18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14975-2|S27A2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC27A2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZX2|UCK2_HUMAN Uridine-cytidine kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UCK2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 52-UNIMOD:267 0.05 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62750|RL23A_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L23a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL23A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.09 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60832-2|DKC1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit DKC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DKC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 57-UNIMOD:188 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 N OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2N PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 68-UNIMOD:188,64-UNIMOD:35 0.11 28.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y6Y8-2|S23IP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SEC23-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC23IP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 842-UNIMOD:188 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P14868-2|SYDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Aspartate--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 249-UNIMOD:4,256-UNIMOD:267,51-UNIMOD:267 0.06 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q96ME7-3|ZN512_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Zinc finger protein 512 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF512 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 18-UNIMOD:188 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN High mobility group protein B2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 139-UNIMOD:188 0.06 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8TBP6|S2540_HUMAN Solute carrier family 25 member 40 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A40 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 142-UNIMOD:4,152-UNIMOD:267 0.05 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN Cofilin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CFL1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 164-UNIMOD:188,92-UNIMOD:188 0.16 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8IX18-4|DHX40_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX40 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX40 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 310-UNIMOD:188 0.02 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q5T7V8-2|GORAB_HUMAN Isoform 2 of RAB6-interacting golgin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GORAB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 95-UNIMOD:188 0.09 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30740|ILEU_HUMAN Leukocyte elastase inhibitor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERPINB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 301-UNIMOD:188 0.07 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P21953|ODBB_HUMAN 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCKDHB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 299-UNIMOD:4,305-UNIMOD:267,177-UNIMOD:4,183-UNIMOD:267,316-UNIMOD:4 0.10 28.0 3 3 3 PRT sp|P62820-2|RAB1A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 112-UNIMOD:35,123-UNIMOD:188 0.18 28.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UJV9|DDX41_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX41 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX41 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 293-UNIMOD:267 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14763-2|TR10B_HUMAN Isoform Short of Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNFRSF10B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 310-UNIMOD:267 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N2F6-6|ARM10_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Armadillo repeat-containing protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARMC10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 81-UNIMOD:267 0.08 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43776|SYNC_HUMAN Asparagine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NARS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 438-UNIMOD:4,439-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P10301|RRAS_HUMAN Ras-related protein R-Ras OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRAS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 42-UNIMOD:188 0.11 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O00567|NOP56_HUMAN Nucleolar protein 56 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOP56 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 415-UNIMOD:267,384-UNIMOD:4,396-UNIMOD:188 0.05 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|O43490-5|PROM1_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Prominin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PROM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 324-UNIMOD:267 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60568|PLOD3_HUMAN Multifunctional procollagen lysine hydroxylase and glycosyltransferase LH3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLOD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 372-UNIMOD:267 0.04 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UQ13-2|SHOC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Leucine-rich repeat protein SHOC-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SHOC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 442-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BWJ5|SF3B5_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 72-UNIMOD:35,76-UNIMOD:4,82-UNIMOD:188 0.19 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13418|ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ILK PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 350-UNIMOD:35 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75592-2|MYCB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MYCBP2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYCBP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 4205-UNIMOD:188 0.00 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P53582|MAP11_HUMAN Methionine aminopeptidase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=METAP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 179-UNIMOD:4,191-UNIMOD:188 0.04 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UQE7|SMC3_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 132-UNIMOD:267 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98172|EFNB1_HUMAN Ephrin-B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFNB1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43246-2|MSH2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MSH2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 863-UNIMOD:267 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86TN4-2|TRPT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of tRNA 2'-phosphotransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 163-UNIMOD:188 0.10 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5T6F2|UBAP2_HUMAN Ubiquitin-associated protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBAP2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 441-UNIMOD:267 0.01 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13464|ROCK1_HUMAN Rho-associated protein kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ROCK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06323-3|PSME1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Proteasome activator complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 35-UNIMOD:188 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P46926|GNPI1_HUMAN Glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNPDA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 79-UNIMOD:267,172-UNIMOD:267 0.09 28.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|P31153|METK2_HUMAN S-adenosylmethionine synthase isoform type-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAT2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 74-UNIMOD:267 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15019|SEPT2_HUMAN Septin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 128-UNIMOD:267,66-UNIMOD:267 0.08 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9BZE4-3|NOG1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTPBP4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,65-UNIMOD:188 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O60888-3|CUTA_HUMAN Isoform C of Protein CutA OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CUTA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 115-UNIMOD:267 0.10 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN Protein disulfide-isomerase A4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDIA4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.04 28.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q14790-3|CASP8_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Caspase-8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CASP8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 276-UNIMOD:4 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60488-2|ACSL4_HUMAN Isoform Short of Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACSL4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 453-UNIMOD:4,454-UNIMOD:4 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16762|THTR_HUMAN Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TST PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 42-UNIMOD:267 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NP81|SYSM_HUMAN Serine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 402-UNIMOD:267,391-UNIMOD:35 0.03 28.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|O00170|AIP_HUMAN AH receptor-interacting protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AIP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 304-UNIMOD:267 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P51659-3|DHB4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NUP9|LIN7C_HUMAN Protein lin-7 homolog C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIN7C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 47-UNIMOD:4,51-UNIMOD:267 0.06 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NQ84|GPC5C_HUMAN G-protein coupled receptor family C group 5 member C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPRC5C PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 393-UNIMOD:267 0.03 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99735-2|MGST2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MGST2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 48-UNIMOD:267 0.19 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16629-3|SRSF7_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 24-UNIMOD:188 0.10 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P54920|SNAA_HUMAN Alpha-soluble NSF attachment protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAPA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 0.04 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35908|K22E_HUMAN Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 2 epidermal OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61026|RAB10_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 22-UNIMOD:188 0.06 28.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BZE4|NOG1_HUMAN Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTPBP4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 144-UNIMOD:28 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9ULW0|TPX2_HUMAN Targeting protein for Xklp2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPX2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 145-UNIMOD:385,145-UNIMOD:4,158-UNIMOD:188,159-UNIMOD:188,536-UNIMOD:4 0.04 28.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q32P51|RA1L2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1-like 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA1L2 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.05 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86X55|CARM1_HUMAN Histone-arginine methyltransferase CARM1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CARM1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.02 28.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NPJ6|MED4_HUMAN Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MED4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 42-UNIMOD:267 0.05 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96Q11|TRNT1_HUMAN CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRNT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.04 28.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|A8K0Z3|WASH1_HUMAN WASH complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WASHC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05655|KPCD_HUMAN Protein kinase C delta type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKCD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43304|GPDM_HUMAN Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPD2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 270-UNIMOD:385,270-UNIMOD:4,271-UNIMOD:188,282-UNIMOD:267 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17301|ITA2_HUMAN Integrin alpha-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.01 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96C19|EFHD2_HUMAN EF-hand domain-containing protein D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFHD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 103-UNIMOD:28,108-UNIMOD:267,118-UNIMOD:188 0.07 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P09874|PARP1_HUMAN Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARP1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 null 119-UNIMOD:188 0.01 28.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UPP1|PHF8_HUMAN Histone lysine demethylase PHF8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHF8 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 732-UNIMOD:188 0.02 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92890|UFD1_HUMAN Ubiquitin recognition factor in ER-associated degradation protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UFD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 null 25-UNIMOD:385,25-UNIMOD:4 0.06 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IXJ6|SIR2_HUMAN NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SIRT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35052|GPC1_HUMAN Glypican-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GPC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 null 0.03 28.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96B54|ZN428_HUMAN Zinc finger protein 428 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF428 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 93-UNIMOD:4,96-UNIMOD:4 0.08 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NVH1-3|DJC11_HUMAN Isoform 3 of DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 466-UNIMOD:4,471-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P49916-4|DNLI3_HUMAN Isoform 4 of DNA ligase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIG3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 561-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P98179|RBM3_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 75-UNIMOD:267,152-UNIMOD:267 0.15 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 594-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN Myotrophin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTPN PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:188,7-UNIMOD:35 0.09 27.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y6D5|BIG2_HUMAN Brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARFGEF2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 1206-UNIMOD:4 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06210-2|GFPT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GFPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 602-UNIMOD:4,612-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BXJ9|NAA15_HUMAN N-alpha-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA15 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 128-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04066|FUCO_HUMAN Tissue alpha-L-fucosidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FUCA1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q03701|CEBPZ_HUMAN CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein zeta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CEBPZ PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 302-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN Calreticulin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CALR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 36-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN Vimentin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VIM PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 304-UNIMOD:267,139-UNIMOD:188 0.07 27.0 5 3 1 PRT sp|P12277|KCRB_HUMAN Creatine kinase B-type OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CKB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 254-UNIMOD:4,265-UNIMOD:188 0.04 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43924|PDE6D_HUMAN Retinal rod rhodopsin-sensitive cGMP 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase subunit delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDE6D PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 144-UNIMOD:267 0.09 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAZ PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.05 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95347|SMC2_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 1170-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P31040-3|SDHA_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SDHA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 180-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IWS0-5|PHF6_HUMAN Isoform 5 of PHD finger protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.06 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P29372-5|3MG_HUMAN Isoform 4 of DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MPG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 244-UNIMOD:267 0.06 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NZM1-8|MYOF_HUMAN Isoform 8 of Myoferlin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYOF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N142|PURA1_HUMAN Adenylosuccinate synthetase isozyme 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADSS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 183-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 140-UNIMOD:267 0.04 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13363-2|CTBP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of C-terminal-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 97-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN Phosphoserine aminotransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSAT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 61-UNIMOD:267,333-UNIMOD:188 0.06 27.0 5 2 0 PRT sp|Q5T4S7-3|UBR4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBR4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 4606-UNIMOD:188 0.00 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96I99|SUCB2_HUMAN Succinate--CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUCLG2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 269-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q02750-2|MP2K1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAP2K1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 84-UNIMOD:188 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92665|RT31_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S31, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS31 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN Histone H4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H4C1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 56-UNIMOD:267 0.11 27.0 5 1 0 PRT sp|Q12899|TRI26_HUMAN Tripartite motif-containing protein 26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIM26 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 245-UNIMOD:188 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9GZZ1|NAA50_HUMAN N-alpha-acetyltransferase 50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAA50 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 60-UNIMOD:4,61-UNIMOD:4 0.09 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62699|YPEL5_HUMAN Protein yippee-like 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YPEL5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 17-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:4,27-UNIMOD:267 0.12 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00390-5|GSHR_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GSR null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 102-UNIMOD:4,107-UNIMOD:4,110-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NI35-4|INADL_HUMAN Isoform 4 of InaD-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PATJ null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKG1|DP13A_HUMAN DCC-interacting protein 13-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APPL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 563-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q15386-3|UBE3C_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Ubiquitin-protein ligase E3C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE3C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 115-UNIMOD:4 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15057|ACAP2_HUMAN Arf-GAP with coiled-coil, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACAP2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 468-UNIMOD:4,477-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMPDH2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 322-UNIMOD:267 0.06 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P36776-3|LONM_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LONP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 505-UNIMOD:188 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Spectrin beta chain, non-erythrocytic 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPTBN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 2075-UNIMOD:267,1067-UNIMOD:267,723-UNIMOD:267,1282-UNIMOD:35 0.02 27.0 6 4 2 PRT sp|P61081|UBC12_HUMAN NEDD8-conjugating enzyme Ubc12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBE2M PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 65-UNIMOD:4 0.13 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P32929-3|CGL_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Cystathionine gamma-lyase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IYB3-2|SRRM1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 471-UNIMOD:35,480-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8WXA9|SREK1_HUMAN Splicing regulatory glutamine/lysine-rich protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SREK1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 98-UNIMOD:35 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14651|PLSI_HUMAN Plastin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 168-UNIMOD:35,166-UNIMOD:4 0.04 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9UJA5-4|TRM6_HUMAN Isoform 4 of tRNA (adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase non-catalytic subunit TRM6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRMT6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N1F7|NUP93_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup93 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP93 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 42-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O15347|HMGB3_HUMAN High mobility group protein B3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HMGB3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 43-UNIMOD:188 0.07 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8IXB1|DJC10_HUMAN DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJC10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 337-UNIMOD:188 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42167-3|LAP2B_HUMAN Isoform Zeta of Lamina-associated polypeptide 2, isoforms beta/gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMPO null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 13-UNIMOD:188 0.05 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14980-4|NUMA1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUMA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 961-UNIMOD:4,972-UNIMOD:267 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SERBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 68-UNIMOD:188,52-UNIMOD:188,32-UNIMOD:188,369-UNIMOD:188 0.18 27.0 7 4 1 PRT sp|Q6FI81-2|CPIN1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Anamorsin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CIAPIN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 70-UNIMOD:4,73-UNIMOD:4,80-UNIMOD:267 0.13 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P587|FAHD1_HUMAN Acylpyruvase FAHD1, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAHD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 129-UNIMOD:4 0.07 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35573|GDE_HUMAN Glycogen debranching enzyme OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AGL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 114-UNIMOD:267,34-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P11172|UMPS_HUMAN Uridine 5'-monophosphate synthase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UMPS PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 41-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04844-2|RPN2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPN2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 158-UNIMOD:267,308-UNIMOD:188,305-UNIMOD:35 0.05 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q5VT52-5|RPRD2_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPRD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 175-UNIMOD:188 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15785|TOM34_HUMAN Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM34 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOMM34 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 293-UNIMOD:267 0.05 27.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BTC0-1|DIDO1_HUMAN Isoform 1 of Death-inducer obliterator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DIDO1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 838-UNIMOD:188 0.01 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q53LP3|SWAHC_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein SOWAHC OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SOWAHC PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 221-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86W92-3|LIPB1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Liprin-beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPFIBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 27-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NQG5|RPR1B_HUMAN Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPRD1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 126-UNIMOD:188 0.04 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P30419-2|NMT1_HUMAN Isoform Short of Glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NMT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 47-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12933-4|TRAF2_HUMAN Isoform 4 of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRAF2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 262-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P04632|CPNS1_HUMAN Calpain small subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPNS1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 144-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:267 0.04 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P18433-6|PTPRA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPRA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 734-UNIMOD:4,742-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P29350-2|PTN6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 368-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55786|PSA_HUMAN Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPEPPS PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 606-UNIMOD:267,155-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P51003|PAPOA_HUMAN Poly(A) polymerase alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAPOLA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 736-UNIMOD:188 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Serine/threonine-protein kinase 26 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK26 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 213-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96T60-2|PNKP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Bifunctional polynucleotide phosphatase/kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PNKP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13427-2|PPIG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase G OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIG null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 33-UNIMOD:4 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P38432|COIL_HUMAN Coilin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COIL PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.02 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43034|LIS1_HUMAN Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PAFAH1B1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZE1|RM37_HUMAN 39S ribosomal protein L37, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPL37 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 63-UNIMOD:188 0.04 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q0VDG4-2|SCRN3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Secernin-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCRN3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 136-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63000|RAC1_HUMAN Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 157-UNIMOD:4,163-UNIMOD:267 0.06 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q14353|GAMT_HUMAN Guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GAMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 235-UNIMOD:188 0.07 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35749|MYH11_HUMAN Myosin-11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MYH11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 232-UNIMOD:188 0.01 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN Lamin-B2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMNB2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 null 212-UNIMOD:385,212-UNIMOD:4,222-UNIMOD:267,223-UNIMOD:188,561-UNIMOD:267,256-UNIMOD:35,264-UNIMOD:267 0.06 27.0 4 3 2 PRT sp|Q99880|H2B1L_HUMAN Histone H2B type 1-L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=H2BC13 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 0.13 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O00541|PESC_HUMAN Pescadillo homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PES1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 391-UNIMOD:385,391-UNIMOD:4,405-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O94979|SC31A_HUMAN Protein transport protein Sec31A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC31A PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 0.01 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O15371|EIF3D_HUMAN Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit D OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3D PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 374-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q06323|PSME1_HUMAN Proteasome activator complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 199-UNIMOD:28,210-UNIMOD:267 0.05 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BVJ6|UT14A_HUMAN U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 14 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UTP14A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 711-UNIMOD:267 0.02 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q06203|PUR1_HUMAN Amidophosphoribosyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPAT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 100-UNIMOD:385,100-UNIMOD:4,105-UNIMOD:4 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZZ5|API5_HUMAN Apoptosis inhibitor 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=API5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 81-UNIMOD:28,84-UNIMOD:188,97-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P08195|4F2_HUMAN 4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC3A2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 0.02 27.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AHSG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 219-UNIMOD:385,219-UNIMOD:4,230-UNIMOD:4 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q00325|MPCP_HUMAN Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC25A3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 null 0.04 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14254|FLOT2_HUMAN Flotillin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLOT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 308-UNIMOD:28,318-UNIMOD:188,320-UNIMOD:267 0.03 27.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q07955|SRSF1_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:267,17-UNIMOD:267 0.07 27.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P29083|T2EA_HUMAN General transcription factor IIE subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2E1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q08AI8|MB214_HUMAN Protein mab-21-like 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MAB21L4 PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35268|RL22_HUMAN 60S ribosomal protein L22 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL22 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 65-UNIMOD:267 0.11 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H0A0|NAT10_HUMAN RNA cytidine acetyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NAT10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 989-UNIMOD:188 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9C0H2-3|TTYH3_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein tweety homolog 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TTYH3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 159-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NS87-4|KIF15_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Kinesin-like protein KIF15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF15 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 638-UNIMOD:188 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P29590-14|PML_HUMAN Isoform PML-14 of Protein PML OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PML null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61163|ACTZ_HUMAN Alpha-centractin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 255-UNIMOD:267 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H2U1-3|DHX36_HUMAN Isoform 3 of ATP-dependent DNA/RNA helicase DHX36 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX36 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5SRE5-2|NU188_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Nucleoporin NUP188 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP188 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 1634-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43143|DHX15_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX15 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 515-UNIMOD:188 0.04 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9NVA2|SEP11_HUMAN Septin-11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q07954|LRP1_HUMAN Prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.00 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF3C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 79-UNIMOD:4,88-UNIMOD:188,862-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|O95104-3|SCAF4_HUMAN Isoform 3 of SR-related and CTD-associated factor 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SCAF4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 778-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15554|TERF2_HUMAN Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TERF2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 369-UNIMOD:188 0.03 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P13693-2|TCTP_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Translationally-controlled tumor protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.09 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62857|RS28_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S28 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS28 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 63-UNIMOD:267 0.19 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P10599-2|THIO_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Thioredoxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 74-UNIMOD:188,76-UNIMOD:188 0.25 26.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|P51610-2|HCFC1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Host cell factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HCFC1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43913-2|ORC5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Origin recognition complex subunit 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ORC5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61221|ABCE1_HUMAN ATP-binding cassette sub-family E member 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABCE1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 227-UNIMOD:4,231-UNIMOD:4,234-UNIMOD:188 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BZJ0-2|CRNL1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Crooked neck-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRNKL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15029-2|U5S1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFTUD2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 928-UNIMOD:188 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P61803|DAD1_HUMAN Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit DAD1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAD1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 23-UNIMOD:267 0.12 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TAT6|NPL4_HUMAN Nuclear protein localization protein 4 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NPLOC4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 188-UNIMOD:4,189-UNIMOD:188 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q99447|PCY2_HUMAN Ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PCYT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 20-UNIMOD:267,385-UNIMOD:267 0.08 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P33121-2|ACSL1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACSL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 615-UNIMOD:4,616-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PHGDH PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 247-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UIV1-2|CNOT7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNOT7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 220-UNIMOD:267 0.06 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H444|CHM4B_HUMAN Charged multivesicular body protein 4b OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CHMP4B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 28-UNIMOD:267 0.05 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96EY1-2|DNJA3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 3, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNAJA3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 187-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26640|SYVC_HUMAN Valine--tRNA ligase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VARS1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 663-UNIMOD:4,665-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13136-2|LIPA1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Liprin-alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPFIA1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 1165-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BRP1|PDD2L_HUMAN Programmed cell death protein 2-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD2L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 260-UNIMOD:4 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y315|DEOC_HUMAN Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DERA PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 299-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P08243-3|ASNS_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ASNS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 172-UNIMOD:4 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y6V7-2|DDX49_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX49 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX49 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52272-2|HNRPM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 342-UNIMOD:188 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O00425|IF2B3_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IGF2BP3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 325-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P39748|FEN1_HUMAN Flap endonuclease 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FEN1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 19-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25789|PSA4_HUMAN Proteasome subunit alpha type-4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMA4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 64-UNIMOD:188 0.04 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9GZN8|CT027_HUMAN UPF0687 protein C20orf27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C20orf27 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.09 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Regulator of nonsense transcripts 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UPF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 363-UNIMOD:4,365-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN Isoform Monomeric of Arginine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RARS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 450-UNIMOD:188 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O43290|SNUT1_HUMAN U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SART1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 385-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9H8H3|MET7A_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like protein 7A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=METTL7A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 79-UNIMOD:4,86-UNIMOD:188 0.07 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q53T59|H1BP3_HUMAN HCLS1-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HS1BP3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 246-UNIMOD:267 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P45880|VDAC2_HUMAN Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VDAC2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 277-UNIMOD:188 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20340-2|RAB6A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ras-related protein Rab-6A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB6A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN Peroxiredoxin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRDX1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 168-UNIMOD:188,141-UNIMOD:28,151-UNIMOD:267 0.12 26.0 8 2 0 PRT sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Glucosidase 2 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRKCSH null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 206-UNIMOD:188,177-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPUL1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 263-UNIMOD:4,272-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96BY7|ATG2B_HUMAN Autophagy-related protein 2 homolog B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATG2B PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P26196|DDX6_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX6 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 390-UNIMOD:4,396-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NZ32|ARP10_HUMAN Actin-related protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACTR10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 13-UNIMOD:188 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61020|RAB5B_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rab-5B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAB5B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 179-UNIMOD:188,134-UNIMOD:188 0.14 26.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q12959-8|DLG1_HUMAN Isoform 8 of Disks large homolog 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DLG1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y679-3|AUP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ancient ubiquitous protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AUP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UL46|PSME2_HUMAN Proteasome activator complex subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSME2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 34-UNIMOD:267 0.06 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9HD15|SRA1_HUMAN Steroid receptor RNA activator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 218-UNIMOD:188 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q68D91-2|MBLC2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Metallo-beta-lactamase domain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MBLAC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 66-UNIMOD:267 0.08 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NYJ1|COA4_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 homolog, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COA4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,14-UNIMOD:267 0.16 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N1G2|CMTR1_HUMAN Cap-specific mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CMTR1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y678|COPG1_HUMAN Coatomer subunit gamma-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPG1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 590-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35606-2|COPB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Coatomer subunit beta' OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COPB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 27-UNIMOD:4,32-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P39656-2|OST48_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase 48 kDa subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDOST null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 57-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q86U42-2|PABP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Polyadenylate-binding protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PABPN1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 238-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P60468|SC61B_HUMAN Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC61B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 57-UNIMOD:267 0.13 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q7L5N7|PCAT2_HUMAN Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LPCAT2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 223-UNIMOD:4 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96KP4-2|CNDP2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytosolic non-specific dipeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNDP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WUQ7|CATIN_HUMAN Cactin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CACTIN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S23 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS23 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 135-UNIMOD:188 0.08 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P09497-2|CLCB_HUMAN Isoform Non-brain of Clathrin light chain B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTB null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 181-UNIMOD:4 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00411|RPOM_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLRMT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 987-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61247|RS3A_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S3a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.06 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H488-2|OFUT1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POFUT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 111-UNIMOD:188 0.06 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P28340|DPOD1_HUMAN DNA polymerase delta catalytic subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 319-UNIMOD:4,322-UNIMOD:267 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23229-4|ITA6_HUMAN Isoform Alpha-6X2A of Integrin alpha-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITGA6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 608-UNIMOD:188 0.02 26.0 3 1 0 PRT sp|Q15942-2|ZYX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Zyxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZYX null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98173-3|FAM3A_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein FAM3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FAM3A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.07 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3L5|RAP2C_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rap-2c OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAP2C PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 16-UNIMOD:188 0.07 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q12849-5|GRSF1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of G-rich sequence factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRSF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 314-UNIMOD:4,316-UNIMOD:188 0.04 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O14980|XPO1_HUMAN Exportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XPO1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 null 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MDH2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 89-UNIMOD:4,91-UNIMOD:188 0.09 26.0 2 2 0 PRT sp|Q15029|U5S1_HUMAN 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EFTUD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 775-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q13126|MTAP_HUMAN S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine phosphorylase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTAP PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 29-UNIMOD:267 0.07 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O00429|DNM1L_HUMAN Dynamin-1-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 431-UNIMOD:385,431-UNIMOD:4,441-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H8H0|NOL11_HUMAN Nucleolar protein 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOL11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NY65|TBA8_HUMAN Tubulin alpha-8 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBA8 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 67-UNIMOD:35,79-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95983|MBD3_HUMAN Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MBD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 103-UNIMOD:28,109-UNIMOD:188,114-UNIMOD:188 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6Y7W6|GGYF2_HUMAN GRB10-interacting GYF protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GIGYF2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 1011-UNIMOD:267,1016-UNIMOD:28,1028-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q8N1G4|LRC47_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 47 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LRRC47 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 102-UNIMOD:267 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P40121|CAPG_HUMAN Macrophage-capping protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAPG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 307-UNIMOD:28,319-UNIMOD:267 0.04 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q06210|GFPT1_HUMAN Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GFPT1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 620-UNIMOD:4,630-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9C005|DPY30_HUMAN Protein dpy-30 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DPY30 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 44-UNIMOD:28,45-UNIMOD:188,54-UNIMOD:267 0.12 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P10114|RAP2A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rap-2a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAP2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 16-UNIMOD:188 0.07 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q92537|SUSD6_HUMAN Sushi domain-containing protein 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SUSD6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 209-UNIMOD:267 0.05 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14257|RCN2_HUMAN Reticulocalbin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCN2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 306-UNIMOD:28 0.04 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15424|SAFB1_HUMAN Scaffold attachment factor B1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SAFB PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 null 225-UNIMOD:4,226-UNIMOD:188 0.01 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13591|NCAM1_HUMAN Neural cell adhesion molecule 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCAM1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 0.02 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q49A26|GLYR1_HUMAN Putative oxidoreductase GLYR1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLYR1 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 0.03 26.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P158|DHX57_HUMAN Putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX57 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX57 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 null 51-UNIMOD:267 0.02 26.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BXP5-5|SRRT_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRRT null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 264-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P18583-2|SON_HUMAN Isoform A of Protein SON OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SON null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 1444-UNIMOD:267 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49354-2|FNTA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase type-1 subunit alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FNTA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 274-UNIMOD:4 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00115-2|DNS2A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Deoxyribonuclease-2-alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNASE2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H3H1-4|MOD5_HUMAN Isoform 4 of tRNA dimethylallyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TRIT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15435-5|PP1R7_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP1R7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 53-UNIMOD:4,64-UNIMOD:267 0.06 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6PJG6|BRAT1_HUMAN BRCA1-associated ATM activator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRAT1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 529-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein theta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAQ PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 218-UNIMOD:35,222-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BVC6|TM109_HUMAN Transmembrane protein 109 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TMEM109 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 59-UNIMOD:267 0.05 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BRJ6|CG050_HUMAN Uncharacterized protein C7orf50 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=C7orf50 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 182-UNIMOD:267 0.08 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P42224-2|STAT1_HUMAN Isoform Beta of Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1-alpha/beta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAT1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 649-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q01780-2|EXOSX_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Exosome component 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EXOSC10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 48-UNIMOD:188 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H773|DCTP1_HUMAN dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DCTPP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 35-UNIMOD:267 0.08 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN Lupus La protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SSB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 245-UNIMOD:4,246-UNIMOD:267,165-UNIMOD:188 0.07 25.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q8IX12-2|CCAR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCAR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 358-UNIMOD:4,361-UNIMOD:4,367-UNIMOD:267 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14972-2|VP26C_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS26C null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.07 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17812-2|PYRG1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of CTP synthase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTPS1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O15460-2|P4HA2_HUMAN Isoform IIa of Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 527-UNIMOD:4 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P28838-2|AMPL_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cytosol aminopeptidase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LAP3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 251-UNIMOD:188 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15390-2|MTFR1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitochondrial fission regulator 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTFR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 112-UNIMOD:4 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Double-strand break repair protein MRE11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRE11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 171-UNIMOD:188,188-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 4 2 0 PRT sp|Q9UBQ7|GRHPR_HUMAN Glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GRHPR PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 76-UNIMOD:188 0.03 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9NX74|DUS2L_HUMAN tRNA-dihydrouridine(20) synthase [NAD(P)+]-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DUS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 170-UNIMOD:188 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00186|STXB3_HUMAN Syntaxin-binding protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STXBP3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O00391-2|QSOX1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sulfhydryl oxidase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QSOX1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2K7-2|KDM2A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Lysine-specific demethylase 2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KDM2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 751-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UL15|BAG5_HUMAN BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BAG5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7L1V2-2|MON1B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vacuolar fusion protein MON1 homolog B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MON1B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 103-UNIMOD:267 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BVP2-2|GNL3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNL3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 239-UNIMOD:4,241-UNIMOD:188 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95772-2|STR3N_HUMAN Isoform 2 of STARD3 N-terminal-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STARD3NL null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 188-UNIMOD:267 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P21796|VDAC1_HUMAN Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VDAC1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 232-UNIMOD:4,236-UNIMOD:188 0.08 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q96CB9-4|NSUN4_HUMAN Isoform 4 of 5-methylcytosine rRNA methyltransferase NSUN4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSUN4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 160-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UNH7-2|SNX6_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Sorting nexin-6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 270-UNIMOD:188 0.04 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS6KA3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94826|TOM70_HUMAN Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM70 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOMM70 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 159-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H7Z3|NRDE2_HUMAN Nuclear exosome regulator NRDE2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NRDE2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 382-UNIMOD:267,155-UNIMOD:4 0.04 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P62834|RAP1A_HUMAN Ras-related protein Rap-1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RAP1A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 139-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:4,149-UNIMOD:188 0.08 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95785-2|WIZ_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein Wiz OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WIZ null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 648-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y496|KIF3A_HUMAN Kinesin-like protein KIF3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIF3A PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49642|PRI1_HUMAN DNA primase small subunit OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRIM1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6PD74|AAGAB_HUMAN Alpha- and gamma-adaptin-binding protein p34 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AAGAB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 103-UNIMOD:188 0.05 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P84090|ERH_HUMAN Enhancer of rudimentary homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERH PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,12-UNIMOD:188 0.12 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9Y570-2|PPME1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPME1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 30-UNIMOD:188 0.06 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P48681|NEST_HUMAN Nestin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NES PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 830-UNIMOD:188,157-UNIMOD:4,160-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q9Y2A7|NCKP1_HUMAN Nck-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCKAP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 599-UNIMOD:4,608-UNIMOD:188 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16836|HCDH_HUMAN Hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HADH PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 202-UNIMOD:188 0.04 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UNX4|WDR3_HUMAN WD repeat-containing protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDR3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 452-UNIMOD:35,454-UNIMOD:4,459-UNIMOD:4,467-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 4 1 0 PRT sp|Q7Z4H7-3|HAUS6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HAUS6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 558-UNIMOD:267 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P21281|VATB2_HUMAN V-type proton ATPase subunit B, brain isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP6V1B2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 130-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 84-UNIMOD:188,180-UNIMOD:267 0.11 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8N8A6|DDX51_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX51 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX51 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q06124-1|PTN11_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN11 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 417-UNIMOD:267 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P63092-3|GNAS2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms short OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNAS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 196-UNIMOD:188 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NX40-4|OCAD1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of OCIA domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=OCIAD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 55-UNIMOD:35 0.15 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9P2M7-2|CING_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cingulin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CGN null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 67-UNIMOD:188 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13596-2|SNX1_HUMAN Isoform 1A of Sorting nexin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNX1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 112-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N2G8-2|GHDC_HUMAN Isoform 2 of GH3 domain-containing protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GHDC null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 377-UNIMOD:4,381-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96HY6-2|DDRGK_HUMAN Isoform 2 of DDRGK domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDRGK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13010|XRCC5_HUMAN X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=XRCC5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43427-2|FIBP_HUMAN Isoform Short of Acidic fibroblast growth factor intracellular-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FIBP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 105-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P21333|FLNA_HUMAN Filamin-A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FLNA PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NHW5|RLA0L_HUMAN 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPLP0P6 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 27-UNIMOD:385,27-UNIMOD:4 0.04 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P12270|TPR_HUMAN Nucleoprotein TPR OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPR PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ],[MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 null 1201-UNIMOD:267 0.01 25.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 503-UNIMOD:28 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WWM7|ATX2L_HUMAN Ataxin-2-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATXN2L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 0.02 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P49916|DNLI3_HUMAN DNA ligase 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LIG3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 729-UNIMOD:385,729-UNIMOD:4,740-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P62633|CNBP_HUMAN Cellular nucleic acid-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNBP PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 119-UNIMOD:385,119-UNIMOD:4,122-UNIMOD:4,130-UNIMOD:188 0.07 25.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P67936|TPM4_HUMAN Tropomyosin alpha-4 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPM4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:267 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14653|IRF3_HUMAN Interferon regulatory factor 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IRF3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 222-UNIMOD:4,227-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P57772|SELB_HUMAN Selenocysteine-specific elongation factor OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEFSEC PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 409-UNIMOD:28,418-UNIMOD:188,422-UNIMOD:4,424-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16629|SRSF7_HUMAN Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF7 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 24-UNIMOD:188 0.05 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8N9V3|WSDU1_HUMAN WD repeat, SAM and U-box domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=WDSUB1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 410-UNIMOD:4,414-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6NXG1|ESRP1_HUMAN Epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ESRP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 218-UNIMOD:35 0.02 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN Ubiquitin-40S ribosomal protein S27a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS27A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 144-UNIMOD:385,144-UNIMOD:4,145-UNIMOD:4,149-UNIMOD:4 0.09 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A6NHR9|SMHD1_HUMAN Structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMCHD1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25311|ZA2G_HUMAN Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AZGP1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 166-UNIMOD:28,167-UNIMOD:188,177-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WXG6|MADD_HUMAN MAP kinase-activating death domain protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MADD PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 null 1533-UNIMOD:28 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P67775|PP2AA_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit alpha isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPP2CA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 266-UNIMOD:4 0.05 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P29218|IMPA1_HUMAN Inositol monophosphatase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IMPA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 167-UNIMOD:267 0.04 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8TDB6|DTX3L_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DTX3L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DTX3L PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 175-UNIMOD:4,183-UNIMOD:267 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6P2E9|EDC4_HUMAN Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EDC4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 0.01 25.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q6P5Q4|LMOD2_HUMAN Leiomodin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LMOD2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 376-UNIMOD:267 0.03 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12986|NFX1_HUMAN Transcriptional repressor NF-X1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NFX1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 null 1109-UNIMOD:188 0.01 25.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75352-2|MPU1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1 protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MPDU1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JTZ9|SYAM_HUMAN Alanine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AARS2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UGK3|STAP2_HUMAN Signal-transducing adaptor protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STAP2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 252-UNIMOD:188 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43264-2|ZW10_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Centromere/kinetochore protein zw10 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZW10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 653-UNIMOD:35,667-UNIMOD:188 0.03 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q9H270|VPS11_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 11 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P06239-2|LCK_HUMAN Isoform Short of Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=LCK null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 118-UNIMOD:188 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15637-6|SF01_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Splicing factor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN Programmed cell death protein 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PDCD5 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.21 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ITPR1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 1382-UNIMOD:4,1393-UNIMOD:267 0.00 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A6NGR9|MROH6_HUMAN Maestro heat-like repeat-containing protein family member 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MROH6 PE=4 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WUM0|NU133_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup133 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP133 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P43487-2|RANG_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Ran-specific GTPase-activating protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RANBP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 150-UNIMOD:188 0.11 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|P46977|STT3A_HUMAN Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STT3A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 655-UNIMOD:188,67-UNIMOD:188 0.03 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UNK0|STX8_HUMAN Syntaxin-8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STX8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 89-UNIMOD:267,80-UNIMOD:28 0.11 24.0 4 2 1 PRT sp|O43301|HS12A_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 12A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA12A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 529-UNIMOD:188 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P50416-2|CPT1A_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPT1A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 517-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5TFE4|NT5D1_HUMAN 5'-nucleotidase domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NT5DC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WV92|MITD1_HUMAN MIT domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MITD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92506|DHB8_HUMAN Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSD17B8 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NCC3-2|PAG15_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Group XV phospholipase A2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PLA2G15 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 261-UNIMOD:4,272-UNIMOD:188 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BZF9-2|UACA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UACA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96HW7-2|INT4_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Integrator complex subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=INTS4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y4D1-3|DAAM1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Disheveled-associated activator of morphogenesis 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DAAM1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 647-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P78347-2|GTF2I_HUMAN Isoform 2 of General transcription factor II-I OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF2I null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 896-UNIMOD:188 0.01 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16181-2|SEPT7_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Septin-7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 424-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35611-5|ADDA_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Alpha-adducin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADD1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96EK6|GNA1_HUMAN Glucosamine 6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GNPNAT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 157-UNIMOD:4 0.08 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60547-2|GMDS_HUMAN Isoform 2 of GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GMDS null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 207-UNIMOD:4,216-UNIMOD:188,112-UNIMOD:4 0.08 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|P56182|RRP1_HUMAN Ribosomal RNA processing protein 1 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RRP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 25-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 26S proteasome regulatory subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMC2 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 377-UNIMOD:4,386-UNIMOD:267 0.05 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|Q5SGD2-4|PPM1L_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Protein phosphatase 1L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPM1L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.07 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86UU0-3|BCL9L_HUMAN Isoform 3 of B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BCL9L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 521-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BVG4|PBDC1_HUMAN Protein PBDC1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PBDC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 63-UNIMOD:188 0.05 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13247-3|SRSF6_HUMAN Isoform SRP55-3 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 120-UNIMOD:267,154-UNIMOD:267 0.06 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8IYB5-3|SMAP1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Stromal membrane-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SMAP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 107-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P20674|COX5A_HUMAN Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=COX5A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 107-UNIMOD:267 0.07 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3L3-2|3BP1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of SH3 domain-binding protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SH3BP1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 388-UNIMOD:4 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9P0J0|NDUAD_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA13 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 68-UNIMOD:267 0.07 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q16851-2|UGPA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGP2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 301-UNIMOD:188 0.02 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9BVJ6-3|UT14A_HUMAN Isoform 3 of U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 14 homolog A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UTP14A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 95-UNIMOD:188 0.04 24.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P78346|RPP30_HUMAN Ribonuclease P protein subunit p30 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPP30 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 108-UNIMOD:188 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P55036|PSMD4_HUMAN 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD4 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 263-UNIMOD:35,272-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q96D46|NMD3_HUMAN 60S ribosomal export protein NMD3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NMD3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 208-UNIMOD:35,214-UNIMOD:4,218-UNIMOD:4 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5JNZ5|RS26L_HUMAN Putative 40S ribosomal protein S26-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS26P11 PE=5 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 51-UNIMOD:267 0.09 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62316|SMD2_HUMAN Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNRPD2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 46-UNIMOD:4,47-UNIMOD:267 0.09 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5BKZ1|ZN326_HUMAN DBIRD complex subunit ZNF326 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ZNF326 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61009|SPCS3_HUMAN Signal peptidase complex subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SPCS3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P86791|CCZ1_HUMAN Vacuolar fusion protein CCZ1 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCZ1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 65-UNIMOD:4 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 14-3-3 protein gamma OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YWHAG PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 42-UNIMOD:267 0.06 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O75494-5|SRS10_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SRSF10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 90-UNIMOD:267 0.07 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96P11|NSUN5_HUMAN Probable 28S rRNA (cytosine-C(5))-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSUN5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 330-UNIMOD:267 0.06 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q9UHD8-7|SEPT9_HUMAN Isoform 7 of Septin-9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEPTIN9 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14194|DPYL1_HUMAN Dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CRMP1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 268-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62899-3|RL31_HUMAN Isoform 3 of 60S ribosomal protein L31 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPL31 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 23-UNIMOD:267 0.08 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y5A9|YTHD2_HUMAN YTH domain-containing family protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=YTHDF2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q6UX04-2|CWC27_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Spliceosome-associated protein CWC27 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CWC27 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 164-UNIMOD:4,177-UNIMOD:267 0.04 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60716|CTND1_HUMAN Catenin delta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CTNND1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 858-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q12769|NU160_HUMAN Nuclear pore complex protein Nup160 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP160 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P35659|DEK_HUMAN Protein DEK OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DEK PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 161-UNIMOD:4 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O60220|TIM8A_HUMAN Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim8 A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TIMM8A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 88-UNIMOD:188 0.12 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P15880|RS2_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50570-3|DYN2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Dynamin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DNM2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 54-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q00059-2|TFAM_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Transcription factor A, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TFAM null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.06 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99832-3|TCPH_HUMAN Isoform 3 of T-complex protein 1 subunit eta OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCT7 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 343-UNIMOD:267 0.05 24.0 2 2 2 PRT sp|O94776|MTA2_HUMAN Metastasis-associated protein MTA2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MTA2 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 148-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P52701-4|MSH6_HUMAN Isoform 4 of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MSH6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 342-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75533|SF3B1_HUMAN Splicing factor 3B subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3B1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 852-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P02533|K1C14_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 14 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT14 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 232-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P62269|RS18_HUMAN 40S ribosomal protein S18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RPS18 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 23-UNIMOD:267 0.07 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN Elongation factor 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EEF2 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 426-UNIMOD:188,10-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|Q8TDD1|DDX54_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX54 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX54 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 868-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q66K14-2|TBC9B_HUMAN Isoform 2 of TBC1 domain family member 9B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TBC1D9B null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96HE7|ERO1A_HUMAN ERO1-like protein alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ERO1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 null 275-UNIMOD:188 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13509|TBB3_HUMAN Tubulin beta-3 chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 297-UNIMOD:188,174-UNIMOD:188 0.06 24.0 3 2 0 PRT sp|Q00610|CLH1_HUMAN Clathrin heavy chain 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLTC PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 1226-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P56192|SYMC_HUMAN Methionine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MARS1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 388-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P04114|APOB_HUMAN Apolipoprotein B-100 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=APOB PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 0.00 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14979|HNRDL_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HNRNPDL PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 177-UNIMOD:4,180-UNIMOD:188 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P98175|RBM10_HUMAN RNA-binding protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RBM10 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 263-UNIMOD:267 0.01 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q13136|LIPA1_HUMAN Liprin-alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPFIA1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 0.01 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P10599|THIO_HUMAN Thioredoxin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TXN PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 94-UNIMOD:188 0.10 24.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|P33121|ACSL1_HUMAN Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ACSL1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 625-UNIMOD:4,626-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P15313|VATB1_HUMAN V-type proton ATPase subunit B, kidney isoform OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATP6V1B1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 124-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q9UIV1|CNOT7_HUMAN CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CNOT7 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 0.05 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q8NFV4|ABHDB_HUMAN Protein ABHD11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ABHD11 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 195-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q16851|UGPA_HUMAN UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UGP2 PE=1 SV=5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 312-UNIMOD:188 0.02 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P51580|TPMT_HUMAN Thiopurine S-methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TPMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 216-UNIMOD:385,216-UNIMOD:4,219-UNIMOD:188,226-UNIMOD:267 0.05 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P25440|BRD2_HUMAN Bromodomain-containing protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=BRD2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 649-UNIMOD:28 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86Y39|NDUAB_HUMAN NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NDUFA11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 8-UNIMOD:28,18-UNIMOD:4 0.10 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P50213|IDH3A_HUMAN Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IDH3A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 77-UNIMOD:188 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P23786|CPT2_HUMAN Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 2, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPT2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 445-UNIMOD:4,450-UNIMOD:267 0.02 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96P56|CTSR2_HUMAN Cation channel sperm-associated protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CATSPER2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 null 3-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 0.03 24.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P13674|P4HA1_HUMAN Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 null 0.03 24.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q7LBC6|KDM3B_HUMAN Lysine-specific demethylase 3B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KDM3B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 2-UNIMOD:1 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P61619-3|S61A1_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Protein transport protein Sec61 subunit alpha isoform 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SEC61A1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 85-UNIMOD:267 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P20618|PSB1_HUMAN Proteasome subunit beta type-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMB1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 184-UNIMOD:188 0.09 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43765|SGTA_HUMAN Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SGTA PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 129-UNIMOD:4 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96GM8-2|TOE1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Target of EGR1 protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TOE1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96GQ7|DDX27_HUMAN Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX27 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DDX27 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BY44-4|EIF2A_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EIF2A null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 80-UNIMOD:4 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NB46|ANR52_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 6 regulatory ankyrin repeat subunit C OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ANKRD52 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 122-UNIMOD:4 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NWX6|THG1_HUMAN Probable tRNA(His) guanylyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THG1L PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P82663|RT25_HUMAN 28S ribosomal protein S25, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRPS25 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 139-UNIMOD:4,141-UNIMOD:4,149-UNIMOD:4 0.12 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q86VP6-2|CAND1_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Cullin-associated NEDD8-dissociated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CAND1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H8S9|MOB1A_HUMAN MOB kinase activator 1A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MOB1A PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62937-2|PPIA_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PPIA null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 31-UNIMOD:188 0.10 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q4G0F5|VP26B_HUMAN Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VPS26B PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 324-UNIMOD:267 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75131|CPNE3_HUMAN Copine-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CPNE3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 85-UNIMOD:188 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P15924-2|DESP_HUMAN Isoform DPII of Desmoplakin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DSP null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 2050-UNIMOD:267,103-UNIMOD:267 0.01 23.0 3 2 1 PRT sp|A3KMH1-3|VWA8_HUMAN Isoform 3 of von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 8 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=VWA8 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 1226-UNIMOD:267 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H974-2|QTRT2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase accessory subunit 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=QTRT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 159-UNIMOD:267 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P46459-2|NSF_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Vesicle-fusing ATPase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NSF null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P62341|SELT_HUMAN Thioredoxin reductase-like selenoprotein T OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SELENOT PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.07 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q96FV9|THOC1_HUMAN THO complex subunit 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=THOC1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 440-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UHE8|STEA1_HUMAN Metalloreductase STEAP1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STEAP1 PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 336-UNIMOD:4 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q5VWQ0|RSBN1_HUMAN Lysine-specific demethylase 9 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RSBN1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 671-UNIMOD:4,680-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P45974-2|UBP5_HUMAN Isoform Short of Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=USP5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O94804|STK10_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=STK10 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 181-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13425-2|SNTB2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Beta-2-syntrophin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SNTB2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 172-UNIMOD:267 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P00846|ATP6_HUMAN ATP synthase subunit a OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MT-ATP6 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2X0-5|MED16_HUMAN Isoform 5 of Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MED16 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8WWM7-6|ATX2L_HUMAN Isoform 6 of Ataxin-2-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATXN2L null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 570-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|O95983-2|MBD3_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MBD3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9NTG7|SIR3_HUMAN NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3, mitochondrial OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SIRT3 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14185|DOCK1_HUMAN Dedicator of cytokinesis protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DOCK1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 624-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q99633-2|PRP18_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 18 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PRPF18 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 1-UNIMOD:1 0.23 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9ULH0-3|KDIS_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Kinase D-interacting substrate of 220 kDa OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIDINS220 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 358-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8IXI1-2|MIRO2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Mitochondrial Rho GTPase 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RHOT2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 37-UNIMOD:188 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN Isoform 2 of UMP-CMP kinase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CMPK1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 57-UNIMOD:188 0.07 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|O95071-2|UBR5_HUMAN Isoform 2 of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase UBR5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=UBR5 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q15008-3|PSMD6_HUMAN Isoform 3 of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMD6 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14677|EPN4_HUMAN Clathrin interactor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLINT1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y2P8|RCL1_HUMAN RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase-like protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RCL1 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y312|AAR2_HUMAN Protein AAR2 homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AAR2 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 156-UNIMOD:4 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKN8|TF3C4_HUMAN General transcription factor 3C polypeptide 4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GTF3C4 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 544-UNIMOD:267 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q969U7-2|PSMG2_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Proteasome assembly chaperone 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PSMG2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9BQ52-3|RNZ2_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Zinc phosphodiesterase ELAC protein 2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ELAC2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HCD5|NCOA5_HUMAN Nuclear receptor coactivator 5 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NCOA5 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 388-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43148|MCES_HUMAN mRNA cap guanine-N7 methyltransferase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=RNMT PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 190-UNIMOD:188 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8NC60|NOA1_HUMAN Nitric oxide-associated protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NOA1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O14672-2|ADA10_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ADAM10 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 331-UNIMOD:4,335-UNIMOD:267 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P57740-3|NU107_HUMAN Isoform 3 of Nuclear pore complex protein Nup107 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUP107 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 108-UNIMOD:267 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95602|RPA1_HUMAN DNA-directed RNA polymerase I subunit RPA1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POLR1A PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 1289-UNIMOD:4,1296-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UBC2-4|EP15R_HUMAN Isoform 4 of Epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15-like 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPS15L1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 44-UNIMOD:188 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q02790|FKBP4_HUMAN Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP4 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=FKBP4 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ],[MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 387-UNIMOD:188 0.02 23.0 2 1 0 PRT sp|Q13428-2|TCOF_HUMAN Isoform 2 of Treacle protein OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TCOF1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O75153|CLU_HUMAN Clustered mitochondria protein homolog OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLUH PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13885|TBB2A_HUMAN Tubulin beta-2A chain OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TUBB2A PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 354-UNIMOD:4 0.02 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|P13646|K1C13_HUMAN Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 13 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KRT13 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 114-UNIMOD:267,21-UNIMOD:4 0.07 23.0 2 2 1 PRT sp|P55060|XPO2_HUMAN Exportin-2 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CSE1L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P49959|MRE11_HUMAN Double-strand break repair protein MRE11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=MRE11 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92973|TNPO1_HUMAN Transportin-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TNPO1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 null 693-UNIMOD:28 0.01 23.0 1 1 0 PRT sp|Q92620|PRP16_HUMAN Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX38 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 957-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O95757|HS74L_HUMAN Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4L OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=HSPA4L PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 84-UNIMOD:267 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q92896|GSLG1_HUMAN Golgi apparatus protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GLG1 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 null 1089-UNIMOD:28,1092-UNIMOD:4,1100-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q12874|SF3A3_HUMAN Splicing factor 3A subunit 3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SF3A3 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 58-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q7L2E3|DHX30_HUMAN ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX30 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=DHX30 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P52565|GDIR1_HUMAN Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ARHGDIA PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 null 100-UNIMOD:28,105-UNIMOD:188,111-UNIMOD:267 0.06 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|P11171|41_HUMAN Protein 4.1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=EPB41 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 733-UNIMOD:188 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9Y3E0|GOT1B_HUMAN Vesicle transport protein GOT1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GOLT1B PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 137-UNIMOD:35 0.10 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9UKK9|NUDT5_HUMAN ADP-sugar pyrophosphatase OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=NUDT5 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 70-UNIMOD:267 0.07 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q05209|PTN12_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 12 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PTPN12 PE=1 SV=3 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 null 297-UNIMOD:28 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q13315|ATM_HUMAN Serine-protein kinase ATM OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ATM PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 900-UNIMOD:35 0.00 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|O43151|TET3_HUMAN Methylcytosine dioxygenase TET3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TET3 PE=1 SV=4 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HBI1|PARVB_HUMAN Beta-parvin OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PARVB PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 168-UNIMOD:267 0.04 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q14164|IKKE_HUMAN Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit epsilon OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=IKBKE PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 706-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9H0I2|ENKD1_HUMAN Enkurin domain-containing protein 1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=ENKD1 PE=1 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 58-UNIMOD:4,69-UNIMOD:267 0.05 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|A2RUR9|C144A_HUMAN Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 144A OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CCDC144A PE=2 SV=1 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 958-UNIMOD:35,964-UNIMOD:188 0.01 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q8N1N0|CLC4F_HUMAN C-type lectin domain family 4 member F OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=CLEC4F PE=2 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 351-UNIMOD:267 0.03 23.0 1 1 1 PRT sp|Q9HBR0|S38AA_HUMAN Putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=SLC38A10 PE=1 SV=2 null null userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 null 1086-UNIMOD:267 0.02 23.0 1 1 1 PSH sequence PSM_ID accession unique database database_version search_engine search_engine_score[1] modifications spectra_ref retention_time charge exp_mass_to_charge calc_mass_to_charge pre post start end PSM LQSSSASYGGGFGGGSCQLGGGR 1 sp|P13646-2|K1C13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 55.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5710 34.426 2 2145.9498 2145.9498 R G 5 28 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 2 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 52.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10612 62.862 2 2260.094 2260.0940 R E 56 82 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 3 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 50.0 26-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10616 62.891 2 2266.1141 2266.1141 R E 56 82 PSM GLGAAEFGGAAGNVEAPGETFAQR 4 sp|Q6EEV4-2|GL1AD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 49.0 24-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8834 52.103 2 2286.0904 2286.0904 R K 53 77 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 5 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 19-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8760 51.675 2 2282.109 2282.1090 R E 56 82 PSM ISLGLPVGAVINCADNTGAK 6 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11054 65.627 2 1969.0303 1969.0303 R N 16 36 PSM LTDEDFSPFGSGGGLFSGGK 7 sp|Q9Y4E1-5|WAC2C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11767 70.315 2 1973.9007 1973.9007 K G 322 342 PSM LVGQGASAVLLDLPNSGGEAQAK 8 sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 23-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9678 57.081 2 2200.1795 2200.1795 R K 30 53 PSM TVATPLNQVANPNSAIFGGAR 9 sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 48.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9582 56.54 2 2107.105 2107.1050 R P 197 218 PSM QPYAVSELAGHQTSAESWGTGR 10 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 48.0 1-UNIMOD:28,22-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9298 54.84096666666666 2 2324.0767 2324.0692 R A 50 72 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 11 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 3-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7907 46.747 2 2292.0838 2292.0838 R E 56 82 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 12 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 3-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9944 58.715 2 2276.0889 2276.0889 R E 56 82 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 13 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 3-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9938 58.677 2 2282.109 2282.1090 R E 56 82 PSM LFGEAGPASGVGSSGGGGSGSGTGGGDAALDFK 14 sp|Q8IWZ3|ANKH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8978 52.952 2 2783.2634 2783.2634 R L 46 79 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 15 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 47.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11326 67.323 2 2030.9949 2030.9949 R W 1406 1424 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 16 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10229 60.501 2 2037.0627 2037.0627 K - 192 211 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 17 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 3-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:35,26-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7915 46.796 2 2298.104 2298.1040 R E 56 82 PSM LGNDFMGITLASSQAVSNAR 18 sp|Q9HC38|GLOD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 46.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10926 64.83 2 2061.0189 2061.0189 K K 97 117 PSM QKGADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 19 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10617 62.897256666666664 2 2017.9946 2017.9951 K K 187 207 PSM QPYAVSELAGHQTSAESWGTGR 20 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 46.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9197 54.24289 2 2314.0675 2314.0609 R A 50 72 PSM NFGAENPDPFVPVLNTAVK 21 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 46.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11254 66.87945500000001 2 2034.054679 2034.051771 K L 1680 1699 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 22 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 19-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8749 51.604 2 2276.0889 2276.0889 R E 56 82 PSM LGDLLISQFSGPSAEQMCK 23 sp|Q92974-3|ARHG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 18-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10897 64.644 2 2086.017 2086.0170 R T 290 309 PSM NFGAENPDPFVPVLNTAVK 24 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11252 66.868 2 2028.0316 2028.0316 K L 1680 1699 PSM PVSSAASVYAGAGGSGSR 25 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 45.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3409 21.962 2 1579.759 1579.7590 R I 28 46 PSM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAGAGAK 26 sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 22-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7808 46.15 2 1601.8581 1601.8581 R Q 93 115 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 27 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10230 60.506 2 2031.0425 2031.0425 K - 192 211 PSM IIGLDQVAGMSETALPGAFK 28 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12597 75.755 2 2023.0755 2023.0755 R T 618 638 PSM LLLFSDGNSQGATPAAIEK 29 sp|P12109|CO6A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9585 56.557 2 1931 1931.0000 R A 939 958 PSM LVGQGASAVLLDLPNSGGEAQAK 30 sp|Q99714-2|HCD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9677 57.075 2 2194.1594 2194.1594 R K 30 53 PSM SELPLDPLPVPTEEGNPLLK 31 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12415 74.555 2 2157.1569 2157.1569 K H 503 523 PSM TGASFQQAQEEFSQGIFSSR 32 sp|O15127|SCAM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11193 66.498 2 2214.0217 2214.0217 R T 293 313 PSM TVATPLNQVANPNSAIFGGAR 33 sp|Q15056-2|IF4H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 44.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9578 56.52 2 2097.0967 2097.0967 R P 197 218 PSM QGQGQLVTCSGAFKEGSLR 34 sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 44.0 1-UNIMOD:28,9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7325 43.46626833333333 2 2020.9995 2020.9966 R I 370 389 PSM ACGLVASNLNLKPGECLR 35 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9617 56.741 2 2013.0136 2013.0136 M V 2 20 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGK 36 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10365 61.342 2 1909.0041 1909.0041 K Q 192 210 PSM IAPLEEGTLPFNLAEAQR 37 sp|Q9UJS0|CMC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11533 68.746 2 1978.0399 1978.0399 R Q 293 311 PSM IAQFLSDIPETVPLSTVNR 38 sp|P09110-2|THIK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11878 71.029 2 2099.1263 2099.1263 R Q 103 122 PSM LAPITSDPTEATAVGAVEASFK 39 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11483 68.417 2 2174.1107 2174.1107 R C 401 423 PSM LTDEDFSPFGSGGGLFSGGK 40 sp|Q9Y4E1-5|WAC2C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11768 70.321 2 1979.9208 1979.9208 K G 322 342 PSM NEEDAAELVALAQAVNAR 41 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11668 69.678 2 1882.9385 1882.9385 R A 311 329 PSM NIGWGTDQGIGGFGEEPGIK 42 sp|Q9Y5U9|IR3IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10348 61.233 2 2036.9899 2036.9899 K S 30 50 PSM STNGDTFLGGEDFDQALLR 43 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11614 69.33 2 2064.9628 2064.9628 K H 266 285 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 44 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10562 62.56 2 2006.8858 2006.8858 K H 41 61 PSM TQDASGPELILPASIEFR 45 sp|P55196-2|AFAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11926 71.337 2 1953.0083 1953.0083 R E 575 593 PSM TVITPDPNLSIDQVGVPR 46 sp|P24928|RPB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9439 55.694 2 1930.0399 1930.0399 R S 365 383 PSM TVSLPPPDLGTGTDGPAGSDTSPFR 47 sp|Q96FX7|TRM61_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 25-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9268 54.667 2 2451.1793 2451.1793 R S 242 267 PSM VFLDPNILSDDGTVALR 48 sp|P48147|PPCE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 43.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11921 71.303 2 1843.968 1843.9680 R G 112 129 PSM QATVGDINTERPGMLDFTGK 49 sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 43.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9717 57.30833166666667 2 2132.0236 2132.0203 K A 34 54 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 50 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11494 68.488 2 1767.9302 1767.9302 K F 107 124 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGK 51 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10369 61.366 2 1902.984 1902.9840 K Q 192 210 PSM AINCATSGVVGLVNCLR 52 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10976 65.145 2 1802.9131 1802.9131 K R 1445 1462 PSM FLDGNELTLADCNLLPK 53 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11745 70.177 2 1931.9663 1931.9663 K L 167 184 PSM GADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 54 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10164 60.092 2 1778.8687 1778.8687 K K 189 207 PSM GLPLVDDGGWNTVPISK 55 sp|Q04637-6|IF4G1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10884 64.561 2 1766.9203 1766.9203 R G 847 864 PSM IAPLEEGTLPFNLAEAQR 56 sp|Q9UJS0|CMC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11540 68.792 2 1968.0316 1968.0316 R Q 293 311 PSM ILATPPQEDAPSVDIANIR 57 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9015 53.168 2 2019.0637 2019.0637 K M 284 303 PSM IPDEFDNDPILVQQLR 58 sp|Q3ZCQ8|TIM50_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10834 64.243 2 1910.9738 1910.9738 K R 98 114 PSM LCSGPGIVGNVLVDPSAR 59 sp|Q9Y5P6|GMPPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 2-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9314 54.937 2 1819.949 1819.9490 R I 244 262 PSM LGNTISSLFGGGTTPDAK 60 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9816 57.915 2 1740.899 1740.8990 K E 577 595 PSM MAPYQGPDAVPGALDYK 61 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8051 47.556 2 1791.8502 1791.8502 R S 883 900 PSM MQNDAGEFVDLYVPRK 62 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9684 57.115 2 1938.9146 1938.9146 - C 1 17 PSM MQNDAGEFVDLYVPRK 63 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11131 66.108 2 1922.9196 1922.9196 - C 1 17 PSM PTEICADPQFIIGGATR 64 sp|P17655|CAN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9491 56.002 2 1844.9091 1844.9091 R T 78 95 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 65 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11329 67.338 2 2041.0032 2041.0032 R W 1406 1424 PSM SQLDLFDDVGTFASGPPK 66 sp|Q8N6H7|ARFG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12107 72.515 2 1892.9156 1892.9156 R Y 340 358 PSM TPGTGSLAAAVETASGR 67 sp|Q96GD0|PLPP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7989 47.209 2 1554.7877 1554.7877 R Q 190 207 PSM TQDASGPELILPASIEFR 68 sp|P55196-2|AFAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11927 71.343 2 1943 1943.0000 R E 575 593 PSM VGLTNYAAAYCTGLLLAR 69 sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11905 71.199 2 1926.0033 1926.0033 K R 90 108 PSM VIGLSSDLQQVGGASAR 70 sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 42.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7763 45.886 2 1666.8878 1666.8878 R I 262 279 PSM QKGADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 71 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10610 62.85007333333333 2 2032.0342 2030.0352 K K 187 207 PSM CLTQSGIAGGYKPFNLETCR 72 sp|P30626|SORCN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10916 64.76587833333333 2 2254.0551 2254.0505 R L 57 77 PSM CLTQSGIAGGYKPFNLETCR 73 sp|P30626|SORCN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 42.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10922 64.80559666666667 2 2270.0835 2270.0789 R L 57 77 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 74 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11487 68.446 2 1777.9384 1777.9384 K F 107 124 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 75 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11642 69.507 2 1777.9384 1777.9384 K F 107 124 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 76 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11353 67.477 2 1767.9302 1767.9302 K F 107 124 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 77 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11643 69.513 2 1767.9302 1767.9302 K F 107 124 PSM AGAIAPCEVTVPAQNTGLGPEK 78 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 7-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7194 42.709 2 2185.1144 2185.1144 R T 113 135 PSM AQGMPEGGGALAEGFQVR 79 sp|O95140|MFN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8317 49.088 2 1773.8468 1773.8468 K M 317 335 PSM FDTGNLCMVTGGANLGR 80 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 7-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8994 53.049 2 1791.8272 1791.8272 K I 175 192 PSM FLQMCNDDPDVLPDLK 81 sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10726 63.57 2 1918.8805 1918.8805 R E 798 814 PSM FSLCSDNLEGISEGPSNR 82 sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8747 51.592 2 1980.8847 1980.8847 R S 565 583 PSM FVGGGVTSAGLVQEEIR 83 sp|Q86W56-5|PARG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8430 49.753 2 1717.8999 1717.8999 R F 241 258 PSM FVSCLLEQPEVLVTGAGR 84 sp|Q15042-4|RB3GP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 4-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11659 69.618 2 1984.0327 1984.0327 R G 826 844 PSM GCITIIGGGDTATCCAK 85 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5787 34.84 2 1759.7999 1759.7999 R W 366 383 PSM GEELGGGQDPVQLLSGFPR 86 sp|Q04323|UBXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11847 70.829 2 1954.9749 1954.9749 R R 248 267 PSM IFCGDLGNEVNDDILAR 87 sp|Q9BTD8-4|RBM42_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 3-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10136 59.918 2 1929.913 1929.9130 R A 349 366 PSM IFCGDLGNEVNDDILAR 88 sp|Q9BTD8-4|RBM42_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10149 60.003 2 1919.9047 1919.9047 R A 349 366 PSM IGIIGGTGLDDPEILEGR 89 sp|Q13126-7|MTAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11270 66.982 2 1833.9712 1833.9712 K T 12 30 PSM IGMDALQIYPISQANANQR 90 sp|Q92620-2|PRP16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10549 62.474 2 2102.0579 2102.0579 R S 147 166 PSM IIGLDQVAGMSETALPGAFK 91 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12600 75.773 2 2017.0554 2017.0554 R T 618 638 PSM LAALNPESNTAGLDIFAK 92 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10994 65.255 2 1849.9881 1849.9881 K F 96 114 PSM LLGPDAAINLTDPDGALAK 93 sp|Q13561|DCTN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10500 62.167 2 1870.0143 1870.0143 K R 157 176 PSM MIAGQVLDINLAAEPK 94 sp|P07910-4|HNRPC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 1-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9558 56.398 2 1703.9223 1703.9223 R V 74 90 PSM SPTDWALFTYEGNSNDIR 95 sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11181 66.425 2 2084.9439 2084.9439 K V 24 42 PSM SQLDLFDDVGTFASGPPK 96 sp|Q8N6H7|ARFG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12106 72.509 2 1898.9357 1898.9357 R Y 340 358 PSM TGASFQQAQEEFSQGIFSSR 97 sp|O15127|SCAM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11192 66.492 2 2204.0134 2204.0134 R T 293 313 PSM VFLDPNILSDDGTVALR 98 sp|P48147|PPCE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11918 71.285 2 1853.9762 1853.9762 R G 112 129 PSM VLQLINDNTATALSYGVFR 99 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12661 76.183 2 2094.111 2094.1110 K R 199 218 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 100 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 17-UNIMOD:4,23-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9497 56.04 2 2484.1839 2484.1839 R C 178 201 PSM VWLDPNETNEIANANSR 101 sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8058 47.599 2 1951.9263 1951.9263 K Q 22 39 PSM YVPGSSGSSNTLPTADPFTGAGR 102 sp|Q9Y263|PLAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 41.0 23-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8205 48.452 2 2248.0636 2248.0636 R Y 477 500 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 103 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10431 61.740305000000006 2 2038.052404 2037.062670 K - 192 211 PSM VIGLSSDLQQVGGASAR 104 sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 41.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7754 45.833775 2 1656.891849 1656.879498 R I 262 279 PSM AAVEEGIVLGGGCALLR 105 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 13-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10269 60.74 2 1693.9061 1693.9061 R C 430 447 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 106 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11347 67.441 2 1777.9384 1777.9384 K F 107 124 PSM AGAIAPCEVTVPAQNTGLGPEK 107 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7185 42.663 2 2179.0943 2179.0943 R T 113 135 PSM AGYIIPLQGPGLTTTESR 108 sp|P10253|LYAG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9695 57.182 2 1883.0028 1883.0028 R Q 820 838 PSM AINCATSGVVGLVNCLR 109 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10974 65.133 2 1812.9214 1812.9214 K R 1445 1462 PSM AQQEFAAGVFSNPAVR 110 sp|O14828-2|SCAM3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8514 50.207 2 1690.8427 1690.8427 K T 288 304 PSM ELGPDGEEAEGPGAGDGPPR 111 sp|P18615|NELFE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4214 26.193 2 1905.8341 1905.8341 R S 145 165 PSM FIFDCVSQEYGINPER 112 sp|A6NDG6|PGP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10851 64.351 2 1972.8989 1972.8989 R T 239 255 PSM FNALFAQGNYSEAAK 113 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7926 46.858 2 1629.7787 1629.7787 K V 368 383 PSM FQDGDLTLYQSNTILR 114 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10001 59.062 2 1892.9508 1892.9508 K H 56 72 PSM FQDGDLTLYQSNTILR 115 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10006 59.094 2 1882.9425 1882.9425 K H 56 72 PSM FVGGGVTSAGLVQEEIR 116 sp|Q86W56-5|PARG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8427 49.736 2 1727.9082 1727.9082 R F 241 258 PSM GCITIIGGGDTATCCAK 117 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5788 34.846 2 1753.7797 1753.7797 R W 366 383 PSM GLGAAEFGGAAGNVEAPGETFAQR 118 sp|Q6EEV4-2|GL1AD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 24-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8852 52.207 3 2286.0904 2286.0904 R K 53 77 PSM GYAVNVFDIQQGFDNPQVR 119 sp|Q15738|NSDHL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11616 69.342 2 2166.0494 2166.0494 R F 61 80 PSM IAPLAEGALPYNLAELQR 120 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11650 69.559 2 1938.0575 1938.0575 R Q 185 203 PSM IAQFLSDIPETVPLSTVNR 121 sp|P09110-2|THIK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11892 71.12 2 2109.1345 2109.1345 R Q 103 122 PSM IFVGNVSAACTSQELR 122 sp|Q96PK6-3|RBM14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7251 43.032 2 1750.8672 1750.8672 K S 81 97 PSM IGMDALQIYPISQANANQR 123 sp|Q92620-2|PRP16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10539 62.411 2 2112.0661 2112.0661 R S 147 166 PSM ISLGLPVGAVINCADNTGAK 124 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 13-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11051 65.605 2 1975.0504 1975.0504 R N 16 36 PSM LCSGPGIVGNVLVDPSAR 125 sp|Q9Y5P6|GMPPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9304 54.879 2 1809.9407 1809.9407 R I 244 262 PSM LFVGNLPADITEDEFK 126 sp|P23246-2|SFPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11793 70.484 2 1806.904 1806.9040 R R 299 315 PSM LGNDFMGITLASSQAVSNAR 127 sp|Q9HC38|GLOD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10933 64.874 2 2051.0106 2051.0106 K K 97 117 PSM LLLINNAGSLGDVSK 128 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9262 54.632 2 1518.8713 1518.8713 R G 95 110 PSM LLQFQDLTGIESMDQCR 129 sp|Q96CS3|FAF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11772 70.351 2 2062.9691 2062.9691 K H 17 34 PSM LSLQNCCLTGAGCGVLSSTLR 130 sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 6-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10202 60.331 2 2266.0868 2266.0868 K T 90 111 PSM MQEVYNFNAINNSEIR 131 sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8167 48.231 2 1956.9 1956.9000 R F 497 513 PSM MQQQLDEYQELLDIK 132 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10894 64.626 2 1908.9139 1908.9139 R L 352 367 PSM MTNGFSGADLTEICQR 133 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7825 46.255 2 1824.801 1824.8010 K A 678 694 PSM NLETLQQELGIEGENR 134 sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10196 60.291 2 1841.9119 1841.9119 R V 225 241 PSM NTVVLFVPQQEAWVVER 135 sp|Q9UJZ1-2|STML2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11875 71.01 2 2023.0766 2023.0766 R M 35 52 PSM PVAVGPYGQSQPSCFDR 136 sp|P60602-2|ROMO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6129 36.711 2 1863.8574 1863.8574 M V 2 19 PSM SALGDLAGDNSLGLEPLR 137 sp|Q86XS8-2|GOLI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10912 64.742 2 1806.9351 1806.9351 R T 341 359 PSM SETAPAAPAAPAPAEKTPVK 138 sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=4182 26.01 2 1945.0157 1945.0157 M K 2 22 PSM SLVASLAEPDFVVTDFAK 139 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12841 77.408 2 1914.0082 1914.0082 K F 265 283 PSM TILQGSSEGTGLSALLPQPK 140 sp|Q92733|PRCC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10942 64.932 2 2002.1042 2002.1042 K N 169 189 PSM VLCPIIQTADYPINLAAIK 141 sp|Q7Z460-2|CLAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 3-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12610 75.839 2 2118.1854 2118.1854 K M 1359 1378 PSM VLNYAPGPLDTDMQQLAR 142 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10346 61.221 2 2011.0072 2011.0072 R E 193 211 PSM VMQPQILEVNFNPDCER 143 sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10366 61.348 2 2097.9851 2097.9851 R A 598 615 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 144 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 40.0 9-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4,23-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8641 50.941 3 2500.1788 2500.1788 R C 178 201 PSM QVFGEATKQPGITFIAAK 145 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10383 61.448508333333336 2 1888.0126 1888.0089 R F 177 195 PSM QGQGQLVTCSGAFKEGSLR 146 sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:28,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7308 43.3679 2 2004.9722 2004.9682 R I 370 389 PSM CLLAASPENEAGGLKLDGR 147 sp|Q9NW13|RBM28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10478 62.024125 2 1968.9928 1968.9904 K Q 392 411 PSM QATVGDINTERPGMLDFTGK 148 sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 40.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9707 57.251108333333335 2 2148.0515 2148.0487 K A 34 54 PSM GEELGGGQDPVQLLSGFPR 149 sp|Q04323|UBXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 40.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11855 70.88130666666666 2 1964.969773 1964.983124 R R 248 267 PSM AALGPSSQNVTEYVVRVPK 150 sp|P35269|T2FA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=9955 58.784 2 2056.0953 2056.0953 M N 2 21 PSM AAVPSGASTGIYEALELR 151 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10823 64.17 2 1803.9367 1803.9367 R D 33 51 PSM AIGAVPLIQGEYMIPCEK 152 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11141 66.171 2 1994.0312 1994.0312 K V 314 332 PSM ALPAVQQNNLDEDLIR 153 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8847 52.175 2 1817.9511 1817.9511 R K 329 345 PSM AMLSGPGQFAENETNEVNFR 154 sp|Q15369-2|ELOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8666 51.092 2 2226.0011 2226.0011 K E 28 48 PSM AWDQEAEGAGPELGLR 155 sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8132 48.027 2 1707.8092 1707.8092 R V 774 790 PSM CAEALVPLLSNVNVSDR 156 sp|O15084|ANR28_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11262 66.93 2 1855.9462 1855.9462 K A 122 139 PSM DLAGAPPGEVVGCFTPQSR 157 sp|Q9Y446|PKP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8600 50.702 2 1956.9364 1956.9364 R R 557 576 PSM ELCAQPGQVVAPGAVLVR 158 sp|Q9Y5B0-4|CTDP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 3-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8398 49.563 2 1873.0119 1873.0119 R L 93 111 PSM FDTGNLCMVTGGANLGR 159 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 7-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7843 46.363 2 1807.8221 1807.8221 K I 175 192 PSM FDTGNLCMVTGGANLGR 160 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8996 53.059 2 1781.8189 1781.8189 K I 175 192 PSM FSLCSDNLEGISEGPSNR 161 sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 4-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8753 51.63 2 1990.893 1990.8930 R S 565 583 PSM GFGTDEQAIIDCLGSR 162 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10762 63.791 2 1737.7992 1737.7992 K S 182 198 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 163 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10635 63.009 3 2260.094 2260.0940 R E 56 82 PSM GQAAVQQLQAEGLSPR 164 sp|P16152-2|CBR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6207 37.165 2 1651.8642 1651.8642 R F 43 59 PSM IFVGNVSAACTSQELR 165 sp|Q96PK6-3|RBM14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 10-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7252 43.038 2 1760.8755 1760.8755 K S 81 97 PSM IPTCFTLYQDEITER 166 sp|Q9H1Y0|ATG5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10151 60.015 2 1884.8928 1884.8928 R E 16 31 PSM IQELENLPGSLAGDLR 167 sp|P51532-5|SMCA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10774 63.863 2 1723.9105 1723.9105 R T 382 398 PSM LAALNPESNTAGLDIFAK 168 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10997 65.273 2 1843.968 1843.9680 K F 96 114 PSM LFSDGGLSQSQDDSIVGTR 169 sp|Q8TEU7-6|RPGF6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7880 46.584 2 1980.9389 1980.9389 K H 692 711 PSM LLQFQDLTGIESMDQCR 170 sp|Q96CS3|FAF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11758 70.257 2 2052.9609 2052.9609 K H 17 34 PSM LQSSSASYGGGFGGGSCQLGGGR 171 sp|P13646-2|K1C13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5699 34.362 3 2145.9498 2145.9498 R G 5 28 PSM LSLGQYDNDAGGQLPFSK 172 sp|Q68CZ2-2|TENS3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9474 55.902 2 1914.9419 1914.9419 K C 535 553 PSM LVSPGSANETSSILVESVTR 173 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9513 56.13 2 2045.0641 2045.0641 R S 2411 2431 PSM MLGETCADCGTILLQDK 174 sp|O60232|ZNRD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7552 44.71 2 1945.8891 1945.8891 R Q 48 65 PSM MQQNIQELEEQLEEEESAR 175 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:35,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10131 59.889 2 2358.0521 2358.0521 K Q 941 960 PSM MVPVSVQQSLAAYNQR 176 sp|Q8WUM4-2|PDC6I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8340 49.221 2 1789.9145 1789.9145 K K 363 379 PSM MVPVSVQQSLAAYNQR 177 sp|Q8WUM4-2|PDC6I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8341 49.227 2 1799.9228 1799.9228 K K 363 379 PSM NALFPEVFSPTPDENSDQNSR 178 sp|Q8IVT2|MISP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10637 63.02 2 2363.0666 2363.0666 R S 567 588 PSM NALFPEVFSPTPDENSDQNSR 179 sp|Q8IVT2|MISP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10656 63.138 2 2373.0749 2373.0749 R S 567 588 PSM NIAFFSTNCVEGTAR 180 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8940 52.728 2 1685.7832 1685.7832 R G 241 256 PSM NLTALGLNLVASGGTAK 181 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10619 62.908 2 1604.9193 1604.9193 R A 22 39 PSM PTELLSNPQFIVDGATR 182 sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10205 60.349 2 1866.9715 1866.9715 R T 88 105 PSM SGDWVCPNPSCGNMNFAR 183 sp|Q92804-2|RBP56_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 6-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8121 47.966 2 2077.8432 2077.8432 K R 352 370 PSM SPFVVQVGEACNPNACR 184 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 11-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7154 42.486 2 1903.8669 1903.8669 K A 440 457 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 185 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9839 58.056 2 1799.8929 1799.8929 K F 239 255 PSM VGAIPANALDDGQWSQGLISAAR 186 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11476 68.37 2 2309.1764 2309.1764 K M 2376 2399 PSM VGAIPANALDDGQWSQGLISAAR 187 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 23-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11481 68.405 2 2319.1847 2319.1847 K M 2376 2399 PSM VGLTNYAAAYCTGLLLAR 188 sp|P46777|RL5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 11-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11910 71.234 2 1936.0116 1936.0116 K R 90 108 PSM VLNYAPGPLDTDMQQLAR 189 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 39.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10347 61.227 2 2000.999 2000.9990 R E 193 211 PSM VSLAGACGVGGYGSR 190 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=5275 32.05807166666667 2 1409.671618 1409.672148 R S 49 64 PSM QSSATSSFGGLGGGSVR 191 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7254 43.04888 2 1536.7193 1536.7163 R F 8 25 PSM MVSDINNAWGCLEQVEK 192 sp|P12814|ACTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10076 59.53046166666667 2 2013.936792 2013.923142 R G 360 377 PSM MSGGWELELNGTEAK 193 sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 39.0 1-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8452 49.87278 2 1643.745001 1642.760416 K L 105 120 PSM AIGAVPLIQGEYMIPCEK 194 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11138 66.152 2 1988.0111 1988.0111 K V 314 332 PSM APPAPGPASGGSGEVDELFDVK 195 sp|O14579-3|COPE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9745 57.486 2 2096.0062 2096.0062 M N 2 24 PSM FDTGNLCMVTGGANLGR 196 sp|P62701|RS4X_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 7-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7842 46.357 2 1797.8138 1797.8138 K I 175 192 PSM FQDVGPQAPVGSVYQK 197 sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6134 36.744 2 1718.8628 1718.8628 R T 149 165 PSM GISDPLTVFEQTEAAAR 198 sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12204 73.157 2 1803.9003 1803.9003 R E 587 604 PSM GLGAGAGAGEESPATSLPR 199 sp|O15173|PGRC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5462 33.043 2 1696.838 1696.8380 R M 79 98 PSM GLGLGTEGPQGTGGLEPDLAR 200 sp|Q96EP0-3|RNF31_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8791 51.857 2 2004.0152 2004.0152 K G 180 201 PSM GSTAPVGGGAFPTIVER 201 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8070 47.662 2 1624.8448 1624.8448 R E 390 407 PSM IPTCFTLYQDEITER 202 sp|Q9H1Y0|ATG5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10163 60.086 2 1894.901 1894.9010 R E 16 31 PSM LAAQPLCMTQPTASGTLR 203 sp|Q9BST9-3|RTKN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7279 43.198 2 1914.9656 1914.9656 R V 250 268 PSM LASIVEQVSVLQNQGR 204 sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9606 56.681 2 1749.9613 1749.9613 R E 95 111 PSM LATGSDDNCAAFFEGPPFK 205 sp|O75083|WDR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 9-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10620 62.914 2 2048.9245 2048.9245 R F 162 181 PSM LDGLVETPTGYIESLPR 206 sp|P55209-3|NP1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11074 65.752 2 1868.9759 1868.9759 R V 15 32 PSM LGDLLISQFSGPSAEQMCK 207 sp|Q92974-3|ARHG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10902 64.679 2 2079.9969 2079.9969 R T 290 309 PSM LGNDFMGITLASSQAVSNAR 208 sp|Q9HC38|GLOD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9104 53.69 2 2067.0055 2067.0055 K K 97 117 PSM LGNTISSLFGGGTTPDAK 209 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9817 57.921 2 1734.8788 1734.8788 K E 577 595 PSM LIDIFYPGDQQSVTFGTK 210 sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11954 71.516 2 2028.0204 2028.0204 K S 281 299 PSM LSPPYSSPQEFAQDVGR 211 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8877 52.354 2 1876.8955 1876.8955 K M 669 686 PSM LSPPYSSPQEFAQDVGR 212 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8742 51.564 2 1886.9038 1886.9038 K M 669 686 PSM LSPPYSSPQEFAQDVGR 213 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8922 52.618 2 1886.9038 1886.9038 K M 669 686 PSM LVLDPGEAPLVPVYSGK 214 sp|Q8NCF5|NF2IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10490 62.104 2 1752.9662 1752.9662 R V 113 130 PSM LWAPEEDPATEGGATPVPR 215 sp|Q6F5E8-2|CARL2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7747 45.79 2 2001.9671 2001.9671 R T 1038 1057 PSM MASNIFGTPEENQASWAK 216 sp|Q9UK76-3|JUPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8232 48.605 2 1995.8996 1995.8996 - S 1 19 PSM MGAVFMDAPVSGGVGAAR 217 sp|P31937|3HIDH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7551 44.704 2 1717.8155 1717.8155 K S 150 168 PSM MNQVEDEVFEEFCR 218 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10737 63.637 2 1856.7585 1856.7585 K E 769 783 PSM MQEVYNFNAINNSEIR 219 sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8166 48.225 2 1966.9082 1966.9082 R F 497 513 PSM MSGGWELELNGTEAK 220 sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8112 47.91 2 1636.7403 1636.7403 K L 105 120 PSM MVSDINNAWGCLEQVEK 221 sp|P12814-2|ACTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10070 59.489 2 2007.903 2007.9030 R G 360 377 PSM NDGAAILAAVSSIAQK 222 sp|P28331-3|NDUS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12008 71.866 2 1533.8458 1533.8458 R I 373 389 PSM NFILDQCNVYNSGQR 223 sp|Q1KMD3|HNRL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7952 47.005 2 1826.837 1826.8370 R R 532 547 PSM PTELLSNPQFIVDGATR 224 sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10199 60.309 2 1856.9632 1856.9632 R T 88 105 PSM QSSATSSFGGLGGGSVR 225 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5383 32.628 2 1553.7434 1553.7434 R F 8 25 PSM SAIQNLHSFDPFADASK 226 sp|P41567|EIF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11876 71.016 2 1888.8955 1888.8955 M G 2 19 PSM SETAPLAPTIPAPAEKTPVK 227 sp|P16402|H13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:188,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7448 44.155 2 2071.1604 2071.1604 M K 2 22 PSM SGDWVCPNPSCGNMNFAR 228 sp|Q92804-2|RBP56_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 6-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8114 47.921 2 2067.8349 2067.8350 K R 352 370 PSM SVGGSGGGSFGDNLVTR 229 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5845 35.147 2 1565.7434 1565.7434 R S 628 645 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 230 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10564 62.571 2 2012.9059 2012.9059 K H 41 61 PSM TIGGGDDSFTTFFCETGAGK 231 sp|P68366-2|TBA4A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11250 66.851 2 2066.8891 2066.8891 K H 26 46 PSM TNGKEPELLEPIPYEFMA 232 sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 17-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11711 69.957 2 2093.0027 2093.0027 R - 143 161 PSM TTELPAADPFALAPFPSK 233 sp|Q6ZSR9|YJ005_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12148 72.79 2 1877.987 1877.9870 R S 333 351 PSM TVSLPPPDLGTGTDGPAGSDTSPFR 234 sp|Q96FX7|TRM61_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9243 54.515 2 2441.171 2441.1710 R S 242 267 PSM VGIGAFPTEQDNEIGELLQTR 235 sp|P30520|PURA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12481 74.987 2 2296.1575 2296.1575 R G 304 325 PSM VGIGAFPTEQDNEIGELLQTR 236 sp|P30520|PURA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12493 75.062 2 2286.1492 2286.1492 R G 304 325 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 237 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8472 49.981 2 1823.9781 1823.9781 K V 237 255 PSM VIGNQSLVNELAFTAR 238 sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 38.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10571 62.615 2 1740.9398 1740.9398 K K 215 231 PSM CITDPQTGLCLLPLKEK 239 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11899 71.16517166666667 2 1980.0403 1980.0458 R K 4245 4262 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 240 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10434 61.75828333333334 2 2032.031242 2031.042541 K - 192 211 PSM CDRNLAMGVNLTSMSK 241 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9214 54.34228 2 1794.8400 1794.8392 R I 62 78 PSM VIGLSSDLQQVGGASAR 242 sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 38.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7714 45.600336666666664 2 1656.891849 1656.879498 R I 262 279 PSM QGGASQSDKTPEELFHPLGADSQV 243 sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10121 59.82461333333333 2 2480.1480 2480.1450 R - 469 493 PSM QGGASQSDKTPEELFHPLGADSQV 244 sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 38.0 1-UNIMOD:28,9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10122 59.830803333333336 2 2486.1678 2486.1652 R - 469 493 PSM ACGLVASNLNLKPGECLR 245 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9809 57.873 2 2013.0136 2013.0136 M V 2 20 PSM AIEHADGGVAAGVAVLDNPYPV 246 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10448 61.846 2 2134.0695 2134.0695 K - 453 475 PSM ALESDMAPVLIMATNR 247 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11297 67.146 2 1740.8778 1740.8778 R G 315 331 PSM ALIPLALEGTDVGQTK 248 sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10283 60.829 2 1624.9036 1624.9036 R A 692 708 PSM ALLAPLVAPEAGEAEPGSQER 249 sp|Q9H0B6-2|KLC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9177 54.123 2 2114.0883 2114.0883 R C 37 58 PSM ALPAVQQNNLDEDLIR 250 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8851 52.201 2 1807.9428 1807.9428 R K 329 345 PSM ANIGDAQAMGQQPITFLR 251 sp|Q8TD30|ALAT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9758 57.569 2 1939.9813 1939.9813 R Q 93 111 PSM APVPGTPDSLSSGSSR 252 sp|Q9UJZ1-2|STML2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3918 24.662 2 1523.7455 1523.7455 K D 277 293 PSM AWDQEAEGAGPELGLR 253 sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8133 48.033 2 1697.8009 1697.8009 R V 774 790 PSM DLYANTVLSGGTTMYPGIADR 254 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10700 63.414 2 2214.0627 2214.0627 K M 292 313 PSM FIAYQFTDTPLQIK 255 sp|O00267-2|SPT5H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11194 66.504 2 1683.8872 1683.8872 K S 196 210 PSM FLDPLPTSGITPGATVLTASGQTVGK 256 sp|Q5T440|CAF17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11607 69.284 2 2527.3534 2527.3534 R F 284 310 PSM FQSVESGANNVVFIR 257 sp|Q9NXG2|THUM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8377 49.44 2 1675.8557 1675.8557 R T 117 132 PSM FSPNSSNPIIVSCGWDK 258 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 13-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8945 52.755 2 1912.9085 1912.9085 R L 156 173 PSM GDGQFFAVSVVCPETGAR 259 sp|O95163|ELP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9792 57.77 2 1895.8836 1895.8836 R K 202 220 PSM GFGFVCFSSPEEATK 260 sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 6-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10213 60.399 2 1667.7597 1667.7597 K A 334 349 PSM GVPGAIVNVSSQCSQR 261 sp|Q7Z4W1|DCXR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 13-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5354 32.469 2 1667.8289 1667.8289 R A 126 142 PSM IGIIGGTGLDDPEILEGR 262 sp|Q13126-7|MTAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11271 66.988 2 1823.9629 1823.9629 K T 12 30 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 263 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10251 60.631 2 1733.8675 1733.8675 R W 126 142 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 264 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11998 71.799 2 1711.8525 1711.8525 R W 126 142 PSM IIGLDQVAGMSETALPGAFK 265 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 10-UNIMOD:35,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11024 65.434 2 2039.0705 2039.0705 R T 618 638 PSM IIQDLSDSCFGFLK 266 sp|Q14746-2|COG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11203 66.562 2 1641.8072 1641.8072 K S 570 584 PSM IISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 267 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6398 38.212 2 1832.9125 1832.9125 K V 104 121 PSM KEESEESDDDMGFGLFD 268 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9447 55.743 2 1964.7469 1964.7469 K - 99 116 PSM LAATNALLNSLEFTK 269 sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11835 70.755 2 1604.8774 1604.8774 K A 192 207 PSM LFVYDPNNPPSSEVLR 270 sp|Q15165-3|PON2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9253 54.576 2 1845.9261 1845.9261 K I 278 294 PSM LGTPVLQALGDGDFVK 271 sp|Q16822|PCKGM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11328 67.333 2 1634.8975 1634.8975 R C 194 210 PSM LGYAGNTEPQFIIPSCIAIK 272 sp|P61158|ARP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11917 71.279 2 2191.1347 2191.1347 K E 19 39 PSM LLPVLLSTAQEADPEVR 273 sp|Q8TEX9|IPO4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11037 65.518 2 1850.0149 1850.0149 R S 900 917 PSM LSLQNCCLTGAGCGVLSSTLR 274 sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 6-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10204 60.343 2 2276.0951 2276.0951 K T 90 111 PSM MAPYQGPDAVPGALDYK 275 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7311 43.386 2 1813.8652 1813.8652 R S 883 900 PSM MDEPSPLAQPLELNQHSR 276 sp|Q13085|ACACA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=9525 56.205 2 2103.0055 2103.0055 - F 1 19 PSM MMDYLQGSGETPQTDVR 277 sp|Q14697|GANAB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=5991 35.935 2 1942.8401 1942.8401 K W 338 355 PSM MQQQLDEYQELLDIK 278 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10886 64.573 2 1914.934 1914.9340 R L 352 367 PSM MSGGWELELNGTEAK 279 sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8109 47.889 2 1642.7604 1642.7604 K L 105 120 PSM NFILDQTNVSAAAQR 280 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7739 45.742 2 1646.8376 1646.8376 R R 557 572 PSM NIAFFSTNCVEGTAR 281 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 9-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8941 52.733 2 1695.7914 1695.7914 R G 241 256 PSM NLIAFSEDGSDPYVR 282 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9194 54.225 2 1691.803 1691.8030 R M 784 799 PSM NLIAFSEDGSDPYVR 283 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9196 54.237 2 1681.7948 1681.7948 R M 784 799 PSM NTNAGAPPGTAYQSPLPLSR 284 sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7094 42.103 2 2011.0123 2011.0123 R G 82 102 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 285 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11469 68.32 2 2030.9949 2030.9949 R W 1406 1424 PSM SANSELGGIWSVGQR 286 sp|Q99627-2|CSN8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9007 53.122 2 1569.7775 1569.7775 K I 17 32 PSM SAQGTGFELGQLQSIR 287 sp|Q9C0B5-2|ZDHC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9316 54.949 2 1690.8638 1690.8638 K S 379 395 PSM SFCSMAGPNLIAIGSSESAQK 288 sp|O94760-2|DDAH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10061 59.432 2 2154.0085 2154.0085 K A 73 94 PSM SSQSSSQQFSGIGR 289 sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3169 20.791 2 1454.675 1454.6750 R S 592 606 PSM STGEAFVQFASQEIAEK 290 sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11077 65.769 2 1840.8843 1840.8843 R A 151 168 PSM STNGDTFLGGEDFDQALLR 291 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11615 69.336 2 2054.9545 2054.9545 K H 266 285 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 292 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9794 57.787 2 1789.8846 1789.8846 K F 239 255 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFEATK 293 sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12052 72.157 2 1837.9132 1837.9132 R N 264 280 PSM TPADCPVIAIDSFR 294 sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9571 56.475 2 1560.7606 1560.7606 K H 314 328 PSM TPAFAESVTEGDVR 295 sp|P36957|ODO2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6282 37.595 2 1477.7049 1477.7049 K W 75 89 PSM TPASINATPANINLADLTR 296 sp|Q7KZ85|SPT6H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10104 59.715 2 1962.041 1962.0410 R A 1532 1551 PSM TPLSEAEFEEIMNR 297 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10652 63.117 2 1674.7799 1674.7799 R N 334 348 PSM TPSPLILDQNYINTK 298 sp|Q9UK58-4|CCNL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9202 54.276 2 1721.9295 1721.9295 R N 164 179 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 299 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9996 59.037 2 1559.7944 1559.7944 K I 174 188 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 300 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10158 60.06 2 1559.7944 1559.7944 K I 174 188 PSM VGEGPGVCWLAPEQTAGK 301 sp|Q9H4A4|AMPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 8-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8595 50.669 2 1860.9136 1860.9136 R K 144 162 PSM VIAALLQTMEDQGNQR 302 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10302 60.945 2 1795.9126 1795.9126 K V 382 398 PSM VIAALLQTMEDQGNQR 303 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10320 61.059 2 1785.9043 1785.9043 K V 382 398 PSM VMQPQILEVNFNPDCER 304 sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10367 61.354 2 2087.9768 2087.9768 R A 598 615 PSM YGAAMALGICCAGTGNK 305 sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7309 43.374 2 1713.7637 1713.7637 R E 650 667 PSM YLNTNPVGGLLEYAR 306 sp|P55265-4|DSRAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 37.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11316 67.262 2 1678.8679 1678.8679 R S 765 780 PSM QATKDAGTIAGLNVLR 307 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:28,4-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9003 53.10035666666666 2 1625.9078 1625.9066 R I 156 172 PSM QATVGDINTERPGMLDFTGK 308 sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:35,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8382 49.47227 2 2164.0480 2164.0436 K A 34 54 PSM QDVGKFVELPGAEMGK 309 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:28,5-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10069 59.48347166666667 2 1698.8693 1698.8684 K V 182 198 PSM ACGLVASNLNLKPGECLR 310 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 37.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10217 60.422306666666664 2 2014.0012 2013.0132 M V 2 20 PSM AAVEEGIVLGGGCALLR 311 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10267 60.729 2 1683.8978 1683.8978 R C 430 447 PSM AAVPSGASTGIYEALELR 312 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10814 64.116 2 1813.9449 1813.9449 R D 33 51 PSM AGRLPACVVDCGTGYTK 313 sp|P61158|ARP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7466 44.254 2 1865.8764 1865.8764 M L 2 19 PSM AILVDLEPGTMDSVR 314 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 11-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8566 50.506 2 1640.8319 1640.8319 R S 63 78 PSM AILVDLEPGTMDSVR 315 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8572 50.541 2 1630.8236 1630.8236 R S 63 78 PSM ALDVGSGSGILTACFAR 316 sp|P22061|PIMT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10235 60.532 2 1693.8458 1693.8458 K M 82 99 PSM ALLAPLVAPEAGEAEPGSQER 317 sp|Q9H0B6-2|KLC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9180 54.139 2 2104.08 2104.0800 R C 37 58 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 318 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11916 71.274 2 1696.8801 1696.8801 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAR 319 sp|Q9BUF5|TBB6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12190 73.069 2 1718.8662 1718.8662 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDSK 320 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11709 69.946 2 1706.8549 1706.8549 R N 283 298 PSM AQGVLFDCDGVLWNGER 321 sp|Q96GD0|PLPP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 8-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11039 65.53 2 1944.9028 1944.9028 R A 19 36 PSM AQGVLFDCDGVLWNGER 322 sp|Q96GD0|PLPP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11043 65.554 2 1934.8945 1934.8945 R A 19 36 PSM CFSPGVIEVQEVQGK 323 sp|O15160-2|RPAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7894 46.668 2 1681.8441 1681.8441 R K 256 271 PSM CFSPGVIEVQEVQGK 324 sp|O15160-2|RPAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7897 46.689 2 1675.824 1675.8240 R K 256 271 PSM CIAVEPGNQWFVTGSADR 325 sp|O43660-2|PLRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9556 56.386 2 2005.9316 2005.9316 R T 200 218 PSM CITDPQTGLCLLPLK 326 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11146 66.204 2 1727.895 1727.8950 R E 4245 4260 PSM CLSVSPGGQWLVSGSDDGSLR 327 sp|Q14137-2|BOP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9929 58.62 2 2176.0219 2176.0219 R L 306 327 PSM ELPALVVYESQAGQPVQR 328 sp|Q969G9|NKD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9675 57.058 2 1993.0508 1993.0508 R H 434 452 PSM FFDCDSLVCLCEFK 329 sp|Q9NWT1|PK1IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12114 72.563 2 1844.7879 1844.7879 R A 229 243 PSM FNALFAQGNYSEAAK 330 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7930 46.879 2 1635.7988 1635.7988 K V 368 383 PSM FQDGDLTLYQSNTILR 331 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10087 59.605 2 1892.9508 1892.9508 K H 56 72 PSM FQDVGPQAPVGSVYQK 332 sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6135 36.749 2 1724.8829 1724.8829 R T 149 165 PSM FQSVESGANNVVFIR 333 sp|Q9NXG2|THUM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8378 49.446 2 1665.8475 1665.8475 R T 117 132 PSM FSFCCSPEPEAEAEAAAGPGPCER 334 sp|Q13501|SQSTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8307 49.03 2 2625.057 2625.0570 R L 23 47 PSM FSPNSSNPIIVSCGWDK 335 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8943 52.743 2 1906.8883 1906.8883 R L 156 173 PSM GFNEGLWEIENNPGVK 336 sp|Q9Y3E1|HDGR3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9946 58.727 2 1807.8836 1807.8836 K F 80 96 PSM GGMGSGGLATGIAGGLAGMGGIQNEK 337 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 19-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8752 51.625 3 2276.0889 2276.0889 R E 56 82 PSM GLPCTELFVAPVGVASK 338 sp|O00515|LAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10716 63.512 2 1749.9431 1749.9431 R R 425 442 PSM GLPCTELFVAPVGVASK 339 sp|O00515|LAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10719 63.527 2 1743.9229 1743.9229 R R 425 442 PSM GNENANGAPAITLLIR 340 sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10338 61.17 2 1632.8823 1632.8823 K E 93 109 PSM GSYGDLGGPIITTQVTIPK 341 sp|P61978-3|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10114 59.779 2 1922.0456 1922.0456 R D 354 373 PSM GVNLPGAAVDLPAVSEK 342 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9120 53.789 2 1635.8832 1635.8832 K D 208 225 PSM GYAVNVFDIQQGFDNPQVR 343 sp|Q15738|NSDHL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11608 69.29 2 2176.0577 2176.0577 R F 61 80 PSM IAPLAEGALPYNLAELQR 344 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11635 69.462 2 1948.0657 1948.0657 R Q 185 203 PSM IINEPTAAAIAYGLDR 345 sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9735 57.418 2 1696.9024 1696.9024 R R 174 190 PSM IPVENILGEVGDGFK 346 sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12231 73.335 2 1585.8352 1585.8352 K V 280 295 PSM ISAPNVDFNLEGPK 347 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8806 51.942 2 1499.762 1499.7620 R V 5447 5461 PSM LAALPENPPAIDWAYYK 348 sp|O75947-2|ATP5H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11239 66.783 2 1930.9829 1930.9829 R A 42 59 PSM LAATNALLNSLEFTK 349 sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11839 70.777 2 1610.8975 1610.8975 K A 192 207 PSM LCLQQGQLCEPLPSLAESR 350 sp|Q6XQN6|PNCB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 2-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9790 57.758 2 2208.0906 2208.0906 R A 476 495 PSM LGCYFCNDVVAPGDSTR 351 sp|O95352-3|ATG7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7829 46.277 2 1939.8432 1939.8432 K D 509 526 PSM LIAPVAEEEATVPNNK 352 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6155 36.863 2 1693.8887 1693.8887 K I 8 24 PSM LIDIFYPGDQQSVTFGTK 353 sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11963 71.574 2 2034.0405 2034.0405 K S 281 299 PSM LLPVLLSTAQEADPEVR 354 sp|Q8TEX9|IPO4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11022 65.422 2 1860.0232 1860.0232 R S 900 917 PSM LLQSNPVLEAFGNAK 355 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10745 63.686 2 1605.8822 1605.8822 R T 139 154 PSM LSVACFYGGTPYGGQFER 356 sp|Q9NR30-2|DDX21_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 5-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10143 59.964 2 2017.9232 2017.9232 K M 219 237 PSM LVVPASQCGSLIGK 357 sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6610 39.369 2 1433.8008 1433.8008 R G 102 116 PSM LYIGNLSPAVTADDLR 358 sp|Q9Y6M1-1|IF2B2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10220 60.445 2 1716.9046 1716.9046 K Q 5 21 PSM MDVGELLSYQPNRGTK 359 sp|Q8WYA6|CTBL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11320 67.285 2 1848.904 1848.9040 - R 1 17 PSM NDLSPASSGNAVYDFFIGR 360 sp|Q14739|LBR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13037 78.757 2 2028.9541 2028.9541 R E 354 373 PSM NFILDQCNVYNSGQR 361 sp|Q1KMD3|HNRL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7950 46.995 2 1836.8452 1836.8453 R R 532 547 PSM NLFEDQNTLTSICEK 362 sp|P55060-3|XPO2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8995 53.054 2 1816.8609 1816.8609 K V 332 347 PSM NLGSINTELQDVQR 363 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7688 45.452 2 1595.8143 1595.8143 R I 134 148 PSM NLPPEEQMISALPDIK 364 sp|O15355|PPM1G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11162 66.306 2 1793.9233 1793.9233 K V 410 426 PSM NPGYPQSEGLLGECMIR 365 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9373 55.296 2 1929.8952 1929.8952 K H 83 100 PSM NTLCAPEVISLINTR 366 sp|Q96CS3|FAF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11256 66.891 2 1709.901 1709.9010 R M 191 206 PSM NTVVLFVPQQEAWVVER 367 sp|Q9UJZ1-2|STML2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11873 70.998 2 2013.0684 2013.0684 R M 35 52 PSM QFASQANVVGPWIQTK 368 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9198 54.249 2 1778.9411 1778.9411 R M 653 669 PSM QSLGELIGTLNAAK 369 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10991 65.239 2 1419.8029 1419.8029 K V 57 71 PSM SAIQNLHSFDPFADASK 370 sp|P41567|EIF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:1,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11887 71.085 2 1894.9157 1894.9157 M G 2 19 PSM SGALDVLQMKEEDVLK 371 sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11473 68.348 2 1815.9288 1815.9288 M F 2 18 PSM SGLGELILPENEPGSSIMPGK 372 sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10135 59.912 2 2140.0722 2140.0722 R V 308 329 PSM SLGLSLSGGDQEDAGR 373 sp|Q9UJ70|NAGK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6424 38.348 2 1560.738 1560.7380 R I 70 86 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 374 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 3-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10094 59.651 2 1888.7959 1888.7959 R R 162 177 PSM SPAGLQVLNDYLADK 375 sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11183 66.436 2 1602.8253 1602.8253 K S 8 23 PSM SSFLQVFNNSPDESSYYR 376 sp|Q15436-2|SC23A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11070 65.724 2 2138.9545 2138.9545 R H 385 403 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 377 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9961 58.823 2 1789.8846 1789.8846 K F 239 255 PSM TAADELEAFLGGGAPGGR 378 sp|Q3YEC7|RABL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12179 72.992 2 1697.8248 1697.8248 R H 702 720 PSM TAWGQQPDLAANEAQLLR 379 sp|Q9UNM6|PSD13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9935 58.659 2 1981.0017 1981.0017 K K 253 271 PSM TIAIIAEGIPEALTR 380 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11817 70.64 2 1566.8981 1566.8981 R K 322 337 PSM TPAFAESVTEGDVR 381 sp|P36957|ODO2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6284 37.606 2 1487.7132 1487.7132 K W 75 89 PSM TPPEAIALCSSLLEYTPSSR 382 sp|P49840|GSK3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 9-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11606 69.278 2 2201.0914 2201.0914 R L 372 392 PSM TPVEEVPAAIAPFQGR 383 sp|Q15393|SF3B3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9048 53.36 2 1680.8835 1680.8835 K V 943 959 PSM VLAALPAAELVQACR 384 sp|Q9UK22|FBX2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9760 57.58 2 1590.8791 1590.8791 R L 58 73 PSM VLNYAPGPLDTDMQQLAR 385 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 13-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7914 46.791 2 2027.0021 2027.0021 R E 193 211 PSM VLQATVVAVGSGSK 386 sp|P61604|CH10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4954 30.361 2 1314.7507 1314.7507 K G 41 55 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGK 387 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11342 67.415 2 1601.8817 1601.8817 K T 198 213 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGK 388 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11339 67.395 2 1607.9019 1607.9019 K T 198 213 PSM VWLDPNETNEIANANSR 389 sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8049 47.546 2 1941.9181 1941.9181 K Q 22 39 PSM YGAAMALGICCAGTGNK 390 sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 36.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7310 43.38 2 1719.7838 1719.7838 R E 650 667 PSM SPFEVQVGPEAGMQK 391 sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7441 44.113103333333335 2 1602.779308 1602.771193 K V 537 552 PSM VPFCPMVGSEVYSTEIK 392 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10124 59.84313666666667 2 1942.909716 1941.921622 K K 91 108 PSM VPFCPMVGSEVYSTEIK 393 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10141 59.95209499999999 2 1942.909716 1941.921622 K K 91 108 PSM VNQIGSVTESLQACK 394 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=6538 38.97628666666667 2 1638.835227 1638.834250 K L 344 359 PSM NPPLAEALLSGDLEK 395 sp|Q5TDH0|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11403 67.78823 2 1571.847397 1571.850217 R F 156 171 PSM QFNYTHICAGASAFGK 396 sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9359 55.207376666666676 2 1753.7908 1753.7877 K N 102 118 PSM APVPTGEVYFADSFDR 397 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9948 58.73912166666667 2 1770.824727 1769.826065 K G 62 78 PSM GKVEIDQQQLTQQQLNGN 398 sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5546 33.483536666666666 2 2046.050760 2046.043725 R - 348 366 PSM IFVGGLNPEATEEK 399 sp|Q99729-2|ROAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 36.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7350 43.611151666666665 2 1508.782874 1508.781803 K I 156 170 PSM CDRVDQLTAQLADLAAR 400 sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:267,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12518 75.22488833333333 2 1917.9469 1917.9476 K G 545 562 PSM QGQETAVAPSLVAPALNKPK 401 sp|Q15691|MARE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 36.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7995 47.24604 2 2001.0943 2001.0890 R K 131 151 PSM AERPEDLNLPNAVITR 402 sp|Q9NRF9|DPOE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=8843 52.156 2 1848.9694 1848.9694 M I 2 18 PSM AILVDLEPGTMDSVR 403 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9881 58.314 2 1624.837 1624.8370 R S 63 78 PSM AKYPDYEVTWANDGY 404 sp|Q9NRX4|PHP14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9070 53.483 2 1790.7788 1790.7788 K - 111 126 PSM ALAIYEGQLGPDNPNVAR 405 sp|Q9NSK0|KLC4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8124 47.981 2 1906.9776 1906.9776 R T 363 381 PSM ALEIPGEELPGVCSAR 406 sp|P22570-4|ADRO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9017 53.18 2 1696.8454 1696.8454 R A 88 104 PSM APTFSYGPDGNGFSLGCSK 407 sp|Q5W0Z9-4|ZDH20_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9132 53.863 2 1960.8625 1960.8625 R N 247 266 PSM AQQATPGGAAPTIFSR 408 sp|Q9BX68|HINT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6251 37.424 2 1581.8139 1581.8139 K I 43 59 PSM AQQEFAAGVFSNPAVR 409 sp|O14828-2|SCAM3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8506 50.16 2 1700.851 1700.8510 K T 288 304 PSM AVAGAVSGEPLVHWCTQQLR 410 sp|Q15650|TRIP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10899 64.656 2 2230.1192 2230.1192 M K 2 22 PSM CAGPTPEAELQALAR 411 sp|Q15050|RRS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9477 55.917 2 1592.7856 1592.7856 R D 52 67 PSM CAGPTPEAELQALAR 412 sp|Q15050|RRS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9479 55.932 2 1582.7773 1582.7773 R D 52 67 PSM CIPALDSLTPANEDQK 413 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8254 48.726 2 1770.8458 1770.8458 R I 447 463 PSM CLSEQIADAYSSFR 414 sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10402 61.565 2 1655.7489 1655.7489 R S 424 438 PSM DLAGAPPGEVVGCFTPQSR 415 sp|Q9Y446|PKP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8639 50.93 2 1966.9446 1966.9446 R R 557 576 PSM DYGVLLEGSGLALR 416 sp|P30048-2|PRDX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11234 66.755 2 1471.791 1471.7910 R G 153 167 PSM DYGVLLEGSGLALR 417 sp|P30048-2|PRDX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11244 66.816 2 1461.7827 1461.7827 R G 153 167 PSM EIVLADVIDNDSWR 418 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12079 72.334 2 1653.8238 1653.8238 K L 202 216 PSM ELCAQPGQVVAPGAVLVR 419 sp|Q9Y5B0-4|CTDP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8396 49.551 2 1863.0037 1863.0037 R L 93 111 PSM FIADGGPEVETIALQNNR 420 sp|Q8IWZ8|SUGP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8721 51.431 2 1942.9749 1942.9749 R E 273 291 PSM FIAVGYVDDTQFVR 421 sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10137 59.925 2 1628.8199 1628.8199 R F 46 60 PSM FISLASLEYSDYSK 422 sp|Q14232-2|EI2BA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10964 65.071 2 1627.8077 1627.8077 R C 75 89 PSM FISLASLEYSDYSK 423 sp|Q14232-2|EI2BA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10965 65.076 2 1621.7876 1621.7876 R C 75 89 PSM FSASGELGNGNIK 424 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4861 29.869 2 1292.6361 1292.6361 K L 169 182 PSM FSGLPSNDEPILSFSPK 425 sp|O00443|P3C2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10925 64.823 2 1839.935 1839.9350 R T 1398 1415 PSM FVSCLLEQPEVLVTGAGR 426 sp|Q15042-4|RB3GP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11660 69.625 2 1974.0244 1974.0244 R G 826 844 PSM GAGIGGLGITVEGPSESK 427 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8356 49.317 2 1627.8417 1627.8417 R I 1355 1373 PSM GCAFAQFMTQEAAQK 428 sp|Q9NW13-2|RBM28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9250 54.559 2 1686.7494 1686.7494 K C 236 251 PSM GEGPEAGAGGAGGR 429 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=731 7.7576 2 1151.5195 1151.5195 R A 54 68 PSM GEGPEAGAGGAGGR 430 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=740 7.8095 2 1141.5112 1141.5112 R A 54 68 PSM GFGTDEQAIIDCLGSR 431 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10760 63.779 2 1747.8075 1747.8075 K S 182 198 PSM GITNLCVIGGDGSLTGANLFR 432 sp|Q01813-2|PFKAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 6-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12211 73.205 2 2144.0924 2144.0924 R K 110 131 PSM GLGAGAGAGEESPATSLPR 433 sp|O15173|PGRC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5487 33.168 2 1706.8463 1706.8463 R M 79 98 PSM GLGTDEDSLIEIICSR 434 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12487 75.027 2 1776.8564 1776.8564 K T 120 136 PSM GLGTDEDSLIEIICSR 435 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12489 75.038 2 1786.8646 1786.8646 K T 120 136 PSM GLIVYQLENQPSEFR 436 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10184 60.221 2 1791.9155 1791.9155 R R 191 206 PSM GVGTDEACLIEILASR 437 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12785 77.005 2 1702.856 1702.8560 K S 254 270 PSM GWEEGVAQMSVGQR 438 sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 9-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5291 32.14 2 1558.7074 1558.7074 R A 59 73 PSM ICDQWDNLGALTQK 439 sp|P12814-2|ACTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9366 55.251 2 1666.808 1666.8080 K R 479 493 PSM IGPYQPNVPVGIDYVIPK 440 sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11217 66.652 2 1968.072 1968.0720 R T 781 799 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 441 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10250 60.625 2 1727.8474 1727.8474 R W 126 142 PSM IIGLDQVAGMSETALPGAFK 442 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11023 65.428 2 2033.0503 2033.0503 R T 618 638 PSM IINEPTAAAIAYGLDR 443 sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9725 57.357 2 1686.8941 1686.8941 R R 174 190 PSM IIQTPGLWESENQNK 444 sp|Q9NP72-2|RAB18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7505 44.446 2 1761.8993 1761.8993 K G 198 213 PSM ILTFDQLALDSPK 445 sp|Q07020-2|RL18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10752 63.729 2 1465.8124 1465.8124 K G 91 104 PSM ILTFDQLALDSPK 446 sp|Q07020-2|RL18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10753 63.734 2 1459.7922 1459.7922 K G 91 104 PSM INMNGINNSSGMVDAR 447 sp|Q15819|UB2V2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6081 36.436 2 1691.7719 1691.7719 K S 86 102 PSM ISLAIPNLGNTSQQEYK 448 sp|Q15018|ABRX2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9683 57.109 2 1880.9939 1880.9939 R V 158 175 PSM LAALGGGAGPGAAEPEQR 449 sp|Q4KMQ1|TPRN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4463 27.557 2 1620.822 1620.8220 K V 30 48 PSM LASIVEQVSVLQNQGR 450 sp|P54886-2|P5CS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9614 56.726 2 1739.953 1739.9530 R E 95 111 PSM LATPELLETAQALER 451 sp|Q8N6R0-2|EFNMT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11176 66.391 2 1653.8938 1653.8938 K T 357 372 PSM LDVGNFSWGSECCTR 452 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9330 55.031 2 1786.7403 1786.7403 R K 60 75 PSM LFIVESNSSSSTR 453 sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5464 33.058 2 1425.71 1425.7100 K S 95 108 PSM LGGYLAEEQATPENPTIR 454 sp|O75165|DJC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7064 41.914 2 1957.9745 1957.9745 R K 1589 1607 PSM LGLGGNAPVSIPQQSQSVK 455 sp|Q9H2P0|ADNP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7241 42.974 2 1885.0365 1885.0365 R Q 349 368 PSM LGLQYSQGLVSGSNAR 456 sp|Q9UI10-3|EI2BD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7156 42.498 2 1658.8616 1658.8616 R C 209 225 PSM LGLQYSQGLVSGSNAR 457 sp|Q9UI10-3|EI2BD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7157 42.504 2 1648.8533 1648.8533 R C 209 225 PSM LLDAQLATGGIVDPR 458 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8824 52.047 2 1537.8464 1537.8464 R L 3936 3951 PSM LNFSTPTSTNIVSVCR 459 sp|O15067|PUR4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8436 49.79 2 1794.8934 1794.8934 R A 94 110 PSM LNQNLNDVLVGLEK 460 sp|O00499-9|BIN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10603 62.805 2 1573.8771 1573.8771 K Q 228 242 PSM LSPPYSSPQEFAQDVGR 461 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8709 51.356 2 1876.8955 1876.8955 K M 669 686 PSM MAPAEILNGKEISAQIR 462 sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=10879 64.527 2 1881.9982 1881.9982 - A 1 18 PSM MASNIFGTPEENQASWAK 463 sp|Q9UK76-3|JUPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8222 48.549 2 2001.9198 2001.9198 - S 1 19 PSM MFVLDEADEMLSR 464 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10797 64.008 2 1580.709 1580.7090 K G 178 191 PSM MFVLDEADEMLSR 465 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12262 73.548 2 1554.7058 1554.7058 K G 178 191 PSM MFVLDEADEMLSR 466 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12263 73.553 2 1564.7141 1564.7141 K G 178 191 PSM MLVLDEADEMLNK 467 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9509 56.109 2 1535.7211 1535.7211 K G 183 196 PSM MNDLTIIQTTQGFCR 468 sp|Q96G03|PGM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8933 52.684 2 1822.8581 1822.8581 R Y 73 88 PSM MVSSYVGENAEFER 469 sp|P55809|SCOT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5634 33.996 2 1642.7173 1642.7173 R Q 111 125 PSM NDAPTPGTSTTPGLR 470 sp|Q04726-2|TLE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3251 21.18 2 1483.7267 1483.7267 R S 324 339 PSM NDAPTPGTSTTPGLR 471 sp|Q04726-2|TLE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3264 21.246 2 1493.735 1493.7350 R S 324 339 PSM NPDDITNEEYGEFYK 472 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7786 46.018 2 1832.7741 1832.7741 R S 300 315 PSM NPVDYMDLPFSSSPSR 473 sp|Q9BX66-12|SRBS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10535 62.388 2 1810.8196 1810.8196 K S 1193 1209 PSM NTLCAPEVISLINTR 474 sp|Q96CS3|FAF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11248 66.839 2 1699.8927 1699.8927 R M 191 206 PSM PVAVGPYGQSQPSCFDR 475 sp|P60602-2|ROMO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6165 36.922 2 1873.8657 1873.8657 M V 2 19 PSM QIEINTISASFGGLASR 476 sp|P48637|GSHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10970 65.105 2 1772.9296 1772.9296 K T 142 159 PSM QSLGELIGTLNAAK 477 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10992 65.244 2 1413.7827 1413.7827 K V 57 71 PSM SALGDLAGDNSLGLEPLR 478 sp|Q86XS8-2|GOLI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10921 64.8 2 1796.9268 1796.9268 R T 341 359 PSM SCQAMFQQINDSFR 479 sp|Q6P2E9-2|EDC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9471 55.888 2 1740.7587 1740.7587 K L 748 762 PSM SFCSMAGPNLIAIGSSESAQK 480 sp|O94760-2|DDAH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 3-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10064 59.449 2 2160.0287 2160.0287 K A 73 94 PSM SFLESIDDALAEK 481 sp|Q15750-2|TAB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12226 73.306 2 1436.7035 1436.7035 R A 116 129 PSM SLGGDVASDGDFLIFEGNR 482 sp|O00267-2|SPT5H_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11795 70.496 2 1967.9225 1967.9225 R Y 343 362 PSM SLSLPVCSVADSAPR 483 sp|Q96ME1|FXL18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8252 48.716 2 1557.7821 1557.7821 R A 417 432 PSM SMVPVQVQLDVPVVK 484 sp|P18754|RCC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9382 55.353 2 1652.9171 1652.9171 K V 162 177 PSM SPAGLQVLNDYLADK 485 sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11180 66.419 2 1608.8455 1608.8455 K S 8 23 PSM SQIFSTASDNQPTVTIK 486 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7155 42.492 2 1841.9466 1841.9466 K V 448 465 PSM SVLDAAQIVGLNCLR 487 sp|Q92598-4|HS105_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11488 68.452 2 1627.8716 1627.8716 R L 157 172 PSM SWASPVYTEADGTFSR 488 sp|Q8WWI1-3|LMO7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8743 51.57 2 1782.8088 1782.8088 R L 342 358 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 489 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9668 57.027 2 1799.8929 1799.8929 K F 239 255 PSM SYGRPPPDVEGMTSLK 490 sp|Q01130-2|SRSF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=7769 45.916 2 1774.856 1774.8560 M V 2 18 PSM TCPVQLWVDSTPPPGTR 491 sp|P04637-8|P53_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9408 55.514 2 1919.9439 1919.9439 K V 8 25 PSM TGEGFLCVFAINNTK 492 sp|P01116-2|RASK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11885 71.073 2 1675.8335 1675.8335 R S 74 89 PSM TIAIIAEGIPEALTR 493 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11818 70.645 2 1576.9064 1576.9064 R K 322 337 PSM TLINAEDPPMVVVR 494 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8827 52.062 2 1552.8283 1552.8283 K K 857 871 PSM TLLYNPFPPTNESDVIR 495 sp|Q969X6-2|UTP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10940 64.92 2 1985.0134 1985.0134 K R 503 520 PSM TLQEQLENGPNTQLAR 496 sp|Q9P2E9-3|RRBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6737 40.081 2 1820.9256 1820.9256 R L 349 365 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFEATK 497 sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12062 72.222 2 1843.9333 1843.9333 R N 264 280 PSM TPADCPVIAIDSFR 498 sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 5-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9576 56.504 2 1570.7689 1570.7689 K H 314 328 PSM TPSPLILDQNYINTK 499 sp|Q9UK58-4|CCNL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9195 54.231 2 1715.9094 1715.9094 R N 164 179 PSM TYDLPGNFLTQALTQR 500 sp|O94874-3|UFL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12893 77.782 2 1846.9453 1846.9453 K L 145 161 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 501 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=5002 30.624 2 1616.7981 1616.7981 K A 265 280 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 502 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6701 39.867 2 1610.8114 1610.8114 K A 265 280 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 503 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6728 40.027 2 1600.8032 1600.8032 K A 265 280 PSM VFLLGEEVAQYDGAYK 504 sp|P11177-3|ODPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11580 69.091 2 1800.8934 1800.8934 K V 53 69 PSM VGEGPGVCWLAPEQTAGK 505 sp|Q9H4A4|AMPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8598 50.691 2 1854.8934 1854.8934 R K 144 162 PSM VGGEAAAAVEELVSGVR 506 sp|Q96HQ2-2|C2AIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12274 73.624 2 1612.842 1612.8420 M Q 2 19 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 507 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8652 51.012 2 1823.9781 1823.9781 K V 237 255 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 508 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8508 50.176 2 1829.9983 1829.9983 K V 237 255 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 509 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8688 51.229 2 1829.9983 1829.9983 K V 237 255 PSM VLATAFDTTLGGR 510 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8151 48.14 2 1320.7038 1320.7038 K K 222 235 PSM VLATAFDTTLGGR 511 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8157 48.175 2 1330.712 1330.7120 K K 222 235 PSM VLGIQVDTDGSGR 512 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6286 37.621 2 1325.6815 1325.6815 R S 296 309 PSM VLGIQVDTDGSGR 513 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6287 37.625 2 1315.6732 1315.6732 R S 296 309 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 514 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9490 55.995 2 2474.1756 2474.1756 R C 178 201 PSM VNLLSFTGSTQVGK 515 sp|P49419-4|AL7A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9580 56.53 2 1449.7827 1449.7827 R Q 267 281 PSM VVGAVIDQGLITR 516 sp|E9PRG8|CK098_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7925 46.854 2 1349.7906 1349.7906 R H 36 49 PSM YLNTNPVGGLLEYAR 517 sp|P55265-4|DSRAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11315 67.257 2 1688.8761 1688.8761 R S 765 780 PSM YNVLGAETVLNQMR 518 sp|Q1KMD3|HNRL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 35.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10654 63.127 2 1616.822 1616.8220 R M 481 495 PSM CKSQFTITPGSEQIR 519 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7143 42.418615 2 1733.8433 1733.8401 K A 410 425 PSM QFQDAGHFDAENIK 520 sp|Q13813|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8024 47.40983 2 1601.7128 1601.7105 R K 743 757 PSM QVFGEATKQPGITFIAAK 521 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:188,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10427 61.71973333333334 2 1900.0523 1900.0492 R F 177 195 PSM QSEQQRETLAQLQQEFQR 522 sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10332 61.131631666666664 2 2229.0849 2229.0769 R A 100 118 PSM CLLAASPENEAGGLKLDGR 523 sp|Q9NW13|RBM28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10481 62.04681333333333 2 1952.9624 1952.9621 K Q 392 411 PSM QATVGDINTERPGMLDFTGK 524 sp|P07108|ACBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:28,14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=8364 49.36548833333334 2 2148.0202 2148.0152 K A 34 54 PSM FMQTFVLAPEGSVANK 525 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=8281 48.87914333333333 2 1754.846521 1753.870907 R F 108 124 PSM ISPDAWQVCAEALAQR 526 sp|O43592|XPOT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 9-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10352 61.256875 2 1824.902568 1823.886387 K T 30 46 PSM CGNCGEISDKWQYIR 527 sp|Q9NWV4|CZIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8429 49.74686666666667 2 1883.8304 1883.8260 K L 33 48 PSM IGDLLVQQFSGENGER 528 sp|Q6ZSZ5|ARHGI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 35.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9315 54.94314 2 1760.875360 1760.869327 K M 530 546 PSM MSGGWELELNGTEAK 529 sp|Q07021|C1QBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=8458 49.904284999999994 2 1637.7242 1636.7402 K L 105 120 PSM QGNMTAALQAALKNPPINTK 530 sp|O15511|ARPC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 35.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11439 68.077975 2 2063.0845 2063.0828 R S 48 68 PSM AGYIIPLQGPGLTTTESR 531 sp|P10253|LYAG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9704 57.234 2 1872.9945 1872.9945 R Q 820 838 PSM AIWAALQTQTSNAAK 532 sp|Q9NYU2-2|UGGG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8194 48.392 2 1572.826 1572.8260 R N 789 804 PSM ALASPEQLAQLPSSGVPR 533 sp|Q9Y3Q8-2|T22D4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9080 53.54 2 1819.9792 1819.9792 R L 128 146 PSM ALEIPGEELPGVCSAR 534 sp|P22570-4|ADRO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9021 53.207 2 1696.8454 1696.8454 R A 88 104 PSM ALESDMAPVLIMATNR 535 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11294 67.124 2 1730.8695 1730.8695 R G 315 331 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 536 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 11-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8980 52.964 2 1712.8751 1712.8751 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 537 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11898 71.161 2 1690.86 1690.8600 R N 283 298 PSM ANINVENAFFTLAR 538 sp|P61006|RAB8A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12379 74.326 2 1588.8237 1588.8237 K D 154 168 PSM ANINVENAFFTLAR 539 sp|P61006|RAB8A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12380 74.332 2 1578.8154 1578.8154 K D 154 168 PSM APDVEQAIEVLTR 540 sp|P39880-6|CUX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12100 72.474 2 1449.7703 1449.7703 K S 273 286 PSM ATGNQPPPLVGTYNTLLSR 541 sp|Q96PD2|DCBD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10297 60.913 2 2008.0617 2008.0617 K T 703 722 PSM AVFVDLEPTVIDEVR 542 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11644 69.519 2 1700.8985 1700.8985 R T 65 80 PSM AVFVDLEPTVIDEVR 543 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11645 69.524 2 1710.9068 1710.9068 R T 65 80 PSM CLMDQATDPNILGR 544 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8236 48.626 2 1602.7494 1602.7494 K T 4075 4089 PSM CLMDQATDPNILGR 545 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8241 48.655 2 1612.7577 1612.7577 K T 4075 4089 PSM CLSEQIADAYSSFR 546 sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10401 61.559 2 1645.7406 1645.7406 R S 424 438 PSM DNPNLLFNMCGFECR 547 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 10-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11785 70.432 2 1895.7992 1895.7992 K I 1181 1196 PSM EACWTISNITAGNR 548 sp|O60684|IMA7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 3-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8421 49.699 2 1601.7496 1601.7496 K A 355 369 PSM FLQMCNDDPDVLPDLK 549 sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 5-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10731 63.599 2 1924.9006 1924.9006 R E 798 814 PSM FMQDASDVMQLLLK 550 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12707 76.488 2 1653.8106 1653.8106 K T 513 527 PSM FQSIVIGCALEDQK 551 sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8874 52.333 2 1612.8226 1612.8226 K K 155 169 PSM FSASGELGNGNIK 552 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4951 30.348 2 1298.6562 1298.6562 K L 169 182 PSM FSGLPSNDEPILSFSPK 553 sp|O00443|P3C2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10923 64.812 2 1833.9149 1833.9149 R T 1398 1415 PSM FSIQTMCPIEGEGNIAR 554 sp|Q13155-2|AIMP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 7-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9332 55.042 2 1931.9109 1931.9109 K F 130 147 PSM FTPVDESVTFIGR 555 sp|Q12768|WASC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9340 55.09 2 1476.7488 1476.7488 K L 811 824 PSM FYEQMNGPVAGASR 556 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5152 31.405 2 1535.7066 1535.7066 R Q 25 39 PSM GAGTDEGCLIEILASR 557 sp|P09525-2|ANXA4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 8-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11613 69.324 2 1670.8173 1670.8173 K T 19 35 PSM GCAFAQFMTQEAAQK 558 sp|Q9NW13-2|RBM28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9248 54.548 2 1692.7695 1692.7695 K C 236 251 PSM GFGFVDFNSEEDAK 559 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9669 57.032 2 1566.6934 1566.6934 K A 611 625 PSM GISCMNTTLSESPFK 560 sp|Q15181|IPYR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8548 50.404 2 1676.7845 1676.7845 K C 239 254 PSM GLIVYQLENQPSEFR 561 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10176 60.17 2 1801.9238 1801.9238 R R 191 206 PSM GNTAAQMAQILSFNK 562 sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10496 62.139 2 1598.8182 1598.8182 K S 47 62 PSM GVGTDEACLIEILASR 563 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 8-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12783 76.993 2 1712.8643 1712.8643 K S 254 270 PSM GWEEGVAQMSVGQR 564 sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=5308 32.228 2 1548.6991 1548.6991 R A 59 73 PSM GWEEGVAQMSVGQR 565 sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7590 44.911 2 1542.7124 1542.7124 R A 59 73 PSM GYDVIAQAQSGTGK 566 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4966 30.424 2 1393.6838 1393.6838 K T 69 83 PSM IANLQTDLSDGLR 567 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8391 49.524 2 1424.7499 1424.7499 R L 64 77 PSM IFQNLDGALDEVVLK 568 sp|Q02809|PLOD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12196 73.105 2 1672.9036 1672.9036 R F 206 221 PSM IIQTPGLWESENQNK 569 sp|Q9NP72-2|RAB18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7506 44.452 2 1755.8792 1755.8792 K G 198 213 PSM ILATPPQEDAPSVDIANIR 570 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9026 53.233 2 2029.0719 2029.0719 K M 284 303 PSM ILDPEGLALGAVIASSK 571 sp|Q8IY81|SPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12539 75.362 2 1658.955 1658.9550 R K 662 679 PSM ILQPNTTDEFVIPLDPR 572 sp|Q9NU22|MDN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11299 67.157 2 1977.0447 1977.0447 K W 2582 2599 PSM ILTFDQLALDSPK 573 sp|Q07020-2|RL18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10911 64.737 2 1465.8124 1465.8124 K G 91 104 PSM INMNGINNSSGMVDAR 574 sp|Q15819|UB2V2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6094 36.507 2 1701.7802 1701.7802 K S 86 102 PSM IPDEFDNDPILVQQLR 575 sp|Q3ZCQ8|TIM50_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10850 64.345 2 1920.9821 1920.9821 K R 98 114 PSM ISATSIFFESMPYK 576 sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12335 74.033 2 1619.7905 1619.7905 R L 162 176 PSM ISDALLQLTCVSCVR 577 sp|Q27J81|INF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10971 65.111 2 1733.8804 1733.8804 R A 92 107 PSM ISFLENNLEQLTK 578 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11226 66.708 2 1547.8195 1547.8195 K V 832 845 PSM ISLLPNDEDSLPPLLVASGEK 579 sp|Q7Z3T8|ZFY16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12755 76.809 2 2206.1733 2206.1733 K G 1012 1033 PSM IVEPYIAWGYPNLK 580 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11509 68.59 2 1661.8817 1661.8817 R S 135 149 PSM IVLTNPVCTEVGEK 581 sp|P41091|IF2G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7264 43.107 2 1563.8274 1563.8274 K I 427 441 PSM LAQEGIYTLYPFINSR 582 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12227 73.312 2 1893.9864 1893.9864 R I 603 619 PSM LATGSDDNCAAFFEGPPFK 583 sp|O75083|WDR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10581 62.675 2 2042.9044 2042.9044 R F 162 181 PSM LCLQQGQLCEPLPSLAESR 584 sp|Q6XQN6|PNCB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9780 57.697 2 2198.0824 2198.0824 R A 476 495 PSM LDVGNFSWGSECCTR 585 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9329 55.025 2 1796.7486 1796.7486 R K 60 75 PSM LFADAVQELLPQYK 586 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12325 73.969 2 1633.8716 1633.8716 K E 76 90 PSM LLLQGLMDSVEAK 587 sp|Q5VYK3|ECM29_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12361 74.208 2 1415.7694 1415.7694 K Q 880 893 PSM LLQFYAETCPAPER 588 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8153 48.149 2 1703.8217 1703.8217 R G 118 132 PSM LLSGPSQESPQTLGK 589 sp|Q9BWE0|REPI1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4757 29.321 2 1546.8298 1546.8298 R E 19 34 PSM LPSGSGAASPTGSAVDIR 590 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4980 30.501 2 1641.8322 1641.8322 R A 208 226 PSM LSLDGQNIYNACCTLR 591 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8711 51.368 2 1896.8822 1896.8822 K I 239 255 PSM LSLDGQNIYNACCTLR 592 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8715 51.397 2 1906.8905 1906.8905 K I 239 255 PSM LSYCGGGEALAVPFEPAR 593 sp|Q6P1X6-2|CH082_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 4-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9625 56.785 2 1902.9174 1902.9174 R L 119 137 PSM LSYCGGGEALAVPFEPAR 594 sp|Q6P1X6-2|CH082_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9626 56.79 2 1892.9091 1892.9091 R L 119 137 PSM LYIGNLSPAVTADDLR 595 sp|Q9Y6M1-1|IF2B2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10223 60.462 2 1726.9129 1726.9129 K Q 5 21 PSM MGELPLDINIQEPR 596 sp|Q9BWM7|SFXN3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9731 57.396 2 1649.8322 1649.8322 - W 1 15 PSM MLNGLEDSIGLSK 597 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7673 45.368 2 1391.6966 1391.6966 K M 1164 1177 PSM MMVCQVGGIEALVR 598 sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9512 56.124 2 1577.7728 1577.7728 K T 436 450 PSM MNDLTIIQTTQGFCR 599 sp|Q96G03|PGM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8938 52.712 2 1812.8499 1812.8499 R Y 73 88 PSM MVDDGSGEVQVWR 600 sp|P09327|VILI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6047 36.246 2 1502.6699 1502.6699 K I 392 405 PSM NDGAAILAAVSSIAQK 601 sp|P28331-3|NDUS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12016 71.918 2 1527.8257 1527.8257 R I 373 389 PSM NGQVIGIGAGQQSR 602 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3338 21.598 2 1383.7219 1383.7219 K I 437 451 PSM NILLTNEQLESAR 603 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7350 43.611 2 1509.8026 1509.8026 R K 36 49 PSM NINDAWVCTNDMFR 604 sp|P61970|NTF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10593 62.744 2 1764.7587 1764.7587 K L 107 121 PSM NLAEALLTYETLDAK 605 sp|Q96TA2-3|YMEL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12542 75.387 2 1669.887 1669.8870 K E 655 670 PSM NLFEDQNTLTSICEK 606 sp|P55060-3|XPO2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8991 53.027 2 1810.8407 1810.8407 K V 332 347 PSM NLGLEELGIELDPR 607 sp|P09622|DLDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12145 72.772 2 1566.8253 1566.8253 K G 321 335 PSM NLGSINTELQDVQR 608 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7692 45.477 2 1585.806 1585.8060 R I 134 148 PSM NPDIFTEVANCCIR 609 sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 11-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9947 58.733 2 1707.7709 1707.7709 R I 1881 1895 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 610 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11470 68.326 2 2041.0032 2041.0032 R W 1406 1424 PSM QAALQVAEGFISR 611 sp|P40121-2|CAPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10107 59.734 2 1388.7412 1388.7412 R M 292 305 PSM QAALQVAEGFISR 612 sp|P40121-2|CAPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10112 59.767 2 1398.7495 1398.7495 R M 292 305 PSM QLLTLSSELSQAR 613 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8914 52.569 2 1454.7968 1454.7968 R D 530 543 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 614 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11222 66.682 2 1677.8145 1677.8145 K Y 110 124 PSM QQAAYYAQTSPQGMPQHPPAPQGQ 615 sp|Q96AE4|FUBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5515 33.308 2 2580.1816 2580.1816 R - 621 645 PSM SCQAMFQQINDSFR 616 sp|Q6P2E9-2|EDC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9457 55.804 2 1730.7505 1730.7505 K L 748 762 PSM SDPLLIGIPTSENPFK 617 sp|Q9UBI6|GBG12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12127 72.653 2 1732.9343 1732.9343 R D 49 65 PSM SGALLACGIVNSGVR 618 sp|Q13200-2|PSMD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7933 46.899 2 1482.7852 1482.7852 K N 283 298 PSM SGLGELILPENEPGSSIMPGK 619 sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 18-UNIMOD:35,21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10126 59.855 2 2146.0923 2146.0923 R V 308 329 PSM SIYSLILGQDNAADQSR 620 sp|Q9P0I2-2|EMC3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11292 67.112 2 1859.9253 1859.9253 R M 181 198 PSM SLGLSLSGGDQEDAGR 621 sp|Q9UJ70|NAGK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6435 38.407 2 1570.7462 1570.7462 R I 70 86 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 622 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7119 42.272 2 1518.6951 1518.6951 R N 228 241 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 623 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7111 42.219 2 1528.7033 1528.7033 R N 228 241 PSM SPSAQLMEQVAQLK 624 sp|Q14203-3|DCTN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9630 56.812 2 1528.7919 1528.7919 K S 1138 1152 PSM SQIFSTASDNQPTVTIK 625 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7145 42.431 2 1835.9265 1835.9265 K V 448 465 PSM STGLNAVPSQILEGQWAAR 626 sp|P06756-3|ITAV_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11266 66.953 2 1997.033 1997.0330 R S 364 383 PSM SWCPDCVQAEPVVR 627 sp|Q9BRA2|TXD17_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6943 41.21 2 1711.7686 1711.7686 K E 41 55 PSM SWCPDCVQAEPVVR 628 sp|Q9BRA2|TXD17_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6947 41.231 2 1701.7603 1701.7603 K E 41 55 PSM TAAKEPPGSEPSAFAFLNA 629 sp|Q96N21-2|AP4AT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10776 63.875 2 1903.9316 1903.9316 R - 423 442 PSM TCPVQLWVDSTPPPGTR 630 sp|P04637-8|P53_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9341 55.096 2 1909.9356 1909.9356 K V 8 25 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 631 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11891 71.115 2 1642.9294 1642.9294 K D 39 55 PSM TGDFLGETIGNELFNCR 632 sp|Q70CQ2-3|UBP34_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12628 75.958 2 1941.8891 1941.8891 R Q 575 592 PSM TGEGFLCVFAINNTK 633 sp|P01116-2|RASK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11883 71.062 2 1669.8134 1669.8134 R S 74 89 PSM TGEGFLCVFAINNTK 634 sp|P01116-2|RASK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 7-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11889 71.103 2 1675.8335 1675.8335 R S 74 89 PSM TLGVSFVQAESECR 635 sp|O60826|CCD22_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7943 46.953 2 1581.7457 1581.7457 K H 357 371 PSM TLNEWSSQINPDLVR 636 sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9391 55.409 2 1780.8983 1780.8983 K E 50 65 PSM TLNQLGTPQDSPELR 637 sp|O15400-2|STX7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6118 36.648 2 1677.8561 1677.8561 R Q 35 50 PSM TLNQLGTPQDSPELR 638 sp|O15400-2|STX7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6133 36.738 2 1667.8479 1667.8479 R Q 35 50 PSM TPAALAALSLTGSGTPPTAANYPSSSR 639 sp|Q9UQ35|SRRM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10015 59.146 2 2558.2976 2558.2976 R T 2302 2329 PSM TPLSEAEFEEIMNR 640 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8295 48.96 2 1690.7748 1690.7748 R N 334 348 PSM TPLSEAEFEEIMNR 641 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8297 48.972 2 1680.7665 1680.7665 R N 334 348 PSM TPLSEAEFEEIMNR 642 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10643 63.059 2 1664.7716 1664.7716 R N 334 348 PSM TQTPPLGQTPQLGLK 643 sp|P78344-2|IF4G2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7342 43.564 2 1577.8777 1577.8777 R T 468 483 PSM TVQGPPTSDDIFER 644 sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6977 41.394 2 1560.742 1560.7420 K E 33 47 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 645 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6511 38.827 2 1610.8114 1610.8114 K A 265 280 PSM VCTLAIIDPGDSDIIR 646 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10715 63.507 2 1766.9112 1766.9112 R S 91 107 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 647 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9804 57.844 2 1569.8026 1569.8026 K I 174 188 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 648 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9970 58.879 2 1569.8026 1569.8026 K I 174 188 PSM VFANAPDSACVIGLK 649 sp|P17858|PFKAL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8104 47.861 2 1560.797 1560.7970 R K 699 714 PSM VGLIGSCTNSSYEDMGR 650 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 7-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7124 42.304 2 1854.8116 1854.8116 R S 379 396 PSM VGQLSEGAIAAIMQK 651 sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9999 59.051 2 1520.8328 1520.8328 M G 2 17 PSM VLQLINDNTATALSYGVFR 652 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12653 76.128 2 2104.1192 2104.1192 K R 199 218 PSM VLVVGAGGIGCELLK 653 sp|Q9UBT2|SAE2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 11-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10418 61.663 2 1489.8634 1489.8634 R N 20 35 PSM VNLLSFTGSTQVGK 654 sp|P49419-4|AL7A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9579 56.525 2 1455.8029 1455.8029 R Q 267 281 PSM VPLQQNFQDNQFQGK 655 sp|P80188-2|NGAL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6291 37.642 2 1789.8747 1789.8747 K W 36 51 PSM VPSENVLGEVGSGFK 656 sp|P49748-2|ACADV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9085 53.572 2 1517.7726 1517.7726 R V 295 310 PSM YPANSIVVVGGCPVCR 657 sp|O95415|BRI3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 34.0 12-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7151 42.47 2 1746.8545 1746.8545 R V 67 83 PSM CITDPQTGLCLLPLKEK 658 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11890 71.108425 2 1967.9997 1968.0055 R K 4245 4262 PSM QATKDAGQISGLNVLR 659 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8198 48.413581666666666 2 1652.8848 1652.8841 R V 203 219 PSM QATKDAGVIAGLNVLR 660 sp|P0DMV8|HS71A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10169 60.12587833333333 2 1607.8999 1607.8990 R I 156 172 PSM QVMVVPVGPTCDEYAQKVR 661 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9024 53.221891666666664 2 2158.0588 2158.0546 R Q 620 639 PSM NFILDQTNVSAAAQR 662 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7754 45.833775 2 1656.844028 1656.845902 R R 576 591 PSM QSYKGSPMEISLPIALSK 663 sp|P09960|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28,4-UNIMOD:188,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11718 70.002635 2 1943.0521 1943.0471 R N 80 98 PSM QLLTLSSELSQARDENK 664 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10966 65.08222666666667 2 1913.9762 1913.9689 R R 530 547 PSM QFNYTHICAGASAFGK 665 sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9357 55.195923333333326 2 1760.8122 1759.8082 K N 102 118 PSM YNVLGAETVLNQMR 666 sp|Q1KMD3|HNRL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10653 63.121941666666665 2 1606.804777 1606.813727 R M 481 495 PSM NLGLEELGIELDPR 667 sp|P09622|DLDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12118 72.59326333333333 2 1577.856117 1576.833606 K G 321 335 PSM QKEMDNFLAQMEAK 668 sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11174 66.38016833333333 2 1676.7955 1676.7936 R Y 228 242 PSM ANDTTFGLAAGVFTR 669 sp|P49189|AL9A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10591 62.73398666666667 2 1550.780812 1549.776426 R D 412 427 PSM CDSFLHQSPSSSSVPTLR 670 sp|Q9UPN3|MACF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9091 53.60613833333333 2 1986.9126 1986.9100 K S 1115 1133 PSM VPSENVLGEVGSGFK 671 sp|P49748|ACADV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9084 53.567565 2 1523.790417 1523.792702 R V 317 332 PSM FFTDDLFQYAGEK 672 sp|Q6NYC1|JMJD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11811 70.59924166666666 2 1579.722399 1579.719475 K R 155 168 PSM GLGLGTEGPQGTGGLEPDLAR 673 sp|Q96EP0|RNF31_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8772 51.74536 2 2003.977255 2004.015152 K G 331 352 PSM FGPYYTEPVIAGLDPK 674 sp|P49720|PSB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10761 63.78492166666667 2 1766.909737 1765.892688 R T 100 116 PSM ILGLAIESQDAGIK 675 sp|O00161|SNP23_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9239 54.493015 2 1432.817072 1432.823274 R T 27 41 PSM GASGPQVGNALGSLEPLR 676 sp|Q9H9F9|ARP5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 34.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9349 55.145455000000005 2 1721.910892 1721.906047 R W 74 92 PSM QLSSSGRPTASVIPSGVEWIK 677 sp|Q9Y6N5|SQOR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 34.0 1-UNIMOD:28,7-UNIMOD:267,21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10977 65.15066999999999 2 2197.1771 2197.1709 K A 95 116 PSM AARPITLGIDLGTTSVK 678 sp|Q9UHJ6|SHPK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=10517 62.276 2 1753.9938 1753.9938 M A 2 19 PSM AAYNPGQAVPWNAVK 679 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8019 47.38 2 1590.825 1590.8250 K V 98 113 PSM ADKPDMGEIASFDK 680 sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8026 47.421 2 1576.7482 1576.7482 M A 2 16 PSM AERPEDLNLPNAVITR 681 sp|Q9NRF9|DPOE3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:1,3-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8835 52.109 2 1868.9859 1868.9859 M I 2 18 PSM AGPGSLELCGLPSQK 682 sp|Q14684-2|RRP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 9-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7365 43.693 2 1518.7808 1518.7808 K T 557 572 PSM AGPGSLELCGLPSQK 683 sp|Q14684-2|RRP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7387 43.818 2 1512.7606 1512.7606 K T 557 572 PSM ALFDFNGNDEEDLPFK 684 sp|P46108-2|CRK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12208 73.188 2 1869.8421 1869.8421 R K 139 155 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 685 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12060 72.21 2 1690.86 1690.8600 R N 283 298 PSM ANDTTFGLAAGVFTR 686 sp|P49189-2|AL9A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10594 62.75 2 1539.7682 1539.7682 R D 342 357 PSM CIAVEPGNQWFVTGSADR 687 sp|O43660-2|PLRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9555 56.38 2 2015.9399 2015.9399 R T 200 218 PSM CPADNPGLVQAQPR 688 sp|Q68CZ2-2|TENS3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3348 21.647 2 1531.7441 1531.7441 R V 375 389 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 689 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10860 64.409 2 2038.9856 2038.9856 K E 616 633 PSM DASVPLIDVTNLPTPR 690 sp|Q96A65-2|EXOC4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10864 64.432 2 1706.9203 1706.9203 K K 224 240 PSM EACWTISNITAGNR 691 sp|O60684|IMA7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8418 49.682 2 1591.7413 1591.7413 K A 355 369 PSM ELGPDGEEAEGPGAGDGPPR 692 sp|P18615|NELFE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4218 26.215 2 1915.8423 1915.8423 R S 145 165 PSM ELSEALGQIFDSQR 693 sp|Q08380|LG3BP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11082 65.803 2 1601.7925 1601.7925 R G 138 152 PSM FGIDDQDFQNSLTR 694 sp|P48426-2|PI42A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9199 54.255 2 1654.7587 1654.7587 R S 46 60 PSM FGLLDQDLSNIGPAYDNQK 695 sp|Q9UBL3-2|ASH2L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11093 65.872 2 2113.0423 2113.0423 K Q 160 179 PSM FIAVGYVDDTQFVR 696 sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10133 59.901 2 1638.8281 1638.8281 R F 46 60 PSM FLDGNEMTLADCNLLPK 697 sp|Q9Y696|CLIC4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11249 66.845 2 1949.9227 1949.9227 K L 178 195 PSM FLSQESGVAQTLK 698 sp|Q8N392-2|RHG18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6089 36.482 2 1412.7607 1412.7607 R K 563 576 PSM FMQTFVLAPEGSVANK 699 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9587 56.573 2 1737.876 1737.8760 R F 108 124 PSM FVTVQTISGTGALR 700 sp|P00505-2|AATM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7970 47.104 2 1458.807 1458.8070 K I 83 97 PSM GCALQCAILSPAFK 701 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9663 56.996 2 1540.7837 1540.7837 R V 375 389 PSM GEAGQNLLEMMACDR 702 sp|P49792|RBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10998 65.278 2 1693.7222 1693.7222 K L 336 351 PSM GGGVTNLLWSPDGSK 703 sp|Q9NRG9-2|AAAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9301 54.863 2 1492.7617 1492.7617 R I 254 269 PSM GISCMNTTLSESPFK 704 sp|Q15181|IPYR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8551 50.422 2 1670.7644 1670.7644 K C 239 254 PSM GPDALTLLEYTETR 705 sp|Q96JB5-3|CK5P3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11526 68.7 2 1587.802 1587.8020 R N 112 126 PSM GQDEASAGGIWGFIK 706 sp|Q96M27-4|PRRC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11382 67.656 2 1540.7617 1540.7617 R G 204 219 PSM GQLGDVGALDTVWR 707 sp|Q9H3S7|PTN23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10528 62.343 2 1485.7576 1485.7576 R E 1183 1197 PSM GSAFAIGSDGLCCQSR 708 sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7028 41.701 2 1694.738 1694.7380 R E 99 115 PSM GSAFAIGSDGLCCQSR 709 sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7029 41.707 2 1684.7297 1684.7297 R E 99 115 PSM GVVDSDDLPLNVSR 710 sp|P14625|ENPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7878 46.574 2 1494.7554 1494.7554 K E 435 449 PSM GWEEGVAQMSVGQR 711 sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7638 45.183 2 1532.7042 1532.7042 R A 59 73 PSM IAPLAEGALPYNLAELQR 712 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11651 69.565 3 1948.0657 1948.0657 R Q 185 203 PSM ICDQWDNLGALTQK 713 sp|P12814-2|ACTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9380 55.342 2 1660.7879 1660.7879 K R 479 493 PSM IFLITLDNSDPSLK 714 sp|Q14139|UBE4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11361 67.529 2 1574.8556 1574.8556 R S 91 105 PSM IFVGGLNPEATEEK 715 sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7313 43.402 2 1508.7818 1508.7818 K I 156 170 PSM IGIFGQDEDVTSK 716 sp|P16615-5|AT2A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7565 44.789 2 1413.7083 1413.7083 R A 638 651 PSM IGIFGQDEDVTSK 717 sp|P16615-5|AT2A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7576 44.845 2 1407.6882 1407.6882 R A 638 651 PSM IGNTGGMLDNILASK 718 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 7-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7641 45.196 2 1524.7913 1524.7913 K L 365 380 PSM IGNTGGMLDNILASK 719 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10005 59.089 2 1508.7964 1508.7964 K L 365 380 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 720 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12036 72.049 2 1717.8726 1717.8726 R W 126 142 PSM IIQDLSDSCFGFLK 721 sp|Q14746-2|COG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11205 66.574 2 1647.8274 1647.8274 K S 570 584 PSM IISNASCTTNCLAPLAK 722 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6397 38.206 2 1838.9326 1838.9326 K V 104 121 PSM ILAIGLINEALDEGDAQK 723 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13190 79.778 2 1882.0048 1882.0048 R T 539 557 PSM ILTFDQLALDSPK 724 sp|Q07020-2|RL18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10910 64.732 2 1459.7922 1459.7922 K G 91 104 PSM IQALESNLENLLTR 725 sp|O60343-2|TBCD4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11929 71.355 2 1612.8784 1612.8784 K E 1164 1178 PSM IQIAPDSGGLPER 726 sp|Q96AE4|FUBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5832 35.078 2 1351.7096 1351.7096 K S 134 147 PSM ISFLENNLEQLTK 727 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11216 66.647 2 1547.8195 1547.8195 K V 832 845 PSM ISLGLPVGAVINCADNTGAK 728 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 13-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11145 66.198 3 1975.0504 1975.0504 R N 16 36 PSM ISSLLEEQFQQGK 729 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7781 45.991 2 1505.7726 1505.7726 K L 158 171 PSM ISTITPQIQAFNLQK 730 sp|P30260|CDC27_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9581 56.534 2 1700.9461 1700.9461 K A 442 457 PSM ITCLCQVPQNAANR 731 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4587 28.288 2 1653.7955 1653.7955 K G 899 913 PSM IVNGWQVEEADDWLR 732 sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11535 68.758 2 1828.8744 1828.8744 K Y 171 186 PSM KPVTVSPTTPTSPTEGEAS 733 sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3713 23.556 2 1884.9317 1884.9317 R - 505 524 PSM LAALPENPPAIDWAYYK 734 sp|O75947-2|ATP5H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11238 66.776 2 1937.003 1937.0030 R A 42 59 PSM LATQSNEITIPVTFESR 735 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9600 56.645 2 1904.9844 1904.9844 K A 172 189 PSM LDGLVETPTGYIESLPR 736 sp|P55209-3|NP1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11099 65.911 2 1858.9676 1858.9676 R V 15 32 PSM LFVGNLPADITEDEFK 737 sp|P23246-2|SFPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11794 70.49 2 1812.9241 1812.9241 R R 299 315 PSM LGAAAADAVTGR 738 sp|Q9H4A3-2|WNK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3256 21.207 2 1081.5755 1081.5755 K T 39 51 PSM LGASALDSIQEFR 739 sp|Q8IY17-5|PLPL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9385 55.37 2 1415.7284 1415.7284 R L 750 763 PSM LGCYFCNDVVAPGDSTR 740 sp|O95352-3|ATG7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7819 46.215 2 1929.8349 1929.8349 K D 509 526 PSM LGGEVSCLVAGTK 741 sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6373 38.077 2 1295.6851 1295.6851 R C 47 60 PSM LGGYLAEEQATPENPTIR 742 sp|O75165|DJC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7065 41.92 2 1967.9828 1967.9828 R K 1589 1607 PSM LIAPVAEEEATVPNNK 743 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6154 36.857 2 1699.9088 1699.9088 K I 8 24 PSM LITALGSSEVQPQFTR 744 sp|Q9ULK4-2|MED23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8395 49.545 2 1755.9395 1755.9395 R F 658 674 PSM LLAGCEGGCCCWDVR 745 sp|Q9UFC0|LRWD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 5-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7163 42.539 2 1811.7212 1811.7212 R L 459 474 PSM LLDAQLATGGIVDPR 746 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8832 52.093 2 1547.8547 1547.8547 R L 3936 3951 PSM LLDAVDTYIPVPAR 747 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10266 60.724 2 1541.8453 1541.8453 K D 239 253 PSM LLSDFLDSEVSELR 748 sp|Q9BPX3|CND3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12626 75.946 2 1631.8282 1631.8282 K T 695 709 PSM LPETNLFETEETR 749 sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8185 48.339 2 1577.7573 1577.7573 K K 408 421 PSM LQTSSVLVSGLR 750 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7324 43.462 2 1268.7328 1268.7328 R G 30 42 PSM LVPLLDTGDIIIDGGNSEYR 751 sp|P52209-2|6PGD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12587 75.69 2 2169.1193 2169.1193 K D 75 95 PSM LVTMQIWDTAGQER 752 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9634 56.837 2 1646.8086 1646.8086 R F 56 70 PSM LVTMQIWDTAGQER 753 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9637 56.853 2 1656.8169 1656.8169 R F 56 70 PSM LVVPASQCGSLIGK 754 sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6611 39.373 2 1427.7806 1427.7806 R G 102 116 PSM LWEPLVEEPPADQWK 755 sp|Q16718-2|NDUA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11169 66.347 2 1835.9094 1835.9094 K W 99 114 PSM LYGPSSVSFADDFVR 756 sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10738 63.643 2 1668.8023 1668.8023 R S 134 149 PSM MAGNEYVGFSNATFQSER 757 sp|O94925-3|GLSK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7770 45.922 2 2022.8742 2022.8742 K E 365 383 PSM MAPYQGPDAVPGALDYK 758 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7298 43.311 2 1807.8451 1807.8451 R S 883 900 PSM MGELPLDINIQEPR 759 sp|Q9BWM7|SFXN3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9734 57.412 2 1639.824 1639.8240 - W 1 15 PSM MLVLDEADEMLNK 760 sp|P38919|IF4A3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9507 56.099 2 1541.7413 1541.7413 K G 183 196 PSM MNQVEDEVFEEFCR 761 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10730 63.593 2 1846.7502 1846.7502 K E 769 783 PSM MTNGFSGADLTEICQR 762 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7824 46.249 2 1814.7927 1814.7927 K A 678 694 PSM MVSSYVGENAEFER 763 sp|P55809|SCOT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=5642 34.042 2 1632.709 1632.7090 R Q 111 125 PSM NEGNIFPNPEATFVK 764 sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9645 56.898 2 1681.8407 1681.8407 R E 582 597 PSM NFILDQTNVSAAAQR 765 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7765 45.895 3 1656.8459 1656.8459 R R 557 572 PSM NINDAWVCTNDMFR 766 sp|P61970|NTF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10605 62.817 2 1754.7505 1754.7505 K L 107 121 PSM NIYVLQELDNPGAK 767 sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9759 57.575 2 1572.8148 1572.8148 K R 101 115 PSM NLPPEEQMISALPDIK 768 sp|O15355|PPM1G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11165 66.323 2 1799.9435 1799.9435 K V 410 426 PSM QDGDPAFLYLLSAPR 769 sp|Q9H0F6-2|SHRPN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12756 76.815 2 1671.8496 1671.8496 R E 290 305 PSM QFASQANVVGPWIQTK 770 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9184 54.166 2 1772.921 1772.9210 R M 653 669 PSM QLLQANPILESFGNAK 771 sp|P35580|MYH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11348 67.447 2 1747.9564 1747.9564 R T 217 233 PSM SDIGEVILVGGMTR 772 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10206 60.355 2 1455.7631 1455.7631 K M 378 392 PSM SELPLDPLPVPTEEGNPLLK 773 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12570 75.573 2 2163.177 2163.1770 K H 503 523 PSM SETAPLAPTIPAPAEKTPVK 774 sp|P16402|H13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=7490 44.368 2 2059.1201 2059.1201 M K 2 22 PSM SGLGELILPENEPGSSIMPGK 775 sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11083 65.809 2 2130.0974 2130.0974 R V 308 329 PSM SLDLFNCEVTNLNDYR 776 sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11510 68.596 2 1971.8996 1971.8996 K E 117 133 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 777 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:35,6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10095 59.657 2 1878.7876 1878.7876 R R 162 177 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 778 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11754 70.234 2 1862.7927 1862.7927 R R 162 177 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 779 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11737 70.124 2 1872.801 1872.8010 R R 162 177 PSM SPVEVAQDVLAAVGK 780 sp|Q6IAN0|DRS7B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12678 76.301 2 1481.809 1481.8090 R K 268 283 PSM SVFPEQANNNEWAR 781 sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6935 41.163 2 1670.7677 1670.7677 K Y 274 288 PSM TAADELEAFLGGGAPGGR 782 sp|Q3YEC7|RABL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12178 72.986 2 1687.8166 1687.8166 R H 702 720 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 783 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11886 71.079 2 1648.9495 1648.9495 K D 39 55 PSM TGELGYLNPGVFTQSR 784 sp|P38435-2|VKGC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10353 61.263 2 1737.8686 1737.8686 R R 363 379 PSM TLLYNPFPPTNESDVIR 785 sp|Q969X6-2|UTP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10939 64.914 2 1975.0051 1975.0051 K R 503 520 PSM TMLESAGGLIQTAR 786 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8420 49.693 2 1456.7583 1456.7583 K A 1605 1619 PSM TNGKEPELLEPIPYEFMA 787 sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 4-UNIMOD:188,17-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11712 69.963 2 2099.0228 2099.0228 R - 143 161 PSM TPMENIGLQDSLLSR 788 sp|P25205|MCM3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8439 49.805 2 1688.8403 1688.8403 K F 464 479 PSM TTELPAADPFALAPFPSK 789 sp|Q6ZSR9|YJ005_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12147 72.784 2 1871.9669 1871.9669 R S 333 351 PSM VAAPDVVVPTLDTVR 790 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9287 54.779 2 1560.8751 1560.8751 K H 2562 2577 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 791 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9830 58.001 2 1559.7944 1559.7944 K I 174 188 PSM VEEGGWWEGTLNGR 792 sp|Q15052-2|ARHG6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9386 55.375 2 1598.7353 1598.7353 R T 38 52 PSM VGLIGSCTNSSYEDMGR 793 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7135 42.369 2 1844.8033 1844.8033 R S 379 396 PSM VPFCPMVGSEVYSTEIK 794 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 4-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10127 59.861 2 1947.9418 1947.9418 K K 91 108 PSM VQIAVANAQELLQR 795 sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9225 54.407 2 1551.8733 1551.8733 K M 28 42 PSM VTWDSSFCAVNPR 796 sp|Q9ULV4|COR1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8260 48.759 2 1547.7066 1547.7066 R F 32 45 PSM WLCTGDIGEFEPDGCLK 797 sp|O95573|ACSL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 33.0 3-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10856 64.381 2 2001.8908 2001.8908 R I 559 576 PSM GLGVGFGSGGGSSSSVK 798 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=5195 31.629616666666667 2 1438.704902 1438.705222 R F 560 577 PSM NEEDAAELVALAQAVNAR 799 sp|P22314|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11656 69.59483 2 1892.961910 1892.946738 R A 351 369 PSM NIAFFSTNCVEGTAR 800 sp|P05023|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 9-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9017 53.180075 2 1695.792716 1695.791424 R G 241 256 PSM NGNYCVLQMDQSYKPDENEVR 801 sp|P31939|PUR9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8017 47.368111666666664 2 2559.106644 2558.116587 K T 359 380 PSM NAVTQEFGPVPDTAR 802 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6764 40.234915 2 1610.808043 1610.792804 R Y 634 649 PSM VAAPDVVVPTLDTVR 803 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9284 54.76203666666667 2 1551.873848 1550.866808 K H 2562 2577 PSM QATKDAGTIAGLNVLR 804 sp|P11142|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9012 53.15429666666667 2 1609.8796 1609.8782 R I 156 172 PSM QFQDAGHFDAENIK 805 sp|Q13813|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8036 47.474756666666664 2 1607.7320 1607.7306 R K 743 757 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 806 sp|P37802|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=12273 73.618105 2 1676.7860 1676.7823 K Y 89 103 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 807 sp|Q71U36|TBA1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8746 51.58651 2 1824.965273 1823.978149 K V 353 371 PSM QKVIGAGEFGEVYK 808 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8059 47.60474666666667 2 1518.8122 1518.8116 R G 616 630 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 809 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12138 72.72374333333333 2 2029.007722 2029.010834 K E 616 633 PSM QKLFQEDDEIPLYLK 810 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11803 70.54746166666666 2 1860.9558 1860.9504 K G 32 47 PSM FLDGNELTLADCNLLPK 811 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11727 70.060985 2 1931.968997 1931.966264 K L 167 184 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 812 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 5-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12146 72.77806833333334 2 1769.796774 1768.815196 K I 59 74 PSM NTKGGDAPAAGEDA 813 sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=758 7.914366666666667 2 1272.558932 1272.558223 R - 112 126 PSM SVGNTIDPVILFQK 814 sp|P46821|MAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11072 65.74132 2 1529.846400 1529.845344 R M 401 415 PSM ACGLVASNLNLKPGECLR 815 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10073 59.50637333333333 2 2030.0282 2029.0412 M V 2 20 PSM QSIAIDDCTFHQCVR 816 sp|Q96CW1|AP2M1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7738 45.735481666666665 2 1831.8002 1831.7976 K L 239 254 PSM VGGEAAAAVEELVSGVR 817 sp|Q96HQ2|C2AIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12280 73.66637833333333 2 1623.8742 1622.8502 M Q 2 19 PSM CDRVDQLTAQLADLAAR 818 sp|P18206|VINC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12525 75.27217666666667 2 1897.9303 1897.9311 K G 545 562 PSM QREELGQGLQGVEQK 819 sp|Q07065|CKAP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 33.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6012 36.05357 2 1680.8440 1680.8426 R V 147 162 PSM SVPLAATSMLITQGLISK 820 sp|Q9NX40|OCAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12900 77.83114833333333 2 1835.054358 1835.053350 R G 47 65 PSM NSEGWEQNGLYEFFR 821 sp|Q8IWX8|CHERP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12768 76.89391333333333 2 1875.806790 1874.822377 R A 704 719 PSM QSLGELIGTLNAAK 822 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 33.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11021 65.41742166666667 2 1415.802907 1413.782744 K V 57 71 PSM AAPCIYWLPLTDSQIVQK 823 sp|Q9UKV3-5|ACINU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12720 76.577 2 2102.087 2102.0870 K E 1207 1225 PSM AGSYPEGAPAVLADKR 824 sp|Q96IZ6|MET2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6713 39.936 2 1642.8315 1642.8315 M Q 2 18 PSM AINQQTGAFVEISR 825 sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6583 39.229 2 1532.7947 1532.7947 K Q 449 463 PSM AKYPDYEVTWANDGY 826 sp|Q9NRX4|PHP14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9060 53.427 2 1796.7989 1796.7989 K - 111 126 PSM ALFDFNGNDEEDLPFK 827 sp|P46108-2|CRK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12210 73.199 2 1875.8622 1875.8622 R K 139 155 PSM ALYDTFSAFGNILSCK 828 sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13287 80.518 2 1811.886 1811.8860 K V 114 130 PSM ANINVENAFFTLAR 829 sp|P61006|RAB8A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12372 74.279 2 1588.8237 1588.8237 K D 154 168 PSM AVFQANQENLPILK 830 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9157 54.014 2 1583.8671 1583.8671 R R 431 445 PSM AVFQANQENLPILK 831 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9161 54.036 2 1589.8873 1589.8873 R R 431 445 PSM AWCVNCFACSTCNTK 832 sp|P48059|LIMS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7566 44.793 2 1877.7317 1877.7317 K L 270 285 PSM CEGINISGNFYR 833 sp|P40429|RL13A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7900 46.707 2 1438.6539 1438.6539 R N 38 50 PSM CEGINISGNFYR 834 sp|P40429|RL13A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7903 46.722 2 1428.6456 1428.6456 R N 38 50 PSM CQLEINFNTLQTK 835 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9297 54.835 2 1607.7977 1607.7977 K L 351 364 PSM CWEVQDSGQTIPK 836 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6039 36.198 2 1552.7287 1552.7287 R A 68 81 PSM DDGLFSGDPNWFPK 837 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12015 71.912 2 1593.71 1593.7100 R K 161 175 PSM DFLAGGIAAAISK 838 sp|P12236|ADT3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10861 64.415 2 1232.6765 1232.6765 K T 11 24 PSM DFLAGGIAAAISK 839 sp|P12236|ADT3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10867 64.455 2 1238.6966 1238.6966 K T 11 24 PSM DFLAGGVAAAISK 840 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9534 56.26 2 1224.681 1224.6810 K T 11 24 PSM DFLAGGVAAAISK 841 sp|P05141|ADT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9535 56.265 2 1218.6608 1218.6608 K T 11 24 PSM EALFNEFVAAAR 842 sp|O14776-2|TCRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11137 66.147 2 1336.6776 1336.6776 R K 749 761 PSM ENNAVYAFLGLTAPPGSK 843 sp|O75368|SH3L1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12472 74.929 2 1853.9619 1853.9619 R E 87 105 PSM FAAATGATPIAGR 844 sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3940 24.768 2 1202.6408 1202.6408 K F 90 103 PSM FCADSDGFSQELR 845 sp|P52732|KIF11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7020 41.654 2 1540.6492 1540.6492 K N 772 785 PSM FELSCYSLAPQIK 846 sp|P00966|ASSY_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10000 59.056 2 1554.7752 1554.7752 R V 128 141 PSM FGFPEGSVELYAEK 847 sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10060 59.427 2 1577.7709 1577.7709 R V 77 91 PSM FIQSSGQPVPLVVESCIR 848 sp|P98171|RHG04_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9557 56.392 2 2025.0593 2025.0593 K F 512 530 PSM FLDGIYVSEKGTVQQADE 849 sp|P32969|RL9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8767 51.712 2 1997.9582 1997.9582 K - 175 193 PSM FQSIVIGCALEDQK 850 sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8882 52.378 2 1606.8025 1606.8025 K K 155 169 PSM FSFCCSPEPEAEAEAAAGPGPCER 851 sp|Q13501|SQSTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 4-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:4,24-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8315 49.077 2 2635.0653 2635.0653 R L 23 47 PSM FTITPSTTQVVGILK 852 sp|P47755|CAZA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10713 63.491 2 1603.9185 1603.9185 K I 179 194 PSM GAGTNEDALIEILTTR 853 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12645 76.073 2 1682.8714 1682.8714 K T 105 121 PSM GAVSAEQVIAGFNR 854 sp|Q9UHV9|PFD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9168 54.075 2 1427.7396 1427.7396 K L 19 33 PSM GAVSAEQVIAGFNR 855 sp|Q9UHV9|PFD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9169 54.079 2 1417.7314 1417.7314 K L 19 33 PSM GEAGVPAEFSIWTR 856 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10757 63.757 2 1518.7467 1518.7467 R E 2141 2155 PSM GEAGVPAEFSIWTR 857 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10771 63.846 2 1528.755 1528.7550 R E 2141 2155 PSM GFGFVCFSSPEEATK 858 sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10212 60.393 2 1661.7396 1661.7396 K A 334 349 PSM GFGFVDFNSEEDAK 859 sp|P19338|NUCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9673 57.049 2 1560.6733 1560.6733 K A 611 625 PSM GFSVVADTPELQR 860 sp|Q14847-3|LASP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7745 45.78 2 1427.7284 1427.7284 K I 41 54 PSM GISDPLTVFEQTEAAAR 861 sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12218 73.253 2 1813.9086 1813.9086 R E 587 604 PSM GIYQSLEGAVQAGQLK 862 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10413 61.631 2 1660.8784 1660.8784 K V 478 494 PSM GKSDSDSVNSVFSDTPFVAST 863 sp|Q86SJ2|AMGO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10520 62.293 2 2151.9904 2151.9904 R - 502 523 PSM GLIDGAESYVSFSR 864 sp|Q12913|PTPRJ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10097 59.669 2 1509.7339 1509.7339 K Y 946 960 PSM GMGGLFSVGETTAK 865 sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8469 49.961 2 1353.6599 1353.6599 R V 284 298 PSM GNTAAQMAQILSFNK 866 sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10493 62.122 2 1592.7981 1592.7981 K S 47 62 PSM GQDEASAGGIWGFIK 867 sp|Q96M27-4|PRRC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11380 67.645 2 1534.7416 1534.7416 R G 204 219 PSM GSPMEISLPIALSK 868 sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11310 67.224 2 1441.7851 1441.7851 K N 60 74 PSM GSTAPVGGGAFPTIVER 869 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8061 47.614 2 1614.8366 1614.8366 R E 390 407 PSM GVDEVTIVNILTNR 870 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12397 74.44 2 1541.8413 1541.8413 K S 50 64 PSM GVVDSEDLPLNISR 871 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8655 51.027 2 1512.7784 1512.7784 R E 387 401 PSM IAWPPPTELGSSGSALEEGIK 872 sp|Q9UHB6|LIMA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10701 63.42 2 2138.0895 2138.0895 R M 530 551 PSM ICPVETLVEEAIQCAEK 873 sp|P30084|ECHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=14263 91.093 2 1993.9796 1993.9796 K I 212 229 PSM IFTSIGEDYDER 874 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6857 40.758 2 1453.6601 1453.6601 R V 106 118 PSM IFVGGLNPEATEEK 875 sp|Q99729-3|ROAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7287 43.247 2 1502.7617 1502.7617 K I 156 170 PSM IGPYQPNVPVGIDYVIPK 876 sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11219 66.664 2 1974.0922 1974.0922 R T 781 799 PSM IIDEDGLLNLIR 877 sp|P35251-2|RFC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12642 76.056 2 1392.7852 1392.7852 K T 469 481 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 878 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11979 71.678 2 1717.8726 1717.8726 R W 126 142 PSM IMGIPEEEQMGLLR 879 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10575 62.635 2 1624.8192 1624.8192 R V 328 342 PSM IMVANIEEVLQR 880 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11117 66.025 2 1423.7733 1423.7733 R G 148 160 PSM INPDGSQSVVEVPYAR 881 sp|Q9Y2B0|CNPY2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6784 40.346 2 1729.8635 1729.8635 R S 58 74 PSM ISAFGYLECSAK 882 sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8778 51.784 2 1344.6384 1344.6384 R T 151 163 PSM ISAFGYLECSAK 883 sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8779 51.789 2 1350.6585 1350.6585 R T 151 163 PSM ISDALLQLTCVSCVR 884 sp|Q27J81|INF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10983 65.189 2 1743.8887 1743.8887 R A 92 107 PSM ISSLLEEQFQQGK 885 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7780 45.986 2 1511.7927 1511.7927 K L 158 171 PSM ITPSYVAFTPEGER 886 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7613 45.039 2 1565.7726 1565.7726 R L 61 75 PSM IVDDWANDGWGLK 887 sp|P27824-2|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10160 60.069 2 1487.7045 1487.7045 R K 481 494 PSM IVLTNPVCTEVGEK 888 sp|P41091|IF2G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7247 43.006 2 1557.8072 1557.8072 K I 427 441 PSM IWDDGDDFCIFSESR 889 sp|Q6P158-2|DHX57_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 9-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11627 69.41 2 1870.7707 1870.7707 R R 57 72 PSM KEESEESDDDMGFGLFD 890 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11202 66.556 2 1948.752 1948.7520 K - 99 116 PSM LAALADQWQFLVQK 891 sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12055 72.174 2 1629.8879 1629.8879 R S 1613 1627 PSM LAAQSCALSLVR 892 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7181 42.644 2 1297.7052 1297.7052 K Q 237 249 PSM LATQSNEITIPVTFESR 893 sp|P04792|HSPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9591 56.595 2 1914.9926 1914.9926 K A 172 189 PSM LDIDPSTITWQR 894 sp|Q6UB35|C1TM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9498 56.047 2 1453.7441 1453.7441 R V 564 576 PSM LEALLEAAGIGK 895 sp|Q8IWZ3|ANKH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9510 56.114 2 1189.7014 1189.7014 R L 146 158 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 896 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11351 67.469 2 1428.7488 1428.7488 R Q 242 254 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 897 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11493 68.484 2 1428.7488 1428.7488 R Q 242 254 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 898 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11641 69.502 2 1428.7488 1428.7488 R Q 242 254 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 899 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11352 67.473 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 900 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11492 68.48 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 901 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11640 69.497 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LFQVQGTGANNTK 902 sp|P09327|VILI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3690 23.449 2 1382.725 1382.7250 R A 517 530 PSM LFVGNLPPDITEEEMR 903 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10825 64.181 2 1868.9218 1868.9218 R K 76 92 PSM LFVTNDAATILR 904 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9472 55.893 2 1342.7484 1342.7484 K E 63 75 PSM LFVVPADEAQAR 905 sp|Q8IV08|PLD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6449 38.486 2 1324.7015 1324.7015 K I 397 409 PSM LFVYDPNNPPSSEVLR 906 sp|Q15165-3|PON2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9251 54.565 2 1855.9344 1855.9344 K I 278 294 PSM LGLGGNAPVSIPQQSQSVK 907 sp|Q9H2P0|ADNP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7234 42.931 2 1879.0163 1879.0163 R Q 349 368 PSM LGTPVLQALGDGDFVK 908 sp|Q16822|PCKGM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11318 67.273 2 1628.8774 1628.8774 R C 194 210 PSM LLAQLAQECQEQR 909 sp|Q01970-2|PLCB3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5762 34.711 2 1585.7882 1585.7882 K A 1101 1114 PSM LLASAGQDNVVR 910 sp|Q5JSH3-3|WDR44_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3679 23.389 2 1241.6728 1241.6728 R I 52 64 PSM LLDISELDMVGAGR 911 sp|Q9H3P2|NELFA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11272 66.994 2 1497.7736 1497.7736 K E 256 270 PSM LLLINNAGSLGDVSK 912 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9266 54.657 2 1512.8512 1512.8512 R G 95 110 PSM LMDEVAGIVAAR 913 sp|O00154-6|BACH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8526 50.283 2 1253.6677 1253.6677 K H 202 214 PSM LMDEVAGIVAAR 914 sp|O00154-6|BACH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8535 50.334 2 1243.6595 1243.6595 K H 202 214 PSM LMDGEEPLPMLPSYK 915 sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10532 62.366 2 1718.8259 1718.8259 R N 879 894 PSM LQSPEFQSLFTEGLK 916 sp|Q96Q11-3|TRNT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11930 71.361 2 1728.903 1728.9030 K S 32 47 PSM LQTSSVLVSGLR 917 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7331 43.505 2 1258.7245 1258.7245 R G 30 42 PSM LTVLPPELGNLDLTGQK 918 sp|Q15404-2|RSU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12069 72.27 2 1807.0091 1807.0091 R Q 139 156 PSM LVELQNTRVPNAEEIF 919 sp|Q9BW92|SYTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10758 63.763 2 1870.9789 1870.9789 R - 703 719 PSM LVVLATPQVSDSMR 920 sp|P46976-3|GLYG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8181 48.313 2 1514.8127 1514.8127 R K 35 49 PSM LWNTTEVAPALSVFNDTK 921 sp|O43815-2|STRN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12266 73.57 2 2005.0157 2005.0157 R E 546 564 PSM MASNIFGPTEEPQNIPK 922 sp|Q9H910-2|JUPI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7354 43.63 2 1893.9238 1893.9238 R R 27 44 PSM MGGGSIEVSVPR 923 sp|Q96I24|FUBP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4901 30.074 2 1213.6 1213.6000 R F 251 263 PSM MTDQEAIQDLWQWR 924 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12164 72.896 2 1834.8308 1834.8308 R K 278 292 PSM MTDQEAIQDLWQWR 925 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12165 72.903 2 1844.8391 1844.8391 R K 278 292 PSM NAVITVPAYFNDSQR 926 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9138 53.901 2 1703.8507 1703.8507 K Q 188 203 PSM NEFIPTNFEILPLEK 927 sp|P14735|IDE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13069 78.971 2 1802.9455 1802.9455 K E 528 543 PSM NGQVIGIGAGQQSR 928 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3337 21.594 2 1393.7301 1393.7301 K I 437 451 PSM NIIQQAIDAGEVPSYNAFVK 929 sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12421 74.59 2 2176.1164 2176.1164 R E 161 181 PSM NINDAWVCTNDMFR 930 sp|P61970|NTF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8518 50.234 2 1780.7537 1780.7537 K L 107 121 PSM NLANTVTEEILEK 931 sp|O60506-5|HNRPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10743 63.675 2 1472.7722 1472.7722 R A 192 205 PSM NLATTVTEEILEK 932 sp|O43390-3|HNRPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12005 71.848 2 1459.777 1459.7770 R S 309 322 PSM NLGLEELGIELDPR 933 sp|P09622|DLDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12136 72.712 2 1576.8336 1576.8336 K G 321 335 PSM NLPGLVQEGEPFSEEATLFTK 934 sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12555 75.469 2 2305.1478 2305.1478 R E 566 587 PSM NLTALGLNLVASGGTAK 935 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10618 62.903 2 1598.8992 1598.8992 R A 22 39 PSM NPATTNQTEFERVF 936 sp|P50750|CDK9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8599 50.696 2 1652.7794 1652.7794 R - 359 373 PSM NQLTSNPENTVFDAK 937 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6541 38.992 2 1676.8006 1676.8006 K R 82 97 PSM NQVAMNPTNTVFDAK 938 sp|P11142-2|HSP7C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6856 40.753 2 1648.7879 1648.7879 K R 57 72 PSM NSSYFVEWIPNNVK 939 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11171 66.363 2 1695.8257 1695.8257 K T 337 351 PSM NTKGGDAPAAGEDA 940 sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 3-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=759 7.9196 2 1278.5784 1278.5784 R - 112 126 PSM PSANCDPFSVTEALIR 941 sp|P15104|GLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 5-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11755 70.24 2 1785.8595 1785.8595 R T 342 358 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 942 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11333 67.364 3 2030.9949 2030.9949 R W 1406 1424 PSM SANSELGGIWSVGQR 943 sp|Q99627-2|CSN8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9013 53.159 2 1559.7692 1559.7692 K I 17 32 PSM SAWLSGYENPVVSR 944 sp|P13674-3|P4HA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8783 51.81 2 1573.7764 1573.7764 K I 383 397 PSM SELPLDPLPVPTEEGNPLLK 945 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12416 74.561 2 2163.177 2163.1770 K H 503 523 PSM SETAPAAPAAPAPAEKTPVK 946 sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:188,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4197 26.094 2 1957.0559 1957.0559 M K 2 22 PSM SFLESIDDALAEK 947 sp|Q15750-2|TAB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12219 73.259 2 1442.7236 1442.7236 R A 116 129 PSM SIQLDGLVWGASK 948 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10735 63.626 2 1372.7351 1372.7351 R L 220 233 PSM SLGSVQAPSYGAR 949 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4667 28.804 2 1301.6603 1301.6603 R P 15 28 PSM SLLGEVEQNLQAAK 950 sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11907 71.217 2 1498.7991 1498.7991 K Q 667 681 PSM SLLGEVEQNLQAAK 951 sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11908 71.222 2 1504.8193 1504.8193 K Q 667 681 PSM SMVPVQVQLDVPVVK 952 sp|P18754|RCC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9401 55.471 2 1658.9373 1658.9373 K V 162 177 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 953 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12823 77.28 2 1856.8061 1856.8061 R R 162 177 PSM SQFTITPGSEQIR 954 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6350 37.953 2 1462.7416 1462.7416 K A 412 425 PSM SSQSSSQQFSGIGR 955 sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3168 20.785 2 1464.6833 1464.6833 R S 592 606 PSM TILQGSSEGTGLSALLPQPK 956 sp|Q92733|PRCC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10944 64.944 2 1996.0841 1996.0841 K N 169 189 PSM TLINAEDPPMVVVR 957 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8830 52.077 2 1562.8366 1562.8366 K K 857 871 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFEATK 958 sp|P62195-2|PRS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13816 85.517 2 1827.9384 1827.9384 R N 264 280 PSM TPESIVPIAPELQPSTSR 959 sp|Q14676-3|MDC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9276 54.713 2 1931.0239 1931.0239 K N 1280 1298 PSM TSACGLFSVCYPR 960 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9004 53.106 2 1526.6885 1526.6885 R V 145 158 PSM TSFFQALGITTK 961 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11900 71.171 2 1318.7228 1318.7228 K I 135 147 PSM TTEPGVTGLLLAVEGPAAK 962 sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12300 73.801 2 1829.0242 1829.0242 K R 982 1001 PSM TTPSVVAFTADGER 963 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6658 39.624 2 1449.71 1449.7100 R L 86 100 PSM TTQIPQFLLDDCFK 964 sp|Q9H6S0|YTDC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11867 70.957 2 1730.8645 1730.8645 K N 223 237 PSM TTQVPQFILDDFIQNDR 965 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13153 79.536 3 2059.025 2059.0250 K A 418 435 PSM TTQVPQFILDDFIQNDR 966 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13152 79.53 2 2049.0167 2049.0167 K A 418 435 PSM TVLITGANSGLGR 967 sp|Q9HBH5|RDH14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5711 34.432 2 1257.7041 1257.7041 K A 45 58 PSM TVQSLEIDLDSMR 968 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10185 60.226 2 1505.7396 1505.7396 R N 302 315 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 969 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6764 40.235 2 1610.8114 1610.8114 K A 265 280 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 970 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6755 40.185 2 1600.8032 1600.8032 K A 265 280 PSM VANPSGNLTETYVQDR 971 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5724 34.503 2 1762.8486 1762.8486 R G 1297 1313 PSM VCTLAIIDPGDSDIIR 972 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10708 63.463 2 1756.9029 1756.9029 R S 91 107 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 973 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10157 60.055 2 1569.8026 1569.8026 K I 174 188 PSM VEQLFQVMNGILAQDSACSQR 974 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 18-UNIMOD:4,21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13431 81.756 3 2403.155 2403.1550 R A 3764 3785 PSM VFIGNLNTLVVK 975 sp|P07910-4|HNRPC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10330 61.121 2 1321.8065 1321.8065 R K 18 30 PSM VGEIFSAAGAAFTK 976 sp|Q8IXM2-2|BAP18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9511 56.119 2 1373.7286 1373.7286 K L 8 22 PSM VLATAFDTTLGGR 977 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8204 48.448 2 1320.7038 1320.7038 K K 222 235 PSM VLEQLTGQTPVFSK 978 sp|P62913-2|RL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8171 48.254 2 1551.8604 1551.8604 K A 38 52 PSM VLNYAPGPLDTDMQQLAR 979 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7924 46.848 2 2016.9939 2016.9939 R E 193 211 PSM VLQDMGLPTGAEGR 980 sp|Q12906-4|ILF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 5-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4561 28.133 2 1468.7219 1468.7219 K D 461 475 PSM VMDIPYLNLEGPDLQPK 981 sp|O95453-4|PARN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12357 74.177 2 1940.9918 1940.9918 R R 252 269 PSM VNLAIWDTAGQER 982 sp|Q9UL25|RAB21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9230 54.439 2 1471.7419 1471.7419 R F 68 81 PSM VNLAIWDTAGQER 983 sp|Q9UL25|RAB21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9231 54.444 2 1481.7502 1481.7502 R F 68 81 PSM VPAINVNDSVTK 984 sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4958 30.38 2 1255.6772 1255.6772 K S 175 187 PSM VPSENVLGEVGSGFK 985 sp|P49748-2|ACADV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9079 53.535 2 1523.7927 1523.7927 R V 295 310 PSM VPTANVSVVDLTCR 986 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7788 46.035 2 1539.7954 1539.7954 R L 193 207 PSM VPVATYTNSSQPFR 987 sp|P49005|DPOD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5730 34.537 2 1575.7921 1575.7921 R L 27 41 PSM VSASPLLYTLIEK 988 sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11821 70.662 2 1438.8379 1438.8379 K T 496 509 PSM VVSGMVNCNDDQGVLLGR 989 sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7623 45.094 2 1931.9193 1931.9193 R W 223 241 PSM YGEYFPGTGDLR 990 sp|Q92769-3|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7815 46.193 2 1383.6334 1383.6334 K D 172 184 PSM YGPLSGVNVVYDQR 991 sp|Q13595-2|TRA2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8403 49.594 2 1575.7921 1575.7921 R T 41 55 PSM YIGEVGDIVVGR 992 sp|Q13868-3|EXOS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8247 48.691 2 1275.6823 1275.6823 R I 76 88 PSM YWQQVIDMNDYQR 993 sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9381 55.347 2 1757.7832 1757.7832 R R 299 312 PSM YWQQVIDMNDYQR 994 sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 32.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9365 55.245 2 1767.7914 1767.7914 R R 299 312 PSM QRSQVEEELFSVR 995 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9506 56.09456333333333 2 1588.7834 1588.7840 R V 2359 2372 PSM SPFEVQVGPEAGMQK 996 sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7421 44.008226666666665 2 1602.779308 1602.771193 K V 537 552 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 997 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11826 70.69742833333333 2 1419.723699 1418.740545 R Q 214 226 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 998 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11827 70.70306500000001 2 1429.731838 1428.748814 R Q 214 226 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 999 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11001 65.30021333333333 2 1429.734252 1428.748814 R Q 214 226 PSM QAVTNPNNTFYATKR 1000 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,14-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5191 31.605846666666668 2 1722.8678 1722.8655 R L 108 123 PSM VSLAGACGVGGYGSR 1001 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=6059 36.31106166666667 2 1410.655053 1409.672148 R S 49 64 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 1002 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6986 41.4461 2 1601.802572 1600.803162 K A 265 280 PSM QSSATSSFGGLGGGSVR 1003 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7260 43.085855 2 1546.7241 1546.7246 R F 8 25 PSM QVMVVPVGPTCDEYAQKVR 1004 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9023 53.215759999999996 2 2174.0870 2174.0830 R Q 620 639 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 1005 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12105 72.50266500000001 2 1767.909645 1767.930154 K F 107 124 PSM QSYKGSPMEISLPIALSK 1006 sp|P09960|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11727 70.060985 2 1932.0322 1931.0072 R N 80 98 PSM NTNAGAPPGTAYQSPLPLSR 1007 sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7098 42.13126666666667 2 2021.0241 2021.0200 R G 82 102 PSM QVVQGLLSETYLEAHR 1008 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11992 71.75778166666666 2 1834.9397 1834.9448 R I 287 303 PSM QKLFQEDDEIPLYLK 1009 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11801 70.53574499999999 2 1872.9932 1872.9907 K G 32 47 PSM VGQLSEGAIAAIMQK 1010 sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9989 58.99238166666667 2 1514.8124 1514.8121 M G 2 17 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1011 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=13170 79.64975333333334 2 1743.798757 1742.812012 K I 59 74 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1012 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=13165 79.61407666666668 2 1753.806534 1752.820281 K I 59 74 PSM QGSGVILRQEEAEYVR 1013 sp|P46108|CRK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7911 46.76862333333333 2 1815.9144 1815.9110 R A 123 139 PSM CGFCHVGEEENEAR 1014 sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=5359 32.49862666666667 2 1675.6350 1675.6350 K G 212 226 PSM CGFCHVGEEENEAR 1015 sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5358 32.49379833333333 2 1685.6435 1685.6432 K G 212 226 PSM GKVEIDQQQLTQQQLNGN 1016 sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5743 34.60572666666667 2 2047.030347 2046.043725 R - 348 366 PSM CGNCGEISDKWQYIR 1017 sp|Q9NWV4|CZIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8434 49.773790000000005 2 1867.8006 1867.7976 K L 33 48 PSM CIGKPGGSLDNSEQK 1018 sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=4776 29.42016666666667 2 1571.7252 1571.7244 K C 50 65 PSM CIGKPGGSLDNSEQK 1019 sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=4775 29.41446666666667 2 1583.7659 1583.7647 K C 50 65 PSM QDVGKFVELPGAEMGK 1020 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10072 59.50055833333334 2 1686.8286 1686.8282 K V 182 198 PSM TVQGPPTSDDIFER 1021 sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7044 41.799085 2 1570.754797 1570.750270 K E 33 47 PSM VGTSFSIPVVSDVR 1022 sp|Q92979|NEP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9962 58.828855000000004 2 1462.784677 1461.782744 K E 174 188 PSM VTIAQGGVLPNIQAVLLPK 1023 sp|P04908|H2A1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12464 74.87286 2 1937.169195 1936.181663 R K 101 120 PSM IFLITLDNSDPSLK 1024 sp|Q14139|UBE4A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11360 67.52311999999999 2 1580.862566 1580.875704 R S 91 105 PSM QYAGTGALKTDFTR 1025 sp|Q9NTJ5|SAC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,9-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7293 43.279378333333334 2 1526.7703 1526.7695 K T 448 462 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFEATK 1026 sp|P62195|PRS8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=12034 72.037415 2 1837.909166 1837.913166 R N 272 288 PSM YIGEVGDIVVGR 1027 sp|Q13868|EXOS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8239 48.645185 2 1277.664053 1275.682302 R I 76 88 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 1028 sp|P31942|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11993 71.76385 2 1918.938058 1917.958477 R V 206 223 PSM VPVATYTNSSQPFR 1029 sp|P49005|DPOD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=5733 34.552415 2 1567.789143 1565.783807 R L 27 41 PSM QISPELSALAVYCHATR 1030 sp|Q8N3E9|PLCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11721 70.020225 2 1897.9370 1897.9351 K L 523 540 PSM FFVAVPGQVISPQSSSSGTDLTGDK 1031 sp|O60271|JIP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10325 61.08770833333334 2 2524.257714 2523.249299 K A 1228 1253 PSM IVEANPLLEAFGNAK 1032 sp|Q9UM54|MYO6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 32.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11559 68.93621999999999 2 1590.869730 1590.871287 R T 182 197 PSM QTQPVLQSQVENLLHR 1033 sp|O60318|GANP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 32.0 1-UNIMOD:28,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11276 67.017125 2 1881.9965 1881.9931 R T 1701 1717 PSM AALEDTLAETEAR 1034 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6360 38.006 2 1388.6783 1388.6783 K F 318 331 PSM AALEDTLAETEAR 1035 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6361 38.01 2 1398.6866 1398.6866 K F 318 331 PSM ADLINNLGTIAK 1036 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8553 50.437 2 1241.698 1241.6980 K S 101 113 PSM AEALMMPLVDQLENR 1037 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12340 74.062 2 1728.8539 1728.8539 R L 2016 2031 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 1038 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10236 60.538 3 2037.0627 2037.0627 K - 192 211 PSM AGPGTLSVTIEGPSK 1039 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6367 38.046 2 1412.7511 1412.7511 R V 2347 2362 PSM AGVVTPGITEDQLWR 1040 sp|Q9BWM7|SFXN3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9527 56.216 2 1640.8522 1640.8522 R A 55 70 PSM AINQQTGAFVEISR 1041 sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6578 39.2 2 1542.803 1542.8030 K Q 449 463 PSM ALCIDQLDVFLQK 1042 sp|Q5T8P6-6|RBM26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12765 76.876 2 1561.8174 1561.8174 K E 51 64 PSM ALGTEVIQLFPEK 1043 sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11154 66.254 2 1449.8175 1449.8175 R G 321 334 PSM ALLVEPVINSYLLAER 1044 sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12962 78.261 2 1799.0193 1799.0193 R D 565 581 PSM ALSCPGQPSNCVTIPR 1045 sp|Q15797|SMAD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 4-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5615 33.886 2 1765.8479 1765.8479 K S 54 70 PSM ALSNLESIPGGYNALR 1046 sp|Q9UMX0-3|UBQL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9141 53.917 2 1683.882 1683.8820 R R 81 97 PSM ALTVPELTQQVFDAK 1047 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11631 69.439 2 1658.8879 1658.8879 R N 283 298 PSM ALVEVLGPYEPLLSR 1048 sp|Q86VR2|RETR3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12307 73.849 2 1654.9294 1654.9294 R V 41 56 PSM AMDSDWFAENYMGR 1049 sp|P55084-2|ECHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10645 63.071 2 1691.6708 1691.6708 K K 370 384 PSM AMLSGPGQFAENETNEVNFR 1050 sp|Q15369-2|ELOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9376 55.314 2 2210.0062 2210.0062 K E 28 48 PSM APILIATDVASR 1051 sp|Q92841-1|DDX17_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7093 42.099 2 1225.703 1225.7030 K G 390 402 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 1052 sp|P31942-6|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13188 79.765 2 1917.9585 1917.9585 R V 69 86 PSM ATENDIYNFFSPLNPVR 1053 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13158 79.566 2 2005.9773 2005.9773 R V 300 317 PSM ATGNQPPPLVGTYNTLLSR 1054 sp|Q96PD2|DCBD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10258 60.675 2 1998.0534 1998.0534 K T 703 722 PSM AVAEQIPLLVQGVR 1055 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10170 60.132 2 1501.8856 1501.8856 K G 958 972 PSM AVETPPLSSVNLLEGLSR 1056 sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12336 74.039 2 1881.0207 1881.0207 R T 387 405 PSM AVETPPLSSVNLLEGLSR 1057 sp|Q14C86-3|GAPD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12341 74.068 2 1891.029 1891.0290 R T 387 405 PSM AVFVDLEPTVIDEVR 1058 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11654 69.583 3 1700.8985 1700.8985 R T 65 80 PSM AVSDWLIASVEGR 1059 sp|Q969V3-2|NCLN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12086 72.381 2 1401.7252 1401.7252 K L 195 208 PSM CCMLFVDDMAEPR 1060 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9800 57.817 2 1642.6612 1642.6612 R E 324 337 PSM CFIVGADNVGSK 1061 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5522 33.346 2 1265.6074 1265.6074 K Q 27 39 PSM CPEAGLAAQVISPLLTPK 1062 sp|Q8TE67-2|ES8L3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11994 71.77 2 1870.0329 1870.0329 R A 328 346 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 1063 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10875 64.505 2 2045.0057 2045.0057 K E 616 633 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 1064 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12137 72.718 2 2022.9907 2022.9907 K E 616 633 PSM CTVIAAANPIGGR 1065 sp|P49736|MCM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5473 33.104 2 1308.6848 1308.6848 R Y 624 637 PSM EGAQYLMQAAGLGR 1066 sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9126 53.824 2 1473.7274 1473.7274 R M 865 879 PSM EKFTTPIEETGGEGCPAVALIQ 1067 sp|Q9NP84-2|TNR12_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10177 60.176 2 2346.1413 2346.1413 R - 73 95 PSM EQLWLANEGLITR 1068 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10572 62.62 2 1541.8202 1541.8202 R L 739 752 PSM ESAALSEVLAGPLAQR 1069 sp|P98171|RHG04_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10509 62.225 2 1610.8628 1610.8628 R L 116 132 PSM FFTDDLFQYAGEK 1070 sp|Q6NYC1-2|JMJD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11813 70.611 2 1585.7396 1585.7396 K R 155 168 PSM FGIDDQDYLVSLTR 1071 sp|Q8TBX8-3|PI42C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11375 67.612 2 1650.8129 1650.8129 R N 97 111 PSM FGPYYTEPVIAGLDPK 1072 sp|P49720|PSB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10780 63.902 2 1771.9128 1771.9128 R T 100 116 PSM FGVSSSSSGPSQTLTSTGNFK 1073 sp|P49790-2|NU153_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7075 41.986 2 2074.9807 2074.9807 K F 863 884 PSM FLESPDFQPNIAK 1074 sp|Q13362-2|2A5G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8339 49.216 2 1504.7562 1504.7562 R K 144 157 PSM FSIQTMCPIEGEGNIAR 1075 sp|Q13155-2|AIMP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9333 55.048 2 1921.9026 1921.9026 K F 130 147 PSM FTQAGSEVSALLGR 1076 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9256 54.598 2 1444.755 1444.7550 R I 311 325 PSM FYTDLNGYQIQPR 1077 sp|Q16706|MA2A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8197 48.408 2 1623.7921 1623.7921 R M 892 905 PSM GATALEMGMPLLLQK 1078 sp|Q5UIP0-2|RIF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12118 72.593 2 1577.8616 1577.8617 R Q 203 218 PSM GFALVGVGSEASSK 1079 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7043 41.794 2 1307.6721 1307.6721 K K 125 139 PSM GFNEGLWEIDNNPK 1080 sp|O75475-3|PSIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9393 55.42 2 1637.7781 1637.7781 K V 76 90 PSM GFQQISFVNSIATSK 1081 sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9818 57.927 2 1625.8413 1625.8413 K G 307 322 PSM GGGAFVQNSQPVAVR 1082 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4546 28.039 2 1495.7771 1495.7771 R G 942 957 PSM GGNIGDGGGAADR 1083 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=829 8.3095 2 1115.4956 1115.4956 R V 587 600 PSM GIGMNEPLVDCEGYPR 1084 sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8118 47.944 2 1805.8077 1805.8077 K S 49 65 PSM GISLNPEQWSQLK 1085 sp|P53999|TCP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10559 62.538 2 1498.778 1498.7780 K E 102 115 PSM GLPWSCSADEVMR 1086 sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8918 52.591 2 1516.6678 1516.6678 R F 17 30 PSM GLPWSCSADEVQR 1087 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6958 41.291 2 1503.6776 1503.6776 R F 17 30 PSM GPATLVAPASVITIVK 1088 sp|Q9ULX9-2|MAFF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10688 63.341 2 1535.9287 1535.9287 R S 97 113 PSM GQLGDVGALDTVWR 1089 sp|Q9H3S7|PTN23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10529 62.349 2 1495.7659 1495.7659 R E 1183 1197 PSM GSLTFEPLTLVPIQTK 1090 sp|Q9NQW7-2|XPP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12676 76.289 2 1749.002 1749.0020 R M 531 547 PSM IAELLSPGSVDPLTR 1091 sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10159 60.064 2 1576.87 1576.8700 K L 146 161 PSM IANLQTDLSDGLR 1092 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8387 49.499 2 1414.7416 1414.7416 R L 64 77 PSM IFTSIGEDYDER 1093 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6858 40.763 2 1443.6518 1443.6518 R V 106 118 PSM IGAFGYMECSAK 1094 sp|P61586|RHOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7160 42.525 2 1338.6044 1338.6044 R T 151 163 PSM IGNLQTDLSDGLR 1095 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8148 48.127 2 1400.726 1400.7260 R L 37 50 PSM IGNTGGMLDNILASK 1096 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 7-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7629 45.13 2 1518.7712 1518.7712 K L 365 380 PSM IGQLEEQLEQEAK 1097 sp|P35580|MYH10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7278 43.192 2 1519.7825 1519.7825 K E 1823 1836 PSM ILDLSNFEILAK 1098 sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12679 76.306 2 1374.7759 1374.7759 K V 914 926 PSM ILDLSNFEILAK 1099 sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12685 76.349 2 1380.796 1380.7960 K V 914 926 PSM IQIAPDSGGLPER 1100 sp|Q96AE4|FUBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5819 35.014 2 1361.7178 1361.7178 K S 134 147 PSM ISATSIFFESMPYK 1101 sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12334 74.028 2 1625.8107 1625.8107 R L 162 176 PSM ISFLENNLEQLTK 1102 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11225 66.703 2 1553.8397 1553.8397 K V 832 845 PSM ISLLPNDEDSLPPLLVASGEK 1103 sp|Q7Z3T8|ZFY16_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12741 76.713 2 2212.1934 2212.1934 K G 1012 1033 PSM IVNGWQVEEADDWLR 1104 sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11530 68.723 2 1838.8827 1838.8827 K Y 171 186 PSM IVQELPQLLDAR 1105 sp|Q6PIU2-3|NCEH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9662 56.992 2 1393.7929 1393.7929 R S 179 191 PSM IYGLGSLALYEK 1106 sp|P36542-2|ATPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10585 62.698 2 1325.7231 1325.7231 R A 68 80 PSM KGQGGAGAGDDEEED 1107 sp|P46781|RS9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=503 6.4121 2 1439.5744 1439.5744 K - 180 195 PSM KPVTVSPTTPTSPTEGEAS 1108 sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3736 23.672 2 1890.9518 1890.9518 R - 505 524 PSM LADPVTPVETILQR 1109 sp|Q9NVN8|GNL3L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10592 62.739 2 1560.8751 1560.8751 K C 328 342 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 1110 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10928 64.846 2 1632.9074 1632.9074 R S 639 654 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 1111 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10773 63.857 2 1622.8992 1622.8992 R S 639 654 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 1112 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10931 64.862 2 1622.8992 1622.8992 R S 639 654 PSM LCGDTSLNNMQR 1113 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 2-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3654 23.252 2 1417.6318 1417.6318 K Q 205 217 PSM LDIDPETITWQR 1114 sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9777 57.682 2 1495.7546 1495.7546 R V 521 533 PSM LDIDPSTITWQR 1115 sp|Q6UB35|C1TM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9502 56.069 2 1443.7358 1443.7358 R V 564 576 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 1116 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11802 70.542 2 1428.7488 1428.7488 R Q 242 254 PSM LENYPIPEPGPNEVLLR 1117 sp|Q00796|DHSO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10175 60.165 2 1949.0258 1949.0258 R M 22 39 PSM LFIGGLNTETNEK 1118 sp|P38159-3|RBMX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7529 44.583 2 1440.7556 1440.7556 K A 10 23 PSM LFIGGLNTETNEK 1119 sp|P38159-3|RBMX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7530 44.587 2 1434.7355 1434.7355 K A 10 23 PSM LFVGNLPPDITEEEMR 1120 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10650 63.101 2 1868.9218 1868.9218 R K 76 92 PSM LFVGNLPPDITEEEMR 1121 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10398 61.537 2 1858.9135 1858.9135 R K 76 92 PSM LFVTNDAATILR 1122 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9475 55.909 2 1332.7402 1332.7402 K E 63 75 PSM LGILDLLDEECK 1123 sp|Q9Y4I1-2|MYO5A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13171 79.656 2 1416.717 1416.7170 K M 503 515 PSM LICCDILDVLDK 1124 sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 3-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12471 74.923 2 1481.7565 1481.7565 K H 95 107 PSM LLQQQNDITGLSR 1125 sp|Q9UPN9-2|TRI33_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5814 34.985 2 1494.803 1494.8030 K Q 395 408 PSM LLQTDDEEEAGLLELLK 1126 sp|P55060-3|XPO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13177 79.691 2 1934.0191 1934.0191 K S 252 269 PSM LLTIGDANGEIQR 1127 sp|Q86X55-2|CARM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6835 40.64 2 1398.7467 1398.7467 R H 37 50 PSM LNFSTPTSTNIVSVCR 1128 sp|O15067|PUR4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8428 49.741 2 1804.9017 1804.9017 R A 94 110 PSM LPETNLFETEETR 1129 sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8176 48.286 2 1587.7656 1587.7656 K K 408 421 PSM LQNLQLQPGNAKL 1130 sp|P22307-6|NLTP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7437 44.09 2 1435.8147 1435.8147 K - 128 141 PSM LQPLSPVPSDIEISR 1131 sp|Q6UB35|C1TM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8965 52.87 2 1659.9071 1659.9071 K G 353 368 PSM LTFSCLGGSDNFK 1132 sp|Q15185-2|TEBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8455 49.891 2 1450.6858 1450.6858 K H 36 49 PSM LVGEIMQETGTR 1133 sp|Q00341|VIGLN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6106 36.581 2 1332.6708 1332.6708 R I 244 256 PSM LVGSVNLFSDENVPR 1134 sp|Q9BQG0|MBB1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9515 56.146 2 1644.8471 1644.8471 K L 232 247 PSM LYGPSSVSFADDFVR 1135 sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10728 63.582 2 1658.794 1658.7940 R S 134 149 PSM LYPAVNQQETPLPR 1136 sp|Q6VN20-3|RBP10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6363 38.02 2 1634.8656 1634.8656 R S 42 56 PSM MEEADALIESLCR 1137 sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9795 57.791 2 1561.6992 1561.6992 R D 560 573 PSM MEERGDSEPTPGCSGLGPGGVR 1138 sp|Q8WW01-2|SEN15_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6031 36.153 2 2286.0005 2286.0005 - G 1 23 PSM MFVLDEADEMLSR 1139 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10796 64.003 2 1570.7007 1570.7007 K G 178 191 PSM MGGGSIEVSVPR 1140 sp|Q96I24|FUBP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=4894 30.036 2 1203.5918 1203.5918 R F 251 263 PSM MINLSVPDTIDER 1141 sp|P13797-3|PLST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8269 48.81 2 1517.7396 1517.7396 K A 124 137 PSM NEGVATYAAAVLFR 1142 sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11940 71.424 2 1480.7674 1480.7674 R M 648 662 PSM NELSGALTGLTR 1143 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8346 49.259 2 1230.6568 1230.6568 R V 443 455 PSM NILLTNEQLESAR 1144 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7349 43.607 2 1499.7944 1499.7944 R K 36 49 PSM NINCSIEESFQR 1145 sp|P35914|HMGCL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6874 40.844 2 1495.6725 1495.6725 K F 138 150 PSM NLAEALLTYETLDAK 1146 sp|Q96TA2-3|YMEL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12532 75.321 2 1663.8669 1663.8669 K E 655 670 PSM NLANTVTEEILEK 1147 sp|O60506-5|HNRPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10740 63.654 2 1478.7924 1478.7924 R A 192 205 PSM NNLCPSGSNIISNLFK 1148 sp|P60033|CD81_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12321 73.939 2 1776.8829 1776.8829 K E 172 188 PSM NQLTSNPENTVFDAK 1149 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6535 38.955 2 1682.8207 1682.8207 K R 82 97 PSM NVIVLQTVLQEVR 1150 sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12408 74.508 2 1509.8879 1509.8879 R N 87 100 PSM PALELLEPIEQK 1151 sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10179 60.188 2 1384.7909 1384.7909 R F 368 380 PSM PSANCDPFSVTEALIR 1152 sp|P15104|GLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11784 70.426 2 1775.8512 1775.8512 R T 342 358 PSM QIIVDPLSFSEER 1153 sp|P35221|CTNA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10640 63.037 2 1531.7882 1531.7882 K F 288 301 PSM QLLQANPILESFGNAK 1154 sp|P35580|MYH10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11354 67.483 2 1741.9363 1741.9363 R T 217 233 PSM QLLTLSSELSQAR 1155 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8908 52.531 2 1444.7886 1444.7886 R D 530 543 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 1156 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 2-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9615 56.731 2 1703.8176 1703.8176 K Y 110 124 PSM QPAIISQLDPVNER 1157 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8556 50.452 2 1588.8448 1588.8448 K M 1117 1131 PSM SAGLAFSLYQAMAK 1158 sp|P50454|SERPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11848 70.835 2 1462.7586 1462.7586 R D 47 61 PSM SAPLDAALHALQEEQAR 1159 sp|P80217|IN35_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=12990 78.451 2 1860.933 1860.9330 M L 2 19 PSM SASLCAATLAAVLQR 1160 sp|P52789|HXK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 5-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11253 66.874 2 1540.8271 1540.8271 R I 382 397 PSM SIQLDGLVWGASK 1161 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10734 63.621 2 1378.7552 1378.7552 R L 220 233 PSM SLAEGYFDAAGR 1162 sp|O43813|LANC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7021 41.66 2 1265.5916 1265.5916 K L 16 28 PSM SLFSSIGEVESAK 1163 sp|Q15717|ELAV1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9488 55.987 2 1358.7025 1358.7025 R L 38 51 PSM SLFSSIGEVESAK 1164 sp|Q15717|ELAV1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9489 55.991 2 1352.6824 1352.6824 R L 38 51 PSM SMPDAMPLPGVGEELKQAK 1165 sp|O43865|SAHH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:1,16-UNIMOD:188,19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10482 62.053 2 2051.047 2051.0470 M E 2 21 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 1166 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12826 77.305 2 1846.7978 1846.7978 R R 162 177 PSM STAGNFLVNPLEPK 1167 sp|Q96SB4-4|SRPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9635 56.842 2 1485.7827 1485.7827 K N 457 471 PSM STGSIVGQQPFGGAR 1168 sp|P30038-2|AL4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5635 34.001 2 1460.7372 1460.7372 K A 450 465 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 1169 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9629 56.806 2 1789.8846 1789.8846 K F 239 255 PSM TALINSTGEEVAMR 1170 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6223 37.26 2 1490.7399 1490.7399 R K 528 542 PSM TFVDNIQTAFNTR 1171 sp|Q8N201|INT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10181 60.199 2 1535.7608 1535.7608 K M 248 261 PSM TIAMDGTEGLVR 1172 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6418 38.318 2 1261.6336 1261.6336 R G 110 122 PSM TIGYPWTLVYGTGK 1173 sp|Q8N573-7|OXR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11904 71.193 2 1554.8082 1554.8082 R H 73 87 PSM TLFQPQTGAYQTLAK 1174 sp|P53992|SC24C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8089 47.769 2 1665.8726 1665.8726 K E 671 686 PSM TMLESAGGLIQTAR 1175 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8419 49.688 2 1446.7501 1446.7501 K A 1605 1619 PSM TPPEAIALCSSLLEYTPSSR 1176 sp|P49840|GSK3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11578 69.079 2 2191.0831 2191.0831 R L 372 392 PSM TPVEEVPAAIAPFQGR 1177 sp|Q15393|SF3B3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9043 53.329 2 1690.8918 1690.8918 K V 943 959 PSM TQGFLALFSGDTGEIK 1178 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12892 77.776 2 1682.8516 1682.8516 R S 254 270 PSM TQTPPLGQTPQLGLK 1179 sp|P78344-2|IF4G2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7344 43.576 2 1583.8978 1583.8978 R T 468 483 PSM TSFFQALGITTK 1180 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11893 71.127 2 1318.7228 1318.7228 K I 135 147 PSM TSFFQALGITTK 1181 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11901 71.177 2 1312.7027 1312.7027 K I 135 147 PSM TSTVWDNNNPIWSVR 1182 sp|P14222|PERF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10531 62.36 2 1787.8591 1787.8591 R L 450 465 PSM TVDSQGPTPVCTPTFLER 1183 sp|Q9BYG3|MK67I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8385 49.487 2 2003.9622 2003.9622 K R 227 245 PSM VACPQCNAEYLIVFPK 1184 sp|Q9NX47|MARH5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10683 63.307 2 1907.9274 1907.9274 R L 63 79 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 1185 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6512 38.833 2 1600.8032 1600.8032 K A 265 280 PSM VFDYFEGATSQR 1186 sp|Q9UPN6|SCAF8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8015 47.358 2 1418.6466 1418.6466 R K 1195 1207 PSM VFGAPEVLENLEVK 1187 sp|Q8TEM1|PO210_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11663 69.643 2 1548.8495 1548.8495 R S 1711 1725 PSM VFIGNLNTLVVK 1188 sp|P07910-4|HNRPC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10331 61.126 2 1315.7864 1315.7864 R K 18 30 PSM VFIWTCDDASSNTWSPK 1189 sp|P55735-2|SEC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 6-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10303 60.951 2 2018.914 2018.9140 R L 226 243 PSM VFNVFCLYGNVEK 1190 sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12337 74.045 2 1587.7755 1587.7756 R V 399 412 PSM VFNVFCLYGNVEK 1191 sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12339 74.057 2 1593.7957 1593.7957 R V 399 412 PSM VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER 1192 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10838 64.266 2 1951.9891 1951.9891 K G 426 443 PSM VGPDVVTDPAFLVTR 1193 sp|Q9NV31|IMP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10310 60.997 2 1584.8512 1584.8512 R S 138 153 PSM VIAALLQTMEDQGNQR 1194 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10313 61.014 3 1785.9043 1785.9043 K V 382 398 PSM VIGGDDLSTLTGK 1195 sp|P00492|HPRT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7296 43.3 2 1280.6919 1280.6919 K N 116 129 PSM VLAALPAAELVQACR 1196 sp|Q9UK22|FBX2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9776 57.677 2 1580.8708 1580.8708 R L 58 73 PSM VLAQNSGFDLQETLVK 1197 sp|P40227-2|TCPZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9485 55.964 2 1766.951 1766.9510 K I 405 421 PSM VLQDMGLPTGAEGR 1198 sp|Q12906-4|ILF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6746 40.134 2 1442.7188 1442.7188 K D 461 475 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 1199 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 9-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4,23-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8628 50.865 2 2500.1788 2500.1788 R C 178 201 PSM VNILEVASGAVLR 1200 sp|Q12788|TBL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12388 74.384 2 1339.7823 1339.7823 R S 47 60 PSM VPTANVSVVDLTCR 1201 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7798 46.092 2 1529.7872 1529.7872 R L 193 207 PSM VQAWYMDDAPGDPR 1202 sp|Q9BV57|MTND_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7749 45.801 2 1619.7038 1619.7038 M Q 2 16 PSM VTVNPGLLVPLDVK 1203 sp|Q6KB66-2|K2C80_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11199 66.539 2 1462.8759 1462.8759 K L 58 72 PSM VWDDGIIDPADTR 1204 sp|Q9HCC0-2|MCCB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8465 49.941 2 1481.7026 1481.7026 R L 488 501 PSM YMSPMEAQEFGILDK 1205 sp|Q16740|CLPP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 31.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10519 62.287 2 1757.8004 1757.8004 R V 229 244 PSM LLDAQLATGGIVDPR 1206 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8808 51.95326666666667 2 1537.845630 1537.846407 R L 3936 3951 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 1207 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9441 55.70471166666667 2 1742.8640 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 1208 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10324 61.08182666666667 2 1744.8662 1742.8622 R F 472 487 PSM TLTIVDTGIGMTK 1209 sp|Q58FG1|HS904_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8591 50.646784999999994 2 1354.746489 1354.747332 R A 28 41 PSM MNQVEDEVFEEFCR 1210 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10703 63.432435 2 1846.753540 1846.750200 K E 769 783 PSM QMADTGKLNTLLQR 1211 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8846 52.17050833333333 2 1570.8127 1570.8132 K A 545 559 PSM QAVQILDELAEKLK 1212 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=14295 91.45435 2 1579.8915 1579.8816 R R 228 242 PSM AGGIETIANEFSDR 1213 sp|Q92598|HS105_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9437 55.68449666666667 2 1489.712468 1488.708406 R C 20 34 PSM ANINVENAFFTLAR 1214 sp|P61006|RAB8A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12370 74.26737333333332 2 1578.814224 1578.815441 K D 154 168 PSM CHAIIDEQPLIFK 1215 sp|P48059|LIMS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10638 63.02571333333333 2 1565.7903 1565.7907 K N 138 151 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1216 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 5-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=12163 72.890475 2 1759.790881 1758.806927 K I 59 74 PSM QQNELAELHANLAR 1217 sp|Q14980|NUMA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8797 51.892695 2 1588.7954 1588.7952 R A 870 884 PSM CQSLTEDLEFRK 1218 sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9081 53.54640833333334 2 1507.6970 1507.6972 R S 198 210 PSM VNLLSFTGSTQVGK 1219 sp|P49419|AL7A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9573 56.48701 2 1449.782568 1449.782744 R Q 267 281 PSM QAQNPDQGPKLDLGFK 1220 sp|Q9NVZ3|NECP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8352 49.29112833333333 2 1737.8699 1737.8681 K E 138 154 PSM GMYDGPVFDLTTTPK 1221 sp|Q14195|DPYL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10254 60.648419999999994 2 1647.799811 1646.795739 R G 497 512 PSM QSHLLLQSSIPDQQLLK 1222 sp|A0MZ66|SHOT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10668 63.212185 2 1936.0747 1936.0720 R A 248 265 PSM ILDPEGLALGAVIASSK 1223 sp|Q8IY81|SPB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12573 75.59079833333332 2 1653.942363 1652.934888 R K 662 679 PSM APPPSLTDCIGTVDSR 1224 sp|Q9NZZ3|CHMP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 9-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7060 41.89277666666666 2 1694.816290 1694.817304 K A 12 28 PSM SDNGELEDKPPAPPVR 1225 sp|Q13177|PAK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5228 31.81074166666667 2 1778.8672 1777.8812 M M 2 18 PSM VFVGYNSTGAELR 1226 sp|P21579|SYT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6539 38.981654999999996 2 1421.728935 1421.717848 K H 377 390 PSM CKELFPIQMEGVK 1227 sp|O96008|TOM40_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11000 65.29455333333333 2 1560.7660 1560.7675 K L 90 103 PSM CKELFPIQMEGVK 1228 sp|O96008|TOM40_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11002 65.30571166666667 2 1572.8116 1572.8078 K L 90 103 PSM QETYKYFSLPFCVGSK 1229 sp|Q9HD45|TM9S3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 31.0 1-UNIMOD:28,5-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12312 73.878955 2 1947.9462 1947.9474 R K 55 71 PSM SFAPGSAALSTYTPENLLNK 1230 sp|Q96KN1|LRAT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 31.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10902 64.67871 2 2080.059392 2080.047686 K C 96 116 PSM AAPCIYWLPLTDSQIVQK 1231 sp|Q9UKV3-5|ACINU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 4-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12711 76.517 2 2108.1072 2108.1072 K E 1207 1225 PSM AGGIETIANEFSDR 1232 sp|Q92598-2|HS105_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9435 55.676 2 1478.7001 1478.7001 R C 20 34 PSM AGQPLQLLDASWYLPK 1233 sp|P25325|THTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13330 80.906 2 1804.9819 1804.9819 R L 25 41 PSM AINQGGLTSVAVR 1234 sp|P60900-2|PSA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5242 31.888 2 1284.715 1284.7150 K G 12 25 PSM AITGASLADIMAK 1235 sp|P83731|RL24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9354 55.18 2 1260.6748 1260.6748 R R 81 94 PSM ALIAAQYSGAQVR 1236 sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5516 33.314 2 1346.7306 1346.7306 K V 18 31 PSM ALIAAQYSGAQVR 1237 sp|P26641|EF1G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5530 33.388 2 1356.7389 1356.7389 K V 18 31 PSM ALTVPELTQQVFDAK 1238 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11622 69.383 2 1664.9081 1664.9081 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQVFDAK 1239 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11781 70.409 2 1664.9081 1664.9081 R N 283 298 PSM ALYDTFSAFGNILSCK 1240 sp|Q13310-2|PABP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13291 80.546 2 1805.8658 1805.8658 K V 114 130 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 1241 sp|P31942-6|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13186 79.754 2 1927.9667 1927.9667 R V 69 86 PSM ATVTATTKVPEIR 1242 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6236 37.336 2 1427.7984 1427.7984 M D 2 15 PSM AVLENNLGAAVLR 1243 sp|Q9NZL9-3|MAT2B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8265 48.791 2 1338.7619 1338.7619 K I 169 182 PSM AVQGFFTSNNATR 1244 sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5920 35.54 2 1411.6844 1411.6844 K D 116 129 PSM AWCVNCFACSTCNTK 1245 sp|P48059|LIMS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7571 44.816 2 1883.7519 1883.7519 K L 270 285 PSM CSVLAAANPVYGR 1246 sp|P25205|MCM3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6386 38.148 2 1376.6871 1376.6871 R Y 446 459 PSM DAGVIAGLNVLR 1247 sp|P0DMV8-2|HS71A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10041 59.309 2 1196.6877 1196.6877 K I 105 117 PSM DPENFPFVVLGNK 1248 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11392 67.717 2 1474.7456 1474.7456 R I 114 127 PSM DSSQGPCEPLPGPLTQPR 1249 sp|O15027-2|SC16A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7175 42.608 2 1934.9156 1934.9156 R A 101 119 PSM EEGWWVVIGDAK 1250 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11788 70.45 2 1393.6973 1393.6973 R S 2061 2073 PSM EIVLADVIDNDSWR 1251 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12081 72.345 2 1643.8155 1643.8155 K L 202 216 PSM EIVLADVIDNDSWR 1252 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12119 72.599 2 1643.8155 1643.8155 K L 202 216 PSM ELDSITPEVLPGWK 1253 sp|Q16891-3|MIC60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10951 64.989 2 1582.8243 1582.8243 R G 340 354 PSM FCNDLCVDPTEFR 1254 sp|Q8IWE4|DCNL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8983 52.981 2 1671.7021 1671.7021 R V 114 127 PSM FLGDIEVWDQAEK 1255 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10634 63.003 2 1554.7662 1554.7662 K Q 505 518 PSM FLGDIEVWDQAEK 1256 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10636 63.014 2 1548.746 1548.7460 K Q 505 518 PSM FQQAVDAVEEFLR 1257 sp|Q49A26-5|GLYR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12429 74.642 2 1560.7812 1560.7812 R R 79 92 PSM FQSPYEEQLEQQR 1258 sp|O00461|GOLI4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6245 37.387 2 1680.7744 1680.7744 K L 403 416 PSM FTQAGSEVSALLGR 1259 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9264 54.648 2 1434.7467 1434.7467 R I 311 325 PSM GFNEGLWEIDNNPK 1260 sp|O75475-3|PSIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9398 55.454 2 1631.758 1631.7580 K V 76 90 PSM GFSEGLWEIENNPTVK 1261 sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10376 61.408 2 1824.899 1824.8990 K A 81 97 PSM GISDPLTVFEQTEAAAR 1262 sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12244 73.427 2 1803.9003 1803.9003 R E 587 604 PSM GLPWSCSADEVQR 1263 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6963 41.32 2 1513.6859 1513.6859 R F 17 30 PSM GMGGLFSVGETTAK 1264 sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8468 49.957 2 1359.68 1359.6800 R V 284 298 PSM GPCIIYNEDNGIIK 1265 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7851 46.411 2 1604.7868 1604.7868 R A 206 220 PSM GQSEDPGSLLSLFR 1266 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12687 76.36 2 1504.7522 1504.7522 K R 410 424 PSM GSPMEISLPIALSK 1267 sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11311 67.23 2 1447.8052 1447.8052 K N 60 74 PSM GTQGVVTNFEIFR 1268 sp|P55884|EIF3B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10409 61.609 2 1466.7518 1466.7518 K M 536 549 PSM GVDEVTIVNILTNR 1269 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12403 74.473 3 1551.8496 1551.8496 K S 50 64 PSM IALTDNALIAR 1270 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7637 45.179 2 1179.6851 1179.6851 R S 167 178 PSM IALTDNALIAR 1271 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7639 45.187 2 1169.6768 1169.6768 R S 167 178 PSM ICFQGDEGACPTR 1272 sp|Q9NUD5|ZCHC3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4205 26.141 2 1519.6423 1519.6423 R D 169 182 PSM IDFSSIAVPGTSSPR 1273 sp|Q5TDH0-2|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9190 54.2 2 1532.7835 1532.7835 R Q 94 109 PSM IDMVPELLSSNLCSLK 1274 sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12767 76.888 2 1817.9267 1817.9267 R C 537 553 PSM IGNTGGMLDNILASK 1275 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9997 59.041 2 1502.7763 1502.7763 K L 365 380 PSM IIASSPEMNLPTVSALR 1276 sp|Q96C36|P5CR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10053 59.382 2 1807.9741 1807.9741 K K 30 47 PSM IILDLISESPIK 1277 sp|P61978-3|HNRPK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11830 70.72 2 1345.8164 1345.8164 K G 184 196 PSM ILDGMFAICGVSDSK 1278 sp|P12081-3|HARS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10949 64.978 2 1611.7637 1611.7637 R F 156 171 PSM ILSVQGTEPLVLFK 1279 sp|Q9H8H0-2|NOL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11736 70.119 2 1548.9223 1548.9223 R E 112 126 PSM IMDQAITVGAPVIGLNDSGGAR 1280 sp|P05166|PCCB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10025 59.208 2 2154.1103 2154.1103 K I 144 166 PSM IMLNTPEDVQALVSGK 1281 sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10361 61.314 2 1729.892 1729.8920 K L 259 275 PSM IMNTFSVVPSPK 1282 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7813 46.178 2 1318.6955 1318.6955 R V 163 175 PSM IQPSGGTNINEALLR 1283 sp|P19823|ITIH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6904 41 2 1581.8475 1581.8475 K A 380 395 PSM ISVYYNEATGGK 1284 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4718 29.104 2 1306.6501 1306.6501 R Y 47 59 PSM IVSLPECFNSPYGAK 1285 sp|Q9NQR4|NIT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8853 52.214 2 1680.8181 1680.8181 K Y 38 53 PSM KLASQADSTEQVDDTILT 1286 sp|Q92616|GCN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6657 39.617 2 1933.948 1933.9480 K - 2654 2672 PSM LAALADQWQFLVQK 1287 sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12054 72.168 2 1635.908 1635.9080 R S 1613 1627 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 1288 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10769 63.835 2 1632.9074 1632.9074 R S 639 654 PSM LAPEECFSPLDLFNK 1289 sp|O75319-2|DUS11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12879 77.683 2 1778.8549 1778.8549 K I 112 127 PSM LATGSDDNCAAFFEGPPFK 1290 sp|O75083|WDR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10425 61.703 2 2042.9044 2042.9044 R F 162 181 PSM LATGSDDNCAAFFEGPPFK 1291 sp|O75083|WDR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4,19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10447 61.84 2 2048.9245 2048.9245 R F 162 181 PSM LATPELLETAQALER 1292 sp|Q8N6R0-2|EFNMT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11164 66.317 2 1663.902 1663.9020 K T 357 372 PSM LDIDPETITWQR 1293 sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9779 57.692 2 1485.7464 1485.7464 R V 521 533 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 1294 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11800 70.53 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LENYPIPEPGPNEVLLR 1295 sp|Q00796|DHSO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10190 60.253 3 1949.0258 1949.0258 R M 22 39 PSM LGDQPVYLPTQMLVK 1296 sp|P30530-2|UFO_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10943 64.938 2 1700.9171 1700.9171 R F 628 643 PSM LGGDLGTYVINK 1297 sp|Q16595-2|FRDA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7314 43.406 2 1248.6714 1248.6714 K Q 136 148 PSM LGSIAIQGAIEK 1298 sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6620 39.419 2 1204.7123 1204.7123 K A 67 79 PSM LLQEIVDQCMNR 1299 sp|O15269|SPTC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6553 39.06 2 1543.7362 1543.7362 R S 411 423 PSM LLSCSADGTLR 1300 sp|O43815-2|STRN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4108 25.649 2 1191.5918 1191.5918 R L 535 546 PSM LLSDFLDSEVSELR 1301 sp|Q9BPX3|CND3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12625 75.94 2 1621.8199 1621.8199 K T 695 709 PSM LNIISNLDCVNEVIGIR 1302 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13122 79.329 2 1941.0353 1941.0353 R Q 382 399 PSM LNTQEIFDDWAR 1303 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11325 67.318 2 1506.7103 1506.7103 K K 693 705 PSM LSDGFNGADLR 1304 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5719 34.479 2 1173.5654 1173.5654 K N 334 345 PSM LSLAQEDLISNR 1305 sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7425 44.028 2 1357.7201 1357.7201 K N 1056 1068 PSM LTFSCLGGSDNFK 1306 sp|Q15185-2|TEBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8456 49.895 2 1444.6657 1444.6657 K H 36 49 PSM LTVLPPELGNLDLTGQK 1307 sp|Q15404-2|RSU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11913 71.251 2 1813.0292 1813.0292 R Q 139 156 PSM LVGDVDFEGVR 1308 sp|P13995-2|MTDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7493 44.389 2 1214.6171 1214.6171 K Q 187 198 PSM LVLDPGEAPLVPVYSGK 1309 sp|Q8NCF5|NF2IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10517 62.276 2 1752.9662 1752.9662 R V 113 130 PSM LWNTTEVAPALSVFNDTK 1310 sp|O43815-2|STRN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12248 73.451 2 2011.0358 2011.0358 R E 546 564 PSM MENILSGNPLLNLTGPSQPQANFK 1311 sp|Q9P013|CWC15_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12365 74.232 3 2598.3112 2598.3112 R V 160 184 PSM MTDVFEGSIIR 1312 sp|P42285|MTREX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9118 53.773 2 1276.6361 1276.6361 K C 985 996 PSM NFILDQTNVSAAAQR 1313 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7757 45.847 3 1646.8376 1646.8376 R R 557 572 PSM NIGWGTDQGIGGFGEEPGIK 1314 sp|Q9Y5U9|IR3IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10339 61.176 2 2030.9698 2030.9698 K S 30 50 PSM NIIQQAIDAGEVPSYNAFVK 1315 sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12425 74.62 2 2182.1366 2182.1366 R E 161 181 PSM NLATTVTEEILEK 1316 sp|O43390-3|HNRPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11997 71.794 2 1465.7971 1465.7971 R S 309 322 PSM NNLCPSGSNIISNLFK 1317 sp|P60033|CD81_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 4-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12320 73.933 2 1782.903 1782.9030 K E 172 188 PSM NNVSLLQSCIDLFK 1318 sp|Q9Y5X3|SNX5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12356 74.171 2 1649.8447 1649.8447 R N 389 403 PSM NPGYPQSEGLLGECMIR 1319 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7856 46.438 2 1935.8819 1935.8819 K H 83 100 PSM NQYDNDVTVWSPQGR 1320 sp|P25786|PSA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7158 42.509 2 1777.802 1777.8020 R I 4 19 PSM NQYDNDVTVWSPQGR 1321 sp|P25786|PSA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7176 42.615 2 1787.8102 1787.8102 R I 4 19 PSM NSEGWEQNGLYEFFR 1322 sp|Q8IWX8|CHERP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12572 75.585 2 1884.8306 1884.8306 R A 704 719 PSM NTAAVLEAAQELLR 1323 sp|Q9BVQ7-3|SPA5L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13030 78.71 2 1507.8234 1507.8234 R N 127 141 PSM NTAAVLEAAQELLR 1324 sp|Q9BVQ7-3|SPA5L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13035 78.746 2 1497.8151 1497.8151 R N 127 141 PSM NTEYLFELANSIR 1325 sp|Q8WUX2|CHAC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12545 75.404 2 1568.7835 1568.7835 R N 141 154 PSM NTGIICTIGPASR 1326 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5891 35.394 2 1368.7059 1368.7059 R S 44 57 PSM PALELLEPIEQK 1327 sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10180 60.193 2 1378.7708 1378.7708 R F 368 380 PSM QLGDAFADLSLK 1328 sp|P53367-2|ARFP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10378 61.419 2 1282.6864 1282.6864 R S 163 175 PSM QLPNGDWPQENIAGVFNK 1329 sp|P48449-2|ERG7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10844 64.306 2 2025.9908 2025.9908 K S 601 619 PSM QLQALSSELAQAR 1330 sp|P35241|RADI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7302 43.333 2 1423.7659 1423.7659 K D 527 540 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 1331 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9619 56.751 2 1693.8094 1693.8094 K Y 110 124 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 1332 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11221 66.676 2 1687.8227 1687.8227 K Y 110 124 PSM QSSFALLGDLTK 1333 sp|Q92973-3|TNPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10968 65.094 2 1284.7021 1284.7021 R A 643 655 PSM QVVQTPNTVLSTPFR 1334 sp|Q99459|CDC5L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8784 51.815 2 1695.9183 1695.9183 R T 400 415 PSM SALENMLSETQSR 1335 sp|Q9C075-2|K1C23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=4253 26.411 2 1480.6828 1480.6828 K Y 172 185 PSM SCDGNQELLNFLR 1336 sp|Q9UIG0-2|BAZ1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11288 67.092 2 1564.7304 1564.7304 K S 1040 1053 PSM SEGSPLVVLPYMK 1337 sp|P08581|MET_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10533 62.372 2 1424.7681 1424.7681 R H 1149 1162 PSM SELEQLRQEAEQLR 1338 sp|Q9HAV0|GBB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11322 67.296 3 1769.8908 1769.8908 M N 2 16 PSM SGGMSNELNNIISR 1339 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8451 49.868 2 1490.7147 1490.7147 R T 392 406 PSM SGGMSNELNNIISR 1340 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8457 49.9 2 1500.723 1500.7230 R T 392 406 PSM SGGNLEVMGLMLGK 1341 sp|Q92905|CSN5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11344 67.425 2 1410.7306 1410.7306 R V 71 85 PSM SGGSGGCSGAGGASNCGTGSGR 1342 sp|Q15005|SPCS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 7-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4,22-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=438 5.9984 2 1866.7209 1866.7209 R S 11 33 PSM SGGVGGSNTNWK 1343 sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1858 13.722 2 1162.5367 1162.5367 K T 432 444 PSM SGLELEPEEPPGWR 1344 sp|Q92888-2|ARHG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8917 52.585 2 1594.7627 1594.7627 R E 353 367 PSM SGLGELILPENEPGSSIMPGK 1345 sp|P07954-2|FUMH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11079 65.781 2 2124.0773 2124.0773 R V 308 329 PSM SGSGTMNLGGSLTR 1346 sp|P47756-2|CAPZB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5268 32.023 2 1346.6488 1346.6488 K Q 182 196 PSM SLDIQVPNFPADETK 1347 sp|P47897-2|SYQ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9837 58.04 2 1672.8308 1672.8308 K G 576 591 PSM SLDLFNCEVTNLNDYR 1348 sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11503 68.55 2 1971.8996 1971.8996 K E 117 133 PSM SLEEGEGPIAVIMTPTR 1349 sp|Q7L014|DDX46_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10671 63.235 2 1798.9135 1798.9135 R E 439 456 PSM SLELNPNNSTAMLR 1350 sp|Q9Y2Z0-2|SGT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7803 46.119 2 1558.7773 1558.7773 K K 71 85 PSM SLSSPTDNLELSLR 1351 sp|Q9Y2X7|GIT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8838 52.126 2 1530.789 1530.7890 K S 359 373 PSM SLVASLAEPDFVVTDFAK 1352 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12848 77.458 2 1907.988 1907.9880 K F 265 283 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 1353 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6949 41.243 2 1528.7033 1528.7033 R N 228 241 PSM SPLTQEQLIPNLAMK 1354 sp|Q9UNE7-2|CHIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10449 61.852 2 1687.9274 1687.9274 R E 201 216 PSM SPQENLVPCDVLLLR 1355 sp|Q9HD20|AT131_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11632 69.445 2 1761.9323 1761.9323 R G 328 343 PSM SPVEVAQDVLAAVGK 1356 sp|Q6IAN0|DRS7B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12671 76.251 2 1487.8291 1487.8291 R K 268 283 PSM SQEQLAAELAEYTAK 1357 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9450 55.76 2 1656.8302 1656.8302 K I 413 428 PSM SQMDGLIPGVEPR 1358 sp|Q9Y2X3|NOP58_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8305 49.018 2 1397.6973 1397.6973 R E 121 134 PSM SSGSALTVWGTGNPR 1359 sp|Q13630|FCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6662 39.646 2 1498.7404 1498.7404 K R 200 215 PSM SVGNTIDPVILFQK 1360 sp|P46821|MAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11050 65.599 3 1535.8655 1535.8655 R M 401 415 PSM TAVETAVLLLR 1361 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10472 61.992 2 1194.7211 1194.7211 K I 470 481 PSM TAVETAVLLLR 1362 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10473 61.997 2 1184.7129 1184.7129 K I 470 481 PSM TAWGQQPDLAANEAQLLR 1363 sp|Q9UNM6|PSD13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9919 58.556 2 1991.01 1991.0100 K K 253 271 PSM TFAPEEISAMVLTK 1364 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11649 69.553 2 1541.8107 1541.8107 K M 139 153 PSM TFDATNPLNLCVK 1365 sp|Q8TD19|NEK9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9536 56.269 2 1491.7392 1491.7392 R I 250 263 PSM TFGENYVQELLEK 1366 sp|O94903|PLPHP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12044 72.103 2 1568.7722 1568.7722 R A 64 77 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 1367 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12041 72.086 2 1648.9495 1648.9495 K D 39 55 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 1368 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12051 72.151 2 1642.9294 1642.9294 K D 39 55 PSM TGAAPIIDVVR 1369 sp|P46776|RL27A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6970 41.36 2 1120.648 1120.6480 K S 95 106 PSM TGAAPIIDVVR 1370 sp|P46776|RL27A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6971 41.364 2 1110.6397 1110.6397 K S 95 106 PSM TLESQNLFCCLYR 1371 sp|Q08AM6-2|VAC14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10689 63.347 2 1712.789 1712.7890 K S 43 56 PSM TLQEQLENGPNTQLAR 1372 sp|Q9P2E9-3|RRBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6740 40.097 2 1810.9173 1810.9173 R L 349 365 PSM TLSFGSDLNYATR 1373 sp|Q14152-2|EIF3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8348 49.269 2 1453.7077 1453.7077 R E 456 469 PSM TLSPGDSFSTFDTPYCR 1374 sp|Q9NQR4|NIT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 16-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9204 54.287 2 1959.8548 1959.8548 K V 131 148 PSM TLYVEEVVPNVIEPSFGLGR 1375 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13189 79.771 2 2227.1764 2227.1764 K I 564 584 PSM TNGKEPELLEPIPYEFMA 1376 sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 4-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12904 77.855 2 2083.0279 2083.0279 R - 143 161 PSM TPAQFDADELR 1377 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5756 34.681 2 1271.6021 1271.6021 K A 114 125 PSM TPEILTVNSIGQLK 1378 sp|Q8NFH3|NUP43_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9623 56.776 2 1517.876 1517.8760 R I 183 197 PSM TPEILTVNSIGQLK 1379 sp|Q8NFH3|NUP43_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9624 56.78 2 1511.8559 1511.8559 R I 183 197 PSM TPPYADPSLQAPVR 1380 sp|Q04206-2|TF65_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6211 37.187 2 1520.7863 1520.7863 R V 241 255 PSM TTLPTFQSPEFSVTR 1381 sp|Q9Y5X3|SNX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9618 56.746 2 1709.8625 1709.8625 K Q 53 68 PSM TTLPTFQSPEFSVTR 1382 sp|Q9Y5X3|SNX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9621 56.761 2 1719.8707 1719.8707 K Q 53 68 PSM TVQSLEIDLDSMR 1383 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7998 47.261 2 1521.7345 1521.7345 R N 302 315 PSM TVQSLEIDLDSMR 1384 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10193 60.275 2 1515.7478 1515.7478 R N 302 315 PSM VAAAESMPLLLECAR 1385 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10278 60.796 2 1639.8301 1639.8301 R V 661 676 PSM VALVYGQMNEPPGAR 1386 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 8-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5000 30.613 2 1626.8063 1626.8063 K A 265 280 PSM VAMPVELNEPLNTLQR 1387 sp|Q9H4L5-8|OSBL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10171 60.137 2 1822.9611 1822.9611 K L 476 492 PSM VEILANDQGNR 1388 sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2695 18.289 2 1227.6208 1227.6208 R T 28 39 PSM VFFTCNACGESVK 1389 sp|Q9NX58|LYAR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 5-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6098 36.533 2 1523.6844 1523.6844 M K 2 15 PSM VFIWTCDDASSNTWSPK 1390 sp|P55735-2|SEC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10307 60.975 2 2012.8938 2012.8938 R L 226 243 PSM VIAALLQTMEDQGNQR 1391 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10312 61.008 3 1795.9126 1795.9126 K V 382 398 PSM VIGAGEFGEVYK 1392 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7434 44.076 2 1267.6449 1267.6449 K G 618 630 PSM VIGSGCNLDSAR 1393 sp|P00338-4|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2798 18.79 2 1257.6011 1257.6011 R F 100 112 PSM VLCPIIQTADYPINLAAIK 1394 sp|Q7Z460-2|CLAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12611 75.845 2 2112.1653 2112.1653 K M 1359 1378 PSM VLLESEQFLTELTR 1395 sp|P37108|SRP14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12688 76.366 2 1686.9068 1686.9068 M L 2 16 PSM VLQDMGLPTGAEGR 1396 sp|Q12906-4|ILF3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 5-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=4571 28.194 2 1458.7137 1458.7137 K D 461 475 PSM VLVDQTTGLSR 1397 sp|Q15717|ELAV1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4385 27.073 2 1197.6593 1197.6593 R G 137 148 PSM VLYPNDNFFEGK 1398 sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8951 52.792 2 1447.7079 1447.7079 R E 279 291 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 1399 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8329 49.157 2 2490.1705 2490.1705 R C 178 201 PSM VQISPDSGGLPER 1400 sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4946 30.318 2 1353.6888 1353.6888 K S 178 191 PSM VQQTVQDLFGR 1401 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7646 45.228 2 1299.6811 1299.6811 K A 395 406 PSM VSAPGVLTAQDR 1402 sp|Q9C0C2-2|TB182_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4518 27.885 2 1212.6463 1212.6463 K V 263 275 PSM VSAPGVLTAQDR 1403 sp|Q9C0C2-2|TB182_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4531 27.953 2 1222.6545 1222.6545 K V 263 275 PSM VSGISFPTTELLR 1404 sp|Q9BW92|SYTM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10959 65.039 2 1428.7852 1428.7852 R V 276 289 PSM VTFEDATDFFGR 1405 sp|Q86WQ0|NR2CA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11148 66.216 2 1413.644 1413.6440 K V 115 127 PSM VTFESPLELSAQGK 1406 sp|Q6X4W1-4|NSMF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9147 53.955 2 1504.7773 1504.7773 R Q 457 471 PSM VVLIGDSGVGK 1407 sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5338 32.389 2 1048.6224 1048.6224 K S 14 25 PSM YAICSALAASALPALVMSK 1408 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13043 78.799 2 1936.0162 1936.0162 R G 122 141 PSM YIGEVGDIVVGR 1409 sp|Q13868-3|EXOS2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8257 48.746 2 1285.6906 1285.6906 R I 76 88 PSM YIQPWESEFIDSQR 1410 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10370 61.372 3 1806.8452 1806.8452 R V 1371 1385 PSM YIQPWESEFIDSQR 1411 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10364 61.337 2 1796.837 1796.8370 R V 1371 1385 PSM YVPGSSGSSNTLPTADPFTGAGR 1412 sp|Q9Y263|PLAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 30.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8208 48.468 2 2238.0553 2238.0553 R Y 477 500 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 1413 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11178 66.40210833333333 2 1742.8639 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 1414 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11687 69.80059833333333 2 2031.985983 2030.994922 R W 1406 1424 PSM MTNGFSGADLTEICQR 1415 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8081 47.72291666666667 2 1815.778167 1814.792734 K A 678 694 PSM QEYDESGPSIVHR 1416 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5009 30.66261666666667 2 1508.6787 1508.6766 K K 360 373 PSM VEIIANDQGNR 1417 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=2696 18.293716666666665 2 1237.630658 1237.629033 R I 50 61 PSM QATKDAGVIAGLNVLR 1418 sp|P0DMV8|HS71A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10222 60.4564 2 1607.8999 1607.8990 R I 156 172 PSM VLTFDLTKYPDANPNPNEQ 1419 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 8-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9552 56.363706666666666 3 2182.071655 2181.068543 K - 1215 1234 PSM QMADTGKLNTLLQR 1420 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=7412 43.958196666666666 2 1586.8084 1586.8081 K A 545 559 PSM QMADTGKLNTLLQR 1421 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28,7-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8842 52.15191666666667 2 1586.8409 1586.8416 K A 545 559 PSM VLLLSSPGLEELYR 1422 sp|Q8N163|CCAR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12014 71.906235 2 1597.892518 1597.895478 K C 310 324 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 1423 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12121 72.61054 2 1778.914996 1777.938423 K F 107 124 PSM QQCFSKDIVENYFMR 1424 sp|Q13263|TIF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28,3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11812 70.60498166666666 2 1946.8696 1946.8650 K D 122 137 PSM VIGSGCNLDSAR 1425 sp|Q6ZMR3|LDH6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=3674 23.359005 2 1258.586107 1257.601104 R F 158 170 PSM QADLYISEGLHPR 1426 sp|P40227|TCPZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8545 50.38779166666667 2 1481.7362 1480.7302 K I 105 118 PSM TLFATEDALEVR 1427 sp|O00159|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9040 53.315275 2 1364.687415 1363.698346 K R 722 734 PSM QKVIGAGEFGEVYK 1428 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8052 47.56201333333333 2 1506.7723 1506.7713 R G 616 630 PSM SLVQEMVGSFGK 1429 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11290 67.10163 2 1281.6572 1280.6432 R R 546 558 PSM QVVQGLLSETYLEAHR 1430 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11984 71.70600333333333 2 1824.9331 1824.9365 R I 287 303 PSM NSLGGDVLFVGK 1431 sp|Q9H0D6|XRN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8473 49.98561 2 1205.647529 1204.645188 R H 677 689 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1432 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=12362 74.213945 2 1759.787783 1758.806927 K I 59 74 PSM LVILANNCPALR 1433 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8161 48.19403666666666 2 1363.751784 1362.768110 K K 45 57 PSM TVQGPPTSDDIFER 1434 sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6997 41.515145000000004 2 1570.754797 1570.750270 K E 33 47 PSM QSIAIDDCTFHQCVR 1435 sp|Q96CW1|AP2M1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7733 45.706179999999996 2 1841.8087 1841.8059 K L 239 254 PSM GNENANGAPAITLLIR 1436 sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10670 63.229353333333336 2 1623.859662 1622.874019 K E 93 109 PSM LSLVDLAGSER 1437 sp|Q9NQT8|KI13B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8810 51.964145 2 1168.631740 1168.632721 K A 249 260 PSM LADPVTPVETILQR 1438 sp|Q9NVN8|GNL3L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10573 62.625015000000005 2 1550.868973 1550.866808 K C 328 342 PSM CVAPLSSEDFFLSGSKDR 1439 sp|Q562E7|WDR81_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 30.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12205 73.16323333333334 2 2012.9472 2012.9479 K T 1653 1671 PSM SGGSAGEITFLEALAR 1440 sp|Q9GZR1|SENP6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12544 75.39843833333333 2 1578.792479 1577.804936 K S 6 22 PSM ALVGTVNEAGETALDIARK 1441 sp|Q8TDY4|ASAP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 30.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12384 74.35426166666667 2 1937.020510 1937.045724 R K 646 665 PSM AASCVLLHTGQK 1442 sp|P14550|AK1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5942 35.661 2 1331.6963 1331.6963 M M 2 14 PSM AAVATFLQSVQVPEFTPK 1443 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12499 75.102 2 1938.0558 1938.0558 R S 745 763 PSM AAVATFLQSVQVPEFTPK 1444 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12490 75.044 2 1932.0357 1932.0357 R S 745 763 PSM AGAVAEEVLAAIR 1445 sp|P08183-2|MDR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11118 66.031 2 1278.7171 1278.7171 K T 186 199 PSM AGGIETIANEYSDR 1446 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7103 42.164 2 1504.7033 1504.7033 R C 20 34 PSM AIEFLNNPPEEAPR 1447 sp|Q4G0J3|LARP7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7839 46.335 2 1595.7944 1595.7944 K K 182 196 PSM AINCATSGVVGLVNCLR 1448 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 4-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10987 65.212 3 1802.9131 1802.9131 K R 1445 1462 PSM AINQGGLTSVAVR 1449 sp|P60900-2|PSA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5258 31.971 2 1294.7233 1294.7233 K G 12 25 PSM ALCIDQLDVFLQK 1450 sp|Q5T8P6-6|RBM26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 3-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12764 76.871 2 1567.8375 1567.8375 K E 51 64 PSM ALEIPGEELPGVCSAR 1451 sp|P22570-4|ADRO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9064 53.449 2 1696.8454 1696.8454 R A 88 104 PSM ALGTEVIQLFPEK 1452 sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11163 66.312 2 1443.7973 1443.7973 R G 321 334 PSM ALQGASQIIAEIR 1453 sp|O00429-4|DNM1L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9693 57.167 2 1378.7808 1378.7808 K E 682 695 PSM ALTSEIALLQSR 1454 sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9291 54.806 2 1310.7433 1310.7433 K L 525 537 PSM ALTSEIALLQSR 1455 sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9292 54.81 2 1300.7351 1300.7351 K L 525 537 PSM AMDSDWFAENYMGR 1456 sp|P55084-2|ECHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10646 63.077 2 1701.6791 1701.6791 K K 370 384 PSM AQFEGIVTDLIR 1457 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11728 70.067 2 1370.7433 1370.7433 R R 349 361 PSM AQIFANTVDNAR 1458 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5078 31.041 2 1318.663 1318.6630 R I 138 150 PSM AQTGAPCLSFDIVR 1459 sp|Q9BQ67|GRWD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9553 56.369 2 1533.761 1533.7610 R D 60 74 PSM ATAEVLNIGKK 1460 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6828 40.599 2 1196.7167 1196.7167 M L 2 13 PSM AVLVDLEPGTMDSVR 1461 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9350 55.151 2 1610.8213 1610.8213 R S 63 78 PSM AVQGFFTSNNATR 1462 sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5921 35.545 2 1421.6927 1421.6927 K D 116 129 PSM CAGNEDIITLR 1463 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6359 38.001 2 1270.6215 1270.6215 K A 81 92 PSM CCMLFVDDMAEPR 1464 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9799 57.811 2 1652.6695 1652.6695 R E 324 337 PSM CMEPDPEIPSAFNSLQR 1465 sp|Q9NX46|ARHL2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9567 56.45 2 1989.8924 1989.8924 R T 287 304 PSM CVPDPDTGLYMLQLAGR 1466 sp|P58107|EPIPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11869 70.969 2 1904.9125 1904.9125 R G 2404 2421 PSM CVVSSLGITDR 1467 sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6188 37.057 2 1205.6074 1205.6074 R G 151 162 PSM DFGNYLFNFASAATK 1468 sp|Q96A49|SYAP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13483 82.241 2 1670.8036 1670.8036 K K 56 71 PSM ELLLQPVTISR 1469 sp|P59998|ARPC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9035 53.286 2 1277.7583 1277.7583 K N 45 56 PSM ELSDFISYLQR 1470 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11853 70.87 2 1369.6878 1369.6878 R E 472 483 PSM ELTEEKESAFEFLSSA 1471 sp|P40925-2|MDHC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11246 66.827 2 1815.8414 1815.8414 K - 230 246 PSM EPFLLSGGDDGALK 1472 sp|Q9BQ67|GRWD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9061 53.433 2 1417.7089 1417.7089 R I 320 334 PSM FAAATGATPIAGR 1473 sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3954 24.842 2 1212.649 1212.6490 K F 90 103 PSM FAQPGSFEYEYAMR 1474 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8738 51.538 2 1704.7482 1704.7482 R W 257 271 PSM FATEAAITILR 1475 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9249 54.554 2 1214.6898 1214.6898 K I 516 527 PSM FFDEESYSLLR 1476 sp|P51571|SSRD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10085 59.594 2 1414.6644 1414.6644 R K 106 117 PSM FICTTSAIQNR 1477 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 3-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4367 26.969 2 1319.6531 1319.6531 K F 18 29 PSM FIFDCVSQEYGINPER 1478 sp|A6NDG6|PGP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10841 64.288 2 1982.9072 1982.9072 R T 239 255 PSM FLDGNELTLADCNLLPK 1479 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11702 69.9 2 1937.9864 1937.9864 K L 167 184 PSM FLEQLQELDAK 1480 sp|Q8N1B4-2|VPS52_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9156 54.009 2 1332.6925 1332.6925 R A 70 81 PSM FLQDYFDGNLK 1481 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9674 57.053 2 1364.6708 1364.6708 R R 352 363 PSM FQTFVQDAESNPLCR 1482 sp|Q9NZN5-2|ARHGC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9234 54.461 2 1820.8391 1820.8391 R R 889 904 PSM FSMVVQDGIVK 1483 sp|P30044-4|PRDX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8040 47.499 2 1227.6629 1227.6629 R A 92 103 PSM FSMVVQDGIVK 1484 sp|P30044-4|PRDX5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8041 47.503 2 1221.6427 1221.6427 R A 92 103 PSM FSYLAVIEGAK 1485 sp|P18031|PTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10717 63.518 2 1196.6441 1196.6441 R F 269 280 PSM FSYLAVIEGAK 1486 sp|P18031|PTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10718 63.523 2 1202.6643 1202.6643 R F 269 280 PSM GALTTVEGLITR 1487 sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10526 62.332 2 1229.698 1229.6980 K A 141 153 PSM GCDVVVIPAGVPR 1488 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7700 45.523 2 1337.7126 1337.7126 K K 92 105 PSM GDGQFFAVSVVCPETGAR 1489 sp|O95163|ELP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9808 57.867 2 1905.8919 1905.8919 R K 202 220 PSM GFVLQDTVEQLR 1490 sp|P56192-2|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9987 58.983 2 1413.7491 1413.7491 R C 377 389 PSM GFVLQDTVEQLR 1491 sp|P56192-2|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9988 58.988 2 1403.7409 1403.7409 R C 377 389 PSM GGGAFVQNSQPVAVR 1492 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4547 28.045 2 1485.7688 1485.7688 R G 942 957 PSM GIDYDFPSLILQK 1493 sp|Q9BYG3|MK67I_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12201 73.141 2 1507.7922 1507.7922 K T 180 193 PSM GLCAIAQAESLR 1494 sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 3-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7499 44.414 2 1297.6688 1297.6688 R Y 95 107 PSM GNAPEGLPQLMEVVR 1495 sp|A5YKK6-3|CNOT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11182 66.431 2 1618.8376 1618.8376 R S 1795 1810 PSM GNPTVEVDLFTSK 1496 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8802 51.917 2 1411.729 1411.7290 R G 16 29 PSM GSYGDLGGPIITTQVTIPK 1497 sp|P61978-3|HNRPK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10113 59.773 2 1916.0255 1916.0255 R D 354 373 PSM GVDEVTIVNILTNR 1498 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12400 74.456 3 1541.8413 1541.8413 K S 50 64 PSM GVDEVTIVNILTNR 1499 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12399 74.45 2 1551.8496 1551.8496 K S 50 64 PSM GVEGLIDIENPNR 1500 sp|Q13442|HAP28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8483 50.035 2 1424.726 1424.7260 K V 76 89 PSM GVNLPGAAVDLPAVSEK 1501 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9121 53.794 2 1641.9033 1641.9033 K D 208 225 PSM GYISPYFINTSK 1502 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8493 50.088 2 1388.6976 1388.6976 R G 222 234 PSM GYPPEDIFNLVGK 1503 sp|Q9NR45|SIAS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11925 71.331 2 1447.7347 1447.7347 K K 321 334 PSM ICFQGDEGACPTR 1504 sp|Q9NUD5|ZCHC3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4220 26.227 2 1509.634 1509.6340 R D 169 182 PSM IFVGGLSPDTPEEK 1505 sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7063 41.909 2 1493.7709 1493.7709 K I 165 179 PSM IFVGGLSPDTPEEK 1506 sp|Q14103-4|HNRPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7070 41.953 2 1487.7508 1487.7508 K I 165 179 PSM IGEGTYGTVFK 1507 sp|Q00535-2|CDK5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6314 37.77 2 1176.6122 1176.6122 K A 10 21 PSM IIDEDGLLNLIR 1508 sp|P35251-2|RFC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12649 76.104 2 1382.7769 1382.7769 K T 469 481 PSM IISLETYNLLR 1509 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11144 66.193 2 1333.7606 1333.7606 R E 3794 3805 PSM IISLETYNLLR 1510 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11155 66.26 2 1343.7688 1343.7688 R E 3794 3805 PSM ILDMCAAPGSK 1511 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4825 29.678 2 1161.5522 1161.5522 K T 180 191 PSM ILDMCCAPGGK 1512 sp|P46087-2|NOP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4864 29.881 2 1226.5553 1226.5553 R T 384 395 PSM ILDMCCAPGGK 1513 sp|P46087-2|NOP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4865 29.886 2 1220.5352 1220.5352 R T 384 395 PSM ILIIGESGVGK 1514 sp|Q9NP72-2|RAB18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6954 41.272 2 1084.6492 1084.6492 K S 11 22 PSM ILVDQVTGISR 1515 sp|Q12926-2|ELAV2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6930 41.132 2 1209.6957 1209.6957 R G 156 167 PSM IMVANIEEVLQR 1516 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11127 66.086 2 1413.765 1413.7650 R G 148 160 PSM INISEGNCPER 1517 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 8-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2701 18.321 2 1297.596 1297.5960 R I 47 58 PSM INMNGVNSSNGVVDPR 1518 sp|Q13404|UB2V1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5236 31.853 2 1681.8081 1681.8081 K A 88 104 PSM IQELENLPGSLAGDLR 1519 sp|P51532-5|SMCA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10807 64.071 2 1733.9187 1733.9187 R T 382 398 PSM IQIFPVDSAIDTISPLNQK 1520 sp|Q6ZMI0-4|PPR21_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12682 76.323 2 2098.131 2098.1310 R F 281 300 PSM ISVNNVLPVFDNLMQQK 1521 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12059 72.204 2 1980.0446 1980.0446 R L 206 223 PSM ISVYYNEATGGK 1522 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4720 29.115 2 1300.6299 1300.6299 R Y 47 59 PSM ITQDIFQQLLK 1523 sp|P56192-2|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11941 71.43 2 1351.7807 1351.7807 K R 365 376 PSM IVEIPFNSTNK 1524 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6918 41.072 2 1260.6714 1260.6714 K Y 477 488 PSM IVEPYIAWGYPNLK 1525 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11385 67.672 2 1667.9019 1667.9019 R S 135 149 PSM IVPNVLLEQGK 1526 sp|O75390|CISY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7322 43.453 2 1214.733 1214.7330 K A 383 394 PSM KGQGGAGAGDDEEED 1527 sp|P46781|RS9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=502 6.4065 2 1433.5543 1433.5543 K - 180 195 PSM LAEGVQLLCLIDK 1528 sp|Q9BZH6|WDR11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12375 74.296 2 1470.8116 1470.8116 K A 1063 1076 PSM LDDIFEPVLIPEPK 1529 sp|Q14008-2|CKAP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12271 73.606 2 1629.8961 1629.8961 K I 1510 1524 PSM LDDIFEPVLIPEPK 1530 sp|Q14008-2|CKAP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12280 73.666 2 1623.876 1623.8760 K I 1510 1524 PSM LDQQTLPLGGR 1531 sp|P98175-4|RBM10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5255 31.952 2 1196.6513 1196.6513 R E 176 187 PSM LEALLEAAGIGK 1532 sp|Q8IWZ3|ANKH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9508 56.104 2 1183.6812 1183.6812 R L 146 158 PSM LEEGPPVTTVLTR 1533 sp|P08559-3|ODPA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7454 44.183 2 1420.7801 1420.7801 R E 46 59 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 1534 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12302 73.813 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LFEAEAQDLFR 1535 sp|Q9H223|EHD4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10479 62.03 2 1347.6698 1347.6698 R D 273 284 PSM LFSADPFDLEAQAK 1536 sp|Q5TDH0-2|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10929 64.852 2 1556.7818 1556.7818 R I 192 206 PSM LFVSGACDASAK 1537 sp|P62873-2|GBB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 7-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3722 23.603 2 1230.601 1230.6010 R L 198 210 PSM LGASALDSIQEFR 1538 sp|Q8IY17-5|PLPL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9387 55.381 2 1405.7201 1405.7201 R L 750 763 PSM LGPALATGNVVVMK 1539 sp|P05091-2|ALDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8042 47.507 2 1368.7799 1368.7799 K V 149 163 PSM LGPGGLDPVEVYESLPEELQK 1540 sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13055 78.876 2 2268.1525 2268.1525 R C 287 308 PSM LGQMVLSGVDTVLGK 1541 sp|O60664-4|PLIN3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11065 65.696 2 1521.8532 1521.8532 R S 169 184 PSM LGSIAIQGAIEK 1542 sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6622 39.427 2 1198.6921 1198.6921 K A 67 79 PSM LGYAGNTEPQFIIPSCIAIK 1543 sp|P61158|ARP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 16-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11877 71.022 2 2197.1549 2197.1549 K E 19 39 PSM LIASYCNVGDIEGASK 1544 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 6-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7122 42.287 2 1701.8339 1701.8339 R I 203 219 PSM LLDAVDTYIPVPAR 1545 sp|P49411|EFTU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10265 60.72 2 1551.8536 1551.8536 K D 239 253 PSM LLDLVQQSCNYK 1546 sp|P55769|NH2L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7432 44.066 2 1479.7392 1479.7392 K Q 22 34 PSM LLELQEVDSLLR 1547 sp|P16144-4|ITB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12595 75.744 2 1426.8031 1426.8031 K G 1061 1073 PSM LLQFYAETCPAPER 1548 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8139 48.07 2 1693.8134 1693.8134 R G 118 132 PSM LLTIGDANGEIQR 1549 sp|Q86X55-2|CARM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6832 40.62 2 1408.755 1408.7550 R H 37 50 PSM LQVAGEITTGPR 1550 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5114 31.228 2 1240.6776 1240.6776 R V 347 359 PSM LQVAGEITTGPR 1551 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5115 31.232 2 1250.6858 1250.6858 R V 347 359 PSM LQVWDTAGQER 1552 sp|P51153|RAB13_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5749 34.641 2 1301.6364 1301.6364 K F 59 70 PSM LSDGFNGADLR 1553 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5703 34.387 2 1163.5571 1163.5571 K N 334 345 PSM LSGLADQMVAR 1554 sp|O95400|CD2B2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5804 34.933 2 1169.6102 1169.6102 R G 202 213 PSM LSGSNPYTTVTPQIINSK 1555 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7761 45.869 2 1919 1919.0000 K W 605 623 PSM LSGTGSAGATIR 1556 sp|P36871-2|PGM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1761 13.239 2 1089.5778 1089.5778 R L 522 534 PSM LSILYPATTGR 1557 sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7468 44.263 2 1200.6742 1200.6742 K N 145 156 PSM LSVISVEDPPQR 1558 sp|P38117|ETFB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6296 37.671 2 1348.7226 1348.7226 K T 222 234 PSM LSVLGAITSVQQR 1559 sp|P62495-2|ERF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9945 58.722 2 1370.7882 1370.7882 R L 36 49 PSM LTVTDLDAPNSPAWR 1560 sp|P22223-2|CADH3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8935 52.695 2 1654.8315 1654.8315 R A 349 364 PSM LVAIVDVIDQNR 1561 sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10007 59.099 2 1353.7616 1353.7616 K A 24 36 PSM LVAIVDVIDQNR 1562 sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10008 59.104 2 1363.7699 1363.7699 K A 24 36 PSM LVIVGDGACGK 1563 sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4091 25.565 2 1093.5897 1093.5897 K T 8 19 PSM LVLLGESAVGK 1564 sp|P20339-2|RAB5A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7405 43.923 2 1084.6492 1084.6492 K S 23 34 PSM LVLVGDGGTGK 1565 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4152 25.867 2 1020.5911 1020.5911 K T 13 24 PSM LVVLGSGGVGK 1566 sp|P61224-2|RAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5153 31.411 2 990.61691 990.6169 K S 6 17 PSM LYDNLLEQNLIR 1567 sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10706 63.454 2 1502.8093 1502.8093 K V 326 338 PSM LYDNLLEQNLIR 1568 sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10707 63.459 2 1512.8176 1512.8176 K V 326 338 PSM MDGIVPDIAVGTKR 1569 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=10275 60.779 2 1512.797 1512.7970 - G 1 15 PSM MGVVPPGTQVEQLLYAK 1570 sp|Q96NB2|SFXN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10667 63.206 2 1850.9907 1850.9908 R K 55 72 PSM MLIQENQELGR 1571 sp|Q15007|FL2D_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:35,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4428 27.344 2 1355.6743 1355.6743 R Q 163 174 PSM MMDYLQGSGETPQTDVR 1572 sp|Q14697|GANAB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5989 35.923 2 1952.8483 1952.8483 K W 338 355 PSM MQNDAGEFVDLYVPRK 1573 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11153 66.248 2 1938.948 1934.9599 - C 1 17 PSM NAPAIIFIDELDAIAPK 1574 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=14299 91.478 2 1816.0078 1816.0078 K R 296 313 PSM NDLSPASSGNAVYDFFIGR 1575 sp|Q14739|LBR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13033 78.734 2 2038.9624 2038.9624 R E 354 373 PSM NIEDVIAQGIGK 1576 sp|P05387|RLA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9715 57.299 2 1255.6772 1255.6772 K L 50 62 PSM NLQEEIDALESR 1577 sp|Q9NQP4|PFD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10357 61.291 2 1415.6892 1415.6892 K V 93 105 PSM NNLAGAEELFAR 1578 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8792 51.863 2 1303.6521 1303.6521 R K 355 367 PSM NNLAGAEELFAR 1579 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8796 51.889 2 1313.6603 1313.6603 R K 355 367 PSM NPDIFTEVANCCIR 1580 sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9953 58.773 2 1717.7791 1717.7791 R I 1881 1895 PSM NQGETPTTEVPAPFFLPASLSANNTPTR 1581 sp|Q9UJX2-3|CDC23_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12358 74.183 3 2956.4567 2956.4567 R R 440 468 PSM NQQDGQLEDSPGLWPGAGTIR 1582 sp|Q96IJ6|GMPPA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 21-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9448 55.749 2 2248.0748 2248.0748 R L 201 222 PSM NSEGWEQNGLYEFFR 1583 sp|Q8IWX8|CHERP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12565 75.536 2 1874.8224 1874.8224 R A 704 719 PSM NSLGGDVLFVGK 1584 sp|Q9H0D6-2|XRN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8474 49.99 2 1210.6653 1210.6653 R H 601 613 PSM NSNILEDLETLR 1585 sp|P48444|COPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12459 74.844 2 1425.7339 1425.7339 K L 73 85 PSM NSNILEDLETLR 1586 sp|P48444|COPD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12460 74.85 2 1415.7256 1415.7256 K L 73 85 PSM NSSYFVEWIPNNVK 1587 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11172 66.369 2 1701.8458 1701.8458 K T 337 351 PSM PQYQTWEEFSR 1588 sp|P49458-2|SRP09_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7827 46.266 2 1479.6658 1479.6658 M A 2 13 PSM PQYQTWEEFSR 1589 sp|P49458-2|SRP09_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7834 46.309 2 1469.6575 1469.6575 M A 2 13 PSM QASPNIVIALAGNK 1590 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8680 51.18 2 1394.7882 1394.7882 R A 122 136 PSM QPAIISQLDPVNER 1591 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8559 50.467 2 1578.8366 1578.8366 K M 1117 1131 PSM QSFLTEVEQLSR 1592 sp|P51617-4|IRAK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11677 69.736 2 1445.739 1445.7390 K F 254 266 PSM SALENMLSETQSR 1593 sp|Q9C075-2|K1C23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8231 48.6 2 1464.6879 1464.6879 K Y 172 185 PSM SDGALLLGASSLSGR 1594 sp|Q9BQA1-2|MEP50_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8565 50.501 2 1412.7499 1412.7499 R C 38 53 PSM SDNGELEDKPPAPPVR 1595 sp|Q13177|PAK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=5064 30.96 2 1761.8533 1761.8533 M M 2 18 PSM SELEQLRQEAEQLR 1596 sp|Q9HAV0|GBB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=11279 67.039 2 1769.8908 1769.8908 M N 2 16 PSM SGANVLICGPNGCGK 1597 sp|P28288-2|ABCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4671 28.828 2 1508.7171 1508.7171 R S 355 370 PSM SGELPPNINIKEPR 1598 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=7136 42.375 2 1604.8522 1604.8522 M W 2 16 PSM SGLRVYSTSVTGSR 1599 sp|Q9H299|SH3L3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6136 36.755 2 1530.7905 1530.7905 M E 2 16 PSM SIQADGLVWGSSK 1600 sp|P24534|EF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7660 45.298 2 1352.7032 1352.7032 R L 164 177 PSM SLDLFNCEVTNLNDYR 1601 sp|P39687|AN32A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 7-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11502 68.543 2 1981.9079 1981.9079 K E 117 133 PSM SLDMDSIIAEVK 1602 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11228 66.718 2 1325.6844 1325.6844 R A 281 293 PSM SLDMDSIIAEVK 1603 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11231 66.734 2 1319.6643 1319.6643 R A 281 293 PSM SLFSTTPLTTDDGVLLR 1604 sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11850 70.847 2 1844.9759 1844.9759 R R 4219 4236 PSM SLQALGEVIEAELR 1605 sp|Q9Y285-2|SYFA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13607 83.488 2 1526.8304 1526.8304 K S 43 57 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 1606 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6955 41.277 2 1518.6951 1518.6951 R N 228 241 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 1607 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6174 36.975 2 1528.7033 1528.7033 R N 228 241 PSM SPEACCELTLQPLR 1608 sp|P06132|DCUP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7988 47.203 2 1682.7995 1682.7995 R R 61 75 PSM SPFEVQVGPEAGMQK 1609 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6389 38.162 2 1618.7661 1618.7661 K V 537 552 PSM SPFSVAVSPSLDLSK 1610 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9701 57.213 2 1532.8086 1532.8086 K I 959 974 PSM SPFSVAVSPSLDLSK 1611 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9713 57.29 2 1538.8288 1538.8288 K I 959 974 PSM SPNTEEIFNMLTK 1612 sp|Q7KZ85|SPT6H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11854 70.876 2 1522.7337 1522.7337 R E 1143 1156 PSM SSGIHVALVTGGNK 1613 sp|P16152-2|CBR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6459 38.538 2 1380.7361 1380.7361 M G 2 16 PSM SVGNTIDPVILFQK 1614 sp|P46821|MAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11025 65.44 2 1529.8453 1529.8453 R M 401 415 PSM SYFSEEGIGYNIIR 1615 sp|P04062-4|GLCM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10259 60.681 2 1656.8023 1656.8023 K V 59 73 PSM TAMNVNEIFMAIAK 1616 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13179 79.708 2 1557.799 1557.7991 K K 167 181 PSM TAVHAGNINFK 1617 sp|P35221|CTNA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5608 33.844 2 1218.6452 1218.6452 M W 2 13 PSM TDPSILGGMIVR 1618 sp|P48047|ATPO_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9642 56.883 2 1267.6834 1267.6834 K I 177 189 PSM TELPQFVSYFQQR 1619 sp|Q14166|TTL12_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11570 69.023 2 1651.8234 1651.8234 R E 395 408 PSM TEWETAAPAVAETPDIKLFGK 1620 sp|P46782|RS5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=12082 72.351 2 2315.1685 2315.1685 M W 2 23 PSM TFEMSDFIVDTR 1621 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11101 65.922 2 1459.6653 1459.6653 R D 1993 2005 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 1622 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11928 71.35 3 1648.9495 1648.9495 K D 39 55 PSM TGEAIVDAALSALR 1623 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12744 76.73 2 1395.7597 1395.7597 R Q 116 130 PSM TIAMDGTEGLVR 1624 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6416 38.31 2 1271.6419 1271.6419 R G 110 122 PSM TINEVENQILTR 1625 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7653 45.26 2 1438.7655 1438.7655 R D 746 758 PSM TIVTDVFQGSMR 1626 sp|Q53GS9-2|SNUT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9639 56.864 2 1362.6841 1362.6841 K I 240 252 PSM TLFATEDALEVR 1627 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9016 53.175 2 1373.7066 1373.7066 K R 687 699 PSM TLFATEDALEVR 1628 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9014 53.164 2 1363.6983 1363.6983 K R 687 699 PSM TLIQNCGASTIR 1629 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 6-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4187 26.041 2 1342.6903 1342.6903 R L 412 424 PSM TLLENTAITIGR 1630 sp|Q92973-3|TNPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8375 49.431 2 1310.7433 1310.7433 K L 724 736 PSM TLSFGSDLNYATR 1631 sp|Q14152-2|EIF3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8347 49.264 2 1443.6994 1443.6994 R E 456 469 PSM TPAQFDADELR 1632 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5746 34.627 2 1261.5939 1261.5939 K A 114 125 PSM TSACGLFSVCYPR 1633 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9019 53.191 2 1516.6803 1516.6803 R V 145 158 PSM TTPSYVAFTDTER 1634 sp|P17066|HSP76_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6562 39.113 2 1496.7023 1496.7023 R L 39 52 PSM TTQVPQFILDDFIQNDR 1635 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13149 79.506 2 2059.025 2059.0250 K A 418 435 PSM TVAEVQETLAEMIR 1636 sp|Q8TEQ6|GEMI5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12491 75.05 2 1598.8213 1598.8213 R Q 1373 1387 PSM TVDSQGPTPVCTPTFLER 1637 sp|Q9BYG3|MK67I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:4,18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8386 49.493 2 2013.9705 2013.9705 K R 227 245 PSM VAQIQNAGLGEFR 1638 sp|Q9ULR0|ISY1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6993 41.489 2 1411.7447 1411.7447 K I 57 70 PSM VCCEGMLIQLR 1639 sp|Q96A33-2|CCD47_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 2-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8613 50.773 2 1387.665 1387.6650 R F 213 224 PSM VDAQFGGIDQR 1640 sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4800 29.546 2 1214.5919 1214.5919 K K 179 190 PSM VDAQFGGIDQR 1641 sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4802 29.557 2 1204.5836 1204.5836 K K 179 190 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 1642 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10328 61.11 2 1569.8026 1569.8026 K I 174 188 PSM VGPDVVTDPAFLVTR 1643 sp|Q9NV31|IMP3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10308 60.981 2 1594.8594 1594.8594 R S 138 153 PSM VIGSGCNLDSAR 1644 sp|P00338-4|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=2827 18.938 2 1247.5928 1247.5928 R F 100 112 PSM VITFANQDDYISFR 1645 sp|Q96G21|IMP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10311 61.003 2 1687.8206 1687.8206 R H 217 231 PSM VLANPGNSQVAR 1646 sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1878 13.818 2 1234.6658 1234.6658 R V 43 55 PSM VLEQLTGQTPVFSK 1647 sp|P62913-2|RL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8169 48.243 2 1545.8403 1545.8403 K A 38 52 PSM VLLLSSPGLEELYR 1648 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11959 71.545 2 1587.8872 1587.8872 K C 310 324 PSM VLSECSPLMNDIFNK 1649 sp|P53618|COPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 5-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11110 65.978 2 1771.858 1771.8580 K E 619 634 PSM VLTFDLTKYPDANPNPNEQ 1650 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 8-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9528 56.222 2 2181.0685 2181.0685 K - 1215 1234 PSM VLVVGAGGIGCELLK 1651 sp|Q9UBT2|SAE2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10416 61.648 2 1483.8432 1483.8432 R N 20 35 PSM VPAINVNDSVTK 1652 sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4961 30.4 2 1261.6973 1261.6973 K S 175 187 PSM VQQTVQDLFGR 1653 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7649 45.241 2 1289.6728 1289.6728 K A 395 406 PSM VSPIQIDGAGR 1654 sp|Q8NFQ8|TOIP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4794 29.514 2 1121.6068 1121.6068 K T 325 336 PSM VSVGEFVGEGEGK 1655 sp|O95793-2|STAU1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6823 40.569 2 1292.6248 1292.6248 K S 139 152 PSM VTFEDATDFFGR 1656 sp|Q86WQ0|NR2CA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11123 66.06 2 1403.6357 1403.6357 K V 115 127 PSM VVGAMQLYSVDR 1657 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7409 43.94 2 1336.6809 1336.6809 R K 177 189 PSM VVGAMQLYSVDR 1658 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7413 43.963 2 1346.6892 1346.6892 R K 177 189 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGK 1659 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11346 67.436 3 1607.9019 1607.9019 K T 198 213 PSM VVLIGDSGVGK 1660 sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5339 32.393 2 1042.6023 1042.6023 K S 14 25 PSM YIQPWESEFIDSQR 1661 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10355 61.279 2 1806.8452 1806.8452 R V 1371 1385 PSM YMSPMEAQEFGILDK 1662 sp|Q16740|CLPP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10492 62.116 2 1763.8206 1763.8206 R V 229 244 PSM YQQGDFGYCPR 1663 sp|P67870|CSK2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4781 29.449 2 1389.5772 1389.5772 K V 101 112 PSM QRQLEMSAEAER 1664 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=4674 28.844490000000004 2 1429.6613 1429.6615 R L 2510 2522 PSM ISISTSGGSFR 1665 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=5320 32.296751666666665 2 1110.566590 1110.566937 R N 74 85 PSM FWEVISDEHGID 1666 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9769 57.633790000000005 2 1445.6469 1445.6458 K P 20 32 PSM QIATLHAQVADMK 1667 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7742 45.758635 2 1407.7172 1407.7175 K K 1358 1371 PSM QEYDESGPSIVHR 1668 sp|P60709|ACTB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=5012 30.67710333333333 2 1498.6696 1498.6683 K K 360 373 PSM CTTDHISAAGPWLK 1669 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8808 51.95326666666667 2 1538.7181 1538.7182 K F 592 606 PSM QLKLDPSIFESLQK 1670 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,3-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12445 74.752735 2 1639.9220 1639.9219 K E 169 183 PSM CDRNLAMGVNLTSMSK 1671 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9198 54.249051666666674 2 1779.8062 1778.8112 R I 62 78 PSM CIKDEETGLCLLPLK 1672 sp|P15924|DESP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:188,10-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11851 70.85299666666667 2 1782.9294 1782.9293 R E 2433 2448 PSM QAGPASVPLRTEEEFK 1673 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,10-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7889 46.639934999999994 2 1756.8978 1756.8961 K K 131 147 PSM QADNPHVALYQAR 1674 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5161 31.451251666666668 2 1474.7182 1474.7187 K F 107 120 PSM QQHLSSLQDYMQR 1675 sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7847 46.384025 2 1615.7454 1615.7408 R C 209 222 PSM SLLGEVEQNLQAAK 1676 sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11934 71.38958666666667 2 1498.794293 1498.799122 K Q 667 681 PSM LISWYDNEFGYSNR 1677 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10412 61.625031666666665 2 1762.801312 1762.795100 K V 310 324 PSM QKVDSLLENLEK 1678 sp|P07910|HNRPC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10168 60.12025500000001 2 1409.7798 1409.7799 K I 205 217 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1679 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12665 76.20716333333333 2 1753.803967 1752.820281 K I 59 74 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1680 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 2-UNIMOD:35,5-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=11211 66.61323 2 1775.789232 1774.801842 K I 59 74 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 1681 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 2-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12353 74.15410166666668 2 1769.796629 1768.815196 K I 59 74 PSM TLQEVTQLSQEAQR 1682 sp|P40939|ECHA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6670 39.69227166666667 2 1629.840400 1629.832213 K I 112 126 PSM QTYFLPVIGLVDAEK 1683 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=14332 91.73586999999999 2 1680.9182 1680.9062 R L 130 145 PSM LFVTNDAATILR 1684 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9542 56.305576666666674 2 1332.741000 1332.740151 K E 63 75 PSM TAMNVNEIFMAIAK 1685 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 10-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12623 75.92884833333333 2 1574.800037 1573.793965 K K 167 181 PSM QLDFNSSKDVAVMQLR 1686 sp|P53621|COPA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,8-UNIMOD:188,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10550 62.480378333333334 2 1848.9376 1848.9370 R S 343 359 PSM QKQLEDILVLAK 1687 sp|Q9UPN3|MACF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11923 71.315175 2 1391.8366 1391.8422 R Q 5445 5457 PSM QKQLEDILVLAK 1688 sp|Q9UPN3|MACF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11919 71.29108333333333 2 1380.8162 1379.8022 R Q 5445 5457 PSM GNENANGAPAITLLIR 1689 sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10337 61.16517833333333 2 1624.9042 1622.8732 K E 93 109 PSM NALANPLYCPDYR 1690 sp|P22695|QCR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7773 45.94323166666666 2 1565.736913 1565.729663 R I 184 197 PSM VPQVSTPTLVEVSR 1691 sp|P02768|ALBU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7423 44.017313333333334 2 1510.835460 1510.835508 K N 439 453 PSM VTIAQGGVLPNIQAVLLPK 1692 sp|P04908|H2A1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12490 75.044075 2 1931.148003 1930.161534 R K 101 120 PSM VTIAQGGVLPNIQAVLLPK 1693 sp|Q93077|H2A1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12499 75.10232333333333 2 1937.1692 1936.1812 R K 101 120 PSM CNAVINEDPNNKLIR 1694 sp|Q12756|KIF1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7117 42.25575333333333 2 1751.8582 1751.8619 R E 356 371 PSM AVVGVVAGGGR 1695 sp|P62917|RL8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=2425 16.672785 2 940.535703 940.545414 R I 164 175 PSM LDDIFEPVLIPEPK 1696 sp|Q14008|CKAP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12254 73.49276833333333 2 1623.874458 1623.875976 K I 1510 1524 PSM APPPSLTDCIGTVDSR 1697 sp|Q9NZZ3|CHMP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7069 41.948075 2 1684.807908 1684.809035 K A 12 28 PSM AIDNAADLLIFGK 1698 sp|Q9Y5X2|SNX8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11808 70.58233 2 1360.736647 1359.739817 R E 246 259 PSM QSIWTSTISSHLATK 1699 sp|P09417|DHPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10333 61.137766666666664 2 1641.8354 1641.8357 K H 110 125 PSM FLQDTIEEMALK 1700 sp|O95202|LETM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=8146 48.11111833333334 2 1452.719597 1452.717033 K N 263 275 PSM QLVKPEQLPIYTAPPLQSK 1701 sp|Q6UXV4|MIC27_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10794 63.985994999999996 2 2132.1908 2132.1876 K Y 34 53 PSM NQLPLVVDAICTR 1702 sp|Q9P2R3|ANFY1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 11-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9927 58.608419999999995 2 1508.797630 1507.805617 R G 665 678 PSM DVWGIEGPIDAAFTR 1703 sp|P04004|VTNC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12775 76.94187666666667 2 1645.809889 1645.810021 R I 198 213 PSM QLDDLKVELSQLR 1704 sp|P42766|RL35_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12057 72.186 2 1538.8268 1538.8299 K V 20 33 PSM CGAETQHEGLELR 1705 sp|Q9HCU5|PREB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5407 32.74858333333333 2 1491.6643 1491.6646 K V 128 141 PSM TSQTVATFLDELAQK 1706 sp|P52888|THOP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12670 76.24491166666667 2 1651.855865 1650.846467 K L 287 302 PSM LANELPDWFQTAK 1707 sp|Q9UDY2|ZO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10982 65.18411 2 1532.764046 1531.767094 K T 747 760 PSM QVCPLDNREWEFQK 1708 sp|P62877|RBX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,3-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:267,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9372 55.29022166666667 2 1846.8762 1846.8642 R Y 92 106 PSM QIFDEYENETFLCHR 1709 sp|Q9Y3A3|PHOCN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11367 67.56231333333334 2 1982.8526 1982.8464 R F 176 191 PSM QRYDGSTTAMEILQGR 1710 sp|Q9NZC7|WWOX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9486 55.97014833333333 2 1827.8765 1827.8683 R D 105 121 PSM MEPGPDGPAASGPAAIR 1711 sp|P19623|SPEE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=10169 60.12587833333333 2 1609.787340 1608.756606 - E 1 18 PSM SLFSTTPLTTDDGVLLR 1712 sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11822 70.667745 2 1834.965465 1834.967644 R R 4219 4236 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 1713 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 29.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10339 61.175895 2 2031.047174 2031.042541 K - 192 211 PSM ADLINNLGTIAK 1714 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8562 50.487 2 1247.7181 1247.7181 K S 101 113 PSM AGLELLSDQGYRVDGR 1715 sp|Q9NPD3|EXOS4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=10736 63.631 2 1789.8959 1789.8959 M R 2 18 PSM AGVNTVTTLVENK 1716 sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6595 39.288 2 1344.7249 1344.7249 R K 138 151 PSM AKPQVVVAPVLMSK 1717 sp|Q9H074-3|PAIP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8478 50.008 2 1519.9199 1519.9199 M L 2 16 PSM ALAGCDFLTISPK 1718 sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9327 55.015 2 1391.7119 1391.7119 K L 246 259 PSM ALAGCDFLTISPK 1719 sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9328 55.02 2 1397.732 1397.7320 K L 246 259 PSM ALDIAENEMPGLMR 1720 sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8405 49.604 2 1584.7515 1584.7515 K M 21 35 PSM ALIPLALEGTDVGQTK 1721 sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10284 60.835 2 1630.9237 1630.9237 R A 692 708 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAR 1722 sp|Q9BUF5|TBB6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12188 73.051 2 1728.8744 1728.8744 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDSK 1723 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8793 51.867 2 1722.8498 1722.8498 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDSK 1724 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8828 52.067 2 1722.8498 1722.8498 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDSK 1725 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11809 70.588 2 1712.8751 1712.8751 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQVFDAK 1726 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11790 70.467 2 1658.8879 1658.8879 R N 283 298 PSM AMDLVQEEFLQR 1727 sp|Q9HB07|MYG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9728 57.373 2 1487.7318 1487.7318 R L 220 232 PSM AMDLVQEEFLQR 1728 sp|Q9HB07|MYG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9733 57.407 2 1477.7235 1477.7235 R L 220 232 PSM ANFLNSNDVFVLK 1729 sp|P09327|VILI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11175 66.386 2 1485.7923 1485.7923 R T 537 550 PSM AQFEGIVTDLIR 1730 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11729 70.073 2 1360.7351 1360.7351 R R 349 361 PSM AQIFANTVDNAR 1731 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5079 31.045 2 1328.6712 1328.6712 R I 138 150 PSM ASFENNCEIGCFAK 1732 sp|P56537|IF6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6851 40.723 2 1645.6865 1645.6865 R L 5 19 PSM ASGEHSPGSGAAR 1733 sp|Q9H4A4|AMPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=695 7.5549 2 1224.5483 1224.5483 M R 2 15 PSM ATENDIYNFFSPLNPVR 1734 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13161 79.59 2 1995.969 1995.9690 R V 300 317 PSM AVLTFALDSVER 1735 sp|Q9NQT4|EXOS5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10595 62.756 2 1319.7085 1319.7085 R K 179 191 PSM CCSGAIIVLTK 1736 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6396 38.2 2 1220.6257 1220.6257 K S 423 434 PSM CNEPAVWSQLAK 1737 sp|Q00610-2|CLH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7929 46.874 2 1407.6912 1407.6912 R A 1102 1114 PSM CTVIAAANPIGGR 1738 sp|P49736|MCM2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5475 33.112 2 1298.6765 1298.6765 R Y 624 637 PSM CVNQWQLSGELK 1739 sp|Q86W42|THOC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7606 45 2 1466.7283 1466.7283 R A 279 291 PSM DLPDVQELITQVR 1740 sp|Q9UHB9-3|SRP68_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12332 74.009 2 1534.823 1534.8230 K S 170 183 PSM DSLILPFQFSSEK 1741 sp|Q8TE02|ELP5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12101 72.48 2 1515.7916 1515.7916 R Q 267 280 PSM EALFNEFVAAAR 1742 sp|O14776-2|TCRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11136 66.141 2 1346.6858 1346.6858 R K 749 761 PSM EANLLNAVIVQR 1743 sp|Q9UNZ2-4|NSF1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9593 56.607 2 1348.7702 1348.7702 K L 326 338 PSM EANLLNAVIVQR 1744 sp|Q9UNZ2-4|NSF1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9596 56.627 2 1338.7619 1338.7619 K L 326 338 PSM ENGLEVLQEAFSR 1745 sp|O75165|DJC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12480 74.981 2 1490.7365 1490.7365 R C 1443 1456 PSM ESQLLLNVVSQLAK 1746 sp|O15091-3|MRPP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13246 80.199 2 1540.8825 1540.8825 R R 50 64 PSM EVIELPLTNPELFQR 1747 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12364 74.226 2 1796.9672 1796.9672 R V 147 162 PSM EVQLAQIFEPLSR 1748 sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12383 74.349 2 1538.8332 1538.8332 K S 751 764 PSM EVQLAQIFEPLSR 1749 sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12398 74.445 2 1528.8249 1528.8249 K S 751 764 PSM FDQPLEASTWLK 1750 sp|P51398-2|RT29_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10276 60.785 2 1433.7191 1433.7191 R N 137 149 PSM FFDCDSLVCLCEFK 1751 sp|Q9NWT1|PK1IP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12111 72.545 2 1838.7678 1838.7678 R A 229 243 PSM FGDLLNIDDTAK 1752 sp|Q9BX66-12|SRBS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9228 54.428 2 1320.6561 1320.6561 R R 1037 1049 PSM FGNEVIPVTVTVK 1753 sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8494 50.093 2 1401.7868 1401.7868 K G 231 244 PSM FLQDTIEEMALK 1754 sp|O95202-2|LETM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10711 63.48 2 1442.7422 1442.7422 K N 223 235 PSM FLQDTIEEMALK 1755 sp|O95202-2|LETM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10712 63.486 2 1436.7221 1436.7221 K N 223 235 PSM FQGQDTILDYTLR 1756 sp|P36639-4|8ODP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10268 60.735 2 1578.7917 1578.7917 K E 139 152 PSM FQLSNSGPNSTIK 1757 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5056 30.914 2 1391.7045 1391.7045 R M 607 620 PSM FVASCGFTPDVK 1758 sp|Q9Y4P3|TBL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6353 37.967 2 1332.648 1332.6480 R V 243 255 PSM GAEEEPPPPLQAVLVADSFDR 1759 sp|Q13144|EI2BE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12753 76.789 2 2236.1012 2236.1012 R R 34 55 PSM GFQQISFVNSIATSK 1760 sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9823 57.958 2 1631.8615 1631.8615 K G 307 322 PSM GFSEGLWEIENNPTVK 1761 sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10377 61.413 2 1818.8788 1818.8788 K A 81 97 PSM GGGGGGPGEGFDVAK 1762 sp|Q9Y295|DRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3571 22.816 2 1266.5936 1266.5936 K T 47 62 PSM GGGVTNLLWSPDGSK 1763 sp|Q9NRG9-2|AAAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9300 54.857 2 1486.7416 1486.7416 R I 254 269 PSM GIDPFSLDALSK 1764 sp|P40227-2|TCPZ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11018 65.405 2 1267.6755 1267.6755 K E 251 263 PSM GIDPFSLDALSK 1765 sp|P40227-2|TCPZ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11019 65.409 2 1261.6554 1261.6554 K E 251 263 PSM GLCAIAQAESLR 1766 sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7500 44.419 2 1287.6605 1287.6605 R Y 95 107 PSM GLGTDEDTLIEILASR 1767 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13432 81.762 2 1711.8868 1711.8868 K T 129 145 PSM GLSSLLYGSIPK 1768 sp|P53007|TXTP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10720 63.533 2 1239.717 1239.7170 R A 86 98 PSM GPDALTLLEYTETR 1769 sp|Q96JB5-3|CK5P3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11591 69.178 2 1577.7937 1577.7937 R N 112 126 PSM GQDIFIIQTIPR 1770 sp|Q14558|KPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10631 62.981 2 1399.7823 1399.7823 R D 57 69 PSM GQSEDPGSLLSLFR 1771 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12686 76.355 2 1514.7604 1514.7604 K R 410 424 PSM GSFSEQGINEFLR 1772 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9840 58.06 2 1482.7103 1482.7103 K E 371 384 PSM GSLLFTAGPLEEER 1773 sp|P53004|BIEA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10140 59.946 2 1527.7808 1527.7808 K F 148 162 PSM GTVTDFPGFDER 1774 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8032 47.457 2 1339.6044 1339.6044 R A 7 19 PSM GVEGLIDIENPNR 1775 sp|Q13442|HAP28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8487 50.053 2 1434.7342 1434.7342 K V 76 89 PSM GVIDMGNSLIER 1776 sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8751 51.621 2 1312.6685 1312.6685 R G 1588 1600 PSM GVVQELQQAISK 1777 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10445 61.83 2 1304.7395 1304.7395 R L 96 108 PSM ICVLDVDLQGVR 1778 sp|Q16774|KGUA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10384 61.454 2 1395.742 1395.7420 R N 97 109 PSM IDSILEVVQTGR 1779 sp|Q9NZW5|MPP6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9972 58.889 2 1328.73 1328.7300 K T 419 431 PSM IEPTELSENCFWLR 1780 sp|O60879-2|DIAP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11229 66.723 2 1792.8454 1792.8454 K V 646 660 PSM IFQILYANEGESK 1781 sp|O75116|ROCK2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9019 53.191 2 1516.7869 1516.7869 R K 1227 1240 PSM IGAFGYMECSAK 1782 sp|P61586|RHOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7149 42.454 2 1332.5842 1332.5842 R T 151 163 PSM IGEGTYGTVFK 1783 sp|Q00535-2|CDK5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6316 37.779 2 1170.5921 1170.5921 K A 10 21 PSM IGIIDGEYVVNPTR 1784 sp|Q8TCS8|PNPT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8819 52.017 2 1544.8199 1544.8199 R K 193 207 PSM IGNQAEGAGER 1785 sp|P57723-2|PCBP4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=760 7.925 2 1110.5293 1110.5293 K H 234 245 PSM ILMVGLDAAGK 1786 sp|P84077|ARF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7857 46.444 2 1086.6107 1086.6107 R T 20 31 PSM ILYSQCGDVMR 1787 sp|P60660-2|MYL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5293 32.156 2 1340.6217 1340.6217 K A 27 38 PSM IMNVIGEPIDER 1788 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7603 44.986 2 1394.7103 1394.7103 R G 144 156 PSM INAGLNVIGIPSEIISPK 1789 sp|Q8NCN5|PDPR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12299 73.795 2 1840.0765 1840.0765 R K 143 161 PSM IPDQLVILDMK 1790 sp|P49755|TMEDA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10788 63.953 2 1283.7159 1283.7159 R H 117 128 PSM IPDQLVILDMK 1791 sp|P49755|TMEDA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10790 63.964 2 1289.736 1289.7360 R H 117 128 PSM IPNQFQSDPPAPSDK 1792 sp|Q9NRV9|HEBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4216 26.205 2 1645.8043 1645.8043 R S 104 119 PSM IPTEAPQLELK 1793 sp|Q5VW32-2|BROX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6845 40.697 2 1237.6918 1237.6918 K A 303 314 PSM IPVENILGEVGDGFK 1794 sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12236 73.372 2 1591.8553 1591.8553 K V 280 295 PSM ISGLGLTPEQK 1795 sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5221 31.779 2 1147.6544 1147.6544 R Q 95 106 PSM ISMPDLDLNLK 1796 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10574 62.63 2 1257.6639 1257.6639 K G 3219 3230 PSM ISVYSIMGGSTDGLR 1797 sp|O94979-7|SC31A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10544 62.446 2 1564.7795 1564.7795 R Q 100 115 PSM ITFPSSQQEAQNR 1798 sp|Q8WVB6-3|CTF18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4245 26.367 2 1504.727 1504.7270 R M 299 312 PSM ITQLTPFNGYAGAK 1799 sp|O14975-2|S27A2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7497 44.405 2 1479.7722 1479.7722 K A 376 390 PSM IVEPYIAWGYPNLK 1800 sp|P18124|RL7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11525 68.694 2 1667.9019 1667.9019 R S 135 149 PSM IVQLLGQNEVDYR 1801 sp|Q9BZX2|UCK2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8096 47.811 2 1555.8234 1555.8234 K Q 40 53 PSM LALPQSDASLLSR 1802 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8448 49.855 2 1369.7565 1369.7565 R D 11 24 PSM LAPDYDALDVANK 1803 sp|P62750|RL23A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7162 42.534 2 1403.6933 1403.6933 R I 140 153 PSM LCGDTSLNNMQR 1804 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3656 23.262 2 1407.6235 1407.6235 K Q 205 217 PSM LDIDPETITWQR 1805 sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9964 58.84 2 1485.7464 1485.7464 R V 521 533 PSM LDQQTLPLGGR 1806 sp|P98175-4|RBM10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5253 31.943 2 1206.6596 1206.6596 R E 176 187 PSM LDTSQWPLLLK 1807 sp|O60832-2|DKC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11884 71.068 2 1312.7391 1312.7391 K N 47 58 PSM LELFLPEEYPMAAPK 1808 sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12131 72.677 2 1752.9104 1752.9104 K V 54 69 PSM LEPMIVPDLDLK 1809 sp|Q9Y6Y8-2|S23IP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11335 67.374 2 1387.7728 1387.7728 R A 831 843 PSM LEYCEALAMLR 1810 sp|P14868-2|SYDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10993 65.25 2 1367.6577 1367.6577 R E 246 257 PSM LEYCEALAMLR 1811 sp|P14868-2|SYDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 4-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10995 65.261 2 1377.666 1377.6660 R E 246 257 PSM LGAVPATSGPTTFK 1812 sp|Q96ME7-3|ZN512_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5432 32.882 2 1351.7443 1351.7443 R Q 5 19 PSM LGDVISIQPCPDVK 1813 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 10-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7906 46.742 2 1545.8168 1545.8168 R Y 96 110 PSM LGEMWSEQSAK 1814 sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5314 32.262 2 1270.5959 1270.5959 K D 129 140 PSM LGEMWSEQSAK 1815 sp|P26583|HMGB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5321 32.301 2 1264.5758 1264.5758 K D 129 140 PSM LGENETCIPIVAGIVAR 1816 sp|Q8TBP6|S2540_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11115 66.008 2 1820.9694 1820.9694 K F 136 153 PSM LGESQTLQQFSR 1817 sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5940 35.65 2 1402.708 1402.7080 K D 1527 1539 PSM LGGSAVISLEGKPL 1818 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9057 53.412 2 1345.7912 1345.7912 K - 153 167 PSM LGLDILEVVPISK 1819 sp|Q8IX18-4|DHX40_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13187 79.76 2 1394.8385 1394.8385 R S 298 311 PSM LGLQDGSTSLLPEQLLSAPK 1820 sp|Q5T7V8-2|GORAB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12212 73.211 2 2072.1461 2072.1461 K Q 76 96 PSM LGNDFMGITLASSQAVSNAR 1821 sp|Q9HC38|GLOD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:35,20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9105 53.696 2 2077.0138 2077.0138 K K 97 117 PSM LGPALATGNVVVMK 1822 sp|P05091-2|ALDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8031 47.453 2 1374.8 1374.8000 K V 149 163 PSM LGVQDLFNSSK 1823 sp|P30740|ILEU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9309 54.912 2 1212.6446 1212.6446 R A 291 302 PSM LGVSCEVIDLR 1824 sp|P21953|ODBB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8392 49.529 2 1269.6626 1269.6626 K T 295 306 PSM LLAGCEGGCCCWDVR 1825 sp|Q9UFC0|LRWD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7164 42.545 2 1821.7294 1821.7294 R L 459 474 PSM LLDLVQQSCNYK 1826 sp|P55769|NH2L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7431 44.062 2 1485.7593 1485.7593 K Q 22 34 PSM LLELQEVDSLLR 1827 sp|P16144-4|ITB4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12596 75.75 2 1436.8114 1436.8114 K G 1061 1073 PSM LLLIGDSGVGK 1828 sp|P62820-2|RAB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7498 44.41 2 1070.6336 1070.6336 K S 14 25 PSM LLQEDSSPLLR 1829 sp|Q9UJV9|DDX41_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6795 40.408 2 1279.7011 1279.7011 R C 283 294 PSM LLVPANEGDPTETLR 1830 sp|O14763-2|TR10B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7373 43.736 2 1633.8551 1633.8551 R Q 296 311 PSM LLYLLESTEDPVIIER 1831 sp|Q8N2F6-6|ARM10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12477 74.958 2 1912.0433 1912.0433 K A 66 82 PSM LMTDTINEPILLCR 1832 sp|O43776|SYNC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10139 59.941 2 1687.8637 1687.8637 R F 426 440 PSM LNVDEAFEQLVR 1833 sp|P10301|RRAS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12253 73.487 2 1431.7358 1431.7358 R A 177 189 PSM LQNLQLQPGNAKL 1834 sp|P22307-6|NLTP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7419 43.993 2 1441.8348 1441.8348 K - 128 141 PSM LSFYETGEIPR 1835 sp|O00567|NOP56_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8211 48.49 2 1320.6589 1320.6589 R K 405 416 PSM LSLSQLNSNPELR 1836 sp|O43490-5|PROM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7983 47.172 2 1479.7921 1479.7921 R Q 312 325 PSM LSLVDLAGSER 1837 sp|Q9NQT8|KI13B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8567 50.511 2 1158.6245 1158.6245 K A 249 260 PSM LVGPEEALSPGEAR 1838 sp|O60568|PLOD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6066 36.351 2 1423.7307 1423.7307 K D 359 373 PSM LVIVGDGACGK 1839 sp|P08134|RHOC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4084 25.528 2 1087.5696 1087.5696 K T 8 19 PSM LVLTNNQLTTLPR 1840 sp|Q9UQ13-2|SHOC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8343 49.238 2 1491.8648 1491.8648 K G 430 443 PSM LVVPATQCGSLIGK 1841 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7169 42.577 2 1447.8164 1447.8164 R G 102 116 PSM MEEADALIESLCR 1842 sp|Q99460-2|PSMD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9789 57.753 2 1551.6909 1551.6909 R D 560 573 PSM MEPAVSEPMRDQVAR 1843 sp|Q15738|NSDHL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6530 38.929 2 1756.8236 1756.8236 - T 1 16 PSM MINLSVPDTIDER 1844 sp|P13797-3|PLST_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8250 48.705 2 1527.7478 1527.7478 K A 124 137 PSM MLNGLEDSIGLSK 1845 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7671 45.353 2 1397.7168 1397.7168 K M 1164 1177 PSM MLQPCGPPADKPEEN 1846 sp|Q9BWJ5|SF3B5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35,5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2669 18.151 2 1703.759 1703.7590 K - 72 87 PSM MYAPAWVAPEALQK 1847 sp|Q13418|ILK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8703 51.32 2 1589.7912 1589.7912 R K 350 364 PSM NAIAETIIALTK 1848 sp|O75592-2|MYCB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12738 76.695 2 1256.734 1256.7340 K M 4194 4206 PSM NCYPSPLNYYNFPK 1849 sp|P53582|MAP11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10198 60.303 2 1775.7977 1775.7977 R S 178 192 PSM NDVMNLLESAGFSR 1850 sp|Q9UQE7|SMC3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12624 75.935 2 1561.7434 1561.7434 K S 119 133 PSM NGPALQEAYVR 1851 sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4729 29.165 2 1226.6283 1226.6283 R V 8 19 PSM NLEPVSWSSLNPK 1852 sp|P98172|EFNB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8987 53.006 2 1469.7514 1469.7514 K F 31 44 PSM NLQEEIDALESR 1853 sp|Q9NQP4|PFD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10356 61.285 2 1425.6975 1425.6975 K V 93 105 PSM NMLFSGTNIAAGK 1854 sp|P16615-5|AT2A2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7837 46.325 2 1328.6854 1328.6854 K A 206 219 PSM NNSFVNEIISR 1855 sp|P43246-2|MSH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8916 52.58 2 1301.6603 1301.6603 K I 853 864 PSM NPATTNQTEFERVF 1856 sp|P50750|CDK9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8592 50.652 2 1662.7877 1662.7877 R - 359 373 PSM NSPGSQVASNPR 1857 sp|Q9H0D6-2|XRN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=884 8.5998 2 1212.5847 1212.5847 R Q 371 383 PSM NSPGSQVASNPR 1858 sp|Q9H0D6-2|XRN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=885 8.6048 2 1222.593 1222.5930 R Q 371 383 PSM NTGIICTIGPASR 1859 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5917 35.528 2 1358.6976 1358.6976 R S 44 57 PSM NVLLLGEDGAGK 1860 sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6871 40.831 2 1184.6401 1184.6401 K T 69 81 PSM QASPNIVIALAGNK 1861 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8672 51.13 2 1400.8083 1400.8083 R A 122 136 PSM QIWQNLGLDDTK 1862 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9111 53.735 2 1435.7403 1435.7403 K I 154 166 PSM SANGVILTPGNTDGFLLPK 1863 sp|Q86TN4-2|TRPT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10950 64.983 2 1919.046 1919.0460 R Y 145 164 PSM SCDGNQELLNFLR 1864 sp|Q9UIG0-2|BAZ1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11289 67.097 2 1574.7387 1574.7387 K S 1040 1053 PSM SDGALLLGASSLSGR 1865 sp|Q9BQA1-2|MEP50_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8558 50.462 2 1402.7416 1402.7416 R C 38 53 PSM SDPLLIGIPTSENPFK 1866 sp|Q9UBI6|GBG12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12109 72.534 2 1726.9142 1726.9142 R D 49 65 PSM SELPLDPLPVPTEEGNPLLK 1867 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12568 75.561 2 2157.1569 2157.1569 K H 503 523 PSM SGDLFNCGSLTIR 1868 sp|P21953|ODBB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9123 53.806 2 1448.6957 1448.6957 R S 171 184 PSM SGGMSNELNNIISR 1869 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 4-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6454 38.51 2 1506.7097 1506.7097 R T 392 406 PSM SGGMSNELNNIISR 1870 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 4-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6477 38.639 2 1516.7179 1516.7179 R T 392 406 PSM SIQFVDWCPTGFK 1871 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11313 67.241 2 1583.7442 1583.7443 R V 224 237 PSM SLGSVQAPSYGAR 1872 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4647 28.66 2 1291.6521 1291.6521 R P 15 28 PSM SNMDNMFESYINNLR 1873 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11111 65.984 2 1862.7927 1862.7927 R R 162 177 PSM SPQENLVPCDVLLLR 1874 sp|Q9HD20|AT131_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11636 69.468 2 1751.924 1751.9240 R G 328 343 PSM SQPEPSPVLSQLSQR 1875 sp|Q5T6F2|UBAP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7037 41.755 2 1661.8612 1661.8612 K Q 427 442 PSM STAGNFLVNPLEPK 1876 sp|Q96SB4-4|SRPK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9643 56.888 2 1491.8029 1491.8029 K N 457 471 PSM STGDSFETRFEK 1877 sp|Q13464|ROCK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6162 36.906 2 1444.647 1444.6470 M M 2 14 PSM SVGGSGGGSFGDNLVTR 1878 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5846 35.151 2 1575.7517 1575.7517 R S 628 645 PSM TCPVQLWVDSTPPPGTR 1879 sp|P04637-8|P53_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9426 55.621 2 1919.9439 1919.9439 K V 8 25 PSM TENLLGSYFPK 1880 sp|Q06323-3|PSME1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9810 57.879 2 1273.665 1273.6650 K K 25 36 PSM TFNMDEYVGLPR 1881 sp|P46926|GNPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9788 57.747 2 1450.679 1450.6790 K D 68 80 PSM TGEAIVDAALSALR 1882 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12742 76.719 2 1385.7514 1385.7514 R Q 116 130 PSM TGMILLAGEITSR 1883 sp|P31153|METK2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10261 60.693 2 1370.7467 1370.7467 K A 62 75 PSM TGNFQVTELGR 1884 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6088 36.477 2 1220.6149 1220.6149 K I 976 987 PSM TIGGGDDSFNTFFSETGAGK 1885 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10607 62.833 3 2006.8858 2006.8858 K H 41 61 PSM TIISYIDEQFER 1886 sp|Q15019|SEPT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12195 73.099 2 1522.7543 1522.7543 K Y 117 129 PSM TLAMDTILANAR 1887 sp|P46926|GNPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9466 55.858 2 1288.6809 1288.6809 K F 161 173 PSM TLAMDTILANAR 1888 sp|P46926|GNPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9476 55.913 2 1298.6892 1298.6892 K F 161 173 PSM TLIQNCGASTIR 1889 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4196 26.09 2 1332.682 1332.6820 R L 412 424 PSM TLLENTAITIGR 1890 sp|Q92973-3|TNPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8383 49.478 2 1300.7351 1300.7351 K L 724 736 PSM TLLLCGYPNVGK 1891 sp|Q9BZE4-3|NOG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8374 49.426 2 1339.7265 1339.7265 R S 54 66 PSM TQSSLVPALTDFVR 1892 sp|O60888-3|CUTA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11862 70.929 2 1542.8281 1542.8281 K S 102 116 PSM TVLIMELINNVAK 1893 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12614 75.87 2 1478.8474 1478.8474 K A 213 226 PSM TVLIMELINNVAK 1894 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 5-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12616 75.881 2 1472.8273 1472.8273 K A 213 226 PSM TVSYNGILGPECGTK 1895 sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6624 39.436 2 1594.7661 1594.7661 R Y 513 528 PSM TYDLPGNFLTQALTQR 1896 sp|O94874-3|UFL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12902 77.843 3 1846.9453 1846.9453 K L 145 161 PSM TYNFLPEFLVSTQK 1897 sp|P30740|ILEU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12840 77.402 2 1685.8665 1685.8665 K T 97 111 PSM VEGFPTIYFAPSGDK 1898 sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10746 63.691 2 1626.793 1626.7930 K K 597 612 PSM VEQLFQVMNGILAQDSACSQR 1899 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13418 81.663 3 2393.1468 2393.1468 R A 3764 3785 PSM VFFIQACQGDNYQK 1900 sp|Q14790-3|CASP8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7956 47.025 2 1716.793 1716.7930 K G 270 284 PSM VGAPLICCEIK 1901 sp|O60488-2|ACSL4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6847 40.705 2 1258.6414 1258.6414 R L 447 458 PSM VIILGDSGVGK 1902 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6016 36.081 2 1056.6179 1056.6179 K T 11 22 PSM VLANPGNSQVAR 1903 sp|Q14974|IMB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1883 13.847 2 1224.6575 1224.6575 R V 43 55 PSM VLDASWYSPGTR 1904 sp|Q16762|THTR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7347 43.591 2 1360.6651 1360.6651 R E 31 43 PSM VLDMPTQELGLPAYR 1905 sp|Q9NP81|SYSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10604 62.811 2 1711.8843 1711.8843 R K 388 403 PSM VLELDPALAPVVSR 1906 sp|O00170|AIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10054 59.388 2 1487.8587 1487.8587 K E 291 305 PSM VLQQFADNDVSR 1907 sp|P51659-3|DHB4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4819 29.646 2 1390.6841 1390.6841 R F 526 538 PSM VLQSEFCNAVR 1908 sp|Q9NUP9|LIN7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5732 34.548 2 1321.6449 1321.6449 R E 41 52 PSM VLTFDLTKYPDANPNPNEQ 1909 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9529 56.228 2 2175.0484 2175.0484 K - 1215 1234 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 1910 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 9-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8616 50.795 2 2490.1705 2490.1705 R C 178 201 PSM VNILEVASGAVLR 1911 sp|Q12788|TBL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12386 74.366 2 1349.7906 1349.7906 R S 47 60 PSM VPSEGAYDIILPR 1912 sp|Q9NQ84|GPC5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9212 54.332 2 1428.7613 1428.7613 K A 381 394 PSM VTPPAVTGSPEFER 1913 sp|Q99735-2|MGST2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5947 35.689 2 1495.7546 1495.7546 K V 35 49 PSM VTWDSSFCAVNPR 1914 sp|Q9ULV4|COR1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8261 48.765 2 1537.6984 1537.6984 R F 32 45 PSM VVQMLGSLGGQINK 1915 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8163 48.204 2 1442.7915 1442.7915 R N 855 869 PSM VYVGNLGTGAGK 1916 sp|Q16629-3|SRSF7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3814 24.092 2 1140.6235 1140.6235 K G 13 25 PSM YAVLYQPLFDK 1917 sp|P55209-3|NP1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10292 60.885 2 1361.7327 1361.7327 K E 65 76 PSM YEELFPAFSDSR 1918 sp|P54920|SNAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10397 61.531 2 1459.662 1459.6620 K E 228 240 PSM YGQGAGEGSTR 1919 sp|Q9C0C2-2|TB182_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=615 7.0812 2 1091.4871 1091.4871 K E 229 240 PSM YLAEFATGNDR 1920 sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5656 34.125 2 1265.5916 1265.5916 R K 131 142 PSM YLLNLNLEPFSEK 1921 sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12574 75.597 2 1578.8294 1578.8294 K S 528 541 PSM YSVQLLTPANLLAK 1922 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11763 70.293 2 1529.8817 1529.8817 R I 405 419 PSM YVDIAIPCNNK 1923 sp|P08865|RSSA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 28.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6269 37.525 2 1305.6387 1305.6387 R G 156 167 PSM CCSGAIIVLTK 1924 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=6399 38.21742166666667 2 1226.642740 1226.645844 K S 423 434 PSM QLREYQELMNVK 1925 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9936 58.665645 2 1532.7662 1532.7652 R L 370 382 PSM QLREYQELMNVK 1926 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10103 59.70972166666667 2 1532.7647 1532.7652 R L 370 382 PSM SFSTASAITPSVSR 1927 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=5684 34.281126666666665 2 1409.714544 1409.715058 R T 16 30 PSM NLDLDSIIAEVK 1928 sp|P35908|K22E_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12479 74.97555333333334 2 1328.717699 1328.718747 R A 342 354 PSM AIAELGIYPAVDPLDSTSR 1929 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11266 66.95306166666667 2 1997.0362 1997.0340 R I 388 407 PSM CTTDHISAAGPWLK 1930 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8819 52.01652333333333 2 1544.7202 1544.7382 K F 592 606 PSM LDLDLTADSQPPVFK 1931 sp|Q13263|TIF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10368 61.36028 2 1664.883750 1663.876432 R V 493 508 PSM VIGSGCNLDSAR 1932 sp|Q6ZMR3|LDH6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=3676 23.36860666666667 2 1248.577277 1247.592835 R F 158 170 PSM LLLIGDSGVGK 1933 sp|P61026|RAB10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7496 44.40087 2 1076.653168 1076.653689 K T 12 23 PSM QKVDSLLENLEK 1934 sp|P07910|HNRPC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10178 60.18198666666667 2 1397.7428 1397.7397 K I 205 217 PSM QQEGFKGTFPDAR 1935 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28,6-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6142 36.79233 2 1478.7128 1478.7120 R E 366 379 PSM QQEGFKGTFPDAR 1936 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6131 36.722365 2 1462.6835 1462.6836 R E 366 379 PSM VVLAYEPVWAIGTGK 1937 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11548 68.848815 2 1608.904839 1607.901859 K T 198 213 PSM CESAPGCGVWQRPVIDNPNYK 1938 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8692 51.25165833333333 2 2431.0962 2429.0892 R G 360 381 PSM QKQSLEYLEQVR 1939 sp|Q9BZE4|NOG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8110 47.894555 2 1502.7749 1502.7724 R Q 144 156 PSM MQLLEIITTEK 1940 sp|P40939|ECHA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11312 67.23532166666666 2 1318.727169 1317.721389 K T 506 517 PSM LSFYETGEIPR 1941 sp|O00567|NOP56_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8204 48.448105 2 1320.661553 1320.658936 R K 405 416 PSM IMVANIEEVLQR 1942 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 2-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10263 60.70417166666667 2 1439.792475 1439.768169 R G 148 160 PSM CATPVIIDEILPSKK 1943 sp|Q9ULW0|TPX2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12120 72.60473166666667 2 1677.9373 1677.9409 R M 145 160 PSM SSGPYGGGGQYFAK 1944 sp|Q32P51|RA1L2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=4704 29.01916 2 1375.644432 1374.620430 R P 285 299 PSM LLTIGDANGEIQR 1945 sp|Q86X55|CARM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6878 40.86444 2 1399.730620 1398.746693 R H 37 50 PSM LLSALEDLEVLSR 1946 sp|Q9NPJ6|MED4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=13144 79.47744833333333 2 1456.818930 1456.813710 R E 30 43 PSM LQSPEFQSLFTEGLK 1947 sp|Q96Q11|TRNT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11939 71.41844166666667 2 1722.875080 1722.882852 K S 32 47 PSM YVFLDPLAGAVTK 1948 sp|A8K0Z3|WASH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11511 68.60173833333333 2 1392.768406 1392.765303 K T 186 199 PSM LLAEALNQVTQR 1949 sp|Q05655|KPCD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8006 47.30795166666667 2 1354.763698 1354.756864 K A 286 298 PSM QLDDLKVELSQLR 1950 sp|P42766|RL35_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28,6-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12061 72.21627166666667 2 1554.8530 1554.8583 K V 20 33 PSM CKDVLTGQEFDVR 1951 sp|P43304|GPDM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8803 51.921490000000006 2 1564.7559 1564.7521 R A 270 283 PSM TQVGLIQYANNPR 1952 sp|P17301|ITA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6310 37.745396666666664 2 1472.782896 1472.773576 K V 209 222 PSM QYDAGRDGFIDLMELK 1953 sp|Q96C19|EFHD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:28,6-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12862 77.56588833333333 2 1868.8950 1868.8944 K L 103 119 PSM TLGDFAAEYAK 1954 sp|P09874|PARP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7502 44.43374 2 1190.591435 1190.591483 K S 109 120 PSM LGNGSGAGGILDLLK 1955 sp|Q9UPP1|PHF8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12561 75.51326333333333 2 1390.773775 1389.792308 K A 718 733 PSM CFSVSMLAGPNDRSDVEK 1956 sp|Q92890|UFD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10862 64.4207 2 1993.8879 1993.8868 R G 25 43 PSM LLDELTLEGVAR 1957 sp|Q8IXJ6|SIR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9764 57.60268833333333 2 1329.716790 1327.734731 R Y 58 70 PSM IASLEVENQSLR 1958 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5891 35.39429166666667 2 1367.735058 1367.728413 R G 84 96 PSM SFVQGLGVASDVVR 1959 sp|P35052|GPC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9239 54.493015 2 1434.747801 1432.767428 R K 222 236 PSM MMVCQVGGIEALVR 1960 sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 28.0 1-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9506 56.09456333333333 2 1588.783936 1587.781059 K T 436 450 PSM AAQPPAQPCQLCGR 1961 sp|Q96B54|ZN428_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3007 19.879 2 1552.7239 1552.7239 R S 85 99 PSM AAVATFLQSVQVPEFTPK 1962 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12505 75.143 3 1938.0558 1938.0558 R S 745 763 PSM ACARPLISVYSEK 1963 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7592 44.927 2 1534.7814 1534.7814 M G 2 15 PSM AGLPGFYDPCVGEEK 1964 sp|Q9NVH1-3|DJC11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8818 52.011 2 1637.7396 1637.7396 K N 457 472 PSM AGVNTVTTLVENK 1965 sp|P62424|RL7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6598 39.303 2 1350.745 1350.7450 R K 138 151 PSM ALDELFEAIEQK 1966 sp|Q27J81|INF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12155 72.837 2 1410.7338 1410.7338 R Q 878 890 PSM ALDGAFTEENR 1967 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4681 28.886 2 1231.5708 1231.5708 K A 1545 1556 PSM ALDLADMITR 1968 sp|P49916-4|DNLI3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10301 60.94 2 1127.5884 1127.5884 K V 552 562 PSM ALSNLESIPGGYNALR 1969 sp|Q9UMX0-3|UBQL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9151 53.976 2 1673.8737 1673.8737 R R 81 97 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 1970 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8976 52.94 2 1706.8549 1706.8549 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 1971 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11996 71.788 3 1690.86 1690.8600 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDSK 1972 sp|Q9BVA1|TBB2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11845 70.818 2 1706.8549 1706.8549 R N 283 298 PSM AMNGESLDGR 1973 sp|P98179|RBM3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1875 13.806 2 1058.469 1058.4690 R Q 66 76 PSM AQIWDTAGQER 1974 sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5069 30.991 2 1283.6134 1283.6134 K Y 62 73 PSM AQLLQPTLEINPR 1975 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8580 50.588 2 1501.8492 1501.8492 R H 582 595 PSM AQNTWGCGNSLR 1976 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3665 23.31 2 1362.6099 1362.6099 K T 516 528 PSM ASAGPQPLLVQSCK 1977 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4801 29.551 2 1454.7551 1454.7551 K A 944 958 PSM ATENDIYNFFSPLNPMR 1978 sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12588 75.696 2 2043.936 2043.9360 R V 300 317 PSM ATLKDQLIYNLLK 1979 sp|P00338-4|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13113 79.264 2 1585.9482 1585.9482 M E 2 15 PSM AVAQALEVIPR 1980 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7709 45.574 2 1175.6902 1175.6902 R T 401 412 PSM AVAQALEVIPR 1981 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7718 45.627 2 1165.6819 1165.6819 R T 401 412 PSM AVLVDLEPGTMDSVR 1982 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9342 55.102 2 1600.8131 1600.8131 R S 63 78 PSM CCSGAIIVLTK 1983 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6346 37.93 2 1220.6257 1220.6257 K S 423 434 PSM CDKEFMWALK 1984 sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10530 62.354 2 1368.6206 1368.6206 M N 2 12 PSM CIAQMVNSQAANIR 1985 sp|Q9Y6D5|BIG2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6721 39.985 2 1574.7657 1574.7657 R S 1206 1220 PSM CPLSGACYSPEFK 1986 sp|P53621|COPA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6468 38.589 2 1520.6735 1520.6735 K G 1185 1198 PSM CQNALQQVVAR 1987 sp|Q06210-2|GFPT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5127 31.286 2 1295.6644 1295.6644 K Q 602 613 PSM CWEVQDSGQTIPK 1988 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6032 36.159 2 1546.7086 1546.7086 R A 68 81 PSM DLQNVNITLR 1989 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7367 43.708 2 1184.6513 1184.6513 K I 84 94 PSM DLSLLQIQMR 1990 sp|Q9BXJ9|NAA15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10772 63.852 2 1225.6728 1225.6728 R D 119 129 PSM DLVGELGTALR 1991 sp|P04066|FUCO_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10988 65.218 2 1142.6295 1142.6295 R K 163 174 PSM DNPNLLFNMCGFECR 1992 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11775 70.368 2 1885.791 1885.7910 K I 1181 1196 PSM ELCQGLGQPGSVLR 1993 sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6837 40.65 2 1512.7719 1512.7719 R V 360 374 PSM ELCQGLGQPGSVLR 1994 sp|P13489|RINI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6838 40.656 2 1522.7801 1522.7801 R V 360 374 PSM ELLITDLLPDNR 1995 sp|Q03701|CEBPZ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12390 74.395 2 1410.7718 1410.7718 K K 291 303 PSM EQFLDGDGWTSR 1996 sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7977 47.14 2 1409.6212 1409.6212 K W 25 37 PSM EQSILELGSLLAK 1997 sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12577 75.623 2 1405.8124 1405.8124 K T 47 60 PSM FADLSEAANR 1998 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4180 26.002 2 1092.52 1092.5200 K N 295 305 PSM FCTGLTQIETLFK 1999 sp|P12277|KCRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13073 78.995 2 1556.7909 1556.7909 R S 253 266 PSM FDAGELITQR 2000 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7511 44.483 2 1158.5909 1158.5909 R E 134 144 PSM FDAGELITQR 2001 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7512 44.487 2 1148.5826 1148.5826 R E 134 144 PSM FFDDDLLVSTSR 2002 sp|O43924|PDE6D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9968 58.862 2 1413.6776 1413.6776 K V 133 145 PSM FLIPNASQAESK 2003 sp|P63104|1433Z_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6345 37.925 2 1303.6772 1303.6772 K V 104 116 PSM FNVWDTAGQEK 2004 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7027 41.696 2 1293.599 1293.5990 K F 61 72 PSM FVASCGFTPDVK 2005 sp|Q9Y4P3|TBL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6355 37.978 2 1326.6278 1326.6278 R V 243 255 PSM FVDGVSTVAR 2006 sp|O95347|SMC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4100 25.608 2 1049.5506 1049.5506 K F 1161 1171 PSM GADFLVTEVENGGSLGSK 2007 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10162 60.08 2 1784.8888 1784.8888 K K 189 207 PSM GALTTVEGLITR 2008 sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10523 62.31 2 1239.7062 1239.7062 K A 141 153 PSM GCDVVVIPAGVPR 2009 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7881 46.59 2 1337.7126 1337.7126 K K 92 105 PSM GEGGILINSQGER 2010 sp|P31040-3|SDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4261 26.452 2 1328.6684 1328.6684 R F 168 181 PSM GFAFVTFESPADAK 2011 sp|P38159-3|RBMX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10625 62.948 2 1485.714 1485.7140 R D 50 64 PSM GFGTDEQAIIDCLGSR 2012 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10833 64.237 2 1747.8075 1747.8075 K S 182 198 PSM GIGMNEPLVDCEGYPR 2013 sp|O00233-2|PSMD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8117 47.938 2 1815.8159 1815.8159 K S 49 65 PSM GKVEIDQQQLTQQQLNGN 2014 sp|Q8IWS0-5|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5537 33.429 2 2040.0236 2040.0236 R - 314 332 PSM GLGLDDALEPR 2015 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7779 45.981 2 1164.6014 1164.6014 R Q 30 41 PSM GLGTDEDSLIEIICSR 2016 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12496 75.085 3 1776.8564 1776.8564 K T 120 136 PSM GLGTDEDTLIEILASR 2017 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13416 81.646 2 1701.8785 1701.8785 K T 129 145 PSM GLGTDEESILTLLTSR 2018 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13743 84.781 2 1703.8941 1703.8941 K S 30 46 PSM GLSSLLYGSIPK 2019 sp|P53007|TXTP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10721 63.538 2 1233.6969 1233.6969 R A 86 98 PSM GPCIIYNEDNGIIK 2020 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7828 46.271 2 1610.807 1610.8070 R A 206 220 PSM GPLEPSEPAVVAAAR 2021 sp|P29372-5|3MG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6310 37.745 2 1472.7863 1472.7863 R V 230 245 PSM GPVGTVSEAQLAR 2022 sp|Q9NZM1-8|MYOF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4687 28.924 2 1283.6834 1283.6834 K R 150 163 PSM GQDIFIIQTIPR 2023 sp|Q14558|KPRA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10629 62.97 2 1409.7906 1409.7906 R D 57 69 PSM GSPMEISLPIALSK 2024 sp|P09960-4|LKHA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9664 57.001 2 1457.78 1457.7800 K N 60 74 PSM GTQGVVTNFEIFR 2025 sp|P55884|EIF3B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10410 61.614 2 1476.76 1476.7600 K M 536 549 PSM GTVTDFPGFDER 2026 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8033 47.462 2 1349.6127 1349.6127 R A 7 19 PSM GVVQELQQAISK 2027 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10440 61.797 2 1298.7194 1298.7194 R L 96 108 PSM IANPVEGSTDR 2028 sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2434 16.718 2 1167.5759 1167.5759 K Q 276 287 PSM IAPLAEGALPYNLAELQR 2029 sp|O75746-2|CMC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11653 69.577 3 1938.0575 1938.0575 R Q 185 203 PSM ICDLLSDFDEFSSR 2030 sp|Q8N142|PURA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12698 76.43 2 1702.7509 1702.7509 R F 182 196 PSM IDCFSEVPTSVFGEK 2031 sp|O00567|NOP56_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10116 59.79 2 1719.8121 1719.8121 R L 382 397 PSM IEVIEIMTDR 2032 sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9686 57.131 2 1227.6408 1227.6408 K G 131 141 PSM IEVIEIMTDR 2033 sp|P09651-3|ROA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9688 57.14 2 1217.6326 1217.6326 K G 131 141 PSM IFVGNVSAACTSQELR 2034 sp|Q96PK6-3|RBM14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7271 43.149 3 1750.8672 1750.8672 K S 81 97 PSM IGDPLLEDTR 2035 sp|P49189-2|AL9A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6515 38.847 2 1137.5905 1137.5905 K M 247 257 PSM IGSGFDNIDIK 2036 sp|Q13363-2|CTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7340 43.556 2 1183.618 1183.6180 R S 87 98 PSM IINNTENLVR 2037 sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4142 25.817 2 1184.6513 1184.6513 K E 52 62 PSM IINNTENLVR 2038 sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4151 25.863 2 1194.6596 1194.6596 K E 52 62 PSM IIPYLSFGEVEK 2039 sp|Q5T4S7-3|UBR4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11010 65.356 2 1393.7493 1393.7493 R M 4595 4607 PSM IIPYLSFGEVEK 2040 sp|Q5T4S7-3|UBR4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11011 65.361 2 1399.7694 1399.7694 R M 4595 4607 PSM ILQDSLGGNCR 2041 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3471 22.311 2 1241.6062 1241.6062 R T 285 296 PSM ILYSQCGDVMR 2042 sp|P60660-2|MYL6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 6-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5284 32.105 2 1350.63 1350.6300 K A 27 38 PSM INFDDNAEFR 2043 sp|Q96I99|SUCB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6826 40.59 2 1249.5603 1249.5603 K Q 260 270 PSM INFDDNAEFR 2044 sp|Q96I99|SUCB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6827 40.595 2 1239.552 1239.5520 K Q 260 270 PSM IPNQFQSDPPAPSDK 2045 sp|Q9NRV9|HEBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4208 26.157 2 1639.7842 1639.7842 R S 104 119 PSM ISELGAGNGGVVFK 2046 sp|Q02750-2|MP2K1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6932 41.143 2 1352.7395 1352.7395 K V 71 85 PSM ISFSNIISDMK 2047 sp|Q92665|RT31_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11369 67.578 2 1253.6326 1253.6326 K V 199 210 PSM ISGLIYEETR 2048 sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6021 36.1 2 1179.6136 1179.6136 R G 47 57 PSM ISGLIYEETR 2049 sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6197 37.108 2 1179.6136 1179.6136 R G 47 57 PSM ISGLIYEETR 2050 sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6017 36.084 2 1189.6218 1189.6218 R G 47 57 PSM ISGLIYEETR 2051 sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6196 37.104 2 1189.6218 1189.6218 R G 47 57 PSM ISTITPQIQAFNLQK 2052 sp|P30260|CDC27_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9583 56.546 2 1706.9662 1706.9662 K A 442 457 PSM ITPSYVAFTPEGER 2053 sp|P11021|BIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7614 45.045 2 1575.7808 1575.7808 R L 61 75 PSM IVDDWANDGWGLK 2054 sp|P27824-2|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10161 60.075 2 1493.7246 1493.7246 R K 481 494 PSM IYGLGSLALYEK 2055 sp|P36542-2|ATPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10582 62.681 2 1331.7432 1331.7432 R A 68 80 PSM LAEGVQLLCLIDK 2056 sp|Q9BZH6|WDR11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12374 74.291 2 1476.8317 1476.8317 K A 1063 1076 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 2057 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10781 63.908 3 1632.9074 1632.9074 R S 639 654 PSM LALVISELEGK 2058 sp|Q12899|TRI26_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10344 61.205 2 1176.7061 1176.7061 R A 235 246 PSM LAQEGIYTLYPFINSR 2059 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12232 73.341 3 1893.9864 1893.9864 R I 603 619 PSM LAQEGIYTLYPFINSR 2060 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12228 73.318 2 1883.9781 1883.9781 R I 603 619 PSM LAYFNDIAVGAVCCR 2061 sp|Q9GZZ1|NAA50_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10039 59.292 2 1727.8123 1727.8123 K V 48 63 PSM LELFLPEEYPMAAPK 2062 sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11067 65.707 2 1762.8852 1762.8852 K V 54 69 PSM LFQEDDEIPLYLK 2063 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11038 65.524 2 1627.8441 1627.8441 K G 34 47 PSM LFSADPFDLEAQAK 2064 sp|Q5TDH0-2|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10924 64.818 2 1550.7617 1550.7617 R I 192 206 PSM LFSCANCDTILTNR 2065 sp|P62699|YPEL5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7599 44.962 2 1693.7791 1693.7791 R S 14 28 PSM LGESQTLQQFSR 2066 sp|Q13813-3|SPTN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5933 35.611 2 1392.6997 1392.6997 K D 1527 1539 PSM LGGTCVNVGCVPK 2067 sp|P00390-5|GSHR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5053 30.898 2 1365.684 1365.6840 K K 98 111 PSM LGNEDFNSVIQQMAQGR 2068 sp|Q8NI35-4|INADL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11421 67.917 2 1905.9003 1905.9003 K Q 114 131 PSM LGVQDLFNSSK 2069 sp|P30740|ILEU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9303 54.874 2 1206.6245 1206.6245 R A 291 302 PSM LIDPQTQVTR 2070 sp|Q9UKG1|DP13A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3806 24.046 2 1179.6487 1179.6487 K L 554 564 PSM LLQNCNDDSLNVALPMR 2071 sp|Q15386-3|UBE3C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9302 54.868 2 1971.9506 1971.9506 R M 111 128 PSM LMCELGNDVINR 2072 sp|Q15057|ACAP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7275 43.172 2 1442.6885 1442.6885 K V 466 478 PSM LNIISNLDCVNEVIGIR 2073 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13115 79.275 2 1951.0436 1951.0436 R Q 382 399 PSM LPIVNEDDELVAIIAR 2074 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12858 77.533 2 1778.9778 1778.9778 K T 209 225 PSM LSDGFNGADLR 2075 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5747 34.631 2 1163.5571 1163.5571 K N 334 345 PSM LSILYPATTGR 2076 sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7469 44.268 2 1190.6659 1190.6659 K N 145 156 PSM LSLAQEDLISNR 2077 sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7422 44.013 2 1367.7284 1367.7284 K N 1056 1068 PSM LSPEPWTPETGLVTDAFK 2078 sp|O95573|ACSL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12038 72.061 2 1986.9939 1986.9939 R L 682 700 PSM LSSDVLTLLIK 2079 sp|P36776-3|LONM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12498 75.097 2 1200.7329 1200.7329 K Q 495 506 PSM LSSDVLTLLIK 2080 sp|P36776-3|LONM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12500 75.109 2 1206.7531 1206.7531 K Q 495 506 PSM LSVAAQEAAR 2081 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2015 14.632 2 1014.5458 1014.5458 R L 2420 2430 PSM LTAEDLFEAR 2082 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9232 54.45 2 1163.5823 1163.5823 R I 3784 3794 PSM LTTLELLEVR 2083 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10725 63.565 2 1185.6969 1185.6969 R R 2066 2076 PSM LTTLELLEVR 2084 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10751 63.725 2 1195.7052 1195.7052 R R 2066 2076 PSM LVICPDEGFYK 2085 sp|P61081|UBC12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8212 48.494 2 1339.6482 1339.6482 K S 62 73 PSM LVICPDEGFYK 2086 sp|P61081|UBC12_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8229 48.592 2 1339.6482 1339.6482 K S 62 73 PSM LVWIETPTNPTQK 2087 sp|P32929-3|CGL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8360 49.34 2 1525.814 1525.8140 K V 121 134 PSM LWEPLVEEPPADQWK 2088 sp|Q16718-2|NDUA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11160 66.289 2 1841.9295 1841.9295 K W 99 114 PSM MAAADSVQQR 2089 sp|Q8IYB3-2|SRRM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=704 7.6065 2 1091.503 1091.5030 K R 471 481 PSM MAGDETQPTR 2090 sp|Q8WXA9|SREK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=526 6.5512 2 1120.4819 1120.4819 R F 98 108 PSM MEPRPTAPSSGAPGLAGVGETPSAAALAAAR 2091 sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:267,31-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9484 55.958 2 2922.4772 2922.4772 - V 1 32 PSM MGPGATAGGAEK 2092 sp|P62820-2|RAB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=569 6.8064 2 1061.4812 1061.4812 R S 112 124 PSM MINLSEPDTIDER 2093 sp|Q14651|PLSI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6467 38.584 2 1547.7137 1547.7137 K A 168 181 PSM MTDQEAIQDLWQWR 2094 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12971 78.321 2 1828.8442 1828.8442 R K 278 292 PSM NADGLIVASR 2095 sp|Q9UJA5-4|TRM6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3743 23.712 2 1014.5458 1014.5458 R F 198 208 PSM NALANPLYCPDYR 2096 sp|P22695|QCR2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7774 45.949 2 1575.7379 1575.7379 R I 184 197 PSM NEGVATYAAAVLFR 2097 sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11937 71.407 2 1490.7757 1490.7757 R M 648 662 PSM NLGMTDAFELGK 2098 sp|P35237|SPB6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9205 54.293 2 1300.6429 1300.6429 R A 288 300 PSM NLQEIQQAGER 2099 sp|Q8N1F7|NUP93_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3277 21.309 2 1294.6505 1294.6505 R L 32 43 PSM NNSGEEFDCAFR 2100 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5994 35.952 2 1454.576 1454.5760 R L 591 603 PSM NPEVPVNFAEFSK 2101 sp|O15347|HMGB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9410 55.525 2 1476.7249 1476.7249 K K 31 44 PSM NSILFLNSLDAK 2102 sp|Q8IXB1|DJC10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10822 64.165 2 1339.7443 1339.7443 K E 326 338 PSM NVCTEAGMFAIR 2103 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8401 49.584 2 1377.6409 1377.6409 R A 345 357 PSM NVLIEVNPQTR 2104 sp|Q92979|NEP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5948 35.695 2 1291.7124 1291.7124 K I 115 126 PSM PEFLEDPSVLTK 2105 sp|P42167-3|LAP2B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8962 52.853 2 1379.728 1379.7280 M D 2 14 PSM QFCSTQAALQAMER 2106 sp|Q14980-4|NUMA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7917 46.807 2 1649.7529 1649.7529 R E 959 973 PSM QIIVDPLSFSEER 2107 sp|P35221|CTNA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10655 63.133 2 1541.7965 1541.7965 K F 288 301 PSM SAAQAAAQTNSNAAGK 2108 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=662 7.3555 2 1465.7217 1465.7217 K Q 53 69 PSM SACGNCYLGDAFR 2109 sp|Q6FI81-2|CPIN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7084 42.041 2 1499.6161 1499.6161 K C 68 81 PSM SASLCAATLAAVLQR 2110 sp|P52789|HXK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11255 66.886 2 1530.8188 1530.8188 R I 382 397 PSM SFTASCPVSAFVPK 2111 sp|Q6P587|FAHD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9042 53.325 2 1496.7334 1496.7334 K E 124 138 PSM SGALLACGIVNSGVR 2112 sp|Q13200-2|PSMD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7927 46.864 2 1472.7769 1472.7769 K N 283 298 PSM SGELPPNINIKEPR 2113 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=7768 45.911 2 1604.8522 1604.8522 M W 2 16 PSM SGFSLDNGELR 2114 sp|Q9UNZ2-4|NSF1C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6889 40.926 2 1193.5677 1193.5677 K S 158 169 PSM SGGGYIVVDPILR 2115 sp|P35573|GDE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9597 56.631 2 1354.7484 1354.7484 K V 102 115 PSM SGLSSPIYIDLR 2116 sp|P11172|UMPS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9842 58.069 2 1329.7168 1329.7168 K G 30 42 PSM SIVEEIEDLVAR 2117 sp|P04844-2|RPN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=14017 87.899 2 1381.7328 1381.7328 R L 147 159 PSM SLGPPQGEEDSVPR 2118 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4369 26.98 2 1466.7001 1466.7001 R D 2107 2121 PSM SLTANPELIDR 2119 sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5818 35.009 2 1227.6459 1227.6459 K L 200 211 PSM SLVQEMVGSFGK 2120 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11295 67.13 2 1286.6636 1286.6636 R R 546 558 PSM SQALIEELLLYK 2121 sp|Q5VT52-5|RPRD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13097 79.152 2 1424.8222 1424.8222 R R 164 176 PSM SSFADISNLLQIEPR 2122 sp|Q15785|TOM34_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12719 76.571 2 1688.8733 1688.8733 K N 279 294 PSM SSGSALTVWGTGNPR 2123 sp|Q13630|FCL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6667 39.677 2 1488.7321 1488.7321 K R 200 215 PSM STAPLLDVFSSMLK 2124 sp|Q9BTC0-1|DIDO1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=14308 91.547 2 1513.8157 1513.8157 K D 825 839 PSM STGGAPTFNVTVTK 2125 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5785 34.83 2 1384.7294 1384.7294 K T 92 106 PSM STGSIVGQQPFGGAR 2126 sp|P30038-2|AL4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5633 33.99 2 1470.7455 1470.7455 K A 450 465 PSM SVCPGGSSPGSSSGGGR 2127 sp|Q53LP3|SWAHC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=817 8.2377 2 1491.6372 1491.6372 R G 219 236 PSM SVDLAEYAPNLR 2128 sp|Q86W92-3|LIPB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8913 52.564 2 1346.683 1346.6830 R G 665 677 PSM SVGGSGGGSFGDNLVTR 2129 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4236 26.317 2 1565.7434 1565.7434 R S 628 645 PSM SVYGGEFIQQLK 2130 sp|Q9NQG5|RPR1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8841 52.147 2 1367.7085 1367.7085 R L 115 127 PSM SVYGGEFIQQLK 2131 sp|Q9NQG5|RPR1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8844 52.161 2 1373.7286 1373.7286 R L 115 127 PSM SWLPQNCTLVDMK 2132 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9646 56.903 2 1590.7534 1590.7534 K I 179 192 PSM SYQFWDTQPVPK 2133 sp|P30419-2|NMT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8580 50.588 2 1500.7345 1500.7345 R L 36 48 PSM TAMNVNEIFMAIAK 2134 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13181 79.719 2 1551.7789 1551.7789 K K 167 181 PSM TATFENIVCVLNR 2135 sp|Q12933-4|TRAF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11340 67.4 2 1535.7766 1535.7766 K E 254 267 PSM TDGFGIDTCR 2136 sp|P04632|CPNS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4835 29.73 2 1150.4952 1150.4952 K S 136 146 PSM TFDEIASGFR 2137 sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8043 47.512 2 1141.5404 1141.5404 R Q 459 469 PSM TFDEIASGFR 2138 sp|P11166|GTR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8044 47.516 2 1151.5487 1151.5487 R Q 459 469 PSM TGTFCALSTVLER 2139 sp|P18433-6|PTPRA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10360 61.309 2 1463.7318 1463.7318 R V 730 743 PSM TIISYIDEQFER 2140 sp|Q15019|SEPT2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12193 73.087 2 1512.746 1512.7460 K Y 117 129 PSM TLNEWSSQINPDLVR 2141 sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9389 55.397 2 1770.8901 1770.8901 K E 50 65 PSM TLQVSPLDNGDLIR 2142 sp|P29350-2|PTN6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8977 52.946 2 1549.8339 1549.8339 R E 355 369 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFQPNTQVK 2143 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11759 70.263 2 2204.1147 2204.1147 R V 309 328 PSM TMTGLDTPVLMVIK 2144 sp|Q8N573-7|OXR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11829 70.715 2 1517.8197 1517.8197 R D 97 111 PSM TPESIVPIAPELQPSTSR 2145 sp|Q14676-3|MDC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9282 54.75 2 1921.0157 1921.0157 K N 1280 1298 PSM TQYSSAMLESLLPGIR 2146 sp|P55786|PSA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12770 76.906 3 1774.9163 1774.9163 R D 591 607 PSM TSFTPVGDVFELNFMNVK 2147 sp|P04844-2|RPN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13826 85.615 2 2050.0177 2050.0177 K F 291 309 PSM TSSTDLSDIPALPANPIPVIK 2148 sp|P51003|PAPOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11598 69.224 2 2148.1678 2148.1678 K N 716 737 PSM TSYLTELIDR 2149 sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10200 60.316 2 1219.6324 1219.6324 K F 204 214 PSM TTQIPQFLLDDCFK 2150 sp|Q9H6S0|YTDC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11849 70.841 2 1724.8444 1724.8444 K N 223 237 PSM TTQVPQFILDDFIQNDR 2151 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13154 79.543 3 2049.0167 2049.0167 K A 418 435 PSM TYDLPGNFLTQALTQR 2152 sp|O94874-3|UFL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12900 77.831 2 1836.937 1836.9370 K L 145 161 PSM VAEQTPLTALYVANLIK 2153 sp|P05091-2|ALDH2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13221 80.001 2 1849.0656 1849.0656 K E 163 180 PSM VAGFDLDGTLITTR 2154 sp|Q96T60-2|PNKP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10388 61.476 2 1477.7777 1477.7777 K S 128 142 PSM VCENIPIVLCGNK 2155 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7912 46.775 2 1520.7786 1520.7786 R V 111 124 PSM VDGMDILCVR 2156 sp|P08559-3|ODPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9166 54.066 2 1186.5714 1186.5714 R E 223 233 PSM VDGMDILCVR 2157 sp|P08559-3|ODPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9167 54.07 2 1176.5631 1176.5631 R E 223 233 PSM VDIETPNLEGTLTGPR 2158 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9159 54.024 2 1710.8788 1710.8788 R L 541 557 PSM VFFTCNACGESVK 2159 sp|Q9NX58|LYAR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 5-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6110 36.601 2 1517.6643 1517.6643 M K 2 15 PSM VGIPVTDENGNR 2160 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3532 22.63 2 1269.6313 1269.6313 K L 203 215 PSM VGIPVTDENGNR 2161 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3533 22.634 2 1279.6396 1279.6396 K L 203 215 PSM VGQLSEGAIAAIMQK 2162 sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9998 59.046 2 1514.8127 1514.8127 M G 2 17 PSM VIGNQSLVNELAFTAR 2163 sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10580 62.669 3 1740.9398 1740.9398 K K 215 231 PSM VLFSSNGGVVK 2164 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5426 32.851 2 1111.6333 1111.6333 K G 472 483 PSM VLITTDLLAR 2165 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9336 55.07 2 1123.684 1123.6840 R G 325 335 PSM VLITTDLLAR 2166 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9337 55.074 2 1113.6758 1113.6758 R G 325 335 PSM VMDIPYLNLEGPDLQPK 2167 sp|O95453-4|PARN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12376 74.302 2 1947.0119 1947.0119 R R 252 269 PSM VQIAVANAQELLQR 2168 sp|Q9Y5L4|TIM13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9220 54.38 2 1561.8816 1561.8816 K M 28 42 PSM VVFELFSDVCPK 2169 sp|Q13427-2|PPIG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11719 70.009 2 1438.7166 1438.7166 R T 24 36 PSM VVGAVIDQGLITR 2170 sp|E9PRG8|CK098_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7909 46.758 2 1339.7823 1339.7823 R H 36 49 PSM VVTDLISLIR 2171 sp|P38432|COIL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11747 70.189 2 1127.6914 1127.6914 R Q 37 47 PSM VWDYETGDFER 2172 sp|P43034|LIS1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7703 45.537 2 1415.5994 1415.5994 K T 134 145 PSM VYEIPGLEPITFAGK 2173 sp|Q9BZE1|RM37_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11815 70.622 2 1638.8964 1638.8964 R M 49 64 PSM VYVGNLGTGAGK 2174 sp|Q16629-3|SRSF7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3813 24.087 2 1134.6033 1134.6033 K G 13 25 PSM WLCTGDIGEFEPDGCLK 2175 sp|O95573|ACSL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10862 64.421 2 1995.8706 1995.8706 R I 559 576 PSM YAICSALAASALPALVMSK 2176 sp|P36578|RL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12021 71.946 2 1952.0111 1952.0111 R G 122 141 PSM YGQGGNCTEGR 2177 sp|Q0VDG4-2|SCRN3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=626 7.144 2 1197.4833 1197.4833 K M 130 141 PSM YGSVAFPNFEQGVACLR 2178 sp|O00116|ADAS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11484 68.423 2 1913.9094 1913.9094 K E 390 407 PSM YLECSALTQR 2179 sp|P63000|RAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4785 29.467 2 1249.6 1249.6000 K G 154 164 PSM YLECSALTQR 2180 sp|P63000|RAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4790 29.495 2 1239.5918 1239.5918 K G 154 164 PSM YYAFPQMITPLVTKG 2181 sp|Q14353|GAMT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12282 73.678 2 1733.9158 1733.9158 R - 222 237 PSM QLQLAQEAAQKR 2182 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6794 40.40204166666667 2 1365.7343 1365.7359 R L 2172 2184 PSM TFEMSDFIVDTR 2183 sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11126 66.081735 2 1469.673421 1469.673600 R D 2017 2029 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 2184 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9869 58.233266666666665 2 1742.8617 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 2185 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11016 65.38865166666668 2 1743.8932 1742.8622 R F 472 487 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 2186 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10801 64.03090833333334 2 1758.8928 1758.8907 R F 472 487 PSM QLLQANPILEAFGNAK 2187 sp|P35749|MYH11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12515 75.20783333333334 2 1732.945056 1731.961499 K T 217 233 PSM TLTIVDTGIGMTK 2188 sp|Q58FG1|HS904_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8868 52.30137833333333 2 1354.745303 1354.747332 R A 28 41 PSM FNYGFEYLGVQDK 2189 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10231 60.510978333333334 2 1584.742901 1584.755588 K L 1866 1879 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 2190 sp|P37802|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12316 73.91024166666666 2 1686.7881 1686.7906 K Y 89 103 PSM QNFIDPLQNLCEKDLK 2191 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11872 70.99155 2 1956.9586 1956.9610 K E 137 153 PSM QQEGESRLNLVQR 2192 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,7-UNIMOD:267,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5095 31.12847 2 1558.7969 1558.7961 R N 101 114 PSM CQSLQEELDFRK 2193 sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8702 51.314415000000004 2 1534.7081 1534.7081 R S 212 224 PSM MFVLDEADEMLSR 2194 sp|P60842|IF4A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=10775 63.86884666666667 2 1570.702010 1570.700731 K G 178 191 PSM QLLTLSSELSQAR 2195 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12200 73.13505333333333 2 1427.7570 1427.7615 R D 530 543 PSM QVEPLDPPAGSAPGEHVFVK 2196 sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8758 51.65898833333333 2 2056.0309 2056.0260 R G 451 471 PSM APVPTGEVYFADSFDR 2197 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9910 58.498695 2 1779.831633 1779.834334 K G 62 78 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 2198 sp|Q99880|H2B1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12667 76.22788166666666 2 1743.7952 1742.8112 K I 59 74 PSM QQNELAELHANLAR 2199 sp|Q14980|NUMA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8787 51.83638 2 1598.8024 1598.8035 R A 870 884 PSM VSWLGEEPVAGVWSEK 2200 sp|Q9BQ67|GRWD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11265 66.947135 2 1773.885311 1771.878101 R G 157 173 PSM QKEMDNFLAQMEAK 2201 sp|Q8WXX5|DNJC9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11164 66.31720333333334 2 1664.7549 1664.7533 R Y 228 242 PSM SSGLPNIPVQTISR 2202 sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8034 47.46582 2 1467.806774 1467.804542 R A 326 340 PSM CYVQPQWVFDSVNAR 2203 sp|O00541|PESC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12943 78.128615 2 1850.8406 1850.8405 R L 391 406 PSM ISVYSIMGGSTDGLR 2204 sp|O94979|SC31A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10553 62.50278666666667 2 1556.796428 1554.771193 R Q 328 343 PSM LGDDIDLIVR 2205 sp|O15371|EIF3D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8942 52.738826666666675 2 1127.621872 1127.618639 K C 365 375 PSM LGDDIDLIVR 2206 sp|O15371|EIF3D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8934 52.69022 2 1137.630415 1137.626908 K C 365 375 PSM QLVHELDEAEYR 2207 sp|Q06323|PSME1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8279 48.86797333333333 2 1483.6951 1483.6938 R D 199 211 PSM QLVHELDEAEYR 2208 sp|Q06323|PSME1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8275 48.84569166666667 2 1493.7030 1493.7021 R D 199 211 PSM SLEEGEGPIAVIMTPTR 2209 sp|Q7L014|DDX46_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10647 63.082721666666664 2 1808.921763 1808.921769 R E 439 456 PSM TIQTPIGSTWNTQR 2210 sp|Q9BVJ6|UT14A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7112 42.22336333333334 2 1611.821793 1611.824438 R A 698 712 PSM TLFQPQTGAYQTLAK 2211 sp|P53992|SC24C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8079 47.711908333333334 2 1671.902312 1671.892751 K E 671 686 PSM CELENCQPFVVETLHGK 2212 sp|Q06203|PUR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=10425 61.70296833333334 2 2042.9072 2041.9232 K I 100 117 PSM QAIKELPQFATGENLPR 2213 sp|Q9BZZ5|API5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,4-UNIMOD:188,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10088 59.61138833333333 2 1910.0235 1910.0227 R V 81 98 PSM GQSEDPGSLLSLFR 2214 sp|P08195|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12782 76.98789000000001 2 1504.751672 1504.752172 K R 511 525 PSM GAVSAEQVIAGFNR 2215 sp|Q9UHV9|PFD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9212 54.33197666666667 2 1427.740974 1427.739646 K L 19 33 PSM QGQETAVAPSLVAPALNKPK 2216 sp|Q15691|MARE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,18-UNIMOD:188,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7979 47.15083166666666 2 2013.1329 2013.1292 R K 131 151 PSM CNLLAEKQYGFCK 2217 sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8769 51.7288 2 1612.7380 1612.7373 K A 219 232 PSM QSIWTSTISSHLATK 2218 sp|P09417|DHPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10323 61.076033333333335 2 1647.8561 1647.8558 K H 110 125 PSM VTFEDATDFFGR 2219 sp|Q86WQ0|NR2CA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11127 66.08612833333333 2 1413.646591 1413.644014 K V 115 127 PSM IQTQPGYANTLR 2220 sp|Q00325|MPCP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 ms_run[1]:scan=3891 24.52153 2 1360.710115 1360.709913 R D 190 202 PSM QVLLAQAEAEKIR 2221 sp|Q14254|FLOT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:188,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9096 53.639808333333335 2 1466.8416 1466.8423 K K 308 321 PSM SGGGVIRGPAGNNDCR 2222 sp|Q07955|SRSF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 27.0 1-UNIMOD:1,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=3138 20.6198 2 1628.7322 1627.7482 M I 2 18 PSM LMCELGNDVINR 2223 sp|Q15057|ACAP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7274 43.165841666666665 2 1434.667813 1432.680270 K V 466 478 PSM SGGSAGEITFLEALAR 2224 sp|Q9GZR1|SENP6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 27.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12529 75.296415 2 1588.812702 1587.813205 K S 6 22 PSM AAQDFFSTCR 2225 sp|P06132|DCUP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5893 35.404 2 1201.5186 1201.5186 R S 51 61 PSM AASCVLLHTGQK 2226 sp|P14550|AK1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5946 35.684 2 1325.6762 1325.6762 M M 2 14 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 2227 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11512 68.607 3 1777.9384 1777.9384 K F 107 124 PSM ADKPDMGEIASFDK 2228 sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=8016 47.363 2 1564.7079 1564.7079 M A 2 16 PSM ADPDVLTEVPAALKR 2229 sp|P29083|T2EA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=10463 61.936 2 1635.8832 1635.8832 M L 2 17 PSM AENVLLTVLER 2230 sp|Q08AI8|MB214_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11840 70.783 2 1255.7136 1255.7136 R V 39 50 PSM AFDTAGNGYCR 2231 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=2766 18.634 2 1230.5088 1230.5088 K S 214 225 PSM AFLASPEYVNLPINGNGKQ 2232 sp|P09211|GSTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10319 61.055 3 2031.0425 2031.0425 K - 192 211 PSM AGFAGDDAPR 2233 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1892 13.892 2 985.44928 985.4493 K A 19 29 PSM AGFAGDDAPR 2234 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1893 13.895 2 975.44101 975.4410 K A 19 29 PSM AGLPGFYDPCVGEEK 2235 sp|Q9NVH1-3|DJC11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8815 51.996 2 1643.7597 1643.7597 K N 457 472 PSM AGNLGGGVVTIER 2236 sp|P35268|RL22_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5496 33.213 2 1251.6811 1251.6811 K S 53 66 PSM AGPNASIISLK 2237 sp|Q9H0A0|NAT10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6279 37.579 2 1075.6333 1075.6333 K S 979 990 PSM AGPNASIISLK 2238 sp|Q9H0A0|NAT10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6290 37.638 2 1069.6132 1069.6132 K S 979 990 PSM AIDNAADLLIFGK 2239 sp|Q9Y5X2|SNX8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11810 70.594 2 1365.7599 1365.7599 R E 246 259 PSM AILVDLEPGTMDSVR 2240 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9882 58.319 2 1614.8287 1614.8287 R S 63 78 PSM AITGASLADIMAK 2241 sp|P83731|RL24_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9364 55.24 2 1266.6949 1266.6949 R R 81 94 PSM ALDVGSGSGILTACFAR 2242 sp|P22061|PIMT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10234 60.527 2 1703.854 1703.8540 K M 82 99 PSM ALELNMLSLK 2243 sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10675 63.258 2 1136.6571 1136.6571 K G 324 334 PSM ALVDGPCTQVR 2244 sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3906 24.597 2 1224.616 1224.6160 R R 36 47 PSM ALVEMQDVVAELLR 2245 sp|Q9C0H2-3|TTYH3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=14254 91.012 2 1594.8628 1594.8628 K T 146 160 PSM ANLNLENLLEATK 2246 sp|Q9NS87-4|KIF15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11561 68.948 2 1447.7978 1447.7978 K A 626 639 PSM APASEEEFQFLR 2247 sp|P29590-14|PML_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9142 53.923 2 1422.6779 1422.6779 R C 45 57 PSM APSDLYQIILK 2248 sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10873 64.488 2 1259.7125 1259.7125 K A 230 241 PSM APSIIFIDELDAIGTK 2249 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13336 80.964 2 1707.939 1707.9390 K R 279 295 PSM APVPGTPDSLSSGSSR 2250 sp|Q9UJZ1-2|STML2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3834 24.202 2 1513.7372 1513.7372 K D 277 293 PSM AQIWDTAGQER 2251 sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5070 30.996 2 1273.6051 1273.6051 K Y 62 73 PSM AQLLQPTLEINPR 2252 sp|Q12931-2|TRAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8589 50.638 2 1491.8409 1491.8409 R H 582 595 PSM AQYYLPDGSTIEIGPSR 2253 sp|P61163|ACTZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10524 62.316 2 1875.9242 1875.9242 K F 239 256 PSM ASLLDDYQLPEILR 2254 sp|Q9H2U1-3|DHX36_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12894 77.788 2 1644.8723 1644.8723 R T 620 634 PSM ASPESQEPLIQLVQAFVR 2255 sp|Q5SRE5-2|NU188_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=14341 91.799 2 2021.0821 2021.0821 K H 1617 1635 PSM ASTNAMLISAGLPPLK 2256 sp|O43143|DHX15_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10296 60.907 2 1582.8753 1582.8753 R A 63 79 PSM ASVGFGGSCFQK 2257 sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5254 31.947 2 1249.5857 1249.5857 K D 268 280 PSM ATLKDQLIYNLLK 2258 sp|P00338-4|LDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=13114 79.27 2 1573.9079 1573.9079 M E 2 15 PSM AVAVGRPSNEELR 2259 sp|Q9NVA2|SEP11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:267,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4763 29.356 2 1458.7694 1458.7694 M N 2 15 PSM AVSDWLIASVEGR 2260 sp|Q969V3-2|NCLN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12071 72.281 2 1411.7335 1411.7335 K L 195 208 PSM AVTDEEPFLIFANR 2261 sp|Q07954|LRP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12115 72.569 2 1620.8148 1620.8148 K Y 3023 3037 PSM CDKEFMWALK 2262 sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:188,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10527 62.338 2 1380.6609 1380.6609 M N 2 12 PSM CLEEFELLGK 2263 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9821 57.949 2 1242.6262 1242.6262 K A 79 89 PSM CLEEFELLGK 2264 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9822 57.954 2 1236.606 1236.6060 K A 79 89 PSM CQNALQQVVAR 2265 sp|Q06210-2|GFPT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5141 31.355 2 1285.6561 1285.6561 K Q 602 613 PSM DGPNALTPPPTTPEWIK 2266 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9258 54.609 2 1832.9309 1832.9309 R F 75 92 PSM DLDDFQSWLSR 2267 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11961 71.563 2 1380.631 1380.6310 R T 1057 1068 PSM DLDDFQSWLSR 2268 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11965 71.586 2 1390.6393 1390.6393 R T 1057 1068 PSM DLSIGNPIPTVVSGAR 2269 sp|O95104-3|SCAF4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10046 59.338 2 1604.8761 1604.8761 K G 763 779 PSM DLVLPTQALPASPALK 2270 sp|Q15554|TERF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10389 61.481 2 1638.9652 1638.9652 K N 354 370 PSM EAFQSVVLPAFEK 2271 sp|Q6P2E9-2|EDC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10628 62.964 2 1469.7862 1469.7862 R S 735 748 PSM EAGGGGVGGPGAK 2272 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=659 7.3398 2 1018.5139 1018.5139 K S 40 53 PSM EDGVTPYMIFFK 2273 sp|P13693-2|TCTP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12834 77.359 2 1445.6901 1445.6901 R D 119 131 PSM EGDVLTLLESER 2274 sp|P62857|RS28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11068 65.713 2 1359.6882 1359.6882 R E 52 64 PSM EKLEATINELV 2275 sp|P10599-2|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9569 56.466 2 1257.6816 1257.6816 K - 75 86 PSM ENQWFDVGVIK 2276 sp|P51610-2|HCFC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10521 62.299 2 1333.6667 1333.6667 K G 1740 1751 PSM EQFLDGDGWTSR 2277 sp|P27797|CALR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7986 47.193 2 1419.6294 1419.6294 K W 25 37 PSM EQWANLEQLSAIR 2278 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10569 62.599 2 1566.803 1566.8030 R K 711 724 PSM ESQVSILQSLFGER 2279 sp|O43913-2|ORC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13379 81.315 2 1591.8206 1591.8206 R H 12 26 PSM FACAVVCIQK 2280 sp|P61221|ABCE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5674 34.224 2 1200.6091 1200.6091 R A 225 235 PSM FADLSEAANR 2281 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4179 25.998 2 1102.5283 1102.5283 K N 295 305 PSM FAELETILGDIDR 2282 sp|Q9BZJ0-2|CRNL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13254 80.26 2 1490.7617 1490.7617 K A 485 498 PSM FDQLFDDESDPFEVLK 2283 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12898 77.811 2 1948.9038 1948.9038 R A 17 33 PSM FFDDPMLLELAK 2284 sp|Q15029-2|U5S1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12912 77.911 2 1437.7214 1437.7214 K Q 917 929 PSM FICTTSAIQNR 2285 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4364 26.949 2 1309.6449 1309.6449 K F 18 29 PSM FLEEYLSSTPQR 2286 sp|P61803|DAD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8035 47.47 2 1478.7281 1478.7281 R L 12 24 PSM FLESPDFQPNIAK 2287 sp|Q13362-2|2A5G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8333 49.18 2 1510.7763 1510.7763 R K 144 157 PSM FLGDIEVWDQAEK 2288 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10627 62.959 2 1554.7662 1554.7662 K Q 505 518 PSM FVALENISCK 2289 sp|Q8TAT6|NPL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6584 39.234 2 1185.6159 1185.6159 K I 180 190 PSM GAAGGAEQPGPGGR 2290 sp|Q99447|PCY2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=717 7.6739 2 1190.5668 1190.5668 R R 7 21 PSM GASQAGMTGYGMPR 2291 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4584 28.272 2 1392.6154 1392.6154 R Q 204 218 PSM GATALEMGMPLLLQK 2292 sp|Q5UIP0-2|RIF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12128 72.659 2 1571.8415 1571.8415 R Q 203 218 PSM GEELGGGQDPVQLLSGFPR 2293 sp|Q04323|UBXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11859 70.905 3 1954.9749 1954.9749 R R 248 267 PSM GFEGSFEELCR 2294 sp|P33121-2|ACSL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8186 48.344 2 1339.5742 1339.5742 R N 606 617 PSM GFSEGLWEIENNPTVK 2295 sp|P51858|HDGF_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10396 61.525 3 1818.8788 1818.8788 K A 81 97 PSM GFTLNDAANSR 2296 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4789 29.491 2 1174.5606 1174.5606 K L 1099 1110 PSM GGIVDEGALLR 2297 sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7477 44.306 2 1098.6033 1098.6033 R A 237 248 PSM GGLQEVAEQLELER 2298 sp|Q9UIV1-2|CNOT7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10797 64.008 2 1579.8081 1579.8081 K I 207 221 PSM GGPTPQEAIQR 2299 sp|Q9H444|CHM4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2362 16.373 2 1152.5887 1152.5887 K L 18 29 PSM GGPTVDPEELFR 2300 sp|Q96EY1-2|DNJA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9670 57.036 2 1325.6491 1325.6491 K K 176 188 PSM GIEDNPMVVPLCNR 2301 sp|P26640|SYVC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8302 49.003 2 1622.7784 1622.7784 R S 652 666 PSM GIGTDEFTLNR 2302 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7025 41.686 2 1221.599 1221.5990 K I 264 275 PSM GLAAGSAETLPANFR 2303 sp|Q13136-2|LIPA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7257 43.065 2 1483.7659 1483.7659 R V 1151 1166 PSM GLGLDESGLAK 2304 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5830 35.07 2 1058.5608 1058.5608 K Q 23 34 PSM GLGLDESGLAK 2305 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5863 35.24 2 1064.5809 1064.5809 K Q 23 34 PSM GNPTVEVDLFTSK 2306 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8801 51.912 2 1405.7089 1405.7089 R G 16 29 PSM GPQEVAVYVQELQK 2307 sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9395 55.432 2 1592.8506 1592.8506 K L 279 293 PSM GSFSEQGINEFLR 2308 sp|Q15084-3|PDIA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9841 58.065 2 1492.7186 1492.7186 K E 371 384 PSM GWEEALENVIK 2309 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12176 72.975 2 1286.6507 1286.6507 R S 639 650 PSM GWEEALENVIK 2310 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12181 73.011 2 1292.6708 1292.6708 R S 639 650 PSM GYLGPEQLPDCLK 2311 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8644 50.963 2 1488.7283 1488.7283 K G 79 92 PSM IAACQEQILR 2312 sp|Q9BRP1|PDD2L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4418 27.281 2 1200.6285 1200.6285 R Y 257 267 PSM ICDDELILIK 2313 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9277 54.72 2 1236.6731 1236.6731 R N 356 366 PSM IDFVGELNDK 2314 sp|P55786|PSA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8008 47.317 2 1148.5714 1148.5714 K M 146 156 PSM IDFVGELNDK 2315 sp|P55786|PSA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8010 47.327 2 1154.5915 1154.5915 K M 146 156 PSM IFQNLDGALDEVVLK 2316 sp|Q02809|PLOD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12184 73.027 2 1678.9237 1678.9237 R F 206 221 PSM IGASTLLSDIER 2317 sp|Q9Y315|DEOC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10115 59.785 2 1283.696 1283.6960 R Q 288 300 PSM IGCLLSGGLDSSLVAATLLK 2318 sp|P08243-3|ASNS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13683 84.228 2 1987.1024 1987.1024 R Q 170 190 PSM IGNLQTDLSDGLR 2319 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8158 48.179 2 1410.7342 1410.7342 R L 37 50 PSM IGSGFDNIDIK 2320 sp|Q13363-2|CTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7341 43.56 2 1177.5979 1177.5979 R S 87 98 PSM IIENELEGFGIR 2321 sp|Q9Y295|DRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9891 58.38 2 1398.7382 1398.7382 K L 160 172 PSM IIGLDQVAGMSETALPGAFK 2322 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12606 75.815 3 2023.0755 2023.0755 R T 618 638 PSM IIQLLDDYPK 2323 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9158 54.02 2 1216.6703 1216.6703 K C 17 27 PSM IIQLLDDYPK 2324 sp|P05388-2|RLA0_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9163 54.047 2 1222.6905 1222.6905 K C 17 27 PSM ILDVLEEIPK 2325 sp|Q16718-2|NDUA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11149 66.221 2 1173.6952 1173.6952 K N 31 41 PSM ILDVLEEIPK 2326 sp|Q16718-2|NDUA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11150 66.227 2 1167.6751 1167.6751 K N 31 41 PSM ILIATDVASR 2327 sp|Q9Y6V7-2|DDX49_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5662 34.154 2 1057.6132 1057.6132 R G 194 204 PSM ILLAELEQLK 2328 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10979 65.163 2 1174.7269 1174.7269 K G 130 140 PSM ILLAELEQLK 2329 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10980 65.168 2 1168.7067 1168.7067 K G 130 140 PSM ILQNEPLPER 2330 sp|O95793-2|STAU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4332 26.795 2 1217.6644 1217.6644 R L 78 88 PSM IMVANIEEVLQR 2331 sp|O75396|SC22B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10243 60.582 2 1439.7682 1439.7682 R G 148 160 PSM INAWNSPTLPIYEPGLK 2332 sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11114 66.002 2 1918.0296 1918.0296 R E 42 59 PSM INEILSNALK 2333 sp|P52272-2|HNRPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7427 44.038 2 1113.6394 1113.6394 R R 333 343 PSM INEWLTLVEK 2334 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10868 64.46 2 1249.7014 1249.7014 K E 1698 1708 PSM ISMPDIDLNLTGPK 2335 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11028 65.462 2 1512.7858 1512.7858 K I 2835 2849 PSM ITISPLQELTLYNPER 2336 sp|O00425|IF2B3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12579 75.634 2 1896.0232 1896.0232 K T 310 326 PSM IVEIPFNSTNK 2337 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6920 41.08 2 1266.6915 1266.6915 K Y 477 488 PSM IVNQPSSLFGSK 2338 sp|Q7Z6Z7-2|HUWE1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6264 37.496 2 1275.6823 1275.6823 R S 2256 2268 PSM LAGESESNLR 2339 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1719 13.033 2 1074.5306 1074.5306 K K 278 288 PSM LAPEYEAAATR 2340 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3189 20.888 2 1200.6014 1200.6014 R L 63 74 PSM LDIDSPPITAR 2341 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6413 38.298 2 1196.6401 1196.6401 R N 33 44 PSM LDIDSPPITAR 2342 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6601 39.324 2 1196.6401 1196.6401 R N 33 44 PSM LDIDSPPITAR 2343 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6414 38.302 2 1206.6484 1206.6484 R N 33 44 PSM LDIDSPPITAR 2344 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6602 39.328 2 1206.6484 1206.6484 R N 33 44 PSM LDPSIFESLQK 2345 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9859 58.173 2 1281.6912 1281.6912 K E 172 183 PSM LDPSIFESLQK 2346 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9866 58.217 2 1275.6711 1275.6711 K E 172 183 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 2347 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12140 72.736 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LGDASIAAPFTSK 2348 sp|Q9HD20|AT131_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7317 43.422 2 1276.6663 1276.6663 K L 951 964 PSM LGSLVENNER 2349 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2740 18.506 2 1129.5728 1129.5728 K V 853 863 PSM LGSLVENNER 2350 sp|Q99613-2|EIF3C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2741 18.51 2 1139.581 1139.5810 K V 853 863 PSM LIADVAPSAIR 2351 sp|P39748|FEN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6342 37.912 2 1134.6636 1134.6636 K E 9 20 PSM LIIAGTSAYAR 2352 sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5701 34.379 2 1144.648 1144.6480 R L 199 210 PSM LIIAGTSAYAR 2353 sp|P34897-3|GLYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5702 34.383 2 1134.6397 1134.6397 R L 199 210 PSM LLDEVFFSEK 2354 sp|P25789|PSA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10322 61.071 2 1231.6432 1231.6432 K I 55 65 PSM LLQSNPVLEAFGNAK 2355 sp|O00159-2|MYO1C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10724 63.559 2 1599.8621 1599.8621 R T 139 154 PSM LLSALEDLEVLSR 2356 sp|Q9NPJ6|MED4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13145 79.483 2 1466.822 1466.8220 R E 30 43 PSM LLSVVPVPEGYSVK 2357 sp|Q9GZN8|CT027_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9470 55.883 2 1485.8443 1485.8443 K C 92 106 PSM LMDEAVLALR 2358 sp|Q92616|GCN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9100 53.663 2 1139.6248 1139.6248 R N 314 324 PSM LMDEVAGIVAAR 2359 sp|O00154-6|BACH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6596 39.293 2 1259.6544 1259.6544 K H 202 214 PSM LMQGDEICLR 2360 sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6327 37.833 2 1233.5846 1233.5846 R Y 356 366 PSM LMQGDEICLR 2361 sp|Q92900-2|RENT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6332 37.862 2 1243.5928 1243.5928 R Y 356 366 PSM LNDYIFSFDK 2362 sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10454 61.886 2 1260.6027 1260.6027 R M 441 451 PSM LNDYIFSFDK 2363 sp|P54136-2|SYRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10455 61.89 2 1266.6228 1266.6228 R M 441 451 PSM LNIGDLQVTK 2364 sp|Q9UNM6|PSD13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7971 47.108 2 1099.6237 1099.6237 K E 123 133 PSM LNIGDLQVTK 2365 sp|Q9UNM6|PSD13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7973 47.117 2 1105.6439 1105.6439 K E 123 133 PSM LQAQSLSTVGPR 2366 sp|O43290|SNUT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4424 27.322 2 1255.6884 1255.6884 R L 374 386 PSM LQAQSLSTVGPR 2367 sp|O43290|SNUT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4425 27.328 2 1265.6967 1265.6967 R L 374 386 PSM LQNLQLQPGNAKL 2368 sp|P22307-6|NLTP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7439 44.105 2 1441.8348 1441.8348 K - 128 141 PSM LQVVDQPLPVR 2369 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6854 40.743 2 1272.7429 1272.7429 R G 374 385 PSM LQVVDQPLPVR 2370 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6862 40.789 2 1262.7347 1262.7347 R G 374 385 PSM LSELEAALQR 2371 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7051 41.841 2 1128.6139 1128.6139 K A 381 391 PSM LSLLEVGCGTGANFK 2372 sp|Q9H8H3|MET7A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9620 56.756 2 1570.8121 1570.8121 K F 72 87 PSM LTIFDEEVDPDEGLFGPGR 2373 sp|Q53T59|H1BP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12714 76.534 2 2115.0036 2115.0036 R K 228 247 PSM LTITSNPEMTFPGER 2374 sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8774 51.757 2 1701.8271 1701.8271 K I 715 730 PSM LTLSALVDGK 2375 sp|P45880|VDAC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8889 52.419 2 1021.6115 1021.6115 K S 268 278 PSM LTVLPPELGNLDLTGQK 2376 sp|Q15404-2|RSU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11914 71.257 2 1807.0091 1807.0091 R Q 139 156 PSM LVELQNTRVPNAEEIF 2377 sp|Q9BW92|SYTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10755 63.745 2 1880.9871 1880.9871 R - 703 719 PSM LVFLGEQSVGK 2378 sp|P20340-2|RAB6A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7624 45.1 2 1175.655 1175.6550 K T 16 27 PSM LVQAFQFTDK 2379 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7577 44.849 2 1201.6439 1201.6439 R H 159 169 PSM LVQAFQFTDK 2380 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7578 44.853 2 1195.6237 1195.6237 R H 159 169 PSM LVVPATQCGSLIGK 2381 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7178 42.631 2 1441.7963 1441.7963 R G 102 116 PSM LWEEQLAAAK 2382 sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6623 39.432 2 1163.6282 1163.6282 K A 197 207 PSM LWEEQLAAAK 2383 sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6628 39.461 2 1157.6081 1157.6081 K A 197 207 PSM MAGDPVANVR 2384 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=2044 14.769 2 1044.5022 1044.5022 R F 528 538 PSM MAGDPVANVR 2385 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2043 14.764 2 1054.5105 1054.5105 R F 528 538 PSM MDEQALLGLNPNADSDFRQR 2386 sp|O43592|XPOT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1,18-UNIMOD:267,20-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11120 66.042 2 2351.1079 2351.1079 - A 1 21 PSM MGESDDSILR 2387 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=3201 20.949 2 1137.4972 1137.4972 R L 62 72 PSM MGESDDSILR 2388 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3202 20.954 2 1147.5055 1147.5055 R L 62 72 PSM MGPGATAGGAEK 2389 sp|P62820-2|RAB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=926 8.8213 2 1045.4862 1045.4862 R S 112 124 PSM MQNNSSPSISPNTSFTSDGSPSPLGGIK 2390 sp|Q9H0D6-2|XRN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=8689 51.234 2 2822.3029 2822.3029 R R 390 418 PSM MSSFGDFVALSDVCDVPTAK 2391 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11417 67.889 2 2160.9708 2160.9708 R I 311 331 PSM MSSFGDFVALSDVCDVPTAK 2392 sp|P31939-2|PUR9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:4,20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11418 67.895 2 2166.9909 2166.9909 R I 311 331 PSM NCAVEFNFGQR 2393 sp|Q9BUJ2-3|HNRL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7435 44.08 2 1350.6014 1350.6014 K A 262 273 PSM NCYPSPLNYYNFPK 2394 sp|P53582|MAP11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10214 60.405 2 1781.8179 1781.8179 R S 178 192 PSM NDLSPASSGNAVYDFFIGR 2395 sp|Q14739|LBR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13052 78.858 3 2038.9624 2038.9624 R E 354 373 PSM NFSDNQLQEGK 2396 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2966 19.666 2 1284.6042 1284.6042 R N 182 193 PSM NLIDAGVDALR 2397 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9416 55.563 2 1155.6248 1155.6248 K V 312 323 PSM NLPEIAPSDPVQIGR 2398 sp|Q96BY7|ATG2B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8520 50.245 2 1604.8522 1604.8522 R L 273 288 PSM NLQEIQQAGER 2399 sp|Q8N1F7|NUP93_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3287 21.357 2 1284.6422 1284.6422 R L 32 43 PSM NLVCTDLFTR 2400 sp|P26196|DDX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8950 52.787 2 1237.6125 1237.6125 R G 387 397 PSM NPEVPVNFAEFSK 2401 sp|O15347|HMGB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9403 55.482 2 1482.745 1482.7450 K K 31 44 PSM NVCTEAGMFAIR 2402 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8400 49.579 2 1367.6326 1367.6326 R A 345 357 PSM NVLIEVNPQTR 2403 sp|Q92979|NEP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5950 35.706 2 1281.7041 1281.7041 K I 115 126 PSM PLYEGLGSGGEK 2404 sp|Q9NZ32|ARP10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4768 29.376 2 1211.6129 1211.6129 M T 2 14 PSM PTPQDSPIFLPVDDTSFR 2405 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11334 67.369 3 2041.0032 2041.0032 R W 1406 1424 PSM QAQEYEALLNIK 2406 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9265 54.653 2 1424.7607 1424.7607 R V 359 371 PSM QASPSIVIALAGNK 2407 sp|P61020|RAB5B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8594 50.664 2 1367.7773 1367.7773 R A 121 135 PSM QASQGMVGQLAAR 2408 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4504 27.801 2 1325.6749 1325.6749 R R 41 54 PSM QIIEEQSGSYIWVPAK 2409 sp|Q12959-8|DLG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9125 53.818 2 1846.9465 1846.9465 K E 770 786 PSM QIWQNLGLDDTK 2410 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9112 53.739 2 1429.7201 1429.7201 K I 154 166 PSM QLGEANEEFALR 2411 sp|Q9Y679-3|AUP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6899 40.977 2 1375.6732 1375.6732 R V 232 244 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 2412 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11235 66.759 3 1687.8227 1687.8227 K Y 110 124 PSM QNLFQEAEEFLYR 2413 sp|Q9UL46|PSME2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=14279 91.288 2 1695.8132 1695.8132 R F 22 35 PSM QNLFQEAEEFLYR 2414 sp|Q9UL46|PSME2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=14280 91.294 2 1685.8049 1685.8049 R F 22 35 PSM QSSFALLGDLTK 2415 sp|Q92973-3|TNPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10969 65.1 2 1278.682 1278.6820 R A 643 655 PSM SGANVLICGPNGCGK 2416 sp|P28288-2|ABCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4668 28.808 2 1502.697 1502.6970 R S 355 370 PSM SGELPPNINIKEPR 2417 sp|Q9H9B4|SFXN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=7152 42.476 2 1604.8522 1604.8522 M W 2 16 PSM SGGAVEPLGTR 2418 sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2228 15.685 2 1052.549 1052.5490 K I 300 311 PSM SLFSEEAANEEK 2419 sp|Q9HD15|SRA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5313 32.257 2 1358.6297 1358.6297 R S 207 219 PSM SLFSSIGEVESAK 2420 sp|Q15717|ELAV1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9483 55.953 2 1358.7025 1358.7025 R L 38 51 PSM SLFSTTPLTTDDGVLLR 2421 sp|Q9NR09|BIRC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11856 70.888 2 1834.9676 1834.9676 R R 4219 4236 PSM SLLSAEEAAK 2422 sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4088 25.554 2 1023.5544 1023.5544 K Q 642 652 PSM SLPEYLYSSGLLQDR 2423 sp|Q68D91-2|MBLC2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11184 66.442 2 1749.8813 1749.8813 R E 52 67 PSM SMAASGNLGHTPFVDEL 2424 sp|P22695|QCR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9499 56.052 2 1760.8039 1760.8039 K - 437 454 PSM SNLGSVVLQLK 2425 sp|O43143|DHX15_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8970 52.902 2 1162.7017 1162.7017 R K 505 516 PSM SPLTQEQLIPNLAMK 2426 sp|Q9UNE7-2|CHIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10446 61.834 2 1681.9073 1681.9073 R E 201 216 PSM SSNPMMVLQLPER 2427 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10191 60.259 2 1510.7511 1510.7511 R C 160 173 PSM STLINSLFLTDLYPER 2428 sp|Q15019|SEPT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13710 84.467 2 1890.9966 1890.9966 K V 51 67 PSM STSVPQGHTWTQR 2429 sp|Q9NYJ1|COA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=4104 25.626 2 1525.7274 1525.7274 M V 2 15 PSM SVFDVLDGEEMR 2430 sp|Q8N1G2|CMTR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11151 66.232 2 1395.634 1395.6340 K R 204 216 PSM SVPLATAPMAEQR 2431 sp|Q9Y678|COPG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5186 31.581 2 1379.7107 1379.7107 K T 578 591 PSM TAMNVNDLFLAIAK 2432 sp|P61020|RAB5B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13146 79.489 2 1519.8068 1519.8069 K K 166 180 PSM TDGFGIDTCR 2433 sp|P04632|CPNS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4831 29.707 2 1140.487 1140.4870 K S 136 146 PSM TDKSSASAPDVDDPEAFPALA 2434 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9129 53.845 2 2108.9845 2108.9845 R - 367 388 PSM TFEVCDLPVR 2435 sp|P35606-2|COPB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 5-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8202 48.44 2 1244.6099 1244.6099 K A 23 33 PSM TFGENYVQELLEK 2436 sp|O94903|PLPHP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12043 72.098 2 1574.7924 1574.7924 R A 64 77 PSM TIIPWDVDTICK 2437 sp|P21953|ODBB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10664 63.19 2 1459.7381 1459.7381 R S 306 318 PSM TINEVENQILTR 2438 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7644 45.213 2 1428.7573 1428.7573 R D 746 758 PSM TLAESALQLLYTAK 2439 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13053 78.865 2 1526.8651 1526.8651 K E 1767 1781 PSM TLVLLDNLNVR 2440 sp|P39656-2|OST48_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10680 63.291 2 1278.7535 1278.7535 R E 47 58 PSM TLVLLDNLNVR 2441 sp|P39656-2|OST48_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10681 63.296 2 1268.7452 1268.7452 R E 47 58 PSM TSLALDESLFR 2442 sp|Q86U42-2|PABP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10068 59.478 2 1260.6589 1260.6589 R G 228 239 PSM TSYLTELIDR 2443 sp|Q9P289-2|STK26_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10188 60.243 2 1209.6241 1209.6241 K F 204 214 PSM TTEPGVTGLLLAVEGPAAK 2444 sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12295 73.763 2 1823.004 1823.0040 K R 982 1001 PSM TTSAGTGGMWR 2445 sp|P60468|SC61B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3263 21.242 2 1133.5163 1133.5163 R F 47 58 PSM TTSGGEWPQILVFPEGTCTNR 2446 sp|Q7L5N7|PCAT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12191 73.075 3 2349.1059 2349.1059 R S 206 227 PSM TVFGVEPDLTR 2447 sp|Q96KP4-2|CNDP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7935 46.908 2 1232.6401 1232.6401 K E 319 330 PSM TVQGPPTSDDIFER 2448 sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7045 41.805 2 1560.742 1560.7420 K E 33 47 PSM TVQSLEIDLDSMR 2449 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8000 47.272 2 1531.7427 1531.7427 R N 302 315 PSM TYNQLQVIFQGIEGK 2450 sp|Q8WUQ7|CATIN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12945 78.14 2 1736.9097 1736.9097 K I 410 425 PSM VAMFLTDSNNIK 2451 sp|Q15046|SYK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7901 46.712 2 1351.6806 1351.6806 R E 554 566 PSM VANVSLLALYK 2452 sp|P62266|RS23_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9812 57.895 2 1195.7272 1195.7272 K G 125 136 PSM VAQLCDFNPK 2453 sp|P09497-2|CLCB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5479 33.129 2 1190.5754 1190.5754 K S 177 187 PSM VAQVLEGFITR 2454 sp|O00411|RPOM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9539 56.285 2 1241.7007 1241.7007 R K 977 988 PSM VERADGYEPPVQESV 2455 sp|P61247|RS3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5408 32.754 2 1673.7897 1673.7897 K - 250 265 PSM VFVGYNSTGAELR 2456 sp|P21579|SYT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6540 38.986 2 1411.7096 1411.7096 K H 377 390 PSM VGAPLVCCEIK 2457 sp|O95573|ACSL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 7-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5867 35.259 2 1244.6257 1244.6257 R L 497 508 PSM VGINYQPPTVVPGGDLAK 2458 sp|P68363-2|TBA1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8332 49.174 2 1829.9983 1829.9983 K V 237 255 PSM VIGTLLGTVDK 2459 sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7806 46.141 2 1114.6598 1114.6598 R H 116 127 PSM VISLEDFMEK 2460 sp|Q9H488-2|OFUT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11223 66.687 2 1209.5951 1209.5951 R L 102 112 PSM VISLEDFMEK 2461 sp|Q9H488-2|OFUT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11230 66.729 2 1215.6153 1215.6153 R L 102 112 PSM VLDMPTQELGLPAYR 2462 sp|Q9NP81|SYSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10587 62.709 2 1701.876 1701.8760 R K 388 403 PSM VLELDPALAPVVSR 2463 sp|O00170|AIP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10059 59.421 2 1477.8504 1477.8504 K E 291 305 PSM VLSECSPLMNDIFNK 2464 sp|P53618|COPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11112 65.99 2 1765.8379 1765.8379 K E 619 634 PSM VLSFDIECAGR 2465 sp|P28340|DPOD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 8-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8542 50.368 2 1275.6157 1275.6157 R K 312 323 PSM VNSLPEVLPILNSDEPK 2466 sp|P23229-4|ITA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11455 68.212 2 1862.9989 1862.9989 R T 592 609 PSM VPLSQLLTSEDMTVSQR 2467 sp|A0FGR8-2|ESYT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10547 62.463 3 1912.9803 1912.9803 K F 590 607 PSM VSSGYVPPPVATPFSSK 2468 sp|Q15942-2|ZYX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8002 47.283 2 1718.8879 1718.8879 R S 11 28 PSM VTVNPGLLVPLDVK 2469 sp|Q6KB66-2|K2C80_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11207 66.591 2 1468.896 1468.8960 K L 58 72 PSM VVDLLAPYAK 2470 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8706 51.342 2 1093.6479 1093.6479 K G 189 199 PSM VVSGAANVIGPK 2471 sp|P98173-3|FAM3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3274 21.296 2 1110.6397 1110.6397 R I 36 48 PSM VVVLGSGGVGK 2472 sp|Q9Y3L5|RAP2C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3779 23.9 2 976.60126 976.6013 K S 6 17 PSM YAQAGFEGFK 2473 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5902 35.449 2 1122.5441 1122.5441 K T 470 480 PSM YCAQDAFFQVK 2474 sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8262 48.77 2 1381.6432 1381.6432 R E 186 197 PSM YGPLSGVNVVYDQR 2475 sp|Q13595-2|TRA2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8402 49.589 2 1565.7838 1565.7838 R T 41 55 PSM YIELFLNSCPK 2476 sp|Q12849-5|GRSF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9762 57.592 2 1388.7106 1388.7106 R G 306 317 PSM YLGQDYEQLR 2477 sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6187 37.053 2 1293.6229 1293.6229 K V 37 47 PSM YNFPVEVEVPMER 2478 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=9405 55.493 2 1623.7603 1623.7603 R K 1988 2001 PSM YNFPVEVEVPMER 2479 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10536 62.394 2 1607.7654 1607.7654 R K 1988 2001 PSM YPVNSVNILK 2480 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6863 40.792 2 1151.6646 1151.6646 R A 190 200 PSM YYGLQILENVIK 2481 sp|O14980|XPO1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 26.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13491 82.307 2 1451.8024 1451.8024 K T 77 89 PSM QRELAEQELEK 2482 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=5138 31.33640833333333 2 1354.6724 1354.6723 R Q 1823 1834 PSM QAQEYEALLNIK 2483 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11931 71.36690666666667 2 1401.7075 1401.7135 R V 359 371 PSM QAQEYEALLNIK 2484 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11935 71.39565666666667 2 1407.7291 1407.7336 R V 359 371 PSM QLREYQELMNVK 2485 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28,3-UNIMOD:267,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9943 58.71097333333333 2 1548.7942 1548.7936 R L 370 382 PSM QAVTNPNNTFYATKR 2486 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=5196 31.634803333333334 2 1706.8393 1706.8371 R L 108 123 PSM CEFQDAYVLLSEKK 2487 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=11809 70.58786166666667 2 1711.8184 1711.8122 K I 237 251 PSM CEFQDAYVLLSEKK 2488 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11831 70.72570999999999 2 1724.8432 1723.8522 K I 237 251 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 2489 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10404 61.57624166666666 2 1742.8617 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM QLYHLGVVEAYSGLTK 2490 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11423 67.93414833333333 2 1759.9182 1759.9140 R K 249 265 PSM QGLLPLTFADPADYNK 2491 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12035 72.04346 2 1761.894880 1761.893751 K I 702 718 PSM GVVDSEDLPLNISR 2492 sp|P07900|HS90A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8661 51.065931666666664 2 1522.787032 1522.786656 R E 387 401 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 2493 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10256 60.664791666666666 2 1559.795009 1559.794371 K I 216 230 PSM QLKLDPSIFESLQK 2494 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12444 74.74691333333332 2 1627.8817 1627.8816 K E 169 183 PSM CQSLQEELDFRK 2495 sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8708 51.35042 2 1550.7359 1550.7365 R S 212 224 PSM ATENDIYNFFSPLNPVR 2496 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12039 72.06782 2 1996.965706 1995.969041 R V 300 317 PSM GLPWSCSADEVMR 2497 sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8910 52.542543333333334 2 1506.657689 1506.659534 R F 17 30 PSM DSIVQGFQWGTR 2498 sp|Q15029|U5S1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9554 56.374568333333336 2 1402.692333 1402.686882 K E 764 776 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 2499 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9312 54.926669999999994 2 1193.6408 1193.6399 R S 141 152 PSM APVPTGEVYFADSFDR 2500 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9909 58.49266333333333 2 1770.824727 1769.826065 K G 62 78 PSM IGIIGGTGLDDPEILEGR 2501 sp|Q13126|MTAP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11345 67.43016833333334 2 1833.974764 1833.971162 K T 12 30 PSM CVELVHEEMQR 2502 sp|O00429|DNM1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8915 52.57425666666666 2 1411.6218 1411.6219 R I 431 442 PSM AMGIMNSFVNDIFER 2503 sp|P33778|H2B1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 2-UNIMOD:35,5-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11208 66.59595999999999 2 1785.796565 1784.810111 K I 59 74 PSM QYYTLLNQAPDMLHR 2504 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=11596 69.212395 2 1844.8881 1844.8874 R F 18 33 PSM CQSLTEDLEFRK 2505 sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9084 53.567565 2 1523.7296 1523.7256 R S 198 210 PSM ILSVQGTEPLVLFK 2506 sp|Q9H8H0|NOL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11791 70.472525 2 1542.904724 1542.902131 R E 112 126 PSM AVMIDLEPTVVDEVR 2507 sp|Q9NY65|TBA8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 3-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11645 69.52443000000001 2 1712.877482 1710.873757 R A 65 80 PSM SGGAVEPLGTR 2508 sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=2229 15.689670000000001 2 1042.542215 1042.540723 K I 300 311 PSM AAEWQLDQPSWSGR 2509 sp|Q9NVZ3|NECP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8529 50.29627166666667 2 1629.767133 1629.753569 R L 32 46 PSM QTASIFKQPVTK 2510 sp|O95983|MBD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28,7-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=6227 37.28223166666667 2 1341.7698 1341.7690 R I 103 115 PSM SLLEIQQEEAR 2511 sp|Q6Y7W6|GGYF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6270 37.529945 2 1325.684583 1324.686214 K Q 1001 1012 PSM CHFDYNPYNDNLIPCK 2512 sp|Q9NZW5|MPP6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9937 58.67124833333333 2 2051.8498 2051.8501 K E 222 238 PSM NALGPGLSPELGPLPALR 2513 sp|Q8N1G4|LRC47_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12267 73.575685 2 1781.989740 1781.007488 R V 85 103 PSM VVGAVIDQGLITR 2514 sp|E9PRG8|CK098_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7901 46.71170166666666 2 1349.791503 1349.790619 R H 36 49 PSM QAALQVAEGFISR 2515 sp|P40121|CAPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=13018 78.63517666666667 2 1381.7227 1381.7224 R M 307 320 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 2516 sp|P31942|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11999 71.80510166666667 2 1928.948052 1927.966746 R V 206 223 PSM CQNALQQVVAR 2517 sp|Q06210|GFPT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5168 31.490881666666667 2 1297.650467 1295.664373 K Q 620 631 PSM LELFLPEEYPMAAPK 2518 sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12130 72.67069333333333 2 1747.892272 1746.890246 K V 54 69 PSM QISPELSALAVYCHATR 2519 sp|Q8N3E9|PLCD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11743 70.15949666666667 2 1907.9476 1907.9434 K L 523 540 PSM QKVDLQSLPTR 2520 sp|Q9C005|DPY30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6313 37.76611833333334 2 1266.6918 1266.6927 K A 44 55 PSM FGPYYTEPVIAGLDPK 2521 sp|P49720|PSB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10787 63.94674666666667 2 1772.939678 1771.912817 R T 100 116 PSM QYDAGRDGFIDLMELK 2522 sp|Q96C19|EFHD2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12868 77.60985166666667 2 1852.8670 1852.8660 K L 103 119 PSM VVVLGSGGVGK 2523 sp|P10114|RAP2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=3797 23.997239999999998 2 976.599272 976.601260 K S 6 17 PSM VQIVLSEGSGPSGR 2524 sp|Q92537|SUSD6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5318 32.281196666666666 2 1394.740679 1394.739312 R S 196 210 PSM QLHDDYFYHDEL 2525 sp|Q14257|RCN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9833 58.016890000000004 2 1576.6464 1576.6465 R - 306 318 PSM ILDILGETCK 2526 sp|Q15424|SAFB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 26.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8484 50.040095 2 1167.6582 1166.6312 K S 217 227 PSM GLGEISAASEFK 2527 sp|P13591|NCAM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7323 43.45756166666666 2 1208.617439 1207.608468 K T 593 605 PSM TSFFLGEVGNAAK 2528 sp|Q49A26|GLYR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9041 53.32005166666667 2 1339.669136 1339.677216 K M 423 436 PSM QSLGELIGTLNAAK 2529 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11020 65.413185 2 1421.822664 1419.802873 K V 57 71 PSM SHGSGGGGGGGGGGGGGNRK 2530 sp|Q6P158|DHX57_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8808 51.95326666666667 2 1538.718682 1535.681296 K A 33 53 PSM SPFEVQVGPEAGMQK 2531 sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7408 43.93543333333333 2 1602.779308 1602.771193 K V 537 552 PSM MVGQLSEGAIAAIMQK 2532 sp|P27694|RFA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 26.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=10487 62.081653333333335 2 1661.862399 1661.848064 - G 1 17 PSM ACGLVASNLNLKPGECLR 2533 sp|P09382|LEG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,2-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9632 56.828 3 2013.0136 2013.0136 M V 2 20 PSM AFDSGIIPMEFVNK 2534 sp|P53396-3|ACLY_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11466 68.299 2 1566.7752 1566.7752 K M 678 692 PSM AFYGDTLVTGFAR 2535 sp|Q9HCC0-2|MCCB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10240 60.565 2 1426.712 1426.7120 K I 311 324 PSM AGAGLGDGER 2536 sp|Q9BXP5-5|SRRT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=982 9.1272 2 911.43363 911.4336 R K 255 265 PSM AGFAGDDAPR 2537 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2083 14.964 2 975.44101 975.4410 K A 19 29 PSM AGIEGPLLASDVGR 2538 sp|P18583-2|SON_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8047 47.531 2 1363.7335 1363.7335 R D 1431 1445 PSM ALELCEILAK 2539 sp|P49354-2|FNTA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10411 61.62 2 1158.6318 1158.6318 K E 270 280 PSM ALINSPEGAVGR 2540 sp|O00115-2|DNS2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4989 30.551 2 1182.6357 1182.6357 R S 66 78 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 2541 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11842 70.794 3 1690.86 1690.8600 R N 283 298 PSM ANDDIIVNWVNR 2542 sp|P13797-3|PLST_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9852 58.13 2 1437.724 1437.7240 K T 474 486 PSM ASGPPVSELITK 2543 sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6328 37.838 2 1197.6605 1197.6605 K A 35 47 PSM ASLEAAIADAEQR 2544 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8334 49.185 2 1343.6681 1343.6681 R G 357 370 PSM ASLEAAIADAEQR 2545 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8337 49.206 2 1353.6764 1353.6764 R G 357 370 PSM ATALIEDIFAR 2546 sp|Q9H3H1-4|MOD5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11682 69.766 2 1218.6608 1218.6608 R D 102 113 PSM ATIGADFLTK 2547 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7522 44.542 2 1035.5601 1035.5601 K E 39 49 PSM ATSFLLALEPELEAR 2548 sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13046 78.816 2 1658.8879 1658.8879 R L 66 81 PSM CAGNEDIITLR 2549 sp|P12004|PCNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6349 37.949 2 1260.6132 1260.6132 K A 81 92 PSM CDKEFMWALK 2550 sp|P58546|MTPN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:188,6-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9206 54.297 2 1396.6558 1396.6558 M N 2 12 PSM CIENLEELQSLR 2551 sp|Q15435-5|PP1R7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9053 53.386 2 1512.7482 1512.7482 K E 53 65 PSM DDGLFSGDPNWFPK 2552 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12014 71.906 2 1599.7301 1599.7301 R K 161 175 PSM DGPNALTPPPTTPEWIK 2553 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9429 55.638 2 1832.9309 1832.9309 R F 75 92 PSM DGPNALTPPPTTPEWIK 2554 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9259 54.614 2 1838.951 1838.9510 R F 75 92 PSM DLYEDELVPLFEK 2555 sp|O43390-3|HNRPR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12660 76.177 2 1614.8124 1614.8124 R A 137 150 PSM DSALEFLTQLSR 2556 sp|Q6PJG6|BRAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13092 79.118 2 1378.7092 1378.7092 R H 518 530 PSM DSTLIMQLLR 2557 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11633 69.451 2 1204.6486 1204.6486 K D 213 223 PSM EAGGGGVGGPGAK 2558 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=660 7.3451 2 1012.4938 1012.4938 K S 40 53 PSM EAPVDVLTQIGR 2559 sp|Q9BVC6|TM109_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9611 56.706 2 1296.7038 1296.7038 R S 48 60 PSM EEGWWVVIGDAK 2560 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11796 70.502 2 1387.6772 1387.6772 R S 2061 2073 PSM ELDEEGSDPPLPGR 2561 sp|Q9BRJ6|CG050_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5063 30.954 2 1519.703 1519.7030 R A 169 183 PSM ELDSITPEVLPGWK 2562 sp|Q16891-3|MIC60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10955 65.017 2 1588.8444 1588.8444 R G 340 354 PSM ELLLQPVTISR 2563 sp|P59998|ARPC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9037 53.296 2 1267.75 1267.7500 K N 45 56 PSM ELPPDQAEYCIAR 2564 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5959 35.755 2 1560.7242 1560.7242 R M 870 883 PSM ELSAVTFPDIIR 2565 sp|P42224-2|STAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11237 66.771 2 1359.7398 1359.7398 K N 638 650 PSM ELSDFISYLQR 2566 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11846 70.823 2 1379.696 1379.6960 R E 472 483 PSM ELTEEKESAFEFLSSA 2567 sp|P40925-2|MDHC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 6-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11247 66.833 2 1821.8616 1821.8616 K - 230 246 PSM ENDFDRLVLQYAPSA 2568 sp|O14579-3|COPE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 6-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11828 70.709 2 1746.8452 1746.8452 K - 242 257 PSM ENGLEVLQEAFSR 2569 sp|O75165|DJC13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12488 75.033 2 1500.7448 1500.7448 R C 1443 1456 PSM EQLWLANEGLITR 2570 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10573 62.625 2 1551.8285 1551.8285 R L 739 752 PSM ETLAQLQQEFQR 2571 sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9392 55.415 2 1489.7525 1489.7525 R A 106 118 PSM EVLDSFLDLAR 2572 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12281 73.672 2 1286.6746 1286.6746 K N 179 190 PSM FACAVVCIQK 2573 sp|P61221|ABCE1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 3-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5686 34.292 2 1194.5889 1194.5889 R A 225 235 PSM FALGSVVAVTK 2574 sp|Q01780-2|EXOSX_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8459 49.909 2 1096.6588 1096.6588 K A 38 49 PSM FAQPGSFEYEYAMR 2575 sp|Q15233|NONO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8757 51.653 2 1694.7399 1694.7399 R W 257 271 PSM FDQPLEASTWLK 2576 sp|P51398-2|RT29_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10263 60.704 2 1439.7392 1439.7392 R N 137 149 PSM FDVSGYPTLK 2577 sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7451 44.169 2 1125.5706 1125.5706 R I 247 257 PSM FEELNADLFR 2578 sp|P11142-2|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9798 57.807 2 1252.6088 1252.6088 R G 302 312 PSM FFDEESYSLLR 2579 sp|P51571|SSRD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10086 59.6 2 1404.6561 1404.6561 R K 106 117 PSM FLDGIYVSEK 2580 sp|P32969|RL9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8077 47.702 2 1175.617 1175.6170 K G 175 185 PSM FLDGNELTLADCNLLPK 2581 sp|O00299|CLIC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11786 70.438 3 1937.9864 1937.9864 K L 167 184 PSM FMQTFVLAPEGSVANK 2582 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9588 56.578 2 1743.8961 1743.8961 R F 108 124 PSM FNVLQYVVPEVK 2583 sp|Q14152-2|EIF3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12586 75.684 2 1433.7919 1433.7919 R D 343 355 PSM FQVDLVSENAGR 2584 sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7226 42.887 2 1333.6626 1333.6626 R A 81 93 PSM FSFSPEPTLEDIR 2585 sp|Q9H773|DCTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10511 62.236 2 1536.746 1536.7460 R R 23 36 PSM FSGDLDDQTCR 2586 sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3148 20.678 2 1322.5436 1322.5436 K E 236 247 PSM FSLDCPSCDMMELR 2587 sp|Q8IX12-2|CCAR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 5-UNIMOD:4,8-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10621 62.92 2 1769.7121 1769.7121 K R 354 368 PSM FTPSPVDFTITPETLQNVK 2588 sp|O14972-2|VP26C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11697 69.865 2 2133.0994 2133.0994 K E 123 142 PSM FVALENISCK 2589 sp|Q8TAT6|NPL4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6581 39.215 2 1179.5958 1179.5958 K I 180 190 PSM FVGQDVEGER 2590 sp|P17812-2|PYRG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3057 20.134 2 1134.5306 1134.5306 K M 268 278 PSM FVVQNVSAQK 2591 sp|Q92598-4|HS105_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3431 22.082 2 1118.6084 1118.6084 R D 464 474 PSM GAGTNEDALIEILTTR 2592 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12644 76.067 2 1672.8632 1672.8632 K T 105 121 PSM GDLGIEIPAEK 2593 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7335 43.525 2 1140.6027 1140.6027 R V 295 306 PSM GFTLNDAANSR 2594 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4784 29.463 2 1164.5523 1164.5523 K L 1099 1110 PSM GISQEQMQEFR 2595 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 7-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=2914 19.396 2 1367.614 1367.6140 K A 761 772 PSM GISQEQMQEFR 2596 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5330 32.349 2 1351.619 1351.6190 K A 761 772 PSM GLDGAVDMGAR 2597 sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4386 27.079 2 1060.4971 1060.4971 R G 335 346 PSM GLGLDDALEPR 2598 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7797 46.088 2 1154.5932 1154.5932 R Q 30 41 PSM GLGTDDNTLIR 2599 sp|P09525-2|ANXA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5329 32.345 2 1183.6072 1183.6072 K V 178 189 PSM GLGTDDNTLIR 2600 sp|P09525-2|ANXA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5331 32.353 2 1173.599 1173.5990 K V 178 189 PSM GQEFLRPCGSTEVD 2601 sp|O15460-2|P4HA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5606 33.834 2 1593.7093 1593.7093 R - 520 534 PSM GQSEDPGSLLSLFR 2602 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12699 76.436 3 1514.7604 1514.7604 K R 410 424 PSM GQSSWGTGESFR 2603 sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5024 30.748 2 1307.577 1307.5770 K T 550 562 PSM GSIFVVFDSIESAK 2604 sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13081 79.047 2 1503.7916 1503.7916 K K 152 166 PSM GSPNANEPPLVFVGK 2605 sp|P28838-2|AMPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8000 47.272 2 1530.8138 1530.8138 K G 237 252 PSM GVDEATIIDILTK 2606 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12984 78.41 2 1386.7606 1386.7606 K R 59 72 PSM IALYETPTGWK 2607 sp|P36871-2|PGM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8240 48.65 2 1283.6857 1283.6857 K F 368 379 PSM ICALENELAALR 2608 sp|Q15390-2|MTFR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10503 62.185 2 1371.718 1371.7180 K A 111 123 PSM ICDDELILIK 2609 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9279 54.73 2 1230.653 1230.6530 R N 356 366 PSM ICPVETLVEEAIQCAEK 2610 sp|P30084|ECHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=14268 91.151 2 1987.9595 1987.9595 K I 212 229 PSM IDISPVLLQK 2611 sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8925 52.635 2 1130.7006 1130.7006 K G 162 172 PSM IDISPVLLQK 2612 sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8928 52.652 2 1124.6805 1124.6805 K G 162 172 PSM ILDAAGANLK 2613 sp|Q9UBQ7|GRHPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4125 25.734 2 990.58052 990.5805 R V 67 77 PSM ILPSLEDTLSLVK 2614 sp|Q9NX74|DUS2L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12402 74.467 2 1432.8484 1432.8484 R R 158 171 PSM ILQNEPLPER 2615 sp|O95793-2|STAU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4327 26.768 2 1207.6561 1207.6561 R L 78 88 PSM IMGIPEEEQMGLLR 2616 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10577 62.647 2 1614.8109 1614.8109 R V 328 342 PSM IMLLDEFTTK 2617 sp|O00186|STXB3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11096 65.89 2 1209.6315 1209.6315 K L 34 44 PSM IMNVIGEPIDER 2618 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7612 45.035 2 1384.7021 1384.7021 R G 144 156 PSM INEILSNALK 2619 sp|P52272-2|HNRPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7426 44.033 2 1119.6595 1119.6595 R R 333 343 PSM INEWLTLVEK 2620 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10869 64.466 2 1243.6812 1243.6812 K E 1698 1708 PSM INMNGVNSSNGVVDPR 2621 sp|Q13404|UB2V1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5234 31.843 2 1671.7999 1671.7999 K A 88 104 PSM IPTEAPQLELK 2622 sp|Q5VW32-2|BROX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6844 40.693 2 1243.7119 1243.7119 K A 303 314 PSM IPVENILGEVGDGFK 2623 sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12258 73.516 2 1585.8352 1585.8352 K V 280 295 PSM IQNLEALLQK 2624 sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9088 53.589 2 1174.7017 1174.7017 K S 525 535 PSM ISGLGLTPEQK 2625 sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5199 31.651 2 1141.6343 1141.6343 R Q 95 106 PSM ITQDIFQQLLK 2626 sp|P56192-2|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11944 71.453 2 1345.7606 1345.7606 K R 365 376 PSM IYIGDDNPLTLIVK 2627 sp|P06756-3|ITAV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12776 76.948 2 1572.8763 1572.8763 K A 601 615 PSM IYVISLAEPR 2628 sp|P14868-2|SYDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8862 52.265 2 1169.6684 1169.6684 K L 42 52 PSM LAGAPSEDPQFPK 2629 sp|O00391-2|QSOX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5365 32.532 2 1355.6721 1355.6721 R V 488 501 PSM LAGLDITDATLR 2630 sp|Q9Y2K7-2|KDM2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9187 54.183 2 1267.7011 1267.7011 R L 740 752 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 2631 sp|P22314-2|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10785 63.93 3 1622.8992 1622.8992 R S 639 654 PSM LAQNILSYLDLK 2632 sp|Q9UL15|BAG5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12795 77.074 2 1389.7868 1389.7868 R S 430 442 PSM LDTSQWPLLLK 2633 sp|O60832-2|DKC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11748 70.194 2 1318.7592 1318.7592 K N 47 58 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 2634 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11978 71.672 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LENYPIPEPGPNEVLLR 2635 sp|Q00796|DHSO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10166 60.108 2 1959.0341 1959.0341 R M 22 39 PSM LEVAPISDIIAIK 2636 sp|P13804|ETFA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11894 71.132 2 1386.8429 1386.8429 K S 127 140 PSM LFQEDDEIPLYLK 2637 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11040 65.536 2 1621.8239 1621.8239 K G 34 47 PSM LGDLYEEEMR 2638 sp|P08670|VIME_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6347 37.934 2 1253.5598 1253.5598 R E 146 156 PSM LGMLSPEGTCK 2639 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 3-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2671 18.162 2 1213.5778 1213.5778 R A 203 214 PSM LLDEVFFSEK 2640 sp|P25789|PSA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10321 61.065 2 1225.6231 1225.6231 K I 55 65 PSM LLDSMEQDPGALLLGAVR 2641 sp|Q7L1V2-2|MON1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12731 76.647 2 1907.0062 1907.0062 R C 86 104 PSM LLESLDQLELR 2642 sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10374 61.399 2 1327.7347 1327.7347 R V 28 39 PSM LLGGFQETCSK 2643 sp|Q9BVP2-2|GNL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5158 31.439 2 1238.5965 1238.5965 K A 231 242 PSM LLGGFQETCSK 2644 sp|Q9BVP2-2|GNL3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5159 31.443 2 1244.6167 1244.6167 K A 231 242 PSM LLIVQDASER 2645 sp|O95772-2|STR3N_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5595 33.771 2 1152.6378 1152.6378 R A 179 189 PSM LLSCSADGTLR 2646 sp|O43815-2|STRN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 4-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4116 25.689 2 1201.6 1201.6000 R L 535 546 PSM LMTDTINEPILLCR 2647 sp|O43776|SYNC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10119 59.808 2 1697.872 1697.8720 R F 426 440 PSM LNLNNTVLSK 2648 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6018 36.088 2 1120.6548 1120.6548 R R 426 436 PSM LNLNNTVLSK 2649 sp|P07814|SYEP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6019 36.092 2 1114.6346 1114.6346 R R 426 436 PSM LPSDVVTAVR 2650 sp|P04181|OAT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5438 32.916 2 1065.6058 1065.6058 K G 363 373 PSM LTLSALLDGK 2651 sp|P21796|VDAC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10695 63.381 2 1029.607 1029.6070 K N 257 267 PSM LVLVGDGGTGK 2652 sp|P62826|RAN_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4153 25.87 2 1014.571 1014.5710 K T 13 24 PSM LVPGGGATEIELAK 2653 sp|P50990|TCPQ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6427 38.364 2 1359.7705 1359.7705 R Q 408 422 PSM LVSESSDVLPK 2654 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4755 29.311 2 1178.649 1178.6490 K - 501 512 PSM LVVLGSGGVGK 2655 sp|P61224-2|RAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5150 31.397 2 984.59678 984.5968 K S 6 17 PSM LVVVGGGGVGK 2656 sp|P10301|RRAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3575 22.839 2 940.57057 940.5706 K S 32 43 PSM LWDLTTGTTTR 2657 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7656 45.28 2 1263.6459 1263.6459 R R 89 100 PSM LWDLTTGTTTR 2658 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7664 45.322 2 1273.6542 1273.6542 R R 89 100 PSM LYLVDLAGSEK 2659 sp|P33176|KINH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9078 53.53 2 1206.6496 1206.6496 K V 227 238 PSM MAAADSVQQR 2660 sp|Q8IYB3-2|SRRM1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=702 7.5908 2 1101.5112 1101.5112 K R 471 481 PSM MGESDDSILR 2661 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4551 28.071 2 1121.5023 1121.5023 R L 62 72 PSM MISDAIPELK 2662 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7191 42.696 2 1137.6047 1137.6047 K A 273 283 PSM MLNGLEDSIGLSK 2663 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8817 52.006 2 1381.7218 1381.7218 K M 1164 1177 PSM MMGLEVLGEK 2664 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7568 44.804 2 1121.5461 1121.5461 R K 701 711 PSM MQNDAGEFVDLYVPRK 2665 sp|P63220|RS21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,1-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9690 57.15 2 1954.943 1950.9548 - C 1 17 PSM MSTSPEAFLALR 2666 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10330 61.121 2 1321.67 1321.6700 R S 3859 3871 PSM NAAIAVLEELK 2667 sp|O95793-2|STAU1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10765 63.808 2 1175.6857 1175.6857 K K 159 170 PSM NAIAETIIALTK 2668 sp|O75592-2|MYCB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12737 76.69 2 1262.7541 1262.7541 K M 4194 4206 PSM NAPAIIFIDELDAIAPK 2669 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=14293 91.437 2 1809.9877 1809.9877 K R 296 313 PSM NGPALQEAYVR 2670 sp|Q9UJU6|DBNL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4727 29.156 2 1216.62 1216.6200 R V 8 19 PSM NGVSGLVTSR 2671 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3521 22.581 2 988.53016 988.5302 R S 416 426 PSM NGVSGLVTSR 2672 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3522 22.584 2 998.53843 998.5384 R S 416 426 PSM NLAANDLSPSR 2673 sp|Q96CB9-4|NSUN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3436 22.113 2 1166.5919 1166.5919 R I 150 161 PSM NLPGLVQEGEPFSEEATLFTK 2674 sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12553 75.458 2 2311.1679 2311.1679 R E 566 587 PSM NLVDNITGQR 2675 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6343 37.917 2 1128.5887 1128.5887 R L 4438 4448 PSM NLVELAELELK 2676 sp|Q9UNH7-2|SNX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12382 74.343 2 1275.7381 1275.7381 K H 260 271 PSM NLVELAELELK 2677 sp|Q9UNH7-2|SNX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12385 74.36 2 1269.718 1269.7180 K H 260 271 PSM NQSPVLEPVGR 2678 sp|P51812|KS6A3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3892 24.526 2 1194.6357 1194.6357 R S 713 724 PSM NVDLSTFYQNR 2679 sp|O94826|TOM70_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8108 47.883 2 1365.6552 1365.6552 K A 149 160 PSM NVVLDALQLPK 2680 sp|Q96ME1|FXL18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10513 62.248 2 1208.7129 1208.7129 R S 289 300 PSM QLLQANPILEAFGNAK 2681 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12674 76.268 2 1725.9414 1725.9414 R T 210 226 PSM QMEQISQFLQAAER 2682 sp|P37802-2|TAGL2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11236 66.765 3 1677.8145 1677.8145 K Y 110 124 PSM QVLFDDIGQSLIR 2683 sp|Q9H7Z3|NRDE2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11760 70.27 2 1502.8093 1502.8093 R L 614 627 PSM QVSDLISVLR 2684 sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9895 58.403 2 1138.6585 1138.6585 K E 373 383 PSM QWCNCAFLESSAK 2685 sp|P62834|RAP1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 3-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7559 44.753 2 1605.7011 1605.7011 R S 137 150 PSM SAAQAAAQTNSNAAGK 2686 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=665 7.3721 2 1459.7015 1459.7015 K Q 53 69 PSM SAGGEPGPEAGR 2687 sp|O95785-2|WIZ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=782 8.0478 2 1093.5028 1093.5028 R A 637 649 PSM SAKPETVIDSLLQ 2688 sp|Q9Y496|KIF3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10692 63.364 2 1399.7559 1399.7559 R - 687 700 PSM SAPLDAALHALQEEQAR 2689 sp|P80217|IN35_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=12972 78.327 2 1860.933 1860.9330 M L 2 19 PSM SEDLLDYGPFR 2690 sp|P04843|RPN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10595 62.756 2 1320.6225 1320.6226 R D 194 205 PSM SEGTYCCGPVPVR 2691 sp|P21980|TGM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 6-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3960 24.869 2 1480.6439 1480.6439 K A 365 378 PSM SELPLDPLPVPTEEGNPLLK 2692 sp|Q15758|AAAT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12422 74.597 3 2157.1569 2157.1569 K H 503 523 PSM SGIVEYLSLVK 2693 sp|P49642|PRI1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11373 67.6 2 1206.686 1206.6860 R G 183 194 PSM SGLDSVSSWLPLAK 2694 sp|Q6PD74|AAGAB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12327 73.981 2 1464.792 1464.7920 K A 90 104 PSM SHTILLVQPTK 2695 sp|P84090|ERH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6683 39.769 2 1283.7545 1283.7545 M R 2 13 PSM SHTILLVQPTK 2696 sp|P84090|ERH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6684 39.774 2 1277.7343 1277.7343 M R 2 13 PSM SLADGILLCK 2697 sp|Q14651|PLSI_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8464 49.937 2 1088.59 1088.5900 K M 158 168 PSM SLENAIEWSVK 2698 sp|Q9Y570-2|PPME1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9247 54.542 2 1280.6708 1280.6708 K S 20 31 PSM SLETEILESLK 2699 sp|P48681|NEST_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12668 76.234 2 1266.7014 1266.7014 K S 820 831 PSM SLSLCNMFLDEMAK 2700 sp|Q9Y2A7|NCKP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 5-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13080 79.041 2 1663.7715 1663.7715 R Q 595 609 PSM SLTANPELIDR 2701 sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5816 34.995 2 1237.6542 1237.6542 K L 200 211 PSM SNTLPISLQSIR 2702 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9073 53.499 2 1327.746 1327.7460 K S 530 542 PSM SPDFTNENPLETR 2703 sp|P05023-2|AT1A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6161 36.901 2 1518.6951 1518.6951 R N 228 241 PSM SPQNQYPAELMR 2704 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3852 24.304 2 1458.6801 1458.6801 R R 121 133 PSM SQFTITPGSEQIR 2705 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6344 37.921 2 1472.7499 1472.7499 K A 412 425 PSM SQLDLFDDVGTFASGPPK 2706 sp|Q8N6H7|ARFG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12112 72.551 3 1898.9357 1898.9357 R Y 340 358 PSM SSFADISNLLQIEPR 2707 sp|Q15785|TOM34_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12723 76.594 2 1698.8816 1698.8816 K N 279 294 PSM SSGLPNIPVQTISR 2708 sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8013 47.346 2 1467.8045 1467.8045 R A 326 340 PSM STAEGEAFIQALPGSGTTPLLR 2709 sp|O60437|PEPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11658 69.612 2 2215.1485 2215.1485 R T 566 588 PSM STSVPQGHTWTQR 2710 sp|Q9NYJ1|COA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4072 25.466 2 1535.7356 1535.7356 M V 2 15 PSM SVFPEQANNNEWAR 2711 sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6928 41.121 2 1660.7594 1660.7594 K Y 274 288 PSM SWLPQNCTLVDMK 2712 sp|P22234|PUR6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 7-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9636 56.848 2 1596.7736 1596.7736 K I 179 192 PSM SYELPDGQVITIGNER 2713 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9890 58.375 3 1789.8846 1789.8846 K F 239 255 PSM TAMNVNDLFLAIAK 2714 sp|P61020|RAB5B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13143 79.472 2 1525.827 1525.8270 K K 166 180 PSM TENLLGSYFPK 2715 sp|Q06323-3|PSME1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9849 58.113 2 1267.6449 1267.6449 K K 25 36 PSM TFESLVDFSK 2716 sp|Q16836|HCDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9560 56.415 2 1177.5962 1177.5962 K A 193 203 PSM TFESLVDFSK 2717 sp|Q16836|HCDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9561 56.419 2 1171.5761 1171.5761 K A 193 203 PSM TFVNITPAEVGVLVGK 2718 sp|P07737|PROF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11987 71.73 3 1642.9294 1642.9294 K D 39 55 PSM TLGDFAAEYAK 2719 sp|P09874|PARP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7513 44.491 2 1190.5915 1190.5915 K S 109 120 PSM TMTCEYALCSFFVPGDR 2720 sp|Q9UNX4|WDR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11674 69.713 2 2078.8775 2078.8775 R Q 451 468 PSM TMTCEYALCSFFVPGDR 2721 sp|Q9UNX4|WDR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12247 73.445 2 2052.8744 2052.8744 R Q 451 468 PSM TPENLITEIR 2722 sp|Q7Z4H7-3|HAUS6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7893 46.663 2 1194.6484 1194.6484 R S 549 559 PSM TPVLFDIYEIK 2723 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12202 73.146 2 1342.748 1342.7480 K E 239 250 PSM TPVLFDIYEIK 2724 sp|P50995-2|ANX11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12203 73.152 2 1336.7279 1336.7279 K E 239 250 PSM TPVSEDMLGR 2725 sp|P21281|VATB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4897 30.056 2 1103.5281 1103.5281 R V 121 131 PSM TQSSLVPALTDFVR 2726 sp|O60888-3|CUTA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11882 71.057 2 1532.8199 1532.8199 K S 102 116 PSM TVDNFVALATGEK 2727 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9255 54.593 2 1369.7185 1369.7185 K G 72 85 PSM TVSEWLESIK 2728 sp|P29317|EPHA2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10457 61.9 2 1190.6183 1190.6183 R M 908 918 PSM VCCEGMLIQLR 2729 sp|Q96A33-2|CCD47_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:4,3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8619 50.812 2 1377.6567 1377.6567 R F 213 224 PSM VDFPQDQLTALTGR 2730 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10329 61.115 2 1559.7944 1559.7944 K I 174 188 PSM VFNIYTDATPLR 2731 sp|Q8N8A6|DDX51_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9207 54.302 2 1408.7351 1408.7351 K V 300 312 PSM VGLNAQAACAPR 2732 sp|P48681|NEST_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3139 20.626 2 1236.6273 1236.6273 R C 149 161 PSM VGQALLQGNTER 2733 sp|Q06124-1|PTN11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3537 22.651 2 1294.6869 1294.6869 K T 406 418 PSM VIVVGNPANTNCLTASK 2734 sp|P40925-2|MDHC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6224 37.266 2 1762.9343 1762.9343 K S 37 54 PSM VLLQAFDVVER 2735 sp|Q15750-2|TAB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10495 62.133 2 1287.7187 1287.7187 R S 105 116 PSM VLNYAPGPLDTDMQQLAR 2736 sp|P35270|SPRE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10362 61.321 3 2000.999 2000.9990 R E 193 211 PSM VLQSEFCNAVR 2737 sp|Q9NUP9|LIN7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5731 34.543 2 1331.6531 1331.6531 R E 41 52 PSM VLTSGIFETK 2738 sp|P63092-3|GNAS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6925 41.107 2 1099.6221 1099.6221 R F 187 197 PSM VLYPNDNFFEGK 2739 sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8954 52.807 2 1441.6878 1441.6878 R E 279 291 PSM VNKYGDTWDE 2740 sp|Q9NX40-4|OCAD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3811 24.071 2 1225.5251 1225.5251 K - 185 195 PSM VNSLPEVLPILNSDEPK 2741 sp|P23229-4|ITA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11604 69.265 2 1862.9989 1862.9989 R T 592 609 PSM VPSEGAYDIILPR 2742 sp|Q9NQ84|GPC5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9181 54.145 2 1438.7695 1438.7695 K A 381 394 PSM VQAWYMDDAPGDPR 2743 sp|Q9BV57|MTND_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7775 45.955 2 1629.7121 1629.7121 M Q 2 16 PSM VQGIAGQPFVVLNSGEK 2744 sp|Q9P2M7-2|CING_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9095 53.634 2 1747.9564 1747.9564 R G 51 68 PSM VTTQTSLPLFR 2745 sp|Q13596-2|SNX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8632 50.887 2 1271.7113 1271.7113 K S 102 113 PSM VVGAYNQCPVVR 2746 sp|Q8N2G8-2|GHDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3739 23.688 2 1370.7004 1370.7004 R F 370 382 PSM VVLLEDLASQVGLR 2747 sp|Q96HY6-2|DDRGK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13176 79.685 2 1510.8719 1510.8719 K T 228 242 PSM YAVLYQPLFDK 2748 sp|P55209-3|NP1L1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10319 61.055 2 1355.7125 1355.7125 K E 65 76 PSM YDGLVGMFDPK 2749 sp|P12081-3|HARS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10437 61.781 2 1240.5798 1240.5798 R G 303 314 PSM YDGLVGMFDPK 2750 sp|P12081-3|HARS1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10439 61.792 2 1246.5999 1246.5999 R G 303 314 PSM YFDTVPVAAAMCVLK 2751 sp|Q15393|SF3B3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12455 74.815 2 1689.8566 1689.8566 K T 329 344 PSM YGEPGEVFINK 2752 sp|P23246-2|SFPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6278 37.574 2 1251.6136 1251.6136 K G 320 331 PSM YGSDIVPFSK 2753 sp|P13010|XRCC5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6763 40.231 2 1111.555 1111.5550 R V 316 326 PSM YIQPWESEFIDSQR 2754 sp|Q6P2Q9|PRP8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10371 61.378 3 1796.837 1796.8370 R V 1371 1385 PSM YLAEFATGNDR 2755 sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5643 34.048 2 1255.5833 1255.5833 R K 131 142 PSM YLGQDYEQLR 2756 sp|P07384|CAN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6180 37.011 2 1283.6146 1283.6146 K V 37 47 PSM YNFPVEVEVPMER 2757 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10537 62.4 2 1617.7736 1617.7736 R K 1988 2001 PSM YPVNSVNILK 2758 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6864 40.796 2 1145.6445 1145.6445 R A 190 200 PSM YQIDPDACFSAK 2759 sp|P21796|VDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6781 40.332 2 1413.6235 1413.6235 K V 225 237 PSM YQQGDFGYCPR 2760 sp|P67870|CSK2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4778 29.43 2 1399.5855 1399.5855 K V 101 112 PSM YYAFDEAFVR 2761 sp|O43427-2|FIBP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9648 56.914 2 1289.5956 1289.5956 R E 96 106 PSM QRQLAEEDAAR 2762 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=2508 17.139165 2 1268.6119 1268.6104 R Q 1953 1964 PSM QLREYQELMNVK 2763 sp|P05787|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=7790 46.044468333333334 2 1548.7611 1548.7601 R L 370 382 PSM TTPSVVAFTADGER 2764 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6633 39.48527833333333 2 1449.708259 1449.709973 R L 86 100 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 2765 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10501 62.173080000000006 2 1742.8617 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM GAGTGGLGLAVEGPSEAK 2766 sp|P21333|FLNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6250 37.41911833333334 2 1571.8062 1569.7992 R M 1382 1400 PSM VSLAGACGVGGYGSR 2767 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=4074 25.475148333333333 2 1409.673047 1409.672148 R S 49 64 PSM LAGESESNLR 2768 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=1722 13.052146666666665 2 1084.541263 1084.538821 K K 278 288 PSM QLLQANPILEAFGNAK 2769 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12511 75.17823166666666 2 1726.9252 1725.9412 R T 210 226 PSM QLLQANPILEAFGNAK 2770 sp|P35749|MYH11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12700 76.44168333333334 2 1732.965218 1731.961499 K T 217 233 PSM QRYEILTPNSIPK 2771 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8423 49.70977666666666 2 1540.8202 1540.8244 R G 719 732 PSM IMNVIGEPIDER 2772 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=6124 36.685228333333335 2 1401.687251 1400.696966 R G 144 156 PSM GFQEVVTPNIFNSR 2773 sp|P26639|SYTC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10222 60.4564 2 1607.7952 1606.8102 R L 368 382 PSM QMADTGKLNTLLQR 2774 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 7-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7408 43.93543333333333 2 1604.852549 1603.868674 K A 545 559 PSM CFIVGADNVGSK 2775 sp|Q8NHW5|RLA0L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9732 57.40131166666667 2 1248.5798 1248.5803 K Q 27 39 PSM QNFIDPLQNLCEK 2776 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12256 73.50448833333333 2 1600.7557 1600.7550 K D 137 150 PSM QAVQILDELAEKLK 2777 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=14296 91.46002666666668 2 1591.9332 1591.9222 R R 228 242 PSM QADNPHVALYQAR 2778 sp|Q9Y4L1|HYOU1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=5154 31.41444166666667 2 1464.7098 1464.7105 K F 107 120 PSM AEALMMPLVDQLENR 2779 sp|Q9H583|HEAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12343 74.08776999999999 2 1739.834044 1738.862146 R L 2016 2031 PSM ATENDIYNFFSPLNPVR 2780 sp|P31943|HNRH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=13150 79.51270833333334 2 2005.981316 2005.977310 R V 300 317 PSM QIWQNLGLDDTK 2781 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11902 71.18188666666667 2 1418.7022 1418.7132 K I 154 166 PSM QLLTLSSELSQAR 2782 sp|P15311|EZRI_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12182 73.01635833333334 2 1427.7570 1427.7615 R D 530 543 PSM QVFGEATKQPGITFIAAK 2783 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10429 61.72948833333333 3 1888.0114 1888.0089 R F 177 195 PSM TGNFQVTELGR 2784 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6218 37.22838 2 1220.614728 1220.614950 K I 976 987 PSM LISWYDNEFGYSNR 2785 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10494 62.127334999999995 2 1773.788249 1772.803369 K V 310 324 PSM CLEKEVAALCR 2786 sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:188,10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9770 57.63942666666667 2 1346.6645 1346.6652 K Y 389 400 PSM QSLGELIGTLNAAK 2787 sp|P60174|TPIS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=13425 81.71577833333333 2 1402.7781 1402.7758 K V 57 71 PSM LSDGFNGADLR 2788 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6191 37.073479999999996 2 1174.5522 1173.5652 K N 334 345 PSM CVELVHEEMQR 2789 sp|O00429|DNM1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8909 52.53695833333334 2 1421.6305 1421.6302 R I 431 442 PSM LVILANNCPALR 2790 sp|P62888|RL30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8162 48.19895833333333 2 1353.7432 1352.7592 K K 45 57 PSM NIEELQQQNQR 2791 sp|P12270|TPR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=2606 17.81448166666667 2 1399.688876 1398.685155 R L 542 553 PSM CQSLTEDLEFRK 2792 sp|P20700|LMNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9079 53.535185 2 1523.7296 1523.7256 R S 198 210 PSM ALIPLALEGTDVGQTK 2793 sp|Q9H3U1|UN45A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10338 61.170126666666675 2 1630.924783 1630.923716 R A 692 708 PSM QQHVIETLIGK 2794 sp|P48643|TCPE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9296 54.83011333333333 2 1247.6890 1247.6869 K K 503 514 PSM LQPSSSPENSLDPFPPR 2795 sp|Q8WWM7|ATX2L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8434 49.773790000000005 2 1866.9138 1866.9107 K I 554 571 PSM QVGYEDQWLQLLR 2796 sp|O60568|PLOD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12944 78.13466166666667 2 1646.837008 1646.841656 K T 616 629 PSM GALTTVEGLITR 2797 sp|O75312|ZPR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10510 62.23050166666667 2 1239.707401 1239.706221 K A 141 153 PSM YQIDPDACFSAK 2798 sp|P21796|VDAC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 8-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=6776 40.30101333333334 2 1419.641192 1419.643595 K V 225 237 PSM QVTGQPQNASFVKR 2799 sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4390 27.104426666666665 2 1557.8229 1557.8229 R N 322 336 PSM GSAFAIGSDGLCCQSR 2800 sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7060 41.89277666666666 2 1694.742879 1694.738008 R E 99 115 PSM CAGGHDDATLAR 2801 sp|P49916|DNLI3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=2618 17.879095 2 1235.5232 1235.5223 K L 729 741 PSM CYSCGEFGHIQK 2802 sp|P62633|CNBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=6550 39.04412333333333 2 1467.5896 1467.5906 K D 119 131 PSM LSLVDLAGSER 2803 sp|Q9NQT8|KI13B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8574 50.550853333333336 2 1168.633668 1168.632721 K A 249 260 PSM AGLNSLEAVKR 2804 sp|P67936|TPM4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:1,10-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6448 38.482256666666665 2 1214.6932 1214.6949 M K 2 13 PSM QVFQQTISCPEGLR 2805 sp|Q14653|IRF3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7104 42.170098333333335 2 1671.824661 1671.827809 R L 214 228 PSM YQQGDFGYCPR 2806 sp|P67870|CSK2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=4819 29.645595 2 1389.576606 1389.577185 K V 101 112 PSM QQWALVEFEKPVTCPR 2807 sp|P57772|SELB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,10-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11431 68.00913833333333 2 1986.0010 1985.9999 R L 409 425 PSM QAALQVAEGFISR 2808 sp|P40121|CAPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=13019 78.64073666666667 2 1371.7148 1371.7141 R M 307 320 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 2809 sp|P31942|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=13359 81.12895833333334 2 1918.948217 1917.958477 R V 206 223 PSM VYVGNLGTGAGK 2810 sp|Q16629|SRSF7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=3798 24.001696666666668 2 1140.622653 1140.623452 K G 13 25 PSM QLDDLKVELSQLR 2811 sp|P42766|RL35_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12074 72.29858166666666 3 1538.8235 1538.8299 K V 20 33 PSM FVDGVSTVAR 2812 sp|O95347|SMC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4101 25.612273333333334 2 1059.554631 1059.558828 K F 1161 1171 PSM SLSSGIPDEFICPITR 2813 sp|Q8N9V3|WSDU1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10935 64.88556 2 1801.908990 1800.895555 K E 399 415 PSM MELIDDNTVVR 2814 sp|Q6NXG1|ESRP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=5557 33.54626833333334 2 1320.668511 1319.639117 K A 218 229 PSM CCLTYCFNKPEDK 2815 sp|P62979|RS27A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7804 46.124523333333336 2 1716.6967 1716.6941 K - 144 157 PSM SLFEASQQLLNEMK 2816 sp|A6NHR9|SMHD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12733 76.65874166666666 2 1636.810121 1636.813058 K C 1642 1656 PSM QKWEAEPVYVQR 2817 sp|P25311|ZA2G_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6814 40.516436666666664 2 1530.7759 1530.7797 K A 166 178 PSM QQSIKPGPELGGEFPVQDLK 2818 sp|Q8WXG6|MADD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 25.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9912 58.51068000000001 2 2149.1162 2149.1052 R T 1533 1553 PSM NVVTIFSAPNYCYR 2819 sp|P67775|PP2AA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9835 58.028130000000004 2 1702.802108 1702.813727 R C 255 269 PSM SLLVTELGSSR 2820 sp|P29218|IMPA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7560 44.758155 2 1171.645322 1170.648371 K T 157 168 PSM VCGDFQDIER 2821 sp|Q8TDB6|DTX3L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5037 30.812316666666668 2 1249.579012 1247.548006 K I 174 184 PSM EAFQSVVLPAFEK 2822 sp|Q6P2E9|EDC4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10663 63.184353333333334 2 1463.766873 1463.766031 R S 1116 1129 PSM QQEGYDGGPNLRTK 2823 sp|Q6P5Q4|LMOD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4776 29.42016666666667 2 1571.725733 1571.756753 K V 365 379 PSM ITKEPIIDYFDVQD 2824 sp|Q12986|NFX1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 25.0 3-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11172 66.36916333333333 2 1702.894074 1700.860448 K - 1107 1121 PSM AAEADGPLKR 2825 sp|O75352-2|MPU1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=2731 18.461 2 1068.5564 1068.5564 M L 2 12 PSM AALQELLSK 2826 sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7574 44.837 2 971.56515 971.5651 R G 86 95 PSM AALQELLSK 2827 sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7575 44.841 2 977.58528 977.5853 R G 86 95 PSM AALSALESFLK 2828 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12394 74.417 2 1148.6441 1148.6441 K Q 311 322 PSM AGAGLGDGER 2829 sp|Q9BXP5-5|SRRT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=983 9.1313 2 901.42536 901.4254 R K 255 265 PSM AGNLGGGVVTIER 2830 sp|P35268|RL22_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5501 33.241 2 1241.6728 1241.6728 K S 53 66 PSM AGQEDVLFPVAR 2831 sp|Q5JTZ9|SYAM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8179 48.303 2 1300.6776 1300.6776 R A 581 593 PSM ALDLADMITR 2832 sp|P49916-4|DNLI3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10293 60.89 2 1117.5801 1117.5801 K V 552 562 PSM ALVPFLLDEDYEK 2833 sp|Q9UGK3|STAP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12366 74.238 2 1556.807 1556.8070 K V 240 253 PSM AMGTLLNTAISEVIGK 2834 sp|O43264-2|ZW10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12849 77.464 2 1632.8757 1632.8757 K I 652 668 PSM ANLNLENLLEATK 2835 sp|Q9NS87-4|KIF15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11545 68.826 2 1441.7777 1441.7777 K A 626 639 PSM ANSEEFIPIFANNPR 2836 sp|Q9H270|VPS11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10576 62.641 2 1717.8424 1717.8424 R E 588 603 PSM APVPTGEVYFADSFDR 2837 sp|P27824-2|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9939 58.683 2 1779.8343 1779.8343 K G 97 113 PSM AQSLTTGQEGFIPFNFVAK 2838 sp|P06239-2|LCK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12289 73.727 2 2060.0674 2060.0674 K A 100 119 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 2839 sp|P31942-6|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13133 79.401 2 1917.9585 1917.9585 R V 69 86 PSM ATGANATPLDFPSKK 2840 sp|Q15637-6|SF01_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6364 38.026 2 1558.7991 1558.7991 M R 2 17 PSM AVENYLIQMAR 2841 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9320 54.975 2 1306.6704 1306.6704 K Y 69 80 PSM AVLIAGQPGTGK 2842 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3283 21.339 2 1116.6598 1116.6598 R T 72 84 PSM AYVSTLMGVPGR 2843 sp|O00303|EIF3F_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7587 44.897 2 1249.6489 1249.6489 K T 215 227 PSM CLATGPGIASTVK 2844 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4780 29.444 2 1273.67 1273.6700 K T 1617 1630 PSM CNSLLPLDDIVR 2845 sp|Q14643-4|ITPR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10984 65.195 2 1423.7369 1423.7369 K V 1382 1394 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 2846 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12149 72.796 3 2022.9907 2022.9907 K E 616 633 PSM CVNQWQLSGELK 2847 sp|Q86W42|THOC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7608 45.012 2 1460.7082 1460.7082 R A 279 291 PSM DAEAWFTSR 2848 sp|P08727|K1C19_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7959 47.047 2 1091.4911 1091.4911 K T 266 275 PSM DAGVIAGLNVLR 2849 sp|P0DMV8-2|HS71A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10043 59.321 2 1206.696 1206.6960 K I 105 117 PSM DLALVNDQLLGFVR 2850 sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13098 79.158 2 1581.8754 1581.8754 R E 391 405 PSM DLQNVNITLR 2851 sp|P35232|PHB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7351 43.615 2 1194.6596 1194.6596 K I 84 94 PSM DLSLLQIQMR 2852 sp|Q9BXJ9|NAA15_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10770 63.841 2 1215.6645 1215.6645 R D 119 129 PSM EAPVDVLTQIGR 2853 sp|Q9BVC6|TM109_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9607 56.686 2 1306.712 1306.7120 R S 48 60 PSM EAPVGALTLTALTEGIR 2854 sp|A6NGR9|MROH6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12709 76.499 2 1710.9516 1710.9516 R A 13 30 PSM EFGSLPTTPSEQR 2855 sp|O15400-2|STX7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5669 34.193 2 1447.6943 1447.6943 K Q 72 85 PSM EGDVLTLLESER 2856 sp|P62857|RS28_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11076 65.763 2 1369.6964 1369.6964 R E 52 64 PSM ELLEQISAFDNVPR 2857 sp|Q9NX58|LYAR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10961 65.05 2 1639.8445 1639.8445 R K 96 110 PSM ELSAVTFPDIIR 2858 sp|P42224-2|STAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11241 66.794 2 1369.7481 1369.7481 K N 638 650 PSM EQLAIAEFAR 2859 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8449 49.859 2 1156.6116 1156.6116 R S 434 444 PSM EQLAIAEFAR 2860 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8454 49.887 2 1146.6033 1146.6033 R S 434 444 PSM EQSILELGSLLAK 2861 sp|O00231|PSD11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12571 75.579 2 1399.7922 1399.7922 K T 47 60 PSM ETLAQLQQEFQR 2862 sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9407 55.509 2 1499.7608 1499.7608 R A 106 118 PSM EVAFFNNFLTDAK 2863 sp|Q9BXP5-5|SRRT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12354 74.16 2 1514.7405 1514.7405 K R 709 722 PSM EYEIPSNLTPADVFFR 2864 sp|Q8WUM0|NU133_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12889 77.749 2 1896.9258 1896.9258 R E 676 692 PSM FASENDLPEWK 2865 sp|P43487-2|RANG_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7640 45.191 2 1334.6143 1334.6143 R E 58 69 PSM FATEAAITILR 2866 sp|P17987|TCPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9219 54.374 2 1204.6816 1204.6816 K I 516 527 PSM FCTGLTQIETLFK 2867 sp|P12277|KCRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13063 78.93 2 1562.811 1562.8110 R S 253 266 PSM FDSDAASQR 2868 sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=939 8.8886 2 1005.4391 1005.4391 R M 60 69 PSM FDVSGYPTLK 2869 sp|P13667|PDIA4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7198 42.734 2 1125.5706 1125.5706 R I 247 257 PSM FFDDDLLVSTSR 2870 sp|O43924|PDE6D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9949 58.745 2 1423.6859 1423.6859 K V 133 145 PSM FGISEPGNQEK 2871 sp|P49792|RBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3769 23.845 2 1204.5724 1204.5724 K K 1900 1911 PSM FGQVYTEAK 2872 sp|P46977|STT3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2984 19.762 2 1047.5332 1047.5332 R R 647 656 PSM FLEEFITPIVK 2873 sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11841 70.789 2 1334.7486 1334.7486 R V 569 580 PSM FLNAENAQK 2874 sp|P43487-2|RANG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2022 14.669 2 1039.5394 1039.5394 R F 142 151 PSM FMQDASDVMQLLLK 2875 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13688 84.269 2 1643.8358 1643.8358 K T 513 527 PSM FSEGEATLR 2876 sp|P47897-2|SYQ_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3243 21.141 2 1008.4876 1008.4876 K M 384 393 PSM FSFSPEPTLEDIR 2877 sp|Q9H773|DCTP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10468 61.965 2 1546.7543 1546.7543 R R 23 36 PSM FVMQEEFSR 2878 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 3-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3856 24.328 2 1197.5364 1197.5364 K D 336 345 PSM FVMQEEFSR 2879 sp|P30101|PDIA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6700 39.863 2 1181.5415 1181.5415 K D 336 345 PSM GAPLVVICQGK 2880 sp|Q14195|DPYL3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 8-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5514 33.304 2 1146.6526 1146.6526 R I 441 452 PSM GAPNPWLFEEPEETR 2881 sp|Q9UNK0|STX8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10100 59.687 2 1770.8213 1770.8213 R G 119 134 PSM GAVLFGLDPAVIK 2882 sp|O43301|HS12A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11669 69.684 2 1304.78 1304.7800 K V 517 530 PSM GAVLFGLDPAVIK 2883 sp|O43301|HS12A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11676 69.731 2 1298.7598 1298.7598 K V 517 530 PSM GDINPNIPYPTR 2884 sp|P50416-2|CPT1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6234 37.325 2 1365.6916 1365.6916 K L 506 518 PSM GEGGILINSQGER 2885 sp|P31040-3|SDHA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4263 26.461 2 1338.6767 1338.6767 R F 168 181 PSM GFALVGVGSEASSK 2886 sp|Q16630-3|CPSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7036 41.75 2 1313.6923 1313.6923 K K 125 139 PSM GGAEGELQALR 2887 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5222 31.783 2 1099.5622 1099.5622 R A 1606 1617 PSM GGIVDEGALLR 2888 sp|O43175|SERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7484 44.341 2 1108.6116 1108.6116 R A 237 248 PSM GGLQEVAEQLELER 2889 sp|Q9UIV1-2|CNOT7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10775 63.869 2 1569.7999 1569.7999 K I 207 221 PSM GIGTDEFTLNR 2890 sp|P12429|ANXA3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7034 41.741 2 1231.6072 1231.6072 K I 264 275 PSM GISLNPEQWSQLK 2891 sp|P53999|TCP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10563 62.566 2 1504.7981 1504.7981 K E 102 115 PSM GISQEQMQEFR 2892 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5334 32.365 2 1361.6273 1361.6273 K A 761 772 PSM GLALDLEDGNFLK 2893 sp|Q5TFE4|NT5D1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11521 68.665 2 1403.7296 1403.7296 K L 65 78 PSM GLGLDDALEPR 2894 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7764 45.891 2 1154.5932 1154.5932 R Q 30 41 PSM GLGTDEDTLIEILASR 2895 sp|P04083|ANXA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13421 81.686 3 1701.8785 1701.8785 K T 129 145 PSM GLPWSCSADEVMR 2896 sp|P55795|HNRH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8931 52.673 2 1506.6595 1506.6595 R F 17 30 PSM GLQEIEESLR 2897 sp|Q8WV92|MITD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8583 50.602 2 1172.6037 1172.6037 R S 169 179 PSM GNAPEGLPQLMEVVR 2898 sp|A5YKK6-3|CNOT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11168 66.341 2 1608.8294 1608.8294 R S 1795 1810 PSM GSIINISSIVGK 2899 sp|Q92506|DHB8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10029 59.231 2 1186.6921 1186.6921 R V 149 161 PSM GSLTFEPLTLVPIQTK 2900 sp|Q9NQW7-2|XPP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12677 76.295 2 1742.9818 1742.9818 R M 531 547 PSM GTRDDEYDYLFK 2901 sp|P62491-2|RB11A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=9220 54.38 2 1562.6889 1562.6889 M V 2 14 PSM GVQVETISPGDGR 2902 sp|P62942|FKB1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4070 25.455 2 1323.6658 1323.6658 M T 2 15 PSM GYISPYFINTSK 2903 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8495 50.098 2 1394.7177 1394.7177 R G 222 234 PSM IALYGLGSIPDER 2904 sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9787 57.741 2 1402.7456 1402.7456 K L 176 189 PSM IANPVEGSSGR 2905 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1961 14.27 2 1095.5548 1095.5548 K Q 315 326 PSM IAPLEEGTLPFNLAEAQR 2906 sp|Q9UJS0|CMC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 18-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11528 68.711 3 1978.0399 1978.0399 R Q 293 311 PSM ICFGDGDGTVNLK 2907 sp|Q8NCC3-2|PAG15_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7297 43.306 2 1400.6701 1400.6701 K S 260 273 PSM IDFSSIAVPGTSSPR 2908 sp|Q5TDH0-2|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9192 54.216 2 1542.7917 1542.7917 R Q 94 109 PSM IGAFGYMECSAK 2909 sp|P61586|RHOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 7-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5282 32.09 2 1354.5993 1354.5993 R T 151 163 PSM IGDNLDILTLLK 2910 sp|Q9BZF9-2|UACA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13402 81.504 2 1326.7759 1326.7759 R T 229 241 PSM IGVPSATEIIK 2911 sp|Q9NR30-2|DDX21_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7581 44.866 2 1132.6799 1132.6799 R A 495 506 PSM IIENELEGFGIR 2912 sp|Q9Y295|DRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9878 58.297 2 1388.73 1388.7300 K L 160 172 PSM IIGATDSSGELMFLMK 2913 sp|Q13185|CBX3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=10819 64.142 2 1727.8474 1727.8474 R W 126 142 PSM IIGDYFSDQDPR 2914 sp|Q96HW7-2|INT4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7329 43.49 2 1424.6572 1424.6572 K V 199 211 PSM IINNTENLVR 2915 sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4224 26.252 2 1194.6596 1194.6596 K E 52 62 PSM ILAIGLINEALDEGDAQK 2916 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13198 79.829 3 1882.0048 1882.0048 R T 539 557 PSM ILDLEDLER 2917 sp|Q9Y4D1-3|DAAM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9660 56.982 2 1124.5953 1124.5953 K T 639 648 PSM ILDMCAAPGSK 2918 sp|Q08J23|NSUN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4816 29.633 2 1167.5723 1167.5723 K T 180 191 PSM ILDSAEFIK 2919 sp|P78347-2|GTF2I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7467 44.259 2 1040.5849 1040.5849 R F 888 897 PSM ILEQQNSSR 2920 sp|Q16181-2|SEPT7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=930 8.844 2 1083.5548 1083.5548 R T 416 425 PSM ILLAEVPTMAVEK 2921 sp|O15160-2|RPAC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9950 58.751 2 1418.815 1418.8150 R V 79 92 PSM ILSVQGTEPLVLFK 2922 sp|Q9H8H0-2|NOL11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11732 70.09 2 1542.9021 1542.9021 R E 112 126 PSM INISEGNCPER 2923 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=2702 18.325 2 1287.5877 1287.5877 R I 47 58 PSM INLQGDIVDR 2924 sp|P35611-5|ADDA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6215 37.213 2 1141.6091 1141.6091 K G 200 210 PSM INVYYNEATGGK 2925 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4746 29.26 2 1327.6408 1327.6408 R Y 47 59 PSM ISVNNVLPVFDNLMQQK 2926 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11936 71.401 2 1974.0244 1974.0244 R L 206 223 PSM ISVNNVLPVFDNLMQQK 2927 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11962 71.568 3 1980.0446 1980.0446 R L 206 223 PSM ITLECLPQNVGFYK 2928 sp|Q96EK6|GNA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10350 61.245 2 1680.8545 1680.8545 K K 153 167 PSM IVLQIDNAR 2929 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5509 33.282 2 1040.5978 1040.5978 R L 150 159 PSM IVLQIDNAR 2930 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5692 34.329 2 1040.5978 1040.5978 R L 150 159 PSM IVLQIDNAR 2931 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5647 34.074 2 1050.6061 1050.6061 R L 150 159 PSM IVPNVLLEQGK 2932 sp|O75390|CISY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7323 43.458 2 1208.7129 1208.7129 K A 383 394 PSM IVQELPQLLDAR 2933 sp|Q6PIU2-3|NCEH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9651 56.935 2 1403.8012 1403.8012 R S 179 191 PSM IYLGQLECFSLGNLDAK 2934 sp|O60547-2|GMDS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 8-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12800 77.108 2 1945.9915 1945.9915 K R 200 217 PSM LAAIGEATR 2935 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2426 16.677 2 900.50288 900.5029 K L 1976 1985 PSM LAAIGEATR 2936 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2432 16.709 2 910.51115 910.5111 K L 1976 1985 PSM LADALQELR 2937 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6727 40.024 2 1027.5662 1027.5662 R A 241 250 PSM LADALQELR 2938 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6736 40.077 2 1037.5745 1037.5745 R A 241 250 PSM LAGNEQVTR 2939 sp|P56182|RRP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=996 9.1909 2 986.51451 986.5145 R D 17 26 PSM LAGNEQVTR 2940 sp|P56182|RRP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=997 9.1952 2 996.52278 996.5228 R D 17 26 PSM LCPNSTGAEIR 2941 sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2430 16.694 2 1226.5953 1226.5953 R S 376 387 PSM LDQLIYIPLPDEK 2942 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11667 69.672 2 1555.8498 1555.8498 R S 639 652 PSM LDQLIYIPLPDEK 2943 sp|P55072|TERA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11684 69.783 2 1561.8699 1561.8699 R S 639 652 PSM LELFLPEEYPMAAPK 2944 sp|P61088|UBE2N_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11060 65.662 2 1768.9053 1768.9053 K V 54 69 PSM LFADAVQELLPQYK 2945 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12291 73.739 2 1639.8917 1639.8917 K E 76 90 PSM LGGLDVLEAEFSK 2946 sp|Q5SGD2-4|PPM1L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12046 72.115 2 1376.7187 1376.7187 R T 72 85 PSM LGLDILEVVPISK 2947 sp|Q8IX18-4|DHX40_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13208 79.899 2 1400.8586 1400.8586 R S 298 311 PSM LGLGEGAEEK 2948 sp|P18754|RCC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=2565 17.568 2 1007.5231 1007.5231 R S 326 336 PSM LGMLSPEGTCK 2949 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4866 29.892 2 1197.5829 1197.5829 R A 203 214 PSM LGPGGLDPVEVYESLPEELQK 2950 sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13079 79.035 3 2274.1727 2274.1727 R C 287 308 PSM LGQDSLTPEQVAWR 2951 sp|Q86UU0-3|BCL9L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8143 48.093 2 1608.8135 1608.8135 R K 508 522 PSM LIDPQTQVTR 2952 sp|Q9UKG1|DP13A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3780 23.905 2 1169.6404 1169.6404 K L 554 564 PSM LIPVITSNCTSK 2953 sp|Q7Z460-2|CLAP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5739 34.586 2 1337.732 1337.7320 R S 445 457 PSM LISSVDPQFLK 2954 sp|Q9BVG4|PBDC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8481 50.027 2 1251.717 1251.7170 K L 53 64 PSM LISSVDPQFLK 2955 sp|Q9BVG4|PBDC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8482 50.031 2 1245.6969 1245.6969 K L 53 64 PSM LISWYDNEFGYSNR 2956 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10395 61.519 2 1772.8034 1772.8034 K V 268 282 PSM LITALGSSEVQPQFTR 2957 sp|Q9ULK4-2|MED23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8397 49.557 2 1745.9312 1745.9312 R F 658 674 PSM LIVENLSSR 2958 sp|Q13247-3|SRSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5233 31.839 2 1039.5901 1039.5901 R C 112 121 PSM LIVENLSSR 2959 sp|Q13247-3|SRSF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5235 31.849 2 1029.5819 1029.5819 R C 112 121 PSM LLADQAEAR 2960 sp|P84098|RL19_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1906 13.954 2 995.52753 995.5275 K R 154 163 PSM LLESLDQLELR 2961 sp|O95816|BAG2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10375 61.403 2 1337.743 1337.7430 R V 28 39 PSM LLYEANLPENFR 2962 sp|Q8IYB5-3|SMAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9237 54.483 2 1487.7648 1487.7648 R R 96 108 PSM LLYEANLPENFR 2963 sp|Q8IYB5-3|SMAP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9246 54.537 2 1477.7565 1477.7565 R R 96 108 PSM LNDFASTVR 2964 sp|P20674|COX5A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4173 25.964 2 1031.5275 1031.5275 R I 99 108 PSM LNILDTLSK 2965 sp|Q13200-2|PSMD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9538 56.28 2 1021.6115 1021.6115 R F 545 554 PSM LNTQEIFDDWAR 2966 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11327 67.328 2 1516.7186 1516.7186 K K 693 705 PSM LQALQEVCSR 2967 sp|Q9Y3L3-2|3BP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=4756 29.316 2 1202.6078 1202.6078 R L 381 391 PSM LQIEDFEAR 2968 sp|Q9P0J0|NDUAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7476 44.302 2 1129.5643 1129.5643 R I 60 69 PSM LSDGVAVLK 2969 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4555 28.097 2 906.54816 906.5482 K V 397 406 PSM LSILYPATTGR 2970 sp|P30041|PRDX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7502 44.434 2 1190.6659 1190.6659 K N 145 156 PSM LSVLGAITSVQQR 2971 sp|P62495-2|ERF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9954 58.779 2 1380.7964 1380.7964 R L 36 49 PSM LVEIAQVPK 2972 sp|Q16851-2|UGPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5410 32.77 2 1001.6217 1001.6217 R A 293 302 PSM LVLADLLEPVK 2973 sp|Q9BVJ6-3|UT14A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12507 75.155 2 1214.7582 1214.7582 K T 85 96 PSM LVLTNNQLTTLPR 2974 sp|Q9UQ13-2|SHOC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8351 49.286 2 1481.8566 1481.8566 K G 430 443 PSM LYDVVAVFPK 2975 sp|P78346|RPP30_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9923 58.581 2 1155.6635 1155.6635 R T 99 109 PSM MAQALEELR 2976 sp|Q03252|LMNB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4146 25.835 2 1085.5415 1085.5415 K S 256 265 PSM MASNIFGPTEEPQNIPK 2977 sp|Q9H910-2|JUPI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=7355 43.636 2 1887.9037 1887.9037 R R 27 44 PSM MGPGATAGGAEK 2978 sp|P62820-2|RAB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=560 6.7529 2 1067.5013 1067.5013 R S 112 124 PSM MMLDDIVSR 2979 sp|Q92945|FUBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6674 39.718 2 1094.51 1094.5100 K G 206 215 PSM MQAVQEATR 2980 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=761 7.9302 2 1048.4971 1048.4971 K L 2453 2462 PSM MTDQEAIQDLWQWR 2981 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12970 78.315 2 1818.8359 1818.8359 R K 278 292 PSM MTISQQEFGR 2982 sp|P55036|PSMD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5167 31.487 2 1195.5656 1195.5656 K T 263 273 PSM MVEFLQCTVPCR 2983 sp|Q96D46|NMD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7542 44.65 2 1554.6993 1554.6993 K Y 208 220 PSM NEFIPTNFEILPLEK 2984 sp|P14735|IDE_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13060 78.913 2 1808.9656 1808.9656 K E 528 543 PSM NEGVATYAAAVLFR 2985 sp|P35222|CTNB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11980 71.684 3 1480.7674 1480.7674 R M 648 662 PSM NELQLVDLPTGR 2986 sp|Q9BZH6|WDR11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8997 53.065 2 1363.7335 1363.7335 R S 545 557 PSM NIVEAAAVR 2987 sp|Q5JNZ5|RS26L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3530 22.622 2 951.5377 951.5377 R D 43 52 PSM NLCSDDTPMVR 2988 sp|P30153|2AAA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 3-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4188 26.046 2 1316.5728 1316.5728 R R 172 183 PSM NLLDEELQR 2989 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7410 43.944 2 1128.5775 1128.5775 K L 2340 2349 PSM NLQDAMQVCR 2990 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5036 30.808 2 1233.5594 1233.5594 R N 352 362 PSM NLVCTDLFTR 2991 sp|P26196|DDX6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 4-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8949 52.782 2 1247.6208 1247.6208 R G 387 397 PSM NLVDNITGQR 2992 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6358 37.997 2 1138.597 1138.5970 R L 4438 4448 PSM NNTQVLINCR 2993 sp|P62316|SMD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3284 21.343 2 1240.6222 1240.6222 K N 38 48 PSM NPGYPQSEGLLGECMIR 2994 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7863 46.481 2 1945.8902 1945.8902 K H 83 100 PSM NQGGSSWEAPYSR 2995 sp|Q5BKZ1|ZN326_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4594 28.331 2 1437.6273 1437.6273 R S 126 139 PSM NTGIICTIGPASR 2996 sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6113 36.617 2 1358.6976 1358.6976 R S 44 57 PSM NVEDFTGPR 2997 sp|P61009|SPCS3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3707 23.528 2 1033.4829 1033.4829 K E 50 59 PSM NVGLCEAIVQFTR 2998 sp|P86791|CCZ1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11325 67.318 2 1505.766 1505.7660 R T 61 74 PSM NVTELNEPLSNEER 2999 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5439 32.921 2 1652.7881 1652.7881 K N 29 43 PSM QASQGMVGQLAAR 3000 sp|Q9Y230|RUVB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4492 27.73 2 1315.6667 1315.6667 R R 41 54 PSM QGLLPLTFADPADYNK 3001 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12105 72.503 2 1767.9139 1767.9139 K I 702 718 PSM QIEIQFAQGDR 3002 sp|O75494-5|SRS10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6642 39.534 2 1313.6603 1313.6603 R K 80 91 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 3003 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6691 39.814 2 1220.6753 1220.6753 R S 141 152 PSM QLEEPGAGTPSPVR 3004 sp|Q96P11|NSUN5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4044 25.31 2 1446.7342 1446.7342 R L 317 331 PSM QNLLDDLVTR 3005 sp|Q9UNK0|STX8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10208 60.366 2 1185.6354 1185.6354 R E 80 90 PSM QNLLDDLVTR 3006 sp|Q9UNK0|STX8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10211 60.388 2 1195.6436 1195.6436 R E 80 90 PSM QVENAGAIGPSR 3007 sp|Q9UHD8-7|SEPT9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1807 13.468 2 1197.6102 1197.6102 K F 99 111 PSM QWCNCAFLESSAK 3008 sp|P62834|RAP1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 3-UNIMOD:4,5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7562 44.768 2 1599.681 1599.6810 R S 137 150 PSM SAADIIALAR 3009 sp|Q14194|DPYL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8130 48.018 2 1009.5796 1009.5796 K K 259 269 PSM SAINEVVTR 3010 sp|P62899-3|RL31_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3302 21.43 2 997.54318 997.5432 R E 15 24 PSM SASLCAATLAAVLQR 3011 sp|P52789|HXK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11264 66.941 3 1540.8271 1540.8271 R I 382 397 PSM SASSLLEQRPK 3012 sp|Q9Y5A9|YTHD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=5775 34.78 2 1256.6725 1256.6725 M G 2 13 PSM SCEVLFNPFDDIIPR 3013 sp|Q6UX04-2|CWC27_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13638 83.753 2 1830.885 1830.8850 K E 163 178 PSM SDFQVNLNNASR 3014 sp|O60716|CTND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5708 34.411 2 1363.648 1363.6480 K S 847 859 PSM SFVELSGAER 3015 sp|Q12769|NU160_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5458 33.024 2 1093.5404 1093.5404 R E 44 54 PSM SGVSLAALK 3016 sp|P10412|H14_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5518 33.329 2 850.52195 850.5219 R K 55 64 PSM SICEVLDLER 3017 sp|P35659|DEK_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8969 52.897 2 1232.6071 1232.6071 K S 159 169 PSM SIDTGMGLER 3018 sp|P49588|SYAC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4871 29.921 2 1087.5207 1087.5207 K L 237 247 PSM SKPVFSESLSD 3019 sp|O60220|TIM8A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5357 32.489 2 1200.597 1200.5970 K - 87 98 PSM SLEDQVEMLR 3020 sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8230 48.596 2 1218.5914 1218.5914 K T 168 178 PSM SLEEIYLFSLPIK 3021 sp|P15880|RS2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13668 84.049 2 1550.8596 1550.8596 K E 77 90 PSM SLETENAGLR 3022 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2786 18.732 2 1088.5462 1088.5462 R L 51 61 PSM SLGPPQGEEDSVPR 3023 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4383 27.063 2 1476.7084 1476.7084 R D 2107 2121 PSM SLIDNFALNPDILCSAK 3024 sp|Q5UIP0-2|RIF1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12760 76.838 2 1889.9557 1889.9557 K R 299 316 PSM SLLSAEEAAK 3025 sp|Q7KZF4|SND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4089 25.557 2 1017.5342 1017.5342 K Q 642 652 PSM SMPWNVDTLSK 3026 sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8564 50.496 2 1282.6323 1282.6323 K D 111 122 PSM SPEACCELTLQPLR 3027 sp|P06132|DCUP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=7990 47.214 2 1672.7913 1672.7913 R R 61 75 PSM SPFEVSVDK 3028 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5178 31.541 2 1006.4971 1006.4971 K A 341 350 PSM SPNELVDDLFK 3029 sp|Q9UNZ2-4|NSF1C_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11290 67.102 2 1281.6548 1281.6548 K G 114 125 PSM SPNTEEIFNMLTK 3030 sp|Q7KZ85|SPT6H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11909 71.228 2 1528.7539 1528.7539 R E 1143 1156 PSM SQAFIEMETR 3031 sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5932 35.607 2 1220.5735 1220.5735 K E 533 543 PSM SQEQILEILR 3032 sp|P12270|TPR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9966 58.851 2 1237.6906 1237.6906 K F 1192 1202 PSM SQPEPSPVLSQLSQR 3033 sp|Q5T6F2|UBAP2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7007 41.573 2 1651.8529 1651.8529 K Q 427 442 PSM SSFADISNLLQIEPR 3034 sp|Q15785|TOM34_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12739 76.701 3 1698.8816 1698.8816 K N 279 294 PSM SSVLENFVGR 3035 sp|P50570-3|DYN2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8407 49.616 2 1116.5803 1116.5803 K D 45 55 PSM SSVLESLVGR 3036 sp|O00429-4|DNM1L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8985 52.997 2 1055.585 1055.5850 K D 39 49 PSM SVPLAATSMLITQGLISK 3037 sp|Q9NX40-4|OCAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12855 77.507 2 1829.0332 1829.0332 R G 47 65 PSM SVPLAATSMLITQGLISK 3038 sp|Q9NX40-4|OCAD1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11850 70.847 2 1845.0281 1845.0281 R G 47 65 PSM SVPLATAPMAEQR 3039 sp|Q9Y678|COPG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5188 31.591 2 1369.7024 1369.7024 K T 578 591 PSM SWASPVYTEADGTFSR 3040 sp|Q8WWI1-3|LMO7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8737 51.532 2 1772.8006 1772.8006 R L 342 358 PSM SWEEQMIEVGR 3041 sp|Q00059-2|TFAM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8972 52.913 2 1362.6238 1362.6238 K K 185 196 PSM TCGLINSVK 3042 sp|O60547-2|GMDS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3700 23.495 2 990.51682 990.5168 K F 111 120 PSM TDKSSASAPDVDDPEAFPALA 3043 sp|Q8NC51-4|PAIRB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9115 53.756 2 2102.9644 2102.9644 R - 367 388 PSM TFNMDEYVGLPR 3044 sp|P46926|GNPI1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9785 57.73 2 1440.6708 1440.6708 K D 68 80 PSM TFSWASVTSK 3045 sp|Q13283|G3BP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7772 45.939 2 1112.5502 1112.5502 R N 248 258 PSM TFSYAGFEMQPK 3046 sp|Q99832-3|TCPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8558 50.462 2 1404.6384 1404.6384 K K 175 187 PSM TGNFQVTELGR 3047 sp|O75643|U520_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6073 36.39 2 1230.6232 1230.6232 K I 976 987 PSM TIECISLIGLAVGK 3048 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11943 71.447 2 1472.8273 1472.8273 K E 497 511 PSM TIQTPIGSTWNTQR 3049 sp|Q9BVJ6-3|UT14A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7089 42.073 2 1601.8162 1601.8162 R A 646 660 PSM TLINAEDPPMVVVR 3050 sp|P46940|IQGA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8809 51.959 2 1552.8283 1552.8283 K K 857 871 PSM TLLADQGEIR 3051 sp|O94776|MTA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5044 30.851 2 1114.5982 1114.5982 K V 139 149 PSM TLLADQGEIR 3052 sp|O94776|MTA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5041 30.836 2 1124.6065 1124.6065 K V 139 149 PSM TLLEEEYFR 3053 sp|P52701-4|MSH6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8609 50.755 2 1208.5953 1208.5953 R E 334 343 PSM TLYVEEVVPNVIEPSFGLGR 3054 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13175 79.679 2 2217.1681 2217.1681 K I 564 584 PSM TMLELLNQLDGFQPNTQVK 3055 sp|P17980|PRS6A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 2-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11776 70.374 3 2204.1147 2204.1147 R V 309 328 PSM TNEGVIEFR 3056 sp|Q13247-3|SRSF6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5482 33.147 2 1073.5381 1073.5381 R S 146 155 PSM TNGKEPELLEPIPYEFMA 3057 sp|P46778|RL21_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12903 77.849 2 2077.0078 2077.0078 R - 143 161 PSM TNQELQEINR 3058 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2924 19.444 2 1253.6239 1253.6239 R V 136 146 PSM TPVEVPVGGFK 3059 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6606 39.345 2 1134.638 1134.6380 K G 3374 3385 PSM TPVPSDIDISR 3060 sp|P11586|C1TC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5629 33.971 2 1208.6276 1208.6276 K S 314 325 PSM TPYIVLSGSGK 3061 sp|O43290|SNUT1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5793 34.875 2 1120.6128 1120.6128 K S 781 792 PSM TSSTDLSDIPALPANPIPVIK 3062 sp|P51003|PAPOA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11605 69.272 2 2154.1879 2154.1879 K N 716 737 PSM TTFEDLIQR 3063 sp|O94979-7|SC31A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8573 50.546 2 1121.5717 1121.5717 K C 870 879 PSM TVEICPFSFDSR 3064 sp|Q9ULW0|TPX2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9806 57.856 2 1456.6657 1456.6657 R D 532 544 PSM TVLIMELINNVAK 3065 sp|P06576|ATPB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=14022 87.95 2 1456.8323 1456.8323 K A 213 226 PSM TWGADVINMTTVPEVVLAK 3066 sp|Q13126-7|MTAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 19-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13123 79.335 2 2049.0912 2049.0912 R E 188 207 PSM VAFCGAPEEGR 3067 sp|Q8IZ83|A16A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 4-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3429 22.072 2 1201.5425 1201.5425 K A 246 257 PSM VFANAPDSACVIGLK 3068 sp|P17858|PFKAL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8105 47.867 2 1566.8171 1566.8171 R K 699 714 PSM VGAAEIISR 3069 sp|O75533|SF3B1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3804 24.038 2 924.5268 924.5268 K I 844 853 PSM VGAAEIISR 3070 sp|O75533|SF3B1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3805 24.042 2 914.51853 914.5185 K I 844 853 PSM VGEFSGANK 3071 sp|P10599-2|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=1256 10.534 2 913.46007 913.4601 K E 66 75 PSM VGEIFSAAGAAFTK 3072 sp|Q8IXM2-2|BAP18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9516 56.152 2 1367.7085 1367.7085 K L 8 22 PSM VGGEAAAAVEELVSGVR 3073 sp|Q96HQ2-2|C2AIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12284 73.69 3 1622.8503 1622.8503 M Q 2 19 PSM VGLQVVAVK 3074 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5491 33.194 2 911.5804 911.5804 K A 293 302 PSM VGLQVVAVK 3075 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5492 33.197 2 917.60053 917.6005 K A 293 302 PSM VIAALLQTMEDQGNQR 3076 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=6724 40.002 2 1801.8992 1801.8992 K V 382 398 PSM VIDDTNITR 3077 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2665 18.131 2 1055.5487 1055.5487 K L 188 197 PSM VIDDTNITR 3078 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2674 18.182 2 1045.5404 1045.5404 K L 188 197 PSM VIGNQSLVNELAFTAR 3079 sp|Q13011|ECH1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10584 62.692 3 1730.9315 1730.9315 K K 215 231 PSM VIVVGNPANTNCLTASK 3080 sp|P40925-2|MDHC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6220 37.239 2 1756.9142 1756.9142 K S 37 54 PSM VLDELTLAR 3081 sp|P02533|K1C14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7232 42.923 2 1028.5866 1028.5866 R A 224 233 PSM VLDELTLAR 3082 sp|P02533|K1C14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7233 42.927 2 1038.5949 1038.5949 R A 224 233 PSM VLDLVEVLVTK 3083 sp|Q9BQG0|MBB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12801 77.114 2 1226.7486 1226.7486 R Q 828 839 PSM VLDLVEVLVTK 3084 sp|Q9BQG0|MBB1A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12802 77.119 2 1232.7687 1232.7687 R Q 828 839 PSM VLDMPTQELGLPAYR 3085 sp|Q9NP81|SYSM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 4-UNIMOD:35,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8728 51.477 2 1727.8792 1727.8792 R K 388 403 PSM VLEGMEVVR 3086 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5838 35.109 2 1030.5481 1030.5481 K K 172 181 PSM VLENAEGAR 3087 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=1079 9.6175 2 957.48796 957.4880 K T 77 86 PSM VLNTNIDGR 3088 sp|P62269|RS18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2821 18.909 2 1000.5302 1000.5302 R R 15 24 PSM VLVYELLLGK 3089 sp|Q96P11|NSUN5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12730 76.641 2 1145.706 1145.7060 K G 73 83 PSM VMTIPYQPMPASSPVICAGGQDR 3090 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9501 56.063 3 2474.1756 2474.1756 R C 178 201 PSM VNFTVDQIR 3091 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6587 39.247 2 1090.5771 1090.5771 M A 2 11 PSM VNSLPEVLPILNSDEPK 3092 sp|P23229-4|ITA6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11582 69.108 2 1869.0191 1869.0191 R T 592 609 PSM VQELQQGAFGR 3093 sp|Q8TDD1|DDX54_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4283 26.561 2 1241.6392 1241.6392 R G 858 869 PSM VSEEIFFGR 3094 sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8288 48.92 2 1082.5397 1082.5397 R I 633 642 PSM VSYFPTVPGVYIVSTK 3095 sp|O75369-6|FLNB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11647 69.536 2 1755.9447 1755.9447 K F 2035 2051 PSM VTDALNATR 3096 sp|P10809|CH60_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1763 13.249 2 969.51188 969.5119 R A 421 430 PSM VTLGTQPTVLR 3097 sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5707 34.406 2 1193.7007 1193.7007 K T 629 640 PSM VVGALVDQGIFEELTR 3098 sp|Q66K14-2|TBC9B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12871 77.628 2 1744.9359 1744.9359 R D 632 648 PSM VVSPWNSEDAK 3099 sp|P11177-3|ODPB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4441 27.426 2 1230.5881 1230.5881 K G 156 167 PSM YGQGAGEGSTR 3100 sp|Q9C0C2-2|TB182_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 ms_run[2]:scan=614 7.0759 2 1081.4789 1081.4789 K E 229 240 PSM YLLQETWLEK 3101 sp|Q96HE7|ERO1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10227 60.485 2 1327.7119 1327.7119 R K 266 276 PSM YSGGNYRDNYDN 3102 sp|P98179|RBM3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 7-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1808 13.473 2 1446.5676 1446.5676 R - 146 158 PSM YSVQLLTPANLLAK 3103 sp|Q9Y265|RUVB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 24.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11764 70.298 2 1535.9019 1535.9019 R I 405 419 PSM QLQLAQEAAQKR 3104 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6809 40.49085833333333 2 1381.7640 1381.7643 R L 2172 2184 PSM QSVENDIHGLR 3105 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5864 35.24386833333333 2 1259.6125 1259.6129 R K 176 187 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 3106 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11212 66.61918666666666 2 1758.8891 1758.8907 R F 472 487 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 3107 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10694 63.375065 2 1742.8641 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 3108 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12526 75.27828666666667 2 1691.8422 1690.8592 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 3109 sp|Q13509|TBB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12535 75.338205 2 1697.863165 1696.880137 R N 283 298 PSM LLYNNVSNFGR 3110 sp|Q00610|CLH1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7416 43.976075 2 1306.653350 1305.670504 K L 1216 1227 PSM CTTDHISAAGPWLK 3111 sp|Q99798|ACON_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8824 52.04734833333333 2 1538.7181 1538.7182 K F 592 606 PSM QKLDILDQER 3112 sp|Q13813|SPTN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=7507 44.45794 2 1239.6429 1239.6454 K A 1418 1428 PSM QMADTGKLNTLLQR 3113 sp|Q00839|HNRPU_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:35,7-UNIMOD:188,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7400 43.893445 2 1602.8302 1602.8365 K A 545 559 PSM LAALPNVYEVISK 3114 sp|P33992|MCM5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11021 65.41742166666667 2 1415.8024 1415.8019 R S 325 338 PSM QAWQKADINTK 3115 sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=4730 29.169708333333332 2 1284.6470 1284.6457 R W 75 86 PSM LISWYDNEFGYSNR 3116 sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10492 62.115669999999994 2 1762.801312 1762.795100 K V 310 324 PSM DSIVQGFQWGTR 3117 sp|Q15029|U5S1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9562 56.422675 2 1393.687696 1392.678613 K E 764 776 PSM CLEKEVAALCR 3118 sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=9778 57.68736166666667 2 1330.6366 1330.6368 K Y 389 400 PSM QSEQQRETLAQLQQEFQR 3119 sp|O15212|PFD6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10340 61.18202166666667 3 2230.0822 2229.0772 R A 100 118 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 3120 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9318 54.965276666666675 2 1203.6488 1203.6482 R S 141 152 PSM CSVLPLSQNQEFMPFVK 3121 sp|P41250|GARS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:35,17-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12659 76.17107833333333 2 2027.9796 2027.9787 K E 616 633 PSM QLICDPSYVKDR 3122 sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=6877 40.858795 2 1475.7037 1475.7073 K V 279 291 PSM GFVLQDTVEQLR 3123 sp|P56192|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10086 59.59963333333334 2 1403.740340 1403.740879 R C 377 389 PSM GKVEIDQQQLTQQQLNGN 3124 sp|Q8IWS0|PHF6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=5757 34.68521833333333 2 2041.010020 2040.023596 R - 348 366 PSM VGQASEIAR 3125 sp|Q99459|CDC5L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=1176 10.11317 2 939.503388 939.501313 K Q 313 322 PSM IGDPLLEDTR 3126 sp|P49189|AL9A1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8934 52.69022 2 1138.602624 1137.590522 K M 317 327 PSM CGEEGHLSPYCR 3127 sp|Q9NUD5|ZCHC3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4686 28.918051666666667 2 1456.5728 1456.5734 R K 356 368 PSM CYVQPQWVFDSVNAR 3128 sp|O00541|PESC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12936 78.07997666666667 2 1860.8564 1860.8487 R L 391 406 PSM IEGNLIFDPNNYLPK 3129 sp|P04114|APOB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12199 73.12910333333333 2 1745.896444 1745.898836 K E 655 670 PSM FGEVVDCTIK 3130 sp|O14979|HNRDL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 7-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5670 34.198328333333336 2 1172.585359 1172.584290 R T 171 181 PSM LDQQTLPLGGR 3131 sp|P98175|RBM10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=5294 32.15982 2 1206.658944 1206.659605 R E 253 264 PSM QVTGQPQNASFVKR 3132 sp|Q5JTV8|TOIP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=4394 27.130578333333332 2 1541.7943 1541.7945 R N 322 336 PSM PDYLGADQR 3133 sp|P35998|PRS7_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=2904 19.346963333333335 2 1033.4829 1033.4823 M K 2 11 PSM CAGGHDDATLAR 3134 sp|P49916|DNLI3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=2616 17.868226666666665 2 1225.5145 1225.5141 K L 729 741 PSM QQQQQQQHQQPNR 3135 sp|Q6Y7W6|GGYF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=410 5.794006666666666 2 1667.7758 1667.7747 K A 1016 1029 PSM GLAAGSAETLPANFR 3136 sp|Q13136|LIPA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7262 43.09685666666667 2 1473.753691 1473.757592 R V 1151 1166 PSM VGEFSGANK 3137 sp|P10599|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=1255 10.530211666666666 2 907.441837 907.439946 K E 86 95 PSM VGEFSGANK 3138 sp|P10599|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=1253 10.517238333333333 2 913.461867 913.460075 K E 86 95 PSM GFEGSFEELCR 3139 sp|P33121|ACSL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8212 48.494285 2 1339.574709 1339.574220 R N 616 627 PSM QNLLDDLVTR 3140 sp|Q9UNK0|STX8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12694 76.40724833333333 2 1168.6079 1168.6083 R E 80 90 PSM ISGLIYEETR 3141 sp|P62805|H4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4143 25.82174 2 1189.632481 1189.621822 R G 47 57 PSM ATENDIANFFSPLNPIR 3142 sp|P31942|HNRH3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=13136 79.42485833333333 2 1928.952931 1927.966746 R V 206 223 PSM TPVSEDMLGR 3143 sp|P15313|VATB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4873 29.930515000000003 2 1113.536362 1113.536378 R V 115 125 PSM GGLQEVAEQLELER 3144 sp|Q9UIV1|CNOT7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10796 64.00279333333333 2 1569.8013 1569.7993 K I 207 221 PSM SGGGVIRGPAGNNDCR 3145 sp|Q07955|SRSF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1,7-UNIMOD:267,15-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=3125 20.543508333333335 2 1648.7492 1647.7642 M I 2 18 PSM AINIADELPR 3146 sp|Q8NFV4|ABHDB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8088 47.76429666666667 2 1120.609547 1120.611592 R S 186 196 PSM LVEIAQVPK 3147 sp|Q16851|UGPA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5405 32.73963666666666 2 1001.619640 1001.621661 R A 304 313 PSM CLEKVDAFEER 3148 sp|P51580|TPMT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9018 53.18557 2 1393.6518 1393.6513 R H 216 227 PSM QLSLDINKLPGEK 3149 sp|P25440|BRD2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=9708 57.257284999999996 2 1436.7872 1436.7870 R L 649 662 PSM QYWDIPDGTDCHR 3150 sp|Q86Y39|NDUAB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=8720 51.42490166666666 2 1644.6637 1644.6622 R K 8 21 PSM NVTAIQGPGGK 3151 sp|P50213|IDH3A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=1861 13.736193333333333 2 1046.583452 1046.581587 R W 67 78 PSM TLTIDCVQFQR 3152 sp|P23786|CPT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 6-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8022 47.400211666666664 2 1389.688403 1389.695004 K G 440 451 PSM AYQQEEQMQLPRADAIR 3153 sp|Q96P56|CTSR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 24.0 1-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:35,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8733 51.50875833333333 2 2115.0342 2114.0082 A S 3 20 PSM AFDTAGNGYCR 3154 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 10-UNIMOD:4,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=3162 20.753853333333332 2 1241.500761 1240.517040 K S 214 225 PSM ILATPPQEDAPSVDIANIR 3155 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9057 53.41225333333333 3 2019.063167 2019.063670 K M 284 303 PSM NVIVLQTVLQEVR 3156 sp|Q9Y2L1|RRP44_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12451 74.79299666666667 2 1519.894528 1519.896147 R N 87 100 PSM SAWLSGYENPVVSR 3157 sp|P13674|P4HA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8803 51.921490000000006 2 1564.756454 1563.768157 K I 383 397 PSM VFNVFCLYGNVEK 3158 sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12363 74.21986833333334 2 1587.774563 1587.775550 R V 399 412 PSM FASWALESDNNTALLLSK 3159 sp|Q13263|TIF1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 24.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11196 66.51683166666666 2 1988.015571 1985.020136 R K 348 366 PSM AATTGSGVKVPR 3160 sp|Q13404|UB2V1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=3056 20.128 2 1184.6513 1184.6513 M N 2 14 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 3161 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11662 69.637 3 1777.9384 1777.9384 K F 107 124 PSM ADAAASPVGKR 3162 sp|Q7LBC6|KDM3B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=1633 12.591 2 1083.5673 1083.5673 M L 2 13 PSM ADKPDMGEIASFDK 3163 sp|P63313|TYB10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1,6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=5689 34.308 2 1580.7028 1580.7028 M A 2 16 PSM AELNEFLTR 3164 sp|P23396|RS3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7610 45.028 2 1101.5694 1101.5694 K E 19 28 PSM AFSPTTVNTGR 3165 sp|P61619-3|S61A1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3239 21.124 2 1159.5861 1159.5861 K G 75 86 PSM AGGSASAMLQPLLDNQVGFK 3166 sp|P20618|PSB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 20-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11724 70.038 2 2009.0347 2009.0347 K N 165 185 PSM AGQPLQLLDASWYLPK 3167 sp|P25325|THTM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13320 80.819 2 1798.9618 1798.9618 R L 25 41 PSM AIELNPANAVYFCNR 3168 sp|O43765|SGTA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9459 55.816 2 1750.8461 1750.8461 K A 117 132 PSM AITIAGIPQSIIECVK 3169 sp|Q15366-7|PCBP2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:4,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12404 74.479 2 1717.9744 1717.9744 R Q 145 161 PSM ALELNMLSLK 3170 sp|Q9Y617|SERC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10677 63.269 2 1130.6369 1130.6369 K G 324 334 PSM ALLNLPGTQTSGEAK 3171 sp|Q96GM8-2|TOE1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7508 44.463 2 1498.7991 1498.7991 R D 268 283 PSM ALQEFDLALR 3172 sp|Q96GQ7|DDX27_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9545 56.321 2 1174.6346 1174.6346 K G 667 677 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 3173 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11757 70.251 2 1696.8801 1696.8801 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 3174 sp|P68371|TBB4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11866 70.952 3 1696.8801 1696.8801 R N 283 298 PSM ALTVPELTQQVFDAK 3175 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11783 70.42 3 1664.9081 1664.9081 R N 283 298 PSM AMGTLLNTAISEVIGK 3176 sp|O43264-2|ZW10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:35,16-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12843 77.42 2 1638.8958 1638.8958 K I 652 668 PSM ASPESQEPLIQLVQAFVR 3177 sp|Q5SRE5-2|NU188_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=14338 91.776 2 2011.0738 2011.0738 K H 1617 1635 PSM ASVVTLPVYLNFTR 3178 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12363 74.22 2 1588.8852 1588.8852 K A 4602 4616 PSM ATNFLAHEK 3179 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1,9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5855 35.199 2 1077.555 1077.5550 M I 2 11 PSM ATNFLAHEK 3180 sp|P29692|EF1D_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=5856 35.203 2 1071.5349 1071.5349 M I 2 11 PSM AVCLEFSPK 3181 sp|Q9BY44-4|EIF2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=6387 38.153 2 1049.5216 1049.5216 K N 78 87 PSM CAEALAPLLSSLNVADR 3182 sp|Q8NB46|ANR52_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=12592 75.719 2 1798.9247 1798.9247 K S 122 139 PSM DLALVNDQLLGFVR 3183 sp|Q29RF7|PDS5A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13108 79.223 2 1571.8671 1571.8671 R E 391 405 PSM DLVLPTQALPASPALK 3184 sp|Q15554|TERF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10400 61.553 2 1632.9451 1632.9451 K N 354 370 PSM DNNELLLFILK 3185 sp|P49736|MCM2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13893 86.296 2 1330.7497 1330.7497 R Q 827 838 PSM DPENFPFVVLGNK 3186 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11527 68.706 2 1474.7456 1474.7456 R I 114 127 PSM DSALEFLTQLSR 3187 sp|Q6PJG6|BRAT1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13089 79.101 2 1388.7175 1388.7175 R H 518 530 PSM DSTLIMQLLR 3188 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 6-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11837 70.766 2 1204.6486 1204.6486 K D 213 223 PSM DSTLIMQLLR 3189 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 6-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=11836 70.76 2 1214.6568 1214.6568 K D 213 223 PSM DSTLIMQLLR 3190 sp|P27348|1433T_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12747 76.754 2 1198.6619 1198.6619 K D 213 223 PSM DYFEDQPLLYPPGFDGR 3191 sp|Q9NWX6|THG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11838 70.771 2 2027.9265 2027.9265 R V 143 160 PSM ECICEVEGQVPCPSLVPLPK 3192 sp|P82663|RT25_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10239 60.559 2 2310.1058 2310.1058 R E 138 158 PSM EGPAVVGQFIQDVK 3193 sp|Q86VP6-2|CAND1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10281 60.813 2 1485.7827 1485.7827 K N 645 659 PSM EKLEATINELV 3194 sp|P10599-2|THIO_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9570 56.47 2 1263.7018 1263.7018 K - 75 86 PSM ELAPLQELIEK 3195 sp|Q9H8S9|MOB1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10840 64.283 2 1281.718 1281.7180 R L 200 211 PSM ELILFSNSDNER 3196 sp|P11388|TOP2A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8569 50.521 2 1435.6943 1435.6943 K S 702 714 PSM ELLITDLLPDNR 3197 sp|Q03701|CEBPZ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12392 74.406 2 1420.7801 1420.7801 K K 291 303 PSM EVIELPLTNPELFQR 3198 sp|P62333|PRS10_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12410 74.519 3 1796.9672 1796.9672 R V 147 162 PSM FDSDAASQR 3199 sp|P04439|HLAA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=941 8.8982 2 995.43084 995.4308 R M 60 69 PSM FEDENFILK 3200 sp|P62937-2|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8283 48.895 2 1159.5857 1159.5857 K H 23 32 PSM FEDENFILK 3201 sp|P62937-2|PPIA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8284 48.9 2 1153.5655 1153.5655 K H 23 32 PSM FEELNADLFR 3202 sp|P11142-2|HSP7C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9797 57.802 2 1262.6171 1262.6171 R G 302 312 PSM FEGTTSLGEVR 3203 sp|Q4G0F5|VP26B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4999 30.608 2 1204.5963 1204.5963 R T 314 325 PSM FETFCLDPSLVTK 3204 sp|Q9UHB9-3|SRP68_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 5-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10799 64.019 2 1561.7794 1561.7794 R Q 219 232 PSM FFDDPMLLELAK 3205 sp|Q15029-2|U5S1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12909 77.894 2 1443.7415 1443.7415 K Q 917 929 PSM FFTEEVDSR 3206 sp|Q9H845|ACAD9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5302 32.201 2 1128.5088 1128.5088 K K 77 86 PSM FGIDDQDYLVSLTR 3207 sp|Q8TBX8-3|PI42C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11390 67.706 2 1640.8046 1640.8046 R N 97 111 PSM FGNEVIPVTVTVK 3208 sp|P24752|THIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8490 50.073 2 1407.8069 1407.8069 K G 231 244 PSM FGVYDIDNK 3209 sp|O75131|CPNE3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6403 38.242 2 1075.5282 1075.5282 K T 77 86 PSM FLAEEGFYK 3210 sp|P46977|STT3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7180 42.64 2 1108.5536 1108.5536 R F 59 68 PSM FLAEEGFYK 3211 sp|P46977|STT3A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7183 42.654 2 1102.5335 1102.5335 R F 59 68 PSM FLNAENAQK 3212 sp|P43487-2|RANG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2023 14.673 2 1033.5193 1033.5193 R F 142 151 PSM FNQVLDQFGEK 3213 sp|O43242|PSMD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7442 44.119 2 1329.666 1329.6660 K F 375 386 PSM FQVDLVSENAGR 3214 sp|P55011-3|S12A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7218 42.843 2 1343.6709 1343.6709 R A 81 93 PSM FSGDLDDQTCR 3215 sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3157 20.728 2 1312.5354 1312.5354 K E 236 247 PSM GALQNIIPASTGAAK 3216 sp|P04406-2|G3P_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7187 42.678 2 1416.8032 1416.8032 R A 159 174 PSM GCALQCAILSPAFK 3217 sp|P34932|HSP74_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,6-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9657 56.964 2 1534.7636 1534.7636 R V 375 389 PSM GCDVVVIPAGVPR 3218 sp|P40926-2|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7661 45.304 2 1347.7208 1347.7208 K K 92 105 PSM GDLIGVVEALTR 3219 sp|Q8IY17-5|PLPL6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13474 82.171 2 1241.698 1241.6980 R Q 620 632 PSM GGAEQFMEETER 3220 sp|Q99832-3|TCPH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5748 34.636 2 1392.5855 1392.5855 R S 332 344 PSM GGGGGGPGEGFDVAK 3221 sp|Q9Y295|DRG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3554 22.731 2 1260.5735 1260.5735 K T 47 62 PSM GGPTPQEAIQR 3222 sp|Q9H444|CHM4B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2327 16.189 2 1162.597 1162.5970 K L 18 29 PSM GGVADALLYR 3223 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7570 44.812 2 1043.5639 1043.5639 K A 47 57 PSM GGVADALLYR 3224 sp|P14406|CX7A2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7579 44.857 2 1033.5556 1033.5556 K A 47 57 PSM GGYIGSTYFER 3225 sp|P61081|UBC12_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7161 42.53 2 1248.5775 1248.5775 R C 170 181 PSM GIVDSITGQR 3226 sp|P15924-2|DESP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5999 35.984 2 1054.5646 1054.5646 R L 2041 2051 PSM GIVDSITGQR 3227 sp|P15924-2|DESP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6004 36.008 2 1044.5564 1044.5564 R L 2041 2051 PSM GLAGLGDVAEVR 3228 sp|P11216|PYGB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7536 44.615 2 1165.6331 1165.6331 R K 18 30 PSM GLGTDEESILTLLTSR 3229 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13742 84.776 2 1713.9024 1713.9024 K S 30 46 PSM GLIDGAESYVSFSR 3230 sp|Q12913|PTPRJ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10098 59.675 2 1499.7256 1499.7256 K Y 946 960 PSM GLIVYQLENQPSEFR 3231 sp|P78406|RAE1L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10211 60.388 3 1791.9155 1791.9155 R R 191 206 PSM GNSLQEILER 3232 sp|Q00341|VIGLN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8484 50.04 2 1167.6123 1167.6123 K T 315 325 PSM GNSLTVLDVLEGR 3233 sp|A3KMH1-3|VWA8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12322 73.945 2 1381.7441 1381.7441 K T 1214 1227 PSM GQSEDPGSLLSLFR 3234 sp|P08195-2|4F2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12844 77.426 2 1514.7604 1514.7604 K R 410 424 PSM GSIFVVFDSIESAK 3235 sp|P05455|LA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13088 79.095 2 1497.7715 1497.7715 K K 152 166 PSM GVDLFESFFPYQVTER 3236 sp|Q9H974-2|QTRT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 16-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=13933 86.824 2 1942.934 1942.9340 R G 144 160 PSM GVGGAVPGAVLEPVAR 3237 sp|Q9Y446|PKP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7443 44.124 2 1447.8147 1447.8147 R A 262 278 PSM GVPQQIEVAR 3238 sp|Q96I24|FUBP3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3935 24.747 2 1095.6037 1095.6037 R Q 409 419 PSM GYAFITFCGK 3239 sp|O43390-3|HNRPR_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 8-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9269 54.673 2 1168.5682 1168.5682 R E 169 179 PSM GYEEWLLNEIR 3240 sp|O43707|ACTN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12213 73.217 2 1420.6987 1420.6987 K R 396 407 PSM IAEESNFPFIK 3241 sp|P46459-2|NSF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9285 54.768 2 1293.6605 1293.6605 K I 462 473 PSM IALYGLGSIPDER 3242 sp|P49959-2|MRE11_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9786 57.736 2 1412.7539 1412.7539 K L 176 189 PSM IDSILEVVQTGR 3243 sp|Q9NZW5|MPP6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9982 58.95 2 1338.7382 1338.7382 K T 419 431 PSM IEGENYLPQPIYR 3244 sp|P62341|SELT_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8371 49.406 2 1590.8042 1590.8042 R H 71 84 PSM IEYQFFEDR 3245 sp|Q9NYU2-2|UGGG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8554 50.442 2 1255.5749 1255.5749 R H 940 949 PSM ILATPPQEDAPSVDIANIR 3246 sp|P29401|TKT_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9027 53.24 3 2019.0637 2019.0637 K M 284 303 PSM ILDAAGANLK 3247 sp|Q9UBQ7|GRHPR_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4124 25.73 2 984.5604 984.5604 R V 67 77 PSM ILDSAEFIK 3248 sp|P78347-2|GTF2I_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7470 44.272 2 1034.5648 1034.5648 R F 888 897 PSM ILEQQNSSR 3249 sp|Q16181-2|SEPT7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=928 8.8359 2 1073.5465 1073.5465 R T 416 425 PSM ILMGNEELTR 3250 sp|Q96FV9|THOC1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5704 34.391 2 1184.6099 1184.6099 K L 431 441 PSM ILPEYLSNWTMEK 3251 sp|O95831-3|AIFM1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11128 66.091 2 1628.8216 1628.8216 K V 339 352 PSM ILQPNTTDEFVIPLDPR 3252 sp|Q9NU22|MDN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11300 67.163 2 1967.0364 1967.0364 K W 2582 2599 PSM ILTLESMNPQVK 3253 sp|Q8TD30|ALAT2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8330 49.163 2 1377.7633 1377.7633 R A 47 59 PSM IMFEVQDLK 3254 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=9039 53.311 2 1127.5992 1127.5992 R Y 2341 2350 PSM IMFEVQDLK 3255 sp|Q14204|DYHC1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9030 53.26 2 1121.5791 1121.5791 R Y 2341 2350 PSM INKTEICSQL 3256 sp|Q9UHE8|STEA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5073 31.011 2 1204.6122 1204.6122 K - 330 340 PSM IQEENVIPR 3257 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4251 26.402 2 1096.5877 1096.5877 K E 981 990 PSM IQEENVIPR 3258 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4268 26.489 2 1106.5959 1106.5959 K E 981 990 PSM IQLCDNDIYFIPR 3259 sp|Q5VWQ0|RSBN1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10887 64.58 2 1675.8267 1675.8267 R N 668 681 PSM IQNLEALLQK 3260 sp|Q15075|EEA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9097 53.645 2 1168.6816 1168.6816 K S 525 535 PSM ISEECIAQWK 3261 sp|P54577|SYYC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 5-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6597 39.298 2 1268.6167 1268.6167 K Q 497 507 PSM ISLGLPVGAVINCADNTGAK 3262 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9805 57.85 2 1969.0303 1969.0303 R N 16 36 PSM ISLGLPVGAVINCADNTGAK 3263 sp|P62829|RL23_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11063 65.684 3 1969.0303 1969.0303 R N 16 36 PSM ISVNNVLPVFDNLMQQK 3264 sp|P07339|CATD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=11971 71.626 3 1974.0244 1974.0244 R L 206 223 PSM IVILPDYLEIAR 3265 sp|P45974-2|UBP5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12328 73.986 2 1413.8232 1413.8232 K D 122 134 PSM IVVVTAGVR 3266 sp|P07195|LDHB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4167 25.932 2 912.57565 912.5757 K Q 92 101 PSM IYIGDDNPLTLIVK 3267 sp|P06756-3|ITAV_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12786 77.011 2 1578.8964 1578.8964 K A 601 615 PSM LADFGVSAK 3268 sp|O94804|STK10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=4578 28.236 2 912.50121 912.5012 R N 173 182 PSM LAQFEPSQR 3269 sp|Q08211|DHX9_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3002 19.855 2 1074.5458 1074.5458 K Q 315 324 PSM LCFSTAQHAS 3270 sp|P14866|HNRPL_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3363 21.722 2 1120.4971 1120.4971 K - 580 590 PSM LDAEPRPPPTQEAA 3271 sp|Q9Y285-2|SYFA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 6-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3435 22.108 2 1500.7448 1500.7448 R - 464 478 PSM LDLMAEISNLK 3272 sp|Q86W92-3|LIPB1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12089 72.398 2 1251.684 1251.6840 K L 17 28 PSM LEGLTDEINFLR 3273 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9633 56.832 2 1418.7405 1418.7405 R Q 242 254 PSM LEQGYELQFR 3274 sp|P35573|GDE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7284 43.225 2 1291.6436 1291.6436 R L 25 35 PSM LFPSEAVIAEGILK 3275 sp|Q86SJ2|AMGO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12161 72.872 2 1491.8644 1491.8644 R S 485 499 PSM LGDAILSVNGTDLR 3276 sp|Q13425-2|SNTB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8718 51.414 2 1452.7812 1452.7812 R Q 159 173 PSM LGLPGDEVDNK 3277 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5042 30.841 2 1155.5772 1155.5772 R V 2705 2716 PSM LGPGGLDPVEVYESLPEELQK 3278 sp|Q16543|CDC37_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13056 78.882 2 2274.1727 2274.1727 R C 287 308 PSM LGSLVDEFK 3279 sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8067 47.65 2 1012.5536 1012.5536 R E 518 527 PSM LGSLVDEFK 3280 sp|P12956|XRCC6_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8068 47.654 2 1006.5335 1006.5335 R E 518 527 PSM LIDFLECGK 3281 sp|P17844-2|DDX5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 7-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9183 54.161 2 1093.5478 1093.5478 R T 149 158 PSM LITTQQWLIK 3282 sp|P00846|ATP6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9325 55.001 2 1242.7336 1242.7336 R L 42 52 PSM LLDTAFDLDVFK 3283 sp|Q02218|ODO1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12932 78.048 2 1395.7286 1395.7286 R N 1009 1021 PSM LLNENSYVPR 3284 sp|P02786|TFR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5317 32.276 2 1203.6248 1203.6248 K E 146 156 PSM LMDEAVLALR 3285 sp|Q92616|GCN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9103 53.685 2 1129.6165 1129.6165 R N 314 324 PSM LNEQQSVLQR 3286 sp|Q14683|SMC1A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2963 19.647 2 1223.6498 1223.6498 K I 1010 1020 PSM LPISLTNTDLK 3287 sp|Q9Y2X0-5|MED16_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8119 47.95 2 1213.6918 1213.6918 K V 359 370 PSM LQIEDFEAR 3288 sp|Q9P0J0|NDUAD_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7479 44.315 2 1119.556 1119.5560 R I 60 69 PSM LQPSSSPENSLDPFPPR 3289 sp|Q8WWM7-6|ATX2L_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8164 48.209 2 1876.9195 1876.9195 K I 554 571 PSM LSELEAALQR 3290 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6916 41.065 2 1138.6222 1138.6222 K A 381 391 PSM LSELEAALQR 3291 sp|P05787-2|K2C8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7092 42.095 2 1138.6222 1138.6222 K A 381 391 PSM LSEQELQFR 3292 sp|Q16891-3|MIC60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6241 37.367 2 1158.5909 1158.5909 K R 485 494 PSM LSEQELQFR 3293 sp|Q16891-3|MIC60_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6242 37.372 2 1148.5826 1148.5826 K R 485 494 PSM LSGLNAFDIAEELVK 3294 sp|O95983-2|MBD3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13873 86.117 2 1617.8614 1617.8614 K T 111 126 PSM LSLQDVAELIR 3295 sp|Q9NTG7|SIR3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12980 78.381 2 1255.7136 1255.7136 K A 123 134 PSM LSPPYSSPQEFAQDVGR 3296 sp|Q13263-2|TIF1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8861 52.26 3 1876.8955 1876.8955 K M 669 686 PSM LTQNVDLLGLLK 3297 sp|Q14185|DOCK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12132 72.683 2 1331.812 1331.8120 K W 613 625 PSM LTVPGLSENVPYK 3298 sp|P16144-4|ITB4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8745 51.581 2 1421.7862 1421.7862 R F 1624 1637 PSM LVGPEEALSPGEAR 3299 sp|O60568|PLOD3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6083 36.446 2 1433.739 1433.7390 K D 359 373 PSM LVVVGGGGVGK 3300 sp|P10301|RRAS_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3576 22.843 2 946.59069 946.5907 K S 32 43 PSM MDDREDLVYQAK 3301 sp|P62258|1433E_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=6405 38.252 2 1523.6926 1523.6926 - L 1 13 PSM MDILKSEILR 3302 sp|Q99633-2|PRP18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=12329 73.992 2 1258.6955 1258.6955 - K 1 11 PSM MLAIYDGFDGFAK 3303 sp|Q01813-2|PFKAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10709 63.469 2 1468.7004 1468.7004 R G 435 448 PSM MLLYTEVTR 3304 sp|P50395|GDIB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5896 35.418 2 1150.5932 1150.5932 K Y 90 99 PSM MLNGLEDSIGLSK 3305 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8825 52.052 2 1375.7017 1375.7017 K M 1164 1177 PSM MLTAQDMSYDEAR 3306 sp|Q01082-3|SPTB2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=4976 30.477 2 1545.6439 1545.6439 K N 1282 1295 PSM MTDQEAIQDLWQWR 3307 sp|P06748|NPM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:35,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12174 72.963 3 1844.8391 1844.8391 R K 278 292 PSM MTISQQEFGR 3308 sp|P55036|PSMD4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:35,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3395 21.884 2 1221.5687 1221.5687 K T 263 273 PSM NCIVLIDSTPYR 3309 sp|P62241|RS8_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8276 48.851 2 1459.7369 1459.7369 K Q 99 111 PSM NDIVNMLVGNK 3310 sp|Q9NP72-2|RAB18_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10079 59.549 2 1215.6282 1215.6282 R I 142 153 PSM NEGNIFPNPEATFVK 3311 sp|Q9Y5B9|SP16H_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9650 56.93 2 1675.8206 1675.8206 R E 582 597 PSM NGQDLGVAFK 3312 sp|Q00839-2|HNRPU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5185 31.578 2 1053.555 1053.5550 K I 405 415 PSM NIEVVELLLDK 3313 sp|Q9ULH0-3|KDIS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12931 78.043 2 1289.7538 1289.7538 R G 348 359 PSM NILEESLCELVAK 3314 sp|P78527-2|PRKDC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 8-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12991 78.457 2 1522.8008 1522.8008 K Q 2335 2348 PSM NISELFYYAQK 3315 sp|Q8IXI1-2|MIRO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10294 60.895 2 1380.7021 1380.7021 R A 27 38 PSM NLIDAGVDALR 3316 sp|P12268|IMDH2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=9417 55.567 2 1165.6331 1165.6331 K V 312 323 PSM NLLDEELQR 3317 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7414 43.967 2 1138.5858 1138.5858 K L 2340 2349 PSM NLQDAMQVCR 3318 sp|P49368-2|TCPG_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5034 30.798 2 1243.5677 1243.5677 R N 352 362 PSM NQDNLQGWNK 3319 sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=3321 21.515 2 1221.5834 1221.5834 R T 48 58 PSM NQDNLQGWNK 3320 sp|P30085-2|KCY_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3330 21.558 2 1215.5632 1215.5632 R T 48 58 PSM NSILAQVLDQSAR 3321 sp|O14737|PDCD5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10784 63.925 2 1413.7576 1413.7576 R A 41 54 PSM NVAIFTAGQESPIILR 3322 sp|O95071-2|UBR5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10905 64.697 2 1727.957 1727.9570 R D 798 814 PSM NVDCVLLAR 3323 sp|Q13126-7|MTAP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6036 36.184 2 1068.5625 1068.5625 K H 52 61 PSM NVDLSTFYQNR 3324 sp|O94826|TOM70_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8113 47.916 2 1355.647 1355.6470 K A 149 160 PSM NVQGIIEILK 3325 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10474 62.002 2 1131.6959 1131.6959 K G 454 464 PSM NVQGIIEILK 3326 sp|P42704|LPPRC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10477 62.019 2 1125.6758 1125.6758 K G 454 464 PSM NVTELNEPLSNEER 3327 sp|P61981|1433G_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5443 32.943 2 1642.7798 1642.7798 K N 29 43 PSM NWQYQETIK 3328 sp|Q15008-3|PSMD6_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5294 32.16 2 1208.5826 1208.5826 K K 324 333 PSM QASPSIVIALAGNK 3329 sp|P61020|RAB5B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8593 50.658 2 1373.7974 1373.7974 R A 121 135 PSM QDAFANFANFSK 3330 sp|Q14677|EPN4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9462 55.836 2 1358.6255 1358.6255 K - 614 626 PSM QFGIDGESFELK 3331 sp|Q9Y2P8|RCL1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9653 56.944 2 1368.6561 1368.6561 K I 142 154 PSM QGANINEIR 3332 sp|Q15365|PCBP1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2381 16.463 2 1023.5337 1023.5337 R Q 298 307 PSM QICAFSDVLPVLSMK 3333 sp|Q9Y312|AAR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 3-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=13096 79.147 2 1706.8735 1706.8736 R H 154 169 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 3334 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6692 39.818 2 1210.667 1210.6670 R S 141 152 PSM QLEEPGAGTPSPVR 3335 sp|Q96P11|NSUN5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4036 25.264 2 1436.726 1436.7260 R L 317 331 PSM QLGDAFADLSLK 3336 sp|P53367-2|ARFP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10379 61.423 2 1276.6663 1276.6663 R S 163 175 PSM QLLEEELAR 3337 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6431 38.388 2 1099.5873 1099.5873 R L 1867 1876 PSM QNFIDPLQNLCEK 3338 sp|Q99961|SH3G1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=10305 60.963 2 1617.7821 1617.7821 K D 137 150 PSM QQAAQPLGERDGDF 3339 sp|Q99447|PCY2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5043 30.846 2 1540.7146 1540.7146 R - 376 390 PSM QSFLTEVEQLSR 3340 sp|P51617-4|IRAK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11671 69.696 2 1435.7307 1435.7307 K F 254 266 PSM QVDLIDLVR 3341 sp|Q9UKN8|TF3C4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=10666 63.201 2 1079.6214 1079.6214 K W 536 545 PSM SDFQVNLNNASR 3342 sp|O60716|CTND1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5694 34.337 2 1373.6563 1373.6563 K S 847 859 PSM SEIDLFNIR 3343 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10459 61.91 2 1105.5768 1105.5768 R K 277 286 PSM SGLDSVSSWLPLAK 3344 sp|Q6PD74|AAGAB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12330 73.998 2 1458.7718 1458.7718 K A 90 104 PSM SIQEELQQLR 3345 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8338 49.211 2 1242.6568 1242.6568 R Q 1554 1564 PSM SLEDQVEMLR 3346 sp|P14314-2|GLU2B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8220 48.54 2 1228.5997 1228.5997 K T 168 178 PSM SLETENAGLR 3347 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2788 18.74 2 1098.5545 1098.5545 R L 51 61 PSM SLNWEEMEK 3348 sp|Q969U7-2|PSMG2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6898 40.972 2 1164.5121 1164.5121 K S 126 135 PSM SPFEVYVDK 3349 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6685 39.779 2 1082.5284 1082.5284 K S 368 377 PSM SPQNQYPAELMR 3350 sp|P33993|MCM7_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5929 35.591 2 1442.6852 1442.6852 R R 121 133 PSM SQAFIEMETR 3351 sp|P43243|MATR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5930 35.596 2 1210.5652 1210.5652 K E 533 543 PSM SQYPEIIFLGTGSAIPMK 3352 sp|Q9BQ52-3|RNZ2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12474 74.941 2 1951.0125 1951.0125 R I 106 124 PSM SSTDSLPGPISR 3353 sp|Q9HCD5|NCOA5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4560 28.128 2 1225.6178 1225.6178 R Q 377 389 PSM STVHEILCK 3354 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=5773 34.772 2 1127.5645 1127.5645 M L 2 11 PSM STVHEILCK 3355 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1,8-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=5777 34.789 2 1133.5846 1133.5846 M L 2 11 PSM SVGNTIDPVILFQK 3356 sp|P46821|MAP1B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 14-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=11027 65.457 2 1535.8655 1535.8655 R M 401 415 PSM SVLIGEFLEK 3357 sp|O43148|MCES_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10421 61.681 2 1139.6534 1139.6534 K V 181 191 PSM TAMNVNEIFMAIAK 3358 sp|P51148|RAB5C_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[2]:scan=12608 75.827 2 1567.7738 1567.7738 K K 167 181 PSM TAVCDIPPR 3359 sp|P07437|TBB5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=3346 21.638 2 1027.5121 1027.5121 K G 351 360 PSM TAVHAGNINFK 3360 sp|P35221|CTNA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[2]:scan=5598 33.787 2 1212.6251 1212.6251 M W 2 13 PSM TGYGVEELISALQR 3361 sp|Q8NC60|NOA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13110 79.24 2 1534.7991 1534.7991 K S 320 334 PSM TIAECLADELINAAK 3362 sp|P46782|RS5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 5-UNIMOD:4,15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=13440 81.833 2 1636.8438 1636.8438 K G 168 183 PSM TIGYPWTLVYGTGK 3363 sp|Q8N573-7|OXR1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12129 72.665 2 1554.8082 1554.8082 R H 73 87 PSM TITLQPGSPCNDFR 3364 sp|O14672-2|ADA10_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7137 42.381 2 1614.77 1614.7700 R G 322 336 PSM TLAAEMQELR 3365 sp|Q8N163-2|CCAR2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7482 44.327 2 1170.5942 1170.5942 K V 856 866 PSM TLAESALQLLYTAK 3366 sp|Q9Y490|TLN1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=13061 78.919 2 1520.845 1520.8450 K E 1767 1781 PSM TLLLCGYPNVGK 3367 sp|Q9BZE4-3|NOG1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 5-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=8361 49.345 2 1333.7064 1333.7064 R S 54 66 PSM TMAAEVLSR 3368 sp|Q969V3-2|NCLN_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4872 29.926 2 976.50117 976.5012 R R 74 83 PSM TMTCEYALCSFFVPGDR 3369 sp|Q9UNX4|WDR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:35,4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=11680 69.754 2 2068.8693 2068.8693 R Q 451 468 PSM TMTCEYALCSFFVPGDR 3370 sp|Q9UNX4|WDR3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=12249 73.457 2 2062.8826 2062.8826 R Q 451 468 PSM TNQELQEINR 3371 sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2911 19.384 2 1243.6157 1243.6157 R V 136 146 PSM TPVEVPVGGFK 3372 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6603 39.332 2 1128.6179 1128.6179 K G 3374 3385 PSM TPVSEDMLGR 3373 sp|P21281|VATB2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4891 30.022 2 1113.5364 1113.5364 R V 121 131 PSM TQLYEYLQNR 3374 sp|Q9Y2X3|NOP58_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=7516 44.505 2 1336.6651 1336.6651 R M 269 279 PSM TQLYEYLQNR 3375 sp|Q9Y2X3|NOP58_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7517 44.511 2 1326.6568 1326.6568 R M 269 279 PSM TSFTPVGDVFELNFMNVK 3376 sp|P04844-2|RPN2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:35,18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=12973 78.333 2 2066.0126 2066.0126 K F 291 309 PSM TTSAGTGGMWR 3377 sp|P60468|SC61B_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3268 21.267 2 1123.508 1123.5080 R F 47 58 PSM TVVEALFQR 3378 sp|P57740-3|NU107_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8663 51.076 2 1071.5952 1071.5952 K D 100 109 PSM VCDIAAELAR 3379 sp|O00410-2|IPO5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6664 39.662 2 1126.568 1126.5680 K N 49 59 PSM VCLGEVLQK 3380 sp|O95602|RPA1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6441 38.443 2 1050.5839 1050.5839 R I 1288 1297 PSM VFSGLVSTGLK 3381 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=7619 45.075 2 1112.6537 1112.6537 R V 416 427 PSM VGASEAALFLK 3382 sp|Q9UBC2-4|EP15R_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=8268 48.805 2 1110.638 1110.6380 R K 34 45 PSM VGGEAAAAVEELVSGVR 3383 sp|Q96HQ2-2|C2AIL_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=12277 73.641 3 1612.842 1612.8420 M Q 2 19 PSM VIILGDSGVGK 3384 sp|P51149|RAB7A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6008 36.033 2 1062.638 1062.6380 K T 11 22 PSM VLEGMEVVR 3385 sp|P23284|PPIB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5854 35.196 2 1040.5564 1040.5564 K K 172 181 PSM VLENAEGAR 3386 sp|P38646|GRP75_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=1073 9.5871 2 967.49623 967.4962 K T 77 86 PSM VLFSSNGGVVK 3387 sp|P26599|PTBP1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5430 32.873 2 1105.6132 1105.6132 K G 472 483 PSM VLIEGSINSVR 3388 sp|P59998|ARPC4_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6151 36.842 2 1195.68 1195.6800 K V 61 72 PSM VLNTNIDGR 3389 sp|P62269|RS18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2820 18.906 2 1010.5384 1010.5384 R R 15 24 PSM VLQLYPNNK 3390 sp|Q02790|FKBP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5125 31.277 2 1087.6026 1087.6026 K A 379 388 PSM VLTEIIASR 3391 sp|P08758|ANXA5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5971 35.825 2 1000.5917 1000.5917 K T 109 118 PSM VLTELLEQER 3392 sp|Q13428-2|TCOF_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7826 46.261 2 1228.6663 1228.6663 K K 1241 1251 PSM VNFTVDQIR 3393 sp|P13639|EF2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=6585 39.239 2 1100.5854 1100.5854 M A 2 11 PSM VPDVQDGVR 3394 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=2612 17.849 2 983.50361 983.5036 R A 402 411 PSM VPVDVAYQR 3395 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=3614 23.03 2 1045.5556 1045.5556 R G 3620 3629 PSM VPVDVAYQR 3396 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=3638 23.163 2 1055.5639 1055.5639 R G 3620 3629 PSM VSEEIFFGR 3397 sp|Q9Y4W6|AFG32_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=8289 48.925 2 1092.5479 1092.5479 R I 633 642 PSM VTAQSIIPGILER 3398 sp|O75153|CLU_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=10685 63.32 2 1395.8086 1395.8086 R D 482 495 PSM VTLGTQPTVLR 3399 sp|Q16531|DDB1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=5720 34.483 2 1183.6925 1183.6925 K T 629 640 PSM VTPNEGLTVSFPFGK 3400 sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=10679 63.285 2 1597.8447 1597.8447 K I 1240 1255 PSM VYEIPGLEPITFAGK 3401 sp|Q9BZE1|RM37_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=11820 70.656 2 1632.8763 1632.8763 R M 49 64 PSM VYQWDDPDPR 3402 sp|P49327|FAS_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 10-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=5786 34.835 2 1299.5759 1299.5759 K L 958 968 PSM WLNENAVEK 3403 sp|P23526|SAHH_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=4429 27.35 2 1101.5455 1101.5455 K V 310 319 PSM YALYDATYETK 3404 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=6170 36.953 2 1336.6187 1336.6187 R E 82 93 PSM YALYDATYETK 3405 sp|P23528|COF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6172 36.964 2 1342.6388 1342.6388 R E 82 93 PSM YGDGIQLTR 3406 sp|P15924-2|DESP_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=4607 28.409 2 1031.5275 1031.5275 K S 95 104 PSM YGEPGEVFINK 3407 sp|P23246-2|SFPQ_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[2]:scan=6277 37.57 2 1257.6337 1257.6337 K G 320 331 PSM YGEYFPGTGDLR 3408 sp|Q92769-3|HDAC2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=7833 46.305 2 1373.6252 1373.6252 K D 172 184 PSM YGGDEIPFSPYR 3409 sp|P21333-2|FLNA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=8466 49.946 2 1399.6408 1399.6408 K V 1622 1634 PSM YGMGTSVER 3410 sp|P08559-3|ODPA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[2]:scan=2321 16.157 2 1008.4574 1008.4574 R A 196 205 PSM YIELFLNSCPK 3411 sp|Q12849-5|GRSF1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[2]:scan=9753 57.537 2 1382.6904 1382.6904 R G 306 317 PSM YISPDQLADLYK 3412 sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9824 57.964 2 1424.7187 1424.7187 R S 270 282 PSM YWQQVIDMNDYQR 3413 sp|O60701|UGDH_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001583, MaxQuant, ] 23.0 ms_run[2]:scan=9357 55.196 2 1757.7832 1757.7832 R R 299 312 PSM QLQLAQEAAQKR 3414 sp|Q15149|PLEC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6808 40.48656666666667 2 1365.7343 1365.7359 R L 2172 2184 PSM QSVENDIHGLR 3415 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=2651 18.056771666666666 2 1249.6064 1249.6046 R K 176 187 PSM QSVENDIHGLR 3416 sp|P05783|K1C18_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=2653 18.066678333333332 2 1259.6141 1259.6129 R K 176 187 PSM TFEMSDFIVDTR 3417 sp|O75369|FLNB_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11135 66.13696666666667 2 1459.6652 1459.6648 R D 2017 2029 PSM QNGDDPLLTYRFPPK 3418 sp|P02545|LMNA_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10215 60.411033333333336 2 1742.8617 1742.8623 R F 472 487 PSM TAVCDIPPR 3419 sp|Q13885|TBB2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=3598 22.944385 2 1027.530060 1027.512065 K G 351 360 PSM ALTVPELTQQMFDAK 3420 sp|Q13509|TBB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=8771 51.73954333333334 2 1691.871766 1690.860008 R N 283 298 PSM QIATLHAQVADMK 3421 sp|P35579|MYH9_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,12-UNIMOD:35,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5779 34.79716166666666 2 1429.7327 1429.7326 K K 1358 1371 PSM ITMQNLNDR 3422 sp|P13646|K1C13_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=3933 24.732325 2 1113.546448 1113.547611 K L 106 115 PSM ISMPDIDLNLTGPK 3423 sp|Q09666|AHNK_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 3-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=8701 51.30880666666666 2 1528.783169 1528.780695 K I 2835 2849 PSM GYLGPEQLPDCLK 3424 sp|P40926|MDHM_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8643 50.957858333333334 2 1494.753008 1494.748395 K G 79 92 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 3425 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4,17-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12063 72.22801666666666 2 1778.973853 1777.938423 K F 107 124 PSM ACANPAAGSVILLENLR 3426 sp|P00558|PGK1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 2-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12011 71.88218499999999 2 1767.9082 1767.9292 K F 107 124 PSM VTPNEGLTVSFPFGK 3427 sp|Q14690|RRP5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=10724 63.559325 2 1599.8632 1597.8442 K I 1240 1255 PSM QAWQKADINTK 3428 sp|P50914|RL14_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,5-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=4728 29.160548333333335 2 1296.6855 1296.6860 R W 75 86 PSM LQSSSASYGGGFGGGSCQLGGGR 3429 sp|P13646|K1C13_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 17-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=5712 34.43735833333333 3 2147.947109 2145.949779 R G 5 28 PSM SANVNEFPVLK 3430 sp|P55060|XPO2_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7133 42.358670000000004 2 1217.668719 1216.645188 K A 471 482 PSM IAVEPVNPSELPK 3431 sp|Q15029|U5S1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=7277 43.18725833333333 2 1391.766262 1391.766031 K M 590 603 PSM QFDIQLLTHNDPK 3432 sp|P48507|GSH0_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11069 65.71866833333334 2 1556.7921 1556.7925 K E 206 219 PSM NPPLAEALLSGDLEK 3433 sp|Q5TDH0|DDI2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11426 67.965625 2 1565.828024 1565.830088 R F 156 171 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 3434 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7244 42.99114166666667 2 1221.6952 1220.6752 R S 141 152 PSM CESAPGCGVWQRPVIDNPNYK 3435 sp|P27824|CALX_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,7-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:267,21-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8710 51.3621 2 2445.1210 2445.1171 R G 360 381 PSM GFVLQDTVEQLR 3436 sp|P56192|SYMC_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10085 59.59406333333333 2 1413.749198 1413.749148 R C 377 389 PSM GNDTFVTLDEILR 3437 sp|P49959|MRE11_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=12552 75.452315 2 1492.757233 1491.756923 R L 33 46 PSM CNVWILDGDLYHK 3438 sp|Q9Y6G9|DC1L1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12501 75.11389 2 1614.7492 1614.7495 R G 117 130 PSM AALQELLSK 3439 sp|P62851|RS25_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7569 44.808098333333334 2 977.583576 977.585276 R G 86 95 PSM QSSFALLGDLTK 3440 sp|Q92973|TNPO1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=12878 77.67735666666667 2 1261.6553 1261.6549 R A 693 705 PSM LMVEFPLDPALSK 3441 sp|Q92620|PRP16_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 13-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=12104 72.497015 2 1465.795490 1464.799368 R M 945 958 PSM QHTFVETESVR 3442 sp|P48444|COPD_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4608 28.413404999999997 2 1324.6273 1324.6282 K Y 45 56 PSM SFDDPIVQTER 3443 sp|O95757|HS74L_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6169 36.94877666666667 2 1315.602166 1315.628364 R I 74 85 PSM GSAFAIGSDGLCCQSR 3444 sp|Q92499|DDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:4,13-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=7069 41.948075 2 1684.733582 1684.729739 R E 99 115 PSM QMSCLMEALEDK 3445 sp|Q92896|GSLG1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=13340 80.99316166666667 2 1442.6188 1442.6182 R R 1089 1101 PSM YMEVSGNLR 3446 sp|Q12874|SF3A3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=4257 26.428684999999998 2 1078.528026 1077.515249 R D 50 59 PSM QGHIVAISSIQGK 3447 sp|Q6IAN0|DRS7B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=6261 37.480896666666666 2 1319.7205 1319.7192 R M 186 199 PSM CYSCGEFGHIQK 3448 sp|P62633|CNBP_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4,4-UNIMOD:4,12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=6574 39.18136833333333 2 1473.6097 1473.6107 K D 119 131 PSM QAIKELPQFATGENLPR 3449 sp|Q9BZZ5|API5_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=10087 59.605245 2 1895.0162 1893.9942 R V 81 98 PSM VLQLYPNNK 3450 sp|Q02790|FKBP4_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=5124 31.273261666666663 2 1094.632725 1093.622724 K A 379 388 PSM SDNGELEDKPPAPPVR 3451 sp|Q13177|PAK2_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[1]:scan=5227 31.804876666666665 2 1762.8372 1761.8532 M M 2 18 PSM QKVDLQSLPTR 3452 sp|Q9C005|DPY30_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,2-UNIMOD:188,11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=6307 37.73045333333333 2 1282.7194 1282.7211 K A 44 55 PSM CVAPLSSEDFFLSGSKDR 3453 sp|Q562E7|WDR81_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:385,1-UNIMOD:4 ms_run[1]:scan=12223 73.281735 2 1996.9220 1996.9195 K T 1653 1671 PSM AVAGWEEVLR 3454 sp|Q7L2E3|DHX30_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9022 53.211484999999996 2 1129.601060 1128.592758 R W 942 952 PSM VVVLGSGGVGK 3455 sp|P10114|RAP2A_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=3799 24.007033333333336 2 970.579432 970.581131 K S 6 17 PSM QSFVLKEGVEYR 3456 sp|P52565|GDIR1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28,6-UNIMOD:188,12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8136 48.04938 2 1452.7549 1452.7579 K I 100 112 PSM TLNINGQIPTGEGPPLVK 3457 sp|P11171|41_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 18-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=9089 53.594473333333326 2 1854.021909 1853.035392 R T 716 734 PSM SFVDKVGESNNMV 3458 sp|Q9Y3E0|GOT1B_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=5066 30.97072 2 1441.649085 1440.655495 R - 126 139 PSM EQTADGVAVIPVLQR 3459 sp|Q9UKK9|NUDT5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8924 52.628965 2 1604.881029 1604.876140 K T 56 71 PSM QLQLYEIHGAQK 3460 sp|Q05209|PTN12_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1001476, X!Tandem, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:28 ms_run[1]:scan=8116 47.93286 2 1410.7322 1409.7302 K I 297 309 PSM AVVGVVAGGGR 3461 sp|P62917|RL8_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=2583 17.678915 2 940.535703 940.545414 R I 164 175 PSM QLDSIVGER 3462 sp|P13647|K2C5_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=4323 26.751686666666664 2 1015.528006 1015.529824 R G 229 238 PSM LLGELLQDNAK 3463 sp|P37837|TALDO_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=8272 48.826075 2 1220.709661 1218.691532 K L 259 270 PSM QITVNDLPVGR 3464 sp|Q06830|PRDX1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 11-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=7202 42.75480666666667 2 1222.663113 1220.675255 R S 141 152 PSM QDLLFLDMLK 3465 sp|Q13315|ATM_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 8-UNIMOD:35 ms_run[1]:scan=10392 61.50237833333333 2 1250.656290 1250.658061 K F 893 903 PSM DVLSVAFSSDNR 3466 sp|P63244|RACK1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8627 50.85927 2 1318.617384 1318.639263 K Q 107 119 PSM IMNTFSVVPSPK 3467 sp|Q13509|TBB3_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 12-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=7932 46.89473666666667 2 1326.718231 1324.715638 R V 163 175 PSM IYYPDFIVPDPK 3468 sp|P49916|DNLI3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=10663 63.184353333333334 2 1465.757257 1465.749319 K K 766 778 PSM LAGDNPKEEEVLR 3469 sp|O43151|TET3_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=6206 37.159348333333334 2 1468.757927 1468.752172 R K 1006 1019 PSM SHGSGGGGGGGGGGGGGNRK 3470 sp|Q6P158|DHX57_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=8824 52.04734833333333 2 1538.718682 1535.681296 K A 33 53 PSM FGGGNPELLTQMVSK 3471 sp|P40939|ECHA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=9512 56.12410333333333 2 1576.818298 1576.791928 R G 611 626 PSM LAGTQPLEVLEAVQR 3472 sp|P22314|UBA1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 ms_run[1]:scan=11589 69.16051666666667 2 1623.886531 1622.899171 R S 679 694 PSM GWALRWSVDSIHGK 3473 sp|Q9HBI1|PARVB_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 5-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=12230 73.32971166666667 2 1623.874458 1620.840029 R N 164 178 PSM LLASDLLDNNRIIER 3474 sp|Q14164|IKKE_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 15-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=10492 62.115669999999994 2 1764.969194 1763.976916 K L 692 707 PSM GPCIGPGAGEILERGQR 3475 sp|Q9H0I2|ENKD1_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 3-UNIMOD:4,14-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11956 71.52743166666667 2 1778.919451 1775.897620 R G 56 73 PSM VDMSGLQAKNEILSEK 3476 sp|A2RUR9|C144A_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 3-UNIMOD:35,9-UNIMOD:188 ms_run[1]:scan=11851 70.85299666666667 2 1782.929901 1782.912894 K L 956 972 PSM ANGRLDQTDTQIQVFK 3477 sp|Q8N1N0|CLC4F_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 4-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=11596 69.212395 2 1842.928207 1842.946344 K S 348 364 PSM MDVGELLSYQPNRGTK 3478 sp|Q8WYA6|CTBL1_HUMAN 0 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 1-UNIMOD:1 ms_run[1]:scan=11293 67.11815833333334 2 1848.911664 1848.903998 - R 1 17 PSM DGVIIGLNPLPDVQVNDLR 3479 sp|Q9HBR0|S38AA_HUMAN 1 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 userFasta.sprot_human_20200318 [MS, MS:1002251, Comet, ] 23.0 19-UNIMOD:267 ms_run[1]:scan=9955 58.784018333333336 2 2056.099314 2056.119224 R G 1068 1087